E3 2009

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E3 2009: Best, Worst, and Weirdest Game Tech ANOTHER YEAR, another Ele<:tronic Entenainment Expo (E3), but this one was definitely splashier than last year' s snooze r, with Microsoft touting Natal, its 3D no-

controller device for games (it wowed the crowd); Sony countering with an ultrapr("(:ise motion-sensing 3D wand; and Nintendo trumpeting its new Wii Vitality

5ccnsor (but no one knows quite what to make of it yet). Sony also showed a smaller, and prider, PlayStation Portable, called the PSP Go. If any single word embod-

ied this year's big gaming-products extravaganza, it was this one: choice.

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FACEBOOK COMES TO MI«ol oft's XbOK 360 and Ninlendo's D51. You

AND TWlTTER- lhe glorified mood meterfor any number of bad

can use the sociaL network pretty much as In a regular lK"ow5<!r.

writers- Is coming to the Xbox 360. On your marks, get set, annoyl

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NINTENDO CALLS ITS WII Vitality SenSOf' a mulliphysiologicallee-d-

SONY INTRODUCED the smaller. lighter PSP Go as Its next handheld

back tool. Insert your linger, and 11 will recognize your pulse. Hmmm.

gaming device. " lacks the dlsc-based UMD drive-and will cost $250.

MICROSOFT' S PROJECT NATAL, an Innovative controllertess motion-

SONY'S OWN MOTlON.oCONTROL system for the PlayStatlon 3 uSesa

trac:king system , was Ihe big hardware news of thi s year's E3.

kind of wand !Inset), built Isn't due lor release u ntil about next June.

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