BARBARASANTA 2022–2023AN PUBLICATIONANNUALOFTHE JEWISHSANTABARBARA.ORG We Connect. We Inspire. We Answer. We Are Your Jewish Federation. Personal. Business. Nonprofit. Wealth. 2021 Best Mortgage Company - SB Independent 23 Best Bank Awards in 9 Years

Sincerely, Cyndi Silverman Executive Director, Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara


A Message from Executive Director
Dear Federation Family and Friends, Welcome to the third edition of Shalom Santa Barbara, a Jewish community-focused, story-driven magazine for the community, by the community. I am grateful for the time, energy, and creativity our community partners contribute to this project to make it truly a Santa Barbara County Jewish community publication. When Cindy Feinberg approached me a few years ago about a magazine for the Jewish community, I fell in love with the idea and its potential to unite us by highlighting our diversity. We remain committed to bringing a new edition of Shalom Santa Barbara to our community every year, just in time for the High Holidays. In this third edition, you will read about the 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF PORTRAITS OF SURVIVAL , the Jewish Federation’s Holocaust exhibit that so powerfully tells the stories of our local survivors. You will learn how this new year of 5783, a Hakhel year, offers a message of unity and inclusiveness. You will appreciate all the projects, photos, and stories of Tikkun Olam and how everyone in our community strives to heal the world, one mitzvah at a time. So much goes into this publication and we could not do it without our community partners led by Federation’s Director of JCC Programs Ruby Vargeson and Marketing and Communications Manager Briana Sapp. We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Sara Miller McCune for underwriting this edition of Shalom Santa Barbara. Sara is the Founder of SAGE Publishing and Executive Chairman of the company’s Board of Directors. When she was only 24 years old, Sara founded SAGE with the goal of starting a company that would allow scholars to disseminate quality research in their own voices and break new ground in emerging fields of study. Today, Sara serves as a Director of SAGE Publications Ltd. and Corwin, a leading publisher for educational administrators and teachers. Thank you, Sara! Thank you all for your support and wonderful feedback. We look forward to being together in 5783 for more inspirational learning, communing, and celebrating… and of course some delicious Jewish deli food in our new JCC deli.
01 | A Message from Executive Director Cyndi Silverman 07 | We Gather to Learn 08 | We Gather to Celebrate 11 | We Gather to Eat 13 | We Gather to Support 15 | We Gather to Remember 16 | We Gather to Give Back 19 | Santa MustTheJewishBarbaraFilmFestival:ShowsGoOn! 22 | Camp toofBringingHaverim:theMagicJewishDayCampSantaBarbara 24 | CBB: theOlamTikkunThroughDecades 26 | Mesa Shul: Come for the Services, and Stay for the Kiddush and the Schmoozing 27 | Community Shul: Our Commitment to Tikkun Olam 28 | Jewish Federation of Ventura County: Heal the World One Step at a Time, One Foot in Front of the Other 29 | Santa Barbara Hillel: The SB Student’s Jewish Home Away From Home 2 | SHALOM SANTA BARBARA | 2022–2023 JEWISHSANTABARBARA.ORG

30 | Chabad of S. Barbara: Introducing Healing and Wholesomeness to this Fragmented World 31 | Chabad of S. Barbara: A Hakhel Year 32 | The ChallahMegaBake Off 33 | Chabad UCSB: Jewnity 34 | ADL: Tikkun Olam Begins CommonalitiesButDifferences,NotUnderstandingWithOnlyOurOur 35 | Hadassah: 100 Years of Tikkun Olam SANTA BARBARA 36 | Santa Maria Temple Beth El: 55 years of Tikkun Olam 37 | Santa Ynez Valley Jewish Community: For Our Small Size as a Congregation, Our Footprint is Large 38 | 25 Years: Taubman Endowed Symposia in Jewish Studies at UCSB 39 | Jewish Free Loan: Practicing Tikkun Olam One Loan at a Time 41 | JCRC: Educating and Advocating for our CommunityJewish 41 | The Israel Committee 42 | Community Directory 2022–2023 | SHALOM SANTA BARBARA | 3JEWISHSANTABARBARA.ORG

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at Executive Committee Lauren CyndiDeborahRenaRonJoanEricPresidentKatzBergVicePresidentRothenberg*TreasurerZonen*SecretaryBrawerMember-at-LargeSchwartzMember-at-LargeSilvermanExecutiveDirector Board of Directors Ashley Snell Goldstein Paul Harrison Jeff EmeritiJillianMichaelMintzSteinbergWittmanMarshallAbrams,z”l* Steven Amerikaner* Ralph Baxter, z”l Martin Bernstein, z”l* Yale Coggan, z”l* Jeffrey Dinkin* Jeri Eigner, z”l* Stanley Eigner, z”l * Ron Fox* 517 E. Gutierrez St Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm (805) 884-9915 • Monday-Friday,autohaussalzburg.com517E.GutierrezSt8am-5pm Autohausautohaussalzburg.comSalzburgInc, Santa Barbara's Premier Repair Shop Mercedes & BMW Specialists Free Pick Up and Delivery 4 | SHALOM SANTA BARBARA | 2022–2023 JEWISHSANTABARBARA.ORG
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Rose Gold Ring with 295 Diamonds 2.13 Carats Total Harmony BARBARASANTA 2022–2023AN PUBLICATIONANNUALOFTHE JEWISHSANTABARBARA.ORG We
By Anaïs PellegriniTo visit the magnificent homeof Ben and Naomi Bollag isto be surrounded by beautyand art,much of it painted by Naomi in her home studio. Occupying a tall hill overlooking the ocean, the Bollag’s home bursts with colorful artworks and photographs of the couple’s three children and six grandchildren, giving the space a cozy and bohemian feel. The walls showcase an eclectic mix of work — from large Andy Warhol prints to a painted sketch of the famous painting The Storm (La Tempête) from French artist Pierre Auguste Cot — the original hangs in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Naomi’s work is everywhere in the home — lining staircases and hallways as well as taking prominent place in the dining room. With such a voluminous body of work it would seem that Naomi has been painting in her current style for decades, but in fact it was after the twin disasters of the Thomas Fire and Montecito Mudslides that she transformed the deep grief she felt into her current style of painting. When ask Naomi about how she works, she tells me the art “does itself” — that she chooses the colors and size of canvas first and then time disappears and she finds flow. As she works, she likes to think of where her paintings will hang and how the colors will complement the home, and she is especially drawn to gold and beige. Her work hangs in several Sansum Clinic locations as well as at China Pavilion restaurant in downtown Santa Barbara. Deeply philanthropic, Naomi has donated several works to silent auctions which raised funds for both Laguna Blanca School and Middle School.When asked about painting in our COVID-19 era, Naomi said that initially she was “paralyzed” with fear and uncertainty about the virus, but after two weeks she returned with a force and has been creating fervently since then.Her next show will be at the newly remodeledJewish Federation, where all works on view will be available for purchase.
Susan Lambrose, LMFT Clinical Services and Senior JulieCoordinatorProgramsGold,AMFTAssociate,Marriage and Family Therapist Sherrie Mondello, AMFT Associate, Marriage and Family Therapist Rabbi Debi CommunityLewisRabbi
We Answer. We Are Your Jewish Federation. 8/22/22 12:44 PM 3rd Annual Edition 2022−2023 Bronfman Family Jewish Community Center 524 Chapala Street Santa
California 93101 805.957.1115Dr.Sanford E. Gerber* M. Howard Goldman* Gerald


TheNaomiCoverFeaturedArtistBollagJewishFederation of Greater Santa Barbara is delighted to have the artwork of local artist Naomi Bollag grace the cover of the third annual Shalom Santa Barbara magazine. You can view examples of her artwork at the Jewish Federation building in downtown Santa Barbara or Connect. Inspire. Barbara, Harter, VolunteerWitt Services Facilities Manager Briana

z”l* Arthur RichardKroot*Kux,z”l Cynthia Luria* Eli Luria, z”l Dr. Maurice I. Mendel* Mike JamesNissenson*Scheinfeld, z”l * Joseph Scher, z”l Maureen White Alan J. Wyner, z”l* * Past President Mike
Shalom Santa Barbara was designed by Victoria Torf ART! Fine and Graphic,
Jewish Family Service

OneBakedGetofour most popular Zoom programs has been Get Baked with Chef Doug. Chef Doug Weinstein has dedicated dozens of hours to teaching the basics of traditional Jewish cuisine and shares his favorite recipes for everyone to try at home. The most popular episodes center around holiday foods like latkes and sufganiyot for Chanukah, cheesecake for Shavuot, hamantaschen for Passover, and honey cake for Rosh Hashanah, but he also teaches classics like babka, bagels, and challah.
ScheduledRegularly Programs
IntroductiontoIntroductionJudaismtoJudaism is a weekly course series from fall to spring taught by Rabbi Debi Lewis. This course is designed for interfaith couples, those raising Jewish children, spiritual seekers, individuals considering conversion, and Jews who want a meaningful adult Jewish learning experience. Wherever you are on your journey with Judaism, this class is designed to be a safe and welcoming place for you to explore. Topics include holidays, life cycle celebrations, core beliefs, prayer, Jewish music, history, the Holocaust, Israel, and the diversity of the Jewish people today. Rabbi Debi will be offering her next course in fall 2022.
For links to recorded episodes of Get Baked with Chef Doug and his recipes,
Regularly scheduled programs include weekly Mah Jongg on Thursday mornings, Schmooze in a Box lunch on Tuesdays, monthly Yiddish Club (on Zoom), Financial Roundtable with Dr. Bob Bronfman (on Zoom), and a Teen Film Club. These programs are all free and open to all. We also offer special programs including Jewish-themed lectures from leading scholars and experts, holiday gatherings, and our annual Santa Barbara Jewish Film Festival. Visit
Learning is a central tenet of Judaism and the Federation offers several opportunities, both online and in-person. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve adapted many of our offerings to be more accessible, relevant, and engaging.
TUESDAY Schmooze in a Box lunch, monthlyDr.RoundtableFinancialweeklywithBobBronfman, WEDNESDAY Yiddish Club, THURSDAY Mah Jongg, weekly FRIDAY Pick up goods,deliciousadditionalShabbatpre-orderedandbakedweekly

Part of the Federation’sJewishmission is to bring together the Santa Barbara Jewish community and there’s nothing we enjoy more than welcoming people to our events, sharing our traditions, and feeding them delicious Jewish food. Rosh Hashanah is a wonderful time of renewal and optimism. We look forward to wishing our friends and neighbors a sweet new year with apples, honey, honey cake, apple cake (you get the idea), and beautiful round challah baked by Chef Doug. In 2021, the Federation was invited to take over the organization of the community’s Tashlich. We gather hundreds of our community members at Goleta Beach to cast their sins into the peaceful Pacific Ocean while listening to the shofar being blown by local rabbis and friends with strong lungs. After two years of COVID, the outdoor gathering is a welcome change and a return to some of the tradition and normalcy we sorely missed.
Chanukah is always a favorite time of year. It’s when Chef Doug turns into the Latke King, cooking literally thousands of delicious potato pancakes for the whole community and most stores in town run low on sour cream and applesauce. In 2021, the Federation started a new tradition of lighting a menorah downtown to bring our light to the greater community, and once our building is remodeled in 2023, we’re sure our Chanukah parties will be the place to celebrate.
Celebrateto GATHERWEWithsomuchuncertaintyintheworld,it’scomfortingtoknowthattheJewishcalendarwillalwaysbetheretogiveusareasontogather,areasontoremember,areasontocelebrate,andareasontoeat.

Sukkot gathers us under the Federation’s sukkah that we gladly build every year in the courtyard. From 2018’s Mi Casa is Su-kkah open house to 2019’s Sangria in the Sukkah and Sukkot family parties, this harvest holiday brings us under one roof.


Purim is a favorite for many with creative costumes, megillah readings, groggers, and of course, Chef Doug’s delicious hamantaschen. During COVID, the Federation’s Mitzvah Maker volunteers were busy sending mishloach manot to seniors, survivors, and anyone we thought might be feeling lonely on their own at home. We anticipate 2023 will bring back the costume parties for families and young adults, and our new Jewish deli will have the best hamantaschen this side of the 405, if not better!

Passover is time when we gather with family and friends to recite the story of the Jews escaping slavery in Egypt and finding their way to a new home through the desert. In 2022, Community Shul hosted a delicious 2nd night seder catered by the talented Shoham Yaniv. Rabbi Arthur was able to blend traditional Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, is our newest gathering. In 2022, we celebrated in blue and white at Leadbetter Beach with hundreds of people we’d not seen in at least two years who came out of their homes to greet old friends and catch up on life changes and news. With bellies full of Shoham’s mouthwatering shawarma, hummus, salads, and pita, there were smiles and laughter all around. The event was so successful that Federation has already booked it for 2023! Our community is full of wonderful, caring Jews who support one another and keep our traditions alive. The Federation is humbled and delighted to be a gathering place where new friendships and traditions can grow, and where we all can be fed — body and soul. texts with modern, inclusive language allowing us to relate the ancient story to our own complicated and nuanced lives. The warmth of spirit shared that night in our community room can still be felt, and we look forward to hosting many more seders to come.

Now serving Santa Barbara. Jewish Free Loan offers interest-free loans on a non-sectarian basis to individuals and families whose needs are urgent and who may not qualify through normal financial channels. If you have questions, please contact us at WE INPEOPLEHELPNEED Find moreoutat JFLA client Kristen JFLA client Derek JFLA client Adam JFLA client Mariella 10 | SHALOM SANTA BARBARA | 2022–2023 JEWISHSANTABARBARA.ORG

2022–2023 | SHALOM SANTA BARBARA | 11

FEDERATION’S JEWISH DELI is expected to open in spring 2023, when our building is remodeled, and the kitchen is upgraded to a commercial kitchen. Included in the Federation remodel is a refreshed interior courtyard which will feature more tables and chairs for you to sit and relax while you enjoy your deli fare. Our bakery orders will continue for anyone and everyone who absolutely must have their raisin pumpernickel or corn rye. We understand! We do, too!
TRUE JEWISH FOOD EXPERIENCE Plans are approved and we are full steam ahead for a Jewish deli to be housed at Jewish Federation’s downtown headquarters. Enjoy Jewish favorites and contemporary updates on classics that will become new favorites. We promise that there will be something for everyone and our deli will be a true Jewish food experience. Whether it’s a bowl of matzoh ball soup, a bagel with lox, corned beef on rye, kreplach, or an egg cream…We all have a beloved Jewish food that lights up memories each time we enjoy it.

Rabbi Debi Lewis and Marilyn Morgan

A meaningful connection made through the Caring Visitors Program.
Volunteers in the Federation’s Caring Visitor Program visit with those who are in need of companionship, support, and socialization in the comfort of their own homes as well as those living in retirement communities. This service is free and supported by volunteers who are screened and background checked. Visits often entail friendly conversations over a coffee or cup of tea, playing a card game, reading a book aloud, or going on a short walk for some fresh air.
Rabbi Debi, and those she carefully recruits as Caring Visitors, are on a mission to bring comfort and connection

to those who seek some companionship and reach out to request a weekly visitor. Not only is it a gift to give a lonely senior, it is also a gift that gives back and brings much satisfaction to both the visitor and visitee.
Rabbi Debi Lewis, who heads up the Caring Visitors Program, astutely notes that not only have we had the COVID pandemic to deal with for over two and a half years, but another pandemic exists that has not been nearly so recognized and named. That is the “pandemic of loneliness,” which mainly affects our most vulnerable senior citizens in our local communities.
Rabbi Debi Lewis always appreciates her time spent with Jean and Robert Feinstein (top) and David Connolly (bottom).

Rabbi Debi often speaks of the heartwarming and meaningful connections she and other visitors have made with these very special members of our community. One particularly stands out for her, and that is Marilyn, whose smile speaks for itself. If you know someone in need of a visitor or looking to volunteer, contact Rabbi Debi Lewis at
Supportto GATHERWE
The Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara is grateful to the Holocaust survivors who share their stories creating a life-changing experience for program participants.

Ichak Adizes engages local Goleta Valley Junior High students with his first-hand experience.
Informed by the most up-todate standards for diversity, equity, and inclusion training, Portraits provides a window into the past, offering a cautionary tale of what can happen when hate goes unchecked. Since its inception in 2003, the exhibit has hosted over 7,000 visitors.
Next year will mark twenty years since the Portraits of Survival exhibit opened to the public. Housed at the Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara, Portraits of Survival provides visitors a poignant educational experience that weaves together firsthand accounts from local Holocaust survivors with archival materials, multimedia presentations, and facilitated discussions.
Portraits has been made possible by the numerous community members who have come forward over the past twenty years to share their stories. As the final generation of child survivors approach their later years, we are tasked with the responsibility of finding new ways to never forget. In the spring of 2022, following a two-year hiatus due to COVID19, we welcomed 150 students from Goleta Valley Junior High to hear from child survivors and a child of survivors. The heart-wrenching tales shared during these visits illustrated that survivors’ stories can carry the same personal impact when passed on by the next generation, serving as a springboard for meaningful encounters which have the power to offset alienation and negative behaviors, increase empathy, and encourage a sense of belonging. As we venture into our third decade of bringing Holocaust education to our local community, we encourage you to join us, be it in stopping by to view the exhibit or lending your voice to those who can no longer speak.
The Portraits educational program is a life-changing experience for participants — particularly community youth who are given the opportunity to engage with survivors around shared issues of identity, belonging, and experiences of being otherized.
A BRIDGE TO OUR PAST, A Necessity for our Future
Paul Gertler shares his story and educates Portraits of Survival middle school participants with terminology such as genocide, racism, and antisemitism.
Rememberto GATHERWE

• Bonus family activities in the mail and online Local family events organized by our community partners Activity ideas, recipes, and parenting resources on and
Each eligible child will receive an age-appropriate book each month based on their age at the time of enrollment.
Use this form to join the PJ Library family. By submitting your information, you will receive the gift of monthly mailings of high-quality Jewish children’s books and resources. You are also agreeing to receive program-related communications from PJ Library. Your name Your email Are you the child’s primary parent/guardian? Yes No Delivery address of Child(ren) StateCity Zip Code Phone PJ Library books are only sent to the child’s primary residence. Listing delivery addresses for family members or other part-time caregivers may result in a denied subscription.
Child name (1) Birthday: (mm/dd/yy) Child name (2) Birthday: (mm/dd/yy) Child name (3) Birthday: (mm/dd/yy) How did you learn about PJ Library?
Child name (1) Birthday: (mm/dd/yy) Child name (2) Birthday: (mm/dd/yy) Child name (3) Birthday: (mm/dd/yy) How did you learn about PJ Library?
PJ Library® celebrates the joy of Jewish culture, values, and tradition by providing free story books to families with children 6 months through 8 years old. No matter your Jewish background, PJ Library helps your family create cherished Jewish moments from the simple act of reading stories together, all at no cost. PJ Library offers families:
Use this form to join the PJ Library family. By submitting your information, you will receive the gift of monthly mailings of high-quality Jewish children’s books and resources. You are also agreeing to receive program-related communications from PJ Library. Your name Your email Are you the child’s primary parent/guardian? Yes No Delivery address of Child(ren) StateCity Zip Code Phone PJ Library books are only sent to the child’s primary residence. Listing delivery addresses for family members or other part-time caregivers may result in a denied subscription.
• A free book with Jewish themes delivered to your home each month
Yes , sign us up!
Or mail this completed form to: Ruby Vargeson, 805-957-1115 x106 524 Chapala Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Email Each eligible child will receive an age-appropriate book each month based on their age at the time of enrollment.
PJ Library® celebrates the joy of Jewish culture, values, and tradition by providing free story books to families with children 6 months through 8 years old. No matter your Jewish background, PJ Library helps your family create cherished Jewish moments from the simple act of reading stories together, all at no cost.
Child name (1) Birthday: (mm/dd/yy) Child name (2) Birthday: (mm/dd/yy) Child name (3) Birthday: (mm/dd/yy) How did you learn about PJ Library?
• A free book with Jewish themes delivered to your home each month • Bonus family activities in the mail and online Local family events organized by our community partners Activity ideas, recipes, and parenting resources on and
Each eligible child will receive an age-appropriate book each month based on their age at the time of enrollment.
Yes , sign us up!
PJ Library offers families:
Use this form to join the PJ Library family. By submitting your information, you will receive the gift of monthly mailings of high-quality Jewish children’s books and resources. You are also agreeing to receive program-related communications from PJ Library. Your name Your email Are you the child’s primary parent/guardian? Yes No Delivery address of Child(ren)
Yes , sign us up!
Sign up now at
Sign up now at
StateCity Zip Code Phone PJ Library books are only sent to the child’s primary residence. Listing delivery addresses for family members or other part-time caregivers may result in a denied subscription.
Use this form to join the PJ Library family. By submitting your information, you will receive the gift of monthly mailings of highquality Jewish children’s books and resources. You are also agreeing to receive program-related communications from PJ Library. Sign up now at
Or mail this completed form to: Ruby Vargeson, 805-957-1115 x106 524 Chapala Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Email 16 | SHALOM SANTA BARBARA | 2022–2023 JEWISHSANTABARBARA.ORG
EVERY GIVING STORY IS DIFFERENT, AND PERSONAL — with different whats, whens, and whys. But in every case, people give because it feels good to give. Philanthropy is deeply embedded in the Jewish Federation story, with communal giving and tzedakah central to our original mission. Many people choose to give tribute gifts — for andanniversaries,weddings,graduations,birthdays, yahrzeits. This type of selfless giving ear;aawhetheritthosesupportingcommunity—totoBarbaraGreaterFederationdonorsthebetter?whatothers,supportsandcouldfeelWhateveramount,toJewishofSantaaregivingtheirJewishwhoneedthemost,thatiswarmmealorcompassionateandtotheprograms
Marion and Aaron’s story is inspiring. A true mensch and an entirely self-made man — Aaron was considered a visionary real estate developer in his home city of New York. His New York Times obituary described him as an “elder statesman” in the field.
A vintage family photo of philanthropists, Marion and Aaron Gural z”l, circa 1960’s

Thank you, Barbara, and family. We cannot wait to welcome you (all) to the Arts & Culture Center.
and services for everyone in the community to enjoy. Very often, the value of philanthropy is learned at home, something abundantly clear when looking at the story of Barbara Gural, who in 2021 made a wonderful gift to honor her parents — Marion and Aaron Gural z”l, by naming Jewish Federation’s soon-to-be Arts & Culture Center after them.
Huge supporters of Federation in New York, it is fitting now that Marion and Aaron have the honor of this naming after them, here in Santa Barbara where their daughter, granddaughter, grandsons, and new granddaughter, all now reside.
Aaron and Marion, the daughter of Jewish Russian immigrants, met on a blind date and their marriage lasted four decades. Described by friends as “true New Yorkers” what set them apart was “their drive, determination and devotion to helping the needy.” The couple gave their time and money to many Jewish causes, and were passionate about the arts. Now, their legacy has a special place in Santa Barbara, with the forthcoming Marion and Aaron Gural Arts & Culture Center, which will have its permanent home at the Jewish Federation building on 524 Chapala Street.
Gathering together support from her siblings, daughter and husband, Barbara Gural made her vision a reality, and for that everyone at Jewish Federation is grateful.
Fall is always a busy time in the Jewish and secular calendar but fall 2022 is EXTRA SPECIAL because it marks the return of our Santa Barbara Jewish Film Festival from November 3 to 6 at the New Vic Theatre. A unique experience amongst Santa Barbara’s numerous glittering arts offerings, the festival proudly fills the gap in cultural programming by serving up a wide range of films that directly address and explore Jewish themes. The films are national and international in scope and represent the voices and stories not offered every day in our community. In addition to screenings, there will be panel discussions and special events. Reestablished in 2016 by a group of Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara community volunteers, the festival has grown in attendance each year. Not surprisingly, due to the pandemic, we have been on hiatus for two years, and we cannot wait to get back to the movies.

Sandy Stahl & Jake Longstreth

Enjoy delicious challah, rye bread, babka, rugelach, pumpernickel, and mandelbrot. Shop our Judaica Store for gifts, essentials, and holiday items for your Jewish home. Gluten-FreeChallah RugelachBabkaMandelbrotPumpernickelCornMarbleSeededPumpernickelChallahwithRaisinsRyeBreadRyeBreadRyeBread CHEFFROMDOUG ORDERORDERORDERBAKERY!TODAYWEEKLY!ONLINE! Our Very Own ORDER TODAY ONLINE Pick-up your baked goods at the Federation building JEWISHSANTABARBARA.ORG 2022–2023 | SHALOM SANTA BARBARA | 21

Kelsey Crews

Photo and Andrew photographyVasquez



THE BHY PRESCHOOL (PreK) Is an inclusive school that embraces students from all religious, cultural, and family backgrounds. Discover how our program can provide a vibrant set ting for your child’s early educational experience and first friendships.

WE OFFER EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR EVERY AGE! the Judaism of their ancestors in this corner of California, so far from the centers of Jewish life and culture. The construction of our building on San Antonio Creek Road in the mid-1960’s continued that work of building a confident and proud Jewish community in Santa Barbara.
BUILDING A HOME IS ONE WAY OF REPAIRING THE WORLD. In the 1980’s, as we felt more and more secure in this community, we began looking outward, finding ways to offer assistance and to make a difference both here in Santa Barbara and around the country. Members of
The very establishment of Congregation B’nai B’rith, almost 100 years ago, was an act of tikkun, creating an institutional structure within which a motley assortment of Jewish families and individuals could come together and carry forward Visit for more info Congregation B’nai B’rith 1000 San Antonio Creek Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93111 · Tel: (805) 964-7869
There are moments when the world feels so broken that we are tempted to throw our hands up in despair. The ancient Jewish principle of Tikkun Olam is rooted in optimism, and a rejection of despair. Our efforts to raise a new generation of caring and responsible human world full of suffering and strife, our actions large and small can save lives and bring healing. This is what we mean by Tikkun Olam… repairing the world. Our congregation, has a long and proud history of inspired and inspiring Tikkun Olam projects.
TIKKUN OLAM Through the Decades

JEWISH LEARNING PROGRAM (K-12) We’ve created a truly exciting program for young Jewish learners from Kinder garten through the end of high school, where they can learn the history and rituals of our religion and faith in a way that makes them proud to be Jewish.
LIFELONG LEARNING (Adults) Join us for classes, lectures, book clubs, art workshops, and other educational opportunities, where adults discover and recover the deep tradition of Jewish Learning. Lifetime of Learning at CBB


In Gisenyi, Rwanda, CBB partnered with the founders of the Ubumwe Center, to build a preschool which has grown into a school for over 500 children.

Last but not least, our BUILDING DREAMS campus renewal project will express Tikkun Olam on many levels: accessibility for people with walkers, strollers, and wheelchairs will heal our community spaces bringing together young children, teens, adults, and seniors will heal our fragmented community sustainable design which minimizes use of water and energy will heal our earth
In the early 2010’s several groups of JEWS AND MUSLIMS formed here, allowing us to discover deep similarities between our traditions, and to learn how we might BUILD TRUST BETWEEN OUR COMMUNITIES, which have so often been driven by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Closer to home, our NEFESH PROJECT has been working with local agencies and organizations providing food and support for the unsheltered of our community. CBB volunteers have been in leadership roles for the DIGNITY MOVES PROJECT, which just opened 33 UNITS OF INTERIM TRANSITIONAL HOUSING, providing a “stop-over between tents and permanent housing.”
And we reached out across the globe to Gisenyi, Rwanda, where we partnered with Zachary Dusingizimana and Frederick Ndabaramiya, the founders of the UBUMWE CENTER, to build a preschool which has grown into a school for over 500 children. From this great distance, we helped to CREATE A SCHOOL WHICH HELPS RWANDA HEAL FROM ITS GENOCIDE EVERY DAY.
our congregation participated in the Sanctuary movement providing SAFE HAVEN FOR REFUGEES FROM CENTRAL AMERICA FLEEING CIVIL CONFLICT.
In the 1990’s teams of volunteers from CBB and from Santa Barbara’s First United Methodist Church traveled together, year after year, to REBUILD BLACK CHURCHES IN THE SOUTH THAT HAD BEEN BURNED by arsonists. During those years, leaders from the Jewish and Latino communities in Santa Barbara met to build bridges of understanding and to seek ways to help each other’s communities. In the first decade of the 2000’s, we launched new major Tikkun Olam initiatives including an annual Mitzvah Day, which brought together hundreds of members of all ages for one day of acts of kindness and compassion all over Santa Barbara. Teams formed serving monthly dinners at Transition House and in Pershing Park, as part of larger community-wide efforts to provide food and friendship to people in need.
In more recent years, our congregation launched and provided the first leadership for The Human Family Project, creating opportunities for meeting, dialogue, and increased understanding among the diverse religious and ethnic communities of Santa Barbara: Jews, Muslims, Catholics, Evangelicals, Greek Orthodox, Unitarians, Latinos, and more. We saw the power of THE HUMAN FAMILY PROJECT one night in 2018 when over 1,000 people from all over Santa Barbara came to our temple to show support after the Squirrel Hill synagogue shooting. This year, our Tikkun Olam work has focused on two major initiatives: the Givat Haviva International School (GHIS) and Neighbors Ensuring Food Equity, Safety and Housing (NEFESH). At the Givat Haviva International School in Israel, over one hundred high school students from all over the world live and study and work and learn together. 25% of the students are ISRAELI JEWS and 25% are ISRAELI ARABS, and the students STUDY CONFLICT RESOLUTION. Our congregation has produced an outpouring of support for GHIS, and CBB members have spent hours on Zoom with GHIS students, tutoring and mentoring, and assisting with college applications.
We know that we cannot heal all of the suffering and brokenness of the world, but in all of our efforts since this congregation was first created until today, repairing the world has been at the heart of our reason for existing.
We are inclusive of all people: straight, gay, trans, religious and non-religious, people who know Hebrew and those who do not. Every Shabbat service ends with an oneg, and once a month we share it with the Community Shul of Montecito and Santa Barbara. Come and find out more about us. Shalom.
As with many communities, COVID affected and limited our actions. We hope to soon resume our lively Friday night dinners which are free to the public and open to non-members, as well as our senior outreach at Chanukah where we throw a party for seniors from the community. At Purim we distribute shaloch manoth. We also make charitable donations annually to worthy causes. We have been in Santa Barbara for over forty years and many of our members have been with us that long. We feel very much a part of the larger Santa Barbara community and welcome women and men who want to visit and sample what we have to offer.
UNTIL 2019, we were formally associated with the Young Israel movement, a collection of synagogues that followed the orthodox tradition in style and substance. In 2019, we felt that it did not really represent our evolution and moved to become an independent shul. The services still follow the orthodox tradition with a full Torah reading every Shabbat. The membership decided that it no longer wanted a mechitza (physical separation), but we maintain separate seating for men and women. The shul also incorporated women in the service along orthodox lines and while this is presently limited in terms of what can be included, we are sensitive to this issue and will most probably move towards a more liberal attitude in the ensuing years. In 2022, we decided to move into the Federation Building where we now have weekly Shabbat services and hope to resume our other outreach programs to the community.

While we are a small shul that has a significant impact, we have created many activities over the past twenty plus years within Santa Barbara, Montecito, Goleta, and Carpinteria, to help repair torn relationships.
…enhance one’s personal journey through life by learning how to be a blessing in action…
CommunityShul of Montecito & Santa Barbara
THE COMMUNITY SHUL of Montecito and Santa Barbara is a welcoming, innovative, and an engaging Jewish environment, connected with the Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara. We are committed to Tikkun Olam, the repairing of our shattered world. Tikkun Olam is a key motivating factor in our shul’s activities as well as within the broader Santa Barbara community.
Over the years, we have dealt with issues using our Jewish tradition to support our African American and LBGTQ neighbors, and women’s rights and social justice organizations. To help heal our world, we have also been driven by the command to help and welcome the stranger as we continue to assist immigrants. We know that many of our ancestors were once immigrants to the United States and thus we know what it is like to be a stranger. We have BarbaraJewishSBCares,throughworkedaSantaorganization, to assist a Syrian and an Afghan family. We’ve sent aid to the Jewish Federation in San Diego to help hire an attorney to represent asylum seekers. We’ve created and distributed materials in Spanish to assist undocumented individuals that live and work in Santa Barbara. And we’ve pushed our elected and community leaders to focus on the many issues surrounding discriminatory treatment of our immigrant communities here on the South Coast. I would add one more significant use of Tikkun Olam that animates our shul’s various activities and our welcoming, exciting, and individualized program based religious school. The initial understanding of Tikkun Olam was a spiritual/mystical quest to repair one’s soul. In simpler terms, this means to enhance one’s personal journey through life by learning how to be a blessing in action. We teach that one person can make a difference and that one must learn how to act with compassion and kindness. That each of us, and all who we meet, are evenfromtosomethingmessengersdivinewithspecialteachandlearnoneanother,someone that you disagree with. In effect, we are called to be a holy people by acting to repair ourselves, so that we can help heal others, and our world, as we follow the command of Tikkun Olam. …we are called to be a holy people by acting to repair ourselves, so that we can help heal others, and our world…
We follow the biblical precept to love our neighbor as ourselves by helping to ensure that what we want for ourselves, we help to provide to our neighbors — safety, respect, sustenance. We’ve created outreach programs to several local African American, Asian, Islamic organizations, and individuals through facilitating conversations with representatives of the police department and organizing food distribution programs for those isolated in their homes. We have helped to provide specialty services for a group of individuals suffering with multiple sclerosis. We have and continue to sustain other individuals who need financial and emotional support. To help repair our world, we are engaged in social justice activities which include active sponsorships and participation in interfaith and community endeavors.
Our Commitment to Tikkun Olam
Whatever the need , locally, nationally and in Israel, your support for our work helps Heal the World, and we are grateful.
It guides us and inspires us to stay the course of Tikkun Olam, one step at a time, one foot in front of the other, even in troubled times. Especially in troubled times. We heal by feeding those who are hungry, caring for our seniors and advocating for those who bear the scars of the Holocaust. We heal by providing low-cost counseling through Jewish Family Service to those in emotional pain. We heal by raising funds to save refugees from Ethiopia to Ukraine and beyond.
For over fifty years, the Jewish Federation of Ventura County has stood by the principles articulated by Rabbi Tarfon thousands of years ago, “It is not up to you to finish the task, but you are not free to avoid it.”

Hillel students helped create a positive campus climate by tabling and having fun at UCSB. Hillel student board leaders attended our annual Hall of Fame fundraising event. They shared inspiring stories and conversations with our community members.

SANTA BARBARA HILLEL, led by Executive Director Rabbi Evan Goodman, enables students at UCSB and other colleges to connect with one another in a Jewish environment at their “Jewish Home Away From Home.” We offer a safe, welcoming, and pluralistic presence as a vibrant center of student life in Isla Vista. Santa Barbara Hillel is proactive in standing up for our students, building bridges, and fostering a positive campus climate. We are uniquely positioned to reach students at this formative time

For the first time in three years, Hillel students land in Israel for their birthright trip. You can see the excitement as they begin a journey of a life time.

This edifying philosophy drives everything we do here at Chabad of S. Barbara. With every G-dly act performed in a regular, broken world, something incredible takes place: healing and repair.
Traditional Jewish texts teach us that our world is like the living room floor upon which that wine glass has been shattered. While at the very beginning of Creation, G-d created a whole, united, and harmonious world, things didn’t quite stay that way, and alas, brokenness and fragmentation were introduced. What was once a perfect, spiritual place turned into a divided and broken landscape. But here’s the exciting part. The part where me, you, and everyone else around us comes in. Like the shimmering pieces of glass scattered about, there’s a plethora of opportunity just beneath the surface of all the brokenness. There are many ways to introduce healing and wholesomeness to this fragmented world. It was the early 16th century Kabbalist Rabbi Isaac Luria who taught a doctrine of “healing” and “repair” to a broken world that he coined Tikkun Olam. From the whimsical hilltops of the mystical city of Safed in the Galilee, this ancient sage taught that while the world may seem broken, underneath lie “sparks” of G-dliness waiting to be exposed. If we would only engage with the world around us in a spiritually, morally, G-dly-driven way, we could bring the match to that spark that would burst into a holy flame.
When another Shabbat service is put in the books, another meal enjoyed together, another social service rendered, or another Jewish class experienced together, a whole host of sparks are teased out from below the terra firma.

Every day is driven with incredible purpose. No action is meaningless, no encounter trifle. Armed with the knowledge that Tikkun Olam happens on a truly cosmic scale, these otherwise trivial moments are, in fact, fuel to a G-dly, spiritual fire. So while it may be difficult to sweep that wine glass from the floor, and you will certainly never drink from it again, we fervently believe that the story of our world has a better ending. We’re finding more shards every day, and pretty soon, it’ll all come together in a beautiful, happy ending. Let’s raise our (repaired) glasses to that! WHOLESOMENESS
HAVE YOU EVER dropped a wine glass? What was once a useful, even beautiful item is now shattered and broken, scattered across the room in a million pieces. And have you ever tried gathering all those pieces? It can be quite a job finding every last little sparkling shard before your sorry foot gets to it with pain and blood.
IMAGINE MULTITUDES OF PEOPLE, MILLIONS EVEN. Young children bent over great grandparents, men, women, scholars, bricklayers, and babies—all having come together, to see, to learn, and to be seen.
Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and the first days of Sukkot came and a new seven-year cycle began. Sixteen days into the new year, during the intermediate days of Sukkot, the entire nation would gather in the Holy Temple for spiritual inspiration before once again returning to the fields. The king would read aloud from the Torah scroll (amongst various verses): “ASSEMBLE THE PEOPLE – THE MEN, THE WOMEN AND THE SMALL CHILDREN IN ORDER THAT THEY HEAR, AND IN ORDER THAT THEY LEARN AND FEAR THE L-RD, YOUR G-D, AND THEY WILL OBSERVE ALL THE WORDS OF THIS TORAH.”Deuteronomy 31:12

Today, the timeless lesson of Jewish unity rings truer than ever. We can all use a bit more “getting together” in our lives. This Jewish calendar year of 5783 is a year of Hakhel and brings its message of unity and inclusiveness. The Lubavitcher Rebbe ob”m repeatedly encouraged making Hakhel gatherings during this auspicious year to promote Jewish unity and to increase our spiritual lives of Torah and mitzvots
The Torah calls this event Hakhel, which means “assemble.” This was a unique event, as it was the only instance that required everyone’s attendance! It was a chance to relive the experience at Mt. Sinai, when the entire Jewish nation received the Torah.

Since ancient times when the Temple stood in Jerusalem, every 7th year was observed as a shemittah year, a sabbatical year. The land lay fallow and all agrarian work ceased. All farmers and agriculture workers abandoned their fields for a full year and headed to the study houses to devote themselves to more spiritual needs.
Let us use this time to make Hakhel gatherings. Having a barbecue? Mix in Torah learning for some food for thought. At every lunch date, at each birthday party, let us include good old Jewish spirituality alongside all the fun. Print out a Parsha lesson from, or your favorite Torah source, talk about it, and draw inspiration and practical resolutions. Here at Chabad, be sure to check our calendar and weekly emails for upcoming Hakhel events including a monthly Hakhel Shabbat Kiddush, and Shabbat Mishpachah for young families. Visit or contact for more information. Especially in these (hopefully) post-COVID days, when we are all eager for connection, let us do just that and connect with one another in joyous, meaningful ways. May we merit the coming of Moshiach, with the actual Hakhel gathering at the Beit HaMikdosh in Jerusalem, speedily in our days!
Alliance Associates, Inc. or registered as a broker dealer. 32 | SHALOM SANTA BARBARA | 2022–2023 JEWISHSANTABARBARA.ORG
WHEN YOU THINK OF SHABBAT, and the peace, unity, and celebration of Jewish life, challah is part of the image. On Thursday, October 27, 2022, Jewish women in S. Barbara will join together to celebrate a Mega Challah Bake, an evening of camaraderie, inspiration, and unity at the newly renovated Cabrillo Arts Pavillion. The festive evening will be a delightful event for all Jewish women to schmooze, nosh, and of course, make challah. With the tables set for each person, everyone will simultaneously mix OF S. BARBARA and knead the ingredients for their own dough that they will take home to bake. Whether you’re a seasoned challah baker or learning for the first time, there’s a special feeling when so many Jewish women are collectively doing this time-honored tradition of baking challah for Shabbat This year, the Mega Challah Bake is even more meaningful because the upcoming Jewish year of 5783 is a Hakhel year, which happens every seven years. This is when the Torah tells us that the Jewish nation, men, women, and children would all gather in Jerusalem for a mega gathering and hear words of the Torah from the king. While we don’t officially observe the mitzvah of Hakhel when there’s no Temple standing in Jerusalem, we harness the power of the theme of this mitzvah and unite in our own mega gathering! Chabad of S. Barbara is looking forward to uniting all our local fellow Jewish women for an uplifting evening. For more information visit Royal Royal Royal

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STUDENTS KNEADING, ROLLING, AND BRAIDING challah together on a Wednesday evening, prepping for the big night. A month of frenetic activity; with table hosts hustling to fill their tables with classmates, roommates, and friends. Meeting with totrustedandsupporttoBoard,CommunityandStudentsAssociatedFinanceBusiness,theAffairsandIVCRCsecuregrantstotheevent,thesearchforasecurityfirmensurethesiteis
It’s May 18th, 2022 on the Chabad lawn at UCSB. Think delicious hors d’oeuvres and delectable dips enjoyed with fresh warm challah, and boisterous students belting out Shalom Aleichem while dressed in their Shabbat finery. Think hundreds of tealights lit up by the female students in attendance welcoming Shabbat in unity, joy, community, and Jewnity HEAR THE LAUGHS. SEE THE SMILES. Feel the pleasant surprise of firsttime-at-Chabad students getting acquainted with the warmth of the weekly Shabbat at Chabad vibes. It’s palpable in their expressions. And it only adds to the energy.


And most importantly, the planning, posting, and persistence of the Chabad student board led by the irrepressible student president Aya Zeplovich ‘22 who made the magic materialize against all the odds. The student community’s excitement, anticipation, and participation made it a reality!

Have you ever felt goosebumps at a Shabbat dinner? Perhaps the singing was powerful and meaningful? Maybe you were caught up and carried by the tunes, emotion, and energy?
ON THAT NOTE. BOTTOMS UP AND L’CHAIM TO JEWISH LIFE AT UCSB! photos were taken before Shabbat.
Now imagine you could digitize those good feelings and dial up that energy like the gray and white volume slider on the edge of your iPhone display. Let the white push out the gray. Turn it all the way up. And imagine... 530 lively UCSB students at one Shabbat dinner. What would it look like? Or. Better asked. What did it look like?
THINK OF A SETTING SUN, the soft hum of happy conversation, and shimmering string lighting, setting faces aglow. Rabbi Gershon shares warm words about the infinite power of each person and the magnified specialness when they come together in a proud Jewish gathering such as this. It’s powerful! But it gets better. Because there’s much more you don’t see tonight.
In 2022, we ran a series of articles in the Montecito Journal, highlighting advice for approaching difficult conversations with others and the importance of breaking down barriers inherent in our online echo chambers. Thanks to our stellar volunteers, who are committed to changing our world, our office has relaunched a community dinner program that provides an opportunity for dialogue between persons of different faiths or backgrounds. By facilitating opportunities for community members to get to know each other, we move from strangers to neighbors and begin to understand not only our differences, but our commonalities. When you speak to your neighbor from a place of understanding, asking about their feelings and not challenging their opinions, you are creating an inclusive society. As teachers and employers create environments that honor our differences, they’re filling in the cracks of brokenness. Social media companies can reduce the normalization of hateful expression, as well as de-amplifying the reach and impact of hateful extremist groups. Through these actions we will sew the seams in the fabric of our world, returning light to the places of darkness.
SEW THE SEAMS IN THE FABRIC OF OUR WORLD Our mission is to prevent hateful incidents from occurring through education. We are in schools, workplaces, and community groups recognizing others’ perspectives, engaging in conversation respectfully, and fostering inclusive environments.

The broad span of our local educational work includes intensive workshops for aspiring teachers, peer leadership training for middle and high school students, and anti-bias education for college administrators and community groups. Our work is not about indoctrinating a political viewpoint — it’s about understanding how to treat others with dignity.
OUR WORLD HAS BECOME THE SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION OF REJOINING THE DIVINE LIGHT. Our work at ADL Santa Barbara/ Tri-Counties focuses on repairing these rifts through working with others to address issues collectively and to provide mutual support.
Our currently fractured world evokes one of these broken vessels. Political polarization is pulling our society apart with extremist views making it hard to find middle ground. This trend is exacerbated by social distancing and social media platforms amplifying hate and misinformation for profit. The inevitable result of this division, as we predicted and have been tracking, is a dramatic increase in racially motivated hate incidents, antisemitism, violence, and incivility. We are seeing it in public meetings, in the workplace, and in our schools even as we attend some of these activities in the privacy of our homes.
In the wake of the mass shooting in Buffalo, ADL provided critical information about extremist ideologies to law enforcement, and our local office joined a diverse group of community groups in sponsoring a vigil to honor the victims. ADL also played a pivotal role on the ground assisting law enforcement during the Colleyville synagogue hostage crisis, as well as supporting other Jewish communities in the wake of antisemitic attacks and incidents.
Tikkun Olam begins with understanding not only our differences, but our commonalities.
is actively committed to pioneering health care around the world, supports “Youth Aliyad Villages” in Israel for immigrant and troubled youth, advocating at state and national levels for women’s rights. $92,0002020RenovationBuildingRound360° 2021$15,000ReliefCOVID$51,0002018RoomOncology$26,0002017Physician’sWorkroom $25,0002019BedPatientDoubleCardiology THE SANTA BARBARA HADASSAH COMMUNITY RAISED OVER $200,000 IN THE LAST 5 YEARS AND 2022 IS STILL GOING STRONG… YEARS100 OLAMTIKKUNOF 2022–2023 | SHALOM SANTA BARBARA | 35JEWISHSANTABARBARA.ORG
Newsweek Magazine named Hadassah Hospitals one of the 250 world’s best “smart” hospitals for its advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence and robotic surgery and ranks the cardiology and oncology departments among the best in the world. Santa Barbara Hadassah “Women Who Do” raised over $92,000 for this 360° Round Building Renovation

best acute care and medical research in the world, it

“We have the power to heal the world. For us, that means healing in every sense of the word where it is needed most, in the US, Israel and around the world. Every day. As volunteers. As philanthropists. As changemakers.
In addition to Hadassah’s commitment to the also
Santa Barbara Hadassah invites all women, who share Hadassah’s interest and passions to join. We are a warm, welcoming multigenerational, diverse group of women. Contact Sissy Taran for information —

Congregation Temple Beth El, Santa Maria
SANTA MARIA AT TEMPLE BETH EL The Federation’s northern most outpost.
In July, Temple Beth El hosted a blood drive and invited the community at large to participate in donating the “Gift of Life”. It is a simple thing to do but so necessary to keep the supply of blood available for those in need.

In September, a community-wide multi-cultural festival gathered many of the different groups that make up our local community to share a Sunday afternoon. The goal of the festival was to give the diverse groups an opportunity to share their ethnic foods, music, and dance, as well as meet and talk with each other in a relaxed informal afternoon of fellowship. Korean, Costa Rican, Filipino, Israeli, African American, Japanese, Muslim, and Jewish cultures, among others, were represented.
Healing the World So far in 2022, two events have been held with an aim to help “heal the world” in our community.


… for those who believe, those who are curious, those who used to belong, and those who want to belong.
FOR OUR SMALL SIZE AS A CONGREGATION, OUR FOOTPRINT IS LARGE. As the world changes, we are adapting and discovering new ways of engaging ourselves in our community. That is our essence, and as we stated in the last edition of Shalom Santa Barbara we are…. Jews by birth, Jews by choice, Jews that practice, and Jews that seldom practice. We are a community for those who believe, those that are curious, those that used to belong, and those that want to belong. As Jews of the Santa Ynez Valley, we are anchored by our Rabbi Debi Lewis, and led by our President Susie Margolis Pierson. Please join us for Shabbat, an adult education program, or High Holidays gathering. Come as you are, share with us as long as you like, and like so many others, enjoy the fellowship of learning, prayer, and being present in our Jewish community.
We are slowly recovering from several years of a worldwide pandemic, and in looking back, we hope to look forward differently, perhaps in a better more empathetic and connected way. Yet as the Ukranian conflict unfolds, somehow our comfort level again becomes challenged, as we realize that for many population groups, there are no safe havens. As Jews, the Holocaust set the bar that the world’s silence was not golden, and perhaps that makes us more responsible than most. How this war unfolds, is still to be determined, yet our past is very much present in both our actions and reactions. We can think both globally and locally, yet in many ways, our impact is the most present in the community where we live. As Jews in the Santa Ynez Valley, we are a small yet closely connected group and maintaining contact and providing a “caring” community is in itself a mitzvah, as loneliness and lack of contact impacts both spiritual and physical health. Our Tikkun Olam begins with each other and is at the core of our congregation. Yet, the strength of our community extends to others. The success of our annual Bel Canto fundraiser has allowed us to generously support several local food banks as well as contribute to the Buellton Senior Center. Additionally, we have been able to provide financial assistance to several members in need. As a small community, this is quite an accomplishment as close to thirty percent of our operating costs were contributed to charitable causes. Considering our small size as a congregation, our footprint is large. We are also in the process of redefining new ways of being proactive in partnering with other organizations. This might include more congregant involvement, as working together both strengthens our bonds to each other and the organizations that we serve.


The Herman P. and Sophia Taubman Endowed Symposia in Jewish Studies at UCSB will begin its twenty-sixth year in fall, 2022. From the very first year that featured Art Spiegelman speaking on his graphic novel Maus and the visit by Leah Rabin, z”l, the symposia have had a large following among the students, faculty and staff of the campus, as well as the larger community.

The Academic Program Committee, made up of community members and faculty at UCSB, sets out the annual program on the eve of Rosh Hashanah each year.
The Taubman Foundation provided the initial endowment, but the symposia continue to be supported by members of the community through private gifts.

More than 250 speakers, musical performances, and films have been organized by the Taubman Symposia for the campus and community. We marked our twenty-fifth anniversary with presentations on new research on women in the Dead Sea Scrolls with Professor Esther Chazon of the Hebrew University, on the contemporary poets and poetry on Jerusalem with Professor Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi of the Hebrew University, Professor Ruth Behar from the University of Michigan on the Jews of Cuba, Professor Nathaniel Deutsch of the University of California, Santa Cruz and Dr. Michael Casper of Yale University on the Satmar Hasidim of Brooklyn, Philippe Sands the origins of the term “Genocide” and the legal formulation of “Crimes against Humanity,” and presentations by Professor Wendy Zierler from the Hebrew Union College — Jewish Institute of Religion on S.Y. Agnon and Devora Baron and Professor Sarah Hammerschlag from the University of Chicago on the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas. There are more than one hundred videos of the speakers that can be accessed through the Taubman Symposia’s website —
The Isaiah Scroll also known as the Great Isaiah Scroll, is one of the seven Dead Sea Scrolls that were first discovered by Bedouin shepherds in 1946 from Qumran Cave 1. The scroll is written in Hebrew and contains the entire Book of Isaiah from beginning to end, apart from a few small damaged portions. It is the oldest complete copy of the Book of Isaiah, being approximately 1,000 years older than the oldest manuscriptsHebrewknown before the scrolls’ discovery. The Great Isaiah Scroll is also notable in being the only scroll from the Qumran Caves to be preserved almost in its entirety.
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The JFLA interest-free, no fee loan product is remarkable. Just a few weeks ago, a woman came to us with three broken teeth. She was in constant pain, unable to eat, and desperately needed dental work. She works full time, but as a single mom her money went out faster than it could come in. She had no friends or family who could help. But JFLA did. This $3,000 loan changed her life, and brought us one step closer to Tikkun Olam — one loan at a time.
The power of an interest free loan is unmistakable. Just ask Adam, who suffers from a degenerative condition that left him with cataracts in both eyes. Adam wasn’t sure how he would afford the $9,000 procedure he needed to regain his sight. Fortunately, JFLA was there to help. The interest free loan Adam received allowed him to have the surgery he needed right away.
Since the start of the pandemic, JFLA has helped over 2,000 clients with interest-free, no fee loans totaling $15 million dollars.
High Holidays Dinners & Sides Order from Our Kitchen or online at Don’t ORGANIZE.Agonize. 15% discount Restrictions apply. Not be used with other offers or discounts. CLOSETS • GARAGE • HOME OFFICE • ENTERTAINMENT • WALL BEDS • PANTRY • CRAFT LAUNDRY • MUD ROOM • WINE ROOM Call 805.988.7861 for a Free Virtual or In-Home Design Consultation Visit us online at ©2022 Closet Factory. All rights reserved. California license #937353 40 | SHALOM SANTA BARBARA | 2022–2023 JEWISHSANTABARBARA.ORG

In 2022, JCRC has lobbied legislators and secured budgetary and legislative victories during Jewish Public Affairs Committee (JPAC) advocacy day in Sacramento, brought engaging and informative speakers to the Jewish Federation building to educate on topics related to antisemitism and Israeli politics, and continues to grow in an effort to incorporate and consider the perspectives of the wider Jewish community both here in Santa Barbara and around the world. JCRC aspires to empower our existing community leaders who tirelessly serve Santa Barbara as well as to encourage a new generation of socially and politically conscious individuals to speak with a strong, consensus driven voice on important issues that impact our Jewish community. As Rabbi Tarfon famously said, “It is not your duty to finish the work, but neither are you at liberty to neglect it.”
Educating and Advocating for our Jewish Community JCRC
For more information on how you can get involved, please contact Jared Stenz at
working with our community partners to continue the work of education and informed advocacy on all things Israel. For more information
After the hiatus caused by the pandemic, the Israel Committee of Santa Barbara hopes to bring back the Community Wide Teach-In on Israel in fall 2022 or early 2023. We look forward to
“It is not your duty to finish the work, but neither are you at liberty to neglect it.”
At its core, Santa Barbara’s Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) aims to educate and advocate on issues of vital importance to the organized Jewish community based on consensus, civility, and an expanded commitment to living Jewish values of social justice.
Camp Haverim 524 Chapala Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 itzik@sbjf.orgExecutiveItzik805.957.1115,camphaverim.orgx122Ben-Sasson,Director Chabad at UCSB 779 Camino Pescadero Goleta, CA rabbi@jewishucsb.comRabbi805.668.1024jewishucsb.com93117GershonKlein
Community Shul Religious School 524 Chapala Street Santa Barbara CA 93101 communityshul.com805.895.6593
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Santa Barbara/Tri-Counties 1528 Chapala Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 santabarbara.adl.org805.564.6670
Bronfman Family Jewish Community Center 524 Chapala Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 jewishsantabarbara.org805.957.1115
American Students for Israel Santa Barbara, CA info@asiucsb.org805.968.1280
Community Shul of Montecito & Santa Barbara PO Box 994 Santa Barbara, CA 93116-0994
Congregation B’nai B’rith 1000 San Antonio Creek Road Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Aleph Bet Preschool 6047 Stow Canyon Road Goleta, CA 805.275.4083sbchabad.org93117
Camp Gan Israel S. Barbara 6047 Stow Canyon Road Goleta, CA Rabbimyjewish.camp805.275.408393117Zalmyand Shterna rabbizalmy@myganisrael.comKudan
Chevra Kadisha McDermott-Crockett & Associates 2936MortuaryDeLa
Beit HaYeladim Preschool 1000 San Antonio Creek Road Santa Barbara, CA 93111 cbbsb.org805.967.6619
DirectorMariela805.964.7869cbbsb.orgSocolovsky,ofCommunity Engagement
Chabad of S. Barbara 6407 Stow Canyon Road Goleta, CA rabbimendel@sbchabad.orgRabbi805.683.1544sbchabad.org93117MendelLoschak
Daughters of Abraham Santa Barbara Chapter Santa Barbara, CA daughtersofabraham.com805.455.4557 Hadassah 1000 San Antonio Creek Road Santa Barbara, CA 93111 sbtar@cox.netSissyhadassah.org805.455.4557Taran
American Friends of the Hebrew University 16633 Ventura Boulevard, Suite Encino,715CA 91346
Vina Street Santa Barbara, CA 93105 805.569.2424
Talmud Torah Hebrew School 6047 Stow Canyon Road Goleta, CA sbchabad.org805.275.408393117
Santa Ynez Valley Jewish Community P.O. Box 135 Los Olivos, CA 93441 spierson@syvjc.orgSusie805.693.4243syvjc.orgPierson
Rochel, Shterna, or Miri
Temple Beth El of Santa Maria 1501 E. Alvin Avenue Santa Maria, CA 93454 P.O. Box 5217 Santa Maria, CA 93456 templebethel@verizon.nettbesantamaria.com805.928.2118
Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara 524 Chapala Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 jewishsantabarbara.org805.957.1115
Jewish RelationsCommunityCommittee (JCRC) 524 Chapala Street Santa Barbara, CA info@sbjf.org805.957.1115jewishsantabarbara.org93101
Herman P. and Sophia EndowedTaubmanSymposia in Jewish Studies
Israel Committee of Santa Barbara 1187 Coast Village Road, Suite Santa1-573Barbara, CA israelcommittee@icloud.comLaini805.886.4953israelcommitteesb.org93108MillarMelnick
Jewish Federation of Ventura County 7620 Foothill Road Ventura, CA federation@jewishventuracounty.orgExecutiveCheri805.647.7800jewishventuracounty.org93004DeKofsky,Director
Hillel Santa Barbara 781 Embarcadero del Mar Isla Vista, CA egoodman@sbhillel.orgRabbi805.968.1280santabarbarahillel.org93117EvanGoodman
Jewish Awareness Movement 369 N. Fairfax Ave, Suite 4 Los Angeles, CA info@jamoncampus.com323.651.-0177jamoncampus.com90036
Mikvah Chaya Mushka 6045 Stow Canyon Road Goleta, CA Chabad805.683sbchabad.org931171544Rebbitzens:
Jewish Free Loan Association 6505 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 715 Los Angeles, CA 90048 Mesa Shul Santa Barbara 524 Chapala Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 mesashulsb.org805.699.6580
Rosh Chodesh Society Devorah dloschak@gmail.com805.324.3584Loschak
Jewish Family Service 524 Chapala Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 ProgramsClinicalSusanjewishsantabarbara.org805.957.1116Lambrose,LMFTServicesandSeniorCoordinator
Department of Religious 805.893.2317taubman.ucsb.eduSantaSantaUniversityStudiesofCalifornia,BarbaraBarbara,CA93106
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