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Viewpoint and the hidden beauty

Viewpoint and the hidden beauty
Viewpoint is a board game designed and developed in response to two previous projects (Percival Magic Cards and Hidden Beauty). Initially, borrowing from board game vernacular (Battleship, Tic Tac Toe and rolling dice), I sought to examine an individual’s response to simplified visual symbols.
Each player was given two sets of black and white cards. One set used only pronouns (I, He, She, Me, You, etc.) while the other side used only oppositional words (Alone, There, Beside, Among, etc.). The second set of cards used pronouns (to indicate to the player their outward facing “viewpoint”), while the other side used black and red visuals (to visually convey their “viewpoint” to an opponent).
The object of the game was to have both players interpret the visual card from their opponent and put down a corresponding word on a blank square on their board. By the end the players would have a series of 5 rounds of cards that they could be rearranged and ordered on Board 2 to prompt a new discussion.
Hidden Beauty
Broadsheet poster inspired by two sculptures from the RISD Museum Gallery Collection (“African Venus” by Charles Henri Joseph Cordier and the “Bust of Madame Recamier by Joseph Chinard). The project explored the topics of exoticism and beauty in the female form. I wanted to explore the similarities and differences in the material qualities of both bronze and marble sculptures, through folded paper, typography and photographs. The final poster was an 18” x 27” broadsheet poster that folded down into a “6” x 9” rectangle.