Aware Magazine: Fall 2010

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AWARE A quarterly publication of Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary


October 2010

Rueben P. Job Chair in Spiritual Formation


Annual Report

Pages 6-7

Contents • October 2010 Aware Magazine

Features 3 • Presidential Perspective: “Whom Shall I Send? ” 4 • Annual Report 2009-2010

6 • Rueben P. Job Chair in Spiritual Formation 8 • Gold Standard in Giving 9 • Carl Gladstone plans Abolitionist Hymnal 10 • Online Learning 11 • Congregations and K-12 Education 12 • New Trustees 14 • Faculty Publications Aware is published quarterly by the development office

14 • Alum News

for alums and friends of Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, a graduate school of theology on the campus of Northwestern University.

15 • In Memoriam 16 • Upcoming Events


2121 Sheridan Road Evanston, IL 60201


9 Carl Gladstone

Garrett-Evangelical is a seminary of The United Methodist Church that welcomes students from a wide range of faith traditions. Philip A. Amerson Betty Campbell David Heetland April McGlothin-Eller Shane Nichols Jim Noseworthy Rueben P. Job

Presidential Perspective

Whom Shall I Send? It was orientation week and new students filled our home to overflowing. Enthusiasm and laughter rattled the rafters of the house. Every nook and cranny found students in eager conversation. No one could remember a larger entering class. One hundred and twentytwo (122) new students were enrolling. After several attempts, Philip A. Amerson we were able to quiet them for a prayer. Then in a loud voice I began: “The Lord be with you.” The response roared back: “And also with you!” I opened my mouth to pray and nothing came out. Not a peep. The prayer I intended seemed stuck; words were caught somewhere deep in my chest. After several deep breaths, I found words, and the food was blessed. Perhaps the students noticed, perhaps not. I was overcome—with joy and gratitude for the potential they represented. I thought of Isaiah 6: “Whom shall I send and who will go for us?” All around me were remarkably talented future leaders responding to God’s call. They were answering, in a chorus of strong voices, “Here am I, Lord; send me!” It was a stirring moment. I knew only a few from this astonishing assortment of future pastors, teachers, counselors, chaplains and community workers. Students came from California to Washington, D.C., from Arizona to North Carolina. They had practiced law and interned in home congregations. They came with Ph.D.s in literature and master’s degrees in neuroscience. They were artists and musicians. They included newlyweds going into ministry together. I was rendered temporarily speechless by their commitments. Why so many preparing for ordained ministry? Is it the downturn in the economy? Not necessarily. Our enrollments were increasing before the recession. Something profound is happening. I have been watching and thinking about this generation of students for several years. I would argue for two more fundamental explanations for this increase: 1) the work of local

congregations and pastors and 2) the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. We at Garrett-Evangelical know there are “ministryencouraging congregations” of all sizes who year after year send us students. One such congregation is Emmanuel Community United Methodist Church in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. Pastor Carly Kuntz (G-ETS 1985) and the congregation are marvelous “ministry encouragers.” In the last decade, at least seven students have entered the ministry, and the church has set up a scholarship to aid in their education! I asked leaders from Emmanuel to tell me what they do to encourage persons. Here are a few items from the list they gave me: 1. We speak favorably about our past clergy, support our current pastor, and speak of the great privilege it is to be in ministry. 2. We encourage people to enter the world of ideas and learning. 3. We take seriously the task of encouraging persons to hear the call of God. 4. We provide opportunities for leadership growth in the congregation. 5. When someone has an idea for ministry, our first response is, “How can we help you?” 6. We act, as much as possible, like normal human beings to remove the separation, fear and mystique from the role of pastor or lay person. 7. We commit ourselves to mentoring candidates through the entire process and beyond. As to the work of the Holy Spirit, we are not able to predict or control this. What I can tell you is that we are living in a remarkable time, when God is moving in the hearts and minds of scores of persons. What I can tell you is that I can hear the roar of voices, sometimes far away and sometimes close at hand as they answer, “Here am I, Lord; send me!” What a great and grand joy to hear them. Sometimes I am so inspired that my knees buckle and I can find no words to speak. Pray for us. Support these who are called. Celebrate God’s goodness. Aware Magazine


The 2009-2010 Annual Report We offer our heartfelt thanks to the 1,621 alums, 1,394 friends, 86 churches, 43 trustees, 27 corporations, 25 estates, and 21 foundations who supported Garrett-Evangelical during these challenging times. As stewards of this support, we have moved the Honor Roll of Donors online - a significant savings in printing and paper costs. You can view the Honor Roll at The $5.8 million received in gifts enabled the seminary to: • educate more then 400 future church leaders; • send 75 graduates into the world as pastors, deacons, Christian educators, and chaplains; • enhance the library capacity by adding movable shelving; • provide scholarship assistance totaling $2.2 million to deserving students; • hire two new faculty members to teach Reformation Church History and Global Christianity and World Religions; • conclude the year with a balanced budget and add $3.4 million to the endowment; • surpass the $65 million mark in the seminary’s $100 million capital campaign. We are grateful for your support, and we invite you to help us again this year fulfill our mission of preparing bold Christian leaders for the church, the academy, and the world.

2009-2010 Revenues

Other 3% Endowment 36%

2009-2010 Expenditures

Auxiliary 13%

Institutional Support 34%

Buildings and Grounds Library 4% 3% Auxiliary 9%

Gifts and Grants 16%

Tuition and Fees 32%

4 Aware Magazine

Financial Aid 17%

Instruction 33%

Development Office Summary Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Gift Sources and Totals Alum support Current operations Capital gifts Total

(1,621 donors) $ 221,113 $ 263,467 $ 484,580

Corporate support Current operations Capital gifts Total

(27 donors) $ 23,150 $ 39,100 $ 62,250

Trustee support Current operations Capital gifts Total

(43 donors) $ 190,966 $ 110,812 $ 301,778

Church support Current operations Capital gifts Total

(86 donors) $1,502,232 $ 202,847 $1,705,079

Friend support Current operations Capital gifts Total

(1,394 donors) $ 296,171 $ 494,594 $ 790,765

Planned gift support Current operations Capital gifts Total

(25 donors) $ 23,414 $1,996,957 $2,020,371

Foundation support Current operations Capital gifts Total

(21 donors) $ 88,755 $ 325,197 $ 413,952

Grand Total Current operations Capital gifts Total

(3,217 donors) $2,345,801 $3,432,970 $5,778,771

Forging Our Future: Phase Three The $100 Million Endowment Campaign for Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary Update as of June 30, 2010 Campaign Component Unrestricted


Commitments to Date

Percent of Goal











Faculty support






Program support











(including facility renovation)

support Scholarship

Aware Magazine


Garrett-Evangelical Seeks to Endow the Rueben P. Job Chair in Spiritual Formation For four decades, Rueben P. Job (ETS 1957) has given tireless witness to the life of faith steeped in prayer and has lived harmoniously with the Gospels, demonstrating to the church and world what it means to stay in love with God. His faithfulness and fidelity to Christ have left their mark on countless clergy and laity.

the Spirit: Rueben Job, was presented at the event and can also be viewed on the seminary’s website: www. garrett/ruebenjob. In his remarks in Nashville, Rueben Job said, “It is my prayer that the chair in spiritual formation will result in clergy who are well-versed in the elements of spiritual formation and well-practiced in the disciplines of spiritual formation.”

In honor of Bishop Job’s deep commitment to spiritual leadership The disciplines of prayer, meditation, and the spirit-filled life, Garrettreflection, attentive listening, and Evangelical Theological Seminary is discernment have had an increasing seeking to endow the Rueben P. Job presence in personal and Christian Endowed Chair in Spiritual Formation. life during the past decade. There is Achieving the $2 million goal affirms increased attentiveness to the deep Garrett-Evangelical’s deep and abiding yearnings of the human spirit and commitment to nurture spiritual one’s relationship with the life-giving leaders by permanently securing a presence of God. The need to educate faculty position in spiritual formation. and train pastors to address these needs This faculty position will help ensure is inescapable. Bishop Job said in a that the church has leaders who are not presentation earlier this year, “I think we Bishop Rueben Job only intellectually prepared to serve cannot have congregations that know God and others, but who are spiritually how to pray unless we have pastors that formed in Christ so God can use them to make disciples know how to pray, and that’s the place where seminaries of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. come in. We cannot have congregations who live this holy life of prayer and action unless we have pastors Throughout his ministry, Bishop Job has been a who live it in their midst and are willing to pay the towering figure in spiritual formation. He is a consultant price for being a companion of Jesus every day in every in Christian spirituality, a spiritual retreat leader, experience of life.” spiritual guide and director, and author or co-author of more than twenty books, including Three Simple Rules. Garrett-Evangelical has long been at the forefront of Protestant seminaries in developing faculty and Bishop Job has served as a pastor and district curriculum in spiritual formation. Under the creative superintendent to congregations, an Air Force Chaplain, leadership of the academic dean and faculty, Garrettan executive in evangelism for the General Board of Evangelical proposed the curriculum structure for the Evangelism of the Evangelical United Brethren Church United Methodist certification in spiritual formation, and the General Boards of Evangelism and Discipleship which was formally adopted by the denomination in 2000. of The United Methodist Church. He served as the The seminary has adopted a specialized M.A. curriculum, World Editor of the Upper Room until he was elected the master of arts in spiritual formation and evangelism. bishop in 1984. In all settings, Bishop Job has demonstrated a Christian passion to be faithful, through a deep and As Garrett-Evangelical celebrates its first 25 years of abiding spiritual awareness of one called by God. leadership in spiritual formation studies, it is uniquely positioned to continue developing and enhancing The creation of the endowed chair was announced at a programs at the certificate, master’s, and doctoral levels. special event in May in Nashville, Tennessee. Hundreds In 2001, upon the retirement of Barbara Troxell, Dwight of individuals gathered to honor Bishop Job and his Judy became associate professor of spiritual formation spouse, Beverly, and to share in the excitement of the and director of the doctor of ministry and spiritual fundraising effort. A ten-minute video, A Life Lived in

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formation programs. In August 2008, Judy was named full-time faculty member in spiritual formation and in January 2009, a new program, the doctor of ministry degree in spiritual formation, began. In the new D.Min. program, students study the classical spiritual disciplines and their historical applications and consider how to give expression to these disciplines in their congregations and communities in diverse ways. They learn how to ground the spiritual disciplines in the mission of redemption, reconciliation and healing; how to use spiritual disciplines to strengthen leadership in the congregation; and how spiritual formation can influence issues of pastoral care, worship and administration. Bishop Bruce Ough (G-ETS 1978) stated, “Faithful and fruitful leadership in the 21st century is more dependant than ever on clergy leaders who balance technical

competency with the heart-desire to be formed in the image of Christ for the sake of the world. Rueben Job has embodied this balance throughout his life Beverly and Rueben Job and ministry. And Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary continues to champion the integration of spiritual formation and academic rigor. I rejoice that Garrett-Evangelical is establishing the Rueben Job Endowed Chair in Spiritual Formation. This is a fitting recognition of Bishop Job and a wise and essential investment in the next generations of spiritual leaders for the church and the world.”

How to Support the Rueben P. Job Chair in Spiritual Formation Nearly $300,000 has been secured in gifts and commitments toward the $2 million goal since the beginning of the fundraising effort in May. Securing the needed $2 million goal requires the generous support of many alums and friends. Outright gifts, pledges over a five-year period, and planned gift commitments are all welcome. Leadership gifts are especially needed to ensure the success of this endeavor. Garrett-Evangelical is seeking gifts in the following ranges: One of $400,000 = $400,000 Two of $200,000 = $400,000 Four of $100,000 = $400,000 Eight of $50,000 = $400,000 Twelve of $25,000 = $300,000 Many under $25,000 = $100,000 Total


Individuals making leadership gifts of $1,000 or more will receive a special gift – a commemorative collection of Bishop Job’s life stories. The book will be sent to donors in early 2011 and will not be available for purchase. According to Dr. James Beddow, Garrett-Evangelical trustee and chair of the campaign, “Gifts to the endowment are an excellent opportunity for those who have benefitted from Bishop Job’s spiritual witness and guidance to demonstrate their lasting appreciation.” It also is the chance for individuals to make a commitment to supporting what Dwight Judy, Garrett-Evangelical’s professor of spiritual formation, reports is a program “at the forefront of the renewal of spiritual formation ministries within the church.” To make your gift for the Rueben P. Job Chair in Spiritual Formation go to or send your gift to Development Office, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, 2121 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60201. Gift intention forms are available online at For more information or counsel regarding giving options contact David Heetland, vice president for development, 847-866-3970,

Aware Magazine


Gold Standard in Giving Garrett-Evangelical is pleased to announce the creation of a new giving club, Gold Standard Givers. The purpose of this club is to recognize and celebrate those who are providing philanthropic leadership at Garrett-Evangelical through their commitment to an annual fund gift, a campaign gift, and a planned gift. The dictionary defines “gold standard” as “the best, most reliable, or most prestigious thing of its type,” and this is an apt description of Gold Standard Givers at Garrett-Evangelical. They are the most dedicated givers, providing reliable support for the current budget year, the capital campaign, and the long-term future of the seminary. Harold J. Seymour, in his 1960’s classic book, Designs for Fund-Raising, describes how important each of these three types of giving (annual giving, capital campaign giving, and planned giving) is for the well being of an institution. “All three types of activity are much in order these days,” he writes, “and can be usefully complementary without being in the least competitive. In fact, any institution that does not have all three legs of this tripod in action simply has an incomplete program. For any one person can give annually, can make an occasional gift for some capital purpose, and can see that his interest in the institution keeps marching on into the future by making a bequest in his will” (pp.109-110). These are exciting times at Garrett-Evangelical as we welcome the largest entering class in decades, renovate Loder and Lesemann Halls, launch the MDiv Plus program, and inaugurate the Institute for Transformative Leaders and Communities. These are also challenging times as we seek to pay for these new initiatives, live within this year’s budget, and ensure the seminary’s future strength through our Forging Our Future: Phase Three capital campaign. Therefore, we encourage all our donors to become Gold Standard Givers this year. Help Garrett-Evangelical address these important issues—and fulfill its mission—by making an annual fund gift, a capital campaign gift, and a planned gift commitment. Those who make a gift to the annual fund and to the capital campaign between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011, and who make (or have already made) a planned gift commitment, will be listed in our Honor Roll of Leaders as charter members of Gold Standard Givers. If you want more information about how you can become a charter member of this giving club, contact David Heetland at 847.866.3970. We hope to include you among the gold standard of givers at Garrett-Evangelical!

Stay in Touch and Go Green! Communication through email is good for the seminary (it saves postage and paper costs in a time of economic challenge), good for the environment (it saves trees and fuel), and good for you (you receive communications faster and avoid paper clutter). Now there’s another way you can benefit from sharing your email address with us. The seminary will hold a drawing on December 13, 2010, for a $100 gift certificate at a Cokesbury or Barnes & Noble Bookstore. If you have already shared your email with us, thank you! You are automatically entered into this drawing. If you have not yet shared your email, simply go to and enter your email address before December 13, 2010, and you will be entered in the drawing. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Alum Carl Gladstone plans Abolitionist Hymnal Excerpted from the Michigan Area United Methodist Reporter, April 20, 2010, by RJ Walters, editor.

libraries. But the fun part is creating new melodies to make the songs accessible to contemporary listeners.

Slavery might seem like a term from a bygone era, but more than 27 million people worldwide are victims of modern-day human trafficking. The U.S. State Department estimates that 18,000-20,000 people are brought into the country each year for forced labor or prostitution.

Other than composing suitable tunes, Gladstone looks for songs that don’t require much alteration of the original text. “There are definitely choices to be made and some editing to do,” he said. “In some of the old [Northern] hymnals there is a lot of language about the South—stuff about ‘the devil is from Georgia’ and stuff like that. So I tried to work around some of that.”

Carl Thomas Gladstone (G-ETS 2004) hopes to inspire churches to take action In other cases he made changes to tie the against slavery by adapting songs from music to the current horrors of brothels the 19th-century freedom movement and child labor. Gladstone said his goal is for a new Abolitionist Hymnal. to engage faith communities and open up Gladstone, an ordained United discussion on how they can take part in Methodist deacon, is director of the dismantling slavery around the world. Young Leaders Initiative in the Detroit Conference. In his spare time, he mixes Carl Thomas Gladstone He raised more than $3,000 for the his skill as a musician with a desire to project through his website, reclaim old songs and find new meaning in them. and (a site that helps artists raise money from supporters). This summer he will offer downloads He admits that he was ignorant of modern slavery of acoustic versions of the songs, and plans to release a before reading the book Not For Sale by University CD and bound hymnal later in the year. of San Francisco ethics professor David Batstone. In 2007, Batstone launched the Not For Sale campaign to Gladstone has teamed up with members of a local raise awareness in the U.S. and fight trafficking in other countries. “In the book he does an amazing job of laying Michigan band, “The Hook,” to record the first versions of these songs. He is also looking to partner with the out the three main ways that people are still enslaved choir at a United Methodist-affiliated camp in northern today,” Gladstone said. Michigan to record one song, and has friends who play everything from “electronica to a more hippie kind Gladstone found a way to help when he visited the of rock” who he hopes will pitch in and join him on a National Underground Railroad Center, a museum in concert tour of churches. Cincinnati, Ohio. Standing on the northern bank of a recreated river, he learned from a tour guide that a Gladstone has read stories of Kru Nam, a thriving artist phrase in the spiritual, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot —“A and modern-day abolitionist in Thailand who rescues band of angels coming after me, coming for to carry me orphans from brothels, saving them through her own home”—referred to abolitionists. courage and determination. As soon as people reached the other side of the river, “While I might not be doing that, I can help raise “a ‘band of angels’ would come and take them to a safe house,” said Gladstone. Hearing that story, he recalls, “it awareness in Christian congregations like it happened in the 19th century,” he said. “We need to reclaim our all became very real” to him. So real that he kicked off the Abolitionist Hymnal project. He said it has been easy identity as abolitionists and, if this is a helpful tool in doing that, I’m eager to do it.” to find abolitionist hymns, thanks to a lot of online text

Aware Magazine


Garrett-Evangelical Offers New Opportunities for Online Learning Garrett-Evangelical is embracing the opportunity to make online learning available through new technology while at the same time thinking critically about the challenges online learning creates for theological education. Within higher education and Christian circles there are both believers and skeptics of online learning. When an institution sits at the center of those two circles the questions seem to be magnified. Can the seminary offer a quality theological education in a online learning format? Can bold leaders for the church, the academy and the world who learn via any distance learning model still engage in quality ministry? What is the return investment for the necessary hardware, software, and training? How will the seminary work with the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, the Association of Theological Schools (ATS), and the United Methodist Church to make sure these courses meet accreditation standards? Will professors who have taught at a lectern their entire career embrace a monitor? Ultimately, how does an online learning model fit into the mission and strategic plan of the seminary?

Online Learning Courses in 2011 January 2011 •

Theology of Evangelism, Mark Teasdale, Ph.D., E. Stanley Jones Assistant Professor of Evangelism. Intensive, main course over 2 weeks. Online.

Spring 2011 • • • •

Church and Society, Philip Amerson, Ph.D., Seminary President, Professor, Sociology of Religion. Online. History of Christian Thought and Practice I, Jim Papandrea, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Church History. Online. History of Christian Thought and Practice II, Anna Johnson, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor, Church History. Online. Spiritual Disciplines for Personal and Parish Renewal, Dwight Judy, Ph.D., Professor, Spiritual Formation. Online, 2 Fridays on campus.

Summer 2011 •

Introduction to New Testament, Beth Sheppard, Ph.D., Director of Library, Biblical Studies. Online.

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Over the past four years the Garrett-Evangelical community has been involved in a series of intentional discussions about distance learning, particularly providing online classes for our degree programs. Theological education is undergoing a profound transition in utilizing the tools of technology to enhance both classroom and distance education for a changing student population. Many are interested in pursuing master’s degree work and intend to become resident students at some point, but would like to take one or two courses in preparation. Others are interested in United Methodist certificate programs, but are employed full time or have family obligations that prevent moving to a new location. Each year the admissions office receives more inquiries about distance education. Two United Methodist seminaries have begun hybrid programs combining online and residency education. ATS has been working with Garrett-Evangelical and other schools to ensure that courses offered online or in a hybrid form meet the rigorous standards of theological education. ATS will likely revise its standards in the near future to provide more guidelines for online teaching and learning. Lallene Rector, academic dean, explains the seminary’s studied response to these changes. “Garrett-Evangelical has been very deliberate in its consideration of distance learning technologies - in fact some might even say we’ve moved too slowly. We have proceeded carefully with faculty discussion, consultation with experts in theological education, and our own limited experimentation with simulcast formats and hybrid design. Our faculty is to be highly commended both for its willingness to experiment and also for its care and appropriate caution. We are very excited to be proceeding with these new pedagogies! At the same time, we will continue to assess the effectiveness of these teaching models, as well as keeping an eye on the broader landscape of theological education.” Daniel Aleshire, ATS executive director, recently confirmed the need for distance learning in theological institutions at an ATS meeting. “Theological schools need to embrace the full range of educational opportunities that technology makes possible. Information technology is changing higher education and scholarly work. While online resources for theological education are less abundant than they

are for medical or legal education, these resources are increasing. As the literature that theological study requires becomes more available digitally and pedagogical capacity of online courses increases, technology can help theological schools meet many of the needs that the current residential model of education leaves wanting. All educational strategies function in service to educational goals, and technology might advance the effectiveness of theological study, not retard it.”

Enrichment Student program to take courses to consider seminary education. Our core faculty, who will be certified to teach online through the University of Wisconsin’s professional certificate in online teaching over the next two years, will teach these courses. This year, over half of our faculty will participate in this program. The University of Wisconsin is a leader in online education training. This certificate offers a foundation of key principles and best practices in online teaching.

In recent semesters, Garrett-Evangelical has offered several courses that meet primarily online with some face-to-face contact. The various formats seek to provide the best theological education experience to both traditional and non-traditional students. Given all the changes, possibilities, and transitions, GarrettEvangelical has made the commitment to offer 12 online courses on a rotation basis for three years, including some courses that combine online and on campus weekends. These courses are required courses in our master’s degree programs and in the basic graduate theological studies certificate program.

In addition to degree and certificate programs is the opportunity to develop continuing education for clergy, lay, and congregations through ongoing faculty seminars, courses, and conferences. Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary will continue to explore distance education within our strong commitment to using technology with integrity to enhance the quality of education with all our constituencies.

These courses will also provide an opportunity for persons exploring seminary education as part of our

For more information, contact, Pam Holliman, Ph.D., distance learning director, associate professor, pastoral theology and pastoral psychotherapy, or Becky Eberhart, director of admissions,

Congregations and K-12 Education: Little Known Gifts of the Church For many years, we at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary have been thinking about ways we might encourage congregations to support elementary and high school level education, whether public or private. There is a great potential within the connectional system of The United Methodist Church to develop a system of support for congregations who are involved in ministries of public or private education. From facilities that are strategically located to potential internships through our colleges, universities, and seminaries; we have enormous, untapped capacity. On Thursday, April 7, 2011, Garrett-Evangelical is sponsoring a consultation for congregations who have significant educational ministries in their communities. The event will be held at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. The purpose of this event is to bring together leaders of United Methodist congregations who are involved in K-12 education to: • learn about present ministries in public and private schools; • strategize regarding new partnerships in underserved communities; • strategize regarding internships for students through our colleges, universities, and seminaries; and • develop a network of support for congregations who are involved in educational ministries in public and private schools. Registration information will be available at starting December 1, 2010. For more information contact Mary Ann Moman, senior advancement specialist and director of the course of study, at

Aware Magazine


Seminary Welcomes Four New Trustess Garrett-Evangelical announces the addition of four new members to its board of trustees: Gregory J. Eaton; David Lagos-Fonseca; Ann Littleton; and Alice M. Spitzer. Gregory J. Eaton graduated from Indiana University, with degrees in science (1988) and administration and counseling (1992). Eaton then journeyed to Evanston to study at GarrettEvangelical Theological Seminary, receiving a master of divinity degree in June 1998. While in seminary he was appointed as associate pastor at First United Methodist Church, the Chicago Temple. Eaton’s leadership at the Temple included developing a large, urban early adulthood group ministry, leading educational trips to two different continents, planning and implementing successful stewardship campaigns, and coordinating fundraising efforts. After leaving the Temple, Eaton served as pastor for First United Methodist Church of Sycamore, Illinois. There he initiated educational courses on theology, ethics, and vocation, as well as provided oversight on planned giving and endowment campaigns. Eaton also served as chairperson for the finance committee of the Northern Illinois Annual Conference, where he was responsible for oversight of an eight million dollar operating budget. In 2002, Eaton was appointed pastor to First United Methodist Church of Des Plaines, Illinois. In addition to the usual pastoral ministry, he led classes on conflict management, personal development, and church growth strategies for a congregation in crisis. Eaton also led his district in a year-long course focused on theology and spiritual development. Eaton currently serves as chief operation officer and owner of The Meeting Group, Exceptional Specialty Promotions, and Trade-Winds Management Group,

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Hawaii. He is also executive director of the Arbor Falls Foundation, where he leads the organization in its mission and focus, which is to provide higher education scholarships and mentor relationships to qualified, financially-in-need college students. He is appointed to the foundation as an extension ministry of The United Methodist Church. David Lagos-Fonseca was born in Temuco, Chile in 1963. Lagos-Fonseca graduated from the Pontiphical Catholic University of Chile. He received his master of divinity degree at GarrettEvangelical Theological Seminary in 2000. Lagos-Fonseca worked many years as a professor of sciences of the sea at Arturo Prat University (Iquique, Chile). He also worked at the Iquique English College as the head of the English department. Lagos-Fonseca has a Christian education certification from the Methodist Church of Chile. Lagos-Fonseca takes an active stance in addressing the social, economic, and political issues that oppress and diminish peoples’ dignity and worth. He is passionate about advancing theological education at every level within the local church and in the Northern Illinois Conference. Lagos-Fonseca’s spiritual and theological inspiration comes from the writings of John Wesley, Martin Luther King Jr., Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jürgen Moltmann, Hans Kung, John Hick, Gerhard Lohfink, Elaine Pagels, Thomas Moore, Karen Armstrong, Gustavo Gutierrez, and Martin Buber, among many others. Currently, Lagos-Fonseca is serving the Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist Church through the Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns and the Task Force on Immigration. He is the chair of the Latino Ministry Center Advisory Board. He is a member of the Harvest 2020 Conference Leadership Team and of the Hispanic Consultation for

Evangelical. Lagos-Fonseca also serves the Board of Ordained Ministry by being a mentor to two candidates for ordination. He is currently serving the Cary (Illinois) United Methodist Church as a co-pastor along with his wife, Shirley Pulgar-Hughes. Lagos-Fonseca has also served Lincoln (Illinois) United Methodist Church, Chicago Lawn United Methodist Church, and Wilmington (Illinois) United Methodist Church. Ann Littleton was born in Auburn, Indiana, in 1948. Littleton attended Michigan State University and obtained a B.A. in Social Work. After graduate studies at the University of Michigan, she entered law school and acquired a J.D. degree, cum laude, in 1983 from Thomas Cooley Law School. During law school, she received the American Jurisprudence Award in Constitutional Law. Upon graduation from law school, Littleton was hired by Thomas Cooley Law School as an attorney for the Sixty Plus Law Center. In 1985, she began a private practice in estate planning and at the same time began working for the Vandervoort Foundation and continued with this practice for twenty years. In 2004, she closed her law practice in Lansing and moved back to Birmingham, Michigan. She continues to serve on the board of directors for her family’s business, American Plastic Toys, Inc. In 1999, she rejoined First United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Michigan, and continues as a member today. She has served as chair of the endowment board, chair of the seminary relations committee and is currently co-chair of the mission ministry committee, in addition to being a delegate to the Detroit Annual Conference and Volunteers in Mission (VIM) leader for Costa Rica. Littleton has supported and made numerous visits to the Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary in Tallinn, Estonia, and the Methodist Seminary in San Jose, Costa Rica.

Volunteer in Mission work has been Littleton’s passion since 2000. She has completed 19 mission trips to Costa Rica, Estonia, Chile, and Cuba. Alice M. Spitzer was born on the island of Aruba on May 8, 1939. She graduated from Florida State in Tallahassee, where she met her future husband Kyle, also a student there. During and after college, the Spitzers began attending United Methodist churches in Tallahassee and in Austin, Texas. They joined First United Methodist Church in Peoria in June 1968, and have belonged there except for four years when they lived in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Spitzer has been a member of United Methodist Women for forty years and served a total of five years as president. She is currently the membership, nurture, and outreach chairperson for her unit. Spitzer has served on the mission committee at First United Methodist Church for many years and chaired the committee for at least two years. In 1994, she organized a Volunteer in Mission (VIM) trip to Alaska, where they had a team of twenty working at Birchwood Camp near Anchorage. In 1997, she went to Estonia to investigate a new worship space for their connecting congregation and to see the beginning phase of the Baltic Theological Seminary. Spitzer continues to support a scholarship at the Baltic Seminary. Spitzer continues to be involved in missions and outreach in her local church and community. About five years ago, Spitzer and her husband chaired a Habitat House that was built by churches in the Peoria District. Their church will build their 12th home this year. She also participates as an Irving Buddy, supporting inner city school children. Spitzer currently serves on the local board of Friends of People with AIDS. She also supports an outreach pantry for those affected with HIV and AIDS. Aware Magazine


Faculty Publications Gennifer Brooks, the Ernest and Bernice Styberg associate professor of preaching, has published Good News Preaching: Offering the Gospel in Every Sermon. Throughout the book, Brooks discusses how to weave sermons that convey the love and grace of God while relating to the congregants. “Sometimes the good news that is offered is shallow and lacks theological depth,” Brooks writes, “and too often it does not relate in a significant and concrete way to the everyday lives of the congregation.” Ronald J. Allen, from Christian Theological Seminary says, “[Brooks] knows the struggle that Christian life can be. This book is no pablum, but rather looks these fierce realities in the eye, and yet it is Gennifer Brooks bold enough to assert that when reality has done its worst, the good news from God is still at work.” The book is published by The Pilgrim Press and is available at Brent Waters, the Jerre and Mary Joy Stead professor of Christian social ethics, has published This Mortal Flesh: Incarnation and Bioethics. Waters leads his readers through a spectrum of bioethical issues. He examines each in light of “what it means to take mortal and finite bodies seriously, since they have been affirmed, vindicated, and redeemed by God in Christ, the Word made flesh, particularly in light of current attempts to overcome the limits of finitude and mortality.” He focuses especially on biotechnology, reproductive technology, human genetics, embryonic stem cell research, and regenerative medicine. The book is published by Brazos Press and is available at

Brent Waters Douglas Wingeier, formerly professor of practical theology, dean of summer school, and director of field education at Garrett-Evangelical, has published a new book, Marks of Mission: A Life Transformed by Fifty Years in Mission. In this book, he draws on his lifelong involvement in cross-cultural mission in order to develop an approach to mission that is biblical, progressive, and tested by experience. Wingeier seeks to develop a comprehensive view of Christianity that is both personal and social by comparing the mission theology and approach of his grandparents in Java to his own in Singapore, Samoa, and elsewhere and that of his son in Latin America. Each of 21 chapters begins with stories from Wingeier’s mission experience, followed by a biblical reflection, and concludes with questions for thought and discussion as well as a prayer evoking a meditative response. Bishop Wayne Clymer comments that, “The author’s engagement in a multiplicity of mission throughout the world enlarges the reader’s appreciation of the depth and breadth of God’s Mission.” The book is published by Wind Eagle Press in Atlanta and is available at or

Alum News Earl Lindsay, GBI 1958, West Allis, WI, has written a book, One Incredible Journey: a Clergy Person’s Calling, published by AuthorHouse. Through this autobiographical account, Lindsay shows how a clergy person develops through his or her journey into the pastorate. Bishop William B. Lewis (Dakota area, ret.) says Lindsay, “shares valuable insights into the meaning of ‘calling’ for the ministry while celebrating the joy and fulfillment of pastoral ministry as he experienced it.” Heidi Schlumpf, G-ETS 2000, Chicago, IL, has written a book, While We Wait: Spiritual and Practical Advice for

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Those Trying to Adopt, published by ACTA Publications last September. She and her husband, Edmund, adopted their son, Samuel, from Vietnam in 2008 and just returned from China in March with their daughter, Sophia. Heidi is associate professor of communication at Aurora University in Aurora, Illinois, where she also teaches some religion classes. Jennifer Hill, G-ETS 2002, Norfolk, VA, has been deployed for service aboard the USS Gonzalez. This will be her second deployment in a year.

In Memoriam Our Christian sympathy is extended to the family and friends of the following who have died in Christ. 1940s Henry Marvin Bower, ETS 1942, LeRoy, KS, died on May 30, 2010. He is survived by his two daughters, Julia and Marcie.

Norman Neumann, ETS 1950, Lake Elmo, MN died on July 15, 2010. Louis Bloede, ETS 1953, Denver, CO, died on June 20, 2010. He is survived by his wife, Mary Lou.

Stanley Andrews, GBI 1946, Boise, ID, died on December 26, 2009. He is survived by his wife, Patsy.

Arthur W. Vieth, ETS, 1953, Beaver Dam, WI, died on August 11, 2010. He is survived by his wife, Lorraine.

Jessie Hugh Roberts, GBI 1947, Kansas City, MO, died on May 30, 2010. He is survived by his daughter, Elizabeth.

Doris Hoover, GBI 1954, Tyrone, PA, died on January 1, 2010.

Wayne B. Price, GBI 1948, Warren, PA, died on July 13, 2010. He is survived by his three children, Lillaine, Wayne, and Lucinda.

1950s Howard B. Johnson, GBI 1950, Minneapolis, MN, died on July 28, 2010. He is survived by his wife, Katherine.

Peter Weaver, GBI 1954, Naples, NY, died on April 10, 2010. He is survived by his wife, Beverly, and his two children. Donald Duggleby, GBI 1955, Monticello, IN, died on August 11, 2010. He is survived by his wife, Ruth.

1960s Robert Quinlan, GTS 1962, Wichita, KS, died on June 9, 2010. He is survived by his daughter, Janet.

1980s Kenneth Lane Whyte, G-ETS 1983, Detroit, MI, died on May 8, 2010. He is survived by his wife, Blanche. Annamary DeWitt, G-ETS 1987, Dexter, MI, died on August 14, 2010. She is survived by her husband, Bishop Jesse DeWitt. Billy Joe Shaw, G-ETS 1989, Schaumberg, IL, died on July 9, 2010. He is survived by his wife, Nguyen.

1990s Lloyd H. Miller, G-ETS 1990, Valparaiso, IN, died on May 18, 2010. He is survived by his wife, Margie. Faculty Austin Lovelace, died on April 25, 2010. He was a former lecturer in church music and chapel organist at Garrett-Evangelical in the 1950s and early 1960s. He is survived by his wife and daughter.

In Memoriam: Louis Bloede, ETS Faculty Louis Bloede, a graduate of North Central College and Evangelical Theological Seminary in Naperville and a member of the ETS faculty, passed away on June 20, 2010, due to complications of Parkinson’s Disease. In addition to receiving a bachelor of divinity degree in 1953 from ETS, he also received a Ph.D. from Boston University. He was a clergy member of the Wisconsin Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. During his career, Bloede served congregations in Wisconsin and Massachusetts. He taught preaching and worship at Evangelical Theological Seminary from 1965 to 1974 and then moved to Iliff School of Theology in Denver where he taught for 21 years.

Louis Bloede

As a professor, Bloede taught seminarians not only theology, but also church management; supervised the field education program in both Naperville and Denver; and conducted workshops about conflict resolution in congregations. He admonished students to place an emphasis on the grace of God in their preaching. He was a gracious and kindly mentor who found great satisfaction in investing himself in his students and their future ministries. After retirement from Iliff, he continued his ministry by doing visitations at University Park United Methodist Church in Denver. He wrote two books about ministering to a local congregation. Bloede is survived by his wife, Mary Lou, and two sons, Kirk and Paul.

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Upcoming Events Wednesday, October 20, 4:00 p.m. Covenant Discipleship: Missional Leader Formation Lecture by Dr. Steven W. Manskar, director of wesleyan leadership for the General Board of Discipleship, will explore how covenant discipleship groups form leaders who help the congregation to participate in God’s mission in the world. Wednesday, October 20, 7:00 p.m. Ph.D. Exploration Event: With a rich history of scholarship and a strong reputation for outstanding teaching, GarrettEvangelical is committed to excellence throughout its Ph.D. program. Want to learn more? Join us for the Ph.D. Exploration Event.

Sunday-Monday, November 28-29, Sheil Catholic Center Project Interfaith on Theology and Philosophy Featuring Drs. Burrell, Bachir, and Seeskin, this two-day conference will explore theology and philosphy though an interfaith lense. For more information contact Dr. Ken Vaux, director of Project Interfaith, at 847.866.3887 or by email at

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