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Uk Islamic Events. Net
The objective of UKIslamicEvents.net is to have a SINGLE website for all UK Islamic Events.
MWNUK Muslim Women’s Network UK
Muslim Women’s Network UK (MWNUK) is the only national Muslim women’s organisation in Britain. We are a small national charity (no. 1155092) and work to improve the social justice and equality for Muslim women and girls. We have a membership of more than 700 individuals and organisations with a collective reach of tens of thousands of Muslim women. Our membership also includes women of other faiths and men who support our work.
We find out about the experiences of Muslim women and girls through research and helpline enquiries. We identify policy and practice gaps and use this information to inform decision makers in government (including at Ministerial level) and other public bodies. Our knowledge about the issues faced by Muslim women and girls also inform our community campaigns. We also develop resources and training so women and girls are better informed about their rights and how to access support and help.
Our specific projects can be found in the Our Work Section of the website and include:
• Helpline
• Research
• Resource Production
• Advocacy
• Campaigns
• Producing Resources
• Training Workshops
• Speaking at Events
• International
• Role Models Project www.mwnuk.co.uk/What_We_Do_137_c.php
MCB The Muslim Council Of Great Britain
It is an independent body, established to promote consultation, cooperation and coordination on Muslim affairs in the United Kingdom.
The Muslim Council of Britain is a non-sectarian body working for the common good without interfering in, displacing or isolating any existing Muslim work in the community.
It is a broad-based, representative organisation of Muslims in Britain, accommodating and reflecting the variety of social and cultural backgrounds and outlook of the community.
The Muslim Council of Britain is pledged to work for the common good of society as a whole; encouraging individual Muslims and Muslim organisations to play a full and participatory role in public life.
The Muslim Council of Britain is a democratic body, built on consultation, co-operation and co-ordination among Muslim institutions and concerned Muslims throughout Britain.
MYH Muslim Youth Helpline
MYH is a national award winning charity that provides free and confidential faith and culturally sensitive support services targeted at vulnerable young people in the UK.
IMAAN was founded in 1999 and is a charity to support Muslims that identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer/questioning and intersex.
Muslims For Progressive Values
MPV envisions Islam and an Islamic community that embodies the ten principles of MPV.
MPV envisions a future where Islam is understood as a source of dignity, justice, compassion and love for all humanity and the world.