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International Education
ST AMERICAN GOVERNMENT* | SS1240 | GRADE 12 | SEMESTER This course includes units on the structure and functions of the Federal Government in relation to local issues. It also includes a comprehensive study of the US Constitution. Additionally, the effects of media and technology on the political landscape are explored extensively. Students will complete and practice their senior project presentation.
ST CURRENT ISSUES* | SS1241 | GRADE 12 | SEMESTER This course explores the political, social, economic, and foreign policy issues of the day though the use of a variety of media. These issues are interpreted, analyzed, and evaluated in the context of the Christian mission of Kennedy Catholic.
ST LIFE SKILLS | MI1211 | GRADE 12 | SEMESTER Students will know and understand the basics of independent living. Units on finance, food, shelter, self-care and others will ready those who complete this course for being self-sufficient.
ST PROFESSIONAL SKILLS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY | MI1212 | GRADE 12 | SEMESTER This course maps out the professional skills needed to survive and thrive in a complex and connected world. Graduates will know and understand the basics from units on communication, collaboration, creativity, and innovation. This course will also include time with professionals from the Kennedy Catholic community.
INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION The Office of International Education (IE) supports students from around the world. International students have a chance to be admitted to the school in August and in January.
Elite Placement (CEFR C1 & C2) TOEFL 80 and above/equivalent
Direct Academic Placement (CEFR B2)
TOEFL 70 and above/equivalent
Mainstream courses as well as the challenging courses in the Honors program. Summer College Credit Courses: Allowed
Mainstream courses. Summer College Credit courses: Allowed
ESL* Placement (CEFR B1)
Below TOEFL 70/equivalent *English as a Second Language ESL courses as well as selected mainstream courses
INTEGRATED ENGLISH | LA1007 | GRADES 9-10 | SEMESTER + FULL YEAR Prerequisites: International students who are placed in level III (ESL placement, below CEFR B2) In this course, International students will receive necessary support with English grammar, reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students will also study aspects of the writing process from research and analysis to note taking, interviewing, organizing, writing, peer editing, and rewriting. Students will learn to produce clear, thoughtful, effective essays and articles on current issues along with various types of reviews.
INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLIC THEOLOGY | RE1000 | GRADES 9-11 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: Students new to Kennedy Catholic High School, instructor approval An introductory theology course for students in their first year at Kennedy Catholic High School who are new to Christianity and Catholic teaching. Students will examine the ways in which Catholic theology is rooted in and informs Catholic practice. The course will provide an overview of all major theological areas including scriptural, historical, philosophical, liturgical and moral theology.
INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION SUPPORT | MI1001 | GRADES 9-12 | SEMESTER + FULL YEAR Prerequisites: International students only, IE office approval This course provides International students the opportunity to work on homework, papers, or projects in a positive and monitored study environment while receiving support from the International Education Office. Attendance will be taken. A C/NC grade will be assigned.
Kennedy Catholic High School 140 S. 140th St. Burien, WA 98168