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Absence: A student is considered absent if they miss more than 15 minutes of a given class. Excused Absences: Including, but not limited to, illness or injury to the student or family member that requires the student to remain at home, attending a funeral, Kennedy Catholic activities, medical/dental appointments, or other parent/guardian excused absences. Students are required to complete a pre-arranged absence form and obtain applicable signatures for any absence planned/arranged in advance. Skipping/Truancy: Skipping is missing one class without excuse and results in one Disciplinary Work Crew. Tardiness: A student is considered tardy if they are up to 15 minutes late for class. After the first 15 minutes, the student is considered absent. Tardiness is disruptive to the learning environment and demonstrates negligence. As such, students may be assigned detention for any tardy. This will be followed by applicable progressive discipline for future offenses. Truancy is missing two or more classes in the same day without excuse and results in one Disciplinary Work Crew.
All absences from school are unexcused unless the parent/guardian calls in on the day of the absence and/or supplies a note upon the student’s return. A student who is absent due to illness for three (3) or more consecutive days needs a doctor’s note. School activities (drama, athletics, retreats, etc.) and field trips are not counted as an absence, but missing class may influence a student’s grade. All work missed may be made up, as per Teacher timeline. Students will not be penalized for work missed while participating in school activities. Family vacations should coincide with school holidays. Please consult the school calendar before making any/all medical appointments.
Attendance at school assemblies and Masses is mandatory. Absences from assemblies and Masses will be treated as absences from class. Students who participate in any extracurricular activities are required to be in full attendance during the day of any activity/ contest. Any absences from class (even if an excused absence) will prevent participation unless previously cleared by the Director of Athletics or activity supervisor. Students who participate in any extracurricular activities on school nights are expected to be in school for first period the following day. Chronic violation may result in loss of eligibility. Kennedy Catholic maintains accurate attendance records to comply with Washington State Law.
Excuse an Absence: Parent/guardian must contact the Campus Life Office at 206.246.3787 or attend@kennedyhs.org before 9am, the day of the absence. When contacting the Campus Life Office, please provide your student’s name, year in school, and reason for absence. Students who are absent without a phone call or email will be considered truant. Early Dismissal: Granted when authorized by a phone call or email from a parent/guardian on or before the day of the early dismissal. The student will pick up a special early dismissal pass before class, to show the Teacher when they leave. Injuries: All injuries affecting attendance or participation in class must be reported immediately to the Campus Life Office. If an injury happens during the school day or in a school-sponsored sport or activity, the supervising staff member is responsible for communicating directly to the parent as well as the Campus Life Office. If an injury is responsible for missed class time or prevents full participation in class (i.e., a concussion), the student and/or parents must provide the school with a note from a physician or the school’s Athletic Trainer if special accommodations are required. The Campus Life Office will then notify student’s counselors who will then communicate with Teachers in order to monitor student safety and provide necessary accommodations. Pre-Arranged Absences: For all pre-arranged (full day) absences a Pre-Arranged Absence form must be completed, signed and submitted to the Campus Life Office prior to the absence. Parent Contact: Should a student need to leave school early parents must be contacted. Students leaving without prior permission will be considered skipping or truant depending on the number of periods missed.