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Taita don Jose Shairy Quimbo

Condor Medicine – The Teachings of the Seven Feathers–part 1


By Taita don Jose Shairy Quimbo

Shamans all over the world acquire a great part of their knowledge from observing nature. In the High Andes, the condor plays a central role in both – nature and mysticism.

First teaching: PACHA PACTAY-Fulfillment of time and place

The parents of the baby condor know when the time is ripe for the Ceremony of the first flight. With great care, they help him leave the nest because it is no longer his vital space. They take him to the edge of the cliff and give him a push towards the emptiness of the future so that their son opens his wings and flies. The flight represents his conscience, and he assumes it to conquer the sky. He must take on the mission of communicating with his mother and father, God. The immense sky is his new home, and he must assume the mission of being the bringer of celestial messages of Pachacamac, the father or mother God (orderer) of life. But his flight was not perfect. He couldn’t open his wings. He was paralyzed by fear. He must learn how to fly, and his parents will stay with him as long as needed until he does.

The life cycles, the changes, the deaths, and the quantum leaps are embedded in our genetic memory. Those are the cycles that I have named fulfillment of place. The times or places for their happening and execution are inexorable. Life is a metamorphosis, and we are the alchemists of these transformations. Change is inevitable.

The condor takes on this accomplishment with his first flight and then renews his life with the shedding

of his feathers. The fulfillment of time manifests itself through the signs from the universe. For us, this is manifested through our teeth loss. Teeth deteriorate inexorably, and new teeth grow stronger and better adapted to the necessities of age. There are signs that drive us towards the transition of our lives. If we demonstrate our acceptance and unconditionally move on, this step of our lives can signify a change and a renewal of consciousness in order to connect with cosmic consciousness. My transition experience was traumatic due to my resistance and my fear. I resisted for fear of the unknown, as my intellectual mind questioned everything and manifested on my path proofs to show me the appearance of a path without opportunities for personal advancement or the option of living with prosperity and reaching happiness. I was following the wrong path and wasn’t even aware of it. How could I love and be loved?

And so the condor must accomplish this inexorable step and initiate his first flight, although he doesn’t know its significance, what the result will be, or the dangers that it may encounter. Fear of the unknown may overcome the young condor. The parents must intervene, but the risks are part of life. The same thing happens in our lives. We must learn the skill of a correct decision and impeccable action. It is vital to know the proper time and to have the determination to execute it, overcoming the fears that constitute the challenges of those life options. The people necessary for the favorable outcome of those options will present themselves. And so they complete the realization of one cycle and the beginning of a new one with new opportunities. Our life’s purposes guide us toward the correct moment. Such purposes allow us to enjoy and love our decisions and actions. Each of our actions is propelled by the power of firm intention; this allows our actions to be in sync -united with- our purpose in such a way that we are not weakened by any conflict of interest. The purpose must be well defined to transform itself into a fixed one. First you must have the intention to do something and then you have to make the decision to make it happen. Such a decision must be immutable and must start from a fixed purpose that nothing can undermine. The condor learns that each failure of its intent to fly is converted in a seed to achieve mastery. That is the key that creates the structure of the Andean consciousness. This is the key that structures the Andean consciousness. This is one of the four principles that bring dynamism to the evolution of the Andean world, the principle is to dare. To dare is the consciousness that guides us towards mastery. We can affirm that we are ready to assume that each failure of our intent is a seed to soar high (as in taking flight). Each successful sortie achieved with consciousness is a step towards mastery. How do we do this? I invite you to walk barefoot to connect with the messages of Mother Earth.

Remember that there are four periods of time during the day in which the portals to the energetic dimensions are open. The first sacred time is when the dawn comes and night leaves.

• Step 1: Walk barefoot outdoors. Feel the grass, the earth, or the sand.

• Step 2: Walk slowly without predetermined direction or purpose. Breathe slowly and deeply; this will free your mind of perturbing thoughts. We must also focus on the solar plexus and the navel.

• Step 3: Connect with Mother Earth. Touch, steel, feel. Sharpen our natural sensitivity looking with attention; notice the textures and the sacred geometry of the flowers, dialogue with the plants, and all beings that exist around us. The purpose is to connect with our internal God or goddess and to silence the anxiety, the stress, and the frustration. The recommended time for

this meditation is 45 minutes.

Second teaching: KUTIN CHAILLAPITI Repetition of the action

My son, you are the condor. To be the master of the heights is the gift of the gods, but you must master the heights, your mission is to learn how to fly. You have the advantage of being the biggest bird; however, you have the disadvantage of being dragged by the wind currents and to get knocked into the walls. You must persist time and again, reiterate your intention to fly, and it will give you the prize of mastering flight.

The young condor is closely guided by his parents and other adults. The main principle is to repeat the intention, persist, and repeat the actions until you

develop the skill of flight. This allows the young condor to know, dominate, and own the infinite space and the geographical space. If you want to fly far, you must have a clear purpose and the intention to realize it. The most important is the determination to achieve your goal regardless of any difficulties. You must not let anyone or anything change your goal. You must do it well. You must do what you need to do so that your apprenticeship converts into mastery. Your parents have the mission to teach you, and then you must develop the perfect plan to know and manage the secrets of life.

Your destiny is to be the master of your flight. You have no other option than to attempt it until you succeed. In the Andean culture, repetition of intent is the secret to getting to knowledge. The fear of failure or death may project the idea of impossibility, but repetition allows the acquisition of security. “We are irremediably condemned to be happy,” repeated my teacher. We are beings of happiness. Our nature is happiness.

Our inner self is our god or goddess and is also our happiness. Happiness is love, and love is the light that illuminates our evolutionary path. We must conquer happiness. No one will give it to us. How to prepare to activate goals? direction of the hands of the clock. The secret of the flight of the Mallku Condor is its planning. The condor has biggest wingspan and the high flight of any bird. It represents the connection with the magnetic resonance that connects with the quantum energy that constitutes the frequency for the navigation of the cosmic intelligence or the messages from God.

The Mallku Condor knows the wind trajectories, its currents and its sudden changes that can affect its trajectory and its speed. The Andean man plans and connects, defines and decides its highest objective. He connects with the immeasurable and indescribable source known as ‘intention’. At the same time, the intention connects to the central source of the universe knowns as ‘point of insertion’.

We are connected to this source. We know that this source animates all life forms. This source energy animates and is manifested in everything. The more we are in harmony - the more likely we are to reach our goals, to have abundance, and to create miracles. We must maintain a connection that is free of contamination, corruption, or oxidation.

• Step 1: Close your eyes and stand in front of Father Shamans are people who are prepared to maintain a Sun with the arms folded on your chest, with the clean connection with this cosmic source. To plan is intention of receiving its sacred luminescence. This to visualize, to connect with reality in all its diverse position has been found in both the Andean tomb and dimensions. Reality splits into positive and negative, those of the Egyptian Pharaohs. good and bad luck, hard and soft, cold and hot, • Step 2: Raise your arms to receive the light of the sun conceives this form of perceiving as ‘good shoulder’ and then bring the hand to the crown chakra and then and ‘bad shoulder.’ It refers to the energy field that can to the heart chakra and then to the navel chakra. This be noticed as a luminous egg situated on the shoulder allows activating energy by rotating in a spiral in the blades. night and day, clarity and obscurity. Andean society It is conceived as a connecting point where we • Step 3: Look at the sun with the intention of perceive the human being as being connected. With connecting with its quantum frequency. The solar the intention of symbolizing your vision materially, vibration is a sublime energy. It is a resonance or put a handkerchief on each shoulder blade. They creative sound that responds to the messages sent should be green, yellow, and blue. This materialization as life purposes. To the Andean practitioners, it approximates angelic wings. It is the point where the was known as Wakakues ‘he who looks at the sun.’ human being can connect with the pure energy of They were those who dialogued with the supreme Pachamama or of the universe. The Yumbo (yumbo intelligence of the solar light. They get nurtured by is a human being who has evolved to be able to be a their energy and knowledge. It is recommended that channel between the feminine and masculine gods) beginners look at the first rays of morning. connects with cosmic forces through dance, jumping 6

from one foot to the other. First, the left foot forward, and then rhythmically with the cardiac rhythm, lean towards the right foot and lift backward. Thought this choreography, the Yumbo creates the cross of the four directions, which - when complete - is the communion between feminine and masculine. The teaching of the condor is to enter our reality without fear or anxiety, to live fully.

How to connect with the primordial levels of knowing? In the primordial levels of the infinite cosmos, we find the primal materials of the universe, the cosmic matrix, the organizing power of knowing. When we connect with the neural world, we connect with joy and pain. It is about our attitude towards life itself, towards the simplicity of life, and the fact that in each failure, there is the seed for success.

• Step 1: Find a quiet spot by a river or near the seashore or simply go to your local park or favorite mountain. Walking carefully, you will find your perfect spot. This is your spot for meditation and connection with the cosmos. Once you have found your spot lie down with arms outstretched to the side as if you were planning our flight, open your eyes and look with the intention of connecting with the small golden particles that flicker over your eyes as if they synchronized a cosmic symphony. These golden particles are the Kuri or the ‘golden aspect of our abundance.’ Look into your inner consciousness and bring it in through your breath, feel that you are deserving of all this infinite abundance, irradiate your body to renew it, and in this way to heal your fears, your frustrations your deceptions and your disillusions. Clean and purify your genetic memory of past lives. • Step 2: Use silence to attract new options into your life. It is possible that you are living a new cycle of renewal in your life, renewal of the cosmic cycle of which we are all apart. It is recommended that you not resist, do not persist in your actual cycle as it is completed. Even though your mind insists on staying your present cycle as earned, be like the waters of the river, which flows over the barriers towards its destiny.

• Step 3: Connect with a new option for your life. Reach into your genetic memory to remember that you deserve to be happy. Remember that if you want to fly far and conquer the sky, you must have a clear purpose and be determined to attain them. To do this, you must reconnect with your inner God or goddess. Remember that everything is created through intention and attention.

Don Shairy is a Kichwa from Peguche. On a pilgrimage to the sacred mountain of “Tayta Imbabura,” it was revealed to him that his life mission was to help humanity in the process of healing afflictions and dis-harmonies of today. He utilizes Takysamy Healing, the sound vibrations healing system of voice, sacred musical instruments, and plant medicine. He is the author and teacher of Condor Medicine: The Seven Teachings of the Andes Condor. He shares all this wisdom in the form of ceremonies, healing concerts, personal consultations, and workshops throughout the US and Europe. http://www.shairy-quimbo.com/english.html

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