2.0m–10m platform height
h y d r a l a da
For a complete range oF elevating work plat platForms
Do you need to work flexibly and efficiently at moderate heights? a Hydralada may be your best option! Hydraladas were originally developed to improve the efficiency of orchards — for pruning, thinning and picking — and orchard models are being made more versatile than ever. However, the greatly extended range of Hydraladas have now demonstrated their effectiveness for larger tropical fruit trees, the care of urban trees, seed collection, building, transport vehicle servicing — in fact any application where you need to work at moderate heights. They enable the operator to move quickly from one position to another on rough terrain while elevating. Their advantage is that there is no need to stop and put down stabilising legs, and in some applications it is more efficient for the operator to control the machine entirely with their feet, leaving both hands free to do the job.
Practical in design. Dependable in action.
A few applications are illustrated — we will be glad to talk to you about yours. TOLL FREE 1300 760 642
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