Storage First E-Guide
Blowing the whistle on other Storage solutions. The Analyst View...
What to consider when investing in High End Storage Systems.
Case in Point...
Anthony Marano Company.
A Storage Solution... Delivered in three easy steps.
Brought to you by
Fujitsu & NetApp Market News
Analyst View...
Revlon and big data
Is it time to Spring Clean your storage..?
Quality storage solution in 3 easy steps...
12 08
Welcome Welcome to this special edition of our Fujitsu E-Guide series, this time focused on the unique ICT infrastructure challenges within various UK service sectors. This guide is designed to arm you with a wealth of insight, opinion, advice and guidance, to ensure you as an IT professional are right up to date with current infrastructure trends, best practice and innovation. Together with our global storage solution partners NetApp we’ve brought together a wealth of subject matter experts to walk you through some of the hottest topics in the market today and arm you
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with the knowledge you need to make the right infrastructure decisions for your organisation. Some of the highlights in this special edition include our expose style video – “Blowing the Whistle” on other Storage Solutions. An enlightening reconstruction of a roundtable discussion between leading UK companies and the passionate debate the ensued. A fantastic interview with the Fujitsu storage assessment team who uncover why so many organisations are looking at the virtues of a storage spring clean and assessment services.
$QG ÀQDOO\ P\ ID guide to support ‘better’ blueprint project with our S for success. Prac to avoid and cons drivers as well as VWRULHV DQG LI \ \RX·UH VSHFLÀFDOO\ worry, we’ll desig blueprint for you Enjoy the pages
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Blowing the whistle on other Storage solutions
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YRXULWH D WDLORUHG you in designing a for your next storage Storage Blueprints tical advice, things sider, key technology s customer use \RX GRQ¡W ÀQG ZKDW \ ORRNLQJ IRU GRQ¡W gn a unique storage r business needs. that follow.
2013 Fujitsu’s Storage First E-Guide
Blowing the whistle on other Storage solutions...
For many organisations, project-based procurement of their storage hardware can mean that organisations end up with multiple storage platforms.
standards. The consequences are considerable:
Unfortunately multiple platforms can mean multiple issues, as needs change and storage technology develops over time, a multi-platform strategy can lead to storage islands, all with different protocols, disk types and management
“I now need a different licence for each additional piece of hardware”.
Page 04
“I can’t scale to my future needs without having to rip-and-replace”.
“I’m working on multiple platforms but each needs a separate management system.”
2013 Fujitsu’s Storage First E-Guide “I’ve run out of warranty and my maintenance costs are rocketing. But beyond this, IT managers are also sharing their frustrations with storage vendors, ‘blowing the whistle’ on the challenges they uncover and WKH QDVW\ VXUSULVHV WKH\ Ă€QG DORQJ WKH ZD\ “My current vendor is far too interested in selling more tin, and not interested enough in helping me design for the long term.â€? “All we really wanted was someone to listen to our needs, and come back with a sensible solution and a sensible price.â€? “Far too many of the suppliers we engaging with were looking to sell us inappropriate or H[SHQVLYH VROXWLRQV EDVLFDOO\ WU\LQJ WR Ă€W D round plug into a square hole, at our expense.â€? As an IT manager, if you face these challenges today and you’re looking to design a better blueprint for your storage infrastructure, then we’d like to help. With Fujitsu & NetApp the emphasis is on SXWWLQJ \RXU EXVLQHVV JRDOV Ă€UVW KHOSLQJ \RX EXLOG D Ă H[LEOH VFDODEOH VWRUDJH LQIUDVWUXFWXUH that will meet today’s challenges, but one that DOVR SURYLGHV D VROLG \HW Ă H[LEOH IRRWLQJ IRU WKH future. Put simply, with Storage First from Fujitsu its one product family, one platform, management system, one licence agreement and no surprises.
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2013 Fujitsu’s Storage First E-Guide
Sourcing the right Infrastructu for Government departments.
In this interview with Tom Roche, Fujitsu Government Sales Director, we uncover what’s driving data storage in the various government departments, better understand the im of GPS Frameworks and how Fujitsu’s experience and track record in central, local, devo and regional government is helping provision the right storage solutions for the future. What trends are you seeing in public sector storage solutions today? “Arguably very similar to that of the private sector and driven by the increases in data volume, data transfer and data storage. We are really seeing people in the public sector recognise the value of information as a way to deliver better service to their public, and this spans central, local, devolved and regional government.” “We see that the public sector has probably been slightly behind the private sector in recognising the true value of data, however we also see that they are extremely aware of the need to evolve their ICT and catch up. To this end we are seeing government understanding the value of ‘Information Sharing’ across different government departments.”
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“For example, information that HMRC have VWRUHG PD\ DOVR EH YHU\ XVHIXO WR +RPH 2IÀFH that in turn can be used by the Ministry of Defence, so here we see government departments working closely and ICT connecting the different teams together seamlessly.” “If we focus on the local government departments, clearly the greatest challenge that they face is to manage extremely tight local budgets and introduce acceptable ways to reduce costs and drive increases in revenue generating services to the community - in both instances ICT has a great deal to offer.” What challenges are storage VROXWLRQV VSHFLÀFDOO\ DGGUHVVLQJ within the public sector?
2013 Fujitsu’s Storage First E-Guide
ure ..
s mpact olved .
Top tips for GOV IT investment. “What advice do Fujitsu give to local and central government procurement?”
Tom Roche
“At the project level, 2 Fujitsu government customers spring to mind, one very new and the other a long established relationship, but were both faced with the enormous challenge of storing a constant stream of high resolution pictures and technical diagrams, and we are working closely with them both to provide the right storage solution.” “In the wider context we are working with local governments to ensure they are properly provisioned to store and importantly ‘access’ the huge volumes of data about the population, helping them to mine this data so they can better understand their citizens.”
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“Even though the GPS frameworks are in place and set up to enable government departments to go directly to the framework to procure products and services, my strong advice to local and central, devolved and regional government is to still engage with Fujitsu (or other suppliers) early.” “We have been doing this for over 40 years and we have helped a number of government departments to save a great deal of time and money by adopting proven processes and practices that we have implemented both in the private sector and elsewhere in the public sector.”
More tips
The Flexible Data Safe... Fujitsu follows storage projects from the initial idea through the planning stage right up to successful implementation. Under the direction “The Flexible Data Safeâ€? Fujitsu provides ETERNUS DX block-based disk systems and ETERNUS data protection appliances, ZKLFK DOORZ FXVWRPHUV WR Ă H[LEO\ manage their increasing data volumes DW OHVV FRVWV RI JURZWK WR EHQHĂ€W IURP a very reliable architecture as well IURP UDGLFDOO\ VLPSOLĂ€HG RSHUDWLRQ â While traditional vendors offer different and discrete storage architectures in the entry-level, midrange and high-end segment, ETERNUS DX differs with uniform system management. Customers and SDUWQHUV EHQHĂ€W IURP WKLV DUFKLWHFWXUDO principle through less costs of growth, reduced operational effort and HQKDQFHG Ă H[LELOLW\ :KHUHDV (7(5186 DX focuses on customers requiring block-level storage, Fujitsu has a strong partnership with NetApp to RIIHU OHDGLQJ WHFKQRORJ\ IRU Ă€OH EDVHG DQG XQLĂ€HG GLVN V\VWHPV â
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7KH VHFRQG SLOODU RI )XMLWVX¡V à H[LEOH Data Safe strategy is about radically simplifying IT infrastructures for data protection comprising backup and DUFKLYLQJ 6LPSOLÀFDWLRQ LV DFKLHYHG E\ an appliance approach of the ETERNUS CS products accelerating deployment time and reducing maintenance and RSHUDWLRQDO HIIRUW â
“Fujitsu’s own technologies and comprehensive service offerings are complemented with products from leading storage technology partners to enable customers to build and operate Dynamic Infrastructures for data management and protection.�
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2013 Fujitsu’s Storage First E-Guide
Download our Storage strategy matters Guide Download our The Flexible Data Safe Guide
This Is What Agility
How Revlon IT harnessed big data with a private clou If you visit Revlon, don’t blink, or you’ll miss the infrastructure. Just two racks house roughly 3.6PB and 800 virtual servers that process an average of 14,000 transactions per second (TPS) from systems around the world, with 99.9999% uptime. When people walk the data center, they ask, “That’s it?” The answer is yes, and it runs everything. The picture was starkly different just a few years ago, when business intelligence was buried in 21 separate enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. High management overhead kept the IT team from saying yes to requests for new applications. Buildings didn’t even have Wi-Fi access, so chemists had to jog back and forth between mixing vats and manufacturing control systems to adjust product formulations. This case study describes how Revlon transformed Its IT by building a private cloud and putting in place a global master data structure. Along the way, they converted IT from an impediment to an enabler for agile strategic planning, product development, manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, and operations. Now systems work for people instead of people working for systems. Page 12
NetApp accomplished the transformation in thre phases: building a private cloud, in-sourcing disaster recovery (DR), and building a global master data model.
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Looks Like !
ud and global master data model
2013 Fujitsu’s Storage First E-Guide
DIY... or Do it with vShape..? vShape from Fujitsu is all about simplicity, speed and making virtualisation easy. vShape offers you a single part number for ease of ordering, a single price rather than a complicated bill of materials and a single maintenance agreement that covers the whole solution. This really does simplify server virtualisation and makes the transition easy and pain free for any size of organisation. The vShape solutions start small at just 25 virtual servers, a unique preintegrated solution in the UK market, but then scales up to 50, 100 and 200... So it’s absolutely ideal for the smallest of organisations but also perfectly suited to larger customers with thousands of users. Better still, vShape is designed and validated with best of breed technology and market leading innovation. This includes storage from NetApp, networking from Brocade, virtualisation software from VMware all running on Fujitsu servers, designed and optimised for virtualisation. Page 14
With this line up, you know you’re getting a solution that is based on best of breed infrastructure components, expertly tested and integrated into a unique solution. All too often we see companies working with a ‘bag of bits’. Designing their infrastructure in this way means having to engage with multiple vendors and channel resellers. But consider the IT manager who is sick and tired of buying a ‘bag of bits’ from one partner and who then has to speak to 5 other vendors to validate the FRQÀJXUDWLRQ LQWR D ZRUNLQJ VROXWLRQ Why won’t one company take full responsibility for the whole solution? Well with vShape from Fujitsu we’ve done just that.. cleverly preintegrating storage, server, network and virtualisation software, all ready to go straight out of the box, reducing the cost of design and time to deployment, freeing up valuable internal resource.
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2013 Fujitsu’s Storage First E-Guide
FlexFrame for SAP IT disaster recovery solution When companies want to optimize their IT operations, they often look to server virtualization as a QDWXUDO ÀUVW VWHS ZLWK WKH JRDO RI infrastructure consolidation, cost UHGXFWLRQ RSHUDWLRQDO HIÀFLHQF\ improvements and increased quality of service. This will work to
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a certain point but to achieve all of these goals, companies need to take an intelligent, comprehensive virtualization approach around their application environments. FlexFrame for SAP is a pre-tested, preFRQĂ€JXUHG ,7 LQIUDVWUXFWXUH VROXWLRQ for consolidating SAP applications. The
solution for SAP infrastru manage centre. proven T an idea â â Read
2013 Fujitsu’s Storage First E-Guide
n provides 360-degree management applications and the underlying ucture delivers end-to-end eability for the complete SAP data Moreover the solution can deliver a TCO reduction of 60% or more and is l cloud computing foundation.
Is this right for me..? Important Considerations... Do you need reduce the TCO of your SAP infrastructure? Are you looking for a system that LV UHDG\ WR DFFRPPRGDWH Ă H[LELOLW\ demands and scalability? Do you need to provide a SAP service with less resources, to the highest SLA? Are you looking for a single management interface for your SAP environment, to provide load balancing and high availability? Is your organisation looking to future proof your infrastructure investment?
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Is it time to Spring Clean your storage..?
In this interview with the storage experts from Fujitsu, NetApp and 6WRUDJH )XVLRQ ZH Ă€QG RXW ZKDW¡V driving more and more organisations to switch onto infrastructure assessments and uncover some of the hidden costs of data storage. Let’s start with the basics, what is a Storage Assessment? “A Storage Assessment is a fast, non-intrusive analysis of a customer’s storage infrastructure that discovers what you have, where it is, what it’s doing (or not doing) and whether it’s being XVHG WR PD[LPXP HIĂ€FLHQF\Âľ Page 18
“Companies use these assessment services to uncover cost saving areas within the storage infrastructure but also to understand how they can improve their storage infrastructure moving forwards. The assessment is also designed to ensure that a customer’s storage infrastructure is ready for the journey to the cloud, providing them with an agile and cost effective storage platform to support their changing business requirements�. “Without doubt storage infrastructure forms the very foundations upon which a successful business is sustained and grown. It’s critical to understand, manage and optimise your storage environment, both to meet today’s business requirements and to enable future growth.
2013 Fujitsu’s Storage First E-Guide
e s e h t f o y n a o D d n u o s s t n e m state fâ amiliar? g slow.” “Things are runnin
It’s essential to know that you’re getting a good ROI from the hardware, array licences and management costs. Failing to assess and plan ahead, simply means you are planning to fail. A Storage Assessment not only gives you peace of mind, it enables you to optimise what you have, plan ahead and make smart purchasing decisions”.
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’t ork costs but don tw e n IT ce u d re “I need to art.” know where to st e can meet our w if w o n k ’t n o d “We honestly lations.” compliance regu anges could risk ch y n a d e rn ce n “We’re co ity.” business continu rvices but se d u o cl t u o b a g “We’re thinkin proceed.” don’t know how to
nts can help – e m ss e ss A e g ra Sto ith our experts. w g n ti e e m a st Reque
Case in Point... Anthony Marano Compan
“Technology is critical to the success of the company, especially in recent years as we respond to changing markets and new business opportunities.” Page 20
“We feel IT is an enabler for our success here at Anthony Marano Company in supporting our sales systems, our purchasing systems and our warehouse IXOÀOPHQW 7KRVH DUH WKH WKUHH FULWLFDO GDLO\ tasks we have.”
“Associa ethos w relation and veg custom use for
ating with the best - that is an we follow with all of supplier nships. Whether that’s the best fruit getables that we can acquire for our ers or the best equipment we can our IT infrastructure.”
2013 Fujitsu’s Storage First E-Guide
Open seven days a week, 360 days a year, Anthony 0DUDQR KDV EXLOW D FXWWLQJ HGJH IDFLOLW\ WR HIÀFLHQWO\ move more than one million cases of fresh produce in and out of the building each month. But success does not come without its challenges. The logistics surrounding the perishable agricultural commodity business are very complex. In fact, 70 to 80 percent of the 2,000 to 3,000 daily orders need to be picked, SDFNHG DQG VKLSSHG ZLWKLQ KRXUV 7KXV HIÀFLHQW DQG reliable IT was critical for the continued success of the business.
By switching to a Fujitsu platform, Anthony Marano KDV DOVR EHQHÀWHG IURP D PDMRU SHUIRUPDQFH ERRVW Closely aligned with the Intel Itanium Processor Family (IPF), the PRIMEQUEST server family can offer new functionality and performance gains. The ETERNUS4000 SAN solution also adds to the platform’s superior performance and speed. Anthony Marano boots its PRIMEQUEST server directly off the SAN, which shares disk drives across different partitions, thereby delivering great performance, even on a system reboot.
The performance increase has enabled Anthony Marano to extend its historical pricing window from two weeks worth of data to four weeks, providing sales staff with access to more data to help them make important pricing decisions.
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Case in Point... AKG Thermal Systems
7KH JUHDWHVW EHQHÀW IRU $.* KDV been its additional implementation of FlexFrame for SAP. With this infrastructure solution from Fujitsu, the Group is able to manage both real and virtualised servers. Page 22
The resulting pool of resources allows hardware capacities to be allocated G\QDPLFDOO\ WR VSHFLÀF 6$3 DSSOLFDWLRQV as required, thereby simplifying and accelerating SAP processes on a sustained basis.
This is implem shavin require
also true for the SAP mentation itself, with FlexFrame g weeks off the time typically ed for an implementation project.
2013 Fujitsu’s Storage First E-Guide
“The advice we received from Fujitsu in respect of SAP system sizing and the server dimensions in particular couldn’t have been better. The implementation of FlexFrame for SAP, including the onsite training at our premises, took just three weeks – and the investment has paid off every day since then.� THE CHALLENGE
7R HQVXUH D UDSLG HIÀFLHQW LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ RI SAP across all of AKG’s global sites as well as to permanently optimise SAP system operation and simplify administration.
Fujitsu implemented FlexFrame for SAP with PRIMERGY blade servers as the basic hardware and 1HW$SS ÀOHUV IRU VWRUDJH Servers: 2 x PRIMERGY BX900 S2 Storage systems: 2 x NetApp FAS3140 Metro Cluster Virtualisation solution: VMware ESX Infrastructure solution: Fujitsu FlexFrame for SAP
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Let the experts at Fujitsu & NetApp support you in designing a ‘better’ blueprint for your next Storage project investment with our Storage blueprints for success. These simple 1 page guides provide excellent advice, tips, things to avoid and consider, technology drivers, key solutions as well as customer use stories and case studies..... and if \RX GRQ·W ÀQG ZKDW \RX·UH VSHFLÀFDOO\ ORRNLQJ for, don’t worry we’ll design a new storage blueprint that’s unique to your business needs.
Storage blueprint for Private Enterprise
Storage blueprint for Healthcare
Storage blueprint for Local Government
Storage blueprint for Financial Services
Storage blueprint for Education
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2013 Fujitsu’s Storage First E-Guide
To discover what Fujitsu and NetApp have been upto in the news simply click on a story and you will be able to read more...
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2013 Fujitsu’s Storage First E-Guide
The Analyst View... What to consider when investing in High End Storage Systems Buyers of high-end storage systems are possibly the most conservative and risk-averse customers in IT; after all, their businesses depend on the integrity and availability of the critical data these systems store. However, the latest economic stress put legacy systems to the test of cost analysis as customers look at IT expenditure with ever greater scrutiny. An increasing number of ODUJH HQWHUSULVH XVHUV ÀQG that the operating costs of some legacy systems from Page 28
incumbent vendors are hard to justify. In the current environment, CIOs of large enterprises are required to demonstrate value for the money they spend and cut costs wherever possible. Legacy storage is a primary area of concern, with high bills paid towards recurring software licensing, extended technical support contracts, specialist labour overheads, excessive rack space, and energy usage. IDC’s end-user surveys have found that reducing storage related costs is a high priority for large enterprises.
Pressed by data growth, growing server virtualisation and the business requirement for better performing applications, IDC believes that IT decision makers have to look for solutions that offer not just technically, but an economically sustainable SDWK LQWR WKH QH[W ÀYH \HDUV This includes less labour attached to infrastructurelevel tasks, a customer and growth friendly support and software licensing structure, DQG D SRZHU HIÀFLHQW KLJK density design that saves HQHUJ\ DQG à RRU VSDFH LQ WKH datacentre.
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2013 Fujitsu’s Storage First E-Guide
Optimising Your Storage: What To Look For? Over the course of the last couple of years, more and more enterprises have developed skills in measuring the cost structure of their data storage. In the search for cashĂ RZ LPSURYHPHQWV ZLWKLQ the IT department, many organisations have realised the massive operational overhead that is associated with storage systems. As server virtualisation has been embraced by the mainstream and achieved WDQJLEOH EXVLQHVV EHQHĂ€WV by improving utilisation, DYDLODELOLW\ DQG Ă H[LELOLW\ most storage infrastructures are lagging behind in their FRVW HIĂ€FLHQF\ LQLWLDWLYHV Storage is also hard pressed by continuous data volume growth in the enterprise at the average rate of over 40%
annually, stretching budgets and their backup and disaster recovery practices. Moreover, server virtualisation and VDI projects have a major impact on the storage side. This impact is affecting all aspects of storage operations, including performance, scalability, availability, manageability and data protection. IT shops need to rethink how they architect and operate their storage systems if they want to meet the requirements of the increasingly dynamic and high density server infrastructure. More and more businesses expect an agile yet cost effective IT operation. For most IT organisations, the combination of these triggers must lead to an overhaul of the storage infrastructure
with the aim of delivering a ORW PRUH FRVW HIĂ€FLHQW DQG scalable solution operated with a service centric mindset. IDC believes that storage plays a central role in any IT transformation or business development as servers, applications and business users all depend on their data. As such, storage has to be provisioned swiftly, data needs to become mobilised, delivered anywhere meeting service levels, and protected accordingly. Failing to achieve these objectives will only hamper the ability of IT to support the business in its effort to cut back costs, help revenue growth, or both.
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Are you an Infrastructure Builder, Blocker or Broker? Page 30
2013 Fujitsu’s Storage First E-Guide
This year will see the emergence of the infrastructure builder, broker and blocker as IT departments struggle, or embrace, the virtues of cloud, private cloud, virtualisation and consolidation. Organisations may feel a new pressure from their internal users to provide applications and services that they are not set up to deliver, as cloud providers become more and more pervasive and a real alternative to the in-house department, forcing some IT Directors to simply block the use of these services. But is this a viable long term strategy?
What about Brokered new IT services, delivered by 3rd party vendors, where IT GHSDUWPHQWV KDYH LGHQWLÀHG services that are highly commoditised, and they are looking to see whether its more cost effective to have the services brokered into an organisation Vs purchased and managed in house. With the right services Brokered, IT departments can concentrate on the services that should be Built by them, applications and services for the business that are going to add real value to an organisation’s HIÀFLHQF\ SURGXFWLYLW\ DQG agility.
Piecing together your Infrastructure Puzzle As IT departments are tasked with delivering business agility, FRQWLQXLW\ DQG HIÀFLHQF\ EDFN WR WKHLU organisation, there are a range of approaches that tackle the complicated puzzle that is a company’s infrastructure layout including public cloud, hybrid private cloud, consolidation and virtualisation. But before you embark on any journey, it’s important to consider the impact of having too many pieces in your IT infrastructure. So many IT departments have grown their estate and services as a result of project based procurement, and businesses are tasked with delivering more for less, increasing their bottom line and controlling or reducing costs, maybe IT departments need to think differently about how they lay out these architectures. Do you need an IT infrastructure with many pieces to manage and integrate together? Or are you searching for a solution that has fewer pieces, less complexity and reduced management responsibility?
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Either way, Fujitsu can help you piece together your unique infrastructure puzzle. At Fujitsu we build agile, scalable, performing and reliable storage infrastructures that allow our customers to grow and scale their infrastructure as new and different applications demands come on
2013 Fujitsu’s Storage First E-Guide
Key Considerations when tackling your own Infrastructure puzzle. stream, effectively reducing the number of jigsaw pieces in the infrastructure puzzle, giving you 1 piece to manage thereby reducing time, cost and risk for the business. So where do you start..? Watch and learn
Consider application value, not technology value, as one solution will QRW ÀW DOO Assess the impact of new charging models on the business as different procurement models may impact ÁH[LELOLW\ LQ D QHJDWLYH ZD\ Consider the service level impact of any new platform. Simply focusing on the cost could impact a business ability to grow. Assess the business risk of moving applications to a shared platform. If it is a shared platform it may not be possible to guarantee a service level. Consider a tiered approach to deploying application services. Spend the same on the important applications as you do on less important ones for resilience and performance.
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Blowing the Whistle on other Storage Solutions... In many organisations, storage infrastructure has become a constant drain on budgets and manpower: You can’t scale to your future needs without having to rip-and-replace. You need a different licence for encryption, thin provisioning or drive spin-down. You’re working on multiple platforms, each need a separate management system. You’re out of warranty and your maintenance costs rocket. It doesn’t have to be like this. With Fujitsu, there’s one product family, one platform management layer, one licence agreement and no surprises. For many organisations, the decision to acquire storage infrastructure comes after the choice of servers and applications is made.
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This project-based approach can mean that organisations are forced into implementing multiple storage platforms to match different server and application requirements. Multiple platforms can mean multiple issues. As needs change and storage technology develops over time, this multiplatform strategy can lead to islands of disparate storage, with different protocols, different disk types and, more importantly, different management standards. The consequences are considerable: Your capital outlay is multiplied. You are forced to purchase more licences. Your operating costs are higher and risks are much greater. At Fujitsu we prefer to approach this a different way.
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2013 Fujitsu’s Storage First E-Guide
A 3 step guide approach to putting Storage First Download our Storage First E-book
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2013 Fujitsu’s Storage First E-Guide
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Storage Solutions from Fujitsu
Pre-intergrated, scalable infrastructure for Private Cloud
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Expand your storage capabilities and increase your ÁH[LELOLW\
Reshaping the Datacentre
Storage solutions for small and midsized enterprises
Storage First: Consider a different approach