SGPP Undergrad Newsletter Important Dates
University wide Dates & Deadlines click here. Important Dates & Deadlines to Know: Civic Leadership Workshop
2/12/13 @ 2:00
Career Expo in Student Union Grand Ballroom Core Course Registration for PMPC majors only Summer Schedule of Classes available online
2/13/13 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Deadline 2/22 @ 3:00PM 2/25/13
Professional Communication Workshop
2/27/13 @ 11:00
Peace Corps Speaker Chief of Staff Stacy Rhodes
2/28/13 @ 11:00
Freshmen Reorientation Deadline POL students (PMPC students see email)
3/5/13 by 4:00 PM
Spring Break Priority Registration begins for Veterans, Honors Jr’s & Sr’s only
3/9-3/17 3/18-3/24/13
Begin Registering for Summer Classes for all students
Priority Registration begins for Seniors & Honors Soph.’s & Freshmen
Priority Registration begins for Juniors
Priority Registration begins for Sophomores
Priority Registration begins for Freshmen
Reimbursement Deadline for GRE Test Prep
30 days from registration
Reimbursement Deadline for Study Abroad Airfare
30 days from airfare purchase 30 days from airfare purchase
Reimbursement Deadline for Internships Outside of Arizona Airfare
Check out SGPP on Facebook!
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Lunch & Learn Securing Israel’s Future: A View from Dylan Williams
Join Dylan Williams, Director of Government Affairs at J Street, the political home for pro-Israel, pro -peace Americans. Dylan will speak about the politics around the two-state solution and the IsraeliPalestinian conflict in congress, and what we as Americans can do to end the conflict.
Tuesday, February 12th 12:30 PM @ Hillel PIZZA will be provided!
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The U of A's nationally known Tunnel of Oppression is an interactive experience where participants move through the “Tunnel” and become part of scenes depicting different forms of oppression. ASUA's Diversity Center and Wildcat Events Board are partnering up to bring back the experience. It is a powerful and emotional journey through the oppression that is still alive in our society- but with “light at the end of the tunnel", and hope for our future. Tours will take place every 15 minutes beginning at 6 pm and continuing until 9 pm. Tour size is limited to 15 people. Between the guided tour and evaluation of the experience, participants should expect to spend about 1.5 hours in the tour. Walk-ins are a possibility but cannot be guaranteed. Reservations close 4/8/13 @ midnight. NOTE: due to adult content and language, Tunnel of Oppression is only open to those 18 years or older and minors accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
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University of Utah Master of Public Policy – Accepting Applications for Fall Semester 2013 All Arizona residents receive in-state tuition through our membership in the WICHE Program Interested in public policy analysis? Considering graduate school? The University of Utah Master of Public Policy program is dedicated to preparing students and practitioners for public service and the field of public policy analysis by advancing understanding of the policy process, and by producing graduates equipped to research, analyze, and inform public policy making. MPP graduates have gone on to employment in the areas of health policy, environmental policy, economic policy, education policy, international policy, community planning and urban affairs policy for the government, non-profits and businesses both locally and in places ranging from Washington DC, New York City and London to Hawaii. We are now accepting applications for fall semester 2013. The evening program schedule is designed for the working individual and emphasizes policy and economic analysis combined with quantitative courses to build analytical skills to effectively solve public policy problems. We also offer joint programs with the Law School and Public Health. The application due date is March 1st, 2013. Please visit or call 801.585.7834 for more information. Elizabeth Henke, M.S. Masters of Public Policy Program Manager Center for Public Policy & Administration University of Utah Phone: 801-585-7834 Fax: 801-587-7861
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Reminders Top Secret!: Academic Seminar Challenges to National Security in a Global Society It’s Your Generation
With growing threats from terrorist groups, transnational networks, and rogue states, the United States and allied countries must contend with a complicated set of direct national security challenges—from weapons-of -mass-destruction, nuclear proliferation, and terrorism, to natural resource constraints. These threats have emerged in, and are affected by, an environment of growing globalization, technological innovation, and shifting geopolitical and economic power. Such challenges have strained existing political, and operational norms in the United States and raised concerns about the emerging challenges and how to deal them. Through the guidance of a faculty director expert in national security issues, this program will examine how these changes impact the international arena as well as explore how the U.S. can best respond to the myriad uncertainties present in the world today. Abroad, the new challenges stemming from terrorism and asymmetric threats, dramatic demographic shifts, and the rise of new centers of power have stressed existing alliances, forged new marriages of convenience, and required reassessments of global power dynamics. In this context, the United States finds itself addressing national security threats across the globe as the sole superpower, with diminishing reach and leverage. Nowhere are these challenges more urgent for U.S. and international security as the new generation – your generation – confronts and changes the status quo and searches for more responsive regimes, not only in the Middle East and Africa, but also in potential other hotspots such as Asia.
**SGPP Juniors & Seniors apply today for SGPP funding for this seminar at **
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Reminders UA Enactus Hosts Career Expo 2013 on Wednesday, February 13 The 2013 Career Expo, organized the University of Arizona chapter of Enactus (an organization of Entrepreneurs in Action for the Greater Good), in conjunction with UA Career Services will occur on Wednesday, February 13 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the North Ballroom of the Student Union Memorial Center on the University of Arizona campus. Almost 40 companies from many different business sectors will be searching for UA students to fill available positions. The fair is sponsored by The TJX Companies, Inc., Royal Bermuda, Enterprise-Rent-A-Car, and Hava PR. See the full list of attendees and employer profiles at Events/EXPO2013/Attendees. All majors are welcome and encouraged to participate. If you are simply interested in obtaining a summer internship or you are looking to start your life after college with a fulltime career, the student-organized Career Expo is the perfect place to meet top employers from around the nation. The Career Expo offers a unique system in which you may be interviewed right on the spot in a private on-site location so come prepared to put your best foot forward. “Like� University of Arizona Enactus on Facebook for reminders and tips about how to make a successful career connection at Career Expo 2013. Contact: Andrea Olinski Expo Co-Chair
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Laura Mighdoll Expo Co-Chair
Spring Semester 2013 Weekly writing workshops covering all aspects of basic college writing. Whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student or a classified staff member, these workshops are free and open to everyone with no preregistration required. WEEKLY WRITING WORKSHOPS: Mondays 4-5:00 p.m. - Social Sciences 206 - Dr. Victoria Stefani Feb. 11 Introductions and Conclusions Feb. 18 Style: The Importance of Clarity Feb. 25 Overcoming Awkwardness and Avoiding Grammatical Errors Mar. 4 Style: Making Your Writing Complete and Concise Mar. 18 Perfecting Punctuation Mar. 25 Incorporating Quotations and Paraphrases Apr. 1 Style: Rules (and Non-Rules) of Usage Apr. 8 Persuading with Clear Logic and Appropriate Vocabulary Apr. 15 Getting It Together and Keeping It Together: The Craft of Cohesion Apr. 22 Fine-Tuning the Final Draft Apr. 29 Writing Essay Exams UPPER DIVISION WRITING WORKSHOPS: Tuesdays 4-5:00 p.m. - Social Sciences 206 - Joe Stefani Jan. 29 The Basics of Writing a Strong, Clear Essay Feb. 5 Writing a Research Paper Feb. 12 Integrating Sources: Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing Feb. 19 The Art of Close Reading Feb. 26 Introductions and Conclusions Mar. 5 Refining Your Paper: Revising for Content and Organization Mar. 19 Writing Cover Letters and Personal Statements Mar. 26 The Use and Abuse of Passive Voice Apr. 2 Overcoming Common Grammatical Problems Apr. 9 Controlling Long Sentences Apr. 16 Toward Conciseness: Clearing the Underbrush from Your Writing Apr. 23 Review of Punctuation Apr. 30 Writing a Critique of an Article or Book INTERNATIONAL WRITER’S WORKSHOPS: Thursdays 4-5:00 p.m. - Social Sciences 411 - WSIP Staff Feb. 7 The Nuts and Bolts of Academic Writing Feb. 14 Grammar Refresher Feb. 21 Principles of Using Articles: A, An, The Feb. 28 Punctuation Refresher Mar. 7 Practice Using Articles: A, An, The Mar. 21 Organization: The Essay, The Paragraph, and The Sentence Mar. 28 Incorporating Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism Apr. 4 Analyzing and Summarizing a Text Apr. 11 Revision: Editing for Readability and Correctness For further information, contact Dr. Donna Rabuck, Director, 621-5849, or visit our website at
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Attention Senior PMPC students: Important Priority Registration information for Fall 2013: RSVP for core courses PA 330, 405, 410, 470 and 480 will begin on 2/1 please visit to RSVP. Deadline is Friday, 2/22 @ 3:00 P.M.
Attention SGPP
May & August
The deadline to apply for May 2013 & August 2013 graduation is February 1st, 2013, after this date an additional fee applies. Click here for more details regarding the degree check process. Click here for commencement details. SGPP Undergrad Newsletter Pg 12
Academic Advising Info To see your Academic Advisor click here for their contact information. You can also schedule an appointment with your advisor by logging into SBS WiseAdvising here.
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