Course Catalog 2022-23

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T H 105 | G R A D E 9 | F U L L Y E A R

Prerequisites: None The first semester of this required course is designed to give students a general knowledge of, and appreciation for, Sacred Scripture, its authorship, and its value as a record of salvation history. Students will become familiar with the major sections of the Bible and the books included in each section. In studying the Gospels, students will encounter the Living Word of God. During second semester, students will further examine the mystery of Jesus Christ as the ultimate revelation of God, the second Person of the Blessed Trinity. In preparation for the ISLE (Integrated Service-Learning Experience), freshmen will complete 10 hours of service. THEOLOGY 10: PASCHAL MYSTERY AND MORAL THEOLOGY

T H 2 05 | G R A D E 10 | F U L L Y E A R

Prerequisites: Theology 9 Focusing on the central mystery of Jesus’ life—his passion, death, and resurrection—students will understand that to be a follower of Jesus is to embrace Jesus Christ our Savior as the model and guide for living a moral life. Students will learn a Catholic Christian ethical decision-making process and apply that process to moral and ethical issues faced by young adults in today’s society. In preparation for the ISLE (Integrated Service-Learning Experience), sophomore students will complete 10 hours of service. In order to receive credit for this course, students will submit their ISLE commitment contract by the end of sophomore year and will complete their 30 hours of service learning by the end of the second semester junior year. THEOLOGY 11: ECCLESIOLOGY AND SACRAMENTS

T H 3 05 | G R A D E 11 | F U L L Y E A R

Prerequisites: Theology 10 First semester provides a means for understanding the interrelationship of the various components of the Catholic Church. While acknowledging the importance of the historical perspective, this course emphasizes the living Church. The course is constructed around those themes that represent Church practice and belief such as the Church as the People of God, the Church as Servant, and the Church as Sacrament. Second semester focuses on how Jesus remains present to the Church and the world today. It expresses concrete ways for understanding the sacraments, participating in their rites, and benefiting from their grace. To receive credit for this course, students will submit their ISLE commitment contract by the end of sophomore year, and will complete their 30 hours of service learning by the end of the second semester junior year. THEOLOGY 12: CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING

T H 405 | G R A D E 12 | S E M E S T E R

Prerequisites: Theology 11 Catholic Social Teaching examines the seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching and specific social issues related to these teachings such as poverty, hunger, war, capital punishment, human life, and the environment. THEOLOGY 12: CHRISTIAN LIFESTYLES

T H 410 | G R A D E 12 | S E M E S T E R

Prerequisites: Theology 11 Christian Lifestyles examines skills and virtues which encourage growth in one’s relationships— with one’s self, family, friends, the broader community, and God. The course focuses on practical intelligence in these areas: the self, relationships, communication skills, sexuality, careers, budgeting and finance, marriage, and parenting. THEOLOGY 12: COMMUNITY SERVICE

T H 415 | G R A D E 12 | S E M E S T E R

Prerequisites: Theology 11 Community Service acquaints students with the social needs of the Seattle community and extends Catholic education beyond the classroom. Students will participate in engagement, reflection, and integration of the seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching.

College Credit Available New Course for 2022-2023

Career & Technical Education NCAA Approved Course

C O U R S E C ATA L O G | 3 0

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