Undergraduate Newsletter
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Table of Contents Semester at a Glance
August 25 Classes begin
December 2014 Graduation
September 1 No classes/campus closed (Labor Day)
Faculty Spotlight
September 2 Deadline to apply for Fall and Winter degree Candidacy
SGPP Events
Campus Events
Internship Opportunities
Job Opportunity
Academic Advising
September 2 Last day to add classes without instructor’s signature September 8 Last day to drop classes without notation on transcript September 10 Last day to submit application for Fall 2014 SGPP internship. September 15 Last day to increase units to avoid paying the $250 late fee. November 11 No classes (Veteran’s Day)
Receive updates posted directly to Facebook & Twitter!
November 27-30 No classes (Thanksgiving Break) December 10 Last Day of Classes December 11 Reading Day December 12-18 Final Exams Click here for all Fall dates SGPP Undergraduate Newsletter Page 2
Reminders Attention PMPC & CJS major students graduating in Spring 2015, Summer 2015, and December 2015: The time is here to submit the core course registration form for Spring 2015. You must complete and submit the core course registration form at the link below in order to be applicable for the following core courses: PA330 PA410 PA470 PA480 If you are graduating in Spring 2015 you must submit this form for your major core courses, failure to do so will delay your graduation. If you have questions about this please visit your CJS or PMPC academic advisor.
This form will be open Monday 9/8/14 at 10:00 AM until Friday October 3rd at 3:00 PM. http://sgpp.arizona.edu/content/registration-forms Please only submit this form if you are graduating in Spring 2015, Summer 2015, or December 2015. Spring graduating seniors who submit this form will be given priority access to these courses. Thank You, SGPP Advising Staff
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Reminders Dear Juniors and Seniors, We have partnered with Career Services to give our junior and senior majors access to Wildcat Joblink. Wildcat JobLink is a state-of-the-art career management tool, offering UA students access to jobs, internships, and a range of other services including campus interviewing and resume referrals. To access JobLink, please visit the Career Services website at https:// www.career.arizona.edu/joblink. All you need is your NETID and password to login and take advantage of these great services.
Why is SGPP only funding juniors and seniors to have access to JobLink? The funding comes from SGPP Program Fees, which only our junior and senior majors pay. If you are a freshman or sophomore, you are welcome to register and pay the annual $5 fee out of pocket. Visit https:// www.career.arizona.edu/joblink to register. I will be a junior at the end of the current semester. When can I have access? SGPP will be requesting access for any students who have reached 60+ credits each semester after the census date (the 21st day of the semester). So, if you will have 60+ completed credits at the end of this semester, you will be granted access next semester after the census date. If you have any questions, please email ctryon@email.arizona.edu.
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December 2014 Graduation
If you are graduating this December you can still apply for degree candidacy, but a $50.00 late candidacy application fee will now be assessed.
Detailed instructions on how to initiate your paperwork, can be found on our degree check page.
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Faculty Spotlight Faculty Spotlight: Professor Norrander At what institution did you do your undergraduate and graduate work? Undergraduate: University of Minnesota Graduate: Ohio State University What was your favorite course in your undergraduate career? “My favorite course was my first course on voting behavior, I thought it was really fun to be able to play with survey data.” What is your field of research in? “My field of research is in elections, voters, and election laws.” What initiated your interest in this field? “I did my original research on presidential primaries because when I was coming out of college, they started to do all the reforms on the presidential primaries that led to the proliferation and to the new rules by the parties, and so it was considered a topic of the day. What inspired you to want to teach? “I found that what I was doing was really interesting to me, so I thought it would be interesting for other people, hopefully.” What do you think a professor’s role is in a student’s academic journey? “I think it is to provide them with some basic information and information on the different viewpoints so they can be better informed when they make their own decisions.” What words of advice do you have for students who may be taking your course(s)? “Make sure to do all the homework and get your papers in on time.” What is your teaching philosophy? “Sort of what I previously mentioned, giving students basic information and presentation on the different sides of an issue and try to be sort of neutral.” What do you like to do in your free time? “I quilt and I like word puzzles, crossword puzzles, number puzzles, and pretty much any type of puzzle. I just bought my Ipad, and there’s a lot of puzzle apps.” Who is your greatest inspiration? “I grew up in Minnesota, and I always admired Hubert Humphrey. He was the big politician of the state, and he was an early supporter of Civil Rights, so in the 1940s he was pushing for civil rights and other kinds of liberal causes. People remember him more for being vice president, but before that time he was known as a liberal senator who tried to get the civil rights reformed.” SGPP Undergraduate Newsletter Page 7
SGPP Events
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SGPP Events
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SGPP Events
Pizza with a Professional Thursday, October 23rd 12:30-1:30 SS 311
US Attorney’s Office Attorney David Zipps Limited seats available RSVP today! http://sgpp.arizona.edu/content/speaker-series SGPP Undergraduate Newsletter Page 10
Campus Events
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Campus Events
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Internship Opportunities
Internship Opportunities! Check out the SGPP Internships page for an updated comprehensive list of all local and regional internships, instructions on how to enroll, and more! The School of Government and Public Policy at the University of Arizona claims no political affiliations.
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Job Opportunity Interested in a career in HR Consulting?! Then please join us next Today!! Date: 9/29/14 Time: 5:00 – 6:00pm Location: University of Arizona Student Union – San Pedro Room Details: Come join us, and learn about Mercer’s unique advantage in the marketplace and gain insight from recent grads and senior professional on the culture and career opportunities at Mercer! The session will focus mainly on our full-time & intern Employee Health & Benefits opportunities, specifically within our Government Human Services Consulting (GHSC) practice. Food, refreshments and fun will be provided! Mercer’s Employee Health & Benefits business, Government Human Services Consulting (GHSC) focuses entirely on the unique and challenging needs of the public health care sector, providing a wide array of consulting services to local, state, and federal government health and human service agencies across the country. GHSC specializes in assisting governmentsponsored programs in becoming more efficient purchasers of employee health and welfare services through projects including program design, feasibility studies, evaluation of ratesetting methodologies, and development of quality assurance systems. We deliver solutions to our government clients based on the design and compliance intelligence that is developed in practice areas such as policy (Washington DC and Minneapolis), actuarial and financial (Atlanta, Minneapolis, Phoenix), and informatics (Phoenix).
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Announcements The Institute for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies The Institute for LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) Studies would like to invite you to a free lunch and lecture concerning how "legalized" marriage for LGBT peoples might actually further social inequality. Specifically, Dr. V. Spike Peterson---Professor of International Relations at the University of Arizona---will explore how feminist critiques of marriage are in tension with those advocating LGBT inclusion in this institution, and will illustrate how the institution of marriage produces inequalities of race, class and nation— inequalities that are less often associated with this institution, but are nonetheless globally devastating in their effects. This talk will take place Thursday, 10-02-14, Noon to 1:00 pm, in Room 402 of the McClelland Park Building, which is located on 650 North Park Avenue on the University of Arizona Campus. Free pizza and water provided.
For more information about this talk, please visit the following link: https://lgbt.arizona.edu/events/deep-dish-10-2-lovingexclusions-how-marriage-breeds-sexgender-race-class-and-national.
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Announcements Clinton Global Initiative University We hear and read the words quoted all the time: “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. But, how can we follow Ghandi’s words? How can you start BEING THE CHANGE right now? CREATE YOUR COMMITMENT TO ACTION TODAY FOR THE CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE UNIVERSITY! The Clinton Global Initiative University is a non-partisan network under the Clinton Foundation that works to inspire, support, and bring together, the next generation of leaders who have visions & ideas to tackle the world’s most pressing issues. You apply by submitting a ‘commitment to action’ in one of five, or a combination, of five focus areas: Education, Environment and Climate Change, Peace and Human Rights, Poverty Alleviation, and Public Health. This opportunity is open to BOTH UNDERGRAD & GRAD students. Acceptance into the network is also an invitation to attend the annual conference, which will be held at the University of Miami from March 6-8, 2015. Travel assistance through CGIU is available, and the deadline for consideration is OCTOBER 17. However, if you do not decide or do not qualify for funding through CGIU, funding to attend the conference may be available through the university and your individual college as well. The normal application deadline is DECEMBER 1.
There will be a general information session on Monday, October 6, at 5 pm. Building and room number TBD. You will be emailed as the event approaches. Please indicate if you plan on attending for room/space planning purposes here by Friday, 10/3! Contact Stephanie Choi, your CGIU campus representative, at chois@email.arizona.edu if you have any questions! Additionally, the link to the CGIU webpage can be found here.
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Careers and Graduate Schools in Public and International Affairs Thursday, October 9, 2014 12:00 – 1:30 pm University of Arizona Student Union Memorial Center Santa Rita Room The five professional schools will focus is on careers, curriculum, faculty, admissions, and financial aid. The five schools are: Columbia University’s School of International & Public Affairs http://www.sipa.columbia.edu/ Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service http://sfs.georgetown.edu/ Johns Hopkins University’s Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies http://www.sais-jhu.edu/ Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs http://wws.princeton.edu Tufts University’s Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy http://fletcher.tufts.edu/ The format for the information session will include a five-minute presentation by each admissions representative about the distinctive characteristics of each program, a group question and answer session with prospective students, and an opportunity for students to talk individually with us. Facilitated by the UA Global Studies Program and the UA Honors College.
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Announcements We want to thank YOU for the part you have played during our first 100 years! We are planning a wide range of special events, including distinguished lectures and social occasions for alumni and the general public, in recognition of our centennial. Anthropology at the University of Arizona has excelled because of the quality and achievements of our faculty, alumni, current students and staff.
Join in the celebration of our diverse community! Save the Date: 100th Events for 2015 Sat, JAN 24 Centennial Kick Off Thurs - Sat, FEB 26-28 The Mediterranean: Bridging Old and New Worlds Thurs - Sat, APR 23-25 Anthropology of Food and Nutrition: Linking the Subfields Tues, SEPT 15 UA Anthropology's 100th Birthday Thurs - Sun, OCT 8-11 Anthropology and Our Community: Celebrating Our Diversity Thurs- Sat, DEC 3-5 Centennial Gala: Moving Forward Learn more! Share your story! Join us! arizona.edu/anthro100th
Further questions? We'd love to hear from you! Please email or call: School of Anthropology at 1+ (520) 621-6303
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Academic Advising Academic Advising Info
To see your Academic Advisor click here for their contact information. You can also schedule an appointment with your advisor
by logging into SBS WiseAdvising here.
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