GOING TO GARRETT: Academic Affairs
Summer Reading for Orientation In preparation for Orientation, we are asking each student to read the book, Whistling Vivaldi, by Claude M. Steele. To help guide you in your reading, our Vice President of Academic Affairs and Academic Dean, Dr. Luis Rivera, has shared some insights and questions in his welcoming letter. We look forward to discussing this book with you at orientation and beyond. Letter to the Incoming Class of 2014 from Dean Rivera
Additional Academic Affairs Information Each student is required to complete an online tutorial on Recognizing Plagiarism. Please go to the link below and follow the instructions. Once you complete it, print and sign the Certificate of Completion and bring it to orientation, or send a PDF of it to registrar@garrett.edu. Required Online Tutorial on Recognizing Plagiarism For general information about Academic Affairs, the Writing Center, proof readers, and faculty office hours, please click here.
Questions? We have created a "Going to Garrett" webpage to help! For information on Orientation dates, etc, please go to: http://www.garrett.edu/going-to-garrett. We will continue to update this page throughout the
summer. To reach the Office of Admissions, call 847-866-3945 or email at getadmitted@garrett.edu.
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