Queen Mary School Magazine 2014

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Incredible ndia...... It’s agony and ecstasy.

Queen Marian 2014-2015

Proud to be a Queen Marian...


Queen Mary School Staff of 2014

The Teaching Staff

The Office Staff


The Service Staff

Queen Marian 2014-2015

Queen Marian New Series

Volume 10


Ms. G. Mathias (Editor) Ms. J. Manickam (Co-ordinator)

Mrs. D. Kujur (Asst. Editor) Sectional Editors

Mrs. P. Babu (Sec.)

Mrs. N. Nanavaty (Pri.)

Ms. S. Chinikamwala (Pre-Pri)

Mrs. M. Bhargava (Hindi)

Mrs. M. Machado (Marathi)

Ms. N. S. Rekha (Technical Assistance) Seelan Jobu Kumar (Photographer)

Shane D. Albuquerque (Photographer)

Queen Mary School Queen Marian 2014-2015

mumbai 400 004


QMS Magazine Club Members

Rusha Maiti

Nandini Dholakia Kavya Shah

Aanshi Radia

Simran Shah

Arya Pednekar

Rajvi Choksi

Mudita Adaniya

Avanti Bhandarkar

Khushi Khandelwal

Ishika Jain

Ishah Taimni

Idika Verma

Disha Ghosalkar

Lokita Verma

Trisha Patel

Zinatra D’souza

Cover Design by Mrs. S. Datye


Queen Marian 2014-2015

Contents Chairman’s Message........................................................................... 5 From the Principal’s Desk................................................................... 7 Principal’s diary.................................................................................. 8 The Newsmakers.............................................................................. 22 In Memoriam.................................................................................... 25 Report Section C.M.E.F. Trust Pre-Primary Department............................................ 28 Primary & Secondary Department.................................................... 37 English Section Poetry............................................................................................... 74 Essays & Articles............................................................................... 83

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Queen Marian 2014-2015


Kaleidoscope of Events (2014)


Queen Marian 2014-2015

Chairman’s Message

Chairman’s Message

One of the problems with our education system is that everyone thinks that she or he has the authority to speak on it. It is true that every parent is the first teacher that a child learns from. It is a common belief that good education is that which helps to build good character and personality of a child. For Vivekananda, education is a process of “life building, man and woman making and character building”. Today secularism is spreading widely as a global phenomenon in all societies. So far, it concerned mainly the Western society. As secularism spreads, religious and spiritual values are pushed to the side lines. Pursuit of knowledge in this competitive world today has become the pursuit of self, power and status. In this pragmatic world, we seem to be losing sight of character building. This has a direct bearing on our country’s social ethos and value system where corruption has become the order of the day at all levels of public life. It is obvious that our education system has failed to promote and meet spiritual needs. It has failed to mould the character of young people on moral and spiritual values and develop a balanced, well rounded and humane personality. Loss of character is the loss of the most precious jewel in a person’s life. John Wooden puts it aptly and says, “Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.” The general environment in our society is corrupted. Therefore, it is no more possible to instill a good character among the young by the school alone. The effort of the school, in this regard, has to be complemented by the efforts of parents, officials, political leaders and by our society itself.

Queen Marian 2014-2015

Dr. M. D. David Chairman, Queen Mary School Committee


Some Defining Moments........... Highlights of the Events conducted by the Pre-Primary Department


Queen Marian 2014-2015

From The Principal’s Desk

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, Only as far as I seek can I go, Only as deep as I look can I see, Only as much as I dream can I be”

In Queen Mary School we teach our students to aim for great goals and reach higher, we teach them to reach out far and seek further, we teach our students to introspect and look deeper. In Queen Mary School we teach them to dream and reach out for those dreams. We transform dreams into reality, thoughts into ideas and ideas into action. That is the magic of Queen Mary School.

Every year in Queen Mary School we see a vision come alive, touch our lives and transform it in such a way that we are never the same. The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. Sydney J. Harris

In Queen Mary School we do just that .We turn mirrors into windows; windows through which the soul sees the world, feels the impact and flies with courage to shape the world of their dreams transforming the world and life itself.

The Queen Marian is a joyful journey of life in Queen Mary School . It is a medium by which we share our joys and our tears, our challenges and our vision, our dreams and our achievements, our happiness and our world with you. This year the vision of Queen Mary School was Incredible India - Its Agony and Ecstasy and our activities have centered around our great country in all her angst and her glory. In this process we have not only learned to perceive her with new respect but also take responsibility for all the shame and degradation she has to endure due to our silence ,our fear and our lacunae. It has been a year filled with sorrow and joy, triumph and defeat, a year filled with lessons life has taught us . It has been a year where life and the human spirit has faced obstacles and emerged victorious. We look ahead with renewed hope and new life to another wonderful period of imbibing both knowledge and values and acquiring holistic education that will make us better human beings.

Queen Marian 2014-2015





The Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Eleanor Roosevelt In Queen Mary School, we teach our students to believe in themselves and in the beauty of their dreams; to believe that with God overhead and the spirit ,belief and passion in their hearts, nothing is impossible. The Principal’s Diary and the reports record the journey of Queen Marians in the academic year 2014. Keeping with the theme of the academic year, 'Incredible India', many of the school activities were centered around the theme sketching a moving picture of the nation as seen on the cover page of our magazine. The diverse activities focused on the highs and lows, the ups and downs, the painful and the blissful moments our country has experienced from time to time, fearlessly withstanding the challenges that keep surfacing, reminding its countrymen to awaken, uphold their dignity, strive for excellence and take pride in their rich cultural heritage.

Winners of the COLOURING COMPETITION organised by SIP INDIA, with Ms G Mathias (C) and Ms Datye (L) along with Ms Preeti Rajagopal (Co-ordinator-AMAL, SABG at QMS).


Queen Marian 2014-2015

January 24th, 2014 A Colourful Bouquet of talent and creativity organized by QMS

Queen Marian 2014-2015


26th January- Republic Day.

The chief guests - Mr. and Mrs. Dodia

31st JanuaryFarewell Party

The winner of the Miss QMS title (C) Khushali Dodia, the runnersup (R) Ushmi Jhaveri and (L) Tanvi Khandwalla.

31st January- Investiture Ceremony

The Chief Guest for the day: Ms. Annabelle Rodrigues (Former Queen marian) with our Principal, Vice-Principals and Junior section supervisor

The Passing of Torch. Head Girl and Games Captain 2013 handing over the torch to the (R) Head Girl and Games Captain 2014

15th February- Annual Fun Fair


Queen Marian 2014-2015

21st February - Annual exhibition

Class 1B winner (Primary Section)

Class 4B winner (Primary Section)

4th June 2014 – Staff Orientation Programme

Dr. David speaking at the Staff orientation programme

19th June Immaculata

QMS winners with Principal (C) Ms. Mathias and the teachers who accompanied them to ‘Immaculata’ an annual event organised by St. Mary’s School

Queen Marian 2014-2015


27th June Prize Distribution

The Chief guest: Dr. Ajay Chaurasia addressing the audience (seated (L-R) Mrs. Irani (Supervisor of Primary Dept), Ms. Mathias (Principal) and Mrs. Chaurasia (Guest of Honour)

School topper (ICSE) - Medha Shah

Felicitation of the members of EuMind (Europe Meets India) on 27th June

27th JuneInterhouse Debate Competiton Judges: Mr. Anil Bhatia and Mrs. Nikhat Azam The winners: Cavell House. The participants seated (from L to R): Pushtii Parikh, PalakSheth, GauraviShantaram and Anoushka Jaipuria


Queen Marian 2014-2015

The Best Speaker - Anoushka Jaipuria (Cavell House)

The Best Debater - Harshita Patil (Nightingale House)

July 4th - Interhouse Choir Competition Judges: Rev. Sumitra and Mr. Vincent Soans

The winners: Darling House (Junior Category)

The winners: Cavell House (Senior Category)

Queen Marian 2014-2015


The winner of the ‘Best Conductor’ award (Juniors) Anoushka Jaipuria

The winner of the ‘Best Conductor’ award (Seniors) Gauravi Shantaram.

11th JulyInterhouse Quiz Competition Winners - Cavell House. Winning Team- (L-R) Dhruvi Shah, Rumani Shah, Avanti Bhandarkar, Gauravi Shantaram, Anaisha Dilwala, Palak Sheth, Duriya Kachwala.

15th August Celebrating Independence Day

The chief guests for the day: Mr. and Mrs. Ghiara


Queen Marian 2014-2015

28th August Inter House Dance Competition Visualising India Through the Art of Dance

Group 1: Winners - Joan of Arc

Group 2: Winners Nightingale House

Group 3: Winners - Cavell House

5th September- Teachers’ Day

A lively dance performance by the students of form 6

All our wonderful teachers on Teachers’ Day

Queen Marian 2014-2015


14th November Childrens’ Day Celebrations Inter House Street Play Competition

Overall Winners - Cavell House (Play - “Some Dignity Please”)

Best Direction Nightingale House (Play - “The Outsider”)

Winners of the Best Script Award: Joan-of-Arc (Play - ‘Agony of River Cauvery)


Queen Marian 2014-2015

A replica of Coffee with Karan (L-R) Mrs. Ellar, Mrs. S. Anand, Ms. Chinikamwala and Mrs. D. Mistry.

Dancing Queens at the grand finale on Children’s Day

We Are The World Interschool Competition

November 29 & 30 - 2014, QMS - Proud winners in the following events

all smiles - lifting the coveted trophy

War of Contigent Leaders Award: 1st place

Movie making: 1st place Movie - ‘Reality Bites’.

Backdrop - 1st place

Treasure hunt: 1st place

Thailand dance: 1st place Queen Marian 2014-2015


2nd place - Fashion Show

2nd place - Mascot

QMS overall winners - ‘We are the World’

17th December - Celebrating the birth of Jesus

Nativity Play performed by Form 7A

On 19th December, Mr. Sebastian Philip, one of our service staff members being felicitated by the chief guest Mr. Kultar Singh Cheema for completing 25 years of service in QMS.


Queen Marian 2014-2015

18th & 19th December Annual Day Theme : Incredible India - Its Agony and Ecstasy

The Chief guest on the 18th - Father Kenneth Misquitta (Principal of St. Mary’s School) with Ms. G. Mathias

The Chief guest on the 19th - Mr. G.S. Cheema addressing the audience. Others seated from L-R Ms. J. Manickam, Ms. G. Mathias, Mrs. Cheema, Dr. David, Mrs. M. Ashar and Mrs. Irani

Queen Marian 2014-2015


18-19 December 2014 A Glimpse of our glorious Pa A colourful journey through


Queen Marian 2014-2015

4 - Annual Day Past and Present

gh the ages.....

Queen Marian 2014-2015


Hindustan Times Award: One of the Best Schools in South Mumbai.

Lets raise issues. Let’s solve issues (Hindustan Times)

Mumbai’s top schools joined the Hindustan Times ‘Clean My Mumbai’ Movement

Jiya Shah (Std. III) won the Gold medal for her painting which was included in the annual Edu Media Calender, featuring paintings made by school students from across the Indian Subcontinent.


Queen Marian 2014-2015

A donation of Rs. 59,555/- was donated to Sneha Sagar Society an orphanage run by the Sisters who look after the orphans.

Horlicks Wizkids

Zinatra D’souza won the title of Ms. Vogue in the InterSchool Personality Contest

Fiona Goradia won the title of Ms.Allure at Greenlawns School

Winners of dance competition at Cascade conducted by Jamnabai Narsee School

‘Marrs’ Spell Bee

Kashvi Jhaveri

Ananya Chandan

Aashna Thakkar

Ishah Taimini

National Spell Bee Competition winners.

Queen Marian 2014-2015


Exhibition Indeed it has been a memorable journey so far. A big thanks to my drawing teacher. He was the one who informed me about the Nehru Art Gallery giving opportunity to budding artists and encouraging me to display my talents. This was a challenging opportunity for me as I had many things clubbed together such as my 80 marks exam and also my elementary exam. I had less time for my submission and so I had to work hard. I had put all my efforts to paint my drawings. The response has been overwhelming. All the love and appreciation from the people has infused a certain burst of energy into me driving me to excel. All the hours of hard work and dedication I took from the brilliant hues on canvas has apparently made my life brighter too. This event wouldn’t have been possible without my parents. They have been my guiding light throughout. Krisha Shah 7A


Some of her paintings (as above) have been featured in many leading newspapers.

Queen Marian 2014-2015


Smt. Prema Tandon

In Memoriam Mrs. L Pereira “She left us peaceful memories,her love is still our guide and though we cannot see her she is always by our side” Mrs. Leena Pereira one of our senior most teachers in the pre –primary department started her career in Queen Mary School as an accountant in the school office.She later on became a pre-primary teacher till her last days.She was always known for her kind,understanding and loving nature. She left us after fighting a battle with breast cancer.We all remember her a lot and she is a person we can never forget.

Smt. Prema Tandon was one of the best Hindi teachers and is remembered with love and respect by all her students. She is admired till date for being a soft spoken and caring colleague. She was an avid reader and was always in pursuit of higher learning.

Today, as she resides in that special place called heaven, she leaves behind in our hearts wonderful memories which we will cherish and value. She will continue to reside in our hearts forever.

’ meHeÀue J³eefkeÌle DeHeves keÀe³eex mes Decej nes peelee nw ce=l³eg kesÀ yeeo Jen Deewj Yeer Hetefpele nes peelee nw“~

Mrs. Bhargava (Hindi Department)

“A beautiful life full of kindly deeds A helping hand to all in need Always so thoughtful ,loving and kind What a beautiful memory you’ve left behind”

Born:21/06/1960 Died:19/11/2014

Mrs. T. Singaporewala Mrs. D. Mistry

Queen Marian 2014-2015


Duhita Save-June 7th 2014

“She’s gone” the message flashed on my mobile. I reconfirmed the message hoping sincerely that there has been an error. Time stood still for the longest time ever. A knot built up in my chest. I looked up heavenward and asked Jesus ‘Why?’-a question that will remain unanswered……

A hundred needles seem to pierce my body as I tried to come to terms with the truth. My Duhita was lost forever……

The empty desk in my class (7A) screams out for Duhita. I can see her sitting at the desk with her twinkling eyes and ever smiling face. She is there with her passion and eagerness to learn, her willingness to try anything and everything new.

The image of Duhita on the sports ground dances in front of my eyes. A born sportsperson, Duhita was very good at chess and carrom. A spirited athlete, Duhita ran bare-feet to win it all.

The box of paints-a riot of colors stands still….waiting for Duhita to bring the canvas to life. A thousands of words remain unspoken. I am sure she is busy painting the skies. Those stupefying colours you see in the sky are her handiwork. A Bible verse comes to my mind-“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

Duhita lived and she lived well-she didn’t just exist. I’ve gained so much from her, learnt so much, amassed a treasure that no book or anything for that matter can give. I’ve learnt that persistence will always be rewarded.

I’ve learnt that I must put my heart and soul in all I do.

I’ve learnt that I must live every single day as if there is no tomorrow.

I thank God that He brought Duhita in my life- she is a part of me forever. What Duhita is to me is indescribable…… Mrs. M. Raiborde


Queen Marian 2014-2015

QMS ICSE RESULTS - 2013-2014 I.C.S.E. students of March 2014 who have scored 90% & above Names % 1. Medha H. Shah 97.17 2. Priyanka Shah 95.33 3. Esha K Sheth 94.83 4. Jainee Dedhia 94.83 5. Nirati Paresh Lakhani 94.83 6. Saachi Gopal Todi 94.83 7. Sukanya Dhal 94.83 8. Tanisha Bherulal Choudhary 94.83 9. Aditi Digish Doshi 94.33 10. Shailaja P. Patel 94.33 11. Tanya Mayank Jhaveri 94.33 12. Janika Jinesh Mehta 94.00 13. Sampada Mahendra Choudhari 93.83 14. Marya Khatri 93.67 15. Hiya Devang Mehta 93.50 16. Munira Hakimuddin Bharmal 93.00 17. Priyal Nimesh Parekh 93.00 18. Aashna Kamlesh Solanki 92.83 19. Divya P. Merchant 92.83 20. Shreya Sanjay Bohra 92.83 21. Harshini Shailesh Patani 92.67 22. Nirvika Thakar 92.67 23. Himani Rahul Shah 92.50 24. Sakina Kutub Tabha 92.33 25. Anushka Gururaya Shet 91.67 26. Ushmi Jhaveri 91.67 27. Natasha Paurusasp Tavaria 91.50 28. Prayushi D. Shah 91.00 29. Arunima Sardar 90.67 30. Aarti Sunil Bandekar 90.33 31. Prithika D Kharwar 90.33 32. Shreshthi Parinbhai Shah 90.33 33. Tanvi Manoj Jain 90.17 34. Zahabia Kauser Ayaz 89.83 35. Tanvi S. Khandwala 89.67 36. Yashvi U. Parikh 89.67

Queen Marian 2014-2015

ICSE RESULTS From our School, a total of 69 students appeared for the I.C.S.E. in March 2014 All 69 passed with flying colours!

36 Students secured 90% and above.

29 Students secured between 71% and 89%. 4 Students secured between 60% and 70%

Medha Shah topped the school with 97.17% Priyanshi Shah was second with 95.33%

In third rank, with 94.83% there were six students Esha Sheth

Jainee Dedhia Nirati Lakhani Saachi Todi Sukanya Dhal Tanisha Choudhary

All the above students get a certificate of merit and a cash award of Rs. 1,000/- from the Managing Trustee of Queen Mary School in appreciation of their outstanding performance.


Report Section C.M.E.F. Trust Pre-Primary Department


1. Traffic Park and Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya The PPD went for a field trip to the Traffic Park and the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya (Prince of Wales Museum) on 3rd April 2014. We left school at 9 am after assembly. The children were settled in the bus and offered snacks and frooti. On our way we sang a number of nursery rhymes. We showed the children many places like the Churchgate Station, Oval Maidan, Rajabhai Towers and Cooperage ground. On reaching the Traffic Park the traffic policeman explained the traffic rules and showed the children different traffic signs on the board. The traffic park is a model of a road where the policeman practically showed the children how to obey the traffic rules. We left the traffic park at 10:30 am to visit the museum. We reached the museum at 10:45 am and the children were lined up and taken inside to see the museum. They were excited to see the models of different birds, sea creatures, animals and reptiles. Some animals looked so real that the children were surprised to know that it was artificial. We left the museum by 12:30. Children were given snacks in the bus and we returned to school at 1:15pm with happy memories.

Traffic Park


Traffic policeman explaining the different sign boards

Traffic demo in school

Queen Marian 2014-2015

2. Jijamata Udyan and Fire Station Byculla It was a beautiful morning when the PPD left for a visit to the Jijamata Udyan Byculla Zoo and the Fire Station Byculla. We left the school at 9.30am after assembly on 25th March 2014. The children boarded the bus and were very excited to reach the zoo. The children enjoyed the jolly ride by singing nursery rhymes and songs. They were served snacks enroute. We reached the zoo by 10:15am .As we entered the zoo the children were happy to see the different animals like Elephant, Hyena, Hippo, Monkeys, Crocodiles, Alligators, African birds, Cranes, Snakes and Deer. They were amazed to see the bats hanging upside down from the trees. Children played for a while at the zoo play area and photographs were clicked. we then left the zoo for the Fire Station. At the fire station the children saw the fire men dressed in their uniforms with oxygen cylinders. They explained the children how the fire is put off and how to protect themselves from fire. The children were also shown different types of fire engines and explanation was given about each of them. The children enjoyed the session and were excited to see the fire station. We then left for school with ever lasting memories. Firemen at work

3. Parle-G Factory It was a cool day when the PPD had a field trip. The kids were very excited to visit the factory of Parle G at Vile Parle. Penguin Travels took the children in vintage buses. We left at 9.30 am from school and reached at 10.15 am at the factory. The children were ushered into a mini auditorium where a lovely animated movie was shown on the conception of the factory and the products they manufacture. The movie took us inside the various sections of Parle G and showed how the confectionary and biscuits are made. After the movie they were given few biscuits to eat and were then taken in to see the factory. The children saw how cheeselings and Monaco biscuits were made and transported from conveyor belt to the packing machine. The children were so excited and eager to see the biscuits which were being made. The girls went back with happy memories and a packet of glucose biscuit gifted by the Parle-G Company. Queen Marian 2014-2015


Lets Showcase Our Talents 1. Elocution Competition

The Elocution Competition was held on 27th March,2014 in the audio visual room. Children of the KG and Transition class participated. The elocution teacher conducted the audition round for the same and selected 5 students from each division for the final round of the competition. The judges for the event were Mrs. Kujur and Mrs. Anand. They were very encouraging and kept the students spirits high. The children came up confidently on stage and spoke for 2 minutes on various topics like ,”My Dentist”, ”My Mother”, ”Save Water”to name a few. The 3 best students from each class were declared winners for which they were awarded certificates .The audience and judges appreciated the confidence, smartness and poise with which the children spoke.

L-R: Winners of Transition: Hansika Rele, Divyanshi Gurjar, Aarvi Sothani and Shuchi Kapadia along with the judges.

L-R Winners of KG: Dhwisha Maniyar, Fairy Jain, Kavya Jain, Falak Jain, Yuvika Dedhia along with the Judges.

2. Dress Me Up ! The Fancy Dress Competition was held on 8th August 2014 in the Lambert hall. Children of KG and Transition section participated. The judges for the competition were Ms Kagal and Ms Save. The creative talent of the students and parents was showcased through the innovative use of eco friendly and easily available materials in dressing their children. The children were dressed up in different characters like …candy floss, dice, a library, scarecrow , a toothpaste, a multi -tasking woman, a mannequin , and a report card to name a few .Three creatively best dressed students from each section were declared the winners by the judges. The fancy dress competition was a great success and was applauded by everyone. 30

1st Prize winner - Transition C -Kavya Jain

1st Prize winner - Transition A-Namee Shah

Queen Marian 2014-2015

TODAY’S MENU - EAT IT OR STARVE ! In today’s time, junk food has taken over the healthy diet. This is exactly why we teachers thought of celebrating a healthy day in school. The main idea behind this event was to inculcate healthy eating food habits among the children.

The food fiesta was held on 11th September’14 in the Lambert hall. The mothers of KG & TRANSITION section had prepared some very delicious and healthy snacks and drinks for the children. Innovative ideas were on display and enthusiasm was at its peak. There was a wide variety of colourful snacks like ‘Tricolour Idlis’, Tiranga lifafa’, ‘oat lollipop’, ‘mini pav bhaji burgers to name a few. Some tangy drinks like Mohjito, mix fruit punch ,mint water and melon juice were also served.

Mother’s magic was very evident as they paid attention to the minute details with regards to presentation and the nutritive value. The food fiesta was a grand success and the children enjoyed it immensely.

Transition A-Tricolour Mini Idlis

Transition B-Mini Pavbhaji Burgers

Season’s Festivities

1. Independence Day The C.M.E.F. Pre- primary school celebrated our Independence day on 14 th August 2014.[Thursday], Children from the pre primary department came dressed in different colours of the Indian flag. We all assembled in the Lambert hall and the programme began at 9 am. The pledge was taken by Mrs. Dhun Mistry which was then followed by the national anthem led by Ms. Mathias. Thereafter, few children from the KG and Transition prepared speeches and spoke on our country. We ended our programme with a short quiz on the national symbols of India which the children were very eager to answer. The programme ended at 10:30 am and the children went back to their classes and began the day’s work. Queen Marian 2014-2015


2. Navaratri Navaratri is a festival celebrated for nine days in Gujarat. The P.P.D. section cherished the moments during the Garba celebrations held on 1st October 2014 in the Lambert hall. All the students of P.P.D. came dressed in their colourful attire. The students danced to the rhythm of Gujarati folk songs and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. It was a wonderful sight to see the little ones dancing with enthusiasm. The Principal and the teachers joined in these festivities. The students went back home with happy memories.


The sports day was held on Thursday, 7th March,2014 in the quadrangle of the school. The chief guest, Dr.Rashi Jhunjhunwala inaugurated the sports meet by cutting a string of balloons and releasing them in the air. The audience were enthralled by her inspiring speech. Our co-ordinator, Ms Mathias then declared the sports meet open. The torch was lit by a student of the Transition class which was then followed by the students of Transition marching to the beat of the drums played by the school band. The games captain then read the oath which was repeated by the marching squad .Soon after the march past got over the flat races were conducted which was then followed by the novelty races. The theme of the novelty race was nursery rhymes. The name of the novelty races were as ‘bits of paper’, ’hot cross buns, ’teddy bear teddy bear’ and many more. Participating in sports day is certainly full of fun. No matter which position you achieve in the competition or what the final result is, as long as you devote yourselves to participating in this event, the sports day will always be a sweet and remarkable memory.

Chief Guest-Dr. Rashi Jhunjhunwala speaking at the event


Bits of paper - Nur A

Queen Marian 2014-2015

1,2 Buckle my shoe -Kg A

Hot cross Buns - KG B

A hunting we will go-KG C

Teddy Bear-Tran A

ABC sugar on bread-Tran B

Ten little firemen - Tran C

Queen Marian 2014-2015


A Tearful Adieu - Our Convocation Ceremony The D-Day arrived for the children of transition on 8th April, 2014 when they ultimately graduated to Std. 1. The children were dressed in black convocation robes and a convocation hat. The convocation was presided by Ms. Mathias and the chief guest gave away the graduation certificates to the children. The parents and the grandparents attended the ceremony. The children were excited to receive the certificates. the ceremony ended with the singing of the national anthem. Ms. Mathias along with the Chief guest-Dr. Sejal Doshi

Transition A


Transition B

Transition C

Queen Marian 2014-2015

ANNUAL DAY Queenie TV presents - “Celebrations on Earth”. Yes, this was the theme of the PPD annual day for 20142015. It was yet another blockbuster with every child of PPD department up on the stage in some or the other role. While our comperes mesmerized the audience as aliens coming down on earth in an extra ordinary spaceship, the dancers and the gymnasts did some wonderful presentations too. The fillers with Amitabh Bachchan KBC act, the fun singing choir, the ramp-walking brides of India were truly a candy to the eye! Little angels from nursery were a joyful sight performing on some memorable children movies such as Barbie and Lion King .We saw the dreams in the eyes of our young girls as they pepped up on ‘Papa kehte hain bada naam karega!’ All in all it was a day to remember!

Chief guest Ms. Pragna Mehta

Indian Folk Dance - KG Section girls

Barbie girls from Nursery

The Ramp Walk - Transition girls

Papa Kehte Hain - KG Section

Reporters from Transition

Queen Marian 2014-2015


Activities and Festivities Little ones at their best


Queen Marian 2014-2015

Report Section Primary & Secondary Department

‘Impressions’-2014 This world is but a canvas to our imagination. True to this saying, Queen Marians have always excelled in art, be it in our Annual Art Festival 'Impressions' or in other Interschool and International Events .

This year for 'Impressions' we had Incredible India as the theme for the year and the topics given to students and teachers of each house were as follows:- Cavell House :- Phad Painting, Darling House :Miniature Painting, Joan-Of-Arc House - South Indian Art, Nightingale House -Bengal School Of Art. Each House showcased the art form of their region brilliantly. We had competitions such as, Collage using grains and spices, Glass painting, Painting on cloth bag, Clay jewellery, Best out of Waste, Face Painting, Canvas Painting and Rangoli Competition. The Primary Section had competitions like Colouring, Collage Work using Sequins and Recreating a Painting.

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. Teachers of Queen Mary School proved it . Mrs. S. Datye organized various competitions for teachers like Canvas Painting, Rangoli and Best out of Waste. A workshop for teachers was also organized in which they explored the world of art by painting and making nameplates ,rangolis and Teachers Canvas Painting Competition keychains. Our students won in various interschool events such as:Immaculata-

In Wrap-a-Doodle contest, Mudita Adaniya and Khushi Toor bagged the second prize.

In Creative Cannibals-Aishwarya Balsekar and Veerja Parekh won the third place Bank Of Baroda Contest '14: three of our students from form 7:-Krisha Shah,Shreya Bohra and Kosha Shah were declared as Mumbai region winners.

Winners - Mrs. M. Save and Ms. Pragati in the Canvas Painting Competition for teachers

Horlicks Wiz Kids'14: In Face Painting Competition

Vedaanshi Patel,Mudita Adaniya and Veerja Parekh bagged the first,second and third place respectively. We also won in the Drawing and Painting Category. We Are The World '14: Our students Krisha Shah, Mudita Adaniya ,Khushi Vora, Fiona Goradia, Radha Sawant and Yashashvi Mistry bagged the first place for the backdrop among 18 schools .

Axis Bank Art Competition was held in our school and three paintings were selected for regional level. Queen Marian 2014-2015

Canvas Painting competition winners - (C) Aishwarya Balsekar and Veerja Parekh


Our student Krisha Shah won third prize in Mission Green Competition where the paintings were sent through school. She also exhibited her artwork at the Nehru Centre Galleria on the occasion of Childrens’ Day and was applauded for her exhibit and won acclaim all over Mumbai.

Overall Winners - Joan-of-Arc

First prize winners of the Art Festival

Colouring competition for forms 1 to 4


Queen Marian 2014-2015

A peek into the enchanting world of ‘Art’ in its vivid forms

Exhibits of students & teachers

Queen Marian 2014-2015


Super Stars of various Sporting Events conducted round the year

Annual Athletic Meet (finals) Overall winner - Darling House

March Past winners - Nightingale House

Winners of all categories (Gymnastics Competition)

13th October 2014-Annual Aquatic Meet 2014 - 15 held at YMCA (International Centre)

U/14, U/17, Inter School Throwball Teams


Queen Marian 2014-2015

Sports News Physical Education is an all encompassing term including fitness, skills, movement, dance, recreation, health, games and sports plus the appropriate values and knowledge of each.

Physical education is an integral part of the total education process. Students who participate in regular physical education classes enjoy enhanced memory and learning, better concentration and increased problem solving abilities .They are willing to take appropriate risks, and have a more positive attitude towards self and others.

Inter house sports events

Annual Athletic meet (finals) was held at Priyadarshini Park on 6th February 2014. Overall winners – DARLING HOUSE

Best Athlete- (seniors/inters) Krisha Agarwal (Darling house) (juniors/sub-juniors) Mahek Shah (Cavell house)

Individual ChampionshipSub-midgets- Aastha Darji( Cavell house) Midgets- Riddhima Choksi(Cavell house) Sub juniors- Dhwani Shah (Darling house)

Ridhima Choksi Midgets (Cavell house)

Queen Marian 2014-2015

Dhwani Shah Sub-Juniors (Cavell house)

Juniors- Mahek Shah(Cavell house) Inters- Krisha Agarwal (Darling house) Seniors- Kimaya Pai (Nightingale house)

Mehek Shah Juniors (Cavell House)

Krisha Agarwal Inters (Darling House)

Kimaya Pai Seniors (Nightingale)


10th February- Inter House Throwball Seniors 17th February- Inter House Throwball Juniors 1st place- NIGHTINGALE HOUSE 1st place- NIGHTINGALE HOUSE Participants- Bhoomika Nisar Participants- Shaivi Shah Fiona Goradia Tisha Shah Apeksha sanghvi Kosha Shah Aliyah Merchant Sneh Shah Harshita Patil Devanshi Shah Alisha Patel Zainab Degamwala Aditi Patwardhan Aayushi Shah Zobiya Khatri Subecha Mehta Kaira Mehta Esha Shah Shaliva Vichare 23rd February- INTER HOUSE TABLE TENNIS JUNIORS 1st place- DARLING HOUSE Participants: Ria Doshi, Esha. V. Shah, Duhita Save,Aarya Parmar, Niyati Merchant

4th June Inter House Carrom (Juniors) 30th June- Inter House Carrom (Seniors) 1st place- DARLING HOUSE 1st place-Cavell house Participants- Aarya Parmar Participants- Archi Jain Miloni Shah Kajal Soni Sanika Bane Ahruti Palan Yashvi Shah Madhurima Kannan Simran Shah Jheel Jain

15th July 2014- INTER HOUSE TABLE TENNIS – SENIORS 1st Place: Darling house Participants: Riya Doshi Sakshi Kothari Rhea Ghiara Krisha Agarwal

Inter-House Carrom tournament (Seniors)

26th August- GYMNASTICS COMPETITION (FORM 1-6) Group 1(Form 1 & 2): 1st Place – Devashree Makwana (2B) Group 2(Form 3 & 4): 1st Place – Urja Mistry (3A) Group 3 (Form 5 & 6): 1st Place – Achira Parikh (5Alpha)


Queen Marian 2014-2015

Inter class Artistic Gymnastics Competition- Students performing different floor exercises.

10th October 2014- INTER HOUSE TABLE TENNIS – JUNIORS 1st Place: Cavell house Participants: Mahera Furniturewala Sana Hakim viva Sports Competition Simran Raichura Ishika Lodha Shruti Shah 13th October 2014- ANNUAL AQUATIC MEET 2014-2015 Best House: Cavell House Best Swimmer Trophy: Khushi Deshmukh (Cavell House) Individual Championship: 1) Sub-Juniors - Riddhima Choksi (Cavell House) 2) Juniors - Antara Kothare (Nightingale House) 3) Inters - Khushi Deshmukh (Cavell House) 4) Seniors – Shruti Manghani (Joan-Of-Arc House)

10th & 11th November 2014 INTER HOUSE THROWBALL SENIORS 1st Place Participants:


Apeksha Sanghvi

Zobiya Khatri

Fiona Goradia

Bhoomika Nisar Alisha Patel Shaivi Shah

Queen Marian 2014-2015

Hritika Sawant

Aditi Patwardhan Aliyah Mercant

Kosha Shah

Ruthvi H. Jain III A Under / 8 years

Best Gymnastics Trophy Gold Medal - BB

Silver Medal - FX


Inter School Sports Events DSO Interschool Diving Tournament Inter-School DSO Cycling Tournament 13th January 2014 Duhita Save qualified for the states

GYMNASTICS • Shri Pavanputra Vyayam Mandir held a competition on 9th and 11th May 2014. First place in Balancing Beam.

• From 24th to 26th June GMAAA National games held a swimming competition at Indore. Aarya Parmar secured the first place in high boards under 14 • Aarya Parmar also got selected for diving zonals

Inter school I.C.S.E Athletic Meet 2014 Mahek Shah secured Gold medal in 50m & 100m Run and bronze medal in Long Jump. She also won Individual Championship in girls U/12 category.

• S h r i S a m a r t h Riya Sawant Vyayam Mandir Gymnastics competition- Balancing Beam - First place.

• Mayor Cup Gymnastic Competiton held on 27th and 28th February-first place in balancing beam and team championship

• Participated at The State level Gymnastics held in Sangli on 9th and 10th November 2014. • MSSA Inter-school competition held on 14th December 2014-secured first place in Balancing Beam.


Queen Marian 2014-2015


Table Tennis

 A.I.S.M. Inter School Swimming Gala Competition held on 1st & 2nd September 2014, Antara Kothari secured the 1st Place in 50m butterfly & 2nd place in 200m free style.

 In the Malabar Hill City District Tournament of Table Tennis, Krisha Agarwal won two silver and one bronze medal in under 14, and under 18 category.

 Both these swimmers were selected for the zonal level. Aarya Parmar also got selected for diving zonals.

 DSO school Table Tennis Tournament held on 5th September, Queen Mary School under 14/ under 16 secured the 1st place and qualified for the zonals.

 DSo school swimming competiton held on 20th & 21st August 2014, Khushi Deshmukh secured the 2nd place in free style.


 Sakshi Shah from Class 9 secured the 1st place and qualified for zonals.

 In YMCA Mumbai City District Championship of table tennis held on 23rd and 24th August 2014, Krisha Agarwal secured the 2nd place.

Participants under 14: Ria Doshi, Teesha Shah and Esha Shah

Participants under 16: Krisha Agrawal, Bhoomika Nisar, Idika Verma and Neha Beniwal

Throw Ball  DSO Interschool Throwball Tournament was held on 5th September 2014. The girls under 14 and under 17 teams, both secured the 1st place and qualified for the zonals Participants under 14: Khanak Mehta, Aarya Parmar, Esha Shah, Shaivi Shah, Kosha Shah, Varishtha Desai, Preet Thakkar, Ishika Lodha,

Queen Marian 2014-2015

Mahera Furniturewala, Madhurima Kanan, Apeksha Sanghvi, Sneh Shah. Participants under 17: Fiona Goradia, Bhoomika Nisar, Aliyah Merchant, Ahana Tiwari, Anaisha Divwala, Aishwariya Rele, Hritika Sawant, Kimaya Pai, Simran Gupta, Rhea Kerawalla, Karishma Hathiram, Zobiya Khatri.


EUMIND ----- Europe Meets India

An International Exchange Programme where students share and exchange their ideas through networking. The Project Topic for this Academic year 2014 – 15 was “Art “ “Art is not what you see but what you make others see”- Edgar Degas

This year we were privileged to express our ideas through our drawings which were made by listening to Dutch and Indian music. It was an amazing experience for our students to draw while listening to music and the children enjoyed it. The Project also included research on an Indian Artist and to make a Video and a Quiz on the Artist which was a wonderful experience and here the students learned the importance of team work. All the students of the EUMIND programme performed a dance on the EUMIND ANTHEM where they showcased Western and Indian Classical Dance Forms. EUMIND Co-ordinator: Ms.Diana Gomes

Teachers Incharge: Mrs.Singaporewala, Mrs. Datye, Mrs.Fernando, Mrs.Jauhari, , Mrs.Shah Assisted by : Ms.Rekha GROUP 1

Teacher incharge - Mrs. Fernando Kajal Soni - EUMIND has been a fun-filled experience since it helped me in developing my art skills. I had a team to work with wherein we distributed the tasks. We had different tasks including painting based on a Dutch as well as an Indian song. Also, we did research work and documentary making on M.F. Hussain. I am glad to have been a part of this wonderful programme. Pushtii Parekh - EUMIND was such a platform which has helped me express myself better through art. To paint on music is such an extraordinary thing to do that none of us could have ever thought. Team 46

work, sportsmanship, a never ending spirit are some such great values EUMIND has taught us.

Kosha Shah - For me, being a part of EUMIND was an amazing experience. This year the theme for EUMIND was ‘Art”. This programme has improved my art a lot and also taught me how to be responsible towards my duties. It helped me prove my skills. I loved this experience. Diya Chandan -EUMIND has been an amazing experience for me. It has taught me the importance of teamwork. It has also been fun. It has made art fun. EUMIND experience has been really very different.

Zainab Dehgamwala -EUMIND has been an amazing experience for me. The word EUMIND is quite surprising (Europe meets India). EUMIND has been something unique than the other common activities and has taught me a lot from what I could do. It has taught me how to express myself through art and teamwork. It has made me confident to learn about the different painters. It also taught me how to upload things on the website and how to make a movie. Thank you EUMIND. Group 2

Teacher in charge-Mrs. Singaporewala Krisha Shah- EUMIND was an amazing experience as all of us had fun working together in co-operation and as a team. Listening to music and then painting was fun. I look forward to being a part of EUMIND next year also. Rumani Sanghvi - EUMIND has given me chance to express myself in different ways. It taught me many more creative ways of painting and made art more fun. Nikhat Bhandary- My experience in EUMIND is one that I will never forget. Listening to music and drawing based on it was the best part of EUMIND. The best time I have had this year is because of EUMIND.

Queen Marian 2014-2015

Mahera Furniturewala- This was the first year I got a chance to be a part of EUMIND and the journey has been wonderful. It was loads of fun to be in a group and complete various assignments. Through EUMIND I realised that art has much more to it. I hope I get a chance to be a part of an amazing project like EUMIND again. Gauri Kadam -

My journey in EUMIND has been colourful and fun. All the assignments have been very innovative, which made us think in a creative manner. The bonding in our group took our whole experience to another level. GROUP 3

Teacher in-charge:- Mrs. Shamika Datye Anushree-My EUMIND experience was amazing. I learnt group co-ordination and how to work as a team. I had a great experience being in EUMIND, especially due to the support of our teacher incharge, Mrs Shamika Datye. Mehal- EUMIND has greatly increased my interest in Art. It helped me understand the importance of team work . Being a part of EUMIND was a wonderful experience especially working with our teacher in-charge , Mrs Shamika Datye .

Manashvi-It was a unique experience painting while listening to music. It was a great opportunity to be a part of EUMIND. I will never forget the wonderful time I had at EUMIND. Urvi-My experience in EUMIND was fabulous. I learnt the importance of team work. Through EUMIND I have come across works of many artists which I would have hardly known. Thank you EUMIND!!

Saachi-I had a great experience at EUMIND. It was fun working as a group and making powerpoint presentations. EUMIND has helped me in learning and incorporating new styles of painting. Queen Marian 2014-2015

GROUP 4 TEACHER IN CHARGE MRS.JAUHARI Ria Doshi� My experience in EUMIND has been ecstatic. We have learnt a vast number of things like hard work, punctuality and leadership. I am very glad to have had this opportunity. Lamiya Ayaz

EUMIND has given me an international platform to showcase my talent. I owe so much to my teachers for giving me an opportunity to participate in this activity. I have seen and learnt so much that words cannot explain it. Pooja Jogani

EUMIND has been a great learning experience for me. I have learnt a lot from this extracurricular activity and take immense joy in saying that I thoroughly enjoyed it. Devanshi Shah

My experience in EUMIND has been very good. The activities we did in EUMIND were very different. I am very glad that I am in EUMIND and I am looking forward to being in it next year. 5) Mariya Chitalwala

My short journey through EUMIND has been very nice. I really enjoyed and even learnt a lot from it. EUMIND has taught me good teamwork and I have learnt a new form of art that is drawing while listening to music. EUMIND is something totally new and I am glad to be a part of it. Group 5

Teacher in charge: - Mrs. Sapna Shah Harshita Patil – EUMIND has been and always will be a life-time opportunity for me to showcase my abilities. It has helped me grasp a lot of information. I feel EUMIND has given me the platform to draw my imagination through music. It was a different experience. Anushtha Shah EUMIND is a complete new and different concept that I have ever experienced about music and art. It has taught me to put down my creative ideas across it. EUMIND was a 47

wonderful experience and yet want to learn much more of it. Shaivi Shah – I feel I have taken the best decision by opting for EUMIND. It has discovered my talent of how I could paste down my imagination on paper and have had a wonderful experience in EUMIND.

Saloni Jhaveri – I am glad to be a part of EUMIND. It was a great experience as it gave me a chance to

show my ability in music and art. It has given me a platform to research and discover my ideas. It was a superb experience.

Dishita Ashar –I had a wonderful experience in EUMIND. It gave me an international platform. I could express my thoughts on paper. I could interact with other students of various schools. I learned many unknown facts about the artists. I had an amazing experience in EUMIND.

Eumind Groups with their Mentors

Eumind Group 1

Eumind Group 3

Eumind Group 2

Eumind Group 4

Eumind Group 5


Queen Marian 2014-2015

As we come to the end of our third successful year at QMS, the experience has been very exciting , fulfilling and enriching.Our vision to make a significant impact on the mental potential of children has been our guiding light through the years. If we think more deeply on what skills the children of today need the answers are very interesting -Critical Thinking ,Creativity , Communication and Collaboration. In addition Confidence and a High Self –esteem are crucial for the good emotional health of a child.Our programmes work towards developing these essential skills that help in achieving excellence. SIPAMAL(SIPACCELERATED MENTAL LEARNING PROGRAMME ( 5 to 7 years of age), is a wellresearched programme that works on making SKILLS a habit for life. It creates an environment that inculcates a habit of constant curiosity to learn and apply. The fun filled activities are designed to challenge the child to think , participate , learn and share information through individual and team activities. The child benefits by becoming •

A quick learner

Confident to face challenges

Curious to acquire and share knowledge ( communication)

Attentive and avoiding repetitive mistakes

A committed team player,showing social skills

SIP ABG(SIP ABACUS AND BRAIN GYM PROGRAMME ( 7 and 12 years of age), is an ideal programme that helps in improving the child’s LEARNING SKILLS like Listening and Concentration, Memory Retention and Recall,Arithmetical skills, Speed and Accuracy and Overall Confidence, through the 3 main components of the programme : ABACUS – The children can calculate arithmetical problems rapidly and accurately. Gradually mental calculations become easier and enjoyable as they start visualizing the abacus.A boosted numerical ability and increased speed in calculations remove the fear of numbers and also instill confidence in the child. BRAIN GYM - Safe , easy and joyful movements that relax and de- stress the children and prepare them for the process of learning. SPEED WRITING– helps children to write faster and neater.

Our programmes do much more than just improve a child’s arithmetical skills; they help each child become a more gracious competitor, a more committed team participant, and a more confident person!!! Our web site www.sipacademyindia.com will give further details about the programme and the organization. We look forward to having you join us.

Ms Preeti Rajagopal (Co-ordinator-AMAL, SABG at QMS) Queen Marian 2014-2015




Aashvi Shah - Champion Vedanshi Chheda – 1st Runner Up Shreya Kondaskar – 2 nd Runner Up

Anushka Vaid – 2nd Runner Up


Vaishnavi Shah – Champion Adv Level 3

Kiele Rica Dsouza – 2nd Runner Up Foundation level 1

Queen Marian 2014-2015

International Meibukan Goju-Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Association-India President and Chief Instructor: Sensei. Anil L. Kadam (4th Degree Black Belt Japan)


Member of: WORLD KARATE FEDERATION WKF (Recognized by International) ALL INDIA KARATE-DO FEDERATION (Recognized by Govt. of India)

IMGKA is one of the Premier Institutions which promote Karate worldwide. The following events were conducted by them in the year 2014-15-

i) Adventure cum summer Camp at Magic Bus centre Karjat on 2nd, 3rd & 4th May, 2014

Kriti Sharma receiving a certificate from Mr. Vijoo Khote

ii) International Seminar and Tournament in September at Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. iii) IMGKA Annual Demonstration in September, 2014

iv) National winter camp in December from 26-28th 2014

QMS students had participated in all the above events. Kriti Sharma from Std 7 A won 2nd Prize in Kata Competition. Mariyam Unwala from Std III A won 2nd Prize in Kumite Competition. The Indian branch of IMGKA is headed by the Chief Instructor Sensei. Anil L. Kadam (4th Dan, Japan)

Queen Marian 2014-2015


Primary Section Report

Field Trips of Forms 1 to 4 Trip to Kidzania (18th March, 2014) Kidzania- My future, My Choice

Kidzania is a global indoor theme park for families that empowers, inspires and educates through real life role playing activities by blending reality with entertainment.

Our students of forms 1 to 4 went to experience this world of Kidzania which provided them authentic experience which gave them a platform where they could understand how to manage their world better. The students were in an environment which allowed them to do what naturally comes to them through role playing by emulating real life, professions and activities.

The students enjoyed their jobs at the various stations and were paid for their work in kidzo. The educational value of this trip was that the students enjoyed the role playing which is enjoyed by the children all over the world. Role playing is fun and has a very positive educational, psychological and motivational benefit. Mrs. N. Nanavaty

Field trip to Inox. The training of the Dragon Part 2 (30th June, 2014) Inox- Live the movie

The students of forms 1 to 4 went for an adventurous and exciting 3D movie – “The training of the Dragon Part 2.” The children enjoyed the thrilling experience of the film. Soon after the movie the students were taken for a ride on the Eastern Freeway. The children thoroughly enjoyed this ride and were informed about the use of the Freeway. The field trip was conducted during school hours. Students went back with sweet memories. Mrs. N. Nanavaty


Queen Marian 2014-2015

Trip to the Sanjay Gandhi National P ark (19th August, 2014) Sanjay Gandhi National Park- Beyond Greenery

Students of form 1 to 4 went for a field trip to Sanjay Gandhi National Park. Sanjay Gandhi National Park, previously named Borivali National Park, is a large protected area in the Northern part of the suburban area in Maharashtra. It encompasses area of 104 km. It is one of the most visited parks of the world. The rich flora and fauna of Sanjay Gandhi National park attracts more than 2 million visitors every year. The children had a train ride in the park where they experienced seeing the scenic beauty of the place as well as the animals. They saw lions and tigers during the safari ride. They saw white tigers and deer too. It was a fun-filled trip and students enjoyed it a lot! Mrs. N. Nanavaty

Trip to Parle G factory and Metro Ride (14th October, 2014) Parle G- The future genius

Metro- Live the new way

The students of forms 1 to 4 went for a field trip to Parle-G factory. They assembled f i r s t to s e e the movie by which they were made aware of the different products of the factory and the manufacturing of the biscuits .They were taken on a tour of the whole factory by the teachers. The students were made to understand the different biscuits, chocolates and other products of Parle through a live experience. The students were given a Parle G biscuit packet so they would enjoy themselves.

Soon after that the students were taken for a ride in the Metro. It was truly an amazing experience. It was a to and fro ride from Andheri to Ghatkopar. The children were explained about the metro and the safety rules that we need to remember while we travel by it. It was indeed a good learning experience for the students. Mrs. N. Nanavaty

Queen Marian 2014-2015


24th January 2014 ‘Chrysalis’ A Fusion of Talents Results of events Soulful Melodies Speaker’s Corner The Heart’s Voice Poetic Expression Rythmic Beats The Revolution Photoshop: Be Creative Presentation (Tech it up) ASCII (Group I)


Hiranandani Foundation School-(Thane) Priya Digumarti (6), Adya Sinha (7)

1st Hiranandani Foundation School-(Thane), Ananya Sharma 1st Vibgyor - Dhariya Deliwala 1st Hiranandani Foundation School-Thane (Group I) 1st Navy Children School Saif Ali Khan, Ritvik Mishra st 1 Greenlawns, Worli Ashwin Bhatia, Harsh Sehgal st 1 Hiranandani Foundation School-Thane Anoushka Dey, Madhura Korgaonkar

ASCII (Group II)

1st Hiranandani Foundation School-Thane Tulip Bhatila, Aditya Wankhade

Little Chefs

1st Hindi Vidya Bhavan Janvi Jain, Sakshi Jain, Prishita Vora, Nakshi Shah

The Colourful World Collage Work

1st Gopi Birla School Divansh Bilimoria, Shrenie Vakhoria st Canvas Painting 1 Hiranandani Foundation School-Thane Rajit Dhariwal, Akhil Sriram st Poster Making 1 Hindi Vidya Bhavan Rutika Mody, Jinal Shah Artistic Gymnastics U/8 Floor Exercise 1st Parle Tilak Vidyalaya (S.S.C) - Vaishnavi Patil U/8 Balancing Beam 1st Parle Tilak Vidyalaya (I.C.S.E.) Anvita Patvardhan st U/10 Balancing Beam 1 Parle Tilak Vidyalaya (S.S.C.) - Ishwari Shingre U/12 Floor Exercise

1st I.E.S.V.N. Guruji School - Adee Khamkar

Throwball Tournament U/12 U/14 U/16

1st Lokhandwala Foundation 1st Lokhandwala Foundation 1st Lokhandwala Foundation


Queen Marian 2014-2015

Senior Section Report

The Argument of the Year The Inter-House Debate Competition for Seniors was held on 27th of June, 2014. The judges for the day were Mr.Anil Bhatia and Mrs. Nikat Azam. The topic in accordance to the theme of the year ‘Incredible India’ was ‘India is a poor country’. Darling House and Joan-of-Arc House were in the Opposition and Nightingale House and Cavell House were in the Proposition in the first and second rounds respectively. After three hours of non-stop debating , arguing, ‘ooh’-ing and ‘aahing’, Cavell House was declared the winner .It’s team members consisted of Gauravi Shantaram, Anoushka Jaipuria(Captain), Palak Sheth and Pushtii Parikh. The second place was bagged by Nightingale House, and the third by Darling. The Best Speaker was awarded to Anoushka Jaipuria of Cavell House and the Best Debater to Harshita Patil of Nightingale House. Here is what the Captain of the winning team, Cavell House, had to say about whether India was a rich country or a poor one: “India dreams to develop into a super power ,but this is going to remain just a dream. Super Power? Ehh, no! It’s more like a super poor nation.

A third of the world’s poor live in India. 41.6% of India’s population is living below the new international poverty line of $1.25(Rs. 75) per day as defined by the World Bank. The yearly income earned by an individual in India is the lowest when compared with people living in Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa. At 1.27 billion, India has 17.4% of the world’s population ,but 33% of the world’s poor,37%of the world’s illiterate and 33% of the world’s malnourished children are in India-If this does not represent poverty then what does? Let

Queen Marian 2014-2015

me tell you what does. Look at the quality of air we breathe, water we consume, the soil beneath our feet and the state of our flora-fauna and forests. The air is thick with smoke and smog ,the water (where ever available) is full of filth and the soil beneath our feet is polluted with overuse of fertilizers and is depleting fast, plant and animal species are going extinct at an alarming rate and forest cover is disappearing faster than hair on a 70 year old’s head!

The bankruptcy of our value system and basic humanity is a great worry. How do we explain the sickening stories of corruption that we read everyday, the unspeakable horrors that our women undergo everyday, the inhuman brutality meted out to our sister Nirbhaya on the streets of our capital, Delhi?

Something is seriously wrong with our humanity or the very lack of it. Our values and our value system is completely bankrupt. This is the state of our nation after almost 67 years of Independence. During the British rule, we blamed our foreign rulers for our sorry state. Now, who do we blame? I think, we as a collective nation, have simply lost the will to improve, and this to my mind is the biggest poverty of all-a crushing poverty of the very will to improve and move forward and to eradicate our own poverty. Anoushka Jaipuria (9Alpha)


Rendition of Lilting Tunes with Patriotic Flavour Words make you think. Music makes you feel. Singing together makes you feel your thoughts. That is why Queen Mary School has an Inter House Choir Competition every year. This year’s Choir Competition was held on 4th July, 2014. The theme for this year was ‘Patriotism’. Patriotism is the love for our homeland.Students from standards III to X displayed their spirit of patriotism with complete enthusiasm. This event had two categories ,the senior choir consisting of students from standards 7 – 10 and the junior choir consisting of students from standards 3 - 6. The choir competition was judged by a prestigious panel of judges,Rev Sumitra and Mr.Vincent Soans. It turned out to be a very patriotic afternoon as the junior group students sang enthusiastically songs such as● ● ●


Suno gaur se duniya walo (Cavell house) Hum Hindustani (Darling house)

Aao bachcho tumhe sekhian ( Joan of Arc house)

Yeh desh hai veer jawano ka (Nightingale House)

The seniors crooned away to the lilting tunes of the heart touching songs like● ● ● ●

Maa tujhe salaam (Cavell house)

Mere desh ki dharti (Darling house)

Bharat humko jaan se pyara hai (Joan of Arc house) Rang de basanti (Nightingale house)

As every competition comes to an end with felicitation ,we too felicitated our winners Senior category-

Cavell – first place, Joan of Arc –second place and Nightingale - third place

Gauravi Shantaram was judged as best conductor in senior category. Junior category -

Darling – first place Cavell – second place Nightingale –third place Anoushka Jaipuria was declared as the best conductor in the junior category.

Zinatra D’souza-9 A

Queen Marian 2014-2015

Indian International Model United Nations 2014-15 (IIMUN) The Indian International Model United Nations is a platform which enables the youth to voice their opinions on social problems and international issues. Queen Mary School has been associated with the IIMUN since its inception in 2012. The IIMUN conference for the year 2014-15 was held at Hotel Retreat, Madh Island from 14th August to 17th August, 2014.

The opening ceremony was attended by Mr. Shashi Tharoor and Mr. Ronnie Screwalla ,who spoke about importance of the UN and being a social entrepreneur respectively. Actors Kabir Bedi and Imran Khan also interacted with the participants. The seven Queen Marians who participated in the IIMUN were Simran Shah (the delegate of Sri Lanka in HRC), Jehaana Tavaria (the delegate of Zimbabwe in WTO), Lokita Varma (a member of the International Press), Kavya Shah (the delegate of Zimbabwe in IMO) and Atyantika Parasrampuria( the delegate of Zimbabwe in SOCHUM). They

IIMUN Student members with Ms. Nathalie Leroy (C), Chief of Education Outreach U.N. Dept. for Public Information, New York and Mrs. Vijaya Parab (R)

discussed and debated various international issues like , Crimean war, Human Rights Violation in Syria, Piracy in Somalia , melting of ice caps in the Polar region and role of FTA in promoting food security and development of agriculture sector. The IIMUN was a very good educational and enlightening experience.

Mrs. Vijaya Parab

A Luxurious Culinary Experience

On the 17th of July, the students of Home Science were given an opportunity to visit the Taj Vivanta Hotel and enhance their skill in the field of cookery. We were really excited for this particular excursion. We reached the hotel around 9:45 and were welcomed with great warmth.

The Chef at the Taj took us to a banquet hall and all of us got seated. He was friendly and asked us what we wished to learn. We suggested fruit carving, cake decoration, mocktail drinks and salad. He listened to all of us patiently and took us on a visit to the kitchen of the Taj hotel. We saw different kitchens for different cuisines. He informed us about various ways of cooking. When we returned to the hall, we were offered delicious mocktails. Some of them were Mojito, Khus Cooler and Guava Tabasco drink. Later, he taught us ways to make various drinks as Queen Marian 2014-2015

well as Waldorf salad. At our request, he decorated a chocolate cake which we devoured within no time. He showed us how to carve a papaya, tomato, pumpkin and a watermelon.

I would like to thank Mrs.Choudhary for giving us an opportunity to visit the Taj Vivanta Hotel. Sonakshi Adya-10 Alpha

Students enjoying the skills of star chefs at Taj Vivanta


A Celebration of Freedom Independence Day celebrations are held every year. The celebrations remind us of nationalism and patriotism, of which we read only in books. We remember the freedom fighters and martyrs who gave up their lives so that we could enjoy freedom. On this day, we honour them and their selflessness. The chief guests this year were Mr. and Dr. Mrs. Ghiara. Mrs. Ghiara gave an awe inspiring speech

about the wonderful day.After Mrs. Ghiara’s speech the school choir sang a patriotic song. The end of the celebration marked a well-prepared karate demonstration, which showed various types of selfdefense manoeuvers. The celebrations ended with chocolates being distributed to all the students. It was a perfect end to a perfect celebration.

Chief Guest’s Speech-August 15, 2014

Respected Principal Ms Mathias, Vice Principals Ms Manickam and Mrs. Ashar, all you wonderful teachers and staff of Queen Mary School, and my dear young ladies gathered here today!

A very Happy Independence Day to you all! I wish to thank you for inviting us and having us in your midst today. You might wonder why I am giving the speech instead of my husband. Well – two reasons. Firstly, I’m a Queen Marian and secondly, Queen Marians love to talk!! Today, on this occasion of Independence Day, I take the opportunity to appreciate our great nation. India is the land that has nurtured our hopes, given wings to our dreams, overlooked our flaws, celebrated our success stories and made us inextricably her own – like only a mother can. That is reason enough to love this motherland of ours! I will not lecture you about the Independence movement and it’s importance – you have a very capable History Department, who will do a far better job than I ever could, so I’ll just share a few thoughts with you!

You, young ladies are India’s future, and you Queen Marians are second to none. From experience, I can say that women from this school are talented, feisty, opinionated and can stand up for themselves and for others. They are diligent, accomplished, charming, ambitious, yet rooted , steadfast and centered around family and friends. To put it simply, YOU are exactly the type of women our country needs today and for her future. 58

Ishah Taimni 9 Alpha

Each and every one of you here is gifted, but learn to use your gifts wisely and well. Today, you have the latest in technology at your fingertips, but try to make technology work for you, and NOT become a slave to technology. It is sad that the simple skills of communication are being lost in today’s world of internet, tablets and i- phones. Many of you may not agree, but I personally believe that a single hello, handshake or hug means much more than a hundred SMS’s or e mails. So, on this day I urge you all, that as you step out into the world, reach confidently for the stars, the moon or even the sun, but do so with honesty, dignity, humility and integrity. As you accomplish great things in life for yourselves and your country, remember the values imbibed within these walls - play the game fair and square, always think of ‘Others’ before yourself, maintain the spirit of ‘Fellowship’ binding us all, and have the ‘Courage’ to do and to dare. I have always found these values to support me in my journey of life, and with these values, you can transform our sometimes dusty and dysfunctional India into a land we can be proud of and others can envy. Let us celebrate 67 years of freedom by promoting a culture in which respect, dignity and equality become a code for living. Let us cherish being INDIAN !!

Thank you. Percis A. Ghiara

Queen Marian 2014-2015

Nourishing our intellectual faculties The R.B.I Annual National Quiz was held on the 22nd of August, 2014. We were accompanied by our teacher, Mrs. Fernandes. It was conducted at the Swatantryaveer Savarkar auditorium in Dadar. This was the first round, at an inter school level. The quiz was mainly centered on topics such as banking, finance, banking institutions, economics, current affairs, personalities and the Reserve Bank of India itself. This was the third year of the quiz which was launched in 2012. The age group consisted of

students from forms IX to XII . The winning school from Mumbai was St. Gregorious , Chembur. The event was very well organized by the R.B.I. Overall, it was an intellectual learning experience. We got to know so much more about the complexity of the R.B.I and its working. We would definitely recommend each student to take part in this quiz, especially if they hold interest in commerce, economics and finance.

Just Dance! The Inter House Dance Competition was held on 28 th August, 2014.It was a competition in which students from the first to the eight standard participated. The theme was ‘Patriotism’. The judges were Ms. Anvee Mehta and Ms. Umangi Mehta There were three groups comprising standard 1 to 8. The hall was filled with excitement waiting for the participants to perform. Group one to three

Ishah Taimni-9 Alpha Avanti Bhandarkar-9 Alpha

gave power-packed performances one after the other. The overall winners were the Cavell house followed by the Darling house. The best dancers were Ghazal Khan and Maria Chittalwala from the seventh standard in category three. On this day the hall was filled with patriotic spirit. It was a healthy and close contested competition. Mudita Adaniya-7A

Mesmerising Ooty and Coorg

The destination of educational tour of Queen Mary School 2014-15 was Ooty and Coorg. The tour, scheduled from 31st August to 8th September, was organised by Penguin Holidays. Twenty one Queen Marians were accompanied by Mrs. Madhuri Bhargava and Mrs. Vijaya Parab. At Ooty, our visit to the Botanical Garden revealed the treasures of nature in the Western Ghats. Our experiences at Ooty Rose Garden , Dodabetta Peak and a tea factory were memorable. The girls enjoyed boating in the Ooty lake.

We had glimpses of the history of Coorg while having a walk around the Madikeri fort, Omkareshwara Temple and the Raja’s Seat. Queen Marian 2014-2015

It was not only a fun filled and exciting trip but also educational. Mrs. M. Bhargava Mrs. V. Parab


Let’s Be Well Read For the first term of the past year, Form 10 had undertaken ‘Let’s Be Well Read’ as their SUPW activity. ‘Let’s Be Well Read’ is a foundation which has been started in order to spread awareness about anaemia. We were briefed about the organisation and about anaemia. Anaemia or iron-deficiency is a disease caused by a low RBC count. We were asked for ideas as to how we the students of Queen Mary School, could do our bit for society. We had a variety of options and finally decided on doing a street play. The play was about the symptoms and effects

of anaemia. We also distributed ‘GudNess’ bars which are made of iron-rich constituents like Gud, Nachani and Sesame seeds. We also made charts and banners, in order to spread awareness. We performed at Marine Drive, Gateway of India and Churchgate station on 12th October. It was a very good learning experience, as we made ourselves as well as others aware about the need to combat anaemia.

Let’s Be well read

Rhea Ghiara 10 Alpha

Std. X students at their best, enacting to draw crowds for spreading awarness about anaemia.


Queen Marian 2014-2015

The Joy of Giving at Tata Memorial Hospital On 16th October 2014 our class 7A prepared around 220 sandwiches. The ingredients were brought by the students and under the guidance of our teacher Ms. Raiborde we accomplished our mission of making 220 sandwiches. We were overwhelmed by all the efforts and were eagerly awaiting our next step. Thereafter, a few students along with few parents drove to the Tata Memorial Hospital. However, we were disheartened to see the patients in pain. There was a long queue of small children

waiting in the scorching heat to be treated. We were granted permission from the administrative department of the Tata Memorial Hospital to distribute the food. We had mixed emotions of pleasure and grief. We were very happy to bring a smile on each patient’s face. This day will remain memorable forever. This Diwali was indeed a very special one because I learnt the joy of giving and helping.

The Guide Camp was organized for the students of form eight at the Ambivali village on 19th and 20th October 2014 (2 days and 1 night). The students along with their teachers left early morning from school and reached the village by 10 a.m. On reaching the venue the students were allotted their dormitories to stay in. Immediately after that, the students got involved in doing various activities like rope climbing, river crossing and rope walking. Later, during the day the students decorated their respective corners using only natural articles like leaves and sticks that were lying on the ground . Day one ended with a campfire with children performing one item each. Day two started with

the children rising up early by 5:45 a.m. They said their morning prayers and later left for a long trek to the villages around the place. The students saw the paddy fields, the local school , brinjal farm and an EMU farm where the emu birds are bred. After the trek, the children had a treasure hunt and found some time for swimming. After lunch, we left the Ambivali village with happy memories and reached school in the evening.

Every year, on 14 th November,our school celebrates Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday as Childrens’ Day very enthusiastically.This year our teachers organised a very entertaining programme for us. The programme began with a soulful rendition of “You raise me up”.

couple of dances which included various dance styles like Salsa, Contemporary and classical.

Mahera Furniturewala-7A

An Adventure Camp - Closer to Nature

Teachers- in- charge Mrs. Dhun Mistry Mrs. Vijaya Parab Ms. Diana Gomes

Remembering Chacha Nehru

The hosts Ms.Manickam,Mrs.Kapadia and Mrs. Menon entertained us throughout the programme dressed as kids. We then had our teachers enacting the popular show ’Coffee with Karan’.This was followed by a Queen Marian 2014-2015

The finale saw all the teachers dance on the famous song ‘Indiawale’. The programme was a big hit with all the students cheering for their teachers. At the end of the programme we were given chocolates by our class teachers . We enjoyed that day at school thoroughly. Trisha Patel-9 Alpha Rajvi Chokshi-9 Alpha


ONE NATION READING DAY On 28th November, 2014, all students of Queen Mary School celebrated ONE NATION READING DAY. Classes 1 to 10 read books of their choice and did activities. My class, 7A had planned something different……..

Our class teacher, Mrs.Raiborde decided that a few girls from our class had to dress up like their favourite characters from books. Some girls dressed up like Heidi, Noddy, Harry Potter, Matilda, Percy Jackson and many more. We started by discussing why that girl dressed up like that character. Harry Potter said that she chose to be Harry Potter because he was a unique character with magical powers. One of them dressed up like a mouse from

the book ‘Thea Stilton’. She dressed up like a pretty mouse with whiskers and a small mouth. She then spoke about her character. After this activity we read our favourite books. On this day we got to learn something new and we read different new books. We are lucky that we humans can read and also understand what a particular author writes in his or her books and expresses what he or she imagines.

We humans are lucky that we have the privilege to read. We should enjoy One Nation Reading Day and celebrate it with fun and joy so that we learn more!


Mudita Adaniya-7A

Students of VII A dressed up like their favourite characters from different books.


Queen Marian 2014-2015

Report: We Are The World – 2014 The fourteenth edition of ‘We Are The World’ Interschool competition was organized by H.R. College at St.Stanislaus High School, Bandra on 29th and 30th November 2014. Eighteen of the top schools of the city participated with great enthusiasm. Following on the 2nd Position overall, in the previous year, the students of Queen Mary School, achieved unprecedented success in several events to win the coveted Overall First Place trophy and bring laurels to the school.

T h e u n i q u e fe a t u re o f t h i s eve n t i s i t s international theme. Each team is required to represent a specific country. Their dress, dance, music, cuisine, mascot are all required to portray the original. The country represented by the students of Queen Mary School this year was Thailand. The students performed with great elan in their resplendent costumes and won the hearts of the audience as well as the judges. Our Notable Successes Were:

• 1st Position in Movie Making. • 1st Position in Dance

• 1st Position in Cuisine

• 1st Position in War of Contingent Leaders • 2nd Position in Mascot

• 2nd Position in Fashion Show OVERALL – 1ST POSITION!!

The teachers who were instrumental in implementation of activities in which our school participated and won laurels were: Mrs. Choudhary, Mrs. Datye, Mrs. Kujur, Mrs. Jauhari and Mr. Sharma .

We also appreciate the efforts of the following teachers who gave us their valuable time and accompanied us to the venue.

Mrs. Rekha, Mrs. Reena Rodrigues, Mrs. J. D’souza, Ms. Jones, Mrs. Rani and Mrs. P. Choudhary. A special note of appreciation for our choreographers Mrs. Shefali and Ms. Aetisha, Mr. Keshav and Rev. Sumitra for helping us in various events.

Mr. S. ANAND (Teacher – in – charge)

• 1 Position in Backdrop st

• 1st Position in Treasure Hunt

Perimeter And Area Activity

We started with the chapter Perimeter and Area in Math class. To make this topic more interesting our Math teacher, Mrs.Raiborde told us to bring building blocks and make a garden out of it. We had to then find out the area of the garden and the objects in it and the inner and outer perimeter of the whole garden. We had a lot of fun while doing this activity. We did it in groups of four. In the garden we built all different types of equipments like slides, swings,

Queen Marian 2014-2015

monkey bars, sea saws and many other objects. It was a very memorable experience and the class was enthusiastic about making a beautiful garden while learning about area and perimeter in a creative way. When we did this activity we remembered the time when we were in playgroup as very small kids and we had never thought that we could learn a Maths chapter in such an innovative way. Maisha Shantaram-6 Alpha.


Vogue -A Journey to Success An Inter-city Inter-School personality contest was organized by the Rotract Club of HR College. The 17th Vogue was a dream journey that began on 18th January 2014. Going on for a month this experience not only enhanced my confidence but developed my personality too.

They say, “It’s the journey that matters and its worthwhile, not the final destination. The 17th Vogue wasn’t a red carpet walk with rose petals or a piece of cake, but it was the most memorable journey one could travel and explore. We the participants of Vogue felt like explorers whose enthusiasm and inquisitiveness only got stronger with each passing day, it seemed like there was no end. Vogue was divided into three phases.

The 1st phase comprised an interview and written questionnaire. Based on this, two participants from each participating school were selected.

The 2nd phase went on for about two weeks where in there were speaker sessions, workshops, mock-stock markets, quizzes and several activities that groomed our personalities. After a few days one participant from each school was eliminated. The last day of this phase was the talent round where each of us had 90 seconds to showcase our talents on stage. For the talent round, I performed a monologue and a dance based on a fusion of western and Indian culture.


Phase three was the finale. It was divided into three rounds. The first round compromised a fashion show in Indian and Western attire. As each round passed students were eliminated. For the 2nd round participants were called on stage to have a question answer session with the panel of judges. In the 3rd round the top five were called on stage at a time and had to speak impromptu about an abstract painting shown to them in 45 seconds. After which the winner was announced.

Vogue taught me that experience is the most brutal of all teachers.The experience that I have had on this wonderful journey is definitely going to be an arch to build upon. As the days passed by we had something new to learn. Despicable, Passionate, Confident, Enthusiastic, Determined- all these characteristics only grew in each one of us by the day. The friends I have made here are sure to last forever. It was an amazing learning experience to see fellow students so very talented. In fact, Vogue helped many to discover their individual hidden talents. This journey has been a joyride, one to cherish and many memories to last a life time. Zinatra D’souza 9A

Queen Marian 2014-2015

Programme by QMS

Jal Jyoti - an initiative taken up by students of Std. X as part of their project to light up homes in a village, Rs. 59,555/was donated by QMS for their work.

Rashi Lakhotia- (Std III) winner of 2nd prize ‘Dream it to Win it’ Contest

Queen Marian 2014-2015

Terry Fox India - A sum of Rs.43,148/- was donated by QMS towards Terry Fox Run


SUPW - Club Activities Splash (Tie and Dye) Form 8 Alpha India has a very old tradition of dyeing the knotted and folded textiles in vibrant colours. This art work is called Bandhej. Variety of patterns are revealed when these knots and folds are opened. Our tie and dye sessions aim at encouraging the Queen Marians to explore this traditional art. Girls were taught different types of folds like fan fold, samosa fold ,crumble the cloth and many more. We hope

the girls would further like to explore the art of Bandhej and achieve greater heights.

Children are taught various types of embroidery stitches in an easy and interesting manner in the group by their teachers.

In the second term, the children of 5 Alpha were given a floral pattern wherein the same stitches were used by the students. A new stitch-Satin stitch was also introduced to them. It was indeed a Great Beginning for our Small hands.

Teachers in chargeMrs. Snehlata Achary Mrs. Vijaya Parab Mrs. Poonam Dhawan Mrs. Swati Bakshi

Small Hands and Great Beginnings - Needle Work

In the first term, the children of 5 A made embroidery of a hen with chicks. The children started by learning how to stitch a button. Later on, they learned various other stitches like stem stitch,chain stitch and button-hole stitch.

Teachers In-charge Mrs. B. Ranjan Mrs. D. Mistry Mrs. Lekha Chiploonkar Mrs. S. Maniyar

Creative Writing Club Form 5 was given creative writing assignments as their SUPW activity. They wrote acrostic poems and poems using onomatopoeia. The students learnt to pen their own thoughts through diary entries and descriptions of themselves. They also indulged in group activities through script writing. The

students also dabbled in poetry writing and recipe writing too and learnt to critically appreciate a book through writing its review.

I would like to share my experience with everybody. Crusaders has taught me a lot and has brought me more closer to GOD.

thoughts at that time. Little did I know that the coming term was about to prove me all wrong ...what with our super fun teachers Mrs.Raiborde, Mrs.Ellar and Mrs.d’souza. They have been very encouraging and helpful all along the term, making

Mrs. P. Babu Ms. Shalaka Pathare


I started my first class sitting and moping on my desk expecting the class to be as boring as my 66

Queen Marian 2014-2015

us sing and dance enthusiastically and energetically, subconsciously imbibing and ingraining in us the profound teachings of life and love for its ‘Creator’.

After that, every Tuesday was awaited for by all of us and Tuesdays ended our school days with peace, joy and happiness in our hearts.

The clippings of stories shown to us gave us the ultimate confidence and now I know for sure that GOD loves me as he loves all his creatures -be it microscopic, small, big, dark, fair, good or bad.

The worksheets given were thoroughly enjoyed by us and without knowing how the message of love of God has gone through the hearts of all of us. The action songs were an unforgettable experience of releasing ourselves, again for the love of GOD.

‘GOD HAS A PLAN FOR EACH ONE OF US AND EACH LIFE COUNTS AND IS PRECIOUS FOR GOD’... This was a very valuable lesson that we learnt and I remember it every time I’m sad or elated. Crusaders has been the best SUPW experience.

Ghazal Khan-7 Alpha

Supw Club Activities



Interact Club


Queen Marian 2014-2015




Needle work

An automation process has been set up with new software which includes bar-coding of the library collection and membership.

The QMS Library Week was organised for Forms 3 to 7 in the month of November where the ‘Winter Library Mascot’ was presented in order to promote reading habits. During this week a ‘Book-Mark Contest’ and ‘Author Talk Session’ was organized.

Tie & Dye

Our school subscribes to various edutainment newspapers for children like Brainwave, Robin Age, Fun Times and The Young Brain. A student of our school, Trisha Ghopal of Form 2 won a prize in the Fun Times Contest in which more than 200 schools had participated. -Mrs. Reena Singh Rodrigues


‘Winter Library Mascot’

Mrs. Reena Singh Rodrigues (Librarian) and Mr. Balakrishna Queen Marian 2014-2015

SUPW - Website Club Windows To QMS

Windows to QMS, the website club consists of the students of Form 9. Here are the brilliant minds in the field of computers who work enthusiastically to compile the content for our school website under the assistance of their computer teachers. The members of the club gather images and videos of the various events taking place in the school during the academic year. The selected images are used as a source of information for the school website to display the enthusiastic participation of the students and teachers of the school. Under the guidance of our computer teachers we learnt more about the technology like transferring the data from the camera to the computers ,how to write data on CD’s and organizing the images in a synchronized manner.

Queen Marian 2014-2015

• Members of the club:-

• Fatema Malkapurwala • Krishna Thacker • Aashee Mehta

• Akanksha Malik • Krisha Agarwal • Jahanavi Vora

• Vaishnavi Chinchankar

Teachers – in – Charge of the club:• Ms.Rekha

• Mrs.Sheth • Ms.Jones After so many days of hard work and enjoyment we are sure that we have turned into better tech savvies.


MUSIC Music is Divine. It is an output of Symbolic and Synchronized association of body, heart and soul to derive and drive the best of the human capabilities for an enhanced, co-ordinated and perfected output. We at QMS supplement the activities of the institution for an overall development of students. Such efforts include diversified cultural activities

in-house and also outside. Few such integrated activities are

School Band

The school choir: Melody reigns supreme

• Inter House Choir Competition.

• Founder’s Day and Investiture Ceremonies. • Christmas Choir.

• Annual day Celebrations.

Students performing at an event organized by Navy Children School.


Queen Marian 2014-2015

Creative Writing


efnvoer cejeĂžer Queen Marian 2014-2015


Primary Section If I had a puppy...

If I were a magician

If I had a puppy, I would play with him all day. I would never leave him alone. I would give him food too. I would dress him up. I would take him for a walk in the garden. I would paint and draw with him. He would be my best friend. And I would love him forever and ever. I love you Tuffi. Tisha Gada 2A

Ganesh Chaturthi I was born on Ganesh Chaturthi which is Lord Ganesha’s birthday. On this day many people bring Lord Ganesha’s idol home to worship. I like this festival because I go with my parents to see the idols of Lord Ganesha in different areas. After praying to Lord Ganesha, Indian sweets which are also called ‘prasad’ are distributed. This festival is celebrated for ten days and on the eleventh day the Idol is immersed in the sea. Ganesh Chaturthi is a colourful festival. It is my favourite festival.

My Hobby

Trishla Mayani 2A

My hobby is craft. I do craft whenever I get free time. My mother teaches me craft. I make many different types of things. I prepare things with unwanted and waste materials. I make wall hangings, diyas, rangolis and lanterns. My sister helps me sometimes. I also like to watch craft shows like Mister Maker and Art Attack. I am planning to make a photo frame with shells and sand.

If I were a magician I would surprise people . I would turn blue balloons to red balloons and get rabbits out of my hat. In a blink of an eye, I would make buildings disappear and reappear. I would turn a bunch of pencils into a beautiful bunch of roses and gift it to my teacher. A lovely princess would come out from an old cupboard. A joker would appear from nowhere and make people laugh. I enjoy doing my shows and entertaining my audience.

My Three Wishes.

Denita Rana 2B

One day my mother had gone to a clinic and my elder sister and I were alone at home. My sister started reading a magazine, but I took a ladder and climbed up till I reached the attic. I started searching for my father’s old piano. While searching for it I came across an old lamp but soon found the piano. I came down with it in one hand and the ladder in the other. I showed the lamp to my sister. She thought it was an ordinary one, but a strange light attracted me towards it so I decided to clean it. I blew the dust and as soon as I did that a genie came out and asked me my three wishes. I asked the genie whether he was in the lamp and thrown it into the sea. He also told me that my father had found him. He told me that as I freed him, he would grant me three wishes. I thought for a while and told him my three wishes. My first wish was that every person should get education whether he

Janvi Shetty 1A 72

Queen Marian 2014-2015

or she is poor or not. People who are not educated have to struggle a lot for money. Also, as poor people cannot afford their school fees, they should get free education. My second wish was that I had a magic airplane with which I could travel anywhere in the world or in space and would reach there in 4-5 minutes. Also the clothes needed to wear in space would automatically come in the airplane when I would press a button. My third wish was that I would become a great and a famous author and play writer when I would grow up. I wish that I would be able to write very good books. Suddenly, I heard my mother’s voice and she was telling me to wake up. I opened my eyes. Alas! This was just a dream but I will remember this awesome dream forever. Esha Dholakia 4B

My Surprise Birthday Party For my birthday my parents had planned the best surprise party. The candles were lit and the cake was on the tray. Snacks, drinks and chocolates made me feel gay. The streamers were hung and the lights were low, my friends were all hidden and suddenly the balloons flew. The plan was all hush, which made me blush. Vrinda Agrawal 3B

The Day I Won One Crore Rupees Junior KBC One day I saw an advertisement on television related to Junior KBC. I got excited and decide to apply for it. Much to my surprise I got a phone call saying that I was selected. I was excited as well as nervous. The next day I had to go to the KBC set. I couldn’t wait any longer and got ready by putting my new clothes on. Once I reached there we played fastest finger first, where I was the lucky one to win. I got a chance to play with Mr. Amitabh Bachan. My family was also there to support me. I could answer the first few questions easily. They gradually became harder and by the time I had fifty lakh rupees, I had only one lifeline left. Finally I won the game. As I was going home I had a lot of things I wanted to do with the money. As I slept I thought this is a new beginning for me.

Rainy season

Ashna Thakkar 4B

Rainy season is my favourite season. I like to get wet in the rain. We carry an umbrella or wear raincoats and go in the rain. I love to eat sweet corn especially in the rainy season. We see many small creatures enjoying the rain like the earthworm, snail and frog. The best part of the rainy season is the rainbow in the sky. I always long for the rainbow after the rains. Rain is very useful for all living creatures. We get water due to rain. Without rain there is no life on Earth. Rutvi Sanghvi 1B

Queen Marian 2014-2015


Poetry Section Nature Nature is so beautiful, Nature is so cute But sometimes I feel, Its silent and mute. A scene that is spectacular, The rustling of a stream Even at night, It shines like a beam.

THE MATCH I went to see a match, The players were playing on A green patch! And the cricketer took a Nice catch! It was night, And the match was tight! It looked as if


The twinkling stars, The shining moonlight, It would make you so calm, You would never get into a fight. Its on nature whom we depend So don’t spoil it, take care of it, Treat it as your very best friend, You will never regret as you do your bit. Nupur Bapaye 5 Alpha

It was a tough fight! But, Mumbai was more bright! Suddenly a twist, with sixes in the sky, I hope it will not be a tie! Finally, Mumbai in the the finals won! So the whole of Mumbai is Having a lot of fun! As now the match is all done! Ishah Choksi 6A

Queen Marian 2014-2015

MY MUMMY Mummy Oh ! Dear Mummy You make my milk yummy! Which fills my empty tummy! Oh! Dear mummy you are Always so refreshing! MUMMY I am your proud little daughter And we saunter! You are a scholar! And much taller! You are very wise! And give me advice! In your advice there is spice! It is very nice! So I hear twice! Mummy you are lovely and Lively every time I see you People like you are very few!

I am waiting in a room to be Like you! Oh ! dear mummy, You care for me every moment! And always give me a right comment! Whenever I am hungry you give me a toast! And for vacation You take us to the coast! Dear mummy, you work so Hard day and night, With all your might! Though your schedule is very tight! Oh ! dear mummy, You are the one about whom I boast Cause I love you the most! Isha Choksi 6A

Mr.Monkey Mr.Monkey, Is quite funky, His brain is like a donkey,


He copies whatever he sees, He is scared of bees, He loves the cold breeze, But sometimes he might freeze, He lives mostly on trees. He is quite naughty, Not at all haughty, He looks Chinese, He is pale as blue cheese, He will entertain you without charging any fees. So this is Mr.Monkey, Who is quite funky. Rhea Telang 6A

Queen Marian 2014-2015

Asked Chintu to papa, Why are roses red? Why is the sky blue? And why are the crew always getting flu? Why are leaves green? Why are there different types of hair? And I am afraid ….. That everybody might become a bear. And when Chintu looked at papa to answer his queries, Papa was already asleep. “What a waste of time,” said Chintu to himself. And he too quietly fell asleep. Nandini.Dholakia 6A


TIME Time is precious, save it. Time is valuable, don’t waste it. Time will never fly, I guarantee you. It will fly only if you are late which is true If you will be with it ,it will help you to keep fit Nandini Dholakia 6A

The School. A school is a place where you learn and play, A place where you make new friends and foes, A place where the teachers teach you everyday, A place where you’ll develop from head to toe. A school is a place where you say Hurrah! A place where you learn things you’ll love to say, A place where you’ll never feel sad or low, The subjects are vast and varied though. A school is a place where you’ll sing and dance, A place where you can call out everyone, A school will always welcome you with open arms, Who can ever forget such a place of charm ! Heer Shah 6 Alpha

The flower A flower is a gift of God, That brings calmness to our soul, In every creature’s life, It plays an important role. Like a treasure of emotions With a fresh and lingering, sweet smell, As its innocent appearance, Casts on our hearts, a magical spell. As the frail petals, Rise from the beautiful, green, centre base, There blooms the fragile flower, Spreading it’s love like the sun’s rays. A stem, with a green, velvety finish, Would be every flower’s sole wish. The tinge of orange merges into the yellow, I dream of flowers, when I lie down putting my head on pillow. The sun has set now, so from dawn to dusk, I promise to spread love like the fragrance of musk! Simran Raichura 7A


Queen Marian 2014-2015


Empowerment of Women

Like a flower That you are; Blossom Like you’re the only one In the lonely garden afar. Smile, Like you’re the only one Floating in the calm sea, Sing, Like a lovely little bird Who was just set free. Don’t let the haters criticize you, Don’t let them kill you from the inside, Even if they try to. Act as if you aren’t scared of severe high-tides. If you ever fell down, Remember, The rain doesn’t last forever. After rain comes the beautiful sunshine, Pulling you out of dread, Pulling you out of severe cold, Giving you warmth, Helping you blossom Like the wonderful, Beautiful And Lovely Flower that you are.

I knew myself not yesterday , But I know myself today. I love who I am inside of me , And there’s a lot I need to say. I will never let another person , Bring me to my knees. Because I have chosen to grow and fly, To find my destiny. I smile a different smile today, Than I smiled in the past. Today it is a heartful smile , One I know will last. I will no longer have to hide, From what I want to be. Because today I don’t wear a disguise, And the “ME” people see is “ME”. Gazal Khan 7 Alpha

Aarushi Sharma 7 Alpha

Queen Marian 2014-2015


Nature’s Beauty I sit on my window and watch the sky, That vast stretch of blue silk. At night it possesses a blanket of silver stars, In the morning a white cloud cover shining like milk.

Mother Her heart so pure, her love so true, She is such a great guidance for me and you! Her words so wise and kind, Such a great lady, you’ll never find! Even the toughest of times….she faces happily, She is the binding cord of my family.

Then I see the majestic being , Rooted to the ground, As the wind blows past it, It makes a silent,rustling sound.

Her love and generosity can be given no price, She is always the right person for a true advice.

Its green leaves and firm branches, Yielding flowers red and green, Give home to the beautiful birds, Such beauty can never be seen.

She is as trustworthy and responsible, as she teaches us to be…. She has always been a role model for me.

The cuckoo’s melodious song, Fills my heart with happiness, At night I hear the sea water rippling, That relieves me from all the stress.

Whenever we need her she has always been there, Being the senior most, she has always been fair.

The thunders frighten and threaten me, But the rains then lift my soul. The winter snow gets me thrilled to bits, As we slurp the hot soup from the bowl. The wonders of nature…..now I know! That wash our sorrows away, It makes us feel like heaven on earth, And this-I can confidently say! Simran Raichura 7A

Under her guidance I am always at rest, Really….you’re truly the best! Simran Raichura 7A

What if? Bullying hurts, don’t you see? You are nothing, but a big bully. Don’t you think what could have been What if they wrote a note to say goodbye? And their family and friends were wondering why? What if at night, they cry themselves to sleep? By morning, its too hard to get upon their feet. They are afraid to come to school because of bullies like you, When they try to tell an adult, their plea is overruled. Soon they can’t take it anymore, They begin to think what they have to live for, Finally all their sorrows start to spill, They grab the bottle and overdose of pills,


Queen Marian 2014-2015

All they ever wanted was a friend And to hear the words, “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again”, You did it all for fun You didn’t know what it could have done! What if you pushed them a bit too far? All your actions would have caused one big scar! Haven’t you seen what you put them through? You think they’re weak, but they are stronger than you! Don’t you know how big is that fear? They scream so hard but no one can hear, What if it was you who got hurt everyday? Tell me how many words you would have been left with to say! Vanshika Mithani 8 Alpha

Cyber Bullying Some people think That words on the screen Don’t mean as much So they have right to be mean. They don’t understand The power they hold, With each letter they type With each letter they make bold. They don’t think a bit About what might come, When that message receiver Decides to succumb.

Every day they wake up with regret All they want to do is forget! So next time you are online And want to act like a fool Just keep in mind That cyber bullying is not cool! Vanshika Mithani-8 Alpha

A Poem For Duhita God saw she was getting tired, And a cure was not to be. So he put his arms around her And whispered “Come with me”. With tearful eyes we watched her suffer, And saw her fade away, Although we loved her dearly, We could not make her stay. A golden heart stopped beating, Hardworking hands to rest. God broke our hearts but to prove to us, He only takes the best! Although her heart stopped beating, Her love will remain. Her absence puts upon our hearts, A very heavy strain. For now she is in a place of everlasting rest, We just have to understand that God only takes the BEST! Vanshika Mithani 8 Alpha

They don’t foresee The dreaded result, Of a person attacked By an online cult. Day by day they torment them (victims) It takes so long for their hearts to mend. All they ask for is one true friend, But they (bully) make them want their lives to end.

Queen Marian 2014-2015


My City Of Dreams (Mumbai) The lifestyle you can die to live , Hotels, Malls and Night Clubs give , Tall buildings is the view you will see here, But higher are the dreams of the people who live here. Where local trains hardly run on time, Where rushing and pushing is no crime. The city of glamour and fashion, The city of love and attraction.

Sev Puri and Bhel Puri , are all examples of Mumbai’s chaat, Relishing it with the spicy chutney is no easy art . From popcorn to ice creams all sold on a cart, Mumbai, you will always stay close to my heart. Be it the seaside or a horse ride, Be it the Sidhivinayak Temple bells or the stories it tells. Be it the fresh Neera or the Veer Zaara, Be it the fish or prawn dish, Be it Sholay or Lagaan , Yeh Hai Mumbai Meri Jaan ! Vanshika Mithani-8 Alpha

A Distant Future She looked at the land all barren and dead, All dark and dull-not a tree ahead. Her mother had told her tales of days gone by, When all was green and birds twittered in the sky. She sighed for she knew what was wrong, All the power on earth was gone. It had happened millions of years ago, The story went somewhat so: The humans had lots of fossil fuel to use, But they never thought of using alternate energy sources too. But what they did not know Was that whatever had come, had to go. They squandered oil and wasted coal, Till Mother Earth decided that humans must be told, That the resources were few That they must find energy in something new.

But the humans paid no heed, And Earth suffered from their greed. “I have to end this,” She said to herself, “They will repent for what they’ve done themselves.” Slowly but surely the resources began to decrease, But the human activity refused to cease. What they were doing was wrong, much to earth’s dismay, The errors of their ways was there on display. So thus the great humans met their end, Because alternate energy sources they did not befriend. Let us take this an example to see, What happens when we refuse to hear the earth’s plea. Using alternate energy is the way, We can keep such a dreadful future at bay. Let’s fight for energy conservation, So that energy may last for generations! Avanti Bhandarkar 9 Alpha


Queen Marian 2014-2015

The World The world is but a stage, With kings and a page. Everyone has a part , Not always played from the heart. Some people are good, some are bad, Some are happy, some are sad. Some are cruel, some are kind, People of every type, you will find.

The Dark Side of the World The pollution of the world is increasing, The effect-wildlife is slowly decreasing. And the world is becoming a dark place, With nowhere for animals to show their face. The beauty of our land is going away, And unless we preserve nature, it will not stay. Fossil fuels are getting depleted, Causing prices to be highly inflated. People are dying everyday, Of lack of care or place to stay. Poverty is prevalent on our earth, For most, life is darkness, no joy nor mirth.

You will find people who are half-half, They may be sad, but they will laugh. Or vice-versa it can be Or any combination as you can see. Look around at every man, May he be dark or fair or have a tan. They will be a mix of some type You will understand them when the time is ripe. Neha Goregaokar 10 Alpha

There is corruption everywhere, Not an ounce of truth in the air. Money is placed above everything, What a horrible world, no place to sing. Superstitions still play a big part in many lives, Without thinking, in it the world dives. Many cannot read or write, And get cheated out of every right. So rid the world of all bad, Make sure that nobody is sad. And make the world a better place, For all to have a happy face! Neha Goregaokar 10 Alpha

Boys are preferred over girls by most, Though they are equal and neither has higher post. Female infanticide still takes place, To be born a girl is reason enough to hide your face. Terrorists are still killing everyone they see, Our world is in as much anarchy as can be. There is no peace to be found, In any place around.

Queen Marian 2014-2015



Life is beautiful , Life is wonderful , Experience in life is the best teacher , Which makes us a successful or failing creature . Life offers us many opportunities , To enhance our talents in many cities , But they should be extravagantly spectacular , Ego on them makes us vulgar . Life goes on and on , Whether you choose to move on , Or stay locked up in the past which has gone , And even meet devoidly , the evening and morn!

Some people come in our lives as blessings , Others come as lessons . Never give up as there is nothing as an ending , Its only a new beginning . If everyone is happy and satisfied with you , Surely you have made compromises too . If you are happy and satisfied with everyone , Surely you have ignored many faults of others that are done . Life is from “B” TO “D” , Birth to Death for us to face, But the “C” in between stands for choice , Make the right choice by listening to your inner voice . Life is like a camera – Focus on what is important , Capture the good times , During Loneliness , alone with them mime ! Aishwariya R . Rele 10 Alpha

Jewellery First come the earrings Made of gold, silver or other things. Then comes the ring in your nose Which twinkles as you pose. Now the neck, we’re done with the face, There you’ll find a beautiful necklace. To the arm, which, by most people you’ve met, Is decorated by an exquisite armlet.

Now to the ring which is on the toe, Called a toe-ring, not given by a foe. All these complete your jewellery set, Which beautifies every girl you’ve met. Neha Goregaokar 10 Alpha

Onto the fingers, on which lies a thing, A thin or thick band, called a ring. Now near the ground, where an anklet lies, Very near the ground, unlike anything that flies.


Queen Marian 2014-2015

Essays & Articles Section Importance Of Extra Curricular Activities In A Student’s Life Extracurricular activities play a vital role to promote the growth and overall development of a child’s personality besides academics. The hidden talent can be discovered if they are actively involved in these activities. It de-stresses one from the monotonous, mundane routine. It keeps one rejuvenated and healthy not only physically but mentally. These activities could take various forms such as music, physical fitness, mental skills or creative art forms that discuss discipline too. I, therefore, strongly promote the inclusion of extracurricular activities that would enrich and enhance the quality of a student’s life to help her identify the meaning and purpose of her life’s true calling. Nishi Guruji-5A

Importance of Homework Everywhere I look children are complaining. Everyone seems to be dreading the word ‘homework’. It is largely considered to be a sort of pain but when we take a closer look at the word ‘homework’, it actually means work to be completed at home. Then why do people complain about it? Teachers in school give us homework to revise what we learnt at school.If there was no homework some students wouldn’t even touch the books. We may be tomorrow’s leaders who will shape the country’s future and if the teachers don’t give us homework, if they don’t encourage us to do it or they don’t punish us when we don’t complete our work,it will not prepare us to become productive citizens. So next time before you complain about your homework,don’t forget this thought. Hetvi Shah-5 Alpha

Queen Marian 2014-2015

The person I admire the most I live in a big family. I have many friends. I am dear to everybody, but the person I admire the most is my mother. I admire my mother because she takes care of us. She does tiresome jobs but she is never tired for us. My mother always helps me with my homework when I need her help. She teaches me very well. She has also taught me the value of money. She talks to me politely. She shares everything with everybody. She is kind and gentle. Whatever I want she gives me but she scolds me too. I like my mother because she listens to me. Sometimes while doing homework, if there are any mistakes in it, she corrects them. She takes care of me. I like my mother very much. I know that she will never change. So that is why I am very fond of her and want to be like her when I grow up. That is why the person I admire the most is my mother. She is the best! Hiya Shah-5 A

A Mother’s love Nothing can come close to the love that a mother feels for her children. Most women are inherently excellent mothers. Women carry their young before they are born and then continue to nurture them throughout their childhood and adulthood. Mothers make sure that their children are safe and happy throughout their childhood. It is the unconditional love that a mother feels that drives these feelings. It is hard to describe the feeling that a mother has towards her children. In fact most people do not understand unless they become a mother themselves. Diya Bafna 5 Alpha


A Lily In Heaven Duhita was a girl with a positive attitude, even when she took her last breath. She never cried over the fact that she had cancer nor did she ever lose hope. Inspite of being chosen to participate in the Mini Olympics from twenty lakh cancer survivors, and being a state champion in chess, carrom, cycling, gymnastics and art, she was grounded and humble, like a fragrant rose. Humility was her biggest virtue. Duhita taught every child to be happy in life for whatever they had. She has left us with this message etched in our hearts. We still see her smiling in our adversities and she is still telling us to embrace life as it comes. Duhita was like a lily in a beautiful garden, who inspite of being battered by the storms of life stood still and peaceful spreading her beauty around. On 7th June, God saw this beautiful lily with magnificent pink petals and green leaves. God was mesmerized by the beauty and was compelled to bring this lily up to his garden in heaven. Duhita, we will never miss you because you are still in our midst, waving and smiling... Sanya Khan-5Alpha

One Wish Duhita Save had taken part in, and won a scholarship from the Hindustan Times Scholarship Programme 2014. This is her Prize-Winning essay‌ If you were allowed one wish that would come true, what would it be and why? In this world all the children definitely want to make a wish. If I was allowed to make a wish which could come true, I would definitely wish that in this world no child or for that matter anyone, should get the disease, Cancer. I, myself am a cancer survivor. In 2008, when I was in first standard, I was detected with Cancer. It was a big shock for my parents. When I was in Senior K.G. my bones used to pain a lot. So we went to Hinduja Hospital. There we were informed that I was detected with the disease cancer. From that day for my parents and myself, our unhappy days started. This treatment is very painful. It lasts for almost two years. During the treatment, the first nine months I had to undergo chemotherapy and then radiation. The radiation and chemotherapy are very painful with their side effects. Especially for girls, facing the world without your hair is very challenging. During the treatment, I found many children and adults suffering from the disease. When I used to see them in pain I felt very bad for them. I have even seen new born babies in immense pain. They have to take so many injections and medicines to get rid of this disease. If I was allowed to make a wish that could come true, I would wish that when I grow up I would become an oncologist, so that I can cure the disease and along with that I would invent a vaccine which would eradicate cancer completely. ‌And I am sure that everybody would join me in praying that my wish comes true‌ (Written on 28.8.2013)


Queen Marian 2014-2015

Mangalyaan in Mars Orbit; History created says, PM Narendra Modi Mission successful, India’s Mars orbiter Mangalyaan, has entered the Red Planet’s orbit- a historic moment for the country’s space programme. ISRO – Indian Space Research Organisation successfully ignited the main 440 Newton liquid engines and eight thrusters that fired for 24 minutes and trimmed the speed of craft to allow smooth orbit inser tion under Mar’s shadow. Two hours later, Mangalyaan transmitted the first pictures from Mars. “History has been created”. We have achieved the near impossible. India was the first country to achieve this in the first attempt. The odds were stacked against us. Of the 51 missions attempted across the world so far, a mere 21 have succeeded. By placing Mangalyaan in the Mars orbit, India joins the US, the European Space Agency and Russia in the elite club of Martians Explorers. China and Japan have failed. Mangalyaan was made in just 15 months at a cost of Rs.450 crore, the cheapest inter-planetary mission ever to be undertaken. This success will boost India’s five-decade old space programme that India aims to expand with better infrastructure and technology. Riding on the recent success of its Mars Orbiter Mission, India plans to revisit the planet in 2018, possibly with a lander and rover to conduct more experiments. THE MARS MISSION HAS PROVED THAT NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE Mokshi Shah V.A.

Queen Marian 2014-2015

Man’s Best Creation God created the land we stand on, the sky above our head, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the flora and fauna surrounding us. Every creation is marvelous. Every creature depends on each other. But the gem of all creations is mankind. Humans are gifted with brains faster than any other living being. Truly, humans are God’s best creation, but what is man’s best creation? Some state that fire is man’s best creation, other’s the computer. Some also say that satellites are the best creation while others money. No! I believe writing was and still is man’s best creation. Since prehistoric times, man has used writing as a way to communicate and to express his feelings. From ancient cave inscriptions to famous works of William Shakespeare, writing can be expressed in so many ways. If there would be no such thing as writing, Shakespeare would not be able to show his capability, Einstein wouldn’t be able to share his discoveries, and if it wasn’t for writing, notable people like the latter would not exist if their existence wasn’t recorded. Without writing, this page would be empty and useless. Just imagine life without writing! What if it didn’t exist? Every piece of evolution would just vanish, and all our education and knowledge would simply cease to exist. Writing records the lives of people and so is the first necessary step in the written history of a civilization. If writing had never been invented, this world would be a wholly different place. Memories would only last as long as we lived, or as long as those who came after remembered to keep passing our stories down. As a high tech society we have learnt to loathe writing and ever ything that follows it such as reading. Although our generation


puts a spotlight on easy and quick fun like video games or movies instead of long and boring to death books, it is unimaginable to run away from reading. Writing also increases the reader’s imagination by isolating the reader into self projected movie which is impossible in a movie, as the movie limits our imagination and creativity. Writing is not just books or paper and pencil. Most of the writing today is the origin of movies and T.V. shows. For example J.K.Rowling’s world famous, the Harry Potter series. We live in the world that separates the masses by their edification level. Writing connects the world and nations together by a black and white constitution or simple facts. Writing is where conversations are engendered. Writing allows us to make logic of things. Writing helps us let go and accept that we may never find answers. Writing is the miracle that connects a soldier in a battle to his families. Writing is man’s best creation. Lamiya Ayaz 8A

Should Animal Circuses Prevail? “Ra da da da da da da da circus Da da da da da da da da afro Circus afro, circus afro, Polka dot polka dot polka dot afro” Wow! An animal circus! Isn’t it awesome! Wasn’t the circus in the movie Madagascar 3 just amazing? But wait, are all animal circuses so much fun? Do all animals enjoy doing a circus? Are they all treated well? Unfortunately, the answer to these questions is NO! In an animal circus, animals from the wild are trapped when they are very young and are made to live this life of compulsion. Most of the time they are ill treated and beaten mercilessly. They aren’t even given good food which they deserve after so much work. Is this all fair? The animal is tortured so that we can have fun and that the circus owner can earn money. While transporting the animals


from the wild to the circus, some of them die. Nobody cares that they are also living beings. Just some animals are dying, what difference does it make, right. It does make a BIG difference. They are all living creatures, and have as much right to live as humans do. The circus owners are just tormenting and sometimes even killing the poor animals. Shouldn’t the circus owners be behind the bars under the offence of murder? Thankfully, most animal circuses have been banned and such reckless circus owners have been jailed, but it will not stop unless all of us strongly react against these inhumane circuses. By making animals perform in circuses, we are taking away their natural lifestyle from them. In this way, we are strongly affecting the natural biodiversity of nature. As a result, even if we send these animals back to their habitats, they will not be able to adapt and,therefore,die.Hence, the circuses permanently damage the life of the animals. Even by watching and enjoying the animal circuses, we are encouraging the circus owners to have more and more acts and use the animal to its utmost. Hence, looking at the facts, I strongly believe that animal circuses should be banned. The animals should be allowed to live in the natural life and man has no right to interfere and destroy their lives. We should stand up as one and campaign strongly against these activities. Bhoomika Nisar 9 Al

Queen Marian 2014-2015

Prime minister Shri Narendra Modi’s speech on Teachers’ Day Teachers’ Day is celebrated each year on 5th September in honour of Dr.Sar vapalli Radhakrishnan’s birth anniversary. This year our newly elected Prime Minister had an interactive session with school students from across the country. The interactive session was good but the speech the Prime Minister delivered was interesting and very inspirational. In his speech, Prime Minister Modi mentioned how blessed and privileged he felt about being able to address the students who are the bright future of India. He then went on to talk about the importance of Teachers’ Day in India and how, in his opinion, the significance of teachers in society was fading away. He asked the students about how many of them wished to become teachers on growing up. After getting a poor response, he said that there should be such large number of Indians becoming good teachers that India should think of exporting teachers to the entire world. Prime Minister Modi then mentioned an incident that took place in Japan during his recent trip there. He had met a couple, an Indian man and a Japanese woman. The man had asked him (the Prime Minister) about his Independence Day speech especially the part about cleanliness.This man told him that in Japanese schools ,the teachers and the students work together to keep their school clean. “So why can we not apply this in India?” asked the Prime Minister.He then went on to talk about the students, called them talented and encouraged them by saying that if they are determined, nothing would possibly stop them. He stressed the importance of technology in the modern age and asked students to make full use of it without neglecting their studies. The Prime Minister also talked about the importance of sports and developing hobbies, without getting bound by the shackles of books. He encouraged the students to read biographies of famous personalities to gain Queen Marian 2014-2015

more knowledge and draw inspiration from them. Fur ther, he cautioned the children about our overdependence on google by saying, “Don’t just depend on Google Guru, because it can give you information but not complete knowledge.” His speech was met with resounding applause and it was quite clear that the students listening to the Prime Minister were motivated by now. The speech was followed by a question and answer session with the students assembled in the auditorium asking the Prime Minister their questions .The speech had a lot of things that could be imbibed and implemented in our day to day lives. I personally learnt from it that “Those who thought of the near future planted wheat, those who thought of the distant future planted fruit trees and those who planned for generations planted human beings.” Avanti Bhandarkar-9 Alpha

Fighting a Phobia My name is Rhea and I have been the Head Girl of Queen Mary School. However, if few years ago anyone had mentioned this as a future possibility, I would have been aghast! Looking back at what I was, as a child, this would have seemed like an impossible dream! By nature I was very shy and timid. I failed to understand how my brother was outgoing, daring and bold, whilst I could barely manage a few words to strangers, let alone a whole sentence. One particular incident in my child hood changed me as a person and my outlook to life. One September evening, my brother , who is four years older than me took me to his school(St. Mary’s) for the Annual Day. At the end of the programme , he held out his arms protectively around my small 87

shoulders(I was only ten years old at that time!)and led me up to his two friends Aaron and Abhishek .I stood there silently by my brother’s side without saying a word to the two other boys.Then my brother told me to stay and talk to them while he went off to get us some snacks from the canteen. “Talk to them! To two fourteen year old boys! Was he out of his mind, seriously?” I silently fumed,whilst my eyes tried to follow my brother as he disappeared into the crowd.Then I turned to Aaron and Abhishek and stared sullenly at them,unable to say a word , which was not at all unusual for me. However,they tried to put me at ease and said “Hi”to which I replied a humble “Hello”. Abhishek asked if I had enjoyed the programme which I had, and then asked me whether I’d like to come again. I nodded and gave monosyllable answers in my usual style .Realizing that the conversation was not going anywhere ,Aaron asked if I had any hobbies ,since I obviously did not like to talk.After pondering for some time as to whether or not I should answer that question, I decided to tell him that I liked to sing –without realizing that I had probably put my foot in it ,because he then asked me to sing a song for them. Wishing that I had kept my mouth shut ,but not be outdone, I decided to sing their own school anthem, which my brother had taught me at home. I nervously began. After the first verse ,the two boys joined in, and soon a veritable crowd of St. Mary’s boys gathered around , proudly singing along.At the end of the song, everyone’s shocked expression said it all-“A girl from another school was singing their school anthem so well!Wow!Even my brother,who had by then returned with a Frankie in each hand, stood there with his mouth gaping open,

wondering how in heaven’s name had I plucked up the courage to sing in front of two dozen strangers. I guess I’ll never know the answer to that one,but I am so glad I did. Aaron and Abhishek gave me a friendly pat on the back and said they were so glad that I had a ‘voice’ after all. Even their school captain came up to me and told me that I sang really well and asked me which school I was from, to which I proudly answered ‘Queen Mary School’, without even batting an eyelid. I myself was surprised that I had spoken to the school captain fearlessly. That day I realized that I could shed my fear of talking to strangers, if I tried hard enough. This way I would probably make a better life for myself and others around me. The next day, when I came to school, Mrs. Irani asked my class as to who would like to compere the Junior School Speech Day. I actually raised my hand, went for auditions and got selected. From then on, there was no looking back. Participation in interhouse-interschool activities became a priority. I started to talk in public, on stage, and in front of crowds, without feeling like a cat had got my tongue! I started seeking the courage I had lacked earlier-the courage to stand up with confidence as well as to face my mistakes without defiance, as Julie Andrews so rightly sang in “The Sound of Music”. Now I gladly step forward to take part in any activity-be it elocution, debates, acting or drama. I am grateful to my teachers and parents who have always encouraged me and helped me develop my skills. If I ever feel myself retreating to my old self, I remind myself of that Annual Day at St Mary’s, where a little bit of courage took a person from being shy to being a small star-a star that can shine to inspire mankind to go through life’s difficulties with courage, optimism and hope, because after all, stars do not shine without darkness! Rhea Ghiara X Al


Queen Marian 2014-2015

A Bank Robbery...Or was it? It was a lazy Saturday morning and it was a weekly holiday. I was woken up at 8 a.m. even though I did not have to attend school. My father drew the curtains and I was blinded by the sunlight. He cordially asked me whether I wanted to accompany him to the bank. I flatly refused but then my mother insisted that I go. I later agreed, after a good persuasion. My father and I walked the front door of the Tardeo Branch of ICICI bank, which is the biggest branch in Mumbai. I followed my father, he made himself comfortable on one of the seats outside the branch manager’s cabin. I looked around and I saw pamphlets hanging from the ceiling, occasionally blocking the light .There were several desks and I could see people meticulously working behind the glass walls, while the clients walked around , in and out of the room. Some of them looked outside the huge glass window near the entrance. It was so peaceful. Suddenly, a white van pulled up outside the entrance. There was a lot of commotion created which caught my eye. Two masked men, dressed in black jumped out of the van. They were armed with guns and black bags. There was a crash and the next thing I saw was a gaping hole in the glass and parts of it shattered here and there, inside the bank. The masked men hopped back onto their feet and pointed their guns at everybody in the bank and yelled “FREEZE!” I saw the manager peep through a tiny window of his door and run to the telephone. The two men began shooting at all the security cameras. Everybody lay flat on the ground. My heart was beating faster than ever. My father whispered that everything would be alright. I watched as the men broke the glass that covered the desk and ordered the employees to hand them bundles of money.

Queen Marian 2014-2015

Two more men entered through the hole, shooting the guard in the head. There was a pool of blood around the fallen guard’s head. It was horrifying. One of the men ran past us, straight into the manager’s office. He grabbed the hand set from the manager and threw it on the floor. Later, the manager was pushed to the ground next to us. Surprisingly, the camera outside his office was not shot and his cabin door was open the entire time. I turned my head towards the centre of the room and I saw the first two men shove bundles of high value Indian currency into their black bags. ‘Black Money’, I wondered to myself. I tried very hard to lose myself in a daydream but in vain. One man threatened the remaining bandit that he would call the police. The masked man held him at gunpoint. Another man got up and tried to pull the gun away from his fellow citizen’s head, accidentally making the masked man shoot at a fire alarm. I shut my eyes and grabbed my father’s hand as tight as I could. There was noise and once again everybody stuck to the ground because an employee was shot dead. I pulled myself close to the leg of a chair and hugged it tightly. Then a very strange thing happened, the ‘dead’ guard rose from a pool of blood and the ‘dead’ employee got back onto his chair wiping the blood off his forehead. Just when I thought I was amidst a zombie apocalypse, I heard a loud voice that said ‘CUT’. Everybody stood up including my father. I sat up cross legged with a poker face. The masked men casually revealed their faces and the bundles of notes were neatly returned to their drawers. A few people looked at me and exchanged smiles with each other. The manager helped me up and told me that a prestigious director and a well known production house had


approached the bank to shoot a sequence for their upcoming thriller ‘India’s Hero’. The man who had threatened to call the police was a budding actor. I was so flabbergasted by the horrifying scene that it took me a few minutes to burst out into laughter. Later, I was told that Ramesh uncle was a good friend of my father during the school days and a few people were told I was going to be surprised by the act. The arms were fake and so were the shotsall sound effects. A man walked in and everybody dispersed. I was made to watch the scene caught on the camera outside the manager’s office. It was all so realistic. My expressions were incredible. My father handed Ramesh Uncle a cheque and an envelope. My mother undoubtedly had a beaming smile as we got home. My father is a good actor and it was a remarkable experience at the bank. Veerja Parekh 10 Alpha.

Reflections ...To My School With Love!! Day before yesterday, when Miss Manickam mentioned that I would have to reflect on my years in Queen Mary School, for the Founder's Day programme, an old song came to mind. "Those were the days my friend, We thought they'd never end, We'd sing and dance for ever and a day, We'd live the life we'd choose, We'd fight and never lose, For we were young and sure to have our way." Yes friends, those were the days!! It seems as if only yesterday, that my parents handed me over to the kind and gentle Mrs Parekh in the Nursery class.From then on, Queen Mary's became my home away from home, where I've spent most of my waking hours, studying, playing, singing, debating and above all learning to be a good human being and living life to the fullest. 90

The journey through Pre-Primary brings back memories of sweet teachers like Miss Lawyer and the late Mrs. Pereira who worked with us, not just on our ABC, but also the building blocks of life. Those were the carefree days of childhood, which I will always cherish. Junior School was no less fun, but with a healthy dose of learning thrown in. Preparing for the Junior School Annual Days were the highlight of our years. I'm sure my Class 10 friends will recollect the Bhangra we did in Class 3 and Dances of the World in Class 4. Oh, what fun we had!!! And if we ever strayed too far from what was right, guess who got us to toe the line? Mrs Irani, of course!! Though firm, she instilled in us a sense of right and wrong, and we learnt to respect authority. Senior School of course has been a roller coaster ride of unforgettable experiences – Competitions back to back, choir practises, drama practises, Immaculata, We are The World, Cascade, experiments in the Chem Lab, baking in the Home Science Lab, arguing Shylock's case in the English class, cracking jokes when History got too boring, cheering for matches in the Quadrangle, and on the side, trying to prepare for the ICSE. All these have made up the experience that is Queen Mary's and I will cherish these memories forever. In the past few years, I have tried to do my best for the school that has given me so much, for so many years. I have tried to stand by the lessons I have learnt here, values of sharing and caring for others, honesty, dignity and integrity. What I am today, I owe to the One and Only Queen Mary School. Three Cheers for Q. M. S.!!! Rhea Ghiara (Head Girl) 10 Alpha

Queen Marian 2014-2015

efnvoer efJeYeeie efveyebOe efJeYeeie HeefjÞece keÀe cenllJe peerJeve cesb Þece keÀe efJeMes<e cenllJe nw~ cesnvele Jen megvenjer kebgÀpeer nw pees Yeei³e kesÀ yebo keÀHeeì Keesue osleer nw~ HeefjÞece ner peerJeve keÀer meHeÀuelee keÀe jepe nw~ HeefjÞece keÀe DeLe& nw cesnvele~ HeefjÞece Jen ceeO³ece nw, pees ceveg<³e keÀes GBÀ®eeF& lekeÀ Henbg@®ee mekeÀlee nw~ Þece oes He´keÀej keÀe neslee nwceeveefmekeÀ Þece Deewj MeejerefjkeÀ Þece~ ceveve, ef®ebleve Deeefo ceeveefmekeÀ Þece nw~ Mejerj kesÀ Üeje efkeÀS peeves Jeeues keÀe³e& MeejerefjkeÀ Þece keÀnueeles nw~ peerJeve ceW ceeveefmekeÀ Deewj MeejerefjkeÀ Þece keÀe Del³eble cenllJe nw~ ceeveJe peerJeve ceW HeefjÞece keÀer ceefncee Demeerce nw~ ³ener iejerye keÀes Deceerj Deewj ogye&ue keÀes meyeue yevee osleer nw~ HeefjÞeceer J³eefkeÌle mJe³eb DeHevee Yeei³e efueKeles nw~ efpeme osMe kesÀ ueesie HeefjÞeceer nesles nw, Jen je<ì^ Gvveefle keÀjlee nw~ ®eerve, peeHeeve, DeceefjkeÀe Deeefo FmekesÀ GoenjCe nQ~ He´ke=Àefle Yeer nceW HeefjÞece keÀjves keÀer meerKe osleer nw~ ®eerbefì³eeB Deewj ceOegceefkeÌKe³eeB nceW cesnvele keÀe DeLe& mecePeeleer nQ~ Deeuem³e ceveg<³e keÀe meyemes ye[e Me$eg nw~ Þece ner peerJeve nw, Jener ceveg<³e keÀe me®®ee efce$e nw~ FmeefueS keÀnles nwb, cesnvele mes [jkeÀj veewkeÀe Heej venerb nesleer~ keÀesefMeMe keÀjvesJeeueeW keÀer nej veneR nesleer~ nj ceeveJe keÀer kegÀí F®íeSB Je DeeJeM³ekeÀleeSB nesleer nw~ Jen megKe-Meebefle keÀer keÀecevee keÀjlee nw, ogefve³ee ceW veece keÀer F®íe jKelee nw~ efkeÀvleg keÀuHevee mes ner meye keÀe³e& efmeOo vener nes peeles~ FmekesÀ efueS HeefjÞece keÀjvee Heæ[lee nw~ ’cesnvele meerefæ{³eeW keÀer lejn nesleer nw Deewj Yeei³e efueHeÀì keÀer lejn~ efkeÀmeer mece³e efueHeÀì lees yebo nes mekeÀleer nw Hej meerefæ{³eeB ncesMeer GBÀ®eeF& keÀer lejHeÀ ues peeleer nQ~

Queen Marian 2014-2015

peye keÀYeer nce cegmeeryele ceW nesles nQ ³ee peye nceejer Hejer#ee nesleer nw, leye nce YeieJeeve keÀes ³eeo keÀjles nbw~ Hejer#ee kesÀ Deieues efove nce efHeÀpetue JekeÌle efyeleeles nw Deewj Hejer#ee-keÀ#e ceW He´eLe&vee keÀjles nw efkeÀ Heeme nes peeSB~ efHeÀj peye yegjs DebkeÀ Deeles nwb pees Yeei³e keÀe keÀesmeles nQ~ Fmecebs Yeei³e keÀer ke̳ee ieueleer? Henues mes ner cesnvele Deewj ueieve mes Heæ{eF& keÀer nesleer lees De®ís DebkeÀ Mele-He´efleMele efceueles~ FmeefueS keÀnles nbw, ’HeefjÞece meHeÀuelee keÀer kebgÀpeer nw“~ me®®es megKe Je efJekeÀeme kesÀ efueS HeefjÞece kesÀ cenllJe keÀes mecePevee Del³eble DeeJeM³ekeÀ nw~ Deleë nceW HeefjÞece kesÀ cenllJe keÀes mecePeles ngS HeefjÞece keÀes peerJeve ceW cenllJe osvee ®eeefnS~ YetefcekeÀe efvemej, veeQJeer `ye`

veejer efMe#ee keÀe cenllJe peneBlekeÀ efMe#ee keÀe He´Mve nw ³en lees veejer ³ee HegjÀ<e oesveeW kesÀ efueS meceeve jÀHe mes cenllJeHetCe& nw~ efMe#ee keÀe keÀe³e& lees J³eefkeÌle kesÀ efJeJeskeÀ keÀes peieekeÀj Gmes mener efoMee He´oeve keÀjlee nw~ efMe#ee meYeer keÀe meceeve jÀHe mes efnle-efkeÀ³ee keÀjleer nw~ Hejvleg efHeÀj Yeer Yeejle pewmes efJekeÀemeMeerue osMe ceW veejer keÀer efMe#ee keÀe cenllJe FmeefueS DeefOekeÀ nw efkeÀ Jen osMe keÀer YeeJeer Heer{er keÀes ³eesi³e yeveves kesÀ keÀe³e& ceW Gef®ele ceeie&oMe&ve keÀj mekeÀleer nw~ ye®®es meyemes DeefOekeÀ DeHeveer ceeleeDeeW kesÀ mecHeke&À ceW jne keÀjles nbw~ ceeleeDeeW kesÀ mebmkeÀejer, J³eJenejeW Je efMe#ee keÀe He´YeeJe ye®®eeW kesÀ ceve Hej meyemes DeefOekeÀ He[e keÀjlee nw~ efMeef#ele ceelee ner ye®®eeW kesÀ keÀesceue Je me=peveMeerue ceve ceW Gve mecemle mebmkeÀejeW kesÀ yeerpe yees mekeÀleer nw pees Deeies ®euekeÀj DeHeves meceepe, osMe Deewj je<ì^ kesÀ GlLeeve kesÀ efueS Hejce DeeJeM³ekeÀ ngDee keÀjles nQ~ veejer keÀe keÀle&J³e ye®®eeW keÀe Heeueve-Hees<eCe keÀjves kesÀ DeefleefjkeÌle DeHeves Iej-HeefjJeej keÀer J³eJemLee Deewj meb®eeueve keÀjvee Yeer neslee nw~ SkeÀ efMeef#ele Deewj efJekeÀefmele ceve Jeeueer veejer DeHeveer HeefjefmLeefle, Iej kesÀ He´l³eskeÀ meom³e keÀer DeeJeM³ekeÀlee Deeefo keÀe O³eeve jKekeÀj Gef®ele J³eJemLee SJeb meb®eeueve keÀj mekeÀleer nw, DeefMeef#ele Helveer nesves kesÀ keÀejCe DeefOekeÀebMe HeefjJeej Deepe kesÀ ³egie ceW vejkeÀ kesÀ meceeve yeveles pee jns nQ~ Deleë efJeÜeveeW keÀe keÀLeve nw efkeÀ ie=nmLeer kesÀ keÀe³e& keÀes meg®eejÀ jÀHe mes ®eueeves kesÀ efueS efMe#ee keÀer Del³eble DeeJeM³ekeÀlee nw~ 91

efJeMJe keÀer He´ieefle efMe#ee kesÀ yeue Hej ner ®ecej meercee lekeÀ Henbg@®e mekeÀer nw~ efJeMJemebIe<e& keÀes peerleves kesÀ efueS ®eefj$e Meeðe keÀer DeeJeM³ekeÀlee Heæ[leer nw~ ³eefo veejer peeefle DeefMeef#ele nes lees Jen DeHeves peerJeve keÀes efJeMJe keÀer ieefle kesÀ DevegkegÀue yeveeves ceW meoe DemeceLe& jner nw~ ³eefo Jen efMeef#ele nes peeS lees GmekeÀe HeeefjJeeefjkeÀ peerJeve mJeie&ce³e nes mekeÀlee nw Deewj GmekesÀ yeeo osMe, meceepe Deewj je<ì^ keÀer He´ieefle ceW Jen HegjÀ<eeW kesÀ meeLe keÀvOes mes keÀvOee efceueekeÀj ®eueves ces meceLe& nes mekeÀlee nw~ Yeejleer³e meceepe ceW efMeef#ele ceelee iegjÀ mes Yeer yeæ{keÀj ceeveer peeleer nw, ke̳eeWefkeÀ Jen DeHeves Heg$e keÀes ceneve mes ceneve yevee mekeÀleer nw~ Deepe veejer mJe³eb meceepe kesÀ meeceves Iej-HeefjJeej jerefle-veerefle³eeW leLee HejcHejeDeeW kesÀ veece Hej pees DeveskeÀ lejn keÀer mecem³eeSB GHeefmLele nw GvekeÀe efvejekeÀjCe Jen nj He´keÀej keÀer efMe#ee kesÀ Oeve mes mebHevve neskeÀj ner keÀj mekeÀleer nw~ Fvner meye yegjeF³eeW keÀes otj keÀjves kesÀ efueS veejer efMe#ee Del³eble DeeJeM³ekeÀ nw~ meewc³ee leueeleer, DeeþJeer `De`

keÀv³ee Yet´Ce nl³ee osMe ceW HegjÀ<eesb kesÀ cegkeÀeyeues efm$e³eeW keÀer keÀce nesleer mebK³ee ef®eblee keÀe efJe<e³e nw~ ³en ef®eblee nesveer Yeer ®eeefnS ke̳eeWefkeÀ peye nce ceeveJe meceepe keÀer yeele keÀjles nbw lees Jen oesveebs Hej meceeve jÀHe mes DeeOeeefjle nw~ efjMleeW kesÀ veece kegÀí Yeer nes ceiej ðeer Deewj HegjÀ<e kesÀ yeer®e meecebpem³e kesÀ ®eueles ner HeefjJeej ®euelee nw, Deewj Gmeer mes osMe keÀes DeeOeej efceuelee nw~ Fme mece³e efðe³eeW keÀer keÀceer keÀe cegK³e keÀejCe nw `keÀv³ee Yet´Ce nl³ee`~ FmeceW GmekesÀ ceelee, efHelee, oeoe oeoer, veevee, veeveer keÀer menceefle Yeer Meeefceue nesleer nw~ mecYeJe nw efkeÀ veejerJeeoer kegÀí uesKekeÀ Fme Hej DeeHeeflle keÀjbs Hej ³en me®e venerb~ kegÀjerefle³eeW, DebOeefJeMJeemeeW Deewj HeeKeb[es keÀes DeveosKee venerb keÀj mekeÀles nwb, efpemeceW ðeer Deewj HegjÀ<e meceeve jÀHe mes Meeefceue nesles efoKeles nwb~ keÀv³ee Yet´Ce nl³ee SkeÀ ceneHeeHe nw~ ceeB kesÀ ieYe& ceW Heue jner keÀv³ee keÀer peye nl³ee nes peeleer nw leye Jen ye®eves kesÀ efkeÀleves peleve keÀjleer nesieer ³en ceeB mes yesnlej Deewj keÀesF& venerb peeve mekeÀlee~ ieYe& ceW `ceeB cegPes ye®eeDees` keÀer ®eerKe keÀesF& K³eeueer HegueeJe venerb nw, yeefukeÀ SkeÀ oo&veekeÀ nkeÀerkeÀle nw~ ieYe& ceW nes jns Yeeieoewæ[ ceeB cenmetme keÀj mekeÀleer nw~ Depevcee yeeuekeÀ nceejer lejn ner meeceev³e Fbmeeve nw, Ssmes ceW Yet´Ce keÀer nl³ee SkeÀ ceneHeeHe nw~ Jen vevne peerJeve efpemekeÀer nl³ee keÀer pee jner nw~ GveceW mes keÀesF& keÀuHevee ®eeJeuee, Heer.ìer.G<ee, uelee cebiesMekeÀj, ceoj ìsjsmee, Fbefoje


ieebOeer, jeveer ue#ceeryeeF& Yeer nes mekeÀleer nw~ keÀuHevee ®eeJeuee peye Debleefj#e ceW ieF& leye Yeejle keÀes yeæ[e ieJe& cenmetme ngDee Deewj Yeejle keÀes efJeMJe ceW SkeÀ ve³eer Hen®eeve efceueer Leerb~ ³eefo keÀuHevee ®eeJeuee kesÀ ceelee efHelee ves ieYe& ceW ner GmekeÀer nl³ee keÀjJee oer nesleer lees ke̳ee osMe keÀes ³en cegkeÀece neefmeue neslee? veejer lees osJeer keÀe jÀHe nw~ peerJeve keÀer nj mecem³ee keÀjves kesÀ efueS osJeer keÀer DeejeOevee keÀjvesJeeueer Yeejleer³e meceepe keÀv³ee pevce keÀes SkeÀ DeefYeMeeHe ceeveleer nw Deewj Fme mebkeÀerCe& ceeveefmekeÀlee keÀer GHepe nF& nw~ onspe jÀHeer oeveJe mes, uesefkeÀve onspe kesÀ [j mes nl³ee pewmee Ie=efCele Deewj efveke=À<ì keÀe³e& keÀneB lekeÀ Gef®ele nw? Deiej kegÀí Gef®ele nes lees Jen nw onspe keÀer He´Lee keÀe Kelce nesvee~ SkeÀ oeveJe kesÀ [j mes otmeje oeveefJekeÀ keÀe³e& keÀjvee SkeÀ DeHejeOe nw~ efnbmee keÀe ³en ©He nceejer mebmke=Àefle Deewj mebmkeÀejeW keÀe GHenej nw~ veejer efyevee me=ef<ì mecYeJe venebr nw~ Ssmes ceW yeæ{les efuebieevegHeele keÀer Jepen mes Jen efove otj venebr peye 100 ueæ[keÀesb Hej SkeÀ ue[keÀer nesieer Deewj JebMe yesue osKeves keÀes lejmeleer DeeBKesb keÀYeer Yeer le=Hle venerb nes HeeSieer~ efHe´³eebMeer ce®e¥ì, veeQJeer De

Yeejle ceW Je=×eW keÀer o³eveer³e oMee keÀue ceQ ìer.Jner osKe jner Leer, peye SkeÀ efJe%eeHeve cesjs meeceves Dee³ee~ GmeceW efoKee³ee ie³ee Lee efkeÀ kegÀí ye®®es yeæ[s nes peevesHej DeHeves ceelee-efHelee keÀes neLe HekeÀ[keÀj GvnW ceesyeeF&ue keÀe Fmlesceeue keÀjvee efmeKee jns Les~ Jen efJe%eeHeve meceeHle nesves Hej Yeer, GmekeÀe mebosMe cesjs meeLe jne~ ceQ mees®eves ueieer, ’ke̳ee yegæ{eHes ceW me®e ceW Flevee K³eeue jKee peelee nw?“ yegæ{eHee peerJeve keÀe cenlJeHetCe& efnmmee nw~ Jen DeHeefjne³e&, DeJebíveer³e leLee cegmeeryeleeW mes Yeje mece³e neslee nw~ cegPes ³en peevekeÀj De®ebYee neslee nw efkeÀ DeepekeÀue uebyeer Dee³eg lees meYeer ®eenles nbw, Hej yegæ{eHee keÀesF& venebr ®eenlee~ yet{e J³eefkeÌle DevegYeJeebs mes Yeje neslee nw, pees ³egJekeÀeW kesÀ keÀece Dee mekeÀlee nw~ Hejbleg efHeÀj Yeer Gme yetæ{s J³eefkeÌle keÀes yeesPe ceevee peelee nw~ peJeeveer ceW Fvmeeve DeHeves ceelee-efHelee leLee Dev³e ye[s ueesieeW keÀe meneje ueslee nw leeefkeÀ Jen peerJeve ceW Deeies yeæ{ mekesÀ~ Lees[e yeæ[e nes peeves Hej, ³ener J³eefkeÌle Gve ye][s-yetæ{eW keÀes Yetue peelee nw~ GmekesÀ ceelee-efHelee yegæ{eHes kesÀ keÀejCe otmejs ueesieeW Hej DeeefÞele nesles nw~ Jes ®eenles nw efkeÀ GvekesÀ ye®®es GvekeÀer mesJee keÀjsb, Hej Ssmee venerb neslee~ Fmemes GvnW YeeJeelcekeÀ Demegj#ee keÀe DevegYeJe neslee nw~ yet{s ueesieeW kesÀ jesie leLee yegje mJeemL³e Yeer GvekesÀ efKeueeHeÀ neslee nw~ GvekeÀe Mejerj

Queen Marian 2014-2015

LekeÀves ueielee nw Deewj GvekeÀe peerJeve efJeefJeOe oJeeF³eeW keÀer yeesleueeW mes Yej peelee nw~ DekesÀueeHeve SkeÀ Deewj mecem³ee nw, KeemekeÀj cebgyeF& pewmes yeæ[s Menj ceW~ veewkeÀj DekeÌmej ®eesjer ³ee Ketve keÀjkesÀ Yeeie peeles nw, ³ee DeHeves `ceeefuekeÀ` kesÀ meeLe ke´tÀj J³eJenej keÀjles nbw~ nj efove nce HesHej ceW keÀneefve³eeB Heæ{les nbw, peneB ceelee-efHelee keÀes GvekesÀ yesìs ves Heerìe nes, ³ee yent ves Gvemes Iej keÀe keÀece veeQkeÀjeW keÀer YeeBefle keÀjJee³ee nes; peneB yetæ{s jesefie³eeW keÀes kewÀefo³eeW kesÀ meceeve keÀcejs ceW yebo keÀj efo³ee nes, leLee pee³eoeo peyejomleer keÀjkesÀ ueeue®eer ye®®ees ves íerve ueer nes~ ke̳ee Fme osMe kesÀ nj yetæ{s J³eefkeÌle keÀes DeefOekeÀej He´eHle vener nw? ®euees, DeefOekeÀejeW keÀer yeele íes[es, ceeveJeer³e lejerkesÀ mes osKees Fme mecem³ee keÀes~ nceejs ceelee-efHelee ves nceW peerJeveoeve efo³ee, nceW Heæ{e-efueKeekeÀj yeæ[e efkeÀ³ee, nceW ®euevee efmeKee³ee, nceW mener leLee ieuele keÀe Deblej efmeKee³ee~ peye nce ye®®es Les, leye nce peeveles Les efkeÀ nceejs ceelee-efHelee nj mece³e nceejs meeLe Les~ Hejvleg Deye peye Jes ncemes Fmeer keÀer DeeMee keÀjles nbw, lees nce Heerís ke̳eeW nì peeles nbw? ke̳ee ye®®es ³en peeveyetPekeÀj keÀjles nQ, ³ee FmekesÀ Heerís keÀesF& keÀejCe nQ~ Demeue ceW Fme yeæ{leer mecem³ee kesÀ DeveskeÀ keÀejCe nwb, efpeveceW mes meyemes cenlJeHetCe& keÀejCe mece³e keÀer keÀceer nw~ Deepe kesÀ lespeer mes ®euevesJeeues peerJeve ceW meye DeHeves mece³e keÀes meyemes keÀerceleer ceeveles nQ~ ye®®es DeHeves Je=Oo ceelee-efHelee keÀes p³eeoe mece³e vener os Heeles, leLee FvekeÀer osKeYeeue Yeer veneR keÀj mekeÀles~ FmekesÀ keÀejCe ceelee efHelee keÀes Je=OoeÞece ceW íesæ[vee meyemes mejue ceeie& efoKeeF& oslee nw~ kegÀí ueesie, pees íesìs-íesìs ieeBJeesb ceW yeæ[s ngS nQ, veewkeÀjer ³ee Heæ{eF& keÀjves kesÀ efue³es MenjeW ces peeles nwb~ kegÀí lees efJeosMe Yeer ®eues peeles nwb~ efpememes yet{s ceelee-efHelee DekesÀues jn peeles nbbw~ ³en meye mees®eles-mees®eles keÀeHeÀer mece³e J³eleerle nes ie³ee nw, Deewj Deye ceQ Heæ{ves pee jner ntB~ Hejvleg Je=OoeW keÀer HejsMeeveer cesjs ceve keÀes íes[ves keÀe veece venebr ues jner nw~ ceQ DeHeveer Debies´peer Heeþ³eHegefmlekeÀe ceW mes He´sce®ebopeer keÀer `Heb®e HejcesMJej` keÀneveer Heæ{ jner ntB~ ³eneB Hej Yeer keÀneveer keÀe SkeÀ Hee$e DeHeveer yet{er ®ee®eer kesÀ meeLe yegjer lejn mes J³eJenej keÀj jne nw~ GmekesÀ yeejW ces Heæ{keÀj ceQ efHeÀj mes mees®eves ueieer ntBë

Yeejle - cesjer ceele=Yetefce Yeejle cesje osMe nw~ ³en cesjer ceele=Yetefce nw~ Yeejle keÀe otmeje veece efnvogmleeve nw~ Fmes Debies´peer ceW Fbef[³ee keÀnles nwb~ Yeejle ceW Deueie-Deueie Oeceex kesÀ ueesie, efceue-peguekeÀj Jeeme keÀjles nwb~ ³eneB DeveskeÀ Yee<eeSB yeesueer peeleer nbw pewmes efnvoer, cejeþer, iegpejeleer, Debie´speer Deeefo~ Yeejle keÀes meesves keÀer ef®eefæ[³ee Yeer keÀne peelee nw~ Yeejle kesÀ Gllej ceW efnceeue³e HeJe&le, oef#eCe ceW efnbo cenemeeiej, HetJe& ceW yebieeue keÀer Keeæ[er Deewj HeefM®ece ceW Dejye meeiej nw~ iebiee, ³ecegvee, ieesoeJejer, ke=À<Cee Deeefo veefo³eeB, Fme osMe keÀes nje-Yeje jKeleer nbw~ nceejs keÀMceerj keÀes Oejleer keÀe mJeie& Yeer ceevee peelee nw~ nceejs Yeej keÀer kegÀojleer mecHeeflle Yeer Del³eble Ketyemetjle nw~ Yeejle kesÀ íyyeerme jep³e nQ~ pewmes ceneje<ì^, iegpejele leefceuevee[gDeeefo~ Yeejle keÀer jepeOeeveer efouueer nw~ efouueer kesÀ DeueeJee Fme osMe ceW cebgyeF&, yebieeue, ®esvveF&, Denceoveiej Deeefo ceneveiej nw~ ³eneB leepecenue, kegÀlegyeefceveej, Sueesje Depeblee keÀer iegHeÀeSB, oef#eCe kesÀ cebefoj Deeefo osKevesuee³ekeÀ mLeue nwb~ Yeejle SkeÀ ueeskeÀleebef$ekeÀ osMe nw~ ³en nj #es$e ceW He´ieefle keÀer cebefpeues ít jne nw~ nceW Fme Ketyemetjle osMe keÀe O³eeve jKevee ®eeefnS~ Fmes mecceeve osvee ®eeefnS~ nce YeejleJeemeer nbw, FmekeÀe ncesb ieJe& nesvee ®eeefnS~ FmeefueS keÀnles nwb, Yeejle ncekeÀes peeve mes H³eeje nw, meyemes v³eeje iegefuemleeve nceeje nw~ pe³e efnbo ! TJeea HebefjkeÀe meeleJeer `ye`

ke̳ee ³ener neslee jnsiee Je=OoeW kesÀ meeLe? ke̳ee efkeÀ³ee peeSiee GveHej Ssmee ner Del³ee®eej? keÀye lekeÀ men HeeSBies Jes ³en J³eJenej? DeHeMeyo Deewj ke´tÀjlee, yeej yeej~ Fmes nceW yeouevee ®eeefn³es, ueskeÀj neLeeW ces neLe DeeDees GvekeÀer Deesj efHeÀj mes ®eues, efpevneWves efoS peerJeve kesÀ He´Lece mebmkeÀej~ DeJebefle YeW[skeÀj, veeQJeer `ye`

Queen Marian 2014-2015


keÀefJelee efJeYeeie ceesyeeF&ue nw nceeje, nceejs HeefleosJe mes Yeer H³eeje ! Gþles ner ceesyeeF&ue kesÀ oMe&ve ceQ HeeGBÀ, Heefle HejcesMJej keÀes ceQ Yetue ner peeTB~ ceboer Deeb®eHej ®ee³e ceW ®e{eTB, Jee@ìdmeeHe keÀes Heæ{leer peeGBÀ~ keÀeveeW ces F&DejHeÀesve nw ueiee³ee, Deye ceQ ves HesÀmeyegkeÀ nw ®euee³ee~ jesìer yeveves keÀer yeejer nw DeeF&, oeue iewme Hej ceQ ves ®eæ{eF&~ Fleves ceW ner meKeer keÀe HeÀesve Dee³ee, Heeìea keÀe mebosMee megvee³ee ! keÀjves Jeeueer Leer ceQ yeelesb H³eejer, Fleves ceW efYeb[er ngF& keÀjejer~ meemet peer mes ®eye vee HeeF&, ceve ner ceve Jen yeæ[yeæ[eF&~ memegj peer yewþs nw yeeLejÀce kesÀ Deboj Kelce nes ie³ee Heeveer ìbkeÀer kesÀ Deboj~ keQÀ[er ke´ÀMe ceW GuePe ie³eer ceQ, ceesìj ®eeuet keÀjvee Yetue ieF& ceQ~ ie´gHe S[efceve yevekeÀj veece nw keÀcee³ee meyekesÀ Iej keÀer yengDeeW keÀes DeHeves meeLe GuePee³ee ye®®eeW keÀer ceeke&ÀMeerì kesÀ vebyej nw Dee³es HeefleosJe kesÀ efoue keÀes ve Yee³es~ Gmes osKe HeefleosJe ves efmebIece keÀe jÀHe nw yevee³ee ’Deelee ceePeer meìkeÀueer“ ncekeÀes nw megvee³ee~ Iej ceW yepe jns nw `yeejn` Ssmee nw ceesyeeF&ue nceeje~ F&Mee keÀekeÀ[s , DeeþJeer `ye`

Deepe keÀer efnvoer Jele&ceeve mece³e ceW, efnvoer Yee<ee ves Deblejje<ì^er³e mlej Hej DeHeveer Hen®eeve yeveeF& nw, Hej DeHeÀmeesme efkeÀ efnvoer DeHeves ner osMe ceW ngF& Heje³eer nw~


obMe Pesueleer efnvoer yet{er meer ueieer nw ueieves, ueæ[Keæ[eleer nw peyeeve efnvoer yeesueves ceW ueieeles nbw efHeÀj Hewie oes Debie´speer MeyoeW kesÀ Deewj cenmetme keÀjles nwb, Jeen ! ke̳ee yeesues yeewveer nes jner nw efnvoer Debie´speer kesÀ meeceves meeF&keÀue keÀer jHeÀleej mes yeæ{ jner nw efnvoer Yee<ee Kewj oes-®eej Hew[ue lespeer mes ceejs Debies´peer Meyoes kesÀ Deewj Deeies yeæ{e oer~ ³ener nw nkeÀerkeÀle, Deewj ³ener nw Deepe keÀer efnvoer, efkeÀ efyevee Debie´speer keÀer yewmeeKeer kesÀ oes keÀoce Yeer venerb ®eueleer SkeÀ Yeer Jeeke̳e Hetje efyevee Debie´speer kesÀ venerb neslee Helee venerb keÀceyeKle keÀye ìHekeÀ peeles nw SkeÀ ve SkeÀ Meyo Debies´peer kesÀ DeeFS ! Deye DeeHekeÀes, jespeceje& keÀer kegÀí yeeles yeleeles nQ Deepe keÀer efnvoer mes jÀyejÀ keÀjJeeles nw~ Iej ceW Deeleer keÀeceJeeueer yeeF&, venerb Hetíleer efkeÀ Jesleve ke̳ee oesieer ìeFce Hej mewuejer oesieer ³ee ìwve [spe kesÀ yeeo megveles ner meemet peer kesÀ Keæ[s nes peeles nwb keÀeve~ keÀnleer nw, cesjer Debie´speer keÀe veMee meye Hej ®eæ{ ie³ee nw, veecegjeo He´sme Jeeuee Yeer efyeie[ ie³ee nw~ keÀeceJeeueer yeeF&, lees Lee vecetvee SkeÀ peje He´sme Jeeues keÀes Yeer uees osKe, keÀnlee nw Deevìer peer, Hej keÌueeLe jsì yeæ{e efo³ee nw ìg jÀHeerpe Lee Deye Le´er keÀj efo³ee nw~ ceeBmeer, ®ee®eer leeF&, yegDee nes ieF& nwb SkeÀ, FvnW DeeBìer ueies nwb Deye yegueeves~ efHeleepeer keÀes lees Henues ner keÀj efo³ee [w[ Deye ceeB keÀes Yeer yevee efo³ee nw cee@ce~ Fme He´keÀej nesles jnles nwb, efvele-efvele veS He´³eesie~ nceejer efnvoer ceW Jees Deeie nw pees keÀe³ece jKesieer nceejer mebmke=Àefle meY³elee~ efnvoer ceW Jees #ecelee nw, efpemeves Dev³e Yee<eeDeeW keÀes men<e& DeHevee³ee nw~ Debies´peer, Got&, Dejyeer, HeÀejmeer MeyoeW keÀes mecesìkeÀj DeHevee HeefjJeej yeæ{e³ee nw~ Þeerceleer Yeeie&Je, efnvoer DeO³eeefHekeÀe

Queen Marian 2014-2015

je<ì^JeeefìkeÀe kesÀ Heg<HeeW ces, SkeÀ HetÀue peJeenjueeue~

’He“ mes Meyo ncekeÀes yengle efHe´³e nw~

pevce efue³ee efpeme efove ueeue ves, efoJeme keÀnuee³ee yeeue efoJeme~~ ye®®es FvekeÀes meoe H³eej mes, ®ee®ee vesnjÀ keÀnles~ ®ee®eepeer Fve ye®®eeW kesÀ yeer®e,


ye®®es yevekeÀj jnles~~ SkeÀ iegueeye ner meye Heg<HeeW ceW, FvekeÀes ueielee H³eeje~ Yeejle ceeB keÀe ueeue ³en, meyemes ner Lee v³eeje~~


meejs peie keÀes Heeþ Heæ{e³ee, Meebefle Deewj Deceve keÀe~ Yeejle ceeB keÀe ceeve ye{e³ee, Lee ³en Ssmee ueeue ®eceve keÀe~~


nce efpeboieerYej `He` keÀe Heeríe keÀjles nw~ Heefle Helveer Heg$e HeefjJeej Hewmee Heo He´Mebmee

oer³ee yeeHeÀvee keÀ#ee-HeeB®eJeer `ye`

³en meye `He` kesÀ Heerís Heæ[les-Heæ[les nce HeeHe keÀjles nbw~ ³en Yeer `He` nw~ efHeÀj nceeje `He` mes Heleve neslee nw Deewj Deble ceW ye®elee nw efmeHe&À `He` mes HeíleeJee~ `He` kesÀ Heerís Heæ[ves mes De®íe nw Hejceelcee kesÀ `He` kesÀ Heerís Heæ[s Deewj ³en HeeB®e keÀe³e& keÀjbsë He´efleke´ÀceCe He®®eKeeCe He´Yeg oMe&ve He´Je®eve keÀe ÞeeJeCe F&Mee keÀkeÀe[s-DeeþJeer `ye`

Queen Marian 2014-2015


cejeþer efJeYeeie ceePes mJeHve

ieÐe efJeYeeie

ceePes mJeHve ns Deens keÀer ceer osMee®eer mes J ee keÀª, ceer mJeleb $ e Yeejlee®eer veeieefjkeÀ Deens. osMeeuee IeelekeÀ nesF&ue Demes keÀesCelesner ke=Àl³e ceer keÀOeer®e keÀjCeej veener Gueì ceePeer Òel³eskeÀ ke=Àleer ner osMee®³ee efnleemeeþer®e Demesue.

ceePee DeeJe[lee meCe ’Gþe Gþe ef o JeeUer Deeueer, GìCes mveevee®eer JesU Peeueer.“ DeeHeu³ee Yeejle osMeele DeveskeÀ meCe meepejs kesÀues peeleele. l³eeHewkeÀer ceePee DeeJe[lee meCe efoJeeUer Deens. efoJeeUer peJeU Deeueer keÀer SkeÀ JesieUer®e GlmegkeÀlee ueeietve jenles. MeeUsuee efoJeeUer®eer megefÆner ueeieles. efoJeeUer ®ee meCe KetHe Glmeener Demelees. efoJeeUer ne efoJ³ee®ee meCe Deens. ³ee efoJemeeble je$eer meJe&peCe DeeHeeHeu³ee oejemeceesj HeCel³ee ueeJeleele, jebieesȳee keÀe{leele. oejebJej ìebieuesues jbieerle DeekeÀeMe kebÀoerue, lesJeCeeN³ee HeCel³ee Je ceOetve®e ³esCeeje HeÀìeke̳eeb®ee DeeJeepe ³eecegUs meJe& JeeleeJejCe Glmeener Je Deeveboer nesTve peeles. efoJeeUer®eer megªJeele Oeve$e³eesoMeerves nesles. l³ee efoJeMeer Oevee®eer Hetpee kesÀueer peeles. ogmeN³ee efoJeMeer vejkeÀ®elego&Meeruee Heneìs Gþtve meJe&peCe lesue, GìCe ueeJetve DeY³ebiemveeve keÀjleele. ceie HeÀjeU keÀjleele. HeÀjeUemeeþer Iejele uee[t, keÀjbp³ee, ®ekeÀu³ee Demes HeoeLe& kesÀues peeleele. Heg{®³ee efoJeme ue#ceer Hegpevee®ee Demeleess. l³eeefoJeMeer ue#ceer®eer oeefiev³eeb®eer Hetpee keÀjleele. l³eeveblej efoJeme yeefueÒeefleHeoe. ³e e efoJeMeer J³eeHeejer ueeskeÀeb®es veJes Je<e& megª nesles. cnCetve ³ee efoJeMeer J³eeHeejer efnMeesyee®³ee Jener ®eer Hetpee keÀjleele. l³eeveblej®³ee efoJeme Demelees YeeTyeerpes®ee. ne efoJeeUer®ee MesJeì®ee efoJeme. ³ee efoJeMeer yenerCe YeeJeeuee DeesJeeUles Je YeeT yeefnCeeruee megbojMeer Yesì oslees. DeMeer ner efoJeeUer keÀOeer mebHeles les keÀUle®e veener. ®eej efoJeme íeveíeve HeoeLe& Kee³euee efceUleele. DeY³eeme yeepetuee þsJetve KesUe³euee efceUles. cnCetve efoJeeUer mebHet®e ve³es Demes Jeeìles. Dee³ee& peesMeer 7De - 10


osMee®ee GÊece veeieefjkeÀ nesC³eemeeþer ÒeLece ceer ceePes efMe#eCe GÊece ÒekeÀejs HetCe& keÀjerve keÀer osMee®eer DeeoMe& veeiejerkeÀ yeveC³ee®ee Òe³elve keÀjerve. ceePes YeefJeleJ³e Ie[Jeleeveener keÀer ceeP³ee osMee®ee ÒeLece efJe®eej keÀjsve. Deepe Deece®³ee osMeele efvej#elee ceesþîee ÒeceeCeele Deens. ceer ojJe<eea SkeÀe lejer ceeCemeeuee mee#ej keÀjerve. ceer ceeP³ee jespe®³ee peerJeveele vesnceer mJeosMeer Jemleg®ee®e JeeHej keÀjerve. He³ee&JejCe DeeefCe jeä^er³e SkeÀelcelee ns osKeerue YeejleeHeg{erue ceesþs ÒeMve Deensle cnCetve®e ceer osMeeleerue veeieefjkeÀebvee He³ee&JejCee®es cenlJe HeìJetve osF&ve. meJe& Oece& meceeve Deensle ³ee®eer peeCeerJe pevelesle efvecee&Ce keÀªve jeä^er³e SkeÀelcelee efvecee&Ce keÀjC³ee®ee ceer Òe³elv keÀjerve DeMeer keÀjerve ceer ceeP³ee osMee®eer mesJee. vesne venej, 7 De

Hejer#ee vemel³ee lej ... keÀe³e cnCeeueele Hejer#ee vemel³ee lej? Denes HeCe, pej legcneuee [esUs vemeles lej, keÀeve vemeles lej.... lej lemes DeveskeÀ ÒeMve ceveele ³eslee®e ieeWOeU G[lees vee? ceie keÀe cnCelee? Hejer#ee vemel³ee lej .... Heefnueer ieesä cnCepes HegmlekeÀeb®ee pevce®e Peeuee vemelee DeeefCe cegueebvee DeefleMe³e Deevebo Peeuee Demelee. keÀejCe cegueebvee Deieesoj®e DeY³eeme keÀjC³ee®ee kebÀìeUe ³eslees DeeefCe pej Hejer#ee vemeleer lej ceie keÀesCeerner HegmlekeÀebceOeerue mJeeO³ee³eebkeÀ[s Heeefnuesner vemeles. efMe#ekeÀebveerner ÒeMveesÊeje®ee leeme þsJeuee vemelee. DeeF& yeeyeeb®ee ceej KeeJee ueeieuee vemelee. ceePee Heefnuee vebyej Demes vebyej Deeues vemeles DeeefCe keÀesCeeuee ye#eerme ÐeeJes DeMeer ®egjme ueeieueer®e vemeleer. Queen Marian 2014-2015

ceie Heg{erue Jeiee&le keÀesCeeuee Ðee³e®es Demes Peeues vemeles. Heeme veeHeeme Demee YesoYeeJe keÀjlee Deeuee vemelee. HeCe ceie l³eecegUs veeskeÀjerle Hee$elee þjJelee Deeueer vemeleer. DeeefCe ceie meieUe ieeWOeU®e Peeuee Demelee. HeCe ns meieUs Demeles pej Hejer#ee Peeu³ee®e vemel³ee lej®e.....

Deens keÀer l³eecegUs ceeCetme DeeHeu³ee JebMeeJeUeruee ’JebMeJe=#e“ Demes cnCelees. DeMeeÒekeÀejs Pee[ ne ceePee®e veener lej ceeveJee®ee Leesj efce$e Deens. DeefHe&lee leW[guekeÀj - 5, De

keÀesMee Mene - 7 De

Pee[ ceePee efce$e ! keÀesCeer ceuee efJe®eejues legPee efce$e keÀesCe? lej ceer SkeÀ®e meebiesve Pee[ ceePee efce$e? HeÀkeÌle ceer ®e veener Òel³eskeÀeuee Pee[eyeÎue Òes c e Deens . Pee[e®es cenllJe Dees U Ket v e®e Je=#eejesHeCe keÀe³e&¬eÀce Dee³eesefpele nesT ueeieues Deensle. ceeveJeer peerJeveele Je=#eeuee HeÀej ceesþs cenlJe Deens. mJeleë Gvnele GYes jent v e pes ogmeN³eebvee meeJeueer osleele DeeefCe ogmeN³eebmeeþer HeÀUs ner OeejCe keÀjleele, Flejebvee meeJeueer osleele. p³ee®eer HeÀUs-HegÀuesner ogmeN³eebmeeþer®e Demeleele, Demes l³eeiece³e peerJeve peieCeejs Je=#e SKeeÐee melHegª<eemeejKes Yeemeleele. cnCetve®e $eÝef<ecegveer jeveeJeveele Jemleer keÀªve efvemeiee&®³ee meeefVeO³eele DeO³e³eve, DeO³eeHeve DeeefCe leHe½e³ee& keÀjle Demele. meeceev³e ceeCetmener vesnceer®³ee $eemeeHeemetve, efJe®eejeHeemetve otj peeC³eemeeþer, nJeeHeeueìemeeþer Leb[ nJes®³ee efþkeÀeCeer efvemeiee&®³ee meeefVeO³eele®e peelees. Je=#e ceeveJee®³ee peerJeveeme HeÀej ceesþer ceole keÀjleele. HeÀUs, HegÀues, ceOe, ef[bkeÀ, ueeKe, peUeT ueeketÀ[ Je keÀesUmee ³ee yeeyeerner Je=#eeHeemetve DeeHeu³eeuee efceUleele. Je=#eebcegUs Òeog<eCe keÀceer nesles. nJee ieej jne³euee ceole nesles. l³eecegUs HeeTme He[e³euee ceole nesles, l³eecegUs HeeTme He[e³euee ceole nesles. Je=#eecegUs me=äermeewo³ee&le Yej He[les. He#eer Je Je=#e ³eeb®es lej Delegì veeles Deens. Deepe DeveskeÀ Deew<eOes JevemHeleerHeemetve GHeueyOe nesleele. keÀ[gevf ebyee®eer Heeves Deejesi³ee®eer nceer osleele. legUMeer, yesn[e, meypee Fl³eeoer Deew<eOeer JevemHeleer ceeveJeeuee Jejoe³eer Deensle. Pee[ecegUs®e Dee³egJexo efvecee&Ce Peeuee. ®ebovee®³ee Pee[eves Meerleuelee Je osJeHetpesuee iebOe efceUeues. Pee[s vemeleer lej Òeog<eCee®eer iebYeerj mecem³ee efvecee&Ce Peeueer Demeleer. ÒeeCeJee³et HegjJeþe keÀmee Peeuee Demelee? HetJe&peeveer ceeveJeer peerJeveele Je=#eeuee cenlJe efoues nesles. legUme, Je[, efHebHeU ³eeb®eer les Hetpee keÀjle Demele. legUme, yesue, otJee&, Oeesleje DeeefCe Dev³e JevemHeleervee osJelee®³ee Hetpesle ceevee®es mLeeve efoues nesles. MegYeÒemebieer Deeby³ee®eer Heeves Iejele ceebieu³e DeeefCe ce=ogle Deeueer Deens. Je=#eefJeCe meejs peerJeve ª#e Peeues Demeles. ceeveJee®³ee peerJeveele Òel³eskeÀ #eCe Pee[ebMeer FlekeÀe efveie[erle

Queen Marian 2014-2015

Pee[s vemeleer lej? keÀe³e? keÀe³e? cnCeeueele, Pee[s vemeleer lej ....Jes[s Deenele keÀer keÀe³e? ÞeeJeCeceemeer n<e& ceevemeer, efnjJeU oeìs ®eesnerkeÀ[s~ Demes keÀJeer keÀmes keÀe³e cnCeleerue? He=LJeerkej HejesHekeÀej efMekeÀJeCeejs iegª les Pee[s®e mJeleë Gvnele GYes jentve Flejebvee meeJeueer osleele. mJeleë oie[eb®ee ceej menve keÀªve cegueebvee ef®eb®ee, Deebyes, yeesjs osleele. ceie SJe{e $eeme menve keÀªve meJe& mepeerJeebvee veJeerve peerJeve Je ceeie& osCeejs HejesHekeÀejer®e vemeles lej ®eebiegueHeCee keÀesþtve efMekeÀCeej ns mJeeLeea ceeveJe? ceeveJeeuee Iejemeeþer Je Flej efkeÀleerlejer ieesäermeeþer ueeketÀ[ ueeieles. ueneveHeCeer efJeìeroeb[t les Debeflece IeìkesÀuee ef®elee ueekeÀ[e®eer®e Demeles. DeMee JesUer keÀe³e nesF&ue? Deepeejer J³ekeÌleervee HeÀUeb®ee jme, HeÀUss, Deew<eOes keÀesþtve efceUleerue? Dee³egJexefokeÀ ceneefJeÐeeue³eebvee lej kegÀuegHe®e ueeiesue. Denes, l³eeb®ee pevce®e nesCeej veener. Meg× DeeefCe Leb[ nJee. Leb[ nJes®eer efþkeÀeCes ³ee meieȳeeb®ee DeYeeJe peeCeJesue. Meg× DeeefCe mJe®í ÒeeCeJee³et osCeejs Pee[s®e pej vemeleer lej me=äerner efve½eue, efvepeeaJe Jeeìsue. veener nes, keÀuHevee®e menve ve nesCeejer Deens DeeefCe keÀe³e cnCes Pee[s vemeleer lej .... efÒe³eeMeer 8, De

Þecee®es cenllJe DeeHeCe Giee®e®e keÀener keÀeces ®eebieueer Je keÀener keÀeces nuekeÀer ceevelees. ner efJe®eejmejCeer ®egkeÀer®eer Deens. ÞecemebmkeÀej ns HeÀej ceesuee®es, cenlJee®es Demeleele. efpeLes jeyeleer nele, lesLes njer! DeMee keÀefJeles®³ee DeesUer DeeHeCe iegCeiegCelees. HeCe ef k eÀleer peCeeb v ee ceeleer l e nele 97

Ieeuee³euee DeeJe[sue? Mesleele jeyeCeeN³eeuee DeeHeu³eekeÀ[s ’kegÀCeyeer“ cnCetve efnCeJeues peeles. lej ³eb$eeJej nele keÀeUs keÀjCeeN³eeuee cepetj cnCetve keÀceer uesKeues peeles. l³eeGueì keÀ[keÀ Fm$eer®es Heeb{js MegYe´ keÀHe[s IeeueCeeje mejkeÀejer DeefOekeÀejer J³eeHeejer, Þesÿ! Demee efJe®eej keÀjCes®e efkeÀleer mJeeLeeaHeCee®es Deens. MeslekeÀjer Mesleele jeyele Demelees. cnCetve lej DeeHeueer YetkeÀ Yeeieles. JesieJesieȳee ®eJeer®eer HeÀUs ceUsJeeuee efHekeÀJelees. meJe& Heefjmej ojJeUtve ìekeÀCeejer HegÀues HegÀueJeCeeje ceeUer keÀceer Òeleer®ee keÀmee? ceie ÞesÿkeÀefveÿ ns keÀesCe þjJeCeej? ner yegjmeìuesueer efJe®eejmejCeer Deelee yeoueleDeens. keÀesCel³eener ÒekeÀej®es HeCe ®eebieu³ee nsletves kesÀuesues keÀece Deelee Þesÿ®e ceeveues peeles. Þece keÀjCes ns Del³eble DeeJeM³ekeÀ Deens ns Deelee meJee¥vee Heìues Deens. Þece kesÀu³eeefMeJee³e keÀenerner KeeT ve³es, keÀesCeekeÀ[tvener keÀener mJeerkeÀeª ve³es, Demes meble iee[iesyeeyee meceepeeuee meebiele. cenelcee ieebOeer, yeeyee Deeceìs DeMee Leesj efJe®eejJebleeveer mJeleë ke=Àleer keÀªve meceepeeuee efMekeÀJeCe efoueer. Þecee®es keÀesCelesner keÀece keÀjCes keÀceerHeCee®es veener. cnCetve®e Þece keÀje Je HeÀUe®eer DeHes#ee Oeje. DeemLee, 8 De

ceePee DeeJe[lee meCe DeekeÀeMe kebÀefoue ueeieues oejele, GpeUu³ee p³eseleer oerHe DebieCeele. me[e pevceepe&ves mepeu³ee DeebieCeer Deeueer Deeueer Deeueer meCee®eer ner jeCeer. SkeÀ Deeveb o es l meJe ef o JeeUer nes ³ e... efoJeeUer cnCepes KejesKej®e meJe& meCeeb®eer cenejeCeer cnCetve®e efle®ee ceesþe Leeì DeeefCe leer ³esles ner DeKeb[ efoJ³eeb®³ee Peieceieeìele efoJeeUer®es ogmejb veece oerHeeJeueer. ne GlmeJe cnCepes oerHeeslmeJe. efoJ³ee®ee DemebK³e DeesUer IejeDebieCeele ueeJeu³ee peeleele. cnCetve efle®e veeJe oerHeeJeueer. ¿ee meCee®eer megªJeele JemegyeejmesHeemetve ³eslees DeeefCe YeeTyeerpe meepejer kesÀu³eeveblej efoJeeUer®eer meebielee neslees. meJe& Deyeeue Je=×, cegues, efm$e³ee ¿eeb®ee ne uee[keÀe meCe. efoJeeUer ³esCeej cnìueb keÀer DeeJejeDeeJej jbiejbieesìer. veJ³ee keÀHe[îee®eer, oeefiev³ee®eer Iejeleerue Jemleg®eer Kejsoer®eer ner HeJe&Ceer. HeÀìeke̳ee®eer Deeefleyeepeer Deve ®eefJeä efoJeeUer HeÀjeUe®ee mJeeo ns ¿ee meCee®e DeeCeKeer SkeÀ JewefMeä³e. DeeHeuee Yeejle ne ke=À<eerÒeOeeve osMe. DeeHeueer Leesj mebmke=ÀeflemegÎe meJee¥Jej Òesce keÀje³euee efMekeÀJeCeejer. cnCetve®e keÀer keÀe³e Jemegyeejme ¿ee efoJeMeer DeeHeCe iee³e DeeefCe Jeemeª ¿ee®eer Hetpee keÀjlees. l³eevee iees[e®ee Ieeme KeeT Ieeuelees. 98

ogOe ogHelmeemeeþer nesCeeje iee³eer®ee GHe³eesie Mesleer®³ee keÀeceer yewuee®eer nesCeejer ceole ¿ee ieesäer ue#eele IesTve l³ee ieesOevee®eer kesÀuesueerner ke=Àle%elee Hetpee. Oeve$e³eesoMeerue eflevner meepesuee kesÀueer peeCeejer Oevee®eer Hetpee, vewJesÐeeuee þsJeuee peeCeeje Oeves-iegUe®ee Òemeeo l³eeueener HeÀej ceesþs cenllJe Deens. n³ee®e efoJeMeer l³ee efoJ³ee®eer p³eesle ner oef#eCesuee kesÀueer peeles. vejkeÀ ®elego&Meer ne cegK³e efoJeeUer®ee Heefnuee efoJeme. ¿ee efoJeMeer Heneìs Gþtve DeY³ebie mveeve keÀje³e®es. veJeerve Jem$e HeefjOeeve keÀje³e®eer. osJeoMe&ve I³ee³e®es DeeefCe meJee¥veer SkeÀ$e pecetve efoJeeUer HeÀjeU keÀje³e®ee Demee ne Deevebo meepeje keÀjC³ee®ee efoJeme. ¿ee efoJemee®eer SkeÀ HejewefCekeÀ keÀLee pees[ueer Deens. leer DeMeer keÀer Þeerke=À<Ceebveer Del³ee®eejer vejkeÀemegje®ee JeOe keÀªve l³ee®³ee yeboer MeeUsleu³ee meesUe menm$e keÀv³eeb®eer kesÀueer lees ne efoJeme, ogäeb®ee veeMe DeeefCe cegkeÌle®e neslees. ns ³ee efoJemeeceeies Deevebo meepeje keÀjC³ee®es keÀejCe. efoJeeUer®³ee meCeeleu³ee ueneve ceguee cegefue®ee Deeveboe®ee Yeeie cnCepes DeekeÀeMe kebÀefoue le³eej keÀjCes, efkeÀuuee keÀjCes, l³eeJej ef®e$e ceeb[Ces, mebO³eekeÀeUer oejeHeg{s íeve íeve jebieesȳee keÀe{Ces DeeefCe HeÀìekesÀ JeepeefJeCes F. efoHeeJeueer ne meCe meJe&$e Deevebo Je Glmeeneves meepeje neslees. HejmHejebvee Yesì Jemleg, MegYes®íeHe$se, osJetve Deevebo efouee Iesleuee peelees³e De%eevee®ee veeMe DeeefCe %eevee®ee ÒekeÀeMe osCeejer ner efoJeeUer meJee&vee®e efÒe³e Deens. pees lees DeeHeeHeu³ee Hejerves leer meepejer keÀjlees DeeefCe Deevebo uegìlees. efoJeeUer cnCepes Del³eble Deebveoer, megKeo efoHeeJeueer®³ee DeveskeÀ megKeo DeeþJeCeerHeg{s DeveskeÀ efoJeme ceveele jsbieeUle jenleele. ªceeveer yeebieer , 7 De

efvemeie& ceePee meesyeleer ueneveHeCeeHeemetve ceePes meJebie[er cnCes DebieCeeleerue Pee[s , Jes u eer , Heeves , Heg À ues DebieCeeleueer ef®eT oeKeJetve DeeF& ceuee YejJele Demes . keÀeTMeer ieHHee ceejle ceejle ceer ceesþe Peeuees. efkeÀleerner j[le Demeuees lejer DeeYeeUeleerue ®ebeoesyee Heeefnuee keÀer, ceePes j[t Leebyele Demes, ceer peje ceesþe Peeu³eeJej ceePes Deepeesyee ceuee met³e&osJe oeKeJetve DeeefCe l³eeuee vecemkeÀej keÀje³euee ueeJele. yeeyeeb®³ee veeskeÀjercegUs Deece®es Iej ieeJeeyeensj Demes. KesUe³euee meesyele cegues vemele l³eecegUs ceePee JesU Iejeyeensj®³ee yeeiesle peele Demes. Deepeesyeeveer ceuee Pee[s keÀMeer ueeJee³e®eer keÀMeer Jee{Jee³e®eer ³ee®es efMe#eCe efoues. ceie ceer HeCe l³eele jbietve peele Demes, ueeJeuesue jesHe ceesþs Peeues efkeÀ ceuee Deevebo nesle Demes, ceuee DeeþJeleb³e Deece®³ee

Queen Marian 2014-2015

yeeiesleerue ceeȳeekeÀ[tve ceer iegueeyee®es keÀuece keÀje³euee efMekeÀuees. ceer keÀuece kesÀuesu³ee iegueeyeeuee pesJne ÒeLece keÀUer Deeueer lesJne ceer SJe{e Deevebefole Peeuees neslees keÀer, ceuee SkeÀ keÀefJelee®e meg®eueer. ³ee yeeiesle ceuee veJeerve meesyeleer Yesìues. keÀesCe ceenerle Deens? HegÀueeJej efYejefYejCeejer HegÀueHeeKejs. ³ee HegÀueHeeKejeb®es jbie lejer efkeÀleer efJeefJeOe Demeleele. Òel³eskeÀ HegÀueHeeKeª JesieUer lejer lees keÀeieoeJej SJe{b jbie SJe{er keÀueekegÀmej GlejJet MekeÀCeej veener! DeeF&ves ceuee ³ee HegÀueHeeKejebJej®eer SkeÀ megboj keÀefJelee efMekeÀJeueer nesleer. ne ceePee oesmle, ceuee kesÀJnener SkeÀìs He[t osle veener. Gueì Deieoer SkeÀìîeeves efnb[e³euee pee³euee ceePes DeeJe[les He#eer efce$e meueerce Deueer ³eeb®eer HegmlekesÀ Jee®etve ceer He#eer DeYe³eejC³eele peelees. ceuee lesLes leNnsleNns®es He#eer Heene³euee efceUleele. Pee[eJeªve megj&keÀve HeUCeeN³ee KeeªleeF& kesÀJe{er efJeefJeOelee Demeles. veoer®ee KeUKeUeì, meeieje®eer Yejleer-Deesnesìer, OeyeOey³ee®es keÀesmeUCes Heentve ceer KegMe neslees. keÀesmeUCeeN³ee HeeJemeele YeìkeÀe³euee pemes ceuee DeeJe[les, lemes®e Oegke̳eele ueHesìuesuee [eWiej ®e{leeveener ceer KegMe neslees Demes Deensle ns ceePes meesyeleer. ---

mJe®íles®es cenlJe DeeHeu³ee osMeele mJe®ísles®es HeÀejmes cenlJe veener. DeeHeCe efpeLes-efleLes meieUer keÀ[s DemJe®ílee efometve ³esles. jml³eeJej peeiees p eeieer keg b À ef [ le ìekeÀe³e®ee keÀ®eje jml³eeJej He[ues u ee efomelees. jsuJes ceOetve peeleevee, veener l ej ì^sveceO³es®e ìekeÀleele. jml³eeJej efHekeÀoeCeer Demetvener Heeve KeeTve l³ee®eer LegbkeÀer jml³eeJej®e HesÀkeÀleele. HeÀUeb®es meeue jml³eeJej®e ìekeÀleele pesCeskeÀªve keÀesCee®eelejer Hee³e Iemeªve leer J³ekeÌleer He[t MekeÀles. DeeHeCe keÀ®eje pej ³eesi³e efþkeÀeCeer HesÀkeÀuee lej l³ee®ee DeeHeu³eeuee HeÀe³eoe nesF&ue. DeeHeCe Deepeejer He[Ceej veener. Þeer vejWê ceesoer ves veJeerve veeje `mJe®í Yeejle DeefYe³eeve` keÀe{ues Deens. l³eeves mJeleë jml³eeJej Pee[t ceejues DeeefCe meieȳeebvee oeKeJeues efkeÀ DeeHeu³ee Yeejleeuee mJe®í jeKee³euee Heeefnpes. DeeHeu³ee MeeUsceO³es He[uesuee keÀ®eje efomeuee lej

Queen Marian 2014-2015

lees keÀ®eje keÀ®ejeHesìerle ìekeÀuee Heeefnpes. mJe®íleeDemesue lej HetCe& peie megboj efomeCeej.Deecner Yeejle mJe®í jeKeuee lej Deecner iueesyeue Jee@ efceie keÀceer keÀjC³eeme megªJeele keÀª MekeÀlees. pej HejosMeele iesuees lej l³eeb®es jmles mJe®í DeeefCe meeHeÀ efometve ³esleele. pej DeeHeCe keÀ®eje jml³eekej HesÀkeÀlees lej HeMeg-He#³eebvee neveer Heesn®eles. mJe®í Yeejle, megboj Yeejle ns Iees<eJeeke̳e DeeHeCe ue#eele þsJeues Heeefnpes. DeeHeuee Heefjmej mJe®í þsJetve DeeHeCe ¿³ee íesìeM³ee osMekeÀe³ee&uee nele ueeJet MekeÀleele. YejHetj Pee[s ueeJee, l³eeb®eer efveiee jeKee. He³ee&JejCee®³ee meceleesue jeKeCes ns DeeHeues keÀle&J³e Deens. cnCetve®e Yeejle ceePee osMe Deens. ceuee ceeP³ee osMee®ee DeefYeceeve Deens. peevnJeer keÀ[eefkeÀ³ee, 8 DeuHeÀe

ceePeer MeeUe ceeP³ee MeeUs®es veeJe keÌJeerve cesjer mketÀue Deens. ceeP³ee MeeUs®es veeJe KetHe Òeefme× Deens. peemle keÀªve HeeuekeÀ DeeHeu³ee cegueeb®es Deece®³ee MeeUsle®e ÒeJesMe IesC³eeme GlmegkeÀ Demeleele. Deece®³ee MeeUsle ®eej Fceejleer Deensle. ³ee Fceejleer®³ee leU cepeu³eeJej Deece®³ee MeeUs®es keÀe³ee&ue³e Deens. ³ee®e cepeu³eeuee efJe%eeve Òe³eesieMeeUe HeCe Deens. ³ee®e ceesþîee Fceejleer®³ee SkeÀoce meceesj KesUe®es cewoeve Deens. ³ee®e cewoeveele efJeÐeeLeea keÀJee³ele keÀjleele. lemes®e DeveskeÀ ÒekeÀej®es KesU KesUleele. yeN³ee®e Je<ee&Heemetve Deece®³ee MeeUs®³ee oneJeer Hejer#es®ee efvekeÀeue 100% ³esle Deens. Deece®³ee MeeUs®es efJeÐeeLeea ceesþîee mebK³esves ÒeLece ÞesCeerves GÊeerCe& nesleele Je Deece®³ee MeeUs®es veeJe GppJeue keÀjleele. Òeieleer®es meejs Þes³e Deece®³ee meJe& efMe#ekeÀebvee peelees. ceer Yeei³eJeeve Deens keÀer ceuee DeMee ®eebieu³ee MeeUsle ÒeJesMe efceUeuee Deens. Oe´gJeer YevmeeUer, 5 De


heÐe efJeYeeie


ceePeer MeeUe ceePeer MeeUe, ceePeer MeeUe ueeefJeles ueUe, mebie yeeU-ieesHeeUe, Heefnueer, ogmejer meieUer®e keÀceeue YejHetj ceppee DeeefCe Oecceeue, eflemejer, ®eewLeer keÀe{t ueeieuees ieesue ceie Deeues Fefleneme DeeefCe Yetieesue, Deelee Deens, Hee®eJeer®ee Jeie& megª YejHetj HegmlekeÀ, efkeÀleer efkeÀleer ceer DeY³eeme keÀª? meneJeer, meeleJeer, DeeþJeer, veJeJeer DeeefCe leer keÀceeue oneJeer, HeCe Depetve Hee®e Je<e& Deensle ceuee MeeUsuee yee³e cnCee³euee,

Deieb DeeF& yeIe HeeTme ne Deelee ®eue vee peeT yeensj HeeJemeele efYepee³euee Peeueer Heefj#ee Deece®eer lejer keÀe ieb keÀìkeÀì peeT³ee vee efYepee³euee GIe[ oej PeìHeì Peeueer meoea, Deeuee leeHe lejer ®eeuesue ceuee veener osCeej ceer $eeme keÀ[t Deew<eOe H³ee³euee ®eue vee peeT HeeJemeele ³esles iebcele efYepee³euee Heefnuee HeeTme Deew<eOe Ieeceesȳee®es Deepeer®e meebieles ceuee. OJeveer Meen, 5, De

HeÀej DeeJe[sue ceuee FLes Hegvne ³ee³euee, ceeP³ee MeesUuee Gb®e leeN³eebJej yemeuesueer yeIee³euee. vegHegj yeeHe³es, 5 DeuHeÀe 1. Dee³eg<³eele SkeÀ iees<ì vesnceer ue#eele þsJee. Deeby³ee®³ee Pee[euee Deebyes ³esleele HeCe Je[e®³ee Pee[euee keÀOeer®e Je[s ³esle veenerle. PeesHetve DeY³eeme kesÀu³eeveer vesnceer PeesHe ³esles HeCe yemetve DeY³eeme kesÀu³eeveer yeme ³esle veener. jmles meeOes nesles lesJne ceeCemebner meeOeer nesleer, jmles [ebyejer Peeues lesJne Heemetve ceeCemener [ebyejì Peeueer.... 2. jpeveerkeÀbele : n@uees ceer jpeveerkeÀeble Heesjiee : nes ceeefnle Deens, yeesuee jpeveerkeÀeble : leguee keÀmeb keÀUue ceer keÀe@ue kesÀuee³e les ...? heesjiee : yeme keÀe³e YeeT ... HeÀesve eqmJe®e Dee@HeÀ neslee....

Dee³ee& peesMeer, 7 De 3. meemet : peeJeF&yeeHet, Heg{u³ee pevceele keÀe³e cnCetve pevce IesCeej! peeJeF& - efYebleer Jej®eer Heeue... keÀejCe legce®eer cegueieer HeÀkeÌle efleuee®e Ieeyejles!!! 4. efMe#ekeÀ : cegueebvees megF& ìes®eu³eeJej jkeÌle keÀe yeensj ³esles ef®ebìt :megF& keÀesCeer ìes®eueer les yeIee³euee 5. je$eer®es De[er®e Jeepeuesues Demeleele. yee³ekeÀes veJeN³eeuee ieoeieoe nueJetve PeesHesletve peeies keÀjles. iee{ PeesHesle Demeuesuee veJeje Ke[ye[tve peeiee neslees. veJeje - keÀe³e Peeueb? keÀe³e Peeue? yee³ekeÀes : Deenes ieeWOeU Peeuee vee, legcner Deepe PeesHes®eer ieesUer I³ee³euee efJemejueele. DeeOeer ieesUer I³ee ceie PeesHee. 100

cejeþer efJeveeso 6. yeeyee, Deece®³ee MeeUsle De@v³egDeue [smeeþer veeìkeÀ yemeJelee³ele. ceuee vee l³eele SkeÀ cemle jesue efceUeuee. yeeyee ëDejs Jee, kegÀþuee js? heHHet ë veJeN³ee®ee yeeyeeë veJeN³ee®ee??? Dejs cegKee&, peje [e³euee@ipe Demeuesues jesue lejer ceeiee³e®ee nesleeme. 7. SkeÀ cejeþer [e@keÌìj peHeeveceO³es iesuee, efleLes l³eeves SkeÀ veJeerve ne@mHeerìue megª kesÀue. l³ee®es veeJe l³eeves keÀe³e þsJeueb Demesue? Deboepe keÀje .... keÀje... ìes®et keÀe megF& 8. keÀeue ceuee 10 peCeeveer KetHe ceejueb ef®ebìt ë ceie let keÀe³e kesÀuebme efcebìt ë ceer cnìueb, Dejs oce Demesue keÀj SkeÀ SkeÀ peCe ³ee ... ef®ebìt ë ceie? efcebìt ë ceie keÀe³e? l³eebveer SkesÀkeÀeves ³esTve Hejle ceejueb. 9. efÒe³ekeÀj ë efÒe³es, let [esU³eele HeeCeer meeþJet vekeÀesme ieb .... efÒe³emeerë keÀe js? efÒe³ekeÀj ë Deieb, meeþuesu³ee HeeC³eele [Wi³et®es [eme Deb[er Ieeueleele.

Oe$eer Heeb[s, 5 De 10

iegªpeerë HeeC³eele jenCeejs Hee®e peerJe mebeie??? yeb[t ë ceemee .... iegªpeer ë íeve, Depetve ®eej veeJe meebie .... yeb[të ceeM³ee®eer DeeF&, Je[erue, yenerCe, YeeT.

Queen Marian 2014-2015

Adieu and Best Wishes for a bright future

From 10 A, 2014-2015

From 10 Alpha, 2014-2015 Queen Marian 2014-2015



Queen Marian 2014-2015

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