2 minute read
An interview with: Shannon Bono
from Body Politić
What does the notion of the body politić look like now? The notion of the body politic is a movement prevalent through social media and independent creative outlets that express a controlled image. Using a platform to express important unfiltered content and reclaim power. As the subject of the body is concerned there is still a cautionary matter of balance between liberation and pornography, however that in itself could be an interest of expressing the liberation of erotism.
What embodies ‘blackness in the white landscape’, and what does this look like to you? Blackness in the white landscape is a broad concept and could extend from minorities living in the western society to black liberation amongst your own community that hasn’t accepted itself. It’s a place where you are ‘othered’ in a system that is not built for you to succeed or doesn’t acknowledge you but you still prevail because it’s a privilege to be black.
What are the differences in gender related issues / topics / relationships? I don’t believe there is a difference, because its a still a judgment based on a characteristic to cause oppression.
What are the differences between the British and American microcosms in the discussion of race? American discussions of race are more obvious and open and British discussions of race are limited on a mass scale.
How are issues of body politics manifested,
visualised and framed in the everyday? Through media outlets again, having a continuous displayed image to represent a norm that doesn’t include all people. This in turn causes colourism, classism etc. How do issues of racial body politics affect all people of colour? It causes pre-judgment, restricted opportunities and ignorance.
What are the ways / tools / methods that have been used to further reinforce negative stereotypes into society? The most effective ways of reinforcing negative stereotypes are through social media, film, the news and other mass media outlets.
What about the possibility of black liberation? Black liberation is a continuous learning process due to the climate we live in that’s dominated by white standards and hierarchy. Unfortunately not everyone will understand this and live this, the idea of being ‘woke’ is a tricky one and based on perspective. I believe black liberation is accepting everything about you and realising the ways of which you are being compared or attempted to conform to whiteness swell as not conforming and comparing to whiteness. What is the applicability of a collective body politić in relation to black trauma? As a black community we have undergone a lot if not in the present but in the past, but this is passed down whether we realise it or not. We must counteract this black trauma with a collective body politic to grow as people and pursue black liberation.
Are issues of ‘otherness’ still prevalent in today’s ‘post-racial’ societies?
In my opinion ‘Otherness’ is still obvious and will always be even in a post racial society as other things will come into place such as classism, sexism etc. I also disagree that we live in a post-racial society, for us to live in such an environment this will require years of therapy, re-learning and brain washing.