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World Languages
WORLD LANG WORLD LANGUAGES Students taking a World Language will obtain a high degree of oral/expressive, written, and reading/receptive proficiency at the conclusion of study. All offered languages are modern languages, with the exception of Latin. Along with the study of language, students will also be exposed to the history, geography, and culture of language studied. Most colleges and universities require a minimum of 2 years of the same language studied, with preference given to 3 years of study.
American Sign Language (ASL) is a dynamic, visual language that requires practice in order to develop muscle memory and visual acuity. Students will be signing with each other, with very little talking during class. This is a fast-paced, active class that requires active participation, regular attendance, and practice outside of class.
AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE I * | WL0906 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: None This course introduces students to ASL vocabulary, grammar, communication norms, and Deaf culture and history. Students will develop receptive and expressive ASL skills, cross-cultural sensitivity and competence through varied class activities and community interactions. ASL is a dynamic, visual language that requires practice in order to develop muscle memory and visual acuity.
AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE II* | WL1006 | GRADES 10-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: 2.3 GPA average in ASL I, or permission of instructor. ASL II is the second year of American Sign Language, focusing on a broader vocabulary, more complex grammar, and communication norms. There is also a large focus on the Deaf-Blind community, Deaf culture, and its relationship to the history of American Sign Language. Students will continue to develop and strengthen their receptive and expressive ASL skills and cross-cultural sensitivity/competence through varied classroom activities, experiences and interactions.
HONORS AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE III* | WL1106 | GRADES 11-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: 2.3 GPA average in ASL II, or permission of instructor. Honors ASL III is a continuation of the introductory and intermediate ASL courses. Students deepen and strengthen their receptive, expressive and extemporaneous conversational ASL skills, while developing greater cross-cultural sensitivity and competence through varied class and community activities and interactions.
CHINESE/MANDARIN I* | WL0908 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: None The beginning, first year course will focus on learning the phonetic system, writing simplified Chinese characters, as well as using Mandarin to conduct simple conversations. There will also be opportunities to explore the Chinese culture.
CHINESE/MANDARIN II* | WL1008 | GRADES 10-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisite: C in Chinese/Mandarin I Mandarin II continues to develop the language holistically found in daily communication and cultural development. This content will include how East interacts with West (reflected in language) in modern times. Mandarin II embodies content, critical thinking, and multiple perspectives in increasing sophisticated grammar, and vocabulary.
HONORS CHINESE/MANDARIN III* | WL1108 | GRADES 11-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisite: C in Chinese/Mandarin II Mandarin III builds on Mandarin I and Mandarin II mastery in integrated listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It challenges advanced students with more complex language features embodying graphophonics (particularly accents), syntax, and semantics. Mandarin III also address issues surrounding China-world relations.
CHINESE/MANDARIN IV* | WL1208 | GRADES 11-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: C in Honors Chinese/Mandarin III Mandarin IV is an advanced class that challenges advanced students with listening, speaking, reading and writing. This course builds on Mandarin III mastery in vocabulary, grammar and the four essential language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
FRENCH I* | WL0903 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: None This course covers the beginnings of French language and francophone cultures. Notebook maintenance by student is required.
FRENCH II* | WL1003 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: C or higher in French I This course is a continuation of French language and francophone cultures. Notebook maintenance by student is required.
HONORS FRENCH III* | WL1103 | GRADES 10-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: C or higher in French II This honors course covers more advanced topics of French language and francophone cultures while building on conversational skills with an introduction to French literature. Notebook maintenance by student is required.
HONORS FRENCH IV* UW FR125, 5 credits | WL125 | GRADES 11-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: C or higher in Honors French III This college-level course covers advanced French language with an emphasis on verbal and written communicative skills with an introduction to French literature. Notebook maintenance by student is required.
LATIN I* | WL0904 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: None Latin I introduces students to Latin vocabulary, declensions, conjugations, mythology, and Roman customs.
LATIN II* | WL1004 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: C or higher in Latin I Continuing elements of Latin I, the students read and analyze more difficult Latin texts.
HONORS LATIN III* | WL1104 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: C or higher in Latin II Students review/update skills acquired in Latin I and II, and read/analyze selections from Roman authors Caesar, Cicero, Ovid, and Vergil.
HONORS LATIN III* UW LT103, 5 credits | WL1112 | GRADES 10-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: C or higher in Latin II This college-level course covers advanced-level Latin grammar using the UW Latin 103 syllabus, and Classical civilization.
HONORS LATIN IV VERGIL* | WL1220 | GRADES 10-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisite: Permission of instructor Students review/update skills and read/analyze selections from Vergil’s Aeneid. A college may award a score of 3 or higher on the AP exam in the spring with anywhere from 3 to 5 college credits.
HONORS LATIN V* | WL1222 | GRADES 10-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. This honors course continues the study of advanced-level Latin language, writing, composition, civilization, and literature, including Cicero’s Cataline, Pro Archia, and others.
The following Spanish courses include a high degree of grammar, increasing incrementally per level, and include studies in history and culture. Spanish conversation and comprehension is practiced daily; however, these Spanish courses are not based on conversation and comprehension alone. Please note: If a student, through their family life has had exposure to Spanish, they must register for Heritage Spanish or another World Language (ASL, Mandarin, French, Latin) as a language elective.
SPANISH I* | WL901 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: None This course covers beginning Spanish grammar and Hispanic culture. Spanish readings emphasize grammar and culture. Notebook maintenance by student is required.
SPANISH II* | WL1001 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: C or higher in Spanish I This course covers intermediate Spanish grammar and Hispanic culture. Spanish readings emphasize grammar and culture. Notebook maintenance by student is required.
HONORS SPANISH III* | WL1100 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: C or higher in Spanish II This course covers advanced-level Spanish grammar, geography and culture of Mexico, and introduction to Hispanic literature. Notebook maintenance by student is required.
HONORS SPANISH IV* UW 103, 5 credits | WL123 | GRADES 10-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: C or higher in Spanish III This college-level course covers advanced-level Spanish using the UW Spanish 103 syllabus, history of Spain (from the period of its first inhabitants to present day), and introduction to Hispanic literature. Notebook maintenance by student is required.
HONORS SPANISH V* | WL133 | GRADES 10-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: C or higher in Spanish IV In this course, the focus is reading and comprehension of Hispanic literature. We also continue the study of advancedlevel Spanish grammar, conversation, writing, and composition. Spanish V students may assist as teachers’ assistants to the Spanish department. This class is also aligned with Heritage Spanish III.
HERITAGE SPANISH I* | WL0912 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: Students must already speak and understand Spanish; permission of instructor required. This course is designed to build upon the language base that students of Spanish heritage have acquired outside the educational system. This course assists students in attaining greater literacy, grammar, writing and comprehension skills in the Spanish language. Additionally, this course includes cultural awareness of the Hispanic world and is entirely taught in Spanish.