How to Get Clients Online with Dallas McMillan
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High Ticket Sales Training How$to$Get$Coaching$Clients$with$a$Book$Sales$Funnel How to Get Coaching Clients with a Book Video URL: See more High Ticket Sales Funnels‐ticket-‐sales-‐funnels/
Hello, welcome to this short video on how to get coaching clients with a book sales funnel. My name is Dallas McMillan. I'm a marketing consultant and sales funnel coach. I specialise in helping coaches, consultants and professionals to generate more sales with online marketing, lead generation and sales funnels. This video is really about how to get coaching clients. Now this is based on my book, High Ticket Sales Funnels for Coaches and Consultants. At the end of the video I'll show you where you can get a copy of the book for free. What I'm going to tell you today is about how to sell coaching, group coaching or online coaching using a sales funnel, so it's really how to get coaching clients using your book as a lead magnet in a sales funnel. Specifically, how to get high value clients, the ones who appreciate what you do, they can afford to implement your suggestions, they follow through, they can work with you at the highest level and you love working with them. It's up to you to decide who you want to work with but I want you to be very specific about that before you build your sales funnel, because otherwise you can end up sort of marketing to the wrong people and not getting the results you deserve. Now this training is relevant whether you're selling one on one coaching, executive coaching or consulting services, group coaching programmes or online coaching programmes. In my book, I cover the three-‐top performing high ticket sales funnels and you can use your books for any of these. I've got examples where I've used books for all of these funnels. The basic approach for selling high ticket coaching using a book is that we run an ad featuring the book, send them to a landing page to opt in, give us their name and email address to receive the book and then send them to a video thank you page where we say, hey thanks for downloading my book, I want to give you some extra information or training or value around how to use the book or some extra training that you'll enjoy if you like the topic of this book. This might take the form of a single video or a webinar or a video training series. Ideally it's visual and it builds a connexion with a client. On that webinar, you have a call to action or on the video you have a call to action where you say, look if you'd like to talk further about this, if you'd like to know how I can help you with this, then you can apply to have a conversation with me. You invite people to have a conversation but they need to go through an application process, that way you get to make sure you only talk to the people who you can really help and who could be good clients for you. As you get busier you want to screen out people who aren't ideal clients and then you can take them to an enrolment call, you can have a conversation about where they are now, where they want to go, what their challenges are and how you can help them get there. If they need your help and you can help them and they want your help, they're looking for help, then you can take them to a sales page or you can just get their credit card details on the phone. I've got a full training in video form on this process and I'd love for you to get into this if you've got a book. I find a lot of coaches have written a book and they've sort of been told, look if you write a book then you'll start attracting great clients and people will pay more to work with you, but very often the book just gathers dust, marketing the book becomes a whole undertaking onto itself. People will buy the book or take the book for free, then don't do anything with it. It can be really frustrating. The problem
How to Get Coaching Clients with a Book
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is they haven't really got a sales process around their book. They've written the book without a plan as to how it's going to bring them clients. You need to take a different approach. You need to start with the mindset that the book is a marketing asset that you're going to use to put in front of clients and then immediately follow up with them with extra value and invite them to work with you at a higher level. Some of them won't go ahead, but then they'll read the book and then they'll come back to you. It's not like everyone's going to jump in and buy straight away, but if they don't know that offer is there, then people might read the book and not do anything with it. Think to yourself how many books you've downloaded and not phoned the author afterward, or how many books you've bought and not phoned the author afterward. In fact, it's likely that you've never made a significant purchase after buying a book or perhaps only one or two. You need to make sure that you approach this very differently or your book will end up in the same category, either unread on a hard drive, unread on a book shelf or read, clients like it, they don't do anything with it. Let's have a quick look at how we do this. Generally we'll market with a Facebook ad but it can a social media post or blog post and then send people, when they click on that ad, to a landing page where we repeat the offer to get the free book and tell them a bit more about what they're going to get out of it. When they enter their name and email address and they click on the button to download their book then we take them to a thank you page and we say, hey thanks so much for downloading the book. I've emailed you the book, it's in your inbox waiting for you or will be there in a few minutes. Now I've got something extra for you and so this is a chance to add more value, to deepen the relationship, get them used to you, because we've all got our own habits and voices and getting to know you face to face like that ads a lot more personal connexion than just downloading an e-‐book from a webpage. In that video you need to add additional value and create an incentive for them to seek your help, for them to apply to talk to you. In some businesses this is really easy, people are actually looking to talk to a professional quite quickly. In others it's hard and you need to do something more complex. If it's hard to get people to sign up for the strategy call, then we'll generally either use a webinar or a video training series to give us more time to help clients understand the problem or the opportunity that they're faced with and then to apply to work with us afterward. Once they do apply, then we screen those applications and just speak to the people who are most qualified to work with us and then take them to a strategy call. We generally book these strategy calls with an automated system so that it's not extra workload on you. Then on the call we take them through a sales conversation where we work out where they are now, where they want to go, what their challenges are, the sort of help that they need and then make a plan with them for them to get the results. Now if there's a really good fit and it's obvious they need our help, we can then offer to tell them more about what we do. At that point we can invite them to work with us. If it's not a good fit, then generally we'll have worked out a good plan for them to go to the next level and sometimes they'll be able to come back to us down the track when they're ready. Very often they'll give us a testimonial or even referrals, just because they've got so much value on the call. Then ideally we want to sign people up and get them enrolled in our programme on the call.
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We don't want to leave it until the next day or wait for them to get back to us. It's great to have an offer with some incentive to take action now. The application form needs to gather essential information about them and their business for us to work out whether they're someone we can help, whether they're a good client for us and whether they're ready to take action now. They're the sorts of criteria that we're going to use to decide whether to talk to them or not and this system is all automated and I've already gone through the strategy call process. It's something that lets you get deep inside into your customer's problem. I actually use this with my clients, even before they've designed their product, to work out what the problems that their market's facing. It's only by asking questions and listening carefully and getting into a conversation that you really work out what's driving your customers and that lets you design offers and products and services that are truly valuable to them, rather than what you think they need. In the training that you can access if you download my guide, I include training on the different types of payment systems that you can use to take payment on the phone, including things like PayPal and credit card, but also some systems that let you process transactions really cheaply, which is important because most of my clients are selling things that are 5,000, $10,000 or more and you don't want to be paying a few percent to PayPal or a credit card company for that. I would also share a tonne of tools and resources that I use in my business and for my clients to make all this happen. There is quite a lot of technical component to building out a sales funnel, it can be quite fiddly and there's heaps of different options. I share a few of the best options for each part of the process with you. I also give you my blueprint for high ticket sales funnels from an eBook. I use this with multiple eBooks in by business, I help my clients do it both with eBooks and printed books. I don't actually have a printed book and I generate tonnes of leads this way. That's high ticket sales for coaches and consultants, how to use your book to get more clients. You can find out more by downloading my guide to high ticket sales. Just click the link below or you can Google High Ticket Sales, I'll come up all over Google. I look forward to sharing with you more insights on how to use your book to get high value clients in your coaching or consulting business.
How to Get Coaching Clients with a Book Video URL: See more High Ticket Sales Funnels‐ticket-‐sales-‐funnels/ How to Get Coaching Clients with a Book
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