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‫ات‬jƒ‫¡ر�س املحت‬a

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Introduction al quds under Occupation al-Aqsa Mosque

‫املقدمة‬ ‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬ ‫امل�صجد أاالق�صى‬

The Christian Holy Sites

‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬

The Demographic Battle

‫معركة ال�صكان‬

Settlement ‫ﹾ‬Under the Grip of the Wall Life Under Occupation

‫اال�صتيطان‬ ‫يف قب�صة اجلدار‬ ‫احلياة يف ظل االحتالل‬

‫مقدمة‬ ‫يف العا‪ 1948 Ω‬احت∏ت الع�صا‪H‬ات ال�ص¡ي‪fƒ‬ية ‪Z‬ر‪ »H‬القد�س‪V ,‬ص‪ øª‬م�صاحة‬ ‫‪ %77‬م‪�∏a ø‬صط‪ h ,Ú‬أا‪æ∏Y‬ت قيا‪hO Ω‬لة ” ‪E‬ا�‪ö‬ا‪F‬يل“‪h ,‬يف العا‪1967 Ω‬‬ ‫ا�صتك‪ª‬ل اجلي‪û‬س ال�ص¡ي‪ ʃ‬احتالل الق�ص‪ º‬ال‪öû‬ق» م‪ ø‬القد�س‪a ,‬ا�صتك‪ª‬ل‬ ‫‪òH‬ل∂ أا�‪ √òg ö‬املد‪æj‬ة الع¶ي‪ª‬ة‪.‬‬ ‫م‪ ø‬العا‪E 1967 Ω‬ا‪ ¤‬العا‪ ,2007 Ω‬أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬ام ‪k‬ا م‪ ø‬احتالل كامل‬ ‫‪gOƒ¡jh‬ا‪jh ,‬قت∏™‬ ‫‪ûj‬ص‪ ¬Lh √ƒ‬القد�س‪,‬‬ ‫‪q‬‬ ‫‪Y‬اما ‪h‬االحتالل ‪q‬‬ ‫القد�س‪ .‬أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪k‬‬ ‫�صكا‪¡f‬ا‪�jh ,‬ص∏‪¡î‬ا ‪jƒg øY‬ت¡ا العر‪H‬ية ‪E‬اال�صالمية‪ h ,‬أا‪j‬ا‪ ¬jO‬ا‪Øÿ‬ية حت‪Ø‬ر‬ ‫‪Y‬اما “ ‪q‬ر‬ ‫م¡د‪O‬ة‪ k‬أاق�صا‪g‬ا‪ ,‬أام ‪k‬ال يف اال�صتيال‪∏Y A‬ي¬ أا‪J h‬ق�صي‪ ...¬ª‬أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪k‬‬ ‫‪Y‬اما ‪h‬ح ‪q‬را�س أاالق�صى ‪¡j‬ب‪ƒ‬ن‬ ‫‪h‬قد أا‪Th‬ص∂ اجلدار ‪∏Y‬ى ‪æN‬ق¡ا‪ ...‬أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪k‬‬ ‫حل‪ª‬ا‪j‬ت¬ ‪H‬ال�صد‪h‬ر العار‪j‬ة يف ‪ ¬Lh‬كل ا‪Y‬تدا‪ ...A‬أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬ام ‪k‬ا ‪ûa‬ص∏ت ‪N‬الل¡ا‬ ‫‪Y‬اما‬ ‫احل‪Ø‬ر‪j‬ات يف الع‪ƒã‬ر ‪∏Y‬ى أا… أا‪K‬ر ‪ …Oƒ¡j‬أا‪ …ÈY h‬م‪ ø‬أا… ‪ ...´ƒf‬أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪k‬‬ ‫“ر ‪h‬االحتالل ‪j‬حا‪h‬ل ‪ ≥æN‬احلياة ‪a‬ي¡ا ليطر‪ O‬أا‪¡∏g‬ا م‪¡æ‬ا‪ ,‬لك‪U º¡æ‬صامد‪h‬ن‬ ‫‪Y‬اما ‪h‬االحتالل ‪j‬ح∏‪H º‬قد�س ‪jOƒ¡j‬ة‬ ‫‪a‬ي¡ا ر‪ ºZ‬احل�صار ‪h‬الت�صيي≥‪ ...‬أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪k‬‬ ‫‪�jh‬صعى لتحقيق¡ا ‪H‬كل ‪¡L‬د√‪ ,‬لك‪U ø‬ص‪ Oƒª‬املد‪æj‬ة ‪j‬ق∞ حا‪k F‬ال ‪ ¬fhO‬حتى‬ ‫الي‪ .Ωƒ‬أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬ام ‪k‬ا ‪J ⁄h‬تحرر القد�س ‪H‬عد‪....‬‬ ‫ح�صا‪ O‬أار‪H‬ع‪Y Ú‬ام ‪k‬ا قا�صية م‪ ø‬االحتالل ل∏قد�س ‪�f‬صتعر‪V‬ص¡ا ‪H‬ا‪N‬ت�صار يف‬ ‫‪òg‬ا الكت ‪q‬ي‪ Ö‬امل�ص‪ƒ‬ر‪.‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬


In 1948, Zionist gangs occupied 77% of Palesine including the western part of al quds “Jerusalem” and declared the establishment of the state of “Israel”. Then in 1967, the zionist army occupied the east part of al quds. Thus it completed the captivity of this great city. From 1967 to 2007, forty years of occupying the whole of al quds have passed. Forty years and the occupation continues to disfigure Al quds’s face, Judaize it, uproot its occupants, detach it from its Arabic Islamic identity. Its hidden hands continue to dig, endangering its al-Aqsa, hoping to seize it or divide it… Forty years have passed and the wall is about to strangle it… Forty years and the guards of al-Aqsa continue to spring to its defense with their naked chests in the face of every aggression… Forty years during which the excavations failed to uncover any Jewish or Hebrew archeological relic of any kind… Forty years have passed and the occupation continues its attempt to strangle life in it, hoping to expel its people from it; yet they remain steadfast in spite of the siege and restrictions… Forty years and the occupation continues to dream of a Jewish Al quds and strives to realize it, sparing no effort. Yet the city’s perseverance stands in its way up to this day. Forty years and al quds isn’t liberated yet… The harvest of forty hard years of the occupation of al quds, we briefly survey them in this illustrated booklet.


‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬ al quds under Occupation

‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬ al quds under Occupation

al quds during the British Mandate During the British occupation of Palestine that lasted the period between 1916 and 1947, the Jewish presence in Al quds grew steadily under the wing of the occupation authorities.

ÊÉ£jÈdG ∫ÓàM’G ó¡Y ‘ ¢Só≤dG Ú£°ù∏Ød ÊÉ£jÈdG ∫ÓàM’G IÎa ∫ÓN 1916-1947

»eÉY ÚH Ée äóàeG »àdG q

ƒªæj ¢Só≤dG ‘ …Oƒ¡«dG OƒLƒdG ¿Éc q .∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S ájÉYQ â– OGô£°VÉH


ÊÉ£jÈdG ∫ÓàM’G ó¡Y ‘ ¢Só≤dG al quds during the British Mandate



‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬ al quds under Occupation

al quds after the Occupation of its Western Part in 1948. In 1948, the western part of the city fell into the hands of the Israeli occupation. As for what remained of the eastern part, it came under Jordanian custody. So Jordan expanded to the east of the Al quds's area, while the Israeli occupation expanded to its west.

»Hô¨dG É¡ª°ùb ∫ÓàMG ó©H ¢Só≤dG 1948 ΩÉY áæjóŸG øe »Hô¨dG Aõ÷G §≤°S ,1948 ΩÉY ≈≤q ÑJ Ée Éeq CG ,»∏«FGô°S’E G ∫ÓàM’G ój ‘

Ió¡©dG â– íÑ°UCÉa »bô°ûdG Aõ÷G øe C ™°Sƒàa C áMÉ°ùe ‘ Ébk ô°T ¿OQ’G ,á«fOQ’G q »∏«FGô°S’E G ∫ÓàM’G ™°SƒJ q ɪæ«H ,¢Só≤dG

.ÉHk ôZ



ΩÉY »Hô¨dG É¡ª°ùb ∫ÓàMG ó©H ¢Só≤dG

al quds after the Occupation of its Western Part in 1948.


‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬


‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬ al quds under Occupation

Unilateral Borders of al quds after Zionist Occupation in 1967 The eastern part fell in the hands of the Zionists in 1967; and since that time, the settlements, the expansion, and the Judaization activities did not cease, in accordance with the occupation's plan to make Al quds "the eternal and great capital" of its state. Thereafter, the occupation state started to implement its schemes to definitively annex Al quds; and so it began to control the city, dictating its form and borders. The municipality of Al quds of the occupation declared unilaterally the borders of the city with an area of 72Km2, annexing parts of the West Bank in addition to the eastern and western parts of the city.

C Ohó◊G ó©H ¢Só≤dG áæjóŸ ájOÉM’G 1967 ΩÉY É¡dÓàMG áæjÉ¡°üdG ój ‘ »bô°ûdG Aõ÷G §≤°S q ∞bq ƒàJ ⁄ Ú◊G ∂dP òæeh ,1967 ΩÉY ójƒ¡àdGh á©°SƒàdGh ¿É£«à°S’G äÉ«q ∏ªY ´hô°ûe ™e Ö°SÉæàj Éà ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ‘ ák jq óHCG ák ª°UÉY" ¢Só≤dG π©L ‘ ∫ÓàM’G

.¬àdhód "iÈch ò«ØæàH ∂dP ó©H ∫ÓàM’G ádhO äCGóH q É¡«dEG ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ºq °†d É¡JÉ££fl

πµ°ûH ºµq ëàJ äòNCÉa ,»FÉ¡f πµ°ûH m q ∫ÓàM’G ájq ó∏H âæ∏YCGh ,ÉgOhóMh áæjóŸG

C Ohó◊G ¢Só≤dG ‘ áæjóª∏d ájq OÉM’G øe Ak GõLCG âªq °V »àdGh ,2ºc 72 áMÉ°ùÃ

áæjóŸG …ô£°ûd ák aÉ°VEG á«q Hô¨dG áØq °†dG .»Hô¨dGh »bô°ûdG



C Ohó◊G ΩÉY É¡dÓàMG ó©H ¢Só≤dG áæjóŸ ájOÉM’G

Unilateral Borders of al quds after Zionist Occupation in 1967


‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬


‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬ al quds under Occupation

iȵdG ¢Só≤dG OhóM

Borders of “Greater Jerusalem” Then the occupation started to bite off more lands and annex them so they would fall within the unilateral limits of the city. And so the plan of greater Jerusalem was proposed, which stipulates extending the city's territory to the east and to the north by way of confiscating more Palestinian lands and villages.

ójõŸG º°†b ≈∏Y ∂dP ó©H ∫ÓàM’G πªY C Ohóë∏d É¡ªq °Vh ¢VQ’G C øe ájq OÉM’G

,iȵdG ¢Só≤dG ´hô°ûe ìô£a áæjóª∏d kÉbô°T áæjóŸG »°VGQCG ™«°SƒàH »°†≤j …òdG øe ójõŸG IQOÉ°üe ≥jôW øY k’ɪ°Th C iô≤dG .á«q æ«£°ù∏ØdG »°VGQ’Gh


iȵdG ¢Só≤dG OhóM Borders of “Greater Jerusalem”


‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬


‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬ al quds under Occupation

IOó©àŸG ¢Só≤dG OhóM (á«æ«J’ƒHhΟG)

Borders of “Metropolitan Jerusalem”

The third step took the form of the project of "Metropolitan Jerusalem". This plan aspired to expand Al quds until it devours the cities of Ramallah to the north and Bethlehem to the south, with a total area that equals 12%-17% of the area of the West Bank, and thus completely separating its north from its south.

¢Só≤dG ´hô°ûà â∏ãq “ áãdÉãdG Iƒ£ÿG Gòg íª£jh ,IOóq ©àŸG hCG "á«q fÉà«dƒHhΟG"

º¡à∏àd ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ™«°Sƒàd ´hô°ûŸG kÉHƒæL º◊ â«Hh ’k ɪ°T ˆG ΩGQ »àæjóe %17-12

m ÚH Ée …RGƒJ á«q dɪLEG áMÉ°ùÃ

É¡dɪ°T ák ∏°UÉa á«q Hô¨dG áØq °†dG áMÉ°ùe øe .πeÉc πµ°ûH É¡HƒæL øY m


(á«æ«J’ƒHhΟG) IOó©àŸG ¢Só≤dG OhóM Borders of “Metropolitan Jerusalem”


‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬


‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬ al quds under Occupation

¢Só≤dG ∫ƒM QGó÷G QÉ°ùe

The Track of the Wall around al quds The dream of "Metropolitan Jerusalem" clashed with a Palestinian demographic reality that makes its realization impossible. This led Zionist circles to bring forth the idea of imposing a unilateral solution by way of building the Wall that, in its course, lets all the settlements surrounding al quds become part of the occupation state, and bites off Palestinian lands that have low population density eating up an area of 235km2 of the West Bank, while it winds itself around the large Palestinian population centers, placing them outside the wall.

"IOóq ©àŸG ¢Só≤dG" áæjóe º∏M Ωó£°UG √ò«ØæJ π©éj »æ«£°ù∏a Êɵq °S ™bGƒH m q

C GóM Ée ,Ó k «ëà°ùe á«q fƒ«¡°üdG •É°Sh’ÉH oCG πx M ¢Vôa Iôµa ìôW ¤EG øY …OÉM q

ºq °†j …òdG ,∫RÉ©dG QGó÷G AÉæH ≥jôW ᣫëŸG äÉæWƒà°ùŸG ™«ªL √Ò°ùe ∫ÓN ,∫ÓàM’G ádhO ¤EG ¢Só≤dG áæjóà C º°†≤jh áaÉãµdG äGP á«q æ«£°ù∏ØdG »°VGQ’G ÉgQób ák MÉ°ùe º°†«d á∏«∏≤dG á«q fɵq °ùdG q ɪæ«H ,á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG øe 2ºc 235 ∞à∏j

IÒѵdG á«q æ«£°ù∏ØdG äÉ©ªq éàdG ∫ƒM .QGó÷G êQÉN ÉgÉjq E G kÉ©°VGh


¢Só≤dG ∫ƒM QGó÷G QÉ°ùe The Track of the Wall around al quds


‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬


‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬ al quds under Occupation

¢Só≤dG ∫ƒM QGó÷G

The Wall around al quds

Building the wall around Al quds– in spite of its gravity- represented a drawback in the schemes to Judaize the city. For the occupation authorities moved from the concept of expansion to that of conserving what is in existence, abandoning large areas of lands that they had previously planned to annex within the dream of metropolitan Al quds, and that's by virtue of the perseverance of Al quds's inhabitants in the face of the Judaization plans.

-¬JQƒ£N ≈∏Y- ¢Só≤dG ∫ƒM QGó÷G AÉæH q áæjóŸG ójƒ¡J äÉ££fl ‘ É©k LGôJ πãq e ôµa øe ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S â∏≤àfG ó≤a

ƒg Ée ≈∏Y ®ÉØ◊G ôµa ¤EG ™°SƒàdG q m øe á©°SGh äÉMÉ°ùe øY ák «q ∏îàe ,ºFÉb

C kÉ≤HÉ°S É¡ªq °†d ≈©°ùJ âfÉc »àdG »°VGQ’G

π°†ØH ∂dPh ,IOóq ©àŸG ¢Só≤dG º∏M øª°V ‘ ¢Só≤dG áæjóe πg’C »JGòdG Oƒª°üdG q .ójƒ¡àdG ™jQÉ°ûe ¬Lh


¢Só≤∏d áØ∏àîŸG Ohó◊G The Various Borders of al quds

¢Só≤dG Gr



‫ﺣﺪﻭﺩ ﺍﻻﺣﺘﻼﻝ ﺍﻟﺒﺮﻳﻄﺎﻧﻲ‬ Borders British Occupation 1948 ‫ﺣﺪﻭﺩ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻡ‬ Borders of Year 1948 1967 ‫ﺣﺪﻭﺩ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻡ‬ Borders of Year 1967

‫ﺣﺪﻭﺩ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬

Borders of “Greater Jerusalem”

‫ﺣﺪﻭﺩ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ ﺍﳌﺘﻌﺪﺩﺓ‬

Borders of “Metropolitan jerusalem”

‫ﻣﺴﺎﺭ ﺍﳉﺪﺍﺭ ﺣﻮﻝ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬


The Track of the Wall around al quds

‫امل�سجد أالق�صى‬ Al Aqsa Mosque

‫امل�صجد أاالق�صى‬ Al-Aqsa Mosque

In the morning of 11/6/1967, only four days after the occupation of Al quds, the occupation forces leveled the Magharbeh district to the ground, turning the place into a large square dedicated to the worship of Jews, having an area of 200,000 m² that used to be the site of 135 houses and two mosques belonging to the district's residents whose origin goes back to the reinforcements that came from Maghreb to fight along Salahuddine al-Ayyubi (Salahddin) upon the liberation of the city from the Crusaders.

ΩÉjCG á©HQCG ó©Hh ,1967/6/11 Ωƒj ìÉÑ°U äGƒq b äƒq °S ,¢Só≤dG ∫ÓàMG øe §≤a C áHQɨŸG »M ák ∏«fio ¢VQ’ÉH ∫ÓàM’G q

Oƒ¡«dG IÓ°üd IÒÑc áMÉ°S ¤EG ¿ÉµŸG ≥Ñ°S ɪ«a âfÉc 2Ω ∞dCG 200 áMÉ°ùÃ

,»◊G ‹Ég’C øjóé°ùeh k’õæe 135 ºq °†J »Hô¨ŸGG OnóŸG ¤EG º¡dƒ°UCG Oƒ©J øjòdG

C øjódG ìÓ°U ™e ÜQÉM …òdG Ωƒj »Hƒj’G .Ú«Ñ«∏°üdG øe áæjóŸG ôjô–


.‫�صجد أاالق�صى‬ª∏‫» ل‬H‫ر ال¨ر‬ƒ‫ص≥ ل∏�ص‬U‫ة املال‬H‫ ح» امل¨ار‬ʃ‫ال االحتالل ال�ص¡ي‬R‫ أا‬1967/6/11 ‫عد‬H After 11/6/1967, the Zionist occupation leveled al-Magharbah Quarter, which is adjacent to the western wall of al-Aqsa Mosque.


‫امل�صجد أاالق�صى‬ Al-Aqsa Mosque

On the 21st of August 1969, radical Zionist Dennis Michael Rohan, and with the help of a number of settlers, introduced large quantities of extremely combustible materials inside al-Aqsa Mosque, with the intent to burn it down. Water supplies were cut off during this criminal operation and the fire engines of the occupation municipality were slow to arrive. However, al quds’s inhabitants moved quickly to put out the fire with whatever water was accessible, transporting it with their bare hands and with whatever means of transportation available to them. The blaze inflicted large-scale damage on the southern part of al-Aqsa Mosque; and the flames consumed totally the pulpit of Saladin al-Ayyubi, the symbol of the city’s liberation from the Crusaders. Immediately following the blaze, the occupation authorities claimed that it was caused by electrical friction before admitting that it was an incident of arson carried out by a “deranged” person.

±ô£àŸG ʃ«¡°üdG ΩÉb ,21/8/1969 ‘ OóY IóYÉ°ùÃh ,¿ÉghQ πµjÉe ¢ù«æjO IÒÑc äÉ«ªc ∫ÉNOEÉH ,ÚæWƒà°ùŸG øe πNGO ¤EG ,∫É©à°T’G Iójó°T OGƒŸG øe C óé°ùŸG óbh ,¬bGôMEG ó°ü≤H ,≈°üb’G

á«∏ª©dG √òg ò«ØæJ AÉæKCG √É«ŸG â©£bo AÉØW’E G äGQÉ«°S ∫ƒ°Uh ôNq CÉJh ,á«eGôL’E G ¢Só≤dG πgCG øµd ,∫ÓàM’G ájó∏Ñd á©HÉàdG

»àdG IôaƒàŸG √É«ŸÉH ≥jô◊G AÉØW’E GƒÑq g .πFÉ°Sh º¡d ô°ù«J q ÉÃh ,º¡jójCÉH Égƒ∏≤f º°ù≤dÉH IÒÑc kGQGô°VCG ≥jô◊G ≥◊CG

C óé°ùŸG øe »Hƒæ÷G âJCGh ,≈°üb’G ìÓ°U Èæe ≈∏Y πeɵdÉH ¿GÒædG C øjódG øe áæjóŸG ôjô– õeQ ,»Hƒj’G .Ú«Ñ«∏°üdG ≥jô◊G ó©H ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S âYOG ,»FÉHô¡c ∑ɵàMG øY œÉf ¬fCG Iô°TÉÑe

k ©àØe ¿Éc ≥jô◊G ¿CÉH ±Î©J ¿CG πÑb ,Ó

.“√ƒà©e” √òØf óbh 26

Blaze of al-Aqsa Mosque


‫≥ امل�صجد أاالق�صى‬j‫حر‬

‫امل�صجد أاالق�صى‬ Al-Aqsa Mosque

Since the occupation of East al quds in 1967, the occupation authorities carried out ten stages of excavations under al-Aqsa Mosque that reached to the lowest of the archeological levels in which traces of human existence were found. Yet they didn't find a single relic of significance, not even a coin or a piece of pottery. This was declared by the head of the Hebrew University mission, Professor Meir Ben-Dov in 11/3/2001 in an interview with Jerusalemite newspaper "Jerusalem", noting that Ben-Dov was present from the start of the excavations in 1968 when he was a deputy to the head of the Hebrew University mission, Benjamin Mazar.

ΩÉY ¢Só≤dG »bô°T ∫ÓàMG òæe q øe πMGôe 10 ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S äòØq f C óé°ùŸG â– äÉjq ôØ◊G â∏°Uh ≈°üb’G 1967

C äÉ≤Ñ£dG ôNBG ≈qàM »àdG á«Lƒdƒ«cQ’G óŒ ⁄ É¡qæµd ,¿É°ùfÓd E QÉKBG É¡«a äóLho

hCG ák ∏ªY ≈àM ’h ,∫ÉH GP kGóMGh kGôKCG áã©H ¢ù«FQ ∂dP ø∏YCG óbh ,á«aõN ák ©£b øH ÒFÉe Qƒ°ù«ahÈdG ájq È©dG á©eÉ÷G IójôL ™e á∏HÉ≤e ‘ 2001/3/11 ‘ ±hO ÖcGh ób ¿Éc ±hO øHh ,á«°Só≤ŸG ¢Só≤dG

PEG 1968 ΩÉY É¡àjGóH òæe äÉjôØ◊G á©eÉ÷G páã©H ¢ù«Fôd ÉÑk FÉf É¡æ«M ‘ ¿Éc .QGRÉe ÚeÉ«æH ájÈ©dG


.Ü‫ا‬ö� øY å‫ح‬H ...‫ات �ص∏طات االحتالل‬j‫ر‬Ø‫ح‬ The excavations of the occupation authorities, a search for a mirage.


‫امل�صجد أاالق�صى‬ Al-Aqsa Mosque

When the occupation authorities failed to find any trace of the temple under al-Aqsa Mosque, it turned its schemes toward creating a Jewish reality under it. So that by the end of the nineties and beginning of the new millennium, the thinking was directed toward connecting the group of tunnels, which the occupation authorities had dug, one to the other, so that they would form a historical Jewish city under the Mosque in what the Zionist circles call "the space below". The first stage in the implementation of this project was the site of "the chain of generations" inaugurated in 28/9/2005, under the direct patronage of the occupation's Ministry of Tourism, to tell the story of "the Jewish people" from their beginning and until today.

OÉéjEG ‘ ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S â∏°ûa Éeó©H C óé°ùŸG â– πµ«¡∏d ôKm CG …q CG ,≈°üb’G q ,¬à– …Oƒ¡j ™bGh âdƒq M x m ≥∏ÿ É¡JÉ££fl

äÉ«æ«©°ùàdG ó≤Y ájÉ¡f ™e ÒµØàdG ¬ŒÉa C ájGóHh áYƒª› §HQ ¤EG Iójó÷G á«Ød’G

C ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S É¡JôØM »àdG ¥ÉØf’G ák jq Oƒ¡j ák «q îjQÉJ áæjóe πµq °ûàd É¡°†©ÑH C ¬«ª°ùJ ɪ«a óé°ùŸG â– •É°Sh’G

âfÉch ,"»àëàdG AÉ°†ØdG" á«fƒ«¡°üdG C á≤∏◊G ´hô°ûŸG Gòg ò«ØæJ ‘ ¤h’G

C á∏°ù∏°S" ™bƒe ‘ íààaG …òdG "∫É«L’G IQGRh øe ô°TÉÑe ±Gô°TEG â– 2005/9/28

á°üb »µë«d ∫ÓàM’G ádhO ‘ áMÉ«°ùdG .Ωƒ«dG ¤EG ¬JCÉ°ûf òæe "…Oƒ¡«dG Ö©°ûdG"


.‫�صجد أاالق�صى‬ª∏‫» ل‬H‫ر ال¨ر‬ƒ‫ية حتت ال�ص‬æj‫ الد‬º¡‫�ص‬ƒ‫ق‬W Oƒ¡‫ي¡ا الي‬a …OƒD j ‫ي�س‬æ‫ك‬ A Synagogue in which the Jews perform their religious rituals under the western wall of al-Aqsa Mosque.


‫امل�صجد أاالق�صى‬ Al-Aqsa Mosque

During the last two decades of the last century, the attacks of the occupation authorities against the worshippers in al-Aqsa Mosque have evolved. And so in 11/4/1982, the soldier Harry Goldman opened fire on the worshippers in the mosque, killing two and wounding 60. And in 8/10/1990, when some radical Jews tried to lay "the cornerstone of the temple", the worshippers rose to stop them. The occupation forces who were protecting them retaliated by opening fire on the worshippers, killing 21 of them; this is in addition to the five martyrs who fell on 28/9/2000 when Sharon, surrounded by a large number of soldiers, stormed al-Aqsa Mosque.

C øjó≤©dG ‘ äQƒq £J ¿ô≤dG øe øjÒN’G ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S äGAGóàYG »°VÉŸG C óé°ùŸG ‘ Úq∏°üŸG ≈∏Y »Øa ,≈°üb’G ¿ÉeódƒZ …QÉg …óæ÷G íàa 1982/4/11 q ÚæKG πà≤a óé°ùŸG ‘ Úq∏°üŸG ≈∏Y QÉædG ∫hÉM ÚM 1990/10/8 ‘h ,60 ìôLh C ôéM" ™°Vh Oƒ¡j ¿ƒaô£àe ¢SÉ°S’G äGƒb äOq ôa ,º¡©æŸ ¿ƒq∏°üŸG Ög q "πµ«¡∏d

QÉædG íàØH º¡«ª– âfÉc »àdG ∫ÓàM’G Gòg ,É«k ∏°üe 21 â∏à≤a Úq∏°üŸG ≈∏Y

Ωƒj Gƒ£≤°S øjòdG á°ùªÿG AGó¡°ûdG ÒZ óé°ùŸG ¿hQÉ°T ºëàbG ÚM 2000/9/28 C k øe áªî°V OGóYCÉH ÉWÉfi ≈°üb’G .Oƒæ÷G


.‫�صجد أاالق�صى‬ª∏‫د اقتحام¬ ل‬æY 2000/9/28 ‫ن يف‬h‫صار‬T ¬Lh ‫ا يف‬ƒ‫ب‬q g øjò‫ ال‬Ú∏‫ن امل�ص‬ƒ‫ع‬ª‫ق‬j ‫ االحتالل‬OƒæL The occupation soldiers subdue the worshippers who rose in face of Sharon on 28/9/2000 when he stormed into al-Aqsa Mosque.


‫امل�صجد أاالق�صى‬ Al-Aqsa Mosque

After the eruption of al-Aqsa intifada (uprising), the idea of unilateral solution was raised; and with its raising the bell of truth sounded. The idea calls for imposing a vision which, in its final form, would be acceptable to the Hebrew state, including the materialization of a sacred Jewish presence in the city of Al quds. And as the tearing down of the mosque and the building of the temple in its place are unfeasible within the few years proposed for implementing this solution, it was necessary to move to an alternative solution that would materialize the sacred Jewish presence. And so the feasible way out was to divide al-Aqsa Mosque between Muslims and Jews; and this is what the occupiers are striving to achieve in the next few years.

C á°VÉØàfG ´’ófG ó©H Iôµa âMôWo ≈°üb’G C πq ◊G ¢SƒbÉf É¡Mô£H âbq O »àdG …OÉM ’G q

ájm DhQ ¢Vôa »°†à≤J IôµØdÉa ,á≤«≤◊G m »FÉ¡ædG É¡∏µ°ûH ájq È©dG ádhó∏d ádƒÑ≤e q ‘ ¢Sóq ≤e …Oƒ¡j OƒLh ≥«≤– É¡«a Éà q AÉæHh óé°ùŸG Ωóg ¿Éc ÉqŸh ,¢Só≤dG áæjóe äGƒæ°ùdG ‘ øµ‡ ÒZ ¬fɵe πµ«¡dG ¿Éc ,πq ◊G Gòg ò«Øæàd áMhô£ŸG á∏«∏≤dG ≥≤q ëoj πjóH πx M ¤EG ∫É≤àf’G øe óq H ’

êôîŸG ¿Éµa ,¢Sóq ≤ŸG …Oƒ¡«dG OƒLƒdG q C óé°ùŸG º«°ù≤J ƒg øµªŸG ÚH ≈°üb’G

¿ƒq∏àëŸG ó¡éj Ée Gògh ,Oƒ¡«dGh Úª∏°ùŸG

.áeOÉ≤dG á∏«∏≤dG äGƒæ°ùdG ∫ÓN ¬≤«≤ëàd


.‫ امل�صجد أاالق�صى‬º‫ق�صي‬J §‫ط‬fl

The scheme to partition al-Aqsa Mosque.


‫املقد�سات امل�سيحية‬ The Christian Holy Sites

‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬ q The Christian Holy Sites

The city of Al quds gathers in it almost all of the Christian denominations in the world. However, the largest and most widespread church in the city is the Orthodox Church, which is followed by more than 51% of Palestinian Christians.

∞FGƒ£dG πc ¢Só≤dG áæjóe


á°ù«æµdG øµd ,ÉÑk jô≤J ⁄É©dG ‘ á«ë«°ùŸG C Èc’G C »g áæjóŸG ‘ GQk É°ûàfG ™°Sh’Gh C á°ù«æµdG øe ÌcCG É¡©Ñàj »àdG á«°ùcPƒKQ’G

.Ú£°ù∏a »«q ë«°ùe øe %51


‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺍﻟﺮﺷﻴﺪ‬

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‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﻧﺎﺑﻠﺲ‬

‫ﺍ‬ ‫ﳊ‬ ‫ﻲ‬ ‫ﺍﻹ‬


‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻟﻨﺎﻇﺮ‬

‫ﻛﻨﻴﺴﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻴﺎﻣﺔ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﳊﺪﻳﺪ‬

‫ﺳﻮﻕ ﺧﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺖ‬

‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻟﻘﻄﺎﻧﲔ‬

‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻟﺴﻠﺴﻠﺔ‬

‫ﺍﳌﺼﻠﻰ‬ ‫ﺍﳌﺮﻭﺍﻧﻲ‬

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‫ﺍﳌﺴﺠﺪ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻘﺒﻠﻲ‬

‫ﻣﺴﺠﺪ ﺍﳌﻐﺎﺭﺑﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﳌﺘﺤﻒ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬ ‫ﻣﺴﺠﺪ ﺍﻟﻨﺴﺎﺀ‬


‫ﺳﻮﻕ ﺍﻟﺒﺎﺯﺍﺭ‬

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‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺑﻴ‬

‫‪Old City of al quds‬‬

‫ﺖ ﳊﻢ‬

‫الب∏دة القد‪Á‬ة يف القد�س‬


‫ﺣﻲ ﺳﻠﻮﺍﻥ‬

‫ﺳﺎﺣﺔ ﻋﻤﺮ‬ ‫ﻗﻠﻌﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬


‫ﺷﺮﻕ‬ ‫ﻏﺮﺏ‬ ‫ﺟﻨﻮﺏ‬


‫ﺳﺎﺣﺔ ﻣﺴﺠﺪ‬ ‫ﻗﺒﺔ ﺍﻟﺼﺨﺮﺓ‬

‫ﳊﻲ ﺍﳌ‬

‫ﺍﳌﺴﺠﺪ ﺍﻷﻗﺼﻰ‬ ‫ﺍﳌﺒﺎﺭﻙ‬

‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻟﻐﻮﺍﳕﺔ‬


‫ﻳﻖ ﺍ‬



‫ﺎﺏ ﺍﻟﻌﺘﻤﺔ‬

‫ﺳﻮﻕ ﺧﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺖ‬

‫ﺗﺮﺑﺔ ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻷﺳﺒﺎﻁ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻷﺳﺒﺎﻁ‬

‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺣﻄﺔ‬

‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﻼ‬ ‫ﻣ‬ ‫ﻲ‬

‫ﺣﻲ‬ ‫ﺍﳌﺼﺮﺍﺭﺓ‬

‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺭﻗﻢ ‪1‬‬


‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺃﺭﻳﺤﺎ‬

‫ﺍﳌﻘﺒﺮﺓ ﺍﻟﻴﻮﺳﻔﻴﺔ‬

‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺻﻼﺡ ﺍﻟﺪﻳﻦ‬

‫ﺑﺎﺏ‬ ‫ﻣﻘﺪﺳﺎﺕ ﻣﺴﻴﺤﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﻣﻨﺎﻃﻖ ﻭﺑﺆﺭ ﺍﻻﺳﺘﻴﻄﺎﻥ‬ ‫ﺳﻮﺭ ﺍﳌﺪﻳﻨﺔ‬

‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬ q The Christian Holy Sites

The properties owned by the Christian denominations represent what is equivalent to 45% of the area of Al quds's old city. The Orthodox Church alone owns 18% of the area of the western part of the city occupied in 1948 and almost 17% of the eastern part occupied in 1967.

…RGƒj Ée á«ë«°ùŸG ∞FGƒ£dG ∑ÓeCG πµq °ûJ ,¢Só≤∏d áÁó≤dG Ió∏ÑdG áMÉ°ùe øe %45 C á°ù«æµdG ∂∏à“h Ée ÉgóMh á«°ùcPƒKQ’G »Hô¨dG ô£°ûdG áMÉ°ùe øe %18 ¬àÑ°ùf ‹GƒMh ,1948 ΩÉY πàMG …òdG ¢Só≤∏d πàMG …òdG É¡æe »bô°ûdG ô£°ûdG øe %17 .1967 ΩÉY


‫ي�صة القيامة‬æ‫ك‬

The Church of Holy Sepulcher


‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬ q The Christian Holy Sites

The matter of selling the properties of the Orthodox Church belongs to the Patriarch and the "Synod". These are sites that are controlled in their entirety by a group known as the "Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher", made up exclusively of Greek patriarchs who, most of the time, are not interested in the opinions or the welfare of their congregation of Palestinian Christians.

C á°ù«æµdG ∑ÓeCG ™«H ôeCG Oƒ©j á«q °ùcPƒKQ’G

,"¢SOƒæ«°ùdG" ¢Sóq ≤ŸG ™ªéŸGh ∑ôjô£Ñ∏d ál Yƒª› É©k «ªL É¡«∏Y ô£«°ùj ™bGƒe »gh

»àdG "¢Só≤ŸG È≤dG ájƒNCG" º°SÉH ±ô©J q

‘ ºgh ,Gôk °üM ¿Éfƒ«dG ácQÉ£ÑdG øe ¿ƒq µàJ C øe Òãc ídÉ°üe hCG AGQBÉH ¿ƒdÉÑj ’ ¿É«M’G .Ú«q ë«°ùŸG Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG øe º¡à«q YQ q


The Church of Holy Sepulcher from the inside


‫ل‬N‫ الدا‬ø‫ي�صة القيامة م‬æ‫ك‬

‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬ q The Christian Holy Sites

The buildings of the prime ministry, the Knesset, the infamous alMascoubiyyah detention camp, the settlement of "Har Homa" and that of "Maaleh Adomim", the largest among the settlements that strangle Al quds, stand on lands that the Orthodox Church in Al quds have leased to the occupation state for periods of time that exceed 99 years.

â°ù«æµdGh AGQRƒdG á°SÉFQ ÊÉÑe øe πq c Ωƒ≤J áæWƒà°ùeh ,ôcòdG A»°S á«Hƒµ°ùŸG π≤à©eh "º«ehOCG ¬«dÉ©e" áæWƒà°ùeh ,"ÉeƒMQÉg" ,¢Só≤dG ≥æîJ »àdG äÉæWƒà°ùŸG iÈc C á°ù«æµdG É¡JôLq CG ∑Óe m CG ≈∏Y á«q °ùcPƒKQ’G

m ∫ÓàM’G ádhód ¢Só≤dG ‘ øY ójõJ OóŸ .kÉeÉY 99


‫ك�صية يف القد�س‬PƒK‫ي�صة أاالر‬æ‫ أامال∑ الك‬¥ƒa ‫مة االحتالل‬ƒ‫ حك‬A‫را‬Rh ‫ا�صة‬F‫مقر ر‬ Ministers headquarters of the occupation authority above the properties of the Orthodox Church in al quds.


‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬ q The Christian Holy Sites

The last of the properties that was taken from the city of al quds was Omar Square that was "leased" to Jewish investors for a period of 198 years. It is believed that Omar Ben al-Khattab took over the city from Sophronius, al quds's patriarch, in this square situated at the front of the western entrance of the old city. From there, the road leading to the Orthodox Patriarchate itself branches; it includes 2 hotels and 27 stores. This deal discovered in 18/3/2005.

¢Só≤dG áæjóe ‘ âHôq °So »àdG äÉ«µ∏ŸG ôNBG øjôªãà°ùŸ "äôLq oCG" »àdG ôªY áMÉ°S âfÉc

øH ôªY ¿CG ó≤à©ojh ,Éek ÉY 198 IóŸ q Oƒ¡j øe áæjóŸG ºq∏°ùJ ¬æY ˆG »°VQ ÜÉ£ÿG √òg ‘ ¢Só≤dG ∑ôjô£H ¢Sƒ«fhôØ°U »Hô¨dG πNóŸG Qó°U ‘ ™≤J »àdG áMÉ°ùdG q …Oq DƒŸG ≥jô£dG ´ôq Øàj É¡æeh ,áÁó≤dG Ió∏Ñ∏d C á«côjô£ÑdG ¤EG »gh ,É¡JGP á«°ùcPƒKQ’G

k fi 27h Úbóæa …ƒ– óbh .Éjv QÉŒ Ó .2005/3/18 ‘ á≤Ø°üdG √òg âØ°ûàcG


‫ﺳﻮﻕ ﺧﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺖ‬

‫ﺍ‬ ‫ﳊﻲ ﺍﳌ‬


‫ﻳﻖ ﺍ‬


‫ﺳﻮﻕ ﺧﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺖ‬

‫ﺳﺎﺣﺔ ﻋﻤﺮ‬ ‫ﺳﺎﺣﺔ ﻋﻤﺮ‬

‫ﻗﻠﻌﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬

‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺑﻴ‬ ‫ﺖ ﳊﻢ‬ ‫‪-‬ﺍﳋﻠﻴﻞ‬

‫ﺣﺎﺭﺓ‬ ‫ﺍﻷﺭﻣﻦ‬

‫ﺑﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﳌﺪﻣﺮﺓ‬ ‫ﻟﺒﺮﺍﻕ(‬

‫ﺳﻮﻕ ﺍﻟﺒﺎﺯﺍﺭ‬


‫ﻛﻨﻴﺴﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻴﺎﻣﺔ‬

‫أامال∑ الك‪æ‬ي�صة أاالر‪PƒK‬ك�صية يف �صاحة ‪ªY‬ر الت» ‪Huö�o‬ت مل�صت‪ªã‬ر‪.Oƒ¡j øj‬‬ ‫‪The properties of the Orthodox Church in the sqare of Omar that were passed secretly to the‬‬ ‫‪Jewish investors.‬‬


‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬ q The Christian Holy Sites

For more than a century, Orthodox Palestinians engaged in a long struggle to Arabicize their church. However, the interests of successive occupation forces, the interests and influence of the Greek "Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher", and the fact that Greece is pleased with having this religious control over the Holy Lands, always gave precedence to keeping the Church in the hands of the Greek clergy.

C ¿ƒ«q æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¢VÉN k’É°†f ¢ùcPƒKQ’G k jƒW øe ÌcCG òæe º¡à°ù«æc Öjô©àd Ó ,á«dÉààŸG ∫ÓàM’G iƒb ídÉ°üe øµd ,¿ôb "¢Só≤ŸG È≤dG ájq ƒNCG" PƒØfh ídÉ°üeh q

Iô£«°ùdG √ò¡d ¿Éfƒ«dG ìÉ«JQGh ,á«fÉfƒ«dG C ‘ á«q æjódG Éek hO âfÉc ,á°Sóq ≤ŸG »°VGQ’G

øjódG ∫ÉLQ ój ‘ á°ù«æµdG AÉ≤H áØc Öq∏¨oJ



‫�س يف القد�س‬F‫ا‬æ‫ الك‬i‫احد‬E

One of the churches in al quds


‫معركة ال�سكان‬ The Demographic Battle

‫معركة ال�صكان‬ The Demographic Battle

When the occupation officially declared the annexation of the eastern part of Al quds to its state in 1967, the number of Jews residing within the city limits, in its eastern and western halves, was 197,700, corresponding to only 68,500 Palestinians; which means that then only 26.5% of the city's residents were Palestinians.

Aõ÷G ºq °V kÉ«q ª°SQ ∫ÓàM’G ¿ÓYEG óæY ΩÉY ¬àdhO ¤EG ¢Só≤dG øe »bô°ûdG πNGO Oƒ¡«dG ¿Éµq °ùdG OóY ¿Éc 1967 »bô°ûdG q




πHÉ≤e ,É°üî°T 197,700 »Hô¨dGh k q %26,5 ¿q CG »æ©j Ée ƒgh ,§≤a »æ«£°ù∏a x 68,500

.Ú«q æ«£°ù∏a GƒfÉc áæjóŸG ¿Éµq °S øe


The Ratio

The evolvement of demographic distribution in the city of Jerusalem

The year The ratio of Jewish residents The ratio of Palestinian residents


q ‫معركة‬ ‫ال�صكان‬ The Demographic Battle

In spite of the massive immigration of Jewish settlers to the city following its occupation, the number of Palestinian residents rose at a higher rate than that of the Jewish residents. For in the first ten years following the occupation, the number of Jewish residents in the city rose by an average of 3.3%, including the increase resulting from immigration; while the number of Palestinian residents rose by an average of 4.2% due only to natural birth rate.

ÚæWƒà°ùª∏d áØãq µŸG Iôé¡dG øe ºZôdG ≈∏Y q¿CG ’EG É¡dÓàMG ó©H áæjóŸG ¤EG Oƒ¡«dG

OGOõj ¿Éc Ú«q æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµq °ùdG OóY ¿Éµq °ùdG OÉjORG ∫ó©e øe ÈcCG ∫m óq ©Ã q

C ô°û©dG äGƒæ°ù`dG ∫Óîa ,Oƒ¡«dG ¤h’G Oƒ¡«dG áæjóŸG ¿Éµq °S OGORG ∫ÓàM’G ó©H áŒÉædG IOÉjõdG πª°ûj %3.3 ∫óq ©Ã ¿Éµq °ùdG OóY OGORG ɪæ«H ,Iôé¡dG øY äGO’ƒdG AGôq L %4.2 ∫óq ©Ã Ú«q æ«£°ù∏ØdG .§≤a á«q ©«Ñ£dG


The Ratio

The evolvement of demographic distribution in the city of Jerusalem

The year The ratio of Jewish residents The ratio of Palestinian residents


q ‫معركة‬ ‫ال�صكان‬ The Demographic Battle

The policies of expulsion followed by the occupation authorities against the Palestinian inhabitants limited this increase temporarily. Yet they didn't succeed in bringing it lower than the Jewish rate of increase. For in the years between 1977 and 1987, the average rate of growth for Palestinian residents was 2.8% against 2.4% for Jewish residents.

äÉ£∏°S É¡à©ÑJG »àdG Òé¡àdG äÉ°SÉ«°S äóq M Ú«q æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµq °ùdG óq °V ∫ÓàM’G

‘ íéæJ ⁄ É¡æµd É«k ∏Môe IOÉjõdG √òg øe

»Øa ,ájq Oƒ¡«dG IOÉjõdG áÑ°ùf øY É¡°†ØN ¿Éµq °ùdG ƒ‰ ∫ó©e q ≠∏H 1987-1977 ΩGƒYCG

¿Éµq °ù∏d




Ú«q æ«£°ù∏ØdG .Oƒ¡«dG





q ‫معركة‬ ‫ال�صكان‬ The Demographic Battle

In their turn, the years of the first intifada witnessed a jump in the average growth rate of Palestinian residents of Al quds, in spite of what they had suffered during these years of killings, arrests and expulsion attempts; and so in the period between 1987 and 1997, the number of Palestinian residents rose by an average rate of 3.5% against only 2.2% for Jewish residents.

C á°VÉØàf’G äGƒæ°S ÉgQhóH äó¡°T ¤h’G ‘ Ú«q æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµq °ùdG ƒq ‰ ∫ó©e q ‘ Ik õØb

‘ √hó¡°T ɇ q ºZôdG ≈∏Y ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ä’hÉfih ∫É≤àYGh πàb øe äGƒæ°ùdG √òg 1997-1987 %3,5


ÚH Ée IÎØdG »Øa ,Òé¡à∏d

∫óq ©Ã ¿ƒ«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµ°ùdG OGORG .Oƒ¡«dG ¿Éµq °ù∏d §≤a %2,2 πHÉ≤e




q ‫معركة‬ ‫ال�صكان‬ The Demographic Battle

The years of the second intifada witnessed a setback in the average growth rate of Al quds's Jewish inhabitants where it reached only 1.1%; while the Palestinians maintained an average growth rate close to their previous ones of 3%.

ák °SɵàfG äó¡°T á«fÉãdG á°VÉØàf’G äGƒæ°S áæjóe ‘ Oƒ¡«dG ¿Éµq °ùdG ƒ‰ ∫óq ©e ‘

ɪæ«H ,§≤a %1,1 ¤EG π°Uh å«M ¢Só≤dG Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµq °ùdG ƒq ‰ ∫óq ©e ßaÉM q

á≤HÉ°ùdG ¬J’ó©e øe Öjôb ∫m óq ©e ≈∏Y m q

.%3 ¤EG π°Uh





q ‫معركة‬ ‫ال�صكان‬ The Demographic Battle

As a consequence of the difference in growth rates between the Palestinian and Jewish residents of Al quds, and as a consequence of the perseverance of Al quds's Palestinian inhabitants in their city, in spite of all they had endured, the rate of Palestinians in the city is in continuous growth ever since 1967 and until today. Moreover, the estimates of the occupation expect a continuation of growth in the number of Palestinian residents of the city, until they would represent 40% of its inhabitants by 2020, after they used to represent only 26% of its inhabitants in 1967.

ÚH ƒªædG ä’ó©e ‘ ¥ôØ∏d ák é«àf áæjóe ¿Éµq °S øe Oƒ¡«dGh Ú«q æ«£°ù∏ØdG

¢Só≤dG πgCG Oƒª°üd ák é«àfh ,¢Só≤dG ,√ƒfÉY Ée πq c ºZQ º¡àæjóe ‘ Úæ«£°ù∏ØdG q

áæjóŸG ‘ Ú«q æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµq °ùdG áÑ°ùf q¿EÉa m ≈qàMh 1967 ΩÉY òæe ôq ªà°ùe ójGõJ ‘ B ™bq ƒàJ ∫ÓàM’G äGôjó≤J q¿EG πH ,¿’G

Ú«q æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµq °ùdG OóY ƒq ‰ QGôªà°SG É¡fɵq °S øe %40 Gƒ∏µq °ûoj ≈àM áæjóŸG ‘ %26

¿ƒ∏µq °ûoj GƒfÉc ¿CG ó©H 2020 ΩÉY .1967 ΩÉY É¡fɵq °S øe §≤a


The ratio of Jewish residents The ratio of Palestinian residents


q ‫معركة‬ ‫ال�صكان‬ The Demographic Battle

In its turn, the Jewish immigration to the city of Al quds saw a steady decline; for in 2005, 10,300 new immigrants arrived while 16,200 settlers left. This indicates a reverse immigration of 5,900 emigrants. This reverse immigration started in Al quds decades ago when the difference between the newcomers to the city and those emigrating from it reached 105,000 emigrants that left Al quds between 1980 and 2005.

ó¡°ûJ ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ¤EG ájq Oƒ¡«dG Iôé¡dG 2005 ΩÉY »Øa kGôq ªà°ùe kÉ©LGôJ ÉgQhóH ‘ ójóL ôLÉ¡e 10,300 áæjóŸG ¤EG π°Uh m »æ©j Ée ,øWƒà°ùe ,ôLÉ¡e




QGó≤à á°ùcÉ©e Ik ôég

¢Só≤dG ‘ äCGóH á°ùcÉ©ŸG Iôé¡dG √òg

OóY ÚH ¥QÉØdG ≠∏H å«M ,Oƒ≤Y òæe ¤EG É¡æe øjôLÉ¡ŸGh áæjóŸG ¤EG øjóaGƒdG C ÚH ¢Só≤dG ∑ôJ ôLÉ¡e ΩGƒY’G 105,000 m .2005-1980



q ‫معركة‬ ‫ال�صكان‬ The Demographic Battle

The people in the occupation state are divided between secular and religious; and recently most of the Jewish residents of al quds became of the religious Jews. This led the secular Jews to feel that al quds has become unwelcoming to them. For a large sector of the occupation society views the religious Jews as a burden on them, on the state and on society, because of the fact that they don't work, don't serve in the army, and don't get an education except in religious schools, and they depend to a large extent on assistance from the government that favors them with special benefits with the exclusion of all other citizens.

¤EG ∫ÓàM’G ádhO ‘ ¿Éµq °ùdG º°ù≤æj C IÎØdG ‘h ,Úæjq óàeh Ú«q fɪ∏Y IÒN’G Oƒ¡«dG ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ¿Éµq °S º¶©e íÑ°UCG Oƒ¡«dG π©L Ée Gògh ,Úæjq óàŸG øe âëÑ°UCG ¢Só≤dG q¿CÉH ¿hô©°ûj Ú«q fɪ∏©dG ÒÑc ´É£b ô¶æj å«M ,º¡d Ik OQÉW ák æjóe ≈∏Y Úæjq óàŸG ¤EG ∫ÓàM’G ™ªà› øe ádhódG ≈∏Yh º¡«∏Y kÉÄÑY ¿ƒ∏µq °ûoj º¡fq CG

‘ ¿ƒeóîj ’h ¿ƒ∏ª©j ’ º¡a ,™ªàéŸGh á«q æjódG ¢SQGóŸG ‘ ’q E G ¿ƒªq∏©àj ’h ¢û«÷G äGóYÉ°ùe ≈∏Y ÒÑc óx M ¤EG ¿hóªà©jh m äGóYÉ°ùà ÚæjóàŸG ¢üîJ »àdG ádhódG q .¿Éµq °ùdG øe ºgÒZ ¿hO á°UÉN


.‫∏ى احتالل القد�س‬Y ‫ن‬ƒ‫ق‬Ø‫مت‬h ,º¡æ‫ي‬H ‫ا‬ª‫ي‬a ‫ن‬ƒØ∏‫ت‬fl :Oƒ¡‫ن الي‬ƒ‫ي‬f‫ا‬ª∏‫الع‬h ‫ن‬ƒæj‫املتد‬ Religious and secular Jews: they differ between themselves but they agree on the occupation of al quds.


‫اال�ستيطان‬ Settlement

‫اال�صتيطان‬ Settlement

No sooner the occupation of al quds was completed in 1967 than rings of settlements began to surround it with the hope to turn it into a Jewish city. Today, 29 settlements encircle al quds, separating it from its Palestinian surroundings and preventing its expansion in area and population. These settlements occupy an area of 112.13 km², which equals 47.7% of the area of al quds encircled by the wall and in which 236,480 Jewish settlers actually live.

,1967 ΩÉY ¢Só≤dG ∫ÓàMG ∫ɪµà°SG òæe ¢Só≤dÉH §«–o äÉæWƒà°ùŸG ¥GƒWCG äCGóH k eCG m .ájq Oƒ¡j áæjóe ¤EG É¡∏jƒ– ‘ Ó

É¡∏°üØJ áæWƒà°ùe 29 Ωƒ«dG ¢Só≤dÉH §«–o ÉgOóq “ ™æ“h ,»æ«£°ù∏ØdG É¡£«fi øY q .¿Éµq °ùdGh áMÉ°ùŸG å«M øe 112.13

áMÉ°ùe äÉæWƒà°ùŸG √òg πq à–

áMÉ°ùŸG øe


…hÉ°ùj Ée ƒgh ,2ºc

É¡æµ°ùjh ,¢Só≤dG ‘ QGó÷G É¡bƒq £oj »àdG .Éjk Oƒ¡j kÉæWƒà°ùe 236,480 kÉ«q ∏©a


‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬

Settlements lying heavily on al quds’s chest


‫صدر القد�س‬U ‫∏ى‬Y ºãŒ ‫ات‬æWƒ‫م�صت‬

‫اال�صتيطان‬ ‫‪Settlement‬‬

‫امل�صت‪æWƒ‬ات ‪E‬اال�‪ö‬ا‪F‬ي∏ية يف القد�س‬ ‫ﺍﻻﺳﻢ‬

‫ﺳﻨﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺘﺄﺳﻴﺲ‬

‫ﹼ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺴﻜﺎﻥ‬ ‫ﻋﺪﺩ‬

‫ﺍﳌﺴﺎﺣﺔ ﺍﳌﺒﻨ ﹼﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﻟﺪﻭﱎ‬

‫ﺍﳌﺴﺎﺣﺔ ﺍﻟﻜﻠ ﹼﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﻟﺪﻭﱎ‬


‫ﻫﺎﺭ ﺃﺩﺍﺭ‬






‫ﺑﻴﺖ ﺣﻮﺭﻭﻥ‬






‫ﺟﻔﻌﻮﻥ ﻫﺪﺍﺷﺎ‬






‫ﺟﻔﻌﺎﺕ ﺯﺋﻴﻒ‬






‫ﻧﻔﻴﻪ ﻳﺎﻛﻮﻑ‬






‫ﺭﺍﻣﻮﺕ ﺃﻟﻮﻥ‬






‫ﺭﺍﻣﺎﺕ ﺷﻠﻮﻣﻮ‬






‫ﺭﺍﻣﺎﺕ ﺇﺷﻜﻮﻝ‬






‫ﺑﺴﺠﺎﺕ ﺯﺋﻴﻒ‬












‫ﺁﻟﻮﻥ ﺷﻴﻔﻮﺕ‬






‫ﻣﻌﺎﻟﻴﻪ ﺃﺩﻭﻣﻴﻢ‬






‫ﻛﻔﺎﺭ ﺃﺩﻭﻣﻴﻢ‬












‫ﺇﻳﺴﺖ ﺗﺎﻟﺒﻴﻮﺕ‬






‫ﻫﺎﺭ ﺣﻮﻣﺎ‬




‫‪2833‬‬ ‫ﺳﻨﺔ ‪2006‬‬


Israeli settlements in Al quds




constructed area in hectar

total area in hectar
































































































283.3 Year: 2006


‫اال�صتيطان‬ ‫‪Settlement‬‬


‫ﺳﻨﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺘﺄﺳﻴﺲ‬

‫ﹼ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺴﻜﺎﻥ‬ ‫ﻋﺪﺩ‬

‫ﺍﳌﺴﺎﺣﺔ ﺍﳌﺒﻨ ﹼﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﻟﺪﻭﱎ‬

‫ﺍﳌﺴﺎﺣﺔ ﺍﻟﻜﻠ ﹼﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﻟﺪﻭﱎ‬








‫ﻫﺎﺭ ﺟﻴﻠﻮ‬






‫ﺍﻟﺘ ﹼﻠﺔ ﺍﻟﻔﺮﻧﺴ ﹼﻴﺔ‬


















‫ﺭﻭﺵ ﺗﺰﻭﺭﱘ‬






‫ﻛﻔﺎﺭ ﻋﺘﺼﻴﻮﻥ‬






‫ﻣﺠﺪﺍﻝ ﻋﻮﺯ‬


















‫ﻧﻔﻴﻪ ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ‬






‫ﺑﺎﺕ ﻋﲔ‬






‫ﺍﻟﻴﻬﻮﺩﻱ ﻓﻲ‬ ‫ﺍﳊﻲ‬ ‫ﹼ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﳝﺔ‬










‫‪óMGh QÉàµg=ÂhO 10 :á¶MÓe‬‬ ‫‪74‬‬




constructed area in hectar

total area in hectar










































































Jewish Quarter in the Old city of al quds










Notes: 10 Dunums = 1 Hectar


‫يف قب�ضة اجلدار‬ Under the Grip of the Wall

‫يف قب�صة اجلدار‬ Under the Grip of the Wall

The apartheid wall in the West Bank is 730 km long, knowing that the green line – which defines the borders between the West Bank and the territories occupied in 1967 – is only 307 km long.

‘ …ô°üæ©dG π°üØdG QGóL ∫ƒW ≠∏Ñj q ∫ƒW q¿CG kɪ∏Y ,º∏c 730 á«q Hô¨dG áØq °†dG C §ÿG q á∏°UÉØdG Ohó◊G ƒgh– ô°†N’G

C á«q Hô¨dG áØq °†dG ÚH ΩÉY áq∏àëŸG »°VGQ’Gh .§≤a º∏c 307 ≠∏Ñj -1967


‫ﺟﺪﺍﺭ ﺍﻟﻔﺼﻞ ﺍﻟﻌﻨﺼﺮﻱ ﻓﻲ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻀﻔﺔ ﺍﻟﻐﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬ ‫‪The Apartheid Wall in‬‬ ‫‪the West Bank‬‬


‫يف قب�صة اجلدار‬ Under the Grip of the Wall

The height of the apartheid Wall ranges from 4 to 8 meters. The cost of building one kilometer of it is one million dollars, and in some areas that cost may go up to two millions.

ÚH …ô°üæ©dG π°üØdG QGóL ´ÉØJQG ≠∏Ñj óMGƒdG Îe ƒ∏«µdG AÉæH ∞q∏µojh ,QÉàeCG 8-4

¢†©H ‘ π°üjh ,Q’hO ¿ƒ«∏e ‹GƒM .Úfƒ«∏e ¤EG ≥WÉæŸG


The wall and al-Aqsa Mosque... face to face.


.¬Lƒ‫ا ل‬k ¡Lh ...‫امل�صجد أاالق�صى‬h ‫اجلدار‬

‫يف قب�صة اجلدار‬ Under the Grip of the Wall

al quds’s cover or «Jerusalem’s envelope», as the occupation authorities call it, is a wall particular to Al quds that branches from the main wall in the West Bank. It extends 181 km, completely enclosing the city of Al quds and from all directions. When completed, the area of Al quds inside the wall will become 235km² or what equals 4% of the area of the West Bank.

ɪc z¢Só≤dG ø°VÉM{ hCG ¢Só≤dG ±ÓZ

¢UÉN Ql GóL ƒg ,∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S ¬«ªq °ùoJ q C QGó÷G øe ´ôq Øàj ¢Só≤dG áæjóà ¢SÉ°S’G

kÉbƒq £e º∏c 181`d óàÁh á«q Hô¨dG áØq °†dG ‘ ™«ªL øeh πeÉc πµ°ûH ¢Só≤dG áæjóe m

áMÉ°ùe íÑ°üà°S ¬dɪàcÉHh ,äÉgÉŒ’G 235 QGó÷G πNGO áeƒª°†ŸG ¢Só≤dG áæjóe

áØq °†dG áMÉ°ùe øe



…RGƒoj Ée …CG ,2ºc .á«q Hô¨dG

‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬

‫‪Z‬ال‪ ±‬القد�س‬

‫‪al Quds Cover‬‬


‫يف قب�صة اجلدار‬ Under the Grip of the Wall

The apartheid wall keeps out almost 151,423 Palestinians who live in the Palestinian quarters and towns surrounding the city, while it keep in almost 251,259 others, cutting any communication between them and their Palestinian surroundings.

¢Só≤dG øe …ô°üæ©dG π°üØdG QGóL êôîoj q ‘ ¿ƒ°û«©j kÉ«q æ«£°ù∏a 151,423 ‹GƒM

C ᣫëŸG á«æ«£°ù∏ØdG äGó∏ÑdGh AÉ«M’G

‹GƒM õéàëj ɪ«a ,áæjóŸÉH º¡æ«H ɪ«a ∫É°üqJ’G kÉ©WÉb ,¬∏NGO øjôNBG 251,259

.»æ«£°ù∏ØdG º¡£«fi ÚHh q


‫اة‬f‫ معا‬¥ƒa ‫اة‬f‫معا‬

Suffering upon suffering


‫احلياة يف ظل االحتالل‬ Life Under the Occupation

‫احلياة يف ظل االحتالل‬ Life under the Occupation

Demolishing houses is a fixed policy of the occupation authorities, pursued with regard to Jerusalemite citizens, with the aim of expelling them. They demolish houses using various excuses and claims; the most important of which is that they didn’t obtain building permits from the occupation’s municipality that, in its turn, rarely grants these permits to Jerusalemite so that it would be able to demolish their houses if it so wishes. And so, since the year 2000 and up till the end of 2006, the occupation authorities have torn down 700 houses while 12,000 others are threatened to be torn down at any time.

äÉ£∏°S É¡°SQÉ“ ¬àHÉK ál °SÉ«°S ∫RÉæŸG Ωóg ±ó¡H Ú«q °Só≤ŸG ÚæWGƒŸG q≥ëH ∫ÓàM’G

™FGQòH ∫RÉæŸG Ωó¡J »gh ,ºgÒé¡J ≈∏Y É¡dƒ°üM ΩóY É¡ªq gCG áØ∏àfl èéMh

’ »àdG ,∫ÓàM’G ájq ó∏H øe AÉæH ¢ü«NôJ

ÚæWGƒª∏d ¢ü«NÎdG Gòg ÉgQhóH íæ“ ≈qàM ,Iójó°T áHƒ©°üH ’EG ,Ú«q °Só≤ŸG òæeh ,äAÉ°T ≈fq CG º¡dRÉæe Ωóg øe øµq ªàJ âeóg 2006 ΩÉY ájÉ¡f ≈qàMh 2000 ΩÉY Oó¡ q oj ɪæ«H ,∫õæe 700 ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S .âbh …q CG ‘ Ωó¡dÉH ôNBG ∫õæe m 12,000


Demolishing houses, an established policy of the occupation


‫تة لالحتالل‬H‫ا‬K ‫ل �صيا�صة‬R‫ا‬æ‫ امل‬Ω‫د‬g

‫احلياة يف ظل االحتالل‬ Life under the Occupation

There are 23 roadblocks of the occupation spread around Al quds, cutting off various parts of the city and keeping its Jerusalemite inhabitants from communicating with each other and from having contacts with their external surroundings in the West Bank; they also prevent the Palestinians of the West Bank from reaching Al quds. The occupation authorities endeavor to turn the roadblocks that separate Al quds from the West Bank into international crossing points that the Palestinian cannot traverse except when having a visa from the occupation government. Indeed the Calandia crossing point has turned into an international one, while the occupation authorities continue with their measures to turn also the Container crossing point into an international one.


¢Só≤dG áæjóe ∫ƒM ô°ûàæj q oJ ∫ÓàMÓd ™æ“h áæjóŸG ∫É°UhCG ™£≤ Ú«q °Só≤ŸG ¿Éµq °ùdG ÚH ɪ«a ∫É°üqJ’G 23

»LQÉÿG º¡£«fi ™e π°UGƒàdG øe º¡©æ“h q ∫ƒ°Uh ¿hO ∫ƒ– ɪc ,á«q Hô¨dG áØq °†dG ‘ ¤EG Ú«q æ«£°ù∏ØdG á«q Hô¨dG áØq °†dG ¿Éµq °S ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S πª©Jh .¢Só≤dG áæjóe áæjóe π°üØJ »àdG õLGƒ◊G πjƒ– ≈∏Y

ôHÉ©e ¤EG á«q Hô¨dG áØq °†dG øY ¢Só≤dG ’q E G ÉgQƒÑY ¿ƒ«q æ«£°ù∏ØdG ™«£à°ùj ’ á«q dhO

∫ƒq – óbh ,∫ÓàM’G ádhO øe mIÒ°TCÉàH q hO È©e ɪ«a ,‹ ¤EG π©ØdÉH Éjóæ∏b È©e m πjƒëàd É¡JGAGôLEG ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S π°UGƒJ q hO È©e .kÉ°†jCG ‹ m ¤EG Ô«àfƒµdG õLÉM


The occupation roadblocks suffocate al quds


‫≥ القد�س‬æîJ ‫ االحتالل‬õL‫ا‬ƒ‫ح‬

‫احلياة يف ظل االحتالل‬ Life under the Occupation

The occupation authorities treat the Jerusalemite citizens as permanent residents, but without holding an Israeli citizenship. And based on that, they gave them the blue identity cards that, from a legal point of view, are permanent residency cards that get renewed in the Interior Ministry every ten years. The card gets withdrawn from its holder in case he «failed» to prove that he was actually living in Al quds during all the previous period, and that is done by presenting tax statements and insurance, water and electricity bills. And when he wants to renew it, he gets subjected to extortion and haggling from the occupation’s secret service, in exchange for granting him renewal. And so between the years of 1995 and 2006, the occupation authorities withdrew the blue residency cards from 6000 Jerusalemite, heads of households, following which their families lost their right to residency, which in effect meant eliminating the right to live in Al quds for almost 20,000 of the city’s inhabitants.

ÚæWGƒŸG ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S πeÉ©oJ ,É¡jód ¿ƒªFGO ¿ƒª«≤e º¡fq CG ≈∏Y Ú«q °Só≤ŸG ,á«q ∏«FGô°S’E G á«q °ùæ÷G ¿ƒ∏ªëj ’ º¡qæµd C Gòg ≈∏Y º¡àëæeh ájq ƒ¡dG äÉbÉ£H ¢SÉ°S’G äÉbÉ£H á«q fƒfÉ≤dG á«MÉædG øe »gh ,AÉbQqõdG m EG πc á«∏NGódG IQGRh ‘ Oóq Œo ,áªFGO áeÉb É¡ÑMÉ°U øe Öë°ùoJ »gh ,äGƒæ°S ô°ûY º«≤j ¿Éc ¬fCG äÉÑKEG ‘ “π°ûp an ” ∫ÉM ‘ k ©a ¢Só≤dG ‘ øe á≤HÉ°ùdG IÎØdG ∫GƒW Ó ¿Éª°†dG ÒJGƒah áÑjô°†dG ±ƒ°ûc ∫ÓN ÉgójóŒ óæY ƒgh ,AÉHô¡µdGh AÉŸGh ™e πeÉ©à∏d äÉehÉ°ùŸh RGõàHÓd ™°†îj .ójóéàdG ¬ëæe πHÉ≤e ∫ÓàM’G äGôHÉfl äÉ£∏°S âÑë°S 2006-1995 ΩGƒYCG ÚHh øe AÉbQõdG áeÉb’E G äÉbÉ£H ∫ÓàM’G ºgô°SCG äó≤a »°Só≤e Iô°SCG ÜQ 6,000 •É≤°SEG É«k ∏©a ≈æY Ée ,áeÉb’E G ‘ É¡≤M 20,000 ‹GƒM øY ¢Só≤dG ‘ áeÉb’ E G ≥M .áæjóŸG ¿Éµ°S øe


Al quds’s residents have become strangers to it


‫¡ا‬æY A‫ا‬H‫ر‬Z ‫ا‬ƒ‫صبح‬U‫ل القد�س أا‬g‫أا‬

‫احلياة يف ظل االحتالل‬ Life under the Occupation

The occupation authorities give Jerusalemite prisoners dual treatment. For on the one hand they consider imprisoning them and the sentences handed down against them an internal matter, they don’t agree to include them in any deal that involves prisoners’ exchange, and don’t give them any of the privileges that the other Palestinian prisoners gain through repeated strikes. And on the other hand, they don’t give them the privileges of the Israeli prisoners but rather treat them in the same savage and inhumane methods that they use against the rest of Palestinian prisoners. The number of Jerusalemite prisoners in the occupation’s prisons amounts to 525 prisoners that represent 5% of the total number of Palestinian prisoners.

C ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S πeÉ©oJ Ú«q °Só≤ŸG iô°S’G

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The Jerusalemites Prisoners... dual treatment


‫ة‬LhOõ‫ معام∏ة م‬...‫ن‬ƒ‫ املقد�صي‬iö�‫أاال‬

á°ù°SƒD e á«dhódG ¢Só≤dG

Al quds Internatioinal Institution IDENTITY:

á«dhódG ¢Só≤dG á°ù°SƒD e ájƒg

Al quds institution is an independent civil organization comprising Arab, Islamic and International personalities and bodies. Its aim is to work for safeguarding the city of al quds, by preserving its Arab identity and its sanctified Islamic and Christian places. In order to susbainably serve the blessed city and cement the steadfastness of its people; the institution aims at establishing a comprehensive approach that covers immediate programs of relief and recure,

á«HôY äÉÄ«gh äÉ«°üî°T º°†J á∏≤à°ùe á«fóe á°ù°SDƒe »g á¶aÉëŸGh ,¢Só≤dG PÉ≤fEG ≈∏Y πª©dG É¡àjÉZ ,á«ŸÉYh á«eÓ°SEGh ,á«ë«°ùŸGh á«eÓ°S’E G É¡JÉ°Só≤eh á«Hô©dG É¡àjƒg ≈∏Y C ó«Mƒàd á«îjQÉJ ᪡e QÉWEG ‘ á«æjódG É¡aÉ«WCG πµH áe’G

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periodical projects, and above all, strategic plannning.

:¿GOƒ°ùdG Öàµe ‫ﻏﺮﺏ ﻣﻮﺑﻴﺘﻞ‬-‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﻋﺒﻴﺪ ﺧﺘﻢ‬-‫ﺍﳋﺮﻃﻮﻡ‬ 00249-155122662 :‫ﻫﺎﺗﻒ‬ 00249 -155122661 :‫ﻓﺎﻛﺲ‬ :‫ﺑﺮﻳﺪ ﺇﻟﻜﺘﺮﻭﻧﻰ‬ 12421 .‫ﺏ‬.‫ﺹ‬

:‫ﺇﻋﺪﺍﺩ ﻭﺇﻧﺘﺎﺝ‬

‫ﺇﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻹﻋﻼﻡ ﻭﺍﳌﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎﺕ‬

:É«≤jôaEG ܃æL Öàµe

Alquds Foundation (First floor,1 street, Athlone(above Athlone post office p.o. box 446 athlone, 7760 Cape Town, South Africa Tel :272 1973016

ô°üe Öàµe ‫ﻣﺆﺳﺴﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬ ‫ ﻣﻦ ﻣﻜﺮﻡ ﻋﺒﻴﺪ‬-‫ ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﻋﺒﺪ ﺍﷲ ﺑﻦ ﻃﺎﻫﺮ‬39 :‫ﺻﻨﺪﻭﻕ ﺍﻟﺒﺮﻳﺪ‬ ‫– ﻣﺪﻳﻨﺔ ﻧﺼﺮ – ﺍﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮﺓ‬ 22732645-2-0020 :‫ﻫﺎﺗﻒ‬ 22732641-2-0020: ‫ﻓﺎﻛﺲ‬

:ôFGõ÷G Öàµe ‫ ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺯﻳﻐﻮﺩ ﻳﻮﺳﻒ‬-‫ﺍﳉﺰﺍﺋﺮ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﺻﻤﺔ‬


:øª«dG Öàµe ‫ﻣﺆﺳﺴﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬ ‫ ﺻﻨﻌﺎﺀ‬-‫ﺍﳉﻤﻬﻮﺭﻳﺔ ﺍﻟﻴﻤﻨﻴﺔ‬ ‫ ﺃﻣﺎﻡ ﻛﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺠﺎﺭﺓ‬-‫ﺟﻮﻟﺔ ﺍﳉﺎﻣﻌﺔ ﺍﳉﺪﻳﺪﺓ‬ 13950 :‫ﺏ‬.‫ﺹ‬ 009671560216/7 :‫ﻫﺎﺗﻒ‬

:¿GôjGE Öàµe

á«dhódG ¢Só≤dG á°ù°SƒD e Lebanon - Beirut Hamra Str. Saroulla Bldg. 11th Flr. P.O.Box: Beirut - Hamara 113 - 5647 Tel: +961 1 751724-5 Fax: +961 1 751726

‫ ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺍﻷﺳﺘﺎﺫ ﳒﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻠﻬﻲ‬،‫ﻃﻬﺮﺍﻥ‬ 21 ‫ﻋﻘﺎﺭ‬-‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﻭﺍﺭﺳﻮ‬ 00982-1-8891821-9 :‫ﻫﺎﺗﻒ‬

:Ú£°ù∏a Öàµe ‫ ﺗﻘﺎﻃﻊ ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺍﻟﻨﺼﺮ ﻣﻊ ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﻣﺮﺝ ﺍﻟﺰﻫﻮﺭ‬-‫ ﺍﻟﻨﺼﺮ‬-‫ﻏﺰﺓ‬ 0097282856466 :‫ﺗﻠﻔﺎﻛﺲ‬ 1381 :‫ﺏ‬.‫ﺹ‬ :‫ﺑﺮﻳﺪ ﺇﻟﻜﺘﺮﻭﻧﻲ‬

:ájQƒ°S Öàµe ‫ ﻣﻘﺎﺑﻞ ﻓﻨﺪﻕ ﺃﻣﻴﺔ‬،‫ ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺍﻟﺒﺮﺍﺯﻳﻞ‬،‫ ﲡﻬﻴﺰ‬،‫ﺩﻣﺸﻖ‬ 00963 11 3318194 / 95/ 96 :‫ﺗﻠﻔﺎﻛﺲ‬ 35631 : .‫ ﺏ‬.‫ﺹ‬ :‫ﺑﺮﻳﺪ ﺇﻟﻜﺘﺮﻭﻧﻲ‬

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