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Cooking Up a Better More Inclusive World
After a temporary suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year we reopened Shalva’s Riklis-Cooperberg Culinary Institute.
Culinary professionals from the Teamim Culinary School escorted fifteen adults with disabilities through an eight-month long course in basic culinary skills. Some of our graduates have already been hired by local restaurants and catering companies; and all of them have experienced a significant boost to their personal potential for independent living in the community. Being able to prepare meals with confidence and creativity is a skill for life and an essential part of assuming responsibility for one's own basic needs. Being able to cook for others, both personally and professionally, offers an additional element of social contribution and bonding. The skills that Shalva’s graduates learned through the culinary course will continue to escort them day-in and day-out on their personal journeys of independent living.