1 minute read

We Teachers!

When Sia Sanneh ‘94 learned of Shady Hill’s Valentines for Teachers campaign this past February, she knew just who she wanted to honor: Lois Hetland, her “Mixed Groups” teacher from nearly forty years ago. Sia composed this Valentine message:


Ms. Hetland, I was in your mixed group 1st and 2nd grade class, and I am so grateful for your wonderful teaching, even all these many years later! I hope you are well.

Sia accompanied her message with a gift to the Shady Hill Fund, dedicated to Lois.

The School hand-delivered Sia’s Valentine to Lois, who taught at Shady Hill for 11 years, from 1983-1994, and is now a professor in Mass College of Art’s art education program.

Lois looked through photos of the Class of ‘94 and spotted one right away that captured the two of them together.

In all, the Valentines for Teachers campaign generated 280 Valentines cards for faculty, staff, and administrators.

Over 150 of the Valentines were accompanied by a Shady Hill Fund gift in honor of the educator, raising thousands of dollars for Shady Hill’s mission-driven operations.

This year’s Valentine’s Day campaign may be over, but it’s not too late to make your gift to the Shady Hill Fund, and you can always dedicate it to a special someone – employee or otherwise – who has made a lasting impact on you.

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