2 minute read
MLA works
from LA portfolio 2019
by Shang Lou
Master of landscape architecture 2019 The University of Sheffield
Sandy track pocket park The sandy track is utilising the limited leftover on site which is the railway, offsetting its form to create drifts of planting beds and seating. It stretches the post-industrial identity in all dimensions to connect the new development to the existing graving dock. The harmonious transition from the rooftop terrace to the waterfront will awakening the extraordinary sensory of the waterfront view.
The floating habitat This part is emphasising the planting design. It aims to use marginal species to create a wetland that has all-year round interests, low-management cost, and it is part of the water treatment process. It will be a habitat both for people and waterfowls. The perennial marginal species are in drifts or mixes at the east bank, while the reeds will be kept on the other side of the watercourse.