Academic Courses JO
F. K E N
K E N N E DY C AT H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L 2 0 2 1
SUMMER 20 21
It is the mission of Kennedy Catholic to graduate leaders following Christ in a school community that is accessible, diverse, and committed to pursuing the fullest potential of every student. During summer 2021, Kennedy Catholic High School is offering summer academic enrichment programs. Both advancement and retrieval credit for select courses will be available. The majority of courses will be offered in-person, on our campus, with strict COVID-19 protocols being followed. Students are permitted to enroll in two semester-long courses or one year-long course during the summer, for a total of 1.0 credit. The exception to this is Physical Education, which will be offered online only. Students may participate in Physical Education while enrolled in one other summer school course.
HOW TO REGISTER Visit which will take you to the payment form • Register for all summer courses at once to avoid paying multiple registration fees • Students taking classes for enrichment/advancement must meet the prerequisites before enrolling in the course, and are encouraged to advise with their school counselor (all prerequisites will be upheld) Students are allowed one class per summer semester, unless taking online Physical Education or Marching Band, which may be completed in conjunction with one other summer school course. •
SESSIONS Summer school courses are offered in three week sessions (one semester) or six week sessions (two semesters) with the exception of Marching Band: First session: June 21 - July 9, 2021 Second session: July 12 - July 30, 2021 • Special session (Band only): July 6 - August 12, 2021 • •
CREDITS One semester: 0.5 credit – 63 classroom hours • One full year: 1.0 credit – 126 classroom hours •
SCHEDULE All courses meet Monday through Thursday (excluding the week of July 5, which will meet Tuesday through Friday). Monday–Thursday: 9am – 1:30pm 9-11am | Class (120 minutes) 11-11:30am | Lunch break 11:30am - 1:30pm | Class (120 minutes) • Friday: 9am -12pm | Asynchronous instruction, individual student support •
GRADES Canvas will be utilized for all course information and grading. Grades will be updated every Friday by 2pm during each session. Students and parents are asked to check academic progress frequently and discuss concerns directly with teachers as soon as possible. Students may withdraw the first week with a “W” on the transcript. After one week, the students earned grade will be reflected on their transcript.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE We do not provide financial aid for summer school tuition. However, you may submit installment payments. To arrange a payment plan for the summer session(s), please contact the Kennedy Catholic Business Office at or at 206.957.9704.
SUMMER SCHOOL CREDIT THROUGH ALTERNATE LEARNING INSTITUTION COST $75 registration fee for each course (non-refundable) $600 per semester course • $1,200 per one-year course A full refund is available if canceled by May 24, 2021. (Registration fee is non-refundable) • •
REGISTRATION DATES April 19, 2021: Registration opens • May 19, 2021: Registration closes • May 24, 2021: Last day to withdraw from courses with full refund ($75 registration fee is non-refundable) A minimum of eight students must be enrolled for a class to run. There will be no alternate/make-up final exams. •
For courses not offered through Kennedy Catholic’s summer program, students may access the following resources for course offerings: • Catholic Virtual • Red Comet • Keystone School • The Internet Academy All courses must be pre-approved through the Academic Office. Questions? Email summeracademicprograms@ or contact your student’s counselor. LAST NAME
Nancy Montstream
Diana Soto
Alvin Lui
John Wright 3
CO M P L E T E CO U R S E L I S T Course
Advancement (A) / Credit Retrieval (CR)
Semester (S) / Full Year (FY)
Physical Education
A or CR
S or FY
English I, II, or III
S or FY
A or CR
S or FY
Algebra I
A or CR
S or FY
Ecclesiology & Sacraments
U.S. History
A or CR
S or FY
Spanish I
S or FY
Marching Band & Color Guard
S U M M E R 2021 CO U R S E S
PHYSICAL EDUCATION | O N L I N E | A D VA N C E M E N T O R C R E D I T R E T R I E VA L | S E M E S T E R Prerequisites: None The online Physical Education course can be taken as one semester (three weeks – 0.5 credit) or two semesters (six weeks – 1.0 credit). This course requires students to submit daily and weekly exercise logs. Course work for this class includes a health component with worksheets, quizzes, and online assignments. Students are strongly encouraged to commit to a timeline as not to fall behind. There is no final for this course. PE may be taken in conjunction with another summer school course. HEALTH | O N L I N E | A D VA N C E M E N T | S E M E S T E R Prerequisites: None The purpose of health education is to develop health-literate students who acquire the knowledge and possess the skills needed to engage in meaningful and health-enhancing lifetime behaviors. Content covered aligns with the six core ideas outlined in the state of Washington’s Health Education Standards: Wellness, Safety, Nutrition, Sexual Health, Social/ Emotional Health, and Substance Use and Abuse. ENGLISH I, II, OR III | I N - P E R S O N | C R E D I T R E T R I E VA L | S E M E S T E R + F U L L Y E A R Prerequisites: None A study of grammar, vocabulary, writing, research, and literature. Heavy emphasis will be placed on composition and reading analysis. Students will strengthen their writing skills through practicing the formal writing process. GEOMETRY | I N - P E R S O N | A D VA N C E M E N T O R C R E D I T R E T R I E VA L | S E M E S T E R + F U L L Y E A R Prerequisites: Algebra I This course is a condensed, content rich course that focuses on Euclidean Geometry and requires use of algebraic skills. By the end of the course, students are able to identify and define geometric terms, identify and apply geometric properties; use inductive and deductive reasoning to construct proofs; determine perimeter, area, surface area, and volume of polygons, circles, or 3 dimensional figures; use the Pythagorean Theorem and basic trigonometric ratios to calculate measures in right triangles; and perform transformations of polygons on a coordinate plane. ALGEBRA I | I N - P E R S O N | C R E D I T R E T R I E VA L | S E M E S T E R + F U L L Y E A R Prerequisites: None This course includes a review of Pre-Algebra topics. By the end of this course, students will be able to use properties of equality; apply order of operations to simplify and evaluate expressions, including those with radicals or exponents; solve and graph linear equations, inequalities, and systems of linear equations; factor, graph, and solve quadratic functions; simplify and solve radical and rational expressions and equations; and analyze and evaluate data using basic statistical measures. ECCLESIOLOGY & SACRAMENTS | O N L I N E | A D VA N C E M E N T | F U L L Y E A R Prerequisites: None Students will foster an understanding of the interrelationship of the various components of the Catholic Church. While acknowledging the importance of the historical perspective, this course emphasizes the living Church. The course is constructed around those themes that represent Church practice and belief such as the Church as the People of God, the Church as Servant, and the Church as Sacrament. Students will study how Jesus remains present to the Church and the world today. The curriculum expresses concrete ways for understanding the sacraments, participating in their rites, and benefiting from their grace.
U.S. HISTORY | O N L I N E | A D VA N C E M E N T | F U L L Y E A R Prerequisites: None The United States History course is designed to emphasize the basic structure and functions of the United States. Within this goal, students will study the key sequential cause and effect relationships that have shaped our nation’s history. In addition, the origins of American philosophy and citizenship will be highlighted as well as the broad range of societal developments stemming from the richness and complexity of American pluralistic society. BIOLOGY | I N - P E R S O N | A D VA N C E M E N T O R C R E D I T R E T R I E VA L | S E M E S T E R + F U L L Y E A R Prerequisites: Integrated Science course Biology is a laboratory-oriented and algebra-based course that covers the study of life. Topics include: the nature of science, the chemistry of life, cell structure and function, cell reproduction, DNA structure and protein synthesis, genetics, photosynthesis and cellular respiration, ecology, and the evolution of life in its many forms. Students are expected to become proficient in the use of laboratory equipment and the procedures and use of methods of science to solve problems. SPANISH I | I N - P E R S O N | C R E D I T R E T R I E VA L | S E M E S T E R Prerequisites: Previous Spanish I enrollment This retrieval level course is geared toward students who received a D or F in one or both semesters of Spanish I. The course will reinforce necessary foundational skills to be more successful moving forward in Kennedy Catholic’s World Language Spanish sequence. The course covers beginning Spanish grammar and Hispanic culture, and will provide a solid foundation moving forward to Spanish II.
SUMMER FINE ARTS SUMMER MARCHING BAND & COLOR GUARD | I N - P E R S O N | A D VA N C E M E N T | S E M E S T E R Summer Marching Band & Color Guard are a fun, and active way for band and color guard students, including incoming freshmen, to connect with Kennedy Catholic and the Lancer Band family! Students will have the opportunity to perform in parades throughout the Western Washington region including the Burien 4th of July Parade, the Kent Cornucopia Days Parade, the West Seattle Parade, the Chinatown Parade, the Summer Band Jams Event, and the Seafair Torchlight Parade Please note due to COVID-19 restrictions, some parades may be canceled or modified. We will only participate in parades if it is safe and restriction guidelines and protocols are followed. Summer Marching Band This course will emphasize traditional marching music, physical fitness, and parade marching. Students will also work on music and movements for field-style, show marching. For all Summer Marching Band questions, email Daniel Ruiter at Summer Color Guard This program, held in conjunction with Summer Marching Band, is open to both female and male students. Summer Color Guard will emphasize how to spin tall flags, rifles, sabers, and train in ballet, contemporary, jazz, and modern dance techniques. Registration fees will include shirts, shorts, and hair bows for girls. For Summer Color Guard questions, email Andrea Filer at Schedule: • Summer Marching Band will run from July 6 – August 12, 2021 • Tuesday-Thursday from 6-9pm Registration Dates and Fees: • April 19 - June 28: $600 for registration to earn 0.5 Physical Education credit. Scholarships for Summer Marching Band & Color Guard up to $150 are available through BSHARP (contact Mr. Ruiter if interested). For students interested in participating in Summer Marching Band & Color Guard who are not seeking credit, please refer to the Summer Programs Fine Arts catalog.
F. K E N
Kennedy Catholic High School 140 S. 140th St. Burien, WA 98168 U P D AT E D 041921 I N F O R M AT I O N S U B J E C T TO C H A N G E