1 minute read
One More Candle
The One More Candle (OMC) project offers you the opportunity to “adopt a memory” so that a child, murdered in the Shoah, has someone to remember them, for saying Kaddish, or by simply lighting One More Candle, yearly.
Please go to OneMoreCandle.org
to adopt a memory.
There is no charge. One More Candle is a registred charity.
If you so choose, donations may be made to One More Candle by e-transfer to jacquie@onemorecandle.org, by cheque to One More Candle Inc., 295 Elm Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3M 3N6, or to Shaarey Zedek’s Minyan Fund by calling 204-452-3711.
Note: The symbols appear in this booklet indicating OMC children who have been adopted by congregants.