CMY Annual Report 2010-11

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CONTENTS 3 . . . Our Chair

18 . . . Working with other services: YRIPP & LBB

4 . . . CEO's report

20 . . . Working with other services: sports and recreation

5 . . . About us

22 . . . Sector development

6 . . . Our approach

24 . . . Working with research partners

7 . .

25 . . . Working with decision makers

Our year in numbers

8 . . . Introducing the CMY Youth Advisory Group

26 . . . National and International connections

10 . . . Working with young people: support

27 . . . Financial report

12 . . . Working with young people: opportunities

34 . . . Thank you

14 . . . Working with young people: arts and culture

36 . . . Get involved

16 . . . CMY Highlights 2008–2011

CMY is an incorporated organisation (a company limited by guarantee) with Public Benevolent Institution (PBI) and Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status ABN 82 127 444 713 304 Drummond St Carlton Vic 3053 Tel (03) 9340 3700 | Fax (03) 9349 3766 | Printed on 100% recycled paper.


Our growth is reflected not only in our income, but also in the increased number of young people who benefit from the range of programs we offer. The tripling of unique website visitors and e-newsletter subscribers illustrates how our reach has increased to service providers and agencies across government, youth, sport, community, health, education, justice and arts sectors. Our staff have made connections and delivered services in no less than 27 of Victoria’s 90 LGAs. Our work with young people included the important NAYS lead provider role and we have extended our one-to-one case work beyond Reconnect into communities in the east and west. Our ability to provide opportunities for young people to participate in building their communities is illustrated by the highly successful Voices of Young Australians project funded by the Scanlon Foundation.

The past three years have seen a newly independent CMY evolve into a dynamic, multi-faceted and expert organisation.

A significant program development was the introduction of Learning Beyond the Bell, which now services over 270 homework clubs in various settings across Victoria. We have continued to drive our sector development offering in sport and recreation and have consolidated the arts within our portfolio.

As we complete the 2008–2011 Strategic Plan it is useful to reflect on how far we have come within this short space of time, not just in terms of growth but also in terms of reach and impact.

Securing three Australian Research Council linkage grants enabled us to develop our research agenda and we look forward to the results of these projects next year.

We started with a name change, incorporation, inauguration of our Board and a building refurbishment and didn’t look back. We worked hard to ensure that we have the internal capacity and governance structures in place for our next phase and welcomed Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce, AC as our Patron-In-Chief.

Despite the sustained public scrutiny of multiculturalism we have had bipartisan support and forged successful partnerships with decision makers at local, state and national levels. Over three years we have submitted 14 formal policy responses to both state and federal inquiries. The development of the Multicultural Youth Advisory


Network is testament to the shared advocacy of our inter-state partners for a national voice for the issues of young people. It was a privilege to introduce the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres to our program participants and we are thankful for the opportunity to work with UNESCO and AUSCO. Over the next five years our work will become even more important in ensuring that Victoria and Australia continues to be the global standard bearer for successful multicultural societies. Another leap in our development is on the horizon and our new strategic plan promises to challenge us to reach for bigger goals. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all of our community and corporate partners, sponsors and supporters, particularly the Victorian and Federal Governments for their commitment to our important work. Thanks to our patron, board of management, senior managers, staff and volunteers, and in particular our CEO Carmel Guerra for her leadership and commitment, for striving to achieve better outcomes for refugee and migrant young people.

Dr. Hass Dellal OAM CMY Chair


Young people are central to our success; they are our key strength. We recognised their importance this year, with the formation of a Youth Advisory Group. This diverse group of dynamic, socially aware and committed young people have already had a significant impact on the planning of our next strategy. This year we worked directly with over 1,500 young people through projects, forums, focus groups and networks across Victoria. The depth and quality of knowledge we gain about emerging issues through this work is invaluable. Our courage to try new ways of addressing complex issues has seen some excellent results within Melbourne communities. In the west our work with disadvantaged young African men has started to pay tangible dividends whilst our partnership with Hallam College in the east continues to gather momentum. This year we made a commitment to further explore the role of the arts in engaging young people and addressing discrimination in the broader community. Our first pARTicipation Forum will inform the future direction of our arts program.

In our work with young people we talk a lot about playing to their strengths— helping them discover what skills and attributes they can use to create change. In this final year of our first strategic plan as an independent organisation it is useful to reflect on how we have used our strengths to create opportunities and advocate for change for migrant and refugee young people.

In a year of political and economic change, we have drawn on our ability to forge real partnerships at local, state and national levels to ensure that young people’s voices are heard and acted on. It is gratifying to know that after three years of work with agencies in the city of Wyndham we can confidently turn our attention to other areas of Melbourne such as Melton. At a state level, we were really pleased to see the new Baillieu government make a commitment to ensure a long term future for the YRIPP program.


A particular highlight for me this year was watching 22 young people from African Australian backgrounds passionately discussing their issues with the Hon. Nick Kotsiras, Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship, and Senator Kate Lundy, Federal Parliamentary Secretary for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs. On the national stage, the MYAN has continued to develop policy advice and work closely with federal and state government departments. Internationally, our work with AUSCO will ensure that humanitarian entrants have access to appropriate orientation before arriving in Australia. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Federal Minister for Immigration Chris Bowen and the Parliamentary Secretary Kate Lundy for their commitment and support during the last year. I also want to welcome the Victorian Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship Nicholas Kotsiras and the Victorian Minister for Youth Affairs Ryan Smith to their respective portfolios and I look forward to working with them in the future. I would like to thank our Board of Directors, Chair, Chairs and members of subcommittees, staff, and volunteers who contribute so much to our success. Finally, I want to thank the many hundreds of amazing young people we come into contact with in our everyday work at CMY.

Carmel Guerra CMY Chief Executive Officer

The Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) is a community based organisation that provides services to and advocates for the needs of young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.

Our mission

Our principles

To influence both the social policy agenda and the social services network in Australia to ensure that young people from diverse cultural backgrounds have every opportunity to succeed in Australian society.

Human Rights

We believe that upholding the rights of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds is fundamental to a fair and cohesive Australia.



We believe that difference is a strength. We are committed to encouraging and promoting belonging and respect for difference in all its forms. We believe that multiculturalism underpins, strengthens and promotes diversity.

We work with young people from diverse cultural backgrounds. We focus on migrant and refugee young people 12–25 years old with a particular priority on those that are newly arrived to Australia (up to seven years in the country).



We believe that meaningful change is best created through the participation and engagement of migrant and refugee young people in decision-making and leadership.


Young people are at the centre of what we do. What we learn from them helps us develop stronger communities, support other service providers and lead positive change at local, state and national levels.


OUR YEAR IN NUMBERS: 2010–2011 Youth Advisory Group members

newly arrived young people received intensive one-to-one support

programs & projects

THREE THOUSAND resources & publications EVERY MONTH interviews

attended at of the busiest police

stations across Victoria

volunteers worked with refugee and migrant young people

homework clubs

received training and resource development


This year we formed an advisory group made up of 10 young people aged 16-26 from multicultural and multi-faith backgrounds. The group embodies our principle of participation which recognises young people as the ‘experts’, best placed to articulate issues impacting on their lives and identify solutions.

The YAG is crucial to the development of youth participation within our work and helps us ensure we are continually addressing the current and ever-changing needs of multicultural young people. In their inaugural year, YAG members have worked alongside our staff to speak at events, training sessions and meet with stakeholders. They have participated in our programs and have attended high profile stakeholder events such as the Premier’s Cultural Diversity Gala Dinner. They have also been involved in consultations with the State Minister for Multicultural Affairs, State Minister for Youth and the Parliamentary Secretary for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs. The YAG has been instrumental in this year’s strategic planning process.

Annie is a year 12 student who migrated from



China with her family three years ago. She is passionate about arts and hopes to become an architect. She has previously participated in CMY’s Cloaks of Many Cultures, Young People Against Violence Forum and pARTicipation Forum as a youth expert. Annie joined the YAG to learn more and contribute to CMY whilst having an enriching experience.

Bol moved to Australia in 2005 after living in refugee camps in Uganda. He is a full time student completing a Bachelor of Accounting. Bol regularly visits the CMY team down at the Sunshine VISY Hub. He joined the YAG because he values the work CMY does and wants to be able to make a difference in young people’s lives.

Committee (MYAC). She has been involved with CMY for over 4 years and is passionate about what the organisation represents. Farah is a proactive, confident and energetic young person who is excited to have the opportunity to utilise her past experiences as a participant to influence decision making.

Chi is of Vietnamese and Chinese descent. She

Maysa is an Australian of Egyptian and Italian

is currently doing work experience in other community organisations as well as looking for her first job in social work. She has been involved in CMY’s Multicultural Leaders in Sustainability (MLS) program and is excited to have an impact on young people’s experiences of CMY.

Chuol is of Sudanese background and is currently undertaking a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Work at Monash University. He wants to pursue a career in justice and really make a difference in people's lives. He has previously been a Peace and Harmony Ambassador and a volunteer for other programs. Farah moved to Australia from Iraq as a teen. She is a full time student at Swinburne University and a member of the Ministerial Youth Advisory

decent. She is full time student, actress and comedian. She is also an activist for disabled young people and is the Disability Student Representative at La Trobe University. A positive and dynamic young woman, she has a particular interest in developing programs for CLD young people within the arts because she believes that creativity facilitates diversity, respect and self-expression.

Michelle is of Armenian and Syriac descent. She has just begun studying Commerce at the University of Melbourne and is a cadet at Ernest & Young. She first became involved in CMY’s Uniting for Social Cohesion program and then organised a Multifaith Youth Forum with the aim of promoting understanding and acceptance. She joined the YAG to challenge stereotypes and help other young people overcome their challenges.

Nyabouk—known to friends as Abouk—arrived in Australia in 2005 from Sudan via Egypt. She has recently completed a Certificate III in Aged Care and hopes to specialise as a midwifery nurse. Abouk regularly participates in our Invincibles Group and has volunteered at the Cornerstone Contact Centre. She joined YAG to make a difference, influence others, learn from others and have input in decision making.

Sinke is a young Oromo refugee who came to Australia in 2007 via Kenya. Currently undertaking a Bachelor of International Relations at Deakin University, Sinke wants to pursue Human Rights advocacy to represent the voice of the Oromo community in Australia. Sinke is passionate about human rights and fights against social injustice, especially against children and women in war zones and developing countries. Victor is of Vietnamese descent and has lived in Melbourne his whole life. He is currently working in the shipping industry after studying International Trade. He joined YAG because it was a great opportunity to express and implement his views. He believes that CLD young people are struggling to gain a sense of belonging and position within Australia society.

"CMY represents young people and I am glad to be one of the voices heard as part of YAG." Maysa CMY Youth Advisory Group Member


Working with

Direct support for those most in need, and opportunities for those wanting to make a difference

Some of the young people we work with face a number of challenges as they settle in Australia. Conflict with family, risk of homelessness and problems at school are often combined with difficult emotions. We start where the young person is at, focus on their strengths and capacities and build trust and understanding.


The Reconnect program uses community-based early intervention services to assist young people aged 12 to 18 years who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness, and their families. As a Newly Arrived Youth Specialist (NAYS) Reconnect provider, we focus on young people on humanitarian and family visas who have arrived in Australia in the previous five years. Reconnect breaks the cycle of homelessness by providing counselling, group work, mediation and practical support to the whole family.


Brimbank Young Men’s Project

Over the past year our team of case workers has provided support to over 155 clients across metropolitan Melbourne. Our Reconnect work plays a critical and central role in building our expertise in working with newly arrived young people. It gives us knowledge about the issues that many of our young clients face.

Refugee support in schools

More than 20% of African humanitarian entrants who entered Australia in the past five years are in Victoria. This project targets young men of African backgrounds who are experiencing significant difficulties with settling in Australia. They are disengaged (or at high risk of being disengaged) from education, training, employment, family and community and have often had contact with the police. The second year of this pilot project has delivered significant outcomes for 25 of the 40 young men involved:

Complex Case Support

Our advocacy over the past few years has led to complex case funds being directed towards the needs of young people in families. This year we secured funding from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) to provide intensive and specialist case management services to young people who are Humanitarian entrants with exceptional needs. These additional funds allow our case workers to work more intensively with some of our higher need clients, and for longer periods of time.

Many refugees struggle to settle into mainstream education and require specialist support within the school grounds so that they can stay at school and do well. We have partnered with Hallam Secondary College to pilot a program which places a refugee student support worker at the College two days a week as part of the welfare team. The role offers case management support alongside group help, support in ESL classes and also advises the school regarding the needs of refugee students. 10% of the school’s 1,000 students are refugees—the role provided support for 53 of these students.

• One participant was employed by CMY as a peer mentor.

• 12 young men developed events in partnership

Absenteeism has decreased from 32 days per student in 2009 to 16 days in 2010, with a current average of 14 in 2011, and this can be in part attributed to the introduction of the role. The Department of Education, Employment and Work Relations (DEEWR) has funded CMY to embed this program in Hallam in 2012.

with services including Victoria Police.

• 13 were referred to the Reconnect program and other services.

• 13 have completed short term courses with training providers and educational facilities.

• Three young men have reconnected with family.

• Eight young men participated in a residential detox program with YSAS. 100




2008–09 60 2009–10 40






















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We are committed to ensuring young people have every opportunity to develop skills and lead change in their communities. We use a range of engagement strategies including arts, sports, leadership training and mentoring as a means of building the capacity of young people to realise their vision for change.

Building Relationships and Initiating Change (BRIC)

This mentoring program supports the establishment of youth groups and youth-led initiatives that represent a diverse range of cultural and faith backgrounds. Since 2009, BRIC has been delivered across the North and West regions of Melbourne with the second and final phase running in the cities of Dandenong and Casey. There have been many achievements throughout the life of the program, with over 20 mentors supporting 11 youth groups to realise their goals. This year’s participants developed a homework club in a primary school, established regular movie nights for local youth and organised introductory employment workshops for newly arrived people with English as a second language.

Short Burst Training

Youth participation is a cornerstone of all of our work and one of the ways we can ensure that young people can continue to lead and advocate for the needs of their communities. We offer training to youth groups and/or youth-led initiatives that covers leadership, fundraising, project management, media and team building. This year we recruited three young people as co-facilitators who helped deliver this free training.



Established in 2007, Ucan2 continues to grow and develop. In partnership with Foundation House and AMES, it aims to increase the social, education, training and employment opportunities for young people from refugee backgrounds during their first 15 months of resettlement in Australia. By connecting with volunteers young people grow their social networks, increase their confidence in communicating with others, improve their language skills and have fun. This in turn increases their general health and wellbeing and their capacity to settle well in Australia. In the past year the 16 week program ran across 11 sites, with over 200 students and 70 volunteers participating.

Youth Leadership and Project Development Training

In May 2011, we delivered a nine week program for newly arrived students at Dandenong AMES to increase their participation in educational settings and the broader community. The training equipped students with an understanding of leadership styles and skills and an awareness of the stages of project development. It culminated in the participants putting their newly learned skills into practice through the delivery of a youthled project. This project was called Race around Melbourne and involved taking other AMES students to visit well known sites in Melbourne’s CBD. The project was a great success with participants expressing a newfound confidence in exploring the city.

Youth Consultations

CMY organised several forums designed to enable young people to not only voice their issues and concerns, but also to put forward solutions to decision makers and service providers.

Tell It Like It Is Youth Forums

CMY partnered with local agencies and councils to look for specific ideas for improving services and programs for newly arrived young people. In Maroondah 40 young people participated in a forum run in partnership with the Maroondah Youth Service Providers Network Refugee Action Group (MYSPN RAG) with the help of the Youth Advisory Group. In Whittlesea, we partnered with Baseline Youth Services to organise a forum which was also attended by 40 local young people. The ideas put forward by participants have been incorporated in the respective planning committees in Maroondah and Whittlesea.

Melton African Community Forum

This community-wide consultation was organised at the request of African community members and involved many local service providers. CMY facilitated the youth component of the day during which 35 young people discussed their lives and raised issues around employment, everyday instances of racism, and their education and recreation needs. Findings were released in a report, giving Melton Council, government agencies and the community a valuable insight into issues facing the shire’s African population.


Leadership Day

This event was attended by over 40 newly arrived young people from Croydon, Dandenong, Epping, Heidelberg, Noble Park, Preston, and Sunshine. A dynamic and challenging leadership program inspired and equipped participants with the tools to take a positive and proactive approach to their lives. It centred on the four themes of leadership, employment, goal-setting and empowerment. Young people discussed issues affecting their settlement and presented their ideas and requests to the attending Minister of Youth Affairs, the Hon. Ryan Smith. This was direct advocacy and a momentous occasion for a group of young people that included young women from Afghanistan who had been in Australia for less than a year.

African Australian Youth Consultation

Held in partnership with the Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC) at the Multicultural Hub, Melbourne, this consultation engaged 22 young people from African Australian backgrounds. Participants discussed a range of issues in a session facilitated by Carmel Guerra, together with the Hon. Nick Kotsiras, Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship, and Senator Kate Lundy, Federal Parliamentary Secretary for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs. Issues raised included representation in the media, racism, the education system, employment difficulties, intergenerational conflict, and issues stemming from involvement with police and justice systems. For each area of concern, participants developed possible responses. Both the state and federal government representatives will be reporting back to the young people on how they intend on progressing the recommendations made.

We recognise the arts as a uniquely effective way to engage young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds, and to address discrimination in the broader community. As well as staging innovative participatory and mentoring arts projects, we resource the arts sector on the subject of engaging young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.

pARTicipation Forum

This year we staged our first one-day forum on the topic of engaging culturally and linguistically diverse young people in the arts. It provided a platform for those in the community arts, and related sectors, to discuss critical issues and ideas for developing and extending practices and opportunities. The forum was highly successful and put forward these recommendations:

• Establish a Community Arts Network to enable emerging artists, practitioners and organisations to share knowledge and develop good practice.

• Find ways to support Multicultural Arts Victoria to provide mentoring opportunities for young emerging artists.

• CMY to stage annual pARTicipation Forums, rotating between rural and metropolitan locations.

“When I wake up in the morning I’m an Australian, but when I leave the house and want to get involved in an arts project I’m a refugee—an endangered species.” Solomon Salew

pARTicipation Forum Attendee


Artist in Residence

Artist Reeham Hakem was engaged to strategically explore CMY’s role in the arts, creatively build relationships with young people, research best practice arts models for culturally and linguistically diverse young people and disseminate findings to the arts community. Reeham led a series of workshops with young people to develop project ideas. Participants wanted to focus on communicating the value of participating in the arts to culturally diverse families. They produced a short video and are developing a funding proposal for a longer video and an accompanying community education model.

Stand Up 4 Rights

Now in its second year, this project trains young people from the city of Melton how to use comedy to highlight human rights issues. With support from professional comedians and advocates from Youthlaw, participants form a production team and learn about script writing, directing, performing, promotion and event management. Once training is completed, they perform at local secondary colleges and community events. This year the 14 culturally diverse participants included two females for the first time. Our budding comedians can now act as role models to stand in support of cultural diversity and against discrimination.

Seeding Light!

Held as part of Federation Square’s 2011 Gift of Light Festival, this mentoring project provided young people with an opportunity to engage in a high profile cultural arts festival. Six young people, with experience in participating in community arts projects, devised proposals for next year’s festival. These proposals were pitched to a panel of arts industry funders, programmers and practitioners and the winner will receive support to secure funding for production in June 2012.

Diverse Young Volunteers

Young people from diverse backgrounds have a lot to offer as volunteers and this year we worked on two projects around this theme. This project consulted a range of stakeholders including young people about organisational recruitment, recognition and support strategies that facilitate volunteer retention. We then produced a video and fact sheet (which can be found at Victoria’s Volunteering Portal, to inform organisations about how to recruit and retain diverse young people as volunteers.

Project RED

We conducted this consultation project with young people on behalf of the Australian Emergency Management Institute (AEMI) to discuss emergency management volunteering. Project proposals were developed and put forward to AEMI. Recommendations included:

Teaching Diversities

‘Teaching Diversities: Same Sex-Attracted Young People, CALD communities and Arts based Community Education’ was a research partnership between Victoria University and CMY. It focused on the vulnerabilities and needs of same sex-attracted (SSA) young people, particularly those from culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) and emerging communities. Findings included:

• Arts are effective in educating about SSA young people’s lives.

• Young people need role models from their own cultures including advocates who are not LGBTQ.

• More culture-based queer peer support groups are needed to combat isolation.

• Do not assume that refugee and migrant communities have pre-existing knowledge of the role of emergency services in Australia.

• When recruiting volunteers, target groups of young people rather than individuals.

• Develop internal processes (cross-cultural training for staff and volunteers, welcoming procedures, buddying/mentoring) to support retention of young volunteers.

Snapshots from Oz

The Australian Cultural Orientation (AUSCO) program approached CMY to produce a series of short videos to be used by trainers in overseas orientation programs. We engaged eight young people from refugee backgrounds whose time in Australia has ranged from six months to seven years. They worked with a film-maker to co-produce videos about perceptions of Australia, encountering new technologies, starting new studies, making friends and finding work. 15 • CENTRE FOR MULTICULTURAL YOUTH • ANNUAL REPORT 2010–11

“[Stand Up] will help young people to translate their life experience and observations of racism and discrimination into comedy routines that ‘Stand Up’ for the rights of all people.” Trent McCarthy



CMY partners with UNESCO to deliver a workshop at the Parliament of the World’s Religions

CMY starts operating as an independent organisation with charitable status and a board of management

The Multicultural Coaching and Officiating project delivers courses to over 100 young people

LBB program offer services to 200 homework clubs across Victoria CMY’s research agenda is funded by three Australian Research Council linkage grants

Voices of Young Australians project helps young people tackle racism in Melton

Multicultural Leaders in Sustainability project delivered in partnership with Environment Victoria

YRIPP is nominated in the 2008 Human Rights Awards

CMY’s 20-year anniversary is celebrated with an Immigration Museum exhibition and the publication of ‘Many Voices, One Story'.

Voices of Young Australians project awarded by the Diversity@Work Awards.

CMY surveys over 80 young people for a submission to the Federal Government’s Human Rights consultation.

Building Relationships and Initiating Change program commences

Client Service Charter outlines what young people can expect from CMY


Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network secures funding for two years to give the issues of young people a national focus ‘Stories from Near and Far’ DVD of folktales, legends and cultural stories from around the world.

CMY Program participants meet the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres Multicultural Multifaith Youth Mentoring program recruits volunteers from various sectors to mentor 65 young people


2010 Partnership with Hallam Secondary College delivers support to refugee young people in school Learning Beyond the Bell stages inaugural forum for those involved with homework clubs around Victoria Winning Tactics forum showcases successful community sport programs that had engaged newly arrived and refugee communities.

2012–2016 Strategic Planning process begins

The Brimbank Young Men’s Project engages over 40 young men from diverse African backgrounds Quentin Bryce AC, GovernorGeneral of Australia, is named Patron-in-Chief

The inaugural pARTicipation Forum explores art projects for multicultural young people


Actress Monique Coleman (of ‘High School Musical’ fame) speaks to young women from the Carlton housing estate about her role as a UN Youth Champion.

Youth Advisory Group established

‘Finding Home in Victoria’ publication investigates why refugee and migrant young people are vulnerable to homelessness.


Working with


Sharing our knowledge and partnering with other organisations for greater impact

Learning Beyond the Bell (LBB)

This program builds the capacity of Out of School Hours Learning Support Programs (OSHLSPs) in order to increase the connectedness of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds to school and the community, and to improve attitudes to learning. LBB assists around 270 programs managed by schools, community organisations and others to provide high quality tuition and learning support to over 6,000 young people across Victoria. Key outcomes this year include:

• recruited, matched and referred 390 new volunteers to homework clubs

• trained 280 volunteer tutors • conducted 17 professional development workshops and regional network meetings for homework program coordinators

• funded 26 homework programs with best practice grants ($15,000 per annum)

• produced a range of resources to support schools and other agencies managing homework programs

• held our second statewide forum, Learning Together: Improving Homework Clubs to Realise Student Potential for over 130 people involved with homework programs in Melbourne and rural Victoria.

“Before coming to Homework Club I didn’t like to ask teachers questions because I feel like when I ask them they wouldn’t understand what I mean. But now I feel confident with my teacher” Student Year 9–10


LBB 2010 evaluation

• 98% of students interviewed said that attending their homework program had helped with their school work.

• 96% of tutors said that changes in student attitude or behaviour were due to the work occurring in the homework club.

This year, YRIPP’s achievements include:

Volunteer view

• 125 new volunteers were trained. • Our volunteers attended 3,078 interviews and

“While my motivations for volunteering with YRIPP are most certainly not for personal gain, it would be untrue to suggest that I get nothing from the experience.

referred 523 young people to support services.

• Delivered 63 regional volunteer support and development meetings.

• Implemented volunteer representative roles within the program.

• Police reported a high level of satisfaction

Youth Referral and Independent Person Program (YRIPP)

Now in its eighth year, YRIPP trains and supports volunteer ‘Independent Persons’ (IPs) to support young people through interviews with the police where a parent or guardian is unavailable. Independent Persons provide support, information about legal rights and referral options for young people in custody. YRIPP provides police with access to Independent Persons 24/7, multilingual resources for parents, and a free 24-hour legal advice line for young people in custody. The program now has over 350 trained volunteers who support young people in over 120 of the busiest police stations across Victoria. Each month, we support over 240 young people, around a quarter of which come from diverse cultural backgrounds and another 10% from Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander backgrounds.

with the program, with 96.5% reporting the performance of Independent Persons as good, very good or excellent.

• Program volunteers reported high levels of satisfaction, with 93.1% stating they get a lot of personal satisfaction from being an IP. After years of hard work and advocacy, we were delighted with the launch of Supporting Young People in Police Interviews: Final Report by the Victoria Law Reform Commission. This report makes important recommendations for legislative and systemic changes regarding the work of IPs in Victoria. If implemented, these recommendations will clarify the role, rights and responsibilities of IPs, professionalise the role and embed its administration within an appropriate arm of government. Ultimately, this will lead to improved protection of the rights of vulnerable young people in police interviews. We were particularly pleased to have YRIPP’s funding continued into 2011-12 and a commitment from the Baillieu Government to ensure a long term future for the program.

When you attend a police station, you are often walking into the world of a young person who may be experiencing some of the most scary, worrisome and confusing events of their lives. You are also more often than not walking into the world of someone who feels like no one cares about them, or they have been given up on, because no one else would come to the police station for them. You then need to juggle that knowledge with the understanding that the police have a job to do, and support the young person through the necessary police processes. Some days it feels like a balancing act between wanting to empathise with the young person, while also seeing things from a police perspective. Every interview I attend I feel as though I get a little better at this. I can honestly say that every time I have walked away from a police station after a callout, I have learnt something new from the police and young people I have just spent time with. I also hope that in return those I have worked with can say the same about their time with me.” Michelle Connard YRIPP Volunteer

“The system worked flawlessly. I personally was very impressed. We had an Independent Person at the police station within half an hour of making a phone call to the YRIPP number. Everything ran very smoothly and [the IP] was great and extremely helpful.” Shane O'Sullivan Leading Senior Constable, Mount Waverley Police Station


We have long recognised that sport and recreation helps newly arrived young people settle and connect with the broader community. Alongside health benefits, sport helps develop new friendships, networks, leadership skills and team work. Our multi-pronged approach allows us to support young people to engage in sport whilst resourcing the sports sector to develop culturally inclusive practices.


This year, our team focused on developing strategic partnerships with local youth services and local councils and delivering training to the sports sector in Melbourne and in regional Victoria. More than 300 young people took part in sports programs run by CMY in 2010-2011. In the South East of Melbourne these partnerships supported several programs: the Healthy Living Program (sport and healthy eating); GR8 (a series of ‘Come and Try’ days hosted and run by local sporting clubs and associations around the Dandenong area); Casey Indoor Sports Soccer Program (supporting a group of 20 Afghan boys to play in a mainstream competition); and supported access to the gym and to swimming lessons at the Oasis Leisure Centre.

CMY/SEDA pilot project

This year we developed a partnership with the Sports Education Development Australia (SEDA). This pilot project included training of SEDA students, identification of ‘Diversity Ambassadors’, development and delivery of a physical education program for newly arrived young people in English Language schools, and a Gala Day in Braybrook. The day brought together about 80 male and female students from Noble Park English Language School and Western English Language School. The partnership with SEDA allowed us to influence the sport administrators, coaches and referees of tomorrow by contributing to their curriculum and to their understanding of diversity and inclusiveness.

In the North West, partnerships with City of Brimbank and the City of Maribyrnong saw the development and delivery of sports programs, such as the SMILE Program. The Smile Multiculturalism Initiate Learn Energize (SMILE) multicultural basketball program ran every Friday afternoon at RecWest in Braybrook, assisting young people to join existing basketball clubs. The structured basketball sessions were facilitated by two young people who initially attended the program.

“CMY has provided SEDA with tremendous opportunities to work with culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) groups within the community. The experience that comes with working with CLD groups has been of huge benefit to our staff, students and to our organisation as a whole.” Aaron Smith SEDA Program Manager


Geelong Leisure Networks Training and Forum

In the past five years, Geelong has seen a substantial increase in population diversity with the recent arrival of 3,000 people from Burma, Afghanistan, Liberia, Sudan and India. Leisure Networks identified that local sports clubs were struggling to reach these new communities. They approached CMY to deliver capacity building around sports and newly arrived communities in the Greater Geelong Area. We delivered crosscultural training for staff and co-developed and delivered a Good Practice Forum for around 40 local club representatives.

CMY provides extensive support to community and government organisations from a broad range of sectors, assisting them to develop the knowledge and skills to more effectively support migrant and refugee young people.

Working in local government authorities (LGAs)

This year our sector development work focused on the LGAs of Melton, Maroondah, and Wyndham —growth corridors that have seen a high level of refugee settlement in recent years. We organised youth consultations that informed local services about the needs of newly arrived young people. We then worked with services to developing strategies to respond. In our first year in Melton, we concentrated on identifying agencies and individuals working with recently arrived African (mainly Sudanese) communities. We ran Working with Refugees training for Melton City Council’s Youth Services staff, and led the youth component of an African Community Forum organised by Victoria Police

in June. Following the forum, a report is being prepared that will list priorities for services in each area (youth, health, education, justice etc) and will be released at the end of 2011. In 2010-2011, we continued working in Maroondah, where we ran a youth consultation which provided information to local services to include in their own strategic planning for the year. Our development work in Wyndham over the past three years has resulted in local services that have the capacity to deliver excellent services to young people and we are no longer needed. We remain available to provide advice and support when necessary.

“It was a great overview of the issues and challenges of working in different cultures. Focusing on communication and previous experiences of others is a good starting point for further thought and discussions.” Participant in CMY training


Training and professional development In 2010-2011, we provided training on Culturally Inclusive Good Practice to:

• Hope St Refuge • North Melbourne Legal Service • Migrant Information Centre (MIC) mentor program

• L2P Volunteers, City of Maribyrnong • Victoria Police Youth Resource Officers • Red Cross National Youth Advisory Council • La Trobe University • City of Yarra Youth Services • Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre • St Kilda Youth Services • Salvation Army Westcare services • City of Melton Youth Services At the request of the Migrant Information Centre (MIC) in Box Hill, we ran two sessions on Intergenerational Conflict and the Role of Youth Services for a Chin mothers’ group and for Sudanese parents. In May 2011, we were asked by agencies responsible for the housing of unaccompanied minors in community detention to run Cultural Competency training for their newly-recruited staff. We developed training specific to working with young asylum seekers and delivered it to Anglicare, McKillop Family Services and Berry Street.

Statewide Multicultural Youth Issues Network (SMYIN)

Linkages and partnerships between services are crucial to good outcomes for newly arrived young people. To this end, we run three forums a year for workers to share information, increase their knowledge of particular issues and to encourage joint solutions and partnerships. These forums

help to shape our policy work. For example, a policy discussion paper on newly arrived young people and homelessness was released and we have formed a working group to inform our advocacy work on this issue.

itself and tools for workers and communities to better support young people and their families. This forum was also an opportunity for CMY to highlight the innovative work of the Brimbank Young Men’s Project.

Young Carers Forum: August 2010

This forum was the result of a partnership between CMY, Carers Victoria and the Ethnic Community Council of Victoria. It focused on Young Carers—young people from refugee or migrant backgrounds who have responsibility for providing care for a family member with an illness or disability. More than 60 people from a range of services participated, many of whom had never previously been involved in a CMY event. Following the forum, a working group was convened to develop a policy paper gathering the existing literature and issues raised at the forum.

Orientation to Australia Forum: November 2010

CMY used the opportunity of an AUSCO guest trainer’s visit to organise a consultation and forum about the orientation and settlement needs of newly arrived refugees. Speakers included DIAC representatives, and the AUSCO guest trainer who described the program and the challenges of delivering it. Participants from settlement agencies, English language courses, youth services and Centrelink had the opportunity to suggest areas that the program should cover in more depth and ideas about increasing consistency between the pre-departure program and the settlement services in Victoria.

Juvenile Justice System Forum: March 2011

The third Statewide forum was run in partnership with VICSEG and focused on the experience of refugee and migrant young people who come into contact with the juvenile justice system. The forum provided information about the system


As part of our Sector Development work, we have put together two policy papers for the year, focussing on the following issues:


The Finding Home in Victoria Policy Discussion Paper was circulated early 2011, following the release of the Victorian State Government Homelessness 2020 strategy (H2020). We also ran a sector consultation in partnership with the Council for Homeless Persons to obtain feedback on H2020 and areas of advocacy. We published two submissions to City of Melbourne Homelessness Strategy 2011–13 and to the Australian Bureau of Statistics Discussion Paper: Methodological Review of Counting the Homeless, 2006 (June 2011).

Visa complexity

Our new policy focus this year was the impact of visa restrictions and entitlements for newly arrived young people. A paper on the issues affecting those on Orphans and Last Remaining Relative visas was developed in response to concerns raised by English Language courses. A second paper, The Impact of Visa Restrictions and Entitlements for Young People Who Come to Live in Victoria, was developed to enable services to better support newly arrived young people, given the complexity created by different visa subclasses.

Partnering with key research centres to document the issues facing our young people

We partner with universities to build our knowledge around young people and the changing world in which they live. This evidence helps us design programs that address contemporary challenges, create appropriate opportunities and develop stronger communities.

Social networks, belonging and active citizenship (2009–2012)

This three year project investigates the role of formal (government and non-government agencies) and informal (family and friends) networks in creating a sense of belonging and active participation. Together with our research partners, we have now collected data across Victoria, NSW and Queensland with a focus on young people from Pacific Islander, African and Arabic speaking communities. The project partners are the Australian Red Cross, Deakin University and the University of Queensland.

Diasporas and transnational linkages (2009–2012)

We are, more than ever, connected across the world through various means and through various patterns of migration. This project is looking at the role of Australian communities in facilitating links and cultural and kinship ties with their countries of origin. The partners are Victoria University, the 24 • CENTRE FOR MULTICULTURAL YOUTH • ANNUAL REPORT 2010–11

Victorian Multicultural Commission, the Australian Vietnamese Women’s Welfare Association, the Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia, Co.As.It (Victoria and Western Australia), Italian/Australian Welfare and Cultural Centre (Perth) and the Council for International Trade and Commerce (SA). Data has been collected and the report will be written over the coming year.

Small Mercies, Big Futures (2010-2013)

We are collaborating with four universities and five other community organisations on this national multi-disciplinary cross-sectoral research project. It will explore ways of better assisting refugee youth and children who ultimately become Australian citizens or permanent residents. The project will culminate in the development of an evidence-based framework for best practice in protecting, nurturing and respecting refugee children and youth in Australia.

Working with



Informing and influencing key policy outcomes The work we do with young people, service providers and researchers help us form coherent, robust and practical advice to decision makers. Developing and influencing policy at local, state and national government levels allows us to shape better outcomes for migrant and refugee young people across Australia. This year we submitted formal policy responses to the following inquiries:

• The NGO Shadow Report on Australia’s compliance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

• The Victorian Review of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006

• The Joint Standing Committee on Migration’s inquiry into multiculturalism in Australia

• The Refugee Council of Australia’s Feedback on community detention and impacts on settlement services

• The Victorian Sentencing Advisory Council in relation to the creation of a statutory minimum offence (mandatory sentencing) for gross violence.

CMY contributes to the formation of policy on a range of issues and contexts. Our staff have been members of the following committees:

• Victorian Local Government Multicultural Information Network (VLGMIN)

• Unaccompanied Young people Under 16 presenting at Homelessness

• Services project (Office of the Child Service Commissioner)

• Ethnic Community Council of Victoria Youth Policy Committee

• Victorian Legal AID Foundation CALD Working Group

• YacVic Policy Advisory Group • Youthlaw Police Powers group • YACVic Youth Participation Practice Network • Victorian Multicultural Commission Advisory Council

• Police and Community Multicultural Advisory Committee

• DHS Refugee Minor Program Advisory Committee

• Victorian Drug and Alcohol Prevention Council • Community Support fund – Community Advisory Council

• Centrelink National/State Multicultural reference committees

• VicHealth advisory committee to reduce discrimination and support diversity

• Refugee Resettlement Advisory Council • Melbourne University - Centre for Women’s Health Advisory Committee

• Victorian Skills Commission – Access and Equity Advisory Committee


National connections

We have developed a reputation as a leader in facilitating and driving change for migrant and refugee young people across Australia. Our national networks and engagement with states and territories enable us to continue to lead the way on important issues.

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (MYAN)

The MYAN (formally the NMYAN) has continued to build its profile as the national voice on multicultural youth issues. Established in 2005 and auspiced by CMY, the MYAN is a nationally recognised policy and advocacy body that represents migrant and newly arrived young people, in order to advance their rights and interests. Alongside the name change, this year we have developed a brand identity and a website. The MYAN has continued its national policy and advocacy work, with a number of submissions made to parliamentary inquiries, and representation on several national policy bodies. It continues to work closely with a number of national organisations. The MYAN has also continued its capacity building work with state and territory multicultural youth networks. This work has supported the development of multicultural youth policy and advocacy bodies and included funding for the MYAN NSW, MYAN ACT, MYAN WA and MYAN TAS.

International connections Our national leadership position has led to fruitful partnerships that allow us to create outcomes for young people before they arrive in Australia.

Working with AUSCO

This year CMY took part in the 2010 Australian Cultural Orientation (AUSCO) Guest Trainer Exchange Program. This DIAC funded program provides cultural orientation training to humanitarian entrants prior to their arrival in Australia and is delivered by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). Trainer Exchange is designed to share knowledge and expertise in order to enhance the AUSCO program. The most recent exchange had a focus on youth (and the development of a revised AUSCO youth curriculum) and facilitated the visits of Sarah Chou to Victoria and Nadine Liddy to Kuala Lumpur. Sarah met with a range of settlement agencies and young people across regions, allowing her to build her knowledge of the Australian settlement context. Nadine participated in AUSCO classes, contribute to the development of the AUSCO Youth Curriculum, and visit several organisations supporting refugees in Malaysia, including Karen and Chin Burmese community organisations and the UNHCR.


Annual UNHCR EXCom meeting

In October 2010, Carmel Guerra travelled to Geneva as one of three Australian NGO representatives and four Australian Government officials to participate in the annual Executive Committee (ExCom) meeting of UNHCR. Key topics of discussion included: responses to major international emergencies and the changing face of displaced persons; resolving protracted refugee situations and enhancing durable solutions to refugees; the need to improve cooperation and sharing of responsibility for refugee protection; and the protection needs of refugee women and unaccompanied minors.

conciSe financial report Discussion and Analysis of the Financial Statements Information on the Centre for Multicultural Youth Concise Financial Report The Concise Financial Report is an extract from the full financial report for the year ended 30 June 2011. The Concise Financial Report has been prepared in accordance with Accounting Standard AASB 1039: Concise Financial Reports, and the Corporations Act 2001. The financial statements and other information included in the Concise Financial Report are derived from, and are consistent with, the full financial report of Centre for Multicultural Youth. The Concise Financial Report cannot be expected to provide as detailed an understanding of the financial performance, financial position and financing and investing activities of Centre for Multicultural Youth as the full financial report. A copy of the full financial report and auditor’s report is available, free of charge, from our website, The presentation currency used in this Concise Financial Report is Australian dollars. The discussion and analysis is provided to assist members in understanding the Concise Financial Report. The discussion and analysis is based on the Centre for Multicultural Youth’s financial statements and the information contained in the Concise Financial Report has been derived from the full 2011 financial report of the Centre for Multicultural Youth.

Statement of Comprehensive Income CMY reported an operating loss of $109,730 for the year ended 30 June 2011 compared to a surplus of $62,342 in 2010. This performance reflected both lower revenue and CMY investing in building organisation capacity.

Statement of Changes in Equity As the Centre for Multicultural Youth is a company limited by guarantee, its equity comprises only retained earnings, which decreased by $109,730 to $322,171.

There have been no significant economic or other events that have impacted operations.

Statement of Cash Flows Cash and cash equivalents increased by $294,247 in 2011. The company experienced an increase in operating cash flows through decreased expenditure and increased interest revenue.

Statement of Financial Position Total assets increased by $238,087 to $1,980,304, representing an increase of 13.67%. This increase was mainly attributable to the following:

• cash and cash equivalents increased by $294,247 due mainly to grant funding being received that relates to future years; and

• trade and other receivables decreasing by $65,558. Total liabilities increased by $347,817 to $1,658,133, representing an increase of 26.54%. This increase was mainly attributable to the following:-

• income in advance increased by $191,293 due to additional grant funding being received that relates to future years; and

• trade and other payables increasing by $111,468 due to trade creditors increasing by $57,233 and business activity statement lodgements changing from monthly to quarterly.


Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the Year Ended 30 June 2011

Statement of financial position AS AT 30 June 2011

2011 2010 $ $






Current Assets

Other income


Employee entitlements

(2,795,244) (2,711,005)




Repairs and maintenance expense



Utilities expense



Rental expense



Training and welfare expense



Audit, legal and consultancy expense


Other expenses

(1,303,465) (1,431,603)

Profit (Loss) for the year (109,730) Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income for the year



2011 $

2010 $

2011 $ $


Trade and other payables



Short-term provisions



Other current liabilities



LIABILITIES Current Liabilities

Cash and cash equivalents



Trade and other receivables



Other current assets



Total Current Assets



Total Current Liabilities 1,598,900


Non-Current Liabilities

Non-Current Assets Property, plant and equipment






Long-term provisions



Total Non-Current Assets 110,103


Total Non-Current Liabilities



Total Assets


Total Liabilities



Net Assets



Retained earnings



Total Equity




— —





Statement of CASH FLOWS

for the year ended 30 June 2011

2011 2010 $ $

Cash flows from operating activities Grants, donations and other income received



Interest received



Payments to suppliers and employees

(3,960,663) (4,267,173)

Net cash provided by operating activities


for the year ended 30 June 2011 Retained Earnings Total $ $ Balance at 1 July 2009 369,559 369,559 Earnings attributable to the entity



Balance at 30 June 2010



Balance at 1 July 2010



Earnings attributable to the entity



Balance at 30 June 2011




Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of property, plant and equipment



Net cash used in investing activities



Net increase in cash held



Cash at beginning of year 1,333,038


Cash at end of year



Statement of changes in equity



Independent Auditor’s Report

To the Members of the Centre for Multicultural Youth

Report on the Concise Financial Report We have audited the accompanying Concise Financial Report of the Centre for Multicultural Youth, which comprises the Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2011, the Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Cash Flows and the Statement of Changes in Equity for the year then ended, derived from the audited financial report of the Centre for Multicultural Youth for the year ended 30 June 2011. The Concise Financial Report does not contain all the disclosures required by Australian Accounting Standards and accordingly, reading the Concise Financial Report is not a substitute for reading the audited financial report. Directors Responsibility for the Concise Financial Report The directors are responsible for the preparation of the Concise Financial Report in accordance with Accounting Standard AASB 1039: Concise Financial Reports, and the Corporations Act 2001, and for such internal control as the directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of the Concise Financial Report. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Concise Financial Report based on our audit procedures which were conducted in accordance

with Auditing Standard ASA 810: Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements. We have conducted an independent audit, in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards, of the financial report of the Centre for Multicultural Youth for the year ended 30 June 2011. We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on that financial report in our report dated 12 October 2011. The Australian Auditing Standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial report for the year is free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the Concise Financial Report. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the Concise Financial Report, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation of the Concise Financial Report in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Our procedures included testing that the information in the Concise Financial Report is derived from, and is consistent with, the financial report for the year, and examination on a test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts and other disclosures which were not directly derived from the financial report for the year. These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion on whether, in all material respects, the Concise Financial Report complies with Accounting Standard AASB 1039: Concise Financial Reports.


We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

Independence In conducting our audit, we have complied with the independence requirements of the Corporations Act 2001. We confirm that the independence declaration required by the Corporations Act 2001, provided to the directors of the Centre for Multicultural Youth on 7 October 2011, would be in the same terms if provided to the directors as at the date of this auditor’s report. Auditor’s Opinion In our opinion, the Concise Financial Report of the Centre for Multicultural Youth for the year ended 30 June 2011 complies with Accounting Standard AASB 1039: Concise Financial Reports.

Haines Muir Hill

Alan J Muir

Chartered Accountants


888 Doncaster Road DONCASTER EAST VIC 3109 Dated in Doncaster on this 18th day of November 2011

director's report Your directors present their report on the company for the financial year ended 30 June 2011.

The principal activities of the company are the provision of support services to disadvantaged young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds with a view to relieve the poverty, distress or helplessness suffered by them.

The names of the directors in office at anytime during or since the end of the year are:

The company also provides ancillary services to the above, supporting the needs of young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds in other ways.

Paris Aristotle Maree Lynn Davidson Bulent Dellal Sally James Kirsten Rae Pilatti Donato Smarrelli Jeanette Ward Directors have been in office since the start of the financial year to the date of this report unless otherwise stated. The net loss of the company for the financial year amounted to $109,730 (2010: $62,342 profit). A review of the operations of the company during the financial year and the results of those operations are as follows: Changes in grant funding resulted in a decrease in grant revenue by 6% compared to last year. However, interest income has increased due to higher levels of monies held on deposit. No other significant changes in the state of affairs have occurred during the financial year.

No matters or circumstances have arisen since the end of the financial year which significantly affected or may significantly affect the operations of the company, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the company in future financial years. Likely developments in the operations of the company and the expected results of those operations in future financial years have not been included in this report as the inclusion of such information is likely to result in unreasonable prejudice to the company. The company's operations are not regulated by any significant environmental regulation under a law of the Commonwealth or of the State. No dividends have been paid or declared during the year and no dividends are proposed. The company is prohibited by its Constitution from making any distributions. No options over issued shares or interest in the company were granted during or since the end of the financial year and there were no options outstanding at the date of this report.


Information on directors Sally James • General Manager, Community Development, Melbourne City Mission • Senior Manager, Youth Transitions, Brotherhood of St Laurence Paris Aristotle AM • Director, Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture Inc • Board Member, Refugee Council of Australia • Board Member, Adult Multicultural Education Services • Part-time Commissioner, Victorian Law Reform Commission Maree Lynn Davidson • Managing Director, Davidson Consulting Pty Ltd • Melbourne Writers Festival, Deputy Chair • Queen Victoria Women’s Centre Trust - Trustee • Public Transport Industry Ombudsman Board, Community Director • National Coalition Against Bullying, Executive Member • Fellowship for Indigenous Leadership Advisory Committee, Chair Donato (Don) Smarrelli OAM • Director/Principal, Lawcorp Lawyers Pty Ltd • Member of the Board, Assisi Centre Incorporated Dr Bulent (Hass) Dellal OAM • Company Secretary, Australian Multicultural Foundation Ltd • Member of the Board of Trustees, European Multicultural Foundation • Deputy Chairman, Special Broadcasting Services (SBS) • Chair, Centre for Multicultural Youth

Kirsten Rae Pilatti • National Marketing and Communications Manager, Breast Cancer Network Australia • Chair, Centre for Multicultural Youth Communications Committee Jeanette Ward BA (Hons), GAICD • Executive Director, Te Anau Consulting Pty Ltd • Director, Eastern Health • Chair, Centre for Multicultural Youth Finance and Audit Committee • Director, Melbourne Youth Music Company Secretary The following person held the position of company secretary during the 2010/2011 financial year: Carmel Guerra • Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY), since the organisation’s inception in 1988. • Appointed company secretary at incorporation of CMY in 2007. No director has received, or become entitled to receive, during or since the financial year, a benefit because of a contract made by the company, or a related body corporate with a director, a firm of which the director is a member or an entity in which a director has a substantial financial interest. This statement excludes a benefit included in the aggregate amount of emoluments received or due and receivable by directors and shown in the company's financial statements.

Meetings of Directors Directors Name

Number eligible to attend

Number attended

Dr Bulent (Hass) Dellal



Donato Smarelli



Jeanette Ward



Maree Lynn Davidson



Sally James



Kirsten Rae Pilatti



Paris Aristotle



Company Secretary:



Carmel Guerra

No indemnities have been given or insurance premiums paid, during or since the end of the financial year, for any person who is or has been an officer or auditor of the company. No person has applied for leave of court to bring proceedings on behalf of the company or intervene in any proceedings to which the company is a party for the purpose of taking responsibility on behalf of the company for all or part of those proceedings. The company was not a party to any such proceedings during the year.

Auditor’s Independence Declaration A copy of the auditor’s independence declaration as required under Section 307C of the Corporations Act 2001 is attached to this financial report. Signed in accordance with a resolution of the board of directors:

Dr Bulent (Hass) Dellal OAM Director Dated this 12th day of October 2011


Thank you

Our Patron, Board and Staff

Our partners and supporters

Thank you to our patron, board and staff for all their energy, passion and commitment throughout the year.

• AMES • African Holistic Social Services of Victoria • African Think Tank Inc. • Australian Multicultural Foundation • Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human

our Patron-in-Chief Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce, AC Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia

Our Funders • Australian Emergency Management Institute • City of Melbourne • Department of Education and Early Childhood Our success is built on an ability to forge excellent partnerships. Our supporters and partners are as diverse as the young people we work with and we would not achieve what we do without their commitment and openness. We would like to say a very big thank you to everyone that contributes to the success of CMY, particularly our volunteers and young people.

Development (Victoria)

• Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Commonwealth)

• Department of Immigration and Citizenship (Commonwealth)

• Department of Justice (Victoria) • Department of Planning and Community Development – Office for Youth (Victoria)

• International Organization for Migration • La Trobe University • Sport and Recreation Victoria • Victorian Multicultural Commission • VicHealth • Victoria Police



• Australian Red Cross Victoria • Australian Youth Affairs Coalition (AYAC) • Banksia Gardens Community Centre • Brotherhood of St Laurence • Carers Victoria • Caroline Chisholm Society • Casey Cardinia Community Legal Service • Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health • Centrelink • City of Brimbank Youth Services • City of Casey Youth Services • City of Greater Dandenong Youth Services • City of Hume Youth Services • City of Melbourne Youth Services • City of Maribyrnong Youth Services • City of Maroondah Youth Services • City of Whittlesea Youth Services • City of Wyndham Youth Services • Collingwood English Language School • Courts Integrated Services Program • Cranbourne Secondary College • Crossroads Youth and Family Services

• Dandenong High School • Dandenong Oasis • Darebin Community Legal Centre • DasWest Drug and Alcohol Service • Deakin University • Debney Park Secondary College • Eastern Community Legal Centre • Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria • Federation of Community Legal Centres • Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia

• Federation Square • Finrea • Foundation House • Good Shepherd Youth and Family Service • headspace • Hume Whittlesea Local Learning and Employment Network

• Hallam Secondary College • Hope Street Youth Refuge • Immigration Museum • Iramoo Youth Refuge • Islamic Council of Victoria • Jesuit Social Services • L&R Print Services • Leisure Networks • Melbourne Citymission • Migrant Information Centre • Migrant Resource Centre Northwest

• Migrant Resource Centre (Southern Tasmania) Inc. • Multicultural Development Association • Multicultural Media Exchange • Multicultural Youth Action Group, Dandenong • Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network Western Australia (MYAN WA)

• Multicultural Youth Affairs Network (ACT) • Multicultural Youth Northern Territory • Multicultural Youth South Australia Inc. • Nando’s • New Hope Foundation • NMIT • Noble Park English Language School • Norwood Association • RecWest Community Recreation Centre • Refugee Council of Australia • Refugee Minor Program (DHS) • Refugee Youth Services Network (WA) • Roxburgh Park Secondary College • Salvation Army Social Housing Service • Settlement Council of Australia (SCOA) • Shire of Melton Youth Services • South East Centre Against Sexual Assault • South East Local Learning and Employment Network

• South Eastern Region Migrant Resource Centre • Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre • Sports Education and Development Australia • Sports Without Borders

• Springers Leisure Centre • Springvale Community Aid and Advice Bureau • Sunshine Magistrates’ Court • Swinburne University • UnitingCare Ballarat • UnitingCare Cutting Edge • University of Melbourne, Youth Research Centre

• University of Queensland • Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service • Victorian Arabic Social Services • VICSEG – New Futures • Victoria Legal Aid • Victoria Police • Victoria University • Western Region Health Services • Western English Language School • Western Young Person’s Independent Network • Young People and the Arts Australia • Youth Action & Policy Association (NSW) Inc • Youth Affairs Council of Victoria • Youth Affairs Network Queensland • Youth Coalition of the ACT • Youth Connections • Youth Development Australia • Youth Junction Inc. • Youthlaw • Youth Support and Advocacy Service • Youthworks

Get involved! There are numerous ways young people, investors, supporters and stakeholders can help us support young people from diverse cultural backgrounds.


If you are a young person of a migrant or refugee background aged between 12–25 years old and you are looking for opportunities to get involved, learn and make a difference then we have programs for you.


We have several opportunities for people who would like to work directly with young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.


We are currently seeking partners who want to invest in the future of CMY. To find out more about the opportunities that exist please contact us.

Stay informed

CMY publishes a bi-monthly e-newsletter that features up-to-date news and information about events, resources, professional development opportunities and forums relevant to the multicultural youth sector.

To find out more about these opportunities, visit

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