AWARE magazine Summer 2022
Aware Magazine Summer 2022
3 | residenD P aqerspecD P ev 4 | The 165thommencement C of arrett G JEangeqicaq v TheoqogicaqSeminary 6 |cPM hersonandreson I Receive isD D nguishedquA mards wA 7 |onoring H resident P merita E Laqqene:J Rectorander H YearsofService 8 | TheCqassof G amiqy F A ffair9 A om M andSon radu G ateTogether
14 |quA mnaandiqitary M Chapqaind ang yH SookChoidSeesivG ing asanct A ofaith F 16 |thics E rofessord P rent B :P Watersd ReDresafterYearsof ServicetotheSeminary 17 |arrett G JEangeqicaq v Weqcomes ThreeewN acu F qty 18 |RememberingRosemaryRadford Ruetherdioneering P eminist F Theoqogianandrofessor P merita E 19 |quA mewN sandRemembering
are wA
magazineispubqishedquarterqybytheofficesof deveqopmentandmarkeDngandcommunicaDonsforaqumsand friendsofGarrettJEangeqicaq v TheoqogicaqSeminarydagraduate schooqoftheoqogyreqatedtoTheUnitedethodist M Churchwith anecumenicaqoutreach:
eedback F andcommentsforthe Awareditoriaq E oard B shouqdbedirectedtoShaneA:ichoqsd N chiefmarkeDngand communicaDonsofficerdatseminary:reqaDons‘garrett:edu:
PRESIDENT Javier A. Viera EDITORIAL BOARD ary M owB mannrents A atharine K uke D oseph J R:mmick E ShaneA:ichoqs N TashaN:Sargent auM detteWatqey
PRESIDENTIAL PERSPECTIVE REVEREND DR. JAVIER A. VIERA Thisissueof Awarefocusesonthreecqassesofour amazinggraduatesPfdfdfQandtheork w that ew aresendingthemintointheorqd w todoffiwork thatew hopecontributessignificantqytothe thriving of the Church and the healing of the world:Youfqqaqso readabouttheayw sinwhichew ere w abqetohonor disDnguishedaqumsdrecognizethecourageous qeadershipofourcommencementspeakerdree B ewN someassd B andhonorthenearqyfourdecades ofqeadershipanddisDnguishedserviceofresident P merita E LaqqeneRector:urO earJend y ceqebraDons ere w grandandqongoverdue: Whatthisissueaqsohighqightsdtosomedegreedare theayw sinwhichew havereturnedtopreJpandemic normaqcyintermsofouracademicrhythmsand rituaqs:Thisisagoodsigndtobesuredbutitisaqso abitdecepDev forew knowthatthereisnothing normaqthatourgraduatesarereturningtointhe orqd w ofministrydqeadershipdandpubqicservice:The appearancesofnormaqcydistortthatreaqity:Whiqe ew ceqebratethatew canbetogetherinpersonagaind thatew ere w abqetoobservetherituaqsandtradiDons ofourcommunitydandthatew couqdpubqicqyand unreservedqyceqebratetheaccompqishmentsofour graduatesandothersdew dosoaqsoknowingthat thesegraduatesareenteringuncharteredocaD v onaq reaqiDesandthattheywiqqneedaqargemeasureof resiqiencedcouragedandimaginaDoninordertoqeadin ourpresentcuqturaqandreqigiousmiqieu: Theurgencyofthisreaqityisconstantqypresenttome: tA DmesdIdespairwhenIconsiderthecurrentstateof ournaDonaqdiscoursesandtheabsenceofanything substanDed v otherthanPoutQragedthatew seemto hoqdincommon:WhenIconsiderthatourgraduates aregoingtoqeadcongregaDonsandorganizaDonsin communiDesery v muchqikeuffaqod B ewN YorkdUvaqded Texasdandighqand H arkd P qqinoisd I onder wI ifew haveadequateqypreparedthemtoconfrontthedeep chaqqengesthatawaitthem:oD theyhavesufficient theoqogicaqresourcesandanadequateqydeveqoped propheDcimaginaDontoheqpcommuniDesqikethatto heaqdtofindjusDcedandtobeanaqternaDev ChristJqike presenceinthemidstofthevitrioqanddivisionand deaththatcharacterizeoursocietyandourChurch5
ThisiswhyIdonftfindgreatcomfortin>returningto normaqcy:?nsteadd I Ifmincreasingqycompeqqedbyacaqq thatacDeqy v pursuesthecreaDonofaqternaDev visions andreaqiDesandcommuniDesdqikethoseesu J staught touspursueandqiveout:Ipraythatew arepreparing ourstudents in the way of Jesus to cultivate communities of justice, compassion, and hope:f I ourgraduatescan dothatdiftheyareabqetodeveqopthepropheDc imaginaDonandspurthesociaqinnovaDontoheqp communiDesreimaginehowtheycanqivetogetherin deepharmonyandradicaqhospitaqitydthentheork w ofthisseminarywiqqhavebornefruit:nd A ew arewise torememberthatesu J ssaidd>Youwiqqknowthemby theirfruit?PMatt:9rdQ: Thetwoitaqicizedphrasesabovecomefromournew seminarymissionandvisiondwhichouy wiqqhearmuch moreaboutinournextissueof Awareandinthe monthsandears y tocome:Iusethemheredhoweverd becauseformedtheyresonatesocqearqywithwhatI qongforandhopeforineachofourgraduatesdaseqq w aswhatIintendforarrett G JEangeqicaq v toconDnue movingtowarddintenDonaqqyandunapoqogeDcaqqyd asaninsDtuDon:TheextraordinaryDmesew qivein requireboqdandwiseqeadershipdfrominsDtuDons andfromindividuaqsdandew haveanopportunity andresponsibiqitytoqeadinthatayw sothatour ork w bearsthefruitofjusDcedcompassiondandhope: nqy O inpreparingourgraduatesforthatmannerof qeadershipandinqeadingthatayw asaninsDtuDoncan ew makeanycqaimoffaithfuqnesstoourmissionand toourod: G Thankouy forouy rsupportandpartnership:
avJ ierA:Viera President
The 165th Commencement of Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary n O riday F dayM ddmembersoftheqass C ofdtheirfamiqyandfriendsdandarrett G J angeqicaq vE TheoqogicaqSeminaryfsfacuqtyd staffdandtrusteesgatheredinorthw N estern Universityfsqice A iqqar M hapeq C toceqebratethe th seminaryfsr ommencement: C Theseminary aqsoeqcomed w membersoftheqasses C of anddho w ere w invitedbacktocampusto parDcipateinthisearfs y commencementserviced thefirstinJpersonceremonyintwoears: y or F theCqassofdtheseminaryawarded eightdoctorofphiqosophydegreesdsevendoctor ofministrydegreesdtwomasteroftheoqogicaq studiesdegreesdthreemasterofartsinChrisDan educaDondegreesdsixmasterofartsinpastoraq careandcounseqingdegreesdfourmasterof artsinpubqicministrydegreesdandmaster ofdivinitydegrees:n I addiDondtheseminary recognizedonestudentwhocompqetedthebasic graduatetheoqogicaqstudiesandonestudentwho compqetedacerDficate: ring uD theservicedtheseminaryawardedReverend r: D ong D eon yH eongd J assistantprofessorofewN Testamentatarrett G JEangeqicaqd v ith w theeneraq G oard B ofigher H duE caDonandinistry M fs empqary xE Teachingard: wA n I addiDondthe isD D nguishedquA mards wA ere w presentedto ReverendTiShaundaR:cPM hersondho w received hermasterofdivinityfromarrett G JEangeqicaq v indandReverendr: D RogerW:resond I ho w earnedhismasterofdivinityfromarrett G TheoqogicaqSeminaryinrr:PSeepagesixfor moreonthedisDnguishedaqums:Q mong A themanyspeciaqguestsattendingthe serviceere w twoarrett G JEangeqicaq v president emeriD9Reverendr: D hiqip P :A merson A and r: D aqqene L :J Rector:tI as w especiaqqygraDfying tohaveRectorparDcipateintheservicesince thepandemicpreventedtheseminaryfrom hoqdingacommencementserviceindher finaqcommencementaspresident:Theseminary 4 AWARE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2022
surprisedherith w threehonorsinrecogniDonof herears y ofserviceatarrett G JEangeqicaq: v PSee pagesevenformoreonRectorfshonors:Q ardJw wA inningarDstandhumanrightsacDist v ree B ewN someass B Ppicturedtopqeftonpage fiveQas w thecommencementspeaker:ring uD the ceremonydtheseminaryawardedass B anhonorary doctorateofhumaneqetters:ne O ofassfs B most eqqJknow w nmomentsofacDism v as w hen w she removedtheonfederate C flagfromoutsidethe StateouH seinoqu C mbiadSoutharoqina: C n I the citaDonforthehonorarydegreedr: D Wonheenne A ohd J thearry H R:endaqq K rofessor P ofhrisD C an Theoqogyandostcoqoniaq P Studiesdsaid9>With isdom w andstrengthouy rippedhatredfromthe skyandboreitness w tothepowersofjusDceand qove:Withnshakeabqe u faithdouy remindedsu that asfoqqowersofesu J sdew cannotremainindifferent tothepowersandprincipaqiDesandsystemsthat subjugatethemassesandpriviqegethefew:? n I heraddressdass B spokeoftheayw sherfaithhas informedherpubqicacDons:>Whatfsremarkabqefor mepersonaqqyinthismomentishowears y ago afterasked I od G totakedirecDonofmyqifeand sevenears y aftereH qedmetoscaqetheflagpoqein Southaroqina C andremovetheflagdod G hasbrought merightbacktostandingsquareqyattheintersecDon ofsociaqjusDceandesu J shristd? C shesaid: ass B aqsospokeatqengthabouttheimportanceof prayerinherqifeandthatcentraqtosociaqjusDce forheristheospeq: G >Theospeq G is<GodisovL e:f nd A hat w isqove5ovL eisdemonstratedtose u intheqifedcrucifixiondandresurrecDonofesu J s hrist: C nd A howdoew pracDceqove5qov yB ingas esu J sqovesd?shesaid: oqqow F ingtheconferringofdegreesdtheservice concqudedith w afinaqbqessingbyRector: th Toatch w ther ommencement C serviceinits enDretydgotoYouTube:comFGarrettSeminary:
MCPHERSON AND IRESON RECEIVE DISTINGUISHED ALUM AWARDS Each year, the seminary presents Distinguished Alum Awards at commencement to two alums who have rendered extraordinary service. The 2022 recipients are Reverend TiShaunda R. McPherson and Reverend Dr. Roger A. Ireson. The Reverend TiShaunda R. McPhersonservesbiJvocaDonaqqy asseniorvicepresidentandchief diversityofficerattheaDN onaq pinion O Researchenter C PNORCQ attheUniversityofChicagoand asassociateministeratage PuD frican A ethodist M piscopaq E ChurchinLisqedqqinois: I Sheis anordainedeqderinthefrican A ethodist M piscopaq E Church: cPM hersonearnedhermasterofdivinityfrom arrett G JEangeqicaq v TheoqogicaqSeminaryin: Sheaqsohoqdsabacheqorofscienceinpsychoqogy fromUniversityofqqinois I atUrbanaJChampaignda masterofpubqicpoqicyfromUniversityofinnesotaffi M TwinCiDesdandajurisdoctorfromorthw N estern Universityfsritz P kerSchooqofLaw: n I dcPM hersonjoinedNORCasseniorvice presidentandtheorganizaDonfsfirstJeverchief diversityofficer:n I thisroqedcPM hersonqeadsNORCfs effortstobuiqdamorediversedraciaqqyequitabqedand incqusiveorkpqace w andresearchportfoqioandserves onNORCfsecu Ex eDv ouC nciqdthecompanyfsseniorJ mostdecisionJmakingbody: rior P tojoiningNORCdcPM hersonservedassenior associatevicepresidentforequityatorthw N estern Universityinanstond vE qqinois: I Sheoversawtheoffice ofequitystaffanditsthreepriorityareas9creaDngd reviewingdandimpqemenDngprogramsandpoqiciesto reinforceequitabqeqearningandorking w environments8 respondingtoreportsofdiscriminaDondharassmentd andretaqiaDon8andfaciqitaDngeducaDonandoutreach iniDaDes v toensureindividuaqandUniversityJwide awarenessanddeveqopmentofstrategicprocessesfor combaDngdiscriminatorytreatmentandpracDces: cPM hersonhasservedinnumerousciviqrights posiDonsinhighereducaDonandempqoymentseDfingsd incqudingroqesasaresearcherdattorneydcompqiance professionaqdandequityofficerdeachofwhich strengthenedherunderstandingofandboqdqeadership intheareasofequityandaccess: 6 AWARE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2022
The Reverend Dr. Roger A. Ireson isareDredffiyetsDqqery v acDeffi v Unitedethodist M eqderwhohas servedaspastordadministratord andprofessorinaariety v of seDfingsaroundtheorqd: w reson I hoqdsabacheqorofarts fromePD auUniv w ersityanda masterofdivinityfromarrett G TheoqogicaqSeminary: reson I as w ordainedadeaconinrandaneqder inrrwithmembershipintheetroit D nnu A aq onference: C reson I earnedhisdoctorofphiqosophy fromanchester M Universityinngqand: E reson I servedasapastorfromJssinboththe suburbsandcityofetroitd D ichigan: M n I ssdreson I as w eqectedgeneraqsecretaryofTheeneraq G oard B ofigher H duE caDonandinistry M PGQ MEHB ofThe Unitedethodist M huC rchdaposiDonheheqdnD u qhis reDrementin:sA generaqsecretarydreson I as w responsibqeforchurchprogramsdpoqiciesdandgeneraq oversightreqatedtoschooqsdcoqqegesdniv u ersiDesd andtheoqogicaqseminaries8theministriesofordained deaconsandeqdersdqocaqpastorsdanddiaconaq ministers8andcampusministriesdchapqainsdandpastoraq counseqors:ring uD resonfs I qeadershipandattherging u ofUnitedethodists M infricad A estabqished MEHBG and deveqopedfrica A UniversityinZimbabwedhich w now hasstudentsfromrfrican A countries: reson I as w aqsoinstrumentaqinestabqishingthe nternaD I onaqAssociaDonofethodist M Schooqsd oqqegesd C andUniversiDesPIAMSCUQdhavingservedas itsfoundingpresidentin: Asaconsuqtantdreson I hasaidedinthedeveqopment ofethodist M universiDesinRosariodrgenD A na8 ontev M ideodUruguay8oqegio C Wardinuenos B iresd A rgenD A na8andtheethodist M Churchinaqay M sia: reson I hasservedasatrusteeatsixinsDtuDonsd incqudingmerican A Universitydfrica A Universitydand theUnitedethodist M igher H duE caDonouF ndaDon: reson I hasreceivedeighthonorarydoctoratesfrom universiDesonthreeconDnents:
HONORING PRESIDENT EMERITA LALLENE J. RECTOR AND HER 37 YEARS OF SERVICE TheqastDmeresident P merita E Laqqene:J Rector as w onarrett G JEangeqicaq v TheoqogicaqSeminaryfs campusas w inarch M :Whentheseminary pivotedtoremoteorking w andqearningthatmonthd nooneimagineditouw qdbenearqyrmonthsbefore facuqtydstaffdandstudentsreturnedtocampus:or F RectordwhotransiDonedoutofherroqeaspresident attheendofecember D dthisaqsomeantan unexpectedremoteendingtohertenureaspresident: Thoughtheseminaryas w abqetohoqdanonqine ceqebraDonhonoringherservicetoarrett G J angeqicaqd vE itas w bittersweetnottobeabqeto ceqebrateinperson:SincethendRectorhasconDnued herroqeasafacuqtymemberbyteachingafewonqine cqassesdbutshehastriedtostayoutofthespotqight toaqqowresident P avJ ierA:Vieratotakethemantqe ofthepresidencyandqeadtheseminary: WhentheinvitaDonas w extendedtoherto returntoanston vE andparDcipateinther ommencementd C shethoughtsheas w geDfingthe opportunitytorecognizeherfinaqcqassaspresidentd theqass C ofdandofferabqessingforthe graduates:Theseminarydnbeknow u nsttoherdaqso hadotherpqans: oqqow F ingthepresentaDonoftheisD D nguishedquA m ardsd wA oard B ofTrusteesChairmanerre J Steadqed aspeciaqrecogniDonofserviceforRectorffimuchto hersurprise:Asas w notedbybothVieraandStead intheirremarksditas w importantfortheseminaryto honorRectorinpersonforherears y ofserviceto arrett G JEangeqicaqd v bothasafacuqtymemberandas thefirstomen w andqaypersontoserveaspresident: >YourservicehasbeenmarkedbyadedicaDonand qoveofthisschooqthatisunprecedenteddandouy r influenceandimpactwiqqfaroutqastouy d?saidStead: Rectorwasthenpresentedwiththreehonors: ThefirstwasthattheBoardofTrusteesdwiththe unanimoussupportofthefacuqtydapprovedher promoDontotherankoffuqqprofessor:Thisisthe highestrecogniDonaninsDtuteofhighereducaDon cangivetoafacuqtymember:
Thesecondas w thecreaDonoftheLaqqene:J Rector ndow E mentund F intheamountofjdd whichisdesignatedforthebenefitofstudentsand programmingattheenter C fortheChurchandthe qack B Experienceatarrett G JEangeqicaq: v
Thethirdhonoras w onethatqeavesapermanent visibqereminderofRectorfsservicetotheseminary9 thenamingofthecurrentqibraryterracetothe Laqqene:J RectorTerrace:>Oneofthegreatestgifts ouy fvegiventotheseminaryovertheears y has beentheayw inwhichouy fveconstantqybroughtus totogethertotaqkdreflectdandsimpqybetogether incommunityandtojoinoneanotherfscompanyin thegiftofsharingqifeinthispqaceew caqqarrett G J angeqicaq vE TheoqogicaqSeminaryd?saidSteadinthe announcementofthenaming: Rectorisknownbothforherhumiqityandbeinga difficuqtpersontosurprise:fter A beingpresented withthehonorsdshesaid9>Oneverycountouy have surprisedme:as wI toqdIneededtocomebackdand ItriedtothinkaboutpossibiqiDessoouwI qdnftbe dumbfoundeddandIamdumbfounded:? >IqovethisinsDtuDondandIaminspiredbythis insDtuDond?saidRectorassheexpressedherdeep graDtude: n I cqosingdsheaqsoreflectedontheseminaryfs foundressdqiz E aarrett G dwhospentherwhoqe qifeorry w ingabouthersaqvaDondneverfeeqing confidentthatshereaqqyhadtherightkindof saqvaDonexperience:owH everdasRectornotedd>Yetd nonetheqessdhereew sittodaybecauseofagiftof faithfromqiz E a:? AWARE MAGAZINE | COMMENCEMENT 7
Congratulations to the Class of 2022! Despite these unprecedented times, the Class of 2022 not only rose to the challenge but flourished. We commend them on their fine work and their future ministries, and in them, we place our hopes, aspirations, and dreams for a better and more peaceful and more just world. We are very pleased to introduce nine of these graduates, who are going forth to live out God’s call. To read more about these nine graduates, visit the seminary's website,
N OCON A , T E X A S yDme M atarrett G JEangeqicaq v has aqqowedmespacetofurtherexpqore my caqq to work with youth and famiqiesinaministryseDfing:hav I e beenabqetoqearnmoreaboutayw s to heqp famiqiesd parDcuqarqy teens in crisis and facing trauma: Whiqe heredhav I eaqsobeenabqetodeepen my understanding of interJcuqturaq interacDons that wiqq aqqow me to beabetteradvocateforouy thand famiqiescrossingtheTexasFMexico borderseekingsafety: acing F a gqobaq pandemic during my seminary career has aqqowed me the opportunity to qearn to do ministryinnewandcreaDev ayw s:I hadbeenorking w inouy thministry for severaq ears y when I came to arrett G JEangeqicaqd v butaftertheqast twoears y ofVIOC Jd D hav I ebeen abqe to grow my creaDev ministryd aseqq w asgrowinmyownfaithand finding ways to minister both to othersandmyseqf:
ALB E RTO RAMIRE Z SALAZAR M AST E R OF D I V I NIT Y NU E V O LARE D O , M EX I CO My Dme at seminary has been a journeytoreflectonmypastoraqand propheDcaqcaqq:entraq C tomystudies hasbeenqiberaDontheoqogydpastoraq caredandbibqicaqcriDcism:Through my Dme at GarrettJEvangeqicaqd I reaffirmedmycommitmenttopreach the Good News to the poord to qiberatetheoppresseddandtoheaq thesick: sA aouw ndedheaqerdhav I eqearned tobeabetterhrisD C anqeaderhen w I serve from my authenDcity and vuqnerabiqity rather from my pride andabiqiDes:
yDme M atarrett G JEangeqicaq v has been wonderfuq4 I entered with tremendous curiosity about how to connect my passion for jusDce with ChrisDan theoqogy: I was in search of a theoqogicaq qens that not onqy created permission to pursue jusDced but aqso centered it as cruciaq to being a foqqower of esu J shrist: C fou I ndthatatarrett G J angeqicaq: vE earqy N aqq the courses I took connected matters of raced gender idenD tyd creaD ond cqassd andFor sex u aqity w ith theoqogyd dismantqingthebifurcaDonbetween sociaqandsacredmatters:sA aresuqtd as w I abqetobetterconnectjusDceJ seekingith w hrisD C anpraxisthrough preachingandteachinginmyroqeas qeadpastor: ThemosttransformaDev experience as w thepubqicministryproject:This projectcreatedthespaceformeto bringtogetheraqqqearned I overthe pasttwoears: y Theork w stretched me as a schoqar and ministerd but throughout the processd I began subconsciousqy synthesizing many thingshad I qearnedacrosscourses:
D U AN E A. LAH T I MAST E R OF D I V I NIT Y MANK ATO, MINNESOTA P ATSY A . EC H O LS MA S T E R OF D I V I NITY C I N CIN N AT I, O H I O Dme yM atarrett G JEangeqicaq v as w usedtoexpqorethemanyfacetsof theministryod G haspqantedinmed whichincqudedunderstandinghow ariou v s societaq intersecDons can be a great heqp or a great harm in howew seeod: G hav I eqearnedthat extended grace in how I view the orqd w and in how the orqd w views mecanyieqdabounDfuqharvestof bqessingsthroughnderstanding u and qove:know I nowthatthenatureof od G doesnotfitinacuteqittqeboxd butratherextendsfarbeyondhat w ew canthinkorimagine:od G reaqqy doescareforeachofus:
arrett G JEangeqicaq v has profoundqy shaped my caqq to ministry by recogniz ing that Jesu sfs caqq to discipqeshipasapastorinthechurch requires a servantJqeader heart: Thisroqespeakstheood G ewN sof Christfs radicaq act of incarnaDond granting saqv ation throu gh his sufferingd deathd and resurrecDond and demonstrates uncondiDonaq qovebyactsofjusDceandaboqiDon of systemic probqems of priviqeged racismd oppressiond and socioJ economicdisparity: most yM transformaDev experience isaseriesofencountersthatexposed the intersecDonaqity bred by the nderqy u ingpriviqegeofmyhite w maqe contextdminoriDing z thosenotofmy sociaqqocaDon:n I theseencountersd theoqy H Spirit chaqqenged mewith humbqing convicDon to hear and aqqow the voice of those feqqow ChrisDans who are vicDmized or minoriDzed by white priviqege to speak tru th to power: It is not just a discipqine of qistening: tI is a discipqinebyieqding y anddismantqing constructsofpriviqegedaqqowingthe oice v of those oppressed to share hopesofrestoringthefuqqnessofthe ospeq G withequityandqove:
H A LE Y MARIE MART I N MAST E R OF ARTS I N CH R ISTIAN ED U CATION LINCOLN, NE B R AS K A Garrett JEvangeqicaq has aqqowed me to expqore my idenDty as an edu cator: Throu gh my cqassesd discussionsith w peersdandguidance from the facuqtyd Ifve been abqe to discern my definiDon of educaDon and howIant w to be an educator: art P ofthatdiscernmentprocesshas been a desire to combine pastoraq careandcounseqingintomyfuture fieqdofeducaDontohoqisDcaqqycare fortheindividuaq:Withoutarrett G J angeqicaqd vE I ouw qd not be as eqq w roundedofaneducator: One of my most transformaD ve ex periences w as in cqass w ith Reverendr: D Reginaqdqou B nt:Whiqe discussing different approaches to educaDond we taqked a qot about w hat it means to have a qiv ing reqigionasdefinedbythebioqogicaq factors of qife: When discussing our reqigion in the context of qifed it heqped shape ways that wed as educatorsandpeopqeincommunityd couqd faciqitate a heaqthy faith qife: tI as w a huge qightbuqb moment in understanding my own theoqogyd experienceofthedivinedandpqace withinaministrycontext:
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY CHICAGOd ILLINOIS Whiqe at arretJE G angeqicaqd v I as w abqe to qearn more sociaqqy qiberaq conceptsd which I asd w admittedqyd eaker w inknowqedge:Thusdarrett G J angeqicaq vE stretchedmytheoqogicaq spectrumd and as a resuqtd offered a baqancing v iew point to more theoqogicaqqy tradiDonaq concepts: Given the current socioJpoqiDcaq cqimateditouw qdseemthatteaching has become more chaqqenging in somerespectsdbutindeveqopinga >rubberband?approachtotheoqogyd G arrettJE v angeqicaq has better prepared me to meet the diverse opinionsthatiqq w ndou u btedqyexist in student popuqaDonswhere Iwiqq teach: WriDng my dissertaDon was the most transformaDve experience: or F me the dissertaDon was not simpqyaknowqedgedumpdbutaqso somethingthatfeqt: I tI ent w tothe core of my beingd much qike faithd inwhatanted wI toexpress:n I this respectdmyriD w ngas w areflecDon of who I was from start to finish9 in the researchd to the wriDngd to the ediD ngd and to the finished dissertaDon:
ER ICA T H O MAS MAST E R OF D I V I NIT Y AR ROY O GRAND E , C ALIFORNIA jou yM rneyatarrett G JEangeqicaq v has aqqowed me to expqore a myriad of ministryseDfingsandhasexposedme to opportuniDes to qearn and grow andflourish:spent I aqargeporDon of my studies as a qongJdistance commuterpriortoVIOC Jd D andI cherishedtheinJpersoncommunity thatas w I abqetoexperienceoncea eek: w This inJperson base aqqowed for a greater connecDon with my cqassmates and professors in the onqinecourses: Whenarrett G JEangeqicaq v beganto offer hybrid coursesd I as w excited for the opportunity to be present onqine orin person and sDqq have a communityofcoqqeaguespresentto supportandinfluencemystudies:I amthankfuqfortheqessonsqearned I hiqe w atarrett G JEangeqicaq v andthe exampqetheysetforthinqeadingthe ayw inunchartedterritory:
MAST E R OF D I V I NI T Y AND MAST E R OF ARTS IN P A STORAL CAR E AND COUNSE LING LOUISV I LLE, K E NTUCK Y arrett G JEangeqicaq v has shaped my ministry and caqqing in more ways thanIcouqdbegintoqisthere4This Dmehaspushedmetoqeanfurther intomycaqqandhoneparDcuqargifts andskiqqsofpastoraqcare:fv I ebeen empowered to be my authenD c seqf and qearn how to honor this seqfwhiqe carrying out theork w of ministry: urthermored F my Dme at arrett G JEangeqicaq v hasemboqdened me to ask qu esD ons and have difficuqt conversaDons forthe sake of bringing Godfs qoving and just kingdomonearthasitisinheaven: rom F Sacred Worth chapeq to The SpoonoqqecD C ev chapeqdfv I efound abeaufu D qandenrichingcommunity thatseekstohonorwhoqepersonsd beyond the academic endeavors of seminary: With hoqy creaDvity andimaginaDondstudentsandstaff curiousqy sought odfs G movement inorship: w Theseexperienceshave given me hope for the church and havesustainedmyfaithintodayand tomorrowfschurchqeadership: AWARE MAGAZINE | CLASS OF 2022 11
LYIMA F A R9 I FA SODNA MO RAGN UA D TETOTHEG RE It is not often that we have a mom and her son graduate at the same time. We do believe this might even be a first in the seminary’s 169-year history. At the 165th Commencement, held on Friday, May 13, 2022, Jacquelyn D. Webb received her master of divinity and her son, Dr. Taurean J. Webb, received his doctor of philosophy. To mark this special moment, are wA magazine reached out to the Webbs to learn more about their seminary experience. When you think of your son what comes to mind? What would you want someone to know about him? When I think ofTaureand I am reminded ofhowmuchDme and energyhe has invested in understanding his own frican A American and Cherokee heritage: His educaDonaq exceqqenced servant qeadershipd honestyd and dedicaDon to service forothers are characterisDcs that have shaped his study: He is a seqfJdriven manwho isveryfocused on goaqs that wiqq fostera more informed society: Iwouqdwant peopqe to knowthat he is committed to serving and making a posiDve difference in the qives ofothers: He is committed to courageous qeadership in affecDng change thatwiqq not onqyimprove the church but aqso the gqobaq community: When you think of your mom, what comes to mind? What would you want someone to know about her? mother yM isoneofthekindestandmostseqfless peopqeIfvemet:ndd A ofcoursedshePandmydadQ hasbeensupporDev ofmypursuitsinmoreayw s thanIcancount:utB mymotherisaqsooneofthe mostconsequenDaqqeadersIfveeverknown:The schooqdistrictfromwhichIgraduatedhighschooq isanamaqgamaDonofaboutfourteendifferent municipaqiDesdroughqyhaqfpredominantqyqackd B haqf predominantqyWhitedaqqcourtJorderedtogetherinthe qatessbyadesegregaDonsuit:tA theDmedmymom as w thesecondJrankingofficiaqofthedistrictandthe topJrankingpersonofcoqor:n I noinsignificantayw d howsheposturedherseqfinsuchacriDcaqmoment ofraciaqanimuscouqdhavedrightqyorwrongqydcome tobethebarometerfor>whetherornotqack B peopqe couqdqead:?ThisishowracefuncDonsintheUnited States:ortu F nateqyforusdherskiqqsdintegritydand 12 AWARE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2022
communityofaccountabiqitykept herduringsuchtryingDmes: Tell us about your son and his time at Garrett-Evangelical? What inspired you most about his seminary journey? tA aery v ouy ngagedTaurean reaqizedthatthereas w aspeciaq >caqq?onhisqife:Thisas w affirmed byhisparentsdgrandparentsd andmanyinthestrongapD B std faithcommunityinwhichheas w raised:is H abiqityto recognize>hiscaqq?earqyinqifeandtocharthisjourney withodfs G direcDondfamiqydthefaithcommunity mentorsdandmanyintheorehou M seoqqeged C oqu C mbiaUniversitydorthw N esternUniversityand mostprofoundqythearrett G JEangeqicaq v community hasbeenmostinspiraDonaqforme:seminary A journey as w foreseenmuchearqierinhisqifeanditas w at arrett G JEangeqicaq v thatitbecameareaqity:tI as w the propheDcoice v ofr: D Larryurphy M dtheguidanceof r: D StephenRayandtheqargerarrett G JEangeqicaq v communitythataqqowedamothertoexperiencea bqessedduniquejourneyaqongsideherson: Tell us about your mom and her time at GarrettEvangelical? What inspired you most about her seminary journey? tI takesaspeciaqtypeofbraverytobeginaseparate Pinsomeayw sdery v differentQcareerjourneydatanyqife stagedbutcertainqytowardtheendofonefsorking w ears: y motherfs yM decisiontopursueministryfuqqJ Dmedafteranimmenseqysuccessfuqcareerasapubqic schooqeducatordaqwaysinspiredme:utB asd wI perhapsdmostmovedbyherfocuseddeterminaDon: Whenshebeganatarrett G JEangeqicaqd v sheas w far removedfromgraduatestudiesdandtheoqogicaqwriDng as w acompqeteqyunfamiqiargenre:utB throughher setbacksffiandthereere w someffishepersevered:
What has it been like for you to attend seminary at the same time as your son? tI tookbothofusreflecDngandprayingaseqq w ashavingconversaDonsaroundthedynamicsof sharingthesameacademicspace:Weere w serious aboutestabqishinggroundruqesthathonoredour independencedacademicdandsociaqspaces:tI as w a rareopportunitytoqearndservedandsharetogether: Somespeciaqmomentsere w whenew readthesame bookorknewthesameauthorandthenshared reflecDonsthatbecamereaqtheoqogicaqdiscussions: en vE moreamazingas w toshareanewtextdwhichas w unfamiqiartooneofus:Someofthemostmeaningfuq momentsere w servingtwoears y togetheronthe pastoraqstaffatSecondapD B stChurchinanstond vE undertheqeadershipofReverendark M A:ennis D and Reverendr: D aren K osby M : What has it been like for you to attend seminary at the same time as your mom? Shehadfinishedmostofhercourseworkandhad movedbacktoittP sburghbeforeIbeganmyhDP journeyatarrett G JEangeqicaq: v utB oneofthemost meaningfuqmomentsformecamewhenshefirst pqantedtheseedofuspotenDaqqygraduaDngtogether: or F thattoorkd w howeverdourpaceshadtoaqign: Weknewthisouw qdbeanimportantmiqestone forthefamiqydsoshedecidedtosqowherpaceand compqeteherfinaqcqassaear y aftershecouqdhaved togivemeDmeto>catchup:?Sodassheextended herDmeqinedIhastenedminePattempDngtowritemy hDP dissertaDonasefficientqyaspossibqeQffisothatew couqd>waqk?together: Jacquelyn, how has your time at Garrett-Evangelical shaped and prepared you for your ministry and calling? ThirtyJsevenears y afterearningahDP fromthe Universityoforth N Caroqinaatreensboro G and evenmorestudytoreceivecredenDaqsforschooq qeadershipandthesuperintendencydIknewafter accepDngmycaqqtoministrythatmorestudyouw qd berequiredtobepreparedforministry:n O abrief visittoorthw N esternUniversitydmysonencouraged metotourarrett G JEangeqicaq: v tI as w thenIreaqized thatthisas w >mypqace?forpreparaDonforministry: tI feqtrightformedandwiththeprayersandbqessings ofmyspousedercy P Webbdourfamiqydandour communityinittP sburghdennsy P qvaniadthejourney began:arrett G JEangeqicaq v becamemysafehavento
embarkonthisfaithjourney:arrett G JEangeqicaq v as w a communitythatembracedthosewithanonJtradiDonaq backgroundandcuqDated v myuniquenesswhich aqqowedmetothrive:LittqedidIknowthatasmy seminaryjourneyas w endingdouwI qdbecaqqedtoqead acongregaDondasinterimpastordvirtuaqqydthroughthe pandemicseason: Taurean, how has your time at Garrett-Evangelical shaped and prepared you for your ministry and calling? ne O ofthegreatestjoysPandassetsQofmytraining hasbeenthefacuqtyandstaffheqpingmecuqDate v my owntheoqogicaqimaginaDon:Spendingasmuchme D asdo I outsideof>theoqogicaqspacesd?find I itpainfuqqy cqearthatothershungerfortooqstocreaDeqy v imagine neworqd w possibiqiDesdandsomeofthosetooqscan onqyithstand w theorqdfs w mostcynicaqscruny D hen w theyfreforegroundedinthemysteryofthesacred:This tooqhasprofoundqyshapedhowshow I pu intheorqd: w What’s next for you, Jacquelyn? IpqantoconDnuetoserveinministryascaqqedtodo so:fav yM oritesayingis9>Theorqd w ismypuqpit:I servedaiqydwhereverIam:?desire yM istoconDnueto bedirectedandguidedbyodfs G handinservice: Taurean, what’s next for you? Themostimportantnextstepformedpersonaqqydis conDnuingmyownfatherhoodjourneyffiwithmy wifeandIexpecDngourthirdchiqdqaterthisear: y VocaDonaqqydIamsettobeginaposiDonatndiana I Universityqoomington B inthefaqqdteachingand direcDngaresearchcenterintheuniversityfsSchooqof qobaq G andnternaD I onaqStudies: What are your hopes and wishes for your son postseminary and his ministry? greatest yM wishandprayerforTaureanisforhimto truqyembracehiscaqqingandusehisgiftsandtaqents inbecomingthebestqeaderpossibqedservingasod G directshim: What are your hopes and wishes for your mom postseminary and her ministry? sincerest yM hopeisthatmymotherreapstheharvest ofeverygoodthingffieverygoodseedffithatshehas pqantedbyfaithdandstudydinthispqace: AWARE MAGAZINE | CLASS OF 2022 13
ALUMNA AND MILITARY CHAPLAIN, HYANG SOOK CHOI, SEES GIVING AS AN ACT OF FAITH Reverendang y H Sookhoi C PGJETSQhas cqearadvicefortodayfsseminarystudents9>Ask quesDons:eep K expqoring:oD notqosefaithdhatev w erfaith ouy have:? hoi C pracDceshat w she preaches:sA aseminary studentatarrett G JEangeqicaq v TheoqogicaqSeminarydhoi C dedicatedherseqftoasking quesDons:owN asanarmy chapqaindhoi C heqpsservice memberskeeptheirfaithffi regardqessoftheirfaith tradiDon: tI ishoifs C beqiefineducaDon anddedicaDontoministry thatpromptedhertobegin supporDngtheseminaryith w amonthqygift:Sheconsiders givingaspirituaqpracDceand hopestoincreasehergivingoverme: D hoi C grewpu inahrisD C anfamiqyinsand uB Southoread K here w herfamiqyattendedaorean K resby P terianchurch:hoifs C motheras w thefirst hrisD C aninherfamiqydasas w herfatherfsmother: hoi C remembersherfamiqyfacingreqigious persecuon D fortheirchoicetopracDcehrisD C anity: Whenhoi C as w inhermidJfsdSouthorea K sufferedaneconomiccrisisdsoherfathertookearqy reDrementandcametotheUnitedStates:eH as w abqetofindork w inhisfieqdasabroadcastengineer: hoid C herbrotherdandhermotherffiateacherand homemakerfficametotheUnitedStatesaear y qater: tI as w aroundthisme D thathoi C as w introduced totheethodist M church:efore B comingtothe UnitedStatesdhoi C spenttwoears y asamissionary inangqadesh B ith w orean K ethodists: M eft L ith w agoodimpressiondhoi C joinedaorean K merican A Unitedethodist M churchhen w shemovedto hicago: C 14 AWARE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2022
tA thischurchdhoifs C caqqtoministryqeadership grew:Shebeganasthechurchfspianistdthen becamechoirdirectordand finaqqyassociatepastor: >ThecongregaDonaqways encouragedandempowered me:grew I pu thereasa ministerd?hoi C recaqqs: hoi C qearnedaboutarrett G J angeqicaq vE fromtheorean K ethodists: M er H church encouragedhertopursue amasterofdivinityand seekordinaDoninThe Unitedethodist M huC rch: hoid C ho w hadaqready donegraduatecoursework atoody M ibqe B nsD I tuted foqqowedtheirsuggesDons: n O thefirstdayof orientaDonatarrett G J angeqicaqd vE hoi C as w shocked:Thepresidentofthe seminaryaskedthenewstudents9>Doesanyone beqievedam A as w thefirsthuman5Wasonah J reaqqyinthebeqqyofthehaqe5? w ooking L backd hoi C remembershavingnoideahyw heaskedsuch quesDons: hoi C broughtherownquesDonstoseminary: er H me D asamissionaryinangqadesh B duringa devastaDngfloodhadqeftherith w confusionand frustraDonaboutfaith:Sheondered w ifpraying toesu J sas w theonqyayw toexperiencereqief fromsufferinginamuqDJreqigiouscontextqike angqadesh: B tA arrett G JEangeqicaqd v hoi C foundprofessorsho w spoketoherinterestsandexperiences:r: D arry L rphy uM taughtchurchhistoryfromtheperspecDev oftheminorsdnottheinners: w r: D enneth K Vaux expqoredorqd w reqigionssuchashrisD C anityd sqamd I anddaism: uJ >Theseandotherprofessors heqpedmetoconDnuousqygrowasapersondasa theoqogiandandasaministerd?sayshoi: C
fter A seminarydChoipursuedordinaDoninThe Unitedethodist M Church:Sheas w appointedtoa congregaDonasthefirstnonJwhitepastorinthe churchfsJyearhistory:WhiqeChoias w eager abouttheappointmentdthecongregaDontoqerated heratbest:>Ienjoybeinginnewpqaceswithnew peopqed?Choisays:utB thecongregaDonas w notopentoherqeadershipdandtheappointment endedinqessthantwoears: y qq A aqongdChoihadfeqtdrawntochapqaincy:She hadbeguntheprocessofbecominganarmy reservechapqaininseminarybutsetthataside duringherDmeintheqocaqchurch:Choidecided topickupwheresheqeftoffdbutshesoonreaqized sheas w approachingthemaximumagefor becominganacDeJdu v tychapqain: ChoireaqizedthatthesituaDonas w nowornever: Shedecidedtoskipreservechapqaincyandsigned upforacDev dutyinstead:n I theparkingqotonher firstdayreporDngtodutydChoithoughttoherseqfd >AmIcrazy5WhatdidIdo5? Shehasnftqookedbacksince:hoi C isgqadnotto orry w aboutchurchbuiqdingsdbudgetsdandtrustees anymore:nsteadd I shedevotesherseqftothedaiqy acDiDv esandneedsofherservicemembers:>As anit u chapqaindgo I ith w themherev w ertheygo: ery v E dayd?hoi C expqains:>Thatfsmyjoy:? Choireqishesthechancetoheqpherpeopqe improvetheirqivesforthebetter:>Eachchapqain hastheirstrengthsdandIseemineascounseqing: Thatfsthemostimportantpartformed?saysChoi: >Igettodeaqwithreaqstuffwithreaqpeopqe:? AsamiqitarychapqaindChoiisareqigioussubject matterexpert:Sheprovidesreqigioussupportand adviseshercommanderandstaffonreqigionand ethics:Choiensuresthataqqservicememberscan pracDcetheirreqigionfreeqywhetherthatinvoqves Sundayorship w orRamadanfasDng: uring D thepandemicdChoicombinedher counseqingskiqqsandherreqigiousexperDseto handqerequestsforaccinaD v onexempDons:Choi metoneJonJonewitheachpersoninherbattaqion seekinganexempDon:Sheqistenedcarefuqqyto
determineiftheirrequestas w sincere:>Ifsod? Choisaysd>Isupportedthem:f I notdIdidnot:?er H recommendaDonsent w aqqtheayw tothesurgeon generaqoftheUnitedStatesrmy A : n I aqqshedoesasamiqitarychapqaindChoi emphasizesopenJmindedness:>IfmaChrisDan chapqaindbutIamservingeverybody:Iamtheir chapqainnomatterwhatfaithornofaith:Iam thereforwhatevertheirreqigiousorspirituaq needsd?Choishares: Choiappreciatesthatarrett G JEangeqicaq v as w a pqacewhereshecouqdaskquesDonsandexpqore howtobestserveothers:er H Dmeinseminary heqpedChoiseethat>Itfsnotreaqqyaboutwhatouy beqievedorhowouy readtheibqed B orwhatside ouy take:tfs I moreabouthowouy qiveouy rqife becauseofouy rfaith:? or F Choidgivingispartofhowsheqivesherfaith: >Givingisaery v importantspirituaqpracDcefor med?expqainsChoi:>Whataqu vI eisreflectedin howIspendmymoney:?Choisupportsherhome churchdthechapeqsheservesdforeignmissionsd andthetwotheoqogicaqschooqssheattendedffi incqudingarrett G JEangeqicaq: v Choichoseamonthqygiftbecauseitfseasy:>Igoaqq overtheorqd w asamiqitaryservicememberd^she says:^IdonftevenknowwhereIfqqbenextear: y f I I havetoremembertomakeagiftdthatfstoomuch forme:?n I factdChoisetuphermonthqygiftonqine usingacreditcardwhensheas w depqoyed: ThroughhergivingdChoihopesthatarrett G J angeqicaq vE wiqqconDnuetobeahubforstudents withquesDons:Sheencouragestodayfsstudents to>notqoseheartfortheWorddforpeopqedorfor od:^ G ^Findouy rownidenDtyandfindthebest ayw touseouy rgiftsd?shesays: Monthly gifts allow you to make smaller gifts that add up over time while providing a steady stream of support for Garrett-Evangelical’s mission. Monthly gifts can be made by check, credit card, or electronic transfer from your bank. To start your monthly gift today, visit or contact AWARE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2022 15
TheReverendr: D rent B :P Watersderre J L:andary M oyJ Steadrofessor P ofChrisDanSociaqthics E and directoroftheerre J L:andary M oyJ Steadenter C for thics E andVaquesatarrett G JEangeqicaq v Theoqogicaq SeminarydreDredonuqyJ d:tA theirmeeDngin ayM ofthiseard y theoard B ofTrusteesunanimousqy grantedWatersthestatusoffacuqtyemeritusupon therecommendaDonofthefacuqty:Watersjoinedthe arrett G JEangeqicaq v facuqtyin: qeading A sociaqethicsschoqarwithacommanding graspofwideJrangingissuespertainingtothecarefor humanqifewithintheqateJmodernorqdd w Watersspent muchofhisacademiccareerfocusingonbioethicaq andpoqiDcaqdimensionsofChrisDanthought:uring D histenuredhehaswrittendcoJauthoreddandedited sixteenbooksdmorethanfiftyarDcqesinacademic journaqsdandnumerousbookreviewsthatencompass topicsfrombioethicaqissuestospirituaqitydfrom whataffectsfamiqyqifetothechaqqengesofcapitaqist socieDesdfromthemysteryoftheincarnaDonand Christoqogytoposthumanism:ThroughhiswriDngsd Waterscombinedprofoundschoqarshipwithdeepqy humaneinsightsthatwiqqqeaveanindeqibqemarkon thefieqdofChrisDansociaqethics:
WatersearnedtheadmiraDonandrespectof countqessstudentsinthecqassroomdtheacademyd andinchurchandsociety:entraq C tohispedagogicaq approachas w aninsistenceontracingquesDonsback totheirtheoqogicaqandphiqosophicaqrootsdaqqthe whiqechaqqengingstudentshowandwhyew frame thequesDonsintheayw ew do:quyB esDoningthe quesDonsdnewanddeeperinsightsouw qdoftenresuqt: sA directoroftheerre J :L andary M oyJ enter C for thics E andVaquesfromtodWatersorked w coqqaboraDeqyv ith w coqqeaguesandorganizaDonsqocaqqyd naDonaqqydandinternaDonaqqytobringtheoqogicaq perspecDev toethicaqissuesfacingcontemporary society:Throughnumerousconferencesdguestqecturesd andarDcqesdtheSteadenter C nder u WatersfdirecDon hasaddressedaide w ariety v oftopicsdincquding technoqogicaqintervenDonsatthebeginningandending ofqifedar w andreqigiondthetheoqogyandeconomicsd theenvironmentdandhumanexperimentaDon: Watershasbeenrecognizedandceqebratedina numberofaccoqadesdincqudingbeingtherecipientof TheauP qRamseyard wA forceqqence Ex inioethics B in rdandtheTempqetonriz P eforutstanding O ooks B inTheoqogyandtheatu N raqSciencesin:
>AsIgrowoqderdIfindIambecomingmore retrospecDev andfocusedd?saidWaters:>St: uguA sDnefsaphorismdgqoveod G anddoasouy wiqqdg takesongreatermeaningwhiqeremainingchaqqenging: Ireaqizenowthatmuchofmyork w focusedon fuqfiqqingthetwogreatcommandmentstoqoveod G andneighborandactaccordingqy:IfmnowreDring fromajobbutnotacaqqingdsoIamsDqqtryingtofigure outhowtowiqqwhatmyPimperfectQqoveforod G and neighborrequires:rO asIusedtoteqqmystudentsd IintendtokeeponreadingdthinkingdandwriDng ProughqyinthatorderQforawhiqeqonger:
rior P tojoiningthefacuqtyindWatersserved asthedirectoroftheenter C forusinessd B Reqigion andubqic P LifedittP sburghTheoqogicaqSeminaryd ennsy P qvaniaPKQ8asqecturerintheoqogyd arris H anchester M oqqeged C xfordd O UnitedKingdom PrKQ8asmer O E:RobbinsChapqaintothe Universityanddirectorofthe:W: J andda I M:ameson J enter C fortheStudyofReqigionandthicsd E University ofRedqandsdCaqiforniaPsKQ8andascampus ministerdUnitedinistries M inigher H duE caDondowI a StateUniversitydmesd A owI aPJsQ:
>IenjoyedmyDmedandIqeavewithanabundanceof goodmemoriesandfriends:qq A goodthingscometo anenddandtheDmehascomeformetomoveondand IdosowithmuchappreciaDonandgraDtudeformy coqqeaguesdandespeciaqqyerre J andary M oyJ Stead:?
WatersreceivedadisDnguishededucaDonasa ChrisDanethicist:eH hoqdsaB:A:fromtheUniversity ofRedqandsdanM:Div:and:MD in:fromtheSchooqof TheoqogyatCqaremontdanda:PD hiq:fromUniversity ofxford: O
GARRETT-EVANGELICAL WELCOMES THREE NEW FACULTY arrett G JEangeqicaq v TheoqogicaqSeminaryiqq w eqcome w threenewfacuqtymembersintheJ academiceard y twointheareasofpastoraqcareandcounseqingandoneinethics:Thesenewfacuqty memberscomeattherecommendaDonofcommitteesho w compqetedtheirinternaDonaqsearchesin arch M andthenmadetheirrecommendaDonstoresident P avJ ier:A Viera: >Wearesopqeasedtoeqcome w rofessors P sther E coqatsed A ate K dttO andn uyHA eed L threesteqqar schoqarshose w ork w isinfluencingtheiracademicfieqdsdimpacDngtheqifeofthechurchdandengaging thosebeyondtheaqqs w ofthechurchandacademyd?saidViera:>Theirimpactisaqsohappeningon muqDpqeconDnentsandbringstoarrett G JEangeqicaq v adynamicgqobaqdiscoursethatiqq w enrichour teachingandqearningandtheayw ourstudentsarepreparedtoqeadinanincreasingqycompqexorqd:? w Reverend Dr. Esther Acolatseiqq w jointheseminaryasprofessorofpastoraq theoqogyandorqd w hrisD C anity:coqatse A joinsarrett G JEangeqicaq v from nox K oqqeged C UniversityofTorontoandiqq w bringexperDsetoheqpgrowthe seminaryfsnewchapqaincyandspirituaqformaDontrackithin w themasterof artsinpastoraqcareandcounseqingdegreeprogramdaseqq w asadvisestudents inthehDP program:coqatsefs A currentresearchfocusesonissuesaroundcare andcounseqingith w migrantfamiqiesandtheimpqicaDonsforintraFinterfaith diaqogueandspirituaqcareforreJmissioningthegqobaqchurch:n A accompqished riterd w shehastwoforthcomingpubqicaDonsd Re-Missioning in an Age of Migrant Angstand Holistic Theology for Modern Black/African Churches: Dr. Kate Ottiqq w serveastheerre J :L andary M oyJ Steadrofessor P ofhrisD C an Sociaqthics E anddirectoroftheSteadenter C forthics E andVaques:comes ttO totheseminaryfromrew D UniversityTheoqogicaqSchooqandiqq w provide qeadershiptotheenter C andtheethicsfieqdpon u thereDrementofqongJ standingfacuqtymemberdr: D rent B Waters:is ttO anexpertontheformaDon ofmoraqcommuniDesith w speciaqizaDonsintechnoqogydchiqdrenandouy thd sexaqity u dpedagogydprofessionaqethicsdandfeministethics:Sheiqq w teach acrossmasteranddoctoraqdegreeprograms:er H mostcurrentresearchiqq w be pubqishedqaterthisear y byerdmans E inthebook Sex, Tech, and Faith: Christian Ethics for a Digital Age: Reverend Dr. AHyun Leedadoctorofphiqosophyaqumnaofarrett G J angeqicaqd vE iqq w jointhefacuqtyasassistantprofessorofpastoraqtheoqogydcared andpsychotherapy:ee L comestoarrett G JEangeqicaq v fromWesqeySeminaryat ndiana I WesqeyanUniversityandiqq w bringexperDsetoheqpgrowourcqinicaq andcounseqingtrackithin w themasterofartsinpastoraqcareandcounseqing degreeprogramdaseqq w asadvisestudentsinthehDP program:eefs L research interestsincqudepsychotherapyandreqigiondintercuqturaqpastoraqcareand counseqingdtraumaandcrisiscounseqingdsian A andsian A merican A theoqogyd andpracDcaqFpastoraqtheoqogy:ee L hastwoforthcomingbooks Protestant Clergy Sexual Misconduct and Intercultural Pastoral Care - Invisible MaskPPaqgrave acmiqqanQ M and 나를 만나는 여행 (반디Q: Toreadmoreaboutournewfacuqtymembersdpqeaseisit v arrett G :eduFNews: AWARE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2022 17
REMEMBERING ROSEMARY RADFORD RUETHER, PIONEERING FEMINIST THEOLOGIAN AND PROFESSOR EMERITA r: D RosemaryRadfordRuetherdpioneeringfeminist theoqogianandeorgia G arkness H rofessor P ofppqied A TheoqogyPemeritaQatarrett G JEangeqicaq v Theoqogicaq SeminaryddiedonSaturdaydayM ddattheageofs: Knownasapioneeringfeministd CathoqictheoqogiandRuether chaqqengedthedominant patriarchaqparadigmfromthe ery v beginningofheracademic careerinrswhenshewrote andgaveherfirstmajoressayon sexismdDtqed>MaqeChauvinist Theoqogyandthenger A of Women:?Sheouw qdgoon towriterbooksffiincquding thesystemaDc Sexism and God-Talkinsand theecofeministprimer Gaia and Godinffiand hundredsofarDcqesandbookcontribuDonsdenough tofiqqeightpagesdsingqespaceddonherCV: >RosemaryRadfordRuetheras w abriqqiantdfiercedand compeqqingoice v foromend w thepoordtheearthdthe somanyothersthattheinsDtuDonaqchurchandthe theoqogicaqacademyintenDonaqqyandunintenDonaqqy soughttosiqenceordiminishd?saidavJ ierA:Vierad presidentofarrett G JEangeqicaq: v >Ifirstencountered herork w asaseminarianandhercriDqueofthe theoqogicaqsystemsthathadformedmyfaithand orqdv w iewrockedmyorqdd w inpartbecauseitcame fromapqaceofdeepfaithfuqnessandgenuinehope forrenewaq:er H presenceissDqqstrongqyfeqtat arrett G JEangeqicaqd v andherschoqarshipwiqqconDnue toinfluencewhoew are:? Ruetherjoinedthefacuqtyofarrett G JEangeqicaq v inrandas w instaqqedastheeorgia G arkness H professorofappqiedtheoqogyin:Sheas w thefirstoman w tohoqdanendowedchairinthe seminaryfsnowrsJyearhistory:Sheouw qdretain thispostunDqherreDrementin: AsaqongJstandingfacuqtymemberdRuethertaught thousandsofstudentsbothinthecqassroomand beyond:schoqar A acDvistwithexperDseinfeminist 18 AWARE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2022
theoqogyandreqigiondCathoqicismdecofeminist theoqogydpeacestudiesdhumanrightsdandmored Ruetheras w eqq w respectedandbeqovedbystudentsd membersoftheacademydand coJconspiratorsbothinthe UnitedStatesandthroughout theorqd: w n I ayM dRuetherreturned toarrett G JEangeqicaq v forthe firstDmeuponreDrement:er H qecturedheqdintheseminaryfs ChapeqoftheUnnamedaithfu F qd focusedonecofeminismand areJthinkingofodd G the environmentdandoursociety: tI as w afuqqcircqemomentd asRuetherhasqongbeencommittedtotheork w ofecojusDcebothintheoryandinpracDce:As afacuqtymembershechaqqengedtheseminaryfs administraDonwiththesimpqebutimpactfuqactof growingtomatoesinasmaqqpqotofqandoutsideof herofficewindow:mongst A anurbanandbustqing universitycampusqandscapedthetomatoesserved asaphysicaqremindertoreturntotheqandandto seekoutChrisDanthoughtandpracDcethatcanheqp overcomeandheaqtheecoqogicaqcrisis: cqassicist A bytrainingdRuetherstudiedreqigionand phiqosophyatScrippsoqqeged C earningherbacheqor ofartsins:tA theCqaremontradu G ateSchooqd sheearnedbothhermasterofartsinancienthistory inrandherdoctorofphiqosophyincqassicsand patrisDcsinr:Sheheqdninehonorarydegrees fromuniversiDesinaqqcornersoftheUnitedStates: orn B ovN emberdrdinSaintauP qdinnesotad M Ruetheras w raisedinWashingtond:CD :dandLaoqqad J Caqiforniadastheouy ngestofthreedaughtersofa Cathoqicmotherandanpiscopaqian E father:Ruetherfs fatherdiedwhensheas w dqeavinghertoberaised byhermotherandheraunt:n I dRuethermarried erman H :J RuetherdaprofessorinpoqiDcaqscienceand Asianstudies:Togetherdtheyraisedthreechiqdrend RebeccadavD iddandimi: M
ALUM NEWS David SharpePGTSrsQrecentqypubqishedaspirituaq autobiographyDtqedd Spirit Dawnings: A Spiritual Autobiography: Mary Lou Codman-WilsonPGJETSsandQ recentqypubqishedwithqex A PQinQZhouanewbookd Supracultural Gospel: Bridging East and West PWiqqiam Careyubqishing P Q: Chris WoodPGJETSsQiqq w conDnuetoserveas presidentofavD ishqkins E oqqege C inqkinsd E West Virginia:is H contractas w extendedafterananimou u s ote v bytheoqqegefs C oard B ofTrusteesecu xE evD ommitt C ee:Woodas w namedhED fsthpresidentin r: Courtney McHill PGJETSrQhasbeenseqectedas thenextexecueDv directoroftheandUMC Team LEAD onapartJDmebasis: James DeatonPGJETSQhasbeennamed communicaDonscontenteditorfortheichigan M onference C ofTheUnitedethodist M Church: Carmichael Crutchfield PGJETSQwith Denise JanssenPGJETSQrecentqypubqishedanewbookd Pressing Forward: Faith, Culture, and African American YouthPJudsonress P Q:
TiShaunda R. McPhersonPGJETSQas w named seniorvicepresidentandchiefdiversityofficerat NORCattheUniversityofChicago:n I thisroqed cPM hersonwiqqqeadNORCfseffortstobuiqdamore diversedraciaqqyequitabqedandincqusiveorkpqace: w Andrew WymerPGJETSrQas w coJeditorofthe recentqypubqishedbookd Unmasking White Preaching: Racial Hegemony, Resistance, and Possibilities in HomileticsPLexingtonooks B Q: Brooke N. PetersenPGJETSQhasanewbook Dtqedd Religious Trauma: Queer Stories in Estrangement and ReturnPLexingtonooks B Q: Christopher BakerPGJETSQhaspubqished Toward a Counternarrative Theology of Race and Whiteness: Studies of Philosophy of Race, Science Fiction Cinema, and Superhero StoriesPPaqgraveacmiqqan M Qdas partofaqgrav P eacmiqqanfs M RadicaqTheoqogiesand hiqosophies P series: Taurean WebbPGJETSQhasacceptedan appointmentatndiana I Universityqoomington B beginninginfaqq: Bryson WhitePGJETSQhasbeennamedassistant professorofqack B reqigionatSantaCqaraUniversity:
REMEMBERING TRAILBLAZING ALUMNA, DEBRA MAJEED octor D ofphiqosophyquA mnar: D ebra D ajeed M PGJETSQdwhoas w emeritus professorofphiqosophyandreqigiousstudiesateqoit B oqqege C ineqoitd B Wisconsindas w knownasamentortonewfacuqtyandstudentsandatraiqbqazerforotherstofoqqow: ajeed M as w thefirstfrican A merican A oman w andthefirstusqim M toreceivetenureat eqoit B oqqege: C ShepassedonSundaydarch M ddinCharqottedorth N Caroqinadue tocompqicaDonsfoqqowingsurgery: ajeed M as w apartofthefacuqtyateqoit B oqqege C forearsd y reDringin:She pubqishedwideqydmostnotabqyfurtheringapubqicunderstandingofsqam I throughher accqaimedrbookd Polygyny: What it Means When African American Muslim Women Share Their Husbands:n I dshereceivedtheUnderkoflerard wA forceqqence Ex inUndergraduateTeaching: Throughtheearsd y shehasbeenanauthordschoqardandadvocateformanycauses:n I addiDondshehasserved asaboardmemberatorganizaDonssuchasWisconsinaith F VoicesforusDJ ceandtheouJ rnaqofeminist F StudiesinReqigion:or F hernumerousachievementsandcontribuDonstotheacademydajeed M as w namedan utstanding O qack B quA mbytheenter C fortheChurchandtheqack B Experienceatarrett G JEangeqicaq v in: AWARE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2022 19
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary 2121 Sheridan Road Evanston, Illinois 60201
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