‘MDNA’ The name of the album lets you in instantly that the album is a pop album. It could be an abbrevia>on of her name, This would allow the audience to feel included and closer to the album and Madonna herself. This is pulling the audience in and making them want to buy the album. It could also be a trick on the word ‘MDMA’ whilst trying to include her name into it. MDMA is a street name for the drug ecstasy. Therefore this album could be based on her view of ecstasy. The font is also quite hard to read which might be further evidence as to it being based around drugs.
Madonna MDNA
The portrait image of her on the front is used so that she can connect with any of the target audience. Even though the image is obscured by the effect used on the album, it is s>ll very clear to the audience that it is her. Because Madonna is such an iconic figure, Her face does not need to be clear for the audience to understand who the album belongs to. Her name clearly doesn’t need to be printed on the front either. The fact that her name can be shortened and abbreviated just shows that everyone knows her for how good of an ar>sts she is.
This is clearly a pop album from just seeing the colours that are included. The mixtures of colours on this album cover make it so vibrant and full of fun. This informs you of the type of music that the album is adver>sing. The use of red lips>ck makes Madonna look ‘sexy’ and more appealing. The colour red connotes love and lust. It is also a very bold colour which draws aFen>on to her. This is the reason why they used this colour on her lips, To aFract the audience and to draw them into buying the album. The dark eyes show mystery and some sort of disguise. The fact that she isn’t looking directly into the camera also shows this.
The use of graffi> in the background of this album cover makes it seem very street and urban. Also the white expensive car in the background shows that they care a lot about their image and their money. The use of portraiture again shows him trying to connect with the target audience and to show who the album belongs to. This in a way, is to put a face on it. As he is not looking straight into the camera but looking down at his pricey necklace shows that he cares quite a lot about his wealth. Even the amount and chains that he is wearing around his neck shows this.
Rick Ross
Port of Miami
The dollar signs that have been included in the Ar>sts name and album name on the album cover gives further evidence to them thinking about money and wealth. This instantly tells you that the songs included in this album will be based around working, jobs, money and possibly drugs. The use of expensive items, like gold chains, cars and the dollar signs show that he is trying to show off about the fact that he has money and that he is doing well. If the audience know about how well he is doing then it will make them look up to him and admire him. The use of these effects on this album draws the audience into buying the album.
As there is no use of much colour in this album but a lot of the black and white effect, you can tell that the songs included in the album and created by the ar>st will not be very cheerful and happy but maybe serious and in>mate. The black and white effect used for the background gives the album more of an urban style and look, it actually makes it quite hard to see but makes the viewer interested to see.