The client funnel high ticket sales funnels 1

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How to Get Clients Online with Dallas McMillan Client Funnel - High Ticket Sales Funnel #1 Video URL: See more High Ticket Sales Funnels

Dallas McMillan:

Hello. Welcome to High Ticket Sales Funnels #1, the Client Funnel. My name is Dallas McMillan. This is part of my High Ticket Sales training for coaches, consultants, and professional firms. I run a digital marketing agency where we help our clients to attract high-­‐value clients online so that they can grow high-­‐profitable, scalable businesses. This material comes from My High Ticket Sales Funnels for Coaches & Consultants eBook. You can download your free copy by clicking the link below or by Googling High Ticket Sales Funnels. Today I'm going to share with you the three top-­‐performing high ticket sales funnels, which are the client funnel, or often called the strategy call funnel, the webinar funnel, and the launch funnel. I'm going to go into detail on the first one, the client funnel. All these funnels have the potential to dramatically grow your business. It's a matter of choosing the right funnel for the right application. Let's take a closer look at the client funnel. Now, all our funnels are built on the concept that people need to go through a sales process that works for us and works for them. As a business we have people we suspect will be good clients and they become prospective clients as they express interest in our offer or business. They become leads as they're showing interest in buying. They become opportunities when they're ready to buy. They become customers after they bought. With high-­‐ value products and services the relationship and the trust you build with them is critical to achieving the sale. We need to make sure that we replicate that process of know, like, and trust that we're familiar with with our offline marketing so that people go through this process building up rapport, getting more educated about your product, seeing you as an expert and authority and someone who can help them. That needs to happen before you can sell high-­‐ticket products and services online. In the client sales funnel we do this through a series of stages. This is a typical client funnel that we build for a client. In this case it's an example of one of mine. This is my Get More Clients Lead Generation For Professionals book. We start off with some sort of ad. We send them to a landing page where they enter their name and email address to go to a thank you page where we make another offer hoping to apply for a free strategy session with us. Then, they apply for the offer. They need to qualify then on the strategy call we're able to make an offer for them to work with us, if there's a good match. Let's take a look in closer detail. First of all, we need to have some sort of ad or promotion that gets our message in front of clients. Now, this can be a Facebook ad. It could be an email from yourself or from your partners. It might even be print media or something you give out at a workshop. We then sound them to a landing page, and the offer needs to be something that is immediately consumable, has high value, and is immediately actionable, so it seems like a quick easy win. We want people to download this in high numbers. On the landing page we give them more information about the offer and we invite them to enter their name and email address to download their free copy. After

The Client Funnel - High Ticket Sales Funnels #1

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they click submit they go to a thank you page where we say, "Hey, thanks for downloading your free gift. Here's some things that you might need to know about it. Here's some ways you can implement it in your business. If you're serious about using this quickly then we suggest you join us for a free strategy call. You'll need to apply and tell us some details about your situation to make sure we can help, and if you're a good match we'll give you a free coaching or consulting strategy call where we help you work out your problems, how to solve them, and see whether it makes sense for us to work together." Then, on the application form they fill in their details, things that are relevant to how you're going to deliver the product or service, make sure they're the right kind of client for you, so things like business size, revenue, the tops of problems they've got, what their goals are. Having filled out that form we take them through to a strategy clear where we do what we do best, we help them with our coaching or consulting services. We help them make a plan and show them how we can get them to where they want to go. If there's a good match we can then involve them in a product or service, or sell them our services. The benefits of the client funnel is that its the simplest to design and build of the funnels I cover in the book. It's perfect for selling high-­‐ticket one-­‐to-­‐one services, especially those that involve a proposal or some sort of custom solution, and I help you understand the buyer and the process that you need to take them through better. Because it's very hands on it gives you more exposure to your client, and that makes you better at selling and serving. The limitations of the client funnel are that you're always selling one-­‐to-­‐one. This means it can be labor intensive to scale, and the relatively short sales cycle means it can limit the ticket price. People don't have much time to get to know you before they're talking to you on the phone, and that can mean there's not enough trust built up to sell really high ticket products and services. To get more information about the three funnels, including the client funnel, download my Guide to High Ticket Sales Funnels for Coaches & Consultants. You can download it free by clicking the link below or by Googling it. If you're ready to start implementing high-­‐ticket sales funnels in your business, you can book a free strategy call with me. Go to to apply for your free high-­‐ticket sales strategy call. Great talking to you. I look forward to seeing you on the call, and see you in the next video.

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