Wimborne Parish Magazine March 2021

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Wimborne Minster

Parish Magazine March 2021 No. 416 1

Contact details Rector

Canon Andrew Rowland rector@wimborneminster.org.uk


Mr Peter Cook 01202 885470 peter-churchwarden@wimborneminster.org.uk Mr Bruce Jensen 01202 848889 bruce-churchwarden@wimborneminster.org.uk

Assoc. Priests

The Revd Suzie Allen 01258 840668 suzie-assocpriest@wimborneminster.org.uk The Revd Bill French 01258 841061 bill-assocpriest@wimborneminster.org.uk The Revd Heather Waldsax 01202 884753 heather-assocpriest@wimborneminster.org.uk The Revd Elise Harding 01202 884775 elise-assocpriest@wimborneminster.org.uk

Minster Curate Village Curate

The Revd Nick Wells 07715 670321 nick-curate@wimborneminster.org.uk The Revd Sharon Boyle sharon-villagecurate@wimborneminster.org.uk


Mr Colin Davey organist@wimborneminster.org.uk

01202 884753


Mr John Hughes john-verger@wimborneminster.org.uk

01202 884753


Mrs Jane Davidson 01202 848921 safeguardingofficer@wimborneminster.org.uk

Villages Admin.


Parish Secretary Mrs Jane MacCaig

01202 882340

01202 884753

The Parish office is open Monday-Friday, 10am-12 noon, email enquiries only, please: parishoffice@wimborneminster.org.uk www.wimborneminster.org.uk



Parish Magazine publication details

Co-editors: Rosalind Jensen and Barry Gibbs. Please send articles and information, by email if possible, to parishmagazine@wimborneminster.org.uk or leave in the “J” pigeonhole in the church. Copy deadline for APRIL issue: Thursday 18th March. For advertising information, contact the e-mail address above or phone Barry Gibbs on 01202 054407


Note: Chalbury‟s Garden will be ready from and Easter in their churchyard, where you also be an Easter Garden in -the porch ofIsrael the Minster, Cover photo Negev Desert, can a short meditative trail. The photo Cover photo: Negevfollow Desert, Israel osed for services. Easter gardens shows Hinton Martel, where the church is Easter gardens also open for private prayer. Whychurches not take(Witcham a Each of the Village Each of the Village churches (Witchampton, reenbelt Group on-line meeting Holt, Hinton Martel, and Chalbury) is Martel, and is walk between twoHolt, orHinton more of theChalbury) churches? creating an outdoor Easter garden for Sunday 7 March 7.30 – 9.00pm creating outdoor Easterfrom garden for photo - Negev Desert, Israel an Note: Cover Chalbury‟s Garden will bechurchyard, ready Lent and Easter in their where andcan Easter their churchyard, where Easter gardens you follow ain short meditative trail. lso be an Easter in the porch of the Minster, clothes more thanGarden others? How easy The photo shows Hinton Martel, where the can follow a short meditative trail. The Each of the Village churches (Witchampton, church is also open for is private prayer. Why Holt, Hinton Martel, and Chalbury) osed for services. we like, and how comfortable are we shows Martel, where the churc not take aHinton walk between creating an outdoor Easter garden fortwo Lentor more of the churches? Note: Chalbury’s Garden willWhy be also open for private prayer. not t and Easter in their churchyard, ally and ethically? In our session, ‘A where you ready from March trail. 8th. The There will also be an can follow a short meditative photo walk between two or ismore of the churc Group on-line feenbelt Fashion?’, we‟ll explore all these showsmeeting Hinton Martel, where the church Easter Garden in the porch of the Minster, Note: Garden will be ready openwhile for private prayer. Why not take theChalbury‟s building is closed foraservices. Sunday 7 your March 7.30 also –piece 9.00pm gMarch or wear favourite of walk between two or more of the churches? 8th. There will also be an Easter Garden in the porch of the Mins Note: Chalbury‟s Garden will be ready from e session and tell us why you like whileMarch themore building isalso closed for services. Greenbelt Group meeting 8th. There will be anon-line Easter Garden in the porch of the Minster, clothes than others? How easy while the building is closed for services. here they were bought or–the ethics Sunday 7 March 7.30 9.00pm we like, and how comfortable are we of Why 883 do we like some clothesGroup more than others? Greenbelt Group on-line meeting Greenbelt on-line meeting ng ID: 4109 0448 Passcode: ally and ethically? Inclothes our session, ‘A How easy is it to find the we 7.30 like, and how Sunday 7 March – 9.00pm Sunday 7 March 7.30 – 9.00pm comfortable we clothes with them, physically welcome. Why do we likeare some more both thanall others? Howand easy fstFashion?’, we‟ll explore these In our session, it towe findlike the clothes we clothes like, and how comfortable are we Why isethically? do some more than others? How easy ‘A Dedicated of we’ll explore g or wear your favourite piece with them, both Follower physically andFashion?’, ethically? In ourof session, all ‘A is it toDedicated findissues the clothes we and how are we these and more. Bringlike, or wear your favourite Follower of Fashion?’, we‟ll explore all comfortable these ewith session and tell us why you like piece of clothing or shoes to the session and tell us issues and more. Bring or wear your favourite piece of them, both physically and ethically? In our session, ‘A why youorlike them. clothing shoes tobought the session and tell us why you like of here theyWewere orbought the ethics Dedicated Follower ofthey Fashion?’, explore all these We won’t ask where they were the them. won‟t ask where were boughtororwe‟ll the ethics of ethics ofmore. their production! Meeting 883 4109 their production! Meeting ID:or 883 4109 ID: 0448 Passcode: issues and Bring wear your favourite piece of ng ID: 883 4109 0448 Passcode: en’s World Prayer, 5th 0448 Passcode: You are all most March welcome. 987524 You areDay all 987524 mostof welcome. clothing orShein.co.uk) shoes to the session and tell us why you like (Photo: st welcome. (Photo: Shein.co.uk) them. resources We won‟t askhave wherebeen they were bought or the ethics of ear‟s created their production! Meeting ID: 883 4109 0448 Passcode: women of theWomen’s Pacific archipelago World Day of Prayer, March 5th 987524 You areThis allyear‟s most welcome. resources have been uatu, and the theme is World „Build oncreated a Women’s Day (Photo: Shein.co.uk) by the women of the Pacific archipelago Foundation‟. website of The Vanuatu, and theMarch themesupplies is „Build on a of Prayer, 5th Strong of Foundation‟. The website supplies 5th en’s World Day Prayer, March als for groupsmaterials across theacross world toto for groups the world This year’s resources have been created by the worship online this year, rather than organising one women of the Women’s Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu, the ear‟s resources have been created ar, rather than one World Day and of Prayer, March 5th central service for organising all. theme is ‘Build on a Strong Foundation’ Find out more and read the prayers from Vanuatu and on women of theme the Pacific archipelago Theyear‟s website supplies materials for groups across This year‟s resources have been created this at https://www.wwdp.org.uk the world toworship online this year, rather than uatu, and the theme is „Build onPacific a on archipelago d theorganising prayers from Vanuatu and the service women of the oneby central for all. Find out moreof andVanuatu, read the prayers from Vanuatu is „Build on a andsupplies the theme Foundation‟. The website ps://www.wwdp.org.uk and on this year’s theme at: 3 als for groups Strong acrossFoundation‟. the worldThe to website supplies https://www.wwdp.org.uk materials for groups across the world to r, rather than organising one worship online this year, rather than organising one 3

In February

16th 17th

Funeral of Jean Morton Kinniburgh (at Poole crematorium) Funeral of Jennefer Anne Coates (at Poole crematorium)

aged 100 years aged 85 years

Dates for your diary – March Monday 1st – March 7th, Fairtrade Fortnight continues Monday 1st, Saint David Monday 5th, Women’s World Day of Prayer Sunday 7th, 3rd Sunday of Lent 7.30 – 9.00 pm Greenbelt meeting (on Zoom), ‘A Dedicated Follower of Fashion?’ Sunday 14th, Mothering Sunday Wednesday 17th, Saint Patrick Sunday 21st, Passion Sunday Thursday 25th, Annunciation to the Virgin Mary Sunday 28th, Palm Sunday; Holy Week begins

Services at the Minster online Please check the Minster website for details of possible re-opening of the church building, and changes to services. While the Minster is closed, worship continues on Zoom, with live broadcasts on Youtube of the Sunday 9.30 communion service. Look for the ‘Wimborne Minster official’ YouTube channel for live and recorded services. Sundays 8.00 am 9.30 am 6.30 pm

Holy Communion (BCP) Holy Communion (Common Worship) Choral Evensong

Weekdays Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Agape Communion Minster Praise 1

8.30 am Monday to Saturday 5.00 pm Monday to Saturday 9.30 am Wednesday 1.15 am 2nd and 4th Sundays 4

display for Candlemas in the porch. There were spring flowers, battery-powered candles, and an explanatory sign on the glass doors. It‟s a lovely Minster Praise themes way to communicate with passers-by!

Minster starts at 11.15 a.m. and (PhotoPraise by Beatrice Dopite) aims to finish by 12.15 with virtual teas and coffees so you can discuss and ask questions – but still in time for lunch. Come as you are, relax, and enjoy!

14th March Mothering Sunday (10.00 am)

28th March Palm Sunday 4th April Easter Praise!

This year’s Lent booklet, God’s Story, Our Sto

Remember, you can sign up for the encouragement to share the Christian story in Church of England app for the Lent that springs from own booklet, God’s Story, Ourour Story, at: experience and use https://www.chpublishing.co.uk/apps own natural gifts. With that in mind, this quote

long interview by Stuart Jeffries with Bear Gry

Rev. Nick Wells is running an online Lent Course using the book Guardian, 16 ofFeb 2021),for was striking. ‘The Joy the Gospel’: more details contact him at nick-curate@wimborneminster.org.uk

[Bear Grylls] admits that it has taken him a while about his faith. “I‟m no longer afraid to say I real the Footsteps: andFollow that I‟m not as strong as people might expe Easter meExperience to be. For me, faith is not2021 very churchy. It‟s n religious. It‟sSunday just aand sense really believe the to that all ourI usual schools and Easter for use in classrooms and take part in activities something out there. That we‟re loved. We‟re gi as part of home learning. which help them to andunderstand strengththe to meaning live life. For me, been We will alsoChrist be able has to extend our reach to new and relevance of the empowering daily presence to tackle life with tha schools, a very exciting events. The churches of inside me.”Wimborne, St. prospect. Experience St. John’s Michael’s Colehill and the

Easter is always a

had planned to extend the range of schools and16 churches involved. This year, as schools will be unable physically to visit the Minster, we will be making a video of the tableaux. We will be assisted in the filming by a student of Media introduced to us by Revd Suzanne Pattle. Our film will be available

We hope that the children you know will be so enthusiastic about the project that you will hear all about it from them!

After being Chief Scout of have the recruited UK for a6 years, Bear satisfying and Grylls humblingis now Minster experience. The children band of around 40 loyal Ambassador of World Scouting. He has made a series of surviva take part with interest volunteers to present programmes, and was OBEin 2019 for services and contribute their ownto you the appointed stations and assist memories and emotions. the children. In 2020 we Every year sincecharity. 2015 media and three local churches have mounted a Lent project for the Year 5 and Year 2 pupils in local schools called Experience Easter. Six ‘stations’ are created around the Minster taking the children on a journey from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. They hear the accounts of Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday


Kevin Metcalfe (St. John’s) Revd Suzanne Pattle (St. Michael’s) Deirdre Ashton, Leonie Thurlow (Wimborne Minster)

Praying for the Minster and the Villages, and the Praying for theWimborne Minster and theworld Northern Villages,

Wimborne and the world Prayer cycle for February

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Our Associate Prayer Priests 15 The Minstead Training Project cycle for March Lay Pastoral Assistants 16 Archbishops Justin Welby and Sunday School Cottrell 1The Museum of East Dorset, Walford 15 Phil &Stephen Sylvie Good, the Church The Mill and Model Group Town 17 Mission Society Greenbelt East Borough Housing 2 Our verger 16 The Anglican Community in all its The Children’s Society Association 3 Lay Worship Leaders diversity Bishops Nicholas, Karen and 18 Social workers 4 New Horizons prayer group; Noon 17 Twinning Associations prayers 18 Prison chaplains Andrew 19 Dorset Wildlife Trust 5 The Mission to Seafarers 19 Local farmers Wimborne Library: staff, 20 Queen Elizabeth’s School 6 Archdeacon Anthony 20 Allenbourn School volunteers PCC secretaries 7 Wimborneand Civicusers Society and 21 21 PCC Treasurers and Safeguarding Local Wimborne representatives MPs in Bloom 22 Minster guides and welcomers 8 Local businesses, the Chamber of 22 23 Two By Two Amnesty International The Minster Governors Trade, the BID 23 The Minster bellringers Bournemouth & Poole Hospital 24 The 9 FairTrade 24 God’s AcreMinster Group Environment Grou 10 GPs, nurses, physiotherapists, 25 25 Pramacare Chaplaincies Mission Aviation Fellowship carers 26 26 Dioceses Yambio and Nzara in Our Licensed Lay Minister Ourofneighbouring churches 11 Our retired clergy South Sudan Our Organist and Director of the 27 27 Tivoli Theatre and Allenda 12 The Minster Choir, children and VisionThe Wimborne Choirs centre: volunteers adults 28 The financial sector 13 The flower arrangers, silver 29 Climate change The servers 28 Refugees and migrants polishers and Broderers 30 Local Hospices The Minster Green Fair: 14 The Friends of Wimborne Minster 31 A cause dear to your heart, not organisers and helpers listed elsewhere Please use this diary as a part of your own prayers. Please use this diary as a part of your own prayers. In this way In this way we can pray together as a parish for our common concerns.

we can pray together as a parish for our common concerns.

Fairtrade Fortnight February 22nd – March 7th - ONLINE

Fairtrade February 22nd – March 7th Climate change is oneFortnight of the biggest challenges for farmers in countries like thisand year’s online Festival, the World You Want’, you can meet Kenya,Through Ethiopia Honduras, with‘Choose droughts and crop disease, floods, campaigners, farmers and other supporters from across the world, and find out heatwaves and shrinking harvests. The CoViD pandemic has made their how to take action. https://action.fairtrade.org.uk situation still more precarious. Through this year’s online Festival, ‘Choose 6 the World You Want’, you can meet campaigners, farmers and other

Journeys his faith being tried and tested. We may also have experienced or be experiencing that. This year has been extremely difficult for those who have lost loved ones, often not being able to be with them in their final days. We pray for all those who are bereaved. The good news is that the journey continues and there is hope. As there is as we journey into spring – nature is still waking up, the days are getting lighter and longer, the birds are singing, seeds are sprouting and plants are flowering in glorious colour. God is in his creation which can be seen all around us. As we journey through March we will reach Palm


Sunday and Holy Week. An opportunity to walk with Jesus as he moves towards the final days of his life on earth. We will not be able to walk through the town on Palm Sunday this year so we will do things differently. During Holy Week there will be daily prayer and reflection four times a day led by the clergy online. This is a week to take time to think about what it means to journey with Jesus towards the hope of Easter. We are a pilgrim people, journeying through our lives, part of God’s story and his engagement with the world. May we be aware of his presence with us:-

We are still on our journey through Le different things for each one of us. Je began his journey of faith by being ba the Holy Spirit, perhaps that is how o began or maybe this year is an oppor what it means to be on a journey with It may be that the vaccine is helping u a journey out of the bleakness of lock journey, especially through the latest lockdown has be We are still on our journey through Lent and this will the dark days mean different things forof winter. It is still going to be a journey each one of us. Jesus, as out of lockdown, learning to live with COVID-19. Jesu a human being began his journey ofof faith by being days his 40 days and nights of wilderness experien baptized and receiving the and tested. Weis may also have experienced or be exp Holy Spirit, perhaps that how our Christian journey has been extremely difficult for those who have lost lo began or maybe this year is an opportunity to being able to be with them inourtheir Lead us on journeyfinal days. We pray reconsider what it means to be on a journey with from who we are to who you want us to be; bereaved. Jesus. so that patience is built into us, It may be that thenews vaccine is that the journey continues and there The good kindness is assumed in us, is helping us to feel that we – nature still waking up, the d is part is of us, we arejourney on a journey into out of springgentleness the bleakness of lockdown compassion flows from us, and longer, and isolation. The the birds are singing, seeds are sprouting truth is second nature to us, journey, especially through flowering in glorious colour. God is in his creation whic and the commitment of live is part of us. the latest lockdown has been difficultus. for many, in Let us go gladly on the journey towards Easter – around the dark days of winter. journey towards death and resurrection. As we journey throughtheMarch we will reach Palm Sun It is still going to be a Let us journey in the peace and the power journey even when we opportunity to walk with Jesus as he moves towards t come out of lockdown, of the Spirit. learning to live with on earth. We will not be able to walk through the town COVID-19. Jesus went © Ruth Harvey – Eggs and Ashes Wild through so the dark of do things Goosedifferently. Publications year wedays will During Holy Wee his 40 days and nights of wilderness experience, Revd Heather Waldsax prayer and reflection four times a day led by the clerg 7 what it means to journey w to take time to think about

egun inthe the time when Revd Vanessa Herrick gun guninin thetime timewhen whenRevd RevdVanessa VanessaHerrick Herrickwas was wasour our ourRector, Rector, Rector,this this thisproject projec projec s taken a number of years to come to fruition, but it is now underway with staken takenaanumber numberofofyears yearstotocome cometotofruition, fruition,but butititisisnow nowunderway underwaywit wi e organ having been completely removed during the first week of Februar eorgan organhaving havingbeen beencompletely completelyremoved removed during duringthe thefirst firstweek weekofofFebrua Febru Minster our chosenRebuilding contractor, Manderthe Organs (previouslyOrgan F H Browne Ltd). It w our ourchosen chosencontractor, contractor,Mander ManderOrgans Organs(previously (previouslyFFHHBrowne BrowneLtd). Ltd).ItItw scinating to go into the Minster in the first days as the organ was Begun theinto time when instrument was carefully researcher will bewas coming scinating cinating totoingo go intothe theMinster Minster ininthe the first first days daysas as the theorgan organ was smantled. SomeHerrick of thewas largetaken front are and now stored indetails St George‟s Revd Vanessa out,pipes catalogued to take the of all smantled. mantled. Some Some ofof the thethe large large front frontpipes pipes are arenow nowthe stored ininSt Stthat George‟s George‟s our Rector, this project placed into large pipework, so plus we hapel. Each pipe from largest thetrays. smallest ofstored the 3000 in the hapel. apel. Each Each pipe pipe from from the the largest largest to to the the smallest smallest of of the the 3000 3000 plus plus ininthe the has taken a number of Our instrument dates have a historic record strument was carefully taken out, catalogued andofplaced inthelarge trays. years to come to fruition, originally from 1664, just what is in organ strument rument was wascarefully carefullytaken takenout, out,catalogued cataloguedand andplaced placedininlarge largetrays. trays. but it is now underway

a few years after the

and where it is. These

Restoration. This work details will be published with the organ having ur instrument dates originally from 1664, just a few years after the was by Robert Haywood along with the revised been completely removed estoration. This work was by Robert Haywood of Bath. In 1763 further wo of Bath. In1664, 1763 further specification when is during thedates first week of ur r instrument instrument dates originally originally from from 1664, just justaafew few years years after afteritthe the work was done by Brice February by ourSeede chosen and as done byThis Brice more changes were made by J1763 W Walker estoration. storation. This work work was wasby by Robert Robert Haywood Haywood ofofcompleted. Bath. Bath.In In1763 further furtherin wo w So what now? contractor, Mander Organs Seede and more changes e 19th century after it was removed from the screen and placed to the sou as s done done by byBrice Brice Seedeand and more more changes changes were wereThe made made by byJframe JW WWalker Walkerinin were made by J W Walker new organ (previously F HSeede Browne in the 19th century after will be constructed at Ltd). It was fascinating to the Chancel. 56 years ago it was completely re-constructed and placed e19th 19thcentury centuryafter afterititwas wasremoved removed from fromthe thescreen screen and andplaced placedto tothe theso sin it was removed from the Mander’s workshop and it go into the Minster in the ehe position it has enjoyed until awas few weeks ago.re-constructed Ais specialist researcher wi the Chancel. Chancel. 56 56 years ago ititwas completely completely and and placed placed screen and placed to the re-constructed hoped that some of us first days as theyears organ ago coming to take the details of all the pipework, so that we have a historic south of theweeks Chancel. be able to visit them was dismantled. Some of until eposition position itithas hasenjoyed enjoyed until aafew few weeksago. ago.Awill Aspecialist specialist researcher researcher ww 56 years ago it was to see the progress. thewhat large front pipes are cord of is in the organ and where it is. These details will be publishe coming coming totake take details detailscompletely ofofall allthe the pipework, pipework,so so that thatwe we have have histori re-constructed Sometime during theaahistoric nowto stored in the Stthe George’s ong with the revised specification when it is completed. So what now? placed in theitit position latedetails summer will bepublishe Chapel. from cord ord ofof what whatEach isisinpipe inthe the organ organand and and where where is. is.These These detailsthis will will be be publish it has enjoyed until aMander‟s few dismantled and brought to theorgan largest to the smallest e new frame will be constructed at workshop and it is ong ng with with the therevised revisedspecification specification when whenititisiscompleted. completed. So Sowhat whatnow? now? weeks ago. A specialist the Minster to be erected of the 3000 plus in the ped that some of us will be able to visit them to see the progress. eenew neworgan organframe framewill willbe beconstructed constructed atatMander‟s Mander‟sworkshop workshopand andititisis 8will be dismantled and brought to the ometime during the late summer this ped pedthat thatsome someofofus uswill willbe beable abletotovisit visitthem themtotosee seethe theprogress. progress.

south of the Chancel as before. Over the following months the organ will gradually be rebuilt and the new casework added.

the passageway to enable the pedal pipes to be better laid out within the instrument. The whole instrument will

the Choir Organ (this is the current “Positive” section which overlooked the Chancel), ’two 8’ stops for accompaniment purposes and a Tuba for large scale grand fanfares and civic occasions. The pedal section will also benefit from the addition of a 32ft Flue stop for added gravitas and some of these will be visible from Trinity Chapel. The scheme will provide an instrument which retains much of its current style with some important additions and improvements allowing it to better fulfil its job as a means of accompanying choral worship and also provide an instrument for large scale concerts and recitals.

Probably early in fine tuning will tak Probably early in 2022 the finishing work and some talks about fine tuning will take place and we will have the work that some talks about the historyand of the instrument should be finally and the work that has been undertaken. It There will be a de should be finally ready in time for Easter. and furtherrecital recita There will be a dedication and opening The most noticea and further recitals throughout 2022. Probably early most in 2022 thenoticeable be thoroughly aspect be The of the thework two will new o finishing work and fine cleaned, repaired and tuningbe will take place and new worn parts replaced. the two organ cases the – one facing over Chancel and we will have some talks All electrical wiring will about the the history of the be new as will thefacing wind and one into the up Nave. These willChancel enable the pipes to be lifted and thu instrument and the work chests. The console will Peter Cook, thatbe has been undertaken. also thus be taken project away and pes to lifted up and building. A photo-realisation of better this isinto the Churchwarden It should be finally ready in completely refurbished tion of this is time for Easter. shown below and both the Church There will be a dedication heBuildings Church and opening recital and Council and our architect feel it further recitals throughout ur will architect feel it 2022. greatly enhance the building, The most noticeable building, aspect of the work will be particularly the two new organthe cases rear face in Trinity Chapel. in Trinity Chapel. – one facing over the A platform will be built to extend over the Chancel and one facing extend over the into the Nave. to enable the pedal pipes to These willpipes enable theto pipes hepassageway pedal to be lifted up and thus (Photo of the trumpets being a new pedal board. better laid within the instrument. project better into the out with hebeinstrument. takendown: Russell Sachs. For the technically building. Both the Church minded, the specification whole will be thoroughly Other photos by Council instrument and our ll The beBuildings thoroughly will remain largely as Peter Cook, Bruce Jensen, architect feel it will greatly Rosalind Jensen it is now, including theparts cleaned, repairedAll and worn replaced. Allasele enhance the building, orn parts replaced. electrical wiring will be new Orchestral (horizontal) particularly the rear face in Three additional willTrinity the wind chests. The console will also be take Chapel. A also platform console will beTrumpet. taken away and completely stops will be added to will be built to extend over edal board. with a new pedal refurbished board. 9

Envir nment MATTERS Environment Matters

2021 will be a year of huge importance to our planet. The COP26 talks which were to be Environment Matters held in Glasgow in November 2020 will 2021 will be a year of huge importance 2021 will go be ahead a year of of the earth’s preciousto our hopefully in November 2021and planet. The COP26 talks which were huge importance to our resources. countries that signed up to the Paris We wanttotobe held in Glasgow in November will planet. TheinCOP26 talksbring their bringcommitments about 2020 changes agreement 2015 will hopefully goinaheadthat in November 2021and which were to be held will bring a stop and ambitions to the table for review. that signed up to the Paris Glasgow incountries November to the heating of our We are already hearing it2015 talked about in the news and there will be more as agreement in will bring their commitments 2020 will hopefully go planet before it becomes the year goes on. In the light of the changes already happening to our and ambitions to the table for review. ahead in November catastrophic! weather, the oceans, the deserts and the glaciers of our world thewill be more as We are already hearing talkedisabout andand there 2021and countries that Much itprayer goingin onthe news ongoing rise in CO2 levels in our atmosphere, it is essential that all countries signed up to Paris forthe thelight event thethe year goes on. In of in theNovember. changes already happening to our commit to substantial reductions in CO2 emissions. we will make newthe agreement in 2015 will I hope we will all join in. weather, the oceans, the deserts and the glaciers of our worlda and Asbring Christians we recognise our responsibility to care creation commitment, asand a theirongoing commitments There areinmany ways in foritGod‟s rise in CO2 levels our atmosphere, is essential that allchurch countries and as individuals, we repent ofcommit ourtoreckless of reductions thewe earth‟s We want toto care and ambitions the tableusewhich can pray. One is resources. to substantial inprecious CO2 emissions. for our world and reduce for review. to join awith Christian Aid toofcare bring aboutAs changes thatwe willrecognise bring stop to the heating our planet before it and Christians our responsibility for God‟s creation our carbon emissions. We are already hearing it chain of prayer for climate becomes catastrophic! we repent of our reckless use of the earth‟s precious resources. We want to Following thebefore it talked about the news justice which will acontinue bring about changes that willinbring stop toI the heating of on ourfrom planet Much prayer isin going on for the event November. hope we will all join in. Environment Matters and there will be more throughout the year. becomes catastrophic! There are many ways in which we can pray. One is to join with Christian Aid article in the February as the yearMuch goes prayer In is going Seeon https://www. for the event in November. I hope will all join in. chain of prayer foron. climate justice which will continue throughout the we year. magazine about the the light ofThere the changes christianaid.org.uk/ are many ways in which we can pray. One is to join with Christian Aid See https://www.christianaid.org.uk/pray/prayer-chain or look at Climate Minster’s Environment already happening our for pray/prayer-chain chain of to prayer climate justice which will throughout the year. Intercessors . continue Policy, a small weather, thehttps://www.climateintercessors.org/ oceans, the or look at Climate See https://www.christianaid.org.uk/pray/prayer-chain or look at Climate Churches nationally are being encouraged to keep a Climate Sunday questionnairein will be sent deserts and the glaciers of Intercessors https://www. Intercessors https://www.climateintercessors.org/ . preparation for the November summit. The Minster is planning a out withClimate the weekly Parish our world and the ongoing climateintercessors.org/ . nationally areWorld beingEnvironment encouraged to keep a Climate Sunday Letter sometime in thein Sunday on Churches 6th June (5th June is when we will make rise in CO2 levels in our Churches nationally are Day), preparation for the November summit. The Minster is planning a Climate coming weeks. it is essential being encouraged to a atmosphere, new commitment, as a church and as individuals, to care for our worldThe andword Sunday on 6th June (5th June is World Environment Day), when we will make ‘policy’ sounds boring that allour countries reduce carboncommit emissions.keep a Climate Sunday a new commitment, as a church and as individuals, to care for our world and but we really do want to substantial reductions in preparation the in the February magazine Following on from the Environment Mattersfor article reduce our carbon November emissions.summit. The everyone to think about in CO2 emissions. about the Minster‟s Environment Policy, a small questionnaire willFebruary be sent out Following on from the Environment Matters article the magazine theinway that we live As the Christians we recognise Minster is planning a with weekly Parish Letter sometime in the coming weeks. The wordwill beinsent out about the Minster‟s Environment Policy, a small questionnaire coming years. So please our responsibility to care Climate Sunday on 6th „policy‟ sounds but we really do want everyone think about the way with boring theand weekly sometime in thetocoming weeks. The word respond! Thank you. for God’s creation we Parish JuneLetter (5th June is World that we live in coming years. So please respond! Thank you. „policy‟ sounds but we really dowhen want everyone think about the way AlisontoFrancis repent of our reckless use boring Environment Day), - Alison that we live in coming years. So please respond! Thank you. Francis - Alison After being cancelled in 2020, the Wimborne GreenFrancis Festival is back with a spring edition of online events,

After being cancelled in 2020, the Wimborne 17-24 April. They will include films, nature and wildlife Green is craft back with a spring edition of After being cancelled inRepair 2020, the Wimborne talks,Festival children’s sessions, Café workshops Green Festival is back with a spring edition of online events, 17-24 April. They will include – all designed to encourage and equip us tofilms, live more Theysessions, will include films, nature andonline wildlife talks,a17-24 children‟s craft sustainably andevents, build moreApril. hope-filled future. Look nature andGreen wildlife talks, children‟s craft sessions, Repair Café workshops – all designed to encourage and equip us to live more on the Wimborne Festival Facebook page 17-24 April 2021 Café – alldetails designed to encourage and us to live more sustainablyRepair and build a workshops more for hope-filled future. on the Wimborne more of Look the programme asequip they Green become sustainably and build a more hope-filled future. Look on the Wimborne Green available. Festival Facebook page for more details of the programme as they become Festival Facebook page for more details of the programme as they become available. 10 available. 10

There may be a few people amongst the Minster congregation who remember sleeping in the North Porch in cardboard people amongst the Minster boxes on a veryincold emember sleeping thenight (? December the board boxes on a back very in cold 1990s). I do, and that was back inthe thefirst 1990s). do, and I heard Iabout eard about Alabaré – the Alabaré – the charity thatfor provides support for support homeless homeless lace every yearpeople. but I This hadn‟t takes place every year but in the years since then. I hadn’t heard much about hs two itofinour groups the house years since then. a Bible study course During recent months two é. In 5 of sessions our housewe groups have been following Biblea ew Testaments thata has study course produced by g in issues around migrants, Alabaré. In 5 sessions we l and family problems that discovered how much there is in both Old des accommodation when it and New Testaments thatback has a on bearing on s people the right homelessness. The studies o the problems (in particular also bring in issues around

veterans) and to the provision



migrants, strangers, poverty, vulnerability and all the social and family problems that can lead to homelessness. We learnt about the ways in which Alabaré provides accommodation when it is needed and also the support and help that gets people back on the right track in their lives. Our eyes were opened both to the problems (in particular to the needs of young people and armed forces veterans) and to the provision of a home and the help given to gain new skills, confidence and the opportunities to live a fulfilled life. Lives are being transformed through the work of this charity. It operates mainly in the south and west of England and Wales. The base for Alabaré is in Salisbury. This year the Revd Sharon Boyle, our Curate in the Villages, and her family are bravely hoping to take part in the ‘Big Sleep Out’ on Friday 5th March to

o take part in the „Big Sleep baré. Due to the current dboard and sleeping bags in r two people from the Peter If yousleeping! are concerned m of rough If youabout someone over the age of 18 that you have seen sleeping rough in England or nsorship Wales, send an alert to StreetLink. The details you proamily4 We can at least pray

discovered how much bearing on homelessn strangers, poverty, vu can lead to homelessn We learnt about the w is needed and also the track in their lives. Ou to money the needs of young raise forhow Alabaré. discovered much the Due to the currentand climate, of a home the hel bearing on homelessness they will be making their confidence and the op strangers, poverty, vulnera beds out of cardboard and sleeping bags in the life.lead Lives are being tra can to homelessness garden, rather than out We learnt about the ways of this It onwork the streets. One charity. or two is needed and also the su people from the Peter and south and west of Eng Wellsprings Housegroups track in their lives.inOur eye fordoAlabaré Salisb MAY some formis of to the needs of young peo rough you Revd Sh Thissleeping! year Ifthe of a home and the help giv would like to support the Villages, and her f any of them theand link for confidence the opport sponsorship https:// 5th Ma Out‟ on is:are Friday life. Lives being transf www.justgiving.com/ climate, they will Itbe m work of this charity. ope fundraising/boylefamily4 We cangarden, at least prayrather for England the tha south and west of a mild and dry night on for Alabaré is in Salisbury and Wellsprings Hous March 5th! This year the to Revd Sharoa Alison Francis would like support the Villages, and her famil is: https://www.justgiv Out‟ Friday 5thdry March for on a mild and night

climate, they will be makin Streetlink https://www.streetlink.org.uk

vide are sent to the local authority or outreach service for the area in which you have seen the person, to help Francis them -findAlison the individual and connect them to support. ink.org.uk (If you think the person you are concerned about is 18 please call meone under over the age of 18the police instead.)

ough in England or Wales, he details you provide are utreach service for the area in


the garden, rather than ou Str and Wellsprings Housegro If yoo would like to support any that is: https://www.justgiving.c for a mild and dry nightsen on


Streetl whi

If you a indi that you person you are conce send an

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continue long past

e experienced at Companions of Saint Francis wdrops there at Like many other groups unknown, which people may be, and to share the across ourof country in all walks of life have news of your love through e Society St it is nearly a year since we met. Through the spoken and written word we have kept in touch but we greatly miss the essential face-to-face contact. We have certainly seen the spirit of St Francis living. He worked tirelessly with the excluded, including lepers, regardless of his own personal safety in the was so many of our frontline workers do today. St Francis’ love and compassion for all his fellow beings has beem shown to be strong today in the many acts of service and kindness, some acknowledged, many

eople wherever our presence, our familiar face of failure and people we side the walls of

f the Companions) Pax et Bonum

performed. Frequently, it takes a real challenge to bring out the best in people. Hopefully this will continue long past the current crisis. St Francis loved all aspects of God’s creation so visibly to be experienced at Kingston Lacy in the wonderful beauty and scale of the snowdrops there at present. This prayer is from Franciscan, the magazine of the Society of St Francis (January 2021 issue). Creator of all, you call us to seek out and to serve your people wherever they

our presence, our words and our actions. Make us bold to step outside our familiar places, patient as we wait on your timing, resilient in the face of failure and frustration, and alert to the signs of your presence in the people we encounter. Through Jesus Christ, who was crucified outside the walls of the city, to bring salvation to the whole world. Amen. Our prayers and love rest upon each one of you, Beryl Balinas (on behalf of the Companions) Pax et Bonum

021.Hilfield “We are Friary celebrates its centenary urgent “We are facing a climate crisis that demands urgent in 2021 attention. We invite you to consider the lilies (and the lilies (and orchids) of the field and the birds of the air, to consider nature with wonder and awe during the the air, to many opportunities we provide this year. We also invite you to express that love with passion and ortunities we commitment.” (from the website). h passion and Join the Brothers for the Lenten Friday

ce e .

Afternoon Nature Meditations on YouTube.

These will feature different sights and sounds of nature around the friary as an invitation to appreciate the beauty and the fragility of nature and our place in it. The videos will be uploaded each Friday at 4pm, as the Community gathers to pray, and will be available for a week. There is no charge, but donations will be gratefully received. https://hilfieldfriary.org.uk


Palm Sunday and Palm Sunday d n a y adnuand S ml a P Palm Sunday Holy Week and eW yloH HolykeWeek Holy Week We are hoping to be able to worship together in the church building before to oot erofeb gnidliub hcruhc eht ni rehtegot pihsrow ot elba eb ot gnipoh era eW

We are hoping to be able to worship together in the church building before too ong; details services Holy Week willebe We areof hoping to be able to worship the church .sof ecservices itoN ylfor kee W eht n i ebtogether lliw Win lin oHthe rof sWeekly ecbuilding ivNotices. res foNotices. sbefore liated ;too gnol long; details for Holy Week willkebe inybe the Weekly long; details of services for Holy Week will in the Weekly Notices. owever, palm for others, fo rofyou ,srehmay to dnmay astill flestill swant ruowant y roto f to semake ssorc m lap ecrosses kcrosses am ot tfor naw llitsyourself yam uoothers, y ,and revewfor oH However, you make palm yourself and However, you may still want to make palm crosses for yourself and others, for n a c i r e m A e h t m o r f n e k a t e r a s n o i t c u r t s n i e s e h T . ) h t 8 2 h c r a M ( y a d n u S m l a P alm Sunday (March 28th). These taken from the American Palm Sunday (March 28th). These instructions taken from Palm Sunday (March 28th). Theseinstructions instructions are areare taken from the the American American si ,wohttps://teachingcatholickids.com b a ro srewolf gnidda ,9 pets : m:ostep c:Step .step sdik9, ciladding ohtadding acgnflowers ihcae t//or :spa h eor tisis baeaw bow, is website https://teachingcatholickids.com 9, adding flowers or attbow, ebsitewebsite https://teachingcatholickids.com 9, flowers bow, is ! d n a l g n E f o h c r u h C e h t n i o d y l l a u s u e w t a h w t o n d n a , g n i s i r p r u s t ib a a bit surprising, and and not not whatwhat we usually do in the Church of England! bit surprising, we usually do in the Church of England! bit surprising, and not what we usually do in the Church of England!

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(Palm Sunday cartoon: ŚƚƚƉ͗ͬ​ͬƚŚĞƌĞĐLJĐůĞĚĐĂƚŚŽůŝĐ͘ďůŽŐƐƉŽƚ͘ĐŽŵ ) ƚŚĞ ďŽƚƚŽŵͲůĞĨƚ ĐŽƌŶĞƌ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ Ă ĚƌŽƉ ŽĨ ŐůƵĞ͘ ƚŽƉͲƌŝŐŚƚ ĐŽƌŶĞƌ ĂŶĚ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ďĂĐŬ ĂŐĂŝŶ͘

You can find other instructions online, for instance at 41 14

ou can https://www.origami-resource-center.com/palm-weaving-simple-cross.html. find other instructions online, for instance at (Palm Sunday cartoon: http://therecycledcatholic.blogspot.com ) ttps://www.origami-resource-center.com/palm-weaving-simple-cross.html.

Palm Sunday cartoon: ŚƚƚƉ͗ͬ​ͬƚŚĞƌĞĐLJĐůĞĚĐĂƚŚŽůŝĐ͘ďůŽŐƐƉŽƚ͘ĐŽŵ ) 14




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anonymous knitters. Yarn-bombing, A Valentine’s Giftor guerilla A grey and damp Valentine‟s Day was A grey and damp Valentine‟s Day2005, was an in Texas around brightened by this by colourful „yarn-bombing‟ brightened this colourful „yarn-bombing‟ popular around the world A grey Valentine’s Day was brightened by on theand Minster Green, carefully set up ondamp the Minster Green, carefully setby up by this colourful ‘yarn-bombing’ on the Minster Green, protesting or to brighten u anonymous knitters. anonymous knitters. carefully set up by anonymous knitters. Yarn-bombing, or guerilla Take aknitting, look at the started Wikipe Yarn-bombing, or guerilla knitting, Yarn-bombing, or guerilla knitting, started instarted Texas around 2005, and has become popular around the in Texas 2005, and inaround Texas around 2005,has andbecome has become for some spectacular examples! world, as a way of protesting or to brighten up public A Valentine’s Gift

A Valentine’s Gift

popular the world, as a of way of popular aroundaround the world, as a way spaces. protesting or to brighten up public spaces. protesting toWikipedia brighten up public spaces. Take a look ator the page Candlemas Take a look at the Wikipedia page about it for some spectacular examples. Take a look at the Wikipedia page aboutabout it it

the Minster building still closed for worship, for With some spectacular examples! spectacular examples!

the Wellsprings housegroup set up a beautiful Candlemas in the porch. There were display for Candlemas Candlemas With the Minster building still closed for worship, flowers, battery-powered candles, and an Minster building still closed for thespring Wellsprings housegroup setworship, upfor a beautiful With the Minster building still closed worship, the springs housegroup set in up aupthe beautiful explanatory sign on glass doors. Wellsprings housegroup set a beautiful display for It‟s a lovely display for Candlemas the porch. There were or spring Candlemas inbattery-powered theporch. porch. There were Candlemas in the There were spring flowers, flowers, candles, and an way to communicate with passers-by!


battery-powered candles, and an explanatory on owers, battery-powered andIt‟s ana sign explanatory on thecandles, glass doors. lovely (Photo bysign Beatrice Dopite) the glass doors. It’s a lovely way to communicate with to on communicate with passers-by! oryway sign the glass doors. It‟s a lovely passers-by! (Photo by Beatrice Dopite) ommunicate passers-by! (Photo bywith Beatrice Dopite)

Beatrice Dopite)

This year’s Lent booklet, God’s Story, Ou

This Lent year’sbooklet, Lent booklet, God’s Story,Our Our Story, Story, isisanan This year’s God’s Story, encouragement sto encouragement to shareto theshare Christianthe storyChristian way encouragement to from share the Christian story ininaaour way that springsGod’s our own experience and uses This year’s Lent booklet, Story, Our Story, is an that springs fromthatour ownthisexperience and that springs from our own uses our own natural gifts. Withexperience in mind,and quote, from a encouragement to share the Christian story in a way own natural gifts. With inJeffries mind, this quote, from athis q long interview by that Stuart Bear own natural gifts. Withwith that inGrylls mind, (The Guardian, 16 Feb 2021),and was striking. that springs our own experience uses our longfrom interview by Stuart Jeffries with Bear Grylls (The Bear long interview that by itStuart Jeffries with (Bear Grylls)admits has quote, taken him a while to own natural gifts. With that in mind, this from a Guardian, 16 Feb 2021), was striking. go public about his faith. “I’m no longer afraid to say

Guardian, 16 Feb 2021), was striking. long interview by Stuart Jeffries with Bear Grylls (The

I really needthat it, and that I’m not him as strong as people [Bear Grylls] admits it has taken a while to go public

mightGrylls] expect oradmits hope me to be. For me, faith is nothim a w n, 16 Feb 2021), was striking. [Bear that has taken about his faith. “I‟m no longer afraid to itsay I really need it, very churchy. It’s not very religious. It’s just a sense and that I‟m not as strong as people might expect or hope about his faith. “I‟m no longer afraid to say I I really believe there’s something That [Bear Grylls] admitsthat that it has taken him a whileout to there. go public we’re loved. We’re given asay light strength to live to be. For me, faith is not very churchy. It‟s not very about his me faith. “I‟m no longer afraid Iand really need it, and that I‟m not asto strong as people might e life. just For me, Christ that has been a quiet empowering daily religious. It‟s a sense I really believe there‟s and that I‟m not me as presence strong as people might expect or hope tackle life with thatis sort of light inside to there. be.toFor faith not very churchy. somethingme.” out Thatme, we‟re loved. We‟re given a light me to be. For me, faith is not very churchy. It‟s not very religious. It‟s just a sense that I really believ and strength tobeing live life. me, quiet ChiefFor Scout of Christ the UK has for 6 been years, a Bear religious. empowering It‟s justsomething a After sense that I really believe there‟s Grylls is now Chiefthere. Ambassador of World daily presence to tackle life with Scouting. that sort ofWe‟r light out That we‟re loved. somethinginside out there. That we‟re loved. We‟re given a light He has made a series of survival programmes, and me.” andlife. strength toChrist live life. For me,young Christ has b appointed OBE in 2019 for services and strength to livewas For me, has been atoquiet people, media and charity. After being Chief Scout of the UK for 6 years, Bear Grylls is now Chief life wit empowering daily presence tosort tackle empowering daily presence to tackle life with that of light Ambassador of World Scouting. He has made a series of survival inside me.” inside me.” 16 2019 for services to young people, programmes, and was appointed OBEin

Obituaries Eileen Wellstead Eileen Cecilia Wellstead lived all her life in Wimborne; born in Osborne Road, she went to St John’s School and Parkstone Grammar School. She then worked as a telephonist in Ferndown and Bournemouth, and used to tell how she would cycle to work during the wartime blackout. Her family was musical, an aunt owning an instrument shop in West Street, and her father Cecil was an organist at St John’s Church, and elsewhere.

Jenny Coates

After her father’s death in 1966, Eileen travelled with her mother to Switzerland and to King’s College Cambridge for the Nine Lessons and Carols service. She was deeply devoted to the Minster, and loved organ and choral music; she was very supportive of the Minster’s organists, and a regular member of the Evensong congregation as well as attending the Eucharist faithfully. Her favourite composers for the organ were Bach, Vierne and Widor; she also liked Stanford’s organ and choral music. One of her

last trips abroad with a friend in 2004 was to Paris, when she visited some of the churches that are home to famous French Romantic organs. Eileen gradually became housebound, but neighbours and Minster friends supported her with company and shopping, and she also remained in touch with a friend from First School days, a friendship that lasted 90 years. She moved to a Ferndown nursing home 3 years ago. Eileen is to be buried in Wimborne Cemetery, near her parents.

Born in Derbyshire and trained as a book-keeper and accountant, Jenny married Ken in 1958; the family moved around the country, arriving in Wimborne in 1978 when Ken became MD of Flight Refuelling. Jenny was deeply involved in the community, volunteering for Cards for Good Causes for almost 25 years, as well as for Dial-a- Ride and Dreamboats; she was an avid and expert gardener, opening her garden at ‘Lewens’ for

charity, especially for Wimborne in Bloom. She ran two businesses in the town, and was a very active member of the Minster for many years. Ken died in 1998. When Jenny moved from ‘Lewens’, the family home, she also returned to her Methodist roots, becoming active in Holtwood Methodist Church. She was a generous, kind and caring person who offered so much to others and will be sadly missed.

A tribute to John Adams will appear in the April magazine 17

March Crossword

March Crossword set by Bruce Jensen

March Crossword set by Bruce Jensen

set by Bruce Jensen

Crossword solution from Februa

Crossword solution from February

Answers to February’s crossword 18


BOOK REVIEW At the Foot of the Cross

with Julian of Norwich, by Emma Pennington

(2020, BRF, ISBNReview: 978- 0857465191) Book At the Foot of the Cross with Julian of Norwich, by Emma Pennington (2020, BRF, ISBN 978is canon missioner at the words of the thief, 0857465191) Canterbury Cathedral. Jesus’ death. Pennington holds a doctorate Poxford JulianEmma of Norwich, Each chapter from concludes 2020, BRF Universitywhens on Julian of Norwich. At meditations. present, she is canon an anchoress, with some missioner at Canterbury Cathedral. 0857465191 eriously ill in 1373 has This book is very Julian of Norwich, an anchoress, whens eriously ill in a series of revelatory readable and, at the 1373 has a series experiences which she experiences which she of revelatory same time, challenging. as RevelationsItsofauthor Divine succeeds Love . Emma wrotewrote up asupRevelations in of Divine Love . Emma enabling us to engage Pennington starts her book by placing Julian in the her with Julian, helping us to centres context of herPennington fourteenth starts century background. Each chapter then book byofplacing pray withCross: her and on different aspects Julian‟sJulian revelations of the thethus crown of in the contextthe of blood, her fulfilling reason thorns, the face of Jesus, Jesus‟ thirst,Julian’s the words of the thief, century for some writing: pointing Jesus‟ death.fourteenth Each chapter concludes with meditations. background. us to God. Thoroughly This book is very readable Each and, at the same time, challenging. Its author chapter then centres recommended succeeds in enabling us to engage with Julian, helping usastoan pray with her on different aspectsfor ofwriting: enjoyable thoughtand thus fulfilling Julian‟s reason pointingand us to God. Emma Pennington holds Julian’s revelations of provoking read. Thoroughly recommended as an enjoyable and thought-provoking read. a doctorate from Poxford the Cross: the crown of - Beryl Balin University on Julian of thorns, the face of Jesus, Beryl Balinas Norwich. At present, she the blood, Jesus’ thirst,

Book Review: At the Foot of the Cross w

Norwich, by Emma Pennington ( ) Emma Pennington holds a doctorate from University on Julian of Norwich. At presen missioner at Canterbury Cathedral. Julian of Norwich, an anchoress, whens er 1373 has a series of revelatory experience wrote up as Revelations of Divine Love . E Pennington starts her book by placing Juli context of her fourteenth century background. Each chapte on different aspects of Julian‟s revelations of the Cross: the thorns, theHave face Jesus, the orblood, Jesus‟ book thirst, the– new word youof read an interesting thought-provoking recently or old? would love to hear from more book different reviewers! Have you read an We interesting or thought-provoking recently – new or old? Jesus‟ death. Each chapter concludes with some meditatio We would love to hear from moreThe different reviewers! Editors Theand, Editorsat the same time, challengin This book is very readable Looking for a with reading group?helping us to succeeds in enabling us to engage Julian, Looking for areason reading group? Once a month, the Church Times newspaper has apointing page for reading groups and thus fulfilling Julian‟s for writing: us to G an article about a chosen book, and its author, is followed by some discussi Once a month, the current choice. Della Owens’ Where Thoroughlyquestions. recommended enjoyable and thought-prov The books areas not an usually specifically „religious‟, but are always Church Times newspaper the Crawdads Sing, and If you would like to be thought-provoking. Most, but not all, are fiction, and some are classics

has a page for reading part of book group The Well, by Catherine revisited. examples recentare choices are Matt Haig‟s The Humans, groups: an article about Some meeting once a month Chanter. Past of articles Della Owens‟allWhere the Crawdads and The Well, bybooks, Catherine a chosen book, and discuss these still available online,Sing, to Chanter. Past are availableplease online,contact so it‟s easy to go back an its author, is followed Rosalind soarticles it’s easy toall gostill back select a bookand other thanathe Church current by some discussion Jensen at:choice. select book otherTimes‟ questions. The books Times’ If you are would than like tothe beChurch part of book group rjensen@btinternet.com meeting once a month to .discuss not usually specifically these books, please contact Rosalind Jensen at rjensen@btinternet.com . ‘religious’, but are always thought-provoking. Most, but not all, are fiction, and some are classics revisited. Some examples of recent choices are Matt Haig’s The Humans,

Have you read an interesting or thought-provoking book rece old? We would love to hear from more different reviewers! The Editors

Looking for a reading group?

19 Once a month, the Church 19 Times newspaper has a page for an article about a chosen book, and its author, is followed by

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