Shady Abou AL- Hassan Portfolio
IAm a Graphic Designer from Lebanon, I worked for many clients inside and outside Lebanon. I studied Graphic Design and I work as a media relations.
This Portfolio contains my work and projects I have done till today.
Logos Corporate Posters Visual Prints Drawings & Paintings Characters Packaging Calligraphy Photography
5-7 9-10 12-14 16-19 21-22 24-25 27-28 29-30 32-34
Sosumi logo Client: Japanese restaurant
Main logo
Black Printings and stamps
Black Printings and stamps
Gray scale
Gray scale
Inverse, negative use (black background)
Inverse, negative use (black background) Main logo
Salataste logo Client: Lebanese restaurant
Petopia logo Client: Flower shop
Black Printings and stamps
Black Printings and stamps
Gray scale
Gray scale
Inverse, negative use (black background)
Inverse, negative use (black background)
Frost bite logo Client: Cupcake shop
Vitamin waw logo Client: Concept
Nabed el liqaa logo Client: Nabed el liqaa, Lebanese Magazine Canada
Business card
Vitamin waw corporate identity Client: Concept
Business card Continuous Sheet
Letterhead Frost bite corporate identity Client: Cupcake shop
of the
A drop of water may seem worthless yet it may prevent hundreds of tear drops
of the
A drop of water may seem worthless yet it may prevent hundreds of tear drops
of the
A drop of water may seem worthless yet it may prevent hundreds of tear drops
Poster, The eye of the witness Client: Amnesty International
Poster & Billboard, lebanese army Client: Lebanese army
Billboard 14x4
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Poster, Awarness campaign Client: Yasa
Visual Prints
Traditional Illustration techniques include watercolor, pen and ink There are no formal qualifications needed to become an illustrator. However, many established illustrators attended an art school or college of some sort and were trained in different painting and drawing techniques. Universities and art schools offer specific courses in illustration (for example in the UK, a BA (Hons) Degree) so this has become a new avenue into the profession. Many illustrators are freelance, commissioned by publishers (of newspapers, books or magazines) or advertising agencies. Most of the scientific illustrations and technical illustrations are also known as information graphics. Among the information graphics specialists are medical illustrators who illustrate human anatomy, often requiring many years of artistic training. A particularly popular medium with illustrators of the 1950s and 1960s was casein, as was egg tempera. The immediacy and durability of these media suited illustration's demands well. The artwork in both types of paint withstood the rigors of travel to clients and printers without damage.
Ke art eping im ist Ba his id a on ges nksy enti e his of h stenc has ty a cl “Pa is m ille ma de osely d les a g ti ost aro Ba nian impre und nam uard wh on nksy Job”. ssiv the s e for ed se dam ich I a e w tre him cre h the n art perso Isra -425 as m t, s ork ets s in of L elf w the g say barr istic nally con el fr mile anag my ond ith p raffit into s the ier are and find side om th -long ed to re hu on. H rovo i lib b pri the wall ma era rave d ill e Pa Wes pain mb son w le owev cativ orl “ess de ex ting. , cou egal lestin t Ban t gra opin er e . d’s b ff ra k B e p ion larg ntially licit anks geo y the ian te barr iti bit is u in ie y rr U s est s ’s r, n it tu ope rns a sta feelin and ju ited orie sep and p Na s, w ara ie Pale tem n s g sti ent s ab t so tions hich ting ces ne wh out , is ich
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which I personally find brave, courageous and just so damn artistic and liberating. Banksy’s feelings about the barrier are made explicit in a statement which says that the wall essentially turns Palestine into the world’s largest prison.
Magazine, Banksy illustration Client: How Magazine
Storyboard, illustration Client: Children story
Japanese Culture, Book Cover Client: Concept
Brochure, House of circus Client: Concept, Piacere E Dolore
Drawings Paintings &
Drawings Midea: Charcol, Pencil, Ink
Paintings Midea: Acrylic
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Character from lines Client: Concept, Tafaha
Maskini Family Lebanese Characters
Coffee bean package
Package Client: Horse head tea
Oat Package Client: Naturalia
Clothes Package Client: Concept, Moustache
Widy Toy Package Client: Concept, Keel toy
Calligraphy Ziad Rahbani ()أنا مش كافر Client: Concept
Calligraphy Ziad Rahbani ()عاييش وحدا بالك Client: Concept