10 Tips to Developing Marketing Content for Doctors, Pharmacists and Medical Practitioners
Healthcare is a tricky subject when it comes to creating quality and marketable content. If you are a doctor, pharmacist or medical professional, chances are that you might have a hard time figuring out the right words for your blog or website. Here are ten tips you need to keep in mind: 1. Strategize: You need to keep three things in mind while developing your healthcare content marketing strategy. Your target audience, the purpose of your piece (whether it’s a though provoking article or a call to action post) and the possible promotional avenues for the content. 2. Make it enriching- It should be a great read. No matter how much information you are cramping in, your content should be able to resonate with people and make their reading time worthwhile. This is especially true because people traditionally find medical articles drab.
3. Think of Promotional Processes- You can’t possibly waste time waiting for search engines to notice your content, especially because there are tones of healthcare marketing articles vying for people’s attention. You need to focus on placing and promoting your content through online health magazines, mailers and also informal platforms such as instagram. 4. Don’t hesitate to spend- Use social media offers like discounts on facebook advertisements to make sure your content is getting the right attention from your target demographic 5. Experiment with mediums: Think about the variety of content you can possibly create with new internet trends like infomercials, vlogs and listicles with GIFs, all of which will make your healthcare marketing content look and feel jazzier. 6. Know what people search for: People search for symptoms and conditions way more than treatments and procedure. So keep that in mind while choosing the right keywords for your content. 7. Skip the boring stuff: For example, do away with frequently asked questions because that’s archaic and no one really pays attention to it anymore. Precision is the key. 8. Tap into their hearts- Share heartwarming anecdotes about your patients or about patients from around the world and talk about how their stories inspire you to do better 9. Stay in touch with the news: Your content should feel relevant and topical and it should constantly reference the times we live in even if you are speaking on something generic. For instance an article on communicable diseases should definitely focus on the ebola virus. 10. Analytics are everything: Know your targets and campaign goals and constantly look at the analytics to figure out how well your blog is faring. You can use this data to figure out what exactly is working out for you and vice versa. Writing about health and marketing it isn’t exactly one of the easiest things to do in the internet, but as a doctor, pharmacist and medical practitioner, you already have people’s trust on your side. You just need to master the art of virtual articulation.