Shane Fagan
Building upon his the sis proje ct at RISD, Shane found opportunitie s at NB W to inje ct i de a s of
August 2009 - June 2013
program. Inte rnally, he pu s h e d t he office to de v e lop ne w 3D te chnologie s and use d it as a tool to de v e lopAeD xciting O B E form - PsS , I D ,
AI, LR, AE AND PR Shane manage d use d this time at NB W to le arn and manage Stage s 01-06. Band ui lconce di n gpts. u po n hi s th e si s pro j e c t a t RIS D , S h a ne f o und o ppo rtunities at NBW to inject id eas of
September 2002 - May 2006
Hudson Yards East Re tail Rooftop and KKR Te rrace , Ne w York, NY
SSummit E L E CTB e P RO JE CTS : chte l National Scouting
Re se rv e , Gle n Je an, VA
Hudso n Ya rds, N e w Yo rk, N Y
Po RM I NaCG I Pre AeLn,A N OW N E Rn, @ N WD a shi ngto D CS T U D I O P L A A T S J uc l yM2i 0 seF n ti l tra ti o n S i te M i x e d U se D e v e l o pme nt, W a shington, DC M l l1a2n - SParne d FAB. - 3D PRINTS, CNC AND LASER CUTS Unde r A rmo ur Gl o ba l He a dqua rte rs M a ste r P l a n a n d P h a se 1, Baltim or e, MD Studioplaats se rv e s as multidisciplinary firm focuse d on inte rspatial de sign. This inclu de s
Hudso n, archite Ya rdscture E a ,sturban Re ta i l industrial Ro o f to p a n d KKR Te rraecxpe e , rime N ents w Yo rk, landscape and de signs. Studioplaats with th eNY obje cts and space through se nsible analysis, playful conce pts, social ste wa rds h i p Sfunction ummiof t B e c hte l N a ti o na l S c o u ti n g Re se rv e , G l e n Je a n, V A and a he althy combination of humor and logic. VIZ - RENDERING, 360 VIEW AND VR SELECT PROJECTS:
R E G I S T E3 2R- yEe aDr o l d R e g i s t e r e d L A N D S C A PLEa n dAs cRa pCe H ITECT Architect from the
PZ -Store R I Nwith C IHomme P A LPourA FeNmme D , Ne OwWYork, N ENYR @ S T U D I O P L A A T S Local Liv ing Proje ct, Los Ange le s, CA
JPuarfume l y 2rie0 with 1 2 Groundswe - Prese n tsign ll De
Group, Chaumont Sur Loire , France T he Pape r Factory with Homme Pour Fe mme , Que e ns, NY Che f Re tre at with RISD WS Te am, Praiano, Italy
with 6+ years of work experience in spatial design and planning.
Hudson Yards, Nede w York, th e o ffic e to v e l oNYp
Unde r Armour Global He adquarte rs Maste r Plan and Phase 1, B altimore , MD
SStudioplaats tudi o pl a 3D a tsPrints, se rvVarious e s a s mu l ti di sc i pl i n a ry fi rm f o c use d o n i nter s p atial d es ign. T his includ es lan dsc a pe , a rc hi te c tu re , u rba n a n d i ndu stri a l de si gns. S tu diop laats exp er im ents w ith the fu n EoRf @ o bjW e cEts D EnSc ItiGoN S Ta8nd spa c e th ro ugh se n si bl e a na l ysi s, pl ay ful concep ts , s ocial s tew ar d s hip and a he a l th y c o mbi J u n e 2 0 1 1 - M a y 2 0 1 2 n a ti o n o f humo r a n d l o gi c . Finding himse lf an offe r to work at the WEST8 Rotte rdam office , Shane took a ye ar brea k
804-822-2867 917-268-1904
32-year old Registered
a n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t 5f 1r0o Mmc I nt thi ree RUd ,S Charlottesville, VA
Sfrom E L ERISD CT P RO JE CTS : and packe d his bags. Expose d to many diffe re nt proje cts during his ye ar co n tra c t, Z-S to re wi th Ho mme P o u rdeFadline e mme , eNv e w Yo rk, Y rnational comp e ti ti on s he was e xpe cte d to juggle multiple s for e rything fromNinte influe nce d by the Dutch firm’s approach and Land o c CD a l submissions. L i v i n g P roShane j e c t, was L o highly s A n ge l e s, CA m e ntality towards de sign. P a rf ume ri e wi th Gro u n dswe l l D e si gn Gro u p, Ch a umo n t S ur Loir e, Fr ance SELECT The P aPROJECTS: pe r F a c to ry wi th Ho mme P o ur F e mme , Q u e e n s, N Y Y ongsan Park Maste rplan Compe tition (Win) - Se oul, Kore a Ch f ReCampus tre a t Maste wi thrplan RISCompe D W Stition Te a(Win) m, P- ra i a no , China Ita l y N oveartis Shanghai, Court SKarlsruhe tudi o plBaunde a tssv3e rfassungsge D P ri nts,richt V a ri o u s- Karlsruhe , Ge rmany Commonwe alth Institute - London, UK
th 6+ years of work experience
n spatial design and planning.
June 2011 - May 2012
September 2007 - August 2009
T he Jay Griffith office se rv e d as Shane ’s first e xpe rie nce in a de sign office . His primary rol e was to support both the de sign staff and work cre ws. This re quire d a wide range of tas k s photoshop Ffrom i ndiCAD n g and h i mse l f a n work o ff etor site to coordination. wo rk a t th e W E S T8 Ro tte rda m o ffice,
Shane took a y ear b r eak fr o m RIS D a nd pa c ke d h i s ba gs. E x po se d to ma ny di ff e re nt p r ojects d ur ing his y ear contr act, A Cs H N cGte A E DeUmul C AtiTplI eOde N a dl i ne s f o r e v e rythi ng fr om inter national com p etitions hTeEwa e xIpe dN to Dj u ggl and CD submi ssi o ns. S h a ne wa s h i gh l y i nfl u e n c e d by th e D u tch fir m ’ s ap p r oach and MASTERS - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE @ RISD me nta l i ty to wa rds de si gn . August 2009 - June 2013
- PS, 8 0 4 - 8 2 2A D- O2B8E 6 7
510 McIntire Rd, , CNC C h a r l o t tFeA Bs. v- 3i lDl PeR,I N TVSA
Focus on share d stre e t typologie s and post-pe trole um urban de sign.
S E L E CT P RO JE CTS : BACHELORS - BIOLOGY @ UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Yo ngsa n P a rk M a ste rpl a n Co mpe ti ti o n ( W i n) - S e o ul , K o re a September 2002 - May 2006 N o v a rti s Ca mpus M a ste rpl a n Co mpe ti ti o n ( W i n) - S ha n gh a i , China Focus on organism biological syste ms and circadian cycle s. K a rl sru h e B unde sv e rf a ssungsge ri c h t Co u rt - K a rl sru h e , G e rm any I N mmo S T R UnCwe T OaRl th- Insti S H O tu R TteS T E S n, W UK INTERSESSION STUDIO @RISD Co -O L oRnI do January 2013 - February 2013
5 we e k course v isualizing and e llaborating on sci-fi short storie s that hav e only e xisted a s words .
Focus on s har ed s tr eet ty p ologies and p os t- p etr oleum ur b an d es ign.
sha re d stre e t typo l o gi e s a n d pu bl i c spa c e s wi th o v e rl a ppi n g p r ogr am . I nter nally , he p us hed SELECT PROJECTS: ne w 3 D te c h n o l o gi e s a n d use d3 D it a - sR a H ItNool O , to M AdXevelop , M A Y A exciting , S K E T C Hfor U Pm s N oMa Gre e n, Washington, DC and c o nc e pts. S h aSite ne Mixe ma dna geDe d vuse d nt, thiWashington, s ti me a tDC N B W to l e a rn and m anage Stages 01- 06. McMillan Sand Filtration Use e lopme
Shane Fagan
fr om CA D and p hotos hop w or k to s ite coor d ination.
Ss hare e p dt e mber 2013 - March 2017 stre e t typologie s and public space s with ov e rlapping
w as to s up p or t b oth the d es ign s taff and w or k cr ew s . T his r eq uir ed a wide range of t ask s
Shane Fagan
T he Jay G r iffith office s er ved as Shane’ s fir s t exp er ience in a d es ign office. His primary role
SF ael lp St eemm e sbt eer r2 021 0 2 ,0 S7u m- mA e ru Sge u s ssi ot n 2 s 0 2 001 9 0
and 2012, respectively
De v e lopme nt of stude nt skills, de sk critique s and assistance with class organization.
The Ja y G ri ffith o ffic e se rv e d a s S h a ne ’s fi rst e x pe ri e n c e i n a d es ign office. H is p r im ar y r ole wa s to su ppo rt bo th th e de si gn sta ff a n d wo rk c re ws. Thi s req uir ed a w id e r ange of tas ks fr o m CA D a nd pho to sh o p wo rk to si te c o o rdi na ti o n .
Focus on or ganis m b iological s y s tem s and cir cad ian cy cles .
INSTRUCTOR - SHORT STORIES WINTERSESSION STUDIO @RISD January 2013 - February 2013 5 w eek cour s e vis ualizing and ellab or ating on s ci- fi s hor t s tor ies that have only exist ed as words.
TA - DESIGN PRINCIPLES AND SUMMER FOUNDATIONS @RISD Fall Semester 2012, Summer Sessions 2010 and 2012, respectively Develop m ent of s tud ent s kills , d es k cr itiq ues and as s is tance w ith class organizat ion.
Hudson Yards Development
Altamont Estate Residence
NoMa Green
ALTAMONT Yongsan Park Millbrook, New York
Karlsruhe Bundesverfassungsgericht Court MASTERPLAN May 11th 2015
HommePourFemme Studio
Hudson Yards Development NBWLA
DATE OF PROJECT Fall 2013-Present DESCRIPTION The Public Square at the Eastern Rail Yard, designed by Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects, will create a dynamic landscape destination at the center of Manhattan’s largest urban development. The 6-acre Square will offer large and small scale gathering spaces in cafes, gardens, and plazas. World-class events, art exhibitions, fountains, and entertainment will be a destination for neighborhood locals and tourists alike. PROJECT ROLE • • • • • • •
All Aspects in Design and Detailing Client Coordination Focused on Sculptural Form of Plaza and Site Elements Fountain Design and Physical Mockups Primary 3D work and Visualizations Coordination with prime and fountain consultants Coordination with Visualhouse renders
Image property of NBWLA
Image property of NBWLA
Image property of Related Companies
Image property of Related Companies
Image property of Related Companies
1 9
Altamont Estate Residence
DATE OF PROJECT Spring 2014-Present
DESCRIPTION The Altamont Estate has been acquired piecemeal over the last 30 years. While many different designs have been made across the 650 acres, there is no cohesive feeling. We studied the many ecologies at Altamont and found that they are severely divided because of previous aesthetic desires. In the masterplan, NBW focused on thickening the line that divides these ecologies to restore the natural succession between field, forest and wetland, as well as picturesque and the sublime. Additionally, the core concept of Agriculture Conservation pushed us to identify ways of tying the property back to it’s history and the surrounding Taconic Foothills.
• • • • •
Concept Development Team Masterplan CAD Management Sylvopasture Concept Design Sculpture Garden Design
Image property of NBWLA 8
Section A: Degarris Looking North - Proposed 44
Site Wide Design Concepts | Site Sections
Section B: Pond C | Summer Paddock | Main House Looking North - Existing 46
Site Wide Design Concepts | Site Sections
Image property of NBWLA
9 47
NoMa Green
DATE OF PROJECT Summer 2016-Present DESCRIPTION The proposed park is located on a 2 acre former industrial site, with an additional 1/2 acre park adjacent to the mixed-use residential structures. The concept design responds to the park’s adjacency to the MBT trail and Eckington Yards. NoMa Green is distinct in its ability to crystallize the current residents’ shared values, while also providing a platform for the promotion of community creation and of identity building within the neighborhood. Three key design aspirations guide the design of NoMa Green asa socially and ecologically thriving park: CONNECTIVITY. RESILIENCE. COMMUNITY. PROJECT ROLE • • • • • •
Competition Team Concept Development Team Concept Coordinator - Architecture, Play, Lighting, AV Consultant Managment 3D and CAD management Perspectives and visual director
Image property of NBWLA
Image property of NBWLA
Image property of NBWLA
Image property of NBWLA 12
Image property of NBWLA 13
Yongsan Park Competition
INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION - WEST8 + IROJE DATE OF PROJECT Spring 2012 DESCRIPTION The new Master Plan for Yongsan National Park proposed by West 8 + IROJE has been developed through an interactive process that has consistently returned to the fundamental concept of healing. The act of healing is a process that transforms the existing site through an awareness of its history into a world-class park that inspires illusions of nature, ecological restoration and a wide ranging urban park culture. (Official West 8 statement) PROJECT ROLE • • • • •
Concept Development Team Masterplan Image CAD Management Planting Plan Development Team Diagramming
Image property of WEST8
Image property of WEST8
Karlsruhe Bundesverfassungsgericht Court
DESIGN DEVELOPMENT, LANDSCAPE PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS - WEST8 DATE OF PROJECT Summer 2011- Spring 2012 DESCRIPTION The Paul Baumgartner-designed Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe is being restored. West 8’s design features a grassland Herbstaspekte: herbstliche Faerbungen ininallen Herbstkrokusbluete Herbstaspekte: herbstliche Faerbungen erscheinen allen Innehoefen, imund Garten zwischen BT I und BT IX bluehen die with stylized concrete tracks which make a patterned landscape in which theInnenhoefen buildings float. im Garten zwischen Bauteil I undimIXInnenhof von BT III traegt Fruechte bis in den Winter hinein Herbstkrokusse, der Teppich-Hartriegel The one project that lasted my entire internship required detail development and direct contact with the client including site visits.
Winteraspekte: Schneegloeckchen bluehen im Innenhof BT III, Ysander Winteraspekte: Schneegloeckchen bluehen im Innenhof von BT III,von die Dachterrassen vonund BT II und der Hof Stachelnuesschen immergruen Bodendecker, und die vielstaemmigen Magnolien im von BT IV zeigen sich sind immergruen durch die Bodendecker Stachelnuesschen und Ysander, und die mehrstaemmigen Magnolien im Hof von BT IVim sowie mehrstaemmigen Judasbaeume im Hof von BT III Hof von BT IV sowie die Judasbaeume Hofdie von BT III zeigen ihren skulpturalen zeigen ihrenim skulpturalen Charakter blattlosenCharakter Zustandim blattlosen Zustand
PROJECT ROLE • • • • • • • •
Design Development Team Seasonal Garden Development Planting Plan and layout requirements Detail Plan Maintenance Renderings Diagramming Detail Sections Presentation Layout
Sommeraspekte: das Stachelnuesschen blueht auf den Dachterrassen, die Magnolien spenden Schatten zum Verweilen das Gruen Stachelnuesschen dieden Magnolien Schatten, und dertritt gruene, imSommeraspekte: Hof von BT IV, die Farbe ist dominant, undblueht, der unter Gebaeudenspenden durchfliessende Rasenteppich in den t d G b d d hfli d R t i h t itt i d i d F k Fokus der Wahrnehmung
Fruehlingsaspekte: die Blausterne erfuellen den Innenhof von BT IV, Magnolien, Judasbaeume und Teppich-
Herbstaspekte: and full bloom of Cornus, Cercis and Magnolia Hartriegel stehen Scillia in volleremergence Bluete
Image property of WEST8 Grundsanierung Bundesverfassungsgericht Karlsruhe -
M 1 : 600
Image property of WEST8 Grundsanierung Bundesverfassungsgericht Karlsruhe -
Innehnof BT III im Winter
Ysander, immergruener Bodendecker
Stachelnuesschen, immergruener Bodendecker
Tulpen-Magnolie, skulpturale Form im Winter
Schneegloeckchen, Bluete: Januar bis Maerz
22. Juli 2011
Teppich-Hartriegel, rote Fruechte bis Anfang Winter
Kanadischer Judasbaum, skulpturale Form im Winter
Image property of WEST8
Image property of WEST8 19
HommePourFemme Studio FREELANCE
DATE OF PROJECT Fall 2014-Spring 2015 DESCRIPTION Located in a former Paper Factory that has since been converted to a Hotel, the record studio was designed as both a place of creativity, as well as a place for collaboration, history and relaxation. The main goals were to house an extensive record collection, recording space, hosting space and deal with tricky ingress and egress. The result was a stunning space utilizing found materials and collectibles. PROJECT ROLE • • • •
Design and Detailing Client Coordination Visualization Spacial Characteristics
Image property of Homme Pour Femme
Images property of Homme Pour Femme
Shane Fagan
510 McIntire Rd Charlottesville, VA 22902 tel. 804.822.2867 skype: