1 minute read
Elaine Bayless
Wilhelmina Collier
Johnathon Smith
Matt Orchowski
Robert Kimmelfield
The Claspy Family
Wilhelmina Collier
From Your Band Directors
The Directors would like to thank all of you, the Shaker Band parents, for your efforts toward making this band program special. Your years of providing private lessons, transportation to countless events and general support of our program are greatly appreciated. The Shaker Band program is one of the finest in Ohio, which means it’s one of the finest in the United States. We couldn’t do it without you!
We appreciate your attentiveness while the bands are playing. Please help us keep the High School grounds clean. See you at the Memorial Day Parade, May 29 at City Hall!
Band Boosters meetings are open to all band families. The meetings are 7 p.m. in the High School band room. The final meeting of the year is on May 15.
Band Boosters Officers
(full list of entire board in Band Boosters Newsletter)
Meg Furey - President
Ann Malone - Vice President
Ally Rich - Secretary
Anita Miller - Treasurer
Marching Band Camp
An information packet will be sent to all High School band students early in the summer with the information they need for Marching Band season. Please return the completed formas along with applicable fees promptly! The packet will also be availabe online at shakerbands.org.
August 2023 Marching Band Camp Dates:
Percussion & Raiderettes
Rookie Day (All 9th Graders)
Full Band Rehearsal
Marching Band Camp
Marching Band Preview Show
August 7-11
August 10
August 11
August 14-18
August 18
Uniforms - All Marching Band members will need to purchase the following:
• Full-length white pants with belt loops (not capris) for the summer uniform
• Comfortable shoes that are black
• Plain black socks that cover the ankle
• Plain black belt
Freshmen will order their red Shaker Bands polo shirts (order form in the band packet) and will receive them the week of Marching Band Camp. The formal uniforms are provided by the school and will be distributed the week of Marching Band Camp.
Stay Connected! Get the latest Marching Band news! The high school directors use Remind to annouce call times, practice locations, etc. Sign up for Remind texts by texting