Undergraduate Newsletter
SGPP Undergraduate Newsletter Page 1
Table of Contents Semester at a Glance
December 2014 Graduation
August 25 Classes begin
September 1 No classes/campus closed (Labor Day)
SGPP Event
Campus Event
Study Abroad Opportunities
Internship Opportunities
September 2 Deadline to apply for Fall and Winter degree Candidacy September 2 Last day to add classes without instructor’s signature September 8 Last day to drop classes without notation on transcript September 10 Last day to submit application for Fall 2014 SGPP internship. September 15 Last day to increase units to avoid paying the $250 late fee. November 11 No classes (Veteran’s Day) November 27-30 No classes (Thanksgiving Break)
Non-SGPP Internship Opportunity 14 Announcements
Academic Advising
Receive updates posted directly to Facebook & Twitter!
December 10 Last Day of Classes December 11 Reading Day December 12-18 Final Exams Click here for all Fall dates SGPP Undergraduate Newsletter Page 2
December 2014 Graduation Dear SBS Graduate: On behalf of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, I am pleased to invite you and your family to our college’s Convocation Recognition Ceremony on Saturday, December 20, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. We mark this occasion to celebrate your achievement with your family and friends as well as your peers and faculty. The ceremony will be held in Centennial Hall on the University of Arizona Campus (1020 E. University Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85721). It will include individual recognition of each attending undergraduate and graduate degree recipient. Each graduate is allotted up to 6 free tickets so that family members and other guests may attend the ceremony. The event is free, but tickets are required to enter the hall. Graduates will need to pick up their tickets in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Dean’s Office (Douglass 200W) before December 19th at 4:00 p.m. Tickets will be available after you complete your online ceremony registration. To register for the ceremony, please go to http://web.sbs.arizona.edu/college/convocation and do the following: (1) (2) (3) (4)
Log in using your NetID and password; RSVP to confirm your attendance; Check to make sure your name is spelled correctly; and, Confirm the latest information about the ceremony.
The online RSVP system will close Friday, December 19 at 4:00 p.m. Graduates must check in by 1:00 p.m. on the 20th in order to be seated prior to the ceremony. Check-in will be located at the east side door of Centennial Hall. Graduates must wear their caps and gowns. We look forward to celebrating your accomplishments on December 20th! With best wishes,
John Paul Jones III, Dean College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
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December 2014 Graduation
If you are graduating this December you can still apply for degree candidacy, but a $50.00 late candidacy application fee will now be assessed.
Detailed instructions on how to initiate your paperwork, can be found on our degree check page.
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Reminders SGPP Winter Courses
Winter course registration begins Nov. 17, 2014. Please know that students may already add courses to shopping cart for Winter Registration.
S Sub Cat # e ject c PA PA
241 344
Course Desc
Criminal Justice Administration
Law and Public Policy
Governance, Security, State Formation and Terrorism
Democracies, Emerging and Evolving
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Start Date
C End Day a Instructor Date s p
12/22/ 1/13/ 2014 2014
4 Polakowski, 0 Mike
12/22/ 1/13/ 2014 2014
4 Tryon, Bran0 don
12/22/ 1/13/ 2014 2014
4 Cramer, Ja0 cob
12/22/ 1/13/ 2014 2014
4 Hauser, Me0 gan
Change of Major Information Change of Major forms are now being accepted November 17th, 2014– February 11th, 2015 No Exceptions
To change your major to Criminal Justice Studies, Political Science, Public Management & Policy, or the new BA in Law, please go to
http://sgpp.arizona.edu/majorchange and complete the online Change of Major session.
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SGPP Event Interested in a New Perspective? Would you like to experience a university National Exchange Program? Are you looking for undergraduate research experience? Enjoy a slice of PIZZA while learning about our National Exchange Program which allows you to pay UofA tuition and use your financial aid to participate as a university exchange student! As well as Summer Research opportunities! University Exchange Program Information Session with Pizza presented by Nura Dualeh, Director Undergraduate Research & Graduate Preparation Programs Thursday, December 4th from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Social Sciences 311
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Campus Event
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Study Abroad Opportunities
Switzerland Fribourg, Switzerland Summer 2015 Study abroad in beautiful Fribourg, Switzerland during the of Summer 2015 Survey of International Organizations An interdisciplinary program including courses such as economics, political science, international law, and human rights. Various site visits including but not limited to: The United Nations, The World Trade Organization E.U. Parliament, The European Court of Human Rights Application and further information is located at: http://global.arizona.edu/study-abroad/program/international-organizationsswitzerland
Application deadline is Feb 15, 2015 *Please note that students may be eligible for funding for airfare and registration cost. For more information go to Travel Reimbursement . *Image from http://global.arizona.edu/study-abroad/program/international-organizations-switzerland
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Study Abroad Opportunities The University of New Hampshire is proud to sponsor its thirty-seventh annual faculty-led summer program in the UK at the University of Cambridge. The program will be accommodated at Gonville and Caius College, one of the oldest and best known of the thirty-one colleges that make up Cambridge University. Students stay at the college from July 5 – August 14, 2015, and choose from a series of courses taught by a distinguished British and American faculty.
This summer, our program will offer the following 5 courses, of which students choose two. Please keep in mind that a 400-level course at UNH is the equivalent of a 100-level course at most institutions, and so on: History 498: Conquests, Castles, and Catapults in Medieval and Early Modern England Dr. David Bachrach, University of New Hampshire English 511: The Tudors: Sex, Politics, and Literature at the Courts of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I Dr. Dennis Britton, University of New Hampshire English 758: Shakespeare: Performance and Interpretation This course is also available for graduate credit as English 858 Dr. Paul Hartle, University of Cambridge English 797H: Modernist Fiction: ‘Difficult Music’ This course is also available for graduate credit as English 897H Dr. Roderick Mengham, University of Cambridge English 797J: Graphic Narratives of Britain and Its Former Colonies This course is also available for graduate credit as English 897J. Dr. Monica Chiu, University of New Hampshire For course descriptions, please visit our website: http://www.unh.edu/cambridge/. Additionally, students will travel on program excursions to London, Dover, Canterbury, and StratfordUpon-Avon, and to Edinburgh, Scotland on an optional bonus weekend. The program provides tickets to two or three Shakespeare performances: one at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London, and one at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon (two for students taking the Shakespeare course). The program fee covers tuition for two courses, breakfast daily and dinner Sunday through Thursday, private room, transportation and entry fees on program-sponsored excursions, tickets and transportation for at least two of Shakespeare’s plays, and special events. See the “Fees” section of the website for more information. The program is open to all second-, third-, and fourth-year undergraduates with a minimum GPA of 2.50; all graduate students with a minimum GPA of 2.50; and a limited number of first-year students with exceptional records. Please direct inquiries to cambridge.program@unh.edu, or to http://www.unh.edu/cambridge/.
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Study Abroad Opportunities
Please note that students may be eligible for funding for airfare and registration cost. For more information go to Travel Reimbursement . SGPP Undergraduate Newsletter Page 11
Internship Opportunities Internship Opportunities! Check out the SGPP Internships page for an updated comprehensive list of all local and regional internships, such as:
Embassy of Japan
Oasis Program
The Arizona Historical Society
Contact information, internship description, instructions on how to enroll, and more!
Spring 2015 Internship enrollment: January 29, 2015 No Exceptions The School of Government and Public Policy at the University of Arizona claims no political affiliations.
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Internship Opportunities
Want to be involved in sustainability on campus? ASUA's Students for Sustainability internship is a leadership program that promotes sustainability on campus. Interns can be involved in projects such as our community garden, planning UA Earth Day, or helping make athletic events greener. More information about all SfS projects can be found on our website at uasfs.com.
The Spring 2015 Internship application will be open until Friday, December 5th.
Join us in "turning red and blue, green!"
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Non-SGPP Internship Opportunity LifeSTEP Mentor Opportunity The psychology clinic has established a community service agency that provides undergraduate mentors & life skills trainers to school-aged youth with emotional and/or behavioral problems. The vast majority of these children are from a minority group living in poverty in Tucson and are struggling with a variety of emotional and behavior problems. We are currently accepting applications for Spring semester. As a LifeSTEP (Life Skills Training and Enhancement Program) provider, you would be meeting with your assigned youth about once a week for about 4 hours each time. Activities might include going to the movies, getting an ice cream, going bowling or spending time at a park, etc (you would be reimbursed for your expenses including gas). You would receive 3 units of internship credit (293, 393 or 493 depending on your U of A status), and you would have the opportunity to receive training in this area. If you are interested (and will be 21 years old by January 15), please complete the attached application & email it back to julief@u.arizona.edu by December 5.
LifeSTEP Mentor Application I look forward to hearing from you - Julie Julie Feldman, Ph.D. Department of Psychology University of Arizona This internship does not earn SGPP internship credit.
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RSVP at http://www.cvent.com/events/56th-academy-assembly/ event-summary-9fb09a970ace430b8d78c05ea483621e.aspx
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Announcements Donald M. Payne International Graduate Fellowship 2015 Donald M. Payne International Development Graduate Fellowship The Payne Program is designed to attract outstanding young people to careers in international development as USAID Foreign Service Officers. The Payne Fellowship Program provides benefits valued at up to $90,000 over two years toward a two-year master's degree, arranges internships in Washington D.C. and at USAID missions overseas, and provides professional development and support activities. Fellows who successfully complete the program become USAID Foreign Service Officers. Fellows may use the fellowship to attend a two-year master's program in a U.S. institution to study an area of relevance to the USAID Foreign Service, including international development, international relations, public policy, business administration, foreign languages, economics, agriculture, environmental sciences, health, or urban planning at a graduate or professional school approved by the Payne Program. At the end of the two-year fellowship, Fellows enter the USAID Foreign Service. Applicants must be college seniors or graduates looking to start graduate school in the fall of the year they apply, have GPAs of at least 3.2 and be U.S. citizens. The program welcomes applications from those with any undergraduate major and encourages applications from members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the USAID Foreign Service and those with financial need. Information and application materials for the program are available at www.paynefellows.org. The Program is funded by USAID and managed by Howard University. The application deadline is January 20, 2015. 2015 Donald M. Payne International Development Graduate Fellowship Number of Fellowships Offered: 5 Eligibility Requirements: U.S. citizenship; GPA of 3.2/4.0; seeking to start two-year relevant grad program in fall 2015 Online Application Opens: October 14, 2014 www.paynefellows.org Application Deadline: January 20, 2015 - Finalists selected by the end of February - Fellows selected by mid-March Contact: paynefellows@howard.edu; 202-806-4367, (877) 633-0002; or Tessa Henry, Program Officer, (Tessa.henry@howard.edu) 202-806-5952.
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Announcements The Rangel Summer Enrichment Program (participating in this program can lead to the Rangel Graduate Fellowship) The Rangel International Affairs Program is now accepting applications for the 2015 Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program in Washington, DC. The Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program is a six-week summer program designed to provide undergraduate students with a deeper appreciation of current issues and trends in international affairs, a greater understanding of career opportunities in international affairs, and the enhanced knowledge and skills to pursue such careers. The Summer Enrichment Program encourages the application of members of minority groups underrepresented groups in the Department of State and those with financial need. The Program is funded by the U.S. Department of State and managed by Howard University. The International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program takes place at Howard University in Washington, D.C. beginning in mid-June. To enhance participants’ academic preparation to work in international affairs, the Program provides two for-credit courses that focus on enhancing knowledge and skills related to U.S. foreign policy and economics, plus a writing seminar. To give the scholars greater insight into the foreign policy making process and international affairs careers, the Rangel Program introduces them to a wide range of professionals from government and non-governmental organizations who work on global issues. It also arranges trips to various governmental and non-governmental institutions involved in international affairs and explores options for graduate study, fellowships, and internships. The program also includes various activities designed to improve professional skills. The program covers costs for tuition, room, board and travel and provides a stipend.
Rangel Summer Enrichment Program Eligibility requirements:
U.S. citizenship, a GPA of 3.2/4.0,
Must be a full-time undergraduate student
Must have at least Sophomore Status.
Students from all majors who are interested in international affairs careers are welcome to apply.
Deadline: February 4, 2015, and the application and information are available at www.rangelprogram.org. Contact information: rangelprogram@howard.edu; 202-806-4367, (877) 633-0002; Patricia Scroggs (pscroggs@howard.edu) James McDowell (jrmcdowell@howard.edu) 202-806-4367. SGPP Undergraduate Newsletter Page 18
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Academic Advising Academic Advising Info
To see your Academic Advisor click here for their contact information. You can also schedule an appointment with your advisor
by logging into SBS WiseAdvising here.
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