sh ail Josh i D e s i g n & P l a n n i n g Po r t f o l i o 2010-2017
Por tfolio Nar r ative 1.0:
Architecture and Tradition 1.1:
Globalization and Indigenous occupations A case of Handloom weavers in Madurai, India
(Dis)placed- (Re)placed
Low cost Housing for Riot Victims, Kandhla, India 7-10 2.0:
Architecture and Ecology 2.1:
The Land of Urban Wilderness Restructuring Mahim Nature Park, Mumbai,India
Eclectic Aqueous Peripheries
Fishing Harbour Reconstruction, Calicut, India 14-18
A compilation of diverse stories about urbanization processes, the narrative of this por tfolio transitions from urbanism being
Architecture and Urbanism 3.1:
State of Housing Qualitative v.s. Quantitative assessment, Chennai, India
a facilitator of cultural and traditional growth of indigenous
occupations and demographics in India, to urbanism being a negotiator between humans and nature and finally, urbanism
The Commons Middle income group mass housing, Chennai, India
being the agent responsible for catalysing positive change in the
infrastr uctural and housing sectors of urban landscape. 3.3:
The Toilet Project Public toilet planning, Mumbai, India 25-27
P.S. 1) All drawings, images and texts in this por tfolio have been produced by the author. 2) For group and professional projects, only the drawings, images that were produced by the author have been displaced. If other wise, credits have been mentioned.
Project type: Academic Organisation: Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute for Architecture Year: 2014-2015 Project Type: Architectural Thesis Project Location: Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
“Weaving delivers the poor from the bonds of the rich and creates a moral and spiritual bond between the classes and the masses. It restores to the poor somewhat of what the rich have taken from them.� -Mahatma Gandhi
1.1: Globalization and Indigenous occupations Housing Master plan for Handloom Weavers Investigations into the effects of Globalization and myopic government policies on the housing and work infrastr ucture of Handloom weavers in Madurai, India, were dealt through this architectural thesis. The thesis proposed to revive this dying ar t form by developing planning processes and techniques that would weave the new restr ucturing of this handloom
development, thus integrating the community back within the urban fabric and enabling a self sustaining future for the handicraf t and traditional occupations.
Production, Distribution and Retail of Handloom cloth
The research intent of this drawing is to understand the mode of transports involved in the complete supply chain of handloom cloth i.e. From procuring cotton from farmers to the final product displayed in shops. Each mode of transport helps to inform the planning of the Housing scheme. The Hand woven cloth passes through a chain of production stages before it reaches the wardrobes of the customers. Each stage demands specific spatial conditions either in terms of the floor area or in terms of the lighting conditions. However, due to partial implementation of planning policies, the infrastructure proves to be non-conducive for the occupation.
Exisiting Site Condition: Section
Masterplan Strategy Diagram
Institutional landmarks
Cluster Design in existing plots
Restructured roads within the existing network
Site Context
The Masterplan aimed to establish three
but also the city; thus bridging the gap between
strategies :1) Allowing housing to grow
the city dwellers and the neglected handloom
incrementally and without any supervision
community. 3) Providing conducive housing
by an architect or a planner. 2) To propose
units that enable an increase in production by
institutions related to handloom, that would
appropriating floor area, light and ventilation
not only provide incentive to the community
according to each weaving stage.
Unit Morphology Diagrams: Incrementality of Housing Units- Floor area and Population wise
Type A
Type A’
Type A- one room added
Type A- one room added
Type B
Type B- two rooms added
The housing units have been designed to accommodate the ever changing and increasing needs of this industry. Each unit’s configuration allows for incremental growth of rooms as well as per unit population. The form is conceptualized to be a cluster of interchangeable cubes that could be positioned according to the work and climatic requirement.
Road Sidewalk
1 housing unit
Cluster Courtyard
Cluster level workspace
Cluster level plaza
Proposed Cluster Design: Sectional View
Handloom Institute cross section showing the relationship between the built form and the open spaces.
Handloom Institute section showing the transition of spaces from open to semi open to closed
In order to allow for equitable growth of the handloom community in the city, programs like the handloom training and exhibition centre, that would benefit the community as well as the city have been proposed. This would allow for breaking the ghettoization of this community within the urban landscape.
Wall section
Through this architectural thesis,
it became imperative to assert the
front, I wanted to explore the act
importance of the vital role that
of designing though hands on
indigenous occupations play in
processes using materials like teak
the building of Indian economic
wood and stainless steel. Teak wood
system. Additionally, it was also
was used to make the Handloom
aimed at spreading awareness of our
trade centre model, as it was
occupational heritage in a society
conceived to be constructed out of
mimicking the west.
rammed earth and exposed brick.
Project type: Professional Organisation: Hunnarshala Foundation Year: 2015 Location: Bhuj, India Project Location: Kandhla, India Role: Architectural Internship Duration: 5 months Team: Sandeep Virmani, Hardika Dayalani,Shail Joshi
“Ideas in buildings respond to prevalent problems society faces from time to time.” -Sandeep Virmani, Founder- Hunnarshala Foundation
1.2: (Dis)placed - (Re)placed Low cost housing for riot victims A rehabilitation project was under taken by Hunnarshala Foundation for the sur vivors of the communal riots that disr upted eight villages in nor thern India. The process followed to engage with the community and to build their homes, was that of par ticipator y planning. To enable people to be equal contributors in the designing and making of their homes and narrowing the planner ’s role to that of an advisor/ consultant, was one of the impor tant agendas of this par ticipator y planning methodology. It was also impor tant to
aesthetical and cultural histor y into the design of their new homes.
Stor y Board: A collage of migration to rehabilitation
INR (Indian Rupee)
Cost of one Housing unit: stagewise
concern build
confidence and faith to aspire again
for a better lifestyle and economic
was a
community by engaging with the
prosperity for themselves.
displaced people not only through
Brick being a locally common
architecture but with rather holistic
planning of every aspect of their lives.
building block. Experiments with
Architecture became a facilitator of
bricks were extensively carried out
new identities and a container of old
to reduce the total material quantity
wistful memories. Teaching them
and the eventual cost of the house.
construction techniques to build their
This allowed for the house to be built
own houses, gave them the
economically and at a fast pace.
Base Unit Morphology: Effect of culture and religion on constr uction elements.
vision inside
Every element used or designed
the community. Every house was
was in accordance with and by the
constructed by the actual house owner.
This process truly allowed for the house
culture. Hence elements like arches,
owners to build elements and organise
shallow domes that had religious
the house in ways that would allow for
significance were used. Also elements
recreation of their familial identity and
like jali walls and sloping roofs for
also bring back buoyant memories of
bedrooms were incorporated, as they
their past homes.
were symbolic of affluent families to
One of the most primordial aspects of an owner driven
It is the per fect example of a real time physical archive of people’s
The eventual vision in of this project was to rehabilitate
housing project is that people take design decisions
desires and memories of past and the current status of their society.
the victims by not just enabling the constr uction of their
Also this process is more socially democratic compared to the typical
homes but also rehabilitation in other aspects such as
making elements in their houses in accordance to their
constr uction methods which place the designer or the planner at the
school admissions for children, women empowerment
fantasizes about an ideal house or to their nostalgia of
apex of the design process, which is a rather authoritarian planning
and supply of basic water and electricity needs.
their ancestral homes.
Project type: Personal Organisation: Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute for Architecture Year: 2016 Project Type: Architectural Competition Location: Mumbai, India The entrance folly is imagined to be a porous structure, allowing not the just physical but also a visual connect between the pedestrians on road and the forest. 1
Entrance, Information centre and Administration
“Nothing is Ar t, if it doesn’t come from nature.” -Antonio Gaudi
This folly juxtaposes art exhibition spaces along with cycling routes, thus allowing a nuanced perspective of the program and a surreal experience of the forest. 2
2.1: Land of urban wilderness Ecological reconstruction of Mahim Nature Park
Exhibition centre and elevated Cycling Track
Mahim nature park is a beautiful patch of urban wilderness nestled in middle of the island city and suburbia Mumbai. It is a place where people would find solace from their ever yday lives and discover the pleasures of an urban forest. I imagined this fragment
The Seed bank folly makes a rather passive positioning of itself with this urban forest, so as to allow the visitor to enjoy the experience of the wilderness without any jarring visual obstruction. 3
Seed Bank and Nursery
of urban wilderness to be woven into the rhythms of ever yday lives of the city dwellers through following strategies: Stitching the site to the city, expanding the forest ground cover, Porous inter face with the city edge, a knowledge centre. The street edge, is developed as public promenade, housing the various programs of the knowledge centre.
Barren Land
Barren Land
Built mass
Public inter face
Urban Farming
Existing state of the Nature park
Proposed restr ucturing of Nature park
River front Promenade
Walking track Nature trails Follies
Proposed Walking routes and trails
Proposed public programs- follies
The existing landscape of Mahim Nature park consisted of barren lands and spaces used for open
leaving less than half the land for forest cover. The primary intention was increase the forest cover to the maximum, provide public toilet
1 3 3
facilities and convert the barren land
5 1
into an urban farmland.
Being flanked by the Mithi river on one side, the proposal aimed at creating a riverfront promenade that would not only increase the importance of
the river but also add value to a rather Masterplan
redundant nature park.
To accommodate and nurture existing
The cycling track encircles the spider
urban agriculture prevalent within
like amphitheatre, that becomes the
the park, a farmer’s market was
epicentre for all performance arts in
imagined to carter to the farmers as
the city of Mumbai.
well as organic food enthusiasts.
Amphitheatre and Performance Space
Farmer ’s Market and Restaurant.
The city’s urbanism would prove
It became imperative to use this
to be more inclusive if we imagine
oppor tunity to provide a public
librar y amongst the array of
amalgamation of multiple communal
follies proposed in the park,
programs to increase programmatic
due to the dear th of public
efficiency of the building.
libraries in Mumbai.
Public Toilet with an Amphitheatre
Public Librar y and Cafeteria.
The park being close proximity to the one of worlds largest slums, that produces leather and pottery for exports, a workshop centre was
This particular folly was purposefully
developed to provide infrastructure
made to look sculptural so as to
to the children of potters and leather
add value and meaning to a rather
makers for learning this art.
mundane program. 6
Waste Management centre
Workshop spaces for rent
Project type: Academic Organisation: Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute for Architecture Year: 2014 Project Type: Architectural Design Location: Calicut, India
Infrastructural upgradation and knowledge transfer is key to move towards a sustainable fishing industr y and for conser vation of aquatic life. Other wise a ‘tragedy of the commons’ is due if effor ts are not made towards sustainability. - Business World (newspaper)
2.2: Eclectic Aqueous Peripheries Fishing Harbour Reconstruction The Beypore riverine edge is the intersection where fishing occupation meets trade, where transpor t meets infrastr ucture manufacturing transpor t, where purchase meets sales and where machine meets human labour. These activities continue to operate in tandem with each other, growing in magnitude and pace due to small infrastr uctural inter ventions by the por t authorities. Hubs for fishing centres, por t harbour, cold storages, boat making workshops, occur at diverse and near by locations, maintaining a larger network of ship travel routes, timings and the quantum of vessels. The river is a site of dense trade activities that involve methods of wooden craf t and fishing that have evolved over time.
The collage, along with the pictures showcase the nuanced and eclectic tectonics of the riverine edge. The seemingly
functions with a rather strict, unwritten and unseen protocol within the boundaries of the backwaters. The proposal intends to capture this dynamism.
Drawing conceptualized in collaboration with Chetan Kulkarni
Tectonics of the riverine edge: Section
The Beypore river lies at an intersection of
most of the sea food to the city of Calicut
maximum access and maximum potential
and its peripheries. This important port is
for fishing and trading occupations to
managed, worked on maintained by and
flourish as it offers space for a crossover
survived upon by local fishermen. Hence it
of stock, people and daily provisional
offers a broadened scope to intervene with
supplies. Managed by the port trust
a cooperative approach between the state
authorities, Beypore harbour employs
and the many fishing families.
fishermen from nearby villages to supply
Existing Site: Plan
The intervention consists of programs
with restrictions to enter its space.
whose spatial characteristics are of
The Master plan aims at integrating
contrasting nature. Fish market, a
all these programs and allowing
program extrovert in nature, allowing
this edge to behave in a cohesive
the advent of public and the locals
manner, which in turn will increase
who reside on the Beypore river edge
the efficiency and productivity of this
as oppose to the distribution centre/
fragmented edge.
cold storage an introvert program,
Sectional Perspectives
It is important to view infrastructural
In this context, the proposal aimed at sinuously
conglomeration programs,
institutions of
multiple than
creating spaces that would blur the boundaries
between infrastructural systems and recreational
public programs. Additionally, to evoke wistful
providing entities, so as to create far more
memories of traditional architectural elements of the
inclusive and vibrant spaces in the city.
state of Kerela, vaults and brick walls were used.
1. City viewing spot
2. Street edge of Fish market held by exposed brick walls and filler vaults
3. Market interiors
Activity char t: Exploded Axonometric
Year wise Growth Mapping: Chennai, India 1995
Project type: Workshop Organisation: Charles Correa Foundation Year: 2013 Project Type: Housing and Urbanism Location: Goa, India Project Location: Chennai, India Team: Mahesh Radhakrishnan, Shail Joshi, Ronak Gangdev.
“There is no one-size-fits-all solution to the housing crisis. From an urban design and planning point of view, a well-connected city with ample open and communal space is a power ful paradigm and an engine for integration and inclusivity.� -Richard Rogers
3.1: State of Housing Quantitative VS Qualitative assessment Chennai, a quaint city in southern India, has seen an exponential rise in constr uction of newer buildings in the last decade due to the advent of IT companies and large special
in and outside the city. As a result of the increase in population and decrease in limited land resources, the per capita open space has seen a sharp decline. The aim of the workshop was to understand the growth and state of housing in our cities through mapping its boundaries, housing numbers and open space issues. 2004
The theoretical framework of this research aimed
Housing Typology comparison: Per capita open space.
principles behind housing development in a
Qualitative VS Quantitative Assessment.
city, the problems associated with housing and also envisages a vision at suggesting
No. of Floors
solutions and remedies at urban level in the
Ground cover/ Site Area
Open Space/ Built Up area
Open Space/ Person
Quality index of open spaces
11.75 / Person
Low quality of communal spaces
3.75 / Person
Very Low quality of communal spaces
7.75 / Person
Good quality of communal spaces
10 / Person
Very good quality of communal spaces
housing sector. It also intended to produce a nuanced debate on housing and the current scenarios prevailing in the country.
1 High Rise Tower Typology with 3.5mt setback
2 Perimeter block Typology with 3.5mt setback
3 Podium tower Typology with 3.5mt setback
4 Hybrid tower Typology (1+2+3) with 3.5mt setback Proposed
15 Stories
5 Stories
9 Stories
7 Stories
Ground Cover: 19% of Site Area
Open space: 47% of Built up area
Ground Cover: 65% of Site Area
Open space: 15% of Built up area
Ground Cover: 55% of Site Area
Open space: 35% of Built up area
Ground Cover: 45% of Site Area
Open space: 40% of Built up area
Project type: Professional Organisation: architectureRED Year: 2016-2017 Project Type: Housing and Urbanism Location: Chennai, India Project Location: Bangalore, India Team: Biju Kuriakose, Shail Joshi
“People make cities and it is for them and not buildings, we must fit our plans” -Jane Jacobs
3.2: the COMMONS Middle income group housing Simply defined, ‘commons’ means resources accessible to all members of a society, but there is much more to it. A more comprehensive interpretation would be that the ‘commons’ are the tangible spaces and intangible experiences a community can offer, bringing people together and imbibing a sense of natural and cultural belonging. The spirit of the ‘commons’ essentially encompasses the notion of shared land, shared infrastr ucture, shared spaces ad shared living. An impor tant aspect of the project was to create humane open spaces that encourage community living at an urban level.
Site Footprint The proposed roads and power line cutting at angles across the site creates inefficient land parcels for development.
Sequencing open spaces The irregular land parcels are defines by creation of open spaces, stitched together by a wide and linear green axis
Creating strong linkages The building corridors are an extention of the external green space and creates a strong connect the built and unbuilt.
The planning principles aimed to achieve adequate per capita open spaces, along with curating strong communal spaces that would make this development a communally sustainable model. Another important aspect was Masterplan
of increasing the green cover in a rather
Rooftop green spaces Extending the green linkages to the roof tops ties the skyline through
barren landscape.
stepped terraces and community spaces.
Conceptual Diagrams: Evolution of block morphology
Lack of community interaction
Private + Community Space
Floating Space
a space to connect
The typical doubly loaded corridor design of
The corridors are articulated to transform into a
This floating central community ties back to
Individual foyers crucial community connectors,
apartments doesn’t promote social spaces.
vibrant public space, infusing air and light into
the external green spaces, connecting linkages
while providing an opportunity for personalising
The poorly lit and ventilated corridors provides
the building, creating a vital community space
between the building and the landscape.
the experience of entry to each resident.
potential to be activated.
within the built form. Re-inventing the typical doubly loaded corridor typology, helped in maintaining
Conceptual Section
the same amount of population and also providing highly rich and vibrant common spaces for interaction. The experience created is unique, since every apartment gets a ‘verandah’ in the form of a bridge connecting the house and the circulation spine.
Typical Floor Plan
In conclusion, this nuanced model of
declining quality of indoor and outdoor
housing development was imagined
spaces in housing projects provided by
to be an alternative to the mundane
the real estate developers. It became a
developer funded buildings that have
point to prove that even with concepts
plagued most of the mega cities in India.
It was also used as an opportunity to
sustainability, housing projects can be
emphasis on the importance of open
economically viable and functionally
spaces in housing and a critique of the
Existing Public Toilets in K-west ward, Mumbai
Project type: Academic Organisation: Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute for Architecture Year: 2013-2014 Project Type: Public toilets- Urban Design Location: Mumbai, India Project Location: Mumbai, India
“You will never solve pover ty without solving water and sanitation.� -Matt Damon
3.3: The Toilet Project Mapping the state of public toilets in Mumbai Public sanitation index determines the health of a city and its citizens. In Mumbai, the public toilet infrastr ucture remains neglected while there are clear improvements in other aspects of urban living. Apar t from the poor quality of the toilets, there is a massive shor tage in number of public toilets for the population of each ward of Mumbai. The studio was focused on individual mapping of public toilets in various areas of the city. Architectural design quality, accessibility, foul odour and policy level amendments were the aspects tackled to provide a framework for improving the state of public toilets in the city of Mumbai.
‘K-west ward’ - Mumbai Walking accessibility of toilets
1 circle= 100mt
Working condition of toilets
Existing Toilets
Proposed toilets w.r.t. to major transport corridors
Non- Functional Toilets
Functional Toilets
Proposed Toilets
Each circle 100mt wide determines the walkability between two given
This map showcases the actual distance between only the functional
Approximately same number of toilets have been proposed as the
public toilets.
toilets in K-west ward.
existing ones on strategic locations near major transport routes.
25 20% of Population
Toilets required vs Existing toilets
6.25% of required toilets
Total population without access to toilets
55% of Toilets are nonfunctional
7 13
Functional vs Non-Functional toilets
24% Toilets are unapproachable
24% Toilets are unapproachable
Reachable vs Non-Reachable toilets
Male vs Female friendly toilets
7 point Planning strategy Planning framework for improving public toilets
After extensive mapping and identifying issues, seven important urban level strategies
treatment of inlet and outlet water supply to making toilets handicap friendly and also safe for women, were part of the framework solutions Rain water Harvesting
Reed bed Filtration System
Urban Communal Spaces
Handicap Access
2 wheeler Parking
Proximity between toilets
Using bold signages & Planning street lights near toilets to make them safer.
List of additional projects that dealt with social issues.
Academic Project Type: Academic, Individual
Project Type: Academic, Individual
Project Type: Academic, Group
Project Type: Academic, Group
Project Type: Academic, Individual
Year: 2010
Year: 2011
Year: 2011
Year: 2012-2013
Year: 2013
Project For: Fishermen living in slums
Project For: School for underprivileged
Project For: Portable Medical Clinic for
Project For: Mapping Mithi River edge
Project For: Housing for Railway staff
Description: This house was designed
rural India
Description: In this Landscape design
Description: This project investigated
to be dynamic in nature, changing it’s
Description: The school was developed
Description: Owing to the dearth
studio, we mapped Mumbai’s most
the issues around open spaces in
orientation and layout according to the
as an open school, where the ground
of medical clinics in rural India, we
disputed water entity and intended
Mumbai and provided solutions to
climatic and domestic needs.
floor would always remain accessible
designed a portable medical clinic
to provide sustainable solutions for
combat low per capita open spaces in
to the underprivileged community for
which could be used by doctors while
reviving the river body.
housing projects in the city.
various activities.
travelling from one place to another.
Project Type: Professional Competition,
Project Type: Exchange Program,
Project Type: Professional Competition,
Project Type: Professional Competition,
Project Type: Volunteer Group,
Group, Year: 2012
Group, Year: 2012
Group, Year: 2014
Group, Year: 2014
Year: 2014-2015
Project For: Restructuring Kalanagar
Project For: Shikumen Housing
Project For: Innovative housing design
Project For: School children in Rural
Project For: Handicraft workshop for
Traffic Junction
Description: The project was based in
Description: This project relooked at
kids in rural areas.
Competitions + Exchange + Volunteer work
Shanghai, documenting and mapping
the system with which housing is being
Description: The main idea behind the
Description: The primary aim of this
redesigning one of the most congested
the historic Shikumen housing. We
bought and sold as a commodity. The
design of this school was to assert
volunteer program was to empower
traffic junction was to incorporate
intended to showcase the importance
proposal allowed the developer to sell
the importance of schooling through
school kids from economically weaker
multiple public transportation systems,
of preservation of historic buildings
specific area on each floor, and the
juxtaposing functions of the school
sections, by teaching them various
through tunnels and overhead bridges.
through street art.
apartment to be made by the resident.
with functions of public life.
handicraft techniques and occupations
The End
S ha il J os hi D e s i g n & P l a n n i n g Po r t f o l i o 2010-2017 Architect, Mumbai,India