mug decorated
mug decorated with paint Glass Deco(keramik mit dem logo) He had long had a paint Glass for nonpermeable surfaces that had sent me Plotteralia and despite the fact that it was clear what he needed to utilize it, had not required some investment. Make the stride by step process. 1. Material 2. Mug 2. Cut the layout and peel vinyl For this situation I utilized Vintex blue vinyl glue since I needed to take positive for decorating, passing a container. 3. Making the abundance vinyl to decorate the container Furthermore, here nothing is discarded, when I make a format vinyl re used generally left finished for something unique and for this situation as were entire pieces has been really simple. You should first clean the surface with a material and some liquor to vinyl to follow appropriately.
4. Place the layout in the mug When we have the rundown layout, the stick over the bowl utilizing a transport. Layout stick to transport
mug cleaned with liquor to expel earth and oil and encouraging the vinyl and the paint will follow. We follow the vinyl as straight as we can and taking consideration to leave no air pocket or wrinkle on the edges of our plan with the goal that the paint can not be thrown by them(werbebecher). Expel the bearer. 5.Pintar Impressions of painting is a work of art that resembles glass and after use'd say the most correct definition is " dissolved confection ." Before utilize you need to evacuate the brush and see that it has a fluid surface, for example, hot liquefy even sweet. So when we paint must be mindful so as not to squirt out of the workforce, but rather really cleans effortlessly while new. The benefit of this liquidity, notwithstanding, is that if our outline isn't enormous and can put the work surface on a level plane, paint has a tendency to be appropriated uniformly and gives idealize scope.
For this situation, as he needed to leave the mug in vertical, painting tended to trickle down however not a major issue as it is anything but difficult to clean non permeable surfaces. As should be obvious, isn't a but instead misty paint translucent , nonetheless, to complete the process of drying and expel you will watch that looks impeccably layout. Additionally I need to remark that the second time I utilized it appeared to be more dark than the main . So you need to mix it a long time before you begin painting. What time pull back the layout?
With the paint still wet? NO . The primary I evacuate the external piece of the layout mug 30 minutes having painted, roughly, and in spite of the fact that it worked out superbly, any slip causes a calamity and it is difficult to expel the interior parts of the format without running the paint(tassen bedrucken). With the normal paint dry? NO . As I stated, this artistic creation works like confection and while drying medium is unpleasantly sticky, with the goal that while evacuating the format will extend and recolor around the plan, and we can take a bit of painting. That is the end result for me with espresso thus my plan isn't perfect. With the paint dry totally? Truly. This is the best alternative. We'll need to give paint a chance to dry overnight and when we see that it is not any more sticky anything can securely evacuate the format. Along these lines the artistic creation will be in place and get a spotless plan. That is the thing that I did with this container of catches and the outcome is faultless. Last score
As I said some time recently, the outcome was not perfect but rather in all actuality I cherish painting. It has a solidified impact that gives much effortlessness as the outcome isn't uniform if not water.