Top 5 Tips To Develop Your EQ For Job Search
Let us see some of the job search tips on How important is Top 5 tips to develop your EQ Emotional Quotient for job search? There are lots of school years and college years in candidate’s life where they completely focus on studies and marks so as to increase the chance of getting hired but then this alone is not enough for securing jobs. It is very important to develop emotional quotient. Let us see. 1. Practice selfcontrol One must learn to get hold of one’s senses. In life, there might be situations which will put you under stress but then you need to practice some stress buster and mind control yoga techniques. Develop some hobby which will maintain your emotional balance. 2. Stay Motivated It is easier to preach because there are lots of jobs with challenges but then you need to motivate yourself on a daily basis which will boost your selfesteem. You need to keep in mind that HOPE is always needed to move forward in life (Hold On Pain Ends). 3. Be SelfAware This is very much trickier and when you are in a group discussion and
get a bad feeling, where does it actually come from? Did the interviewer make you feel bad, because of your previous answer? You need to understand what and where you lack and develop those skills to perform better next time. 4. Have Empathy In an interview, you will not be just checked for your educational qualifications and knowledge but then your emotional quotient will also be judged. Like how proactive are you in various situations especially in sales. 5. Use Social Skills Last but not the least you need to communicate effectively and learn to be nice to others and listen to what others say. The above job search tips on how important is EQ will be beneficial for you to get hired.