Sehate Jismani Syllabus UK 2014 (draft version)

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Sehate Jismani is an Arabic phrase which translates as the ‘health, wellbeing and fitness of the [human] body’. Hence the Sehate Jismani Department of Lajna Imaillah UK concerns itself with enhancing health and fitness in the mind, body and spirit of women, girls and babies. Islam lays great emphasis upon promoting the wellbeing of the physical aspect of a human. Above is an example from the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Holy Founder of Islam, Muhammadsaw. Expounding on the same subject the Promised Messiahas states:

SEHATE JISMANI DEPARTMENT UK The national Sehate Jismani Department’s sources of guidance are the Holy Quran, established scientific facts and the ongoing directives of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masihaba. Through the utilisation of these three authorities this Department continues to provide sound advice and support to the membership of Lajna Imaillah UK and to women in the society at large. The Holy Quran directs Lajna Imaillah thus: You are the best people raised for the good of humanity; you promote what is good and forbid evil and believe in Allah. (3:111) OUR AIM Health covers not only diet, exercise, hygiene, disease prevention but also our emotional, mental and spiritual states. Our family, marital, parental, financial and social circumstances impact heavily on all the above. Normally, with work, family and jama’at responsibilities, most women find little time to focus on their personal health nor do they always set realistic attainable goals for themselves. The aim of the Sehate Jismani Department is to educate, encourage and train women and girls to make their personal physical health a major priority in order to achieve a stress-free, balanced and successful life. OUR OBJECTIVES [adapted from the Constitution of Lajna Imaillah UK]

1. To establish Sehate Jismani Teams at local and regional levels. 2. To organise hygiene, healthcare, First Aid, fitness, sports events and competitions. 3. To give presentations & lectures on Sehate Jismani topics. 4. To give literature & multimedia information on Sehate Jismani topics. 5. To support individual Lajna & Nasirat members in their Sehate Jismani issues. 6. To organise Sehate Jismani competitions at local, regional & national ijtemas. 7. To receive monthly reports of local and regional Sehate Jismani activities. 8. To arrange annual budgets to support Sehate Jismani activities in the UK.


LETTER FROM SADR LAJNA UK Sample text from another mag

elcome. We are entering a new era in the Ishaat Department Waltham Forest, with this issue of the ‘Waltham Forest Lajna’ monthly magazine .


This magazine aims to connect interactively with all Lajna and Nasirat members living in the London Borough of Waltham Forest on a regular basis. We will use it to present current affairs, hot topics, and provide advice and support to our members. This is a women’s magazine published by women. It will come in English and Urdu formats. It contains ‘The Nasirat Pages’ for girls aged from 7 – 15. It also helps the departments of this Majlis in their effort towards the welfare and training of its members. To help us make this magazine a success, send us your views, comments, articles and any problems that are affecting your lives. Feel free to contact my team and I at any time, we are here for you. Please remember our beloved Hudhuraba, Lajna Imaillah and the Editorial Team in your prayers. Jazakallah. Wassalam, Naseera Rehman Sadr Lajna UK




I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, the One, without any partner And I bear witness that Muhammadsaw is His servant and His Messenger. I affirm that I shall always be ready to devote my life, property, time and children for the cause of faith and the community. I shall always adhere to truth and shall always be prepared to make every sacrifice for the perpetuation of the Ahmadiyya Khilafat.

Lajna Imaillah (i.e. Handmaidens of Allah) is the organisation for Ahmadiyya Muslim women aged 16 and upwards. The parent body for this women’s organisation is the Jama’at Ahmadiyya.


I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, the One, without any partner And I bear witness that Muhammadsaw is His servant and His Messenger. I solemnly promise that I shall always keep myself ready to serve Islam, My nation and my country, and shall always adhere to the truth. Insha Allah.

Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyya (i.e. Helpers of Ahmadiyya) is the organisation for Ahmadiyya Muslim girls aged between 7 and 15 years. The parent body for this children’s organisation is the Lajna Imaillah.


CONTENTS Introduction


Departmental Aims and Objectives


Letter from Sadr Lajna UK


Pledges of Lajna & Nasirat


01. Physical Wellbeing


02. Mental Wellbeing


03. Emotional Wellbeing


04. Moral Wellbeing


05. Social Wellbeing


06. Financial Wellbeing


07. Nutrition & Recipes


08. Exercise & Fitness


09. First Aid & Courses


10. Pregnancy & Mothering


11. Babies & Toddlers


12. Children


13. Teenagers


14. Students


15. Adult Women


16. Homemakers


17. Working Women


18. Elderly Women


19. Living With ill Health


20. Living With Disability


21. National Sporting Events


22. National Sehate Jismani Clubs


23. Literature And Multimedia Resources


24. Useful Contacts



PHYSICAL WELLBEING - HYGIENE Hygiene in Islam comes from the concept of Purity. Islamic Purity includes both visible and inner purity. So personal hygiene and clean surroundings are important. For this reason the Holy Prophetsaw trained Muslims in personal hygiene (i.e. proper hand washing after going toilet, regular bathing, brushing teeth, etc.), also in keeping ones’ clothing and environment clean. Our Aim: Every girl and woman should individually research on hygiene, understanding what it is and its importance for the health and wellbeing of her own self, of her family and of her society. She should use literature and multimedia for this purpose. Some important areas to study are dental care, hand washing technique, food preparation in the kitchen and infection control. Along with that research she should familiarize herself with the Quranic instructions relating to hygiene, e.g. Purify thy clothes and shun all uncleanliness. (74: 5-6) Further study should be made of the practices or sunnah of the Holy Prophetsaw and all his pious wives in different areas of hygiene, e.g. Bathing, going to the toilet, sleeping, eating, care of his clothing, sneezing, coughing, touching food, breathing into drinks, cleaning one’s bedding, one’s bedroom and home. Our Objectives:

1. To make all Lajna and Nasirat aware of the meaning and importance of Hygiene. 2. To widely circulate Islamic guidance and all current instructions of Khalifatul Masihaba on this subject. 3. To organise talks, presentations and seminars by professionals on this subject locally, regionally and nationally. 4. To provide literature and multimedia resources on Hygiene. 5. To publish regular articles in Al-Nusrat magazine on Hygiene 6. To give support where appropriate to individuals on this subject.


MENTAL WELLBEING – STRESS MANAGEMENT A mind that is constantly and negatively stressed creates a state of consciousness exactly opposed to that ‘Peace’ which is indicated by the word Islam. The Holy Quran states: Behold! the friends of Allah shall certainly have no fear, nor shall they grieve (10:62) Stress management reduces the risk of constant eruptions of anger and frustration, anxiety, panic attacks, depression and post-natal depression. It helps a person to carry out her everyday tasks in a relaxed and cheerful manner. The person will then be able to see the benefit of first becoming calm and clear-headed before preparing to enter into any challenging situation. Our Aim: Every girl and woman should individually research on stress and the ways to avoid or control it. Learning its various forms and its importance for the health and wellbeing of her own self, of her family and of her society. She should use literature and multimedia for this purpose. Some important areas to study are; identifying sources of stress, lifestyles that increase stress, wrong responses to stress, Salat and relaxation methods, stress management techniques. Our Objectives:

1. To make all Lajna and Nasirat aware of the meaning and importance of stress management. 2. To widely circulate Islamic guidance and all current instructions of Khalifatul Masihaba on this subject. 3. To organise talks, presentations and seminars by professionals on this subject locally, regionally and nationally. 4. To provide literature and multimedia resources on stress management. 5. To publish regular articles in Al-Nusrat magazine on stress management 6. To give support where appropriate to individuals on this subject.


EMOTIONAL WELLBEING Emotional wellbeing is not the absence of emotions, but it is your ability to understand the value of your emotions and use them to move your life forward in positive directions. The Holy Quran states: Those who believe and do good works - happiness shall be theirs. (13:30) Emotional wellbeing is a term that has seen increasing use in recent decades. Enhanced emotional wellbeing increases coping ability, self-esteem, performance and productivity in daily tasks, it increases a person’s lifespan and quality of life. Implications of decreased emotional wellbeing are mental health issues such as stress, depression, anxiety and moodiness. These then go on to create physical problems like digestive disorders, sleep disturbances and general lack of energy. Loneliness (particularly among the elderly, the sick and the disabled), bullying, mental abuse, financial problems and lack of purpose in life are some of the many things that affect ones’ emotional state Our Aim: Every girl and woman should individually research on emotional wellbeing and the ways enhance it, understanding what it is and its importance for the health and wellbeing of her own self, of her family and of her society. She should use literature and multimedia for this purpose. Our Objectives:

1. To make all Lajna and Nasirat aware of the meaning and importance of emotional wellbeing. 2. To widely circulate Islamic guidance and all current instructions of Khalifatul Masihaba on this subject. 3. To organise talks, presentations and seminars by professionals on this subject locally, regionally and nationally. 4. To provide literature and multimedia resources on emotional wellbeing. 5. To publish regular articles in Al-Nusrat magazine on emotional wellbeing. 6. To give support where appropriate to individuals on this subject.


MORAL WELLBEING Of human actions, those that relate to human beings and are inter-human in character are called moral. The same actions, when they relate to God, are called spiritual and form part of the spiritual life of man. Referring to all human actions, the Holy Quran states: Verily, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and wrongful transgression. (16:91) Moral wellbeing is a state of consciousness created when a person judges her own actions in any given situation and feels that she has done good behaviour in line with her own conscience (or ‘heart’) and also in line with the pleasure of Allah. Such as person becomes at peace and happy with a positive state of mind. This gives her energy to do more in life. If she judges herself to have done wrong in some way then her conscience pricks at her and she has a feeling of restlessness and pain. Continuing the wrong behaviour leads to mental and physical health issues. Her personality deteriorates and she begins to become a burden to herself and to those around her. Our Aim: Every girl and woman should individually research on moral wellbeing and the ways enhance it, understanding what it is and its importance for the health and wellbeing of her own self, of her family and of her society. She should use literature and multimedia for this purpose. Our Objectives:

1. To make all Lajna and Nasirat aware of the meaning and importance of moral wellbeing. 2. To widely circulate Islamic guidance and all current instructions of Khalifatul Masihaba on this subject. 3. To organise talks, presentations and seminars by professionals on this subject locally, regionally and nationally. 4. To provide literature and multimedia resources on moral wellbeing. 5. To publish regular articles in Al-Nusrat magazine on moral wellbeing. 6. To give support where appropriate to individuals on this subject.


SOCIAL WELLBEING Social Wellbeing refers to our ability to interact successfully within a community and throughout a variety of cultural contexts while showing respect for ourselves and others. The Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw said: and

Good behaviour is half of faith. The most likeable of you are those who are best behaved

Whenever a group of people get together there are social interactions, and our ability to manage the good and bad interactions can have major impacts on various areas of our wellbeing. As a member of a community, we may develop satisfying relationships, a capacity for intimacy, an understanding of self in relation to others, and a sense of belonging. To achieve social wellbeing, we can acquire the skills to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, transcend differences, and provide leadership in the community. Anti-social behaviour and conduct disorders result in a lower quality of life and mental health issues. Our Aim: Every girl and woman should individually research on social wellbeing and the ways enhance it, understanding what it is and its importance for the health and wellbeing of her own self, of her family and of her society. She should use literature and multimedia for this purpose. Our Objectives:

1. To make all Lajna and Nasirat aware of the meaning and importance of social wellbeing. 2. To widely circulate Islamic guidance and all current instructions of Khalifatul Masihaba on this subject. 3. To organise talks, presentations and seminars by professionals on this subject locally, regionally and nationally. 4. To provide literature and multimedia resources on social wellbeing. 5. To publish regular articles in Al-Nusrat magazine on social wellbeing. 6. To give support where appropriate to individuals on this subject.


NATIONAL CHARITY WALK In 2012, as part of the celebrations of the upcoming Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen, the Sehate Jismani department UK successfully held national 10k Charity Walks around the country. Well over a thousand Lajna and Nasirat participated and tens of thousands of pounds were raised. The money raised was sent as a gift to Her Majesty to be distributed among her chosen charities. The Sehate Jismani department has a long history organising charity walks and raising funds for good causes. Such events are held organised at local, regional and national levels. Walking regularly benefits by strengthening the heart, lowering risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma and some cancers, such as cancer of the colon, breast and womb. It keeps the weight in check. It helps prevent dementia and osteoporosis. It tones the legs, bottom and stomach, giving strength and shape to your body. It improves posture and overall fitness. Vitamin D levels are boosted. A walker has more energy and is happier. Our Aim: To encourage Lajna and Nasirat to take up regular walking as a fitness and leisure activity. to take regular walks and Our Objectives:

1. To hold the annual national Charity Walk. 2. To encourage and support regions and halqas to hold similar charity challenges. 3. To have a regular 4. To have a regional Coach for the squad who knows or learns the rules and playing techniques. 5. To book and organise weekly training sessions for those interested in learning the sport and for those who are training for the regional squad. 6. The Coach should organise a fitness training program for all the squad members.

Time: Day: Date: Venue:

Badminton Squad 1 Doubles Team [Age: 15 - 29] 1 Doubles Team [Age: 30+] 1 Singles [Age: 15 - 29] 1 Singles [Age: 30+]

Table Tennis Squad 1 Singles [Age: 15+] 1 Singles [Age: 15+]

Interested in Competing or just coming to the weekly Coaching Sessions? Contact your Halqa or Regional Sehate Jismani Secretary Mobile: email:

National Badminton & Table Tennis Tournament

Lajna Imaillah UK

Tournament Info:


NATIONAL BADMINTON TOURNAMENT Each year, the Sehate Jismani department UK holds a national Badminton Tournament. The competition is between squads from each Region of Lajna Imaillah UK. There are both singles and doubles competitions. Badminton is a sport that can be played all year round as it can be played both indoors and outdoors. Badminton is a really popular sport as it is an easy sport to learn and equally enjoyable to play. It builds flexibility, muscle strength and endurance. It is an active sport in which the player’s entire body gets a workout. This starts with the muscles and extends to the internal organs - the heart and lungs. It is an excellent cardio exercise which keeps the heart healthy, lowering cholesterol and reducing risk of heart disease. Badminton increases your speed and improves your reflexes. The sport is a fast paced game. It is a great fun and social activity. It teaches teamwork and communication. By playing, you will get to meet new people and make new friends. Our Aim: To encourage Lajna and Nasirat to take up this sport as a fitness and leisure activity or as a professional sport, so that Ahmadi girls can play at every level, from playing for their school or district right up to training hard enough to represent their nation. Our Objectives:

1. To hold the annual national Badminton Tournament. 2. To select and train throughout the year, a regional Badminton squad from every region, in preparation for the national tournament. 3. To advertise the national Lajna Badminton Tournament among all Lajna and Nasirat in order to have the maximum squads and audience from every region. 4. To have a regional Coach for the squad who knows or learns the rules and playing techniques. 5. To book and organise weekly training sessions for those interested in learning the sport and for those who are training for the regional squad. 6. The Coach should organise a fitness training program for all the squad members.


NATIONAL TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT Each year, the Sehate Jismani department UK holds a national Table Tennis Tournament. The competition is between squads from each Region of Lajna Imaillah UK. There are both singles and doubles matches. Table Tennis is a sport that be played all year round as it can be played both indoors and outdoors. The sport is popular around the world, and with good reason. It offers entertainment, good cardiovascular exercise and health benefits to players of different ages and fitness levels. The risk of injury is low and the intensity is manageable for most people. Table tennis improves reflex, eye-hand co-ordination, mental alertness and speed of movement. It also improves balance and lowers the chances of falls and injuries, especially among older people. Table tennis can slow the process of cognitive decline that occurs with aging. It teaches teamwork and communication and is a great social activity. By playing, you will get to meet new people and make new friends. Our Aim: To encourage Lajna and Nasirat to take up this sport as a fitness and leisure activity or as a professional sport, so that Ahmadi girls can play at every level, from playing for their school or district right up to training hard enough to represent their nation. Our Objectives:

1. To hold the annual national Table Tennis Tournament. 2. To select and train throughout the year, a regional Table Tennis squad from every region, in preparation for the national tournament. 3. To advertise the national Lajna Table Tennis Tournament among all Lajna and Nasirat in order to have the maximum squads and audience from every region. 4. To have a regional Coach for the squad who knows or learns the rules and playing techniques. 5. To book and organise weekly training sessions for those interested in learning the sport and for those who are training for the regional squad. 6. The Coach should organise a fitness training program for all the squad members.


NATIONAL VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT In 2013, as part of the Centenary celebrations of Jama’at Ahmadiyya United Kingdom the Sehate Jismani department UK successfully held its first national Volleyball Tournament. Volleyball is a great sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. It can be played all year round as it can be played both indoors and outdoors. Aside from the pure enjoyment of the game, volleyball has many benefits. Playing Volleyball improves ones health and quality of life. It is a cardio exercise, it also builds muscle strength and tone, it burns a lot of calories. It reduces the risks of hypertension, heart disease and diabetes. The upper body, arms and shoulders as well as the muscles of the thighs and lower legs are strengthened. volleyball improves mental health and enhances the health of the bones and joints. It improves hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and balance. Last but not least, volleyball teaches teamwork and communication and is a great social activity. By playing, you will get to meet new people and make new friends. Our Aim: To encourage Lajna and Nasirat to take up this sport as a fitness and leisure activity or as a professional sport, so that Ahmadi girls can play at every level, from playing for their school or district right up to training hard enough to represent their nation. Our Objectives:

1. To hold the annual national Volleyball Tournament. 2. To select and train throughout the year, a regional Volleyball squad from every region, in preparation for the national tournament. 3. To advertise the national Lajna Volleyball Tournament among all Lajna and Nasirat in order to have the maximum squads and audience from every region. 4. To have a regional Coach for the squad who knows or learns the rules and playing techniques. 5. To book and organise weekly training sessions for those interested in learning the sport and for those who are training for the regional squad. 6. The Coach should organise a fitness training program for all the squad members.


LAJNA MOUNTAINEERING CLUB A new sporting initiative was organised as part of the Centenary celebrations of Jama’at Ahmadiyya United Kingdom. The national Sehate Jismani department set Lajna Imaillah the challenge of climbing the highest mountains in the UK. Thus the Lajna Imaillah Mountaineering Club was set up. Those Lajna who joined it were coached in regular fitness training over months by Lajna mountain guides before being taken hiking in UK’s national parks. In 2013, four weekend trips were successfully held in Wales and England. Thousands of pounds have been raised for charity by this challenge. The members of the Mountaineering Club have also been coached in rock-climbing, abseiling, map-reading, team-work, leadership and survival skills. The Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw said: There are two blessings of Allah if man does not care for them it is his loss, one is health, the other is time of leisure. (Bukhari) Our Aim: To encourage the Lajna and Nasirat to get involved in regular fitness training while visiting beautiful places in the UK. To enable them to make new friends and to learn more about themselves in challenging situations. To enable young Lajna to spend time among Ahmadi women in order to be trained in Islamic values and etiquettes. Our Objectives:

1. To run the national Lajna Imaillah Mountaineering Club which organises and advises on Lajna and Nasirat hiking trips arranged locally, regionally or nationally. The Club organises its own national weekend hikes four times in each year. 2. To encourage Lajna who live near National Parks to hold their own hiking or camping group trips. 3. To organise training in survival skills, camping and cooking, team-building skills. 4. To have presentations and exhibitions around the country to encourage outdoor pursuits such as hiking, camping, etc. 5. To provide female Mountain Guides, First Aiders and experts to lead the Lajna. 6. To advise on appropriate mountaineering clothing, gear and techniques.


LAJNA MARTIAL ARTS CLUB Hadhrat Khalifatul Masihaba has recently laid stress on Ahmadi women learning selfdefence. In response to this guidance the national Sehate Jismani Department has created a national Martial Arts Club which will promote self-defence and fighting styles to the Lajna and Nasirat members. It is well documented in the records of Islam that the God-fearing and peace-loving Muslims had to defend themselves. Even the Muslim ladies went onto the battlefields and helped in defending the cause of Islam. So for girls and women to become physically fit and be able to defend themselves in times of danger is a natural part of Islamic history. The Holy Quran instructs all believers (men and women alike) in all times: Fighting is ordained for you, though it is repugnant to you; but it may be that you dislike a thing while it is good for you. (2:217) Our Aim: To implement Hadhurs’aba instruction, every girl and women who is already learning selfdefence or any martial art should give her name to her local Sehate Jismani Secretary. All other ladies should begin to think about getting fitter and stronger. They should start developing an awareness of sources of danger in their daily environment. They can also consider taking up a martial art as a long term plan to master self-defence. In their area, they can join an existing class or participate in a Lajna Imaillah training course. Our Objectives:

1. To inform Lajna and Nasirat nationally of Hadhurs’aba instruction on self-defence. 2. To form a national Lajna Imaillah Martial Arts Club to set up and oversee the classes in the regions. The Club will advise on self-defence and martial arts. 3. To make a national list of all Lajna and Nasirat who do or have done martial arts. 4. From the list to identify and select qualified Lajna Trainers to teach self-defence. Some halqas or regions may need to hire (or get a volunteer) qualified female Trainer. 5. To set up local or regional self-defence classes for the Lajna and Nasirat of the UK. 1. To make a national self-defence course for Lajna and Nasirat. 2. Self-defence and martial arts exhibitions are being held locally, regionally and nationally with the aim to promote awareness of Hadhurs’aba instruction.








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