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Site analysis was carried out by a movie called ‘ Now you see me too’ This movie aimed at potraying how the nature exsits but still not seen from all the urban noise around. Throughout the movie the switching of audio represent the contrast and imbalance in nature. Site Analysis included exploration of videograhy and editing skills.
LINK : https://youtu.be/CTIGAlGI7M0

Topography is manipulated to create green and save playscape for kids.

This is a stopping point for tourist which looks into surrounding area.
Plan and sections were prepared detailing where each function, portals, pitstop, walking path, bike path, lighting poles, edge treatment, roof garden etc. are provided.

This playground topography is articulated for for kids play area.
WSUD design of parking using Ecoraster helps the storm water to seep through

Assignment A3 : Designing water places
Assignment A3 : Designing water places

Water-sensitive urban design (WSUD) is a key solution for the Canterbury Sydney Creek revitalization project. It includes the creation of a connected walking trail and bike path, incorporation of green parking spaces, establishment of accessible portal points, and addition of visually pleasing elements like a vertical green wall and green roofs.

Design implentation was explored through hand made model with cardboard sheet and laser cut wood building block. Each site was then combined to show the proposal to the council