WOW: World of WearableArt 'Project Overview and Collateral'

Perc Tucker Regional Gallery was the Australian exclusive venue for the inaugural world-tour of WOW: World of WearableArt, a momentous international touring exhibition and one of New Zealand’s cultural success stories over the past 27 years. Over 44,000 visitors from around the globe visited Townsville to experience the exhibition and tropical northern Australia. The enclosed documentation provides an insight into the exhibition, including complete copies of the exhibition summary, education resources and exhibition collateral developed and designed by Perc Tucker Regional Gallery. View the Gallery produced WOW Behind the Scenes video by scrolling down to the Gallery Services Playlist at:

Education Kit

December 17, 2016

EDM Banner

December 17, 2016
WOW: World of WearableArt 'Project Overview and Collateral' Stack - Issuu