Shane Filan Birthday Magazine 2017

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“To be inspired is great, To inspire is INCREDIBLE.“



th 5 ,2017.







Credits: Dan Butler Photography

Yet another year and we walk into a new journey full of excitement and joy. Shane Steven Filan needs no introduction. He is well known among his peers and fans as that proverbial phoenix who rose from his ashes, a truly inspirational figure who managed to float through stormy seas.

Shane Filan is embarking upon yet another journey with his third brand new solo album and tour. Fans were thrilled to note that the album is named “Love Always”, which is how Shane signs autographs for them. There was heavy speculation and massive excitement among fans when Shane announced he would take suggestions from fans to make an exceptional classic love songs album. Interviews and media bytes have revealed that the album comprises of 75% classic romantic ballads and 25% original tracks by co-written by

No sooner than they heard the news, elated fans were in for another treat, and were thrilled to hear about the third solo tour. His fans all over the world were already significantly overjoyed when he announced his third solo album “Love Always”. Lo and behold, latest updates from Shane bedazzled them when the “Love Always Tour 2017” was announced before the release of the upcoming album.

Shane’s loyal fan base went into a hysterical overdrive. Fans all over the UK, Ireland and few other countries rushed to book their tickets to see him perform live as well as meet him personally. Every fan scurried to get through and book front row tickets while fans across the world waited with bated breath for Shane to tour their country. Shane has successfully turned into a global pop sensation with an impeccable voice and unmistakable signature rasp in his voice which effortlessly hits all notes, charming all and sundry.

Yes, Shane Filan is the quintessential Santa in town, spreading joy perennially, especially when he makes waves on social media whether it is his new album, tour, philanthropy or even personal dates and outings with lady love & wife Gillian Filan.

2017 is all yours, Shane. Carpe diem.

Goodluck, Godspeed and LOVE ALWAYS.

Ladies &Gentlemen, SHANE FILAN.



- Pallavi Bijapur, India

- Welling, China

Hi Shane, First, let me wish you a Grand Birthday! I hope you’re being spoilt by Gillian and the kids. I wish you loads of luck with the new album “Love Always” and I pray that it takes you the top of the charts all over the world and makes you reach the pinnacle of your career. I pray for your happiness, well being, health, wealth and massive success! I have a little complaint against you. We need more video songs so that your songs get played on television and we can request channels to play you more often. Also please make your album CDs available in India. Life is so unfair to us! We reaaalllyyyy need you in India soon. This love is getting a bit out of hand, but your Indian fans are waiting for you desperately. We will drench you and you’ll be drowned (well almost) in fan love if you come back to Mumbai, as most fans missed out last time, due to lack of knowledge (lame, I know, but I’m guilty as charged!). This time we will leave no stone to promote you in India and the world across as we Filaners are now your personal #SHQUAD, which means SHANE’S SQUAD! IWe don’t know if you noticed it, but please tweet with the tag #SHQUAD if you did. We made loads of efforts for it. Also we beg you for a little "Ask me anything" chat on Twitter that most celebrities do especially for the fans who love you so much that they’d churn heaven and Earth to talk to you. I hope you received our present "Shane Filan Magazine- Vol II " too. Pleeeaaaaseeee #ComeToIndia Shane, it is a prayer now, as nothing else seems to be working! Meanwhile you can join us fans on the celebrations on Twitter! Keep tweeting, it makes us really happy!❤

Love Always, Shruti V., 27, Mumbai.

- Shruti V, India


Dear Shane First off, wish you A Very Happy Birthday! And second off, I Love You! I know you get that a lot. But it is true. There are so many things I want to tell you, yet there are not so many words that can actually justify them. Seems like only yesterday, that I randomly stumbled upon this boyband: group of five, walking down the beach and singing as they splashed the salty sea-water on each other, having fun in their own boyish way. That was 13 years ago, my first glimpse at Westlife and I was instantly spellbound. I loved -and still do- how every single voice was strikingly different yet together the melody they created was a heavenly symphony. Since 13 years, the voices of Westlife, your voice, has inspired me, given me strength and courage. I’m always amazed by your songs, be it back when you were in Westlife or now. Every time I close my eyes and listen to your voice, it carries me to a place of tranquility, away from the life’s chaos. Your voice, your music, your songs have such power, they touch my soul. I don’t know how to thank you, for your music has given me strength when I was weak, it guided me when I was lost, it accompanied me when I was lonely and it gave me hope in times of despair. I loved songs from Westlife and your albums later on as well. I love all your songs but ‘Beautiful in White’, ‘About You’, ‘Effortlessly You’, ‘You and Me’, ‘Just the Way You Love Me’ hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for your beautiful songs… Love you to moon and back!! -Hetal Chauhan, Mumbai, India

- Hetal Chauhan, India


Dear Shane, I’m stoked to be writing to you again. Hope you read my last letter. If not , it’s fine. It was just plain blabbering of all sorts. But I meant it all, hahhah! I'm so excited for Love Always. Third album coming soon!! Seems like yesterday when You And Me released. As always, I apologize again for not making it to your You And Me Tour in India in September 2013. We had absolutely no idea you were coming. I was shattered that I couldn’t meet you. You’ve been too mysterious with the Love Always promotions for a while now. I wonder what bomb you’re gonna drop on us. It’s s exciting! You sang “ This I Promise You” soooooo well. I love it already. Someone rightly commented on your YouTube video that you could sing names and phone numbers off of a phone book and it’d still sound divine! Thank you for cherishing and letting us celebrate your gift. You are amazing, flawless and perfect as you are. Thank you for saving me when I was low. Your music is magic. It heals. Thank you for following our page (ShaneFilanIndia) and RTing soooooooooo many tweets!! Please don’t stop, hahhahh. Please come to India this time. Liam(McKenna) said there are currently no plans. I’m heartbroken already. Hope you can squeeze in a day to come meet your Indian Filaners #SHQUAD. We are a handful, but we are so loyal to you. We love you.


And about Westlife – we know you guys are up to something for 2018. Don’t let us down okay? I’ve aready started collecting money to attend the #20YearsOfWestlife Tour in Croke Park…. *Beaming*! Wishing you all the greatest things in life. Though I’m sure you already have everything you want. Your family is beautiful. Gill, we adore you. You’re so awesome!

Sending love and hugs to you two, Nicole, Patrick and Shane Jr. Take care, And a very very very happy birthday to you, Shane!  ❤ [One last thing – please collaborate with Taylor Swift someday. Please, please, pleeeeeeeeeaseee. It’s my dream to hear you sing together. These edits are for you! Feel free to use them as your collaboration album artwork lol] - Sreeparna, 19, India. (@Biggest_Filaner, @ShaneFilanIndia, Twitter)

- Sreeparna Ghosh, India


- Hemant Kshirsagar, India


- Avadhesh Kumar & Sanket Kale, India

- Avadhesh Kumar, India


- Sreeparna Ghosh, 19, India


- Avadhesh Kumar, India

- Shruti V., 27, India

- Samyajita Mitra, India


- Cola, China

- Norsa Yang, China

- Aimee, China

- Wu Xuegi, China


- Kurnia Nur L., 22, Indonesia - Kurnia Nur L., 22, Indonesia

- Aisling Seaniff, 18, China

- Rosa, 18, China


- Francisco Saturno Collado IV, 18, Philippines

- Francisco Saturno Collado IV, 18, Philippines

- Markus Nicky Kian DV. De Guzman

- Simone, Germany


- Gillian, 16, Malaysia

Source : Google Images

- Jennifer, England


- Charles, China

- Li Ang, China

- Mike, China

- Shirley Chen, China

- Zhang Haikuo, China



- Maryl, 18, Singapore


- Maryl, 18, Singapore

- Maryl, 18, Singapore


- Maryl, 18, Singapore

- Francisco Saturno Collado IV, 18, Philippines

Source : Ben Ryan Photography


- Bebs Sarausos

- Charles, China

- Endah, 33, Indonesia


- Charles, China

- Jennifer, England

- Filancy, China


- Simone, Germany

- Simone, Germany



- Samyajita Mitra, 16, india

- Jennifer, England

- Bebs Sarausos

- Simone, Germany

Source : Lindsay Walker Photography


- Mamik Wijayanti, Indonesia

- Mamik Wijayanti, Indonesia

- Mamik Wijayanti, Indonesia

- Mamik Wijayanti, Indonesia

- Simone, Germany

- Cindy Chairunisa, 30, Indonesia

- Cai Zequin,17, China

- Lisa, China

26 - Panda, 18, China

- Frank, China

- Sherry, China

- Sreeparna Ghosh, 19, India

- Li Siyu, 14, China

- Sreeparna Ghosh, 19, India

- Chain Mai Ling, China

- Vincent, China


- Guo Lianfang, China

- Zhe Zhe, China

- Carson, China

- Gao Zhao, China

- West West, China Sreeparna Ghosh, 19, India

- Sreeparna Ghosh, 19, India



- Fiona Citra Dewi, Indonesia

- Fiona Citra Dewi, Indonesia

- Liam, UK

- Kitty, 14, China

- Aimee, China

Credits: Liam McKenna, Instagram

Dear Shane, Happy Birthday to You! I’m glad that you could see this letter. My name is Mengyuan Ma and I’m from China. I’ve loved you for a year until May 10th. Ha Ha, you may feel strange why I love you for only such a short time. That’s because I happened to know Westlife just last year and then I came to know you. You are my very first and favorite singer and you’ll be the last one, the one I love deep in my heart of hearts. And Westlife become my only favorite music band EVER. I first know you was in the weibo and someone shared a video in which you sat on the stools and sang MY LOVE . Immediately, you caught my eyes, wearing jean blouses and so handsome, warm and pretty. And you singing sooooo well! After that, your face stay in my mind all the time. So I started searching you, I knew you are Shane, knew Westlife, and knew beautiful Sligo. But I’ve never imagined that you set up the band so long ago, and you’ve dismissed for several years, I thought you were still young. But it’s all right, Westlife are still handsome now, especially you! Until now, I’ve been collected plenty of your pictures, your MVs, live videos, interviews and programs you attended(includes Westlife era).The more I find your virtues, the deeper I love you. You are such a good man, with countless virtues. You are always so splendid on the stage, sometimes you are enthusiastic, sometimes you are affectionate. Your charming voice attracts me most, your wife Gillian is so beautiful and graceful, your three children are so active and lovely, your family is so happy. You are the most gentle and one-woman singer I’ve ever seen. You are my truly idol. I love you, for your pleasant appearance, for your natural talents, for your excellent character, for your beautiful voice, for your deep affectionateness. I know that you have been through a very hard time. I feel really sorry for you. I also blame myself for not knowing you earlier so as to support you with all my heart. But eventually and happily, you made it. As an Chinese saying goes,” Honing gives a sharp edge to a sword, and bitter cold adds keen fragrance to plum blossom.” I guess, now you must have been much more stronger and modest, as plum blossom after continuous bitter cold gives out sweet fragrance. At present, I listen to your solos and Westlife’s songs every day. Watching Westlife’s MV, I often think that if time traveled back I would certainly know you earlier and go to your every concert in China. If so, today I can proudly say, ”I love Westlife. I’ve been loving you for a long time.” I also dream about Westlife’s reunion. If you gave a concert, I would certainly go to see you, as a compensation for my regrets. But I know we need to live forward. No matter what decision you make, the most important is you being happy. If you are happy, I will be happy. I hope you and every member of Westlife live a better and happier life. Though I expect you to release more album and give more concert, most importantly I hope you take care of your health and your voice. Don’t make yourself too tired. Dear Shane, I want to say to you, “Nothing’s gonna change my love for YOU.” Yours, Ma Mengyuan

Dear Shane, I'm very excited that I could write to you. I think all of your fans don't want to miss this chance. So right here, right now, I'm writing to you. There are a lot of people who love you in China. And part of the fans use your photos as online avatar to express their love for you. I love your songs very much. I forget how many times they helped me out of my frustration. .What's more, we all hope that you come back home! I remember that time just like you saw your farewell concert. I cry and cry badly. Even if you can't reunion but the beauty and warmth you bring will hide deeply in our hearts. Now, my biggest dream is to see you. And I believe that my dream will come true someday! Right here we are waiting for you!!! Yours big big big fan Richard


My Beloved, Such a special day! Having experienced the National College Entrance Examination,I feel so excited to be here writing to you. Primarily, I sincerely wish you a happy birthday and a harmony family and a good life. Although I just knew you last year, I still had a crush on you. Can you believe that I saw you for the first time when I watched your concert video that was your farewell performance.Though I haven't known you before,haven't come to your concert before,I still feel moved,deeply to tears,especially when it went to the song,"You Raise Me Up".Looking back at the year of high three,everytime when I felt heartbroken, I would listen to your songs,the westlife songs,they have left a deep imprint on my heart forever.In the future,I will have more time to do what I want to do freely,before that,I'd like to make up my regret which I haven't watch all your concert videos and feel it with "you". Just remember no matter when and where,I am gonna stand by your side,you never fade away from my heart, I will love you as long as I live till my last breath and nothing can change my love for you. A long story never runs out,but I just hope to see you and hug you in some day. . Yours, . Wang Shaotong, 18, China

Dear Mr. Amazing, It has been such a good chance for me to write this letter to show how much I love you and songs of Westlife. When I was a little girl, I buried myself in studying and was gradually growing up. I had the feeling that my life needed a surprise, and one day a friend of mine told me that songs of Westlife were fantastic. He looked so excited that I wondered what kind of music can bring so much happiness. I went home and tried. Mr. amazing you gave me the surprise I wished all along. Soon I found some other friends who loved your songs, and I saw a bright new future. That was seven years ago. Now the little girl has grew up and entered college. Just like your songs, the friend who recommended your music to me captured my heart. Though we ended up being strangers in the year of 2012, I cherished every moment being with him, and your songs kept us company. It’s so lucky that we got to know each other thanks to you. After so many years some of my friends are still around me and some lose contact, but every time I listened to your songs, they can bring me to the time we were, and every moment is priceless to me. The other day a friend of mine in the college, who is Norsa Yang, told me that she is a fan of you. I looked at her face, as if she was telling me that” songs of Westlife are fantastic”. So many memories flooded over me---the days we learn to love, to try to take our responsibilities so that we could become mature and find more happiness. I looked her exciting face, I know that right now you are her Mr. amazing. Thank you, for bringing the little girl the big surprise of her life, for keeping her company during her teenage life, for giving her hope and strength to love and strive, for telling her that music can change one’s life and help us to be who we are. Yours, Nora Feng


Credits: @ShaneFilanIndia



White bubble: Shane Filan Black bubble: Shane’s #SHQUAD



Credits: @WestlifeReactions, Twitter & @ShaneFilanIndia



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1."You’re only as good as your last album."

2. "I’d like to keep singing - whether that’s small or big. To stop singing for a living would break my heart." 3. "I don’t think about success to be famous, because I’ve done that at the highest level, but it’s all about my children.” 4. “I didn’t really like ‘You Raise Me Up’ at the time we recorded it; now it’s my favourite Westlife song.”

5. “I love Ireland. I’ll always be 100pc Irish. I get really excited when I go to Sligo; it’s my home.” 6. "You only live once, so live a good life!"

7. "The adrenaline of performing on stage to a crowd - there’s nothing like it."

8. "For Westlife, the music will never stop as long as our fans are around inspiring us to keep on making beautiful music together." 9. “It would be a cool thing to do. We are all big fans."

10. "It is what we do best - give them what they want. Why give them something they don’t want?" 11. “I think we should stay where we are. This year has really proven that when you have the right song, everything else falls into place.”

12. “You’ve got to go down the road you naturally go down, and for me it was pop, folk country, just feel-good music. I suppose most of my songs are very up-tempo.” 13. “‘Everything To Me’ is about everything that’s important. It’s about my wife, my kids; it’s about life, .


about being happy. It’s about life in general, you know, about not knowing what’s going to be around the corner, but you’ve got to enjoy it and enjoy the things you have. My wife, my kids, my health, and stuff like that.”


14. “For me, it’s never been about being famous. I just want to be a successful singer. I wanna work hard... If I’m in the papers, grace, but I Want to be there for the right reasons – for my music.”

15. “I think that as a band, we find joy, and we love what we are doing. We are very good friends, so we get on very well, and we have a lot of respect for each other. We have a lot of respect for what Westlife is. We have a very, very solid and strong fan base all over the world.”

16. “When you realise that money doesn’t actually make you happy, it’s a quick fix to have things you’ve always wanted, but then when you have it, you realise that’s not what actually makes you happy. It’s more about having a great marriage and happy children; that’s what life’s all about.” 17. “I have three children to take care; I have a wife. My job is to take care of them, and I can say it’s a pretty cool job to have.”

18. “It’s amazing how lucky Westlife were and what we achieved. It’s very rare to have seven number ones in a row. Ridiculous in fact.” 19. “My kids are Irish; I want them to grow up playing Gaelic football and learning Irish.”

20. “When your child is looking up at you, and you are putting them to bed at night, and they are just lying there, you have to remind yourself that’s what it’s all about.” . 21. "My mum and dad ran a family cafe in Sligo for 35 years and worked long hours. We grew up in a very hard-working family an and had a lovely atmosphere, as we lived above the restaurant. It definitely made me want to work hard, whatever I chose to do. As the baby of seven kids, I was definitely a bit spoilt."

22. "Every year, we couldn’t believe it, and even when I look back on it now, to sell 14 million singles, 50 million albums and sell out arenas and stadiums, what Westlife achieved was crazy. It’s like One Direction probably don’t realize how big they are. They’ll look back one day and think, ‘Holy God, that was pretty amazing.’"

. .

23. "My whole world changed when Michael Jackson brought out the Bad album when I was about eight or nine. He took over my whole life and from then on I wanted to be Michael Jackson. I watched his videos for hours and learned how to dance like him. I would push back the chairs in the room and learn his dance moves. I even taught myself to moonwalk."

24. "When I had money, I felt pressure, whether it was to invest it or do good with it, and I couldn’t let it fizzle out. It was like I needed to prove to myself that I could look after it, only I did the opposite, but you have to take a chance in life."


25. “My wife is my best friend. The thought that people are afraid to go home to their partners for fear of being abused physically or emotionally makes me feel sick. It’s not easy but you need to get help and get out."


26. "When you look at bands like Take That, who have come back bigger than ever, you can see there will always be a market for good pop bands." 27. "I’m more of a debit card person, and I live in the ‘now’. I don’t like credit cards anymore. I try to live with whatever I can afford and don’t try to put myself in an awkward position. I’ve done that before."

28. "When I was in the band IOU, I bleached my hair blonde, it was a total disaster. It looked like a bad version of Kian’s."

29. "The experience of Brian leaving taught us to stick together, to respect each other more even and to understand each other. We knew if one more member decided to leave it would be over for Westlife. So we decided to forget the past and focus on the future." 30. " When you weigh up all the pros and cons of being in Westlife, there are a lot more pros. In fact there isn’t f**k all bad about being in Westlife."

,. ,. ,.

31 " A massive thank you to my Mum and Dad . I’m so proud to be your son, thank you so much for everything. I ,. love you so much, you know that. I remember when I was 8 years old. I said to my Mum, I was watching a video of Michael Jackson. And all I saw was this on the telly (pointing to starlight crowd). And I said to Mum, (breaks down) that’s ,. going to be me someday. Well mum, my dreams came true. Thank you so much."

32. "The most important person in the stadium tonight, is my beautiful wife Gillian. Gillian, I have loved you since the day I saw you for the first time. You were only 12 years old and it took me a long time into get you eventually, but I got you."

33. "Louis was a friend. Louis and I are very close. He is kind of a father figure to me, to be honest. He still manages me in my solo career. He was a manager but he was also a very positive person. You know the way Louis is. You’d have lunch with him and he say (dons famous Louis voice): "Oh it could be worse! If you lose your voice, then you’re f**ked!’"

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34. "It is part of my life and I can’t change it. I can only try to fix it as best I can." Part of trying to fix it is playing concerts. I have to tour to survive and look after my family. That’s part of my life at the moment and that’s what I have to do. I’m doing the best I can."

35. "You ask yourself a million questions, but it happened. Sh*t happens. You got to keep dealing with it. You got to keep going."

. 36. "I was a freak Michael Jackson fan when I was younger - I had his hat and I got my ,. mum to stitch things on to a white glove I bought, I was like a proper Michael Jackson nut. .,,, Michael was probably one of the main reasons I was in Westlife. I used to try to copy him and try to sing like him and maybe he made me a good singer."



37. "The first solo tour was very scary and daunting, but I got on stage, I started singing and I was fine."


38. "Going on tour is the best part of my year. You get to have fun; you get to see lots of new faces. It’s the best part of . being a singer."






No copyright infringement intended. All pictures belong to their rightful owners and are sourced from the Internet. This magazine is strictly not intended for a commercial use.

Thank You! ď Š

TWITTER - @ShaneFilanIndia; EMAIL – COVER ILLUSTRATIONS – Shruti Vojhala & Sreeparna Ghosh

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