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Throughout the SMSC Wacipi, honorary dances and ceremonies called “Specials” are integrated, usually celebrating a specific individual.
If an eagle feather falls to the ground, an Eagle Feather/Fallen Warrior Ceremony is held for veterans to retrieve the “Fallen Warrior.” The SMSC has the highest respect for the waŋbdi, or eagle. The eagle flies higher than any other being and carries prayers to the Creator. Possession of an eagle feather is an honor. Eagle feathers are usually received as a gift from a relative, spiritual teacher, or from the eagle himself. Please Note: Photography is not allowed during this ceremony.
A Giveaway is a tradition when someone has been honored or a major accomplishment is reached. The Master of Ceremonies (Éyapaha) announces the purpose of the Giveaway. Blankets and special gifts, like Star Quilts, are given to individuals who have helped the family. Visitors are sometimes given small gifts as well. It is considered impolite to refuse a gift if given. A Giveaway is generally followed by a Wopida (Thank You) song and dance, where everyone who has received a gift is invited to participate in a round dance.
Naming Ceremonies
Naming Ceremonies are used when families want to give a spiritual or Native American name to an individual. A spiritual leader or respected elder performs this ceremony, and a Giveaway and Honor Song typically follow.
Please Note: Photography is not allowed during this ceremony.
Honor Songs
Honor Songs commemorate an individual who has passed away or achieved a significant accomplishment, such as graduating from school, being selected as royalty, or serving in the U.S. armed forces. Everyone is invited to shake hands with the individual and family.