Chinese Hotel Compendium

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“在瓷器之上、画漆之中,飘飘袅袅浮现出一个风雅至极的世界,让人来不及思 考 便沉沦其中。宛如清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰;大美不言,浸润着观者的心田。这 些 稀世珍宝就像花瓣一样,有一种脆弱的美感,让人不由屏 息 。 ”

James Hil t o n《 消失的地平 线 》

感谢入住雅加达香格里拉大酒店 。

“香格里拉”之名取自小说《消失的地平线》,代表着属于全球尊贵旅者的世外 桃 源 。

酒店坐落于雅加达商业和金融区的中心,地理位置优越,成就一处豪华典雅的都 市 桃源;酒店与市内多处热点便捷连通,包括国际贸易中心、高档购物商场和生活 方 式中心 。

雅加达香格里拉大酒店设有 662 间装潢典雅的客房和套房,是品味旅者在旅途中 的 另一个家。在温馨和谐的氛围中,宾客将收获融会东西的独特体验 。

酒店的餐厅和酒吧在市内首屈一指,可满足各种口味和场合需求。SATOO 自助餐 厅 设有 12 个剧场式开放厨房,提供多维度的感官享受;从 Rosso 的地道意大利 美 食、Jia 的新式中餐、Nishimura 的正宗日本料理,到酒店地下的纽约风格酒 吧 B.A.T.S. 的豪量西餐,还有大堂酒廊的清新饮品和午后小食——环球风味,任您 选 择 。

无论您是商务差旅还是休闲度假,敬请体验我们闻名于世的亚洲待客之道与无与 伦 比的优质服务 。

愿您拥有愉快难忘的入住体验。如果您需要任何协助,请使用客房电话致电“0” 联 系宾客服务中心 。

顺颂时 祺

雅加达香格里拉大酒 店


A r ange of restaur ants and bar s to suit ever y taste and ever y occasion, awaits with open door s and attentive staff who will make ever y exper ience a pleasure



酒吧与餐 厅 Bar and Restaurants

酒店拥有多家餐厅和酒吧,可满足各种口味和场合需求;热情氛围和周到服务, 为美食锦上添花 。

B.A.T.S. (Bar At The Shangri-La Jakar ta / 雅加达香格里拉大酒店酒吧 )

经典的纽约风格酒吧及餐厅,以活力四射的现场表演和超大分量的美食饮品著称 。



18:0 0 - 03:0 0

18:0 0 - 22:3 0

22:3 0 - 01:00(星期日22:3 0 - 24:00 ) 着装要求与限制: 禁止携带武器与毒品或穿着 短裤 与凉 鞋入 内。 酒店 有权 同意 或 拒绝任何宾客入内 。


A classic New Yor k style bar & restaur ant featur ing dynamic live enter tainment, over sized food portions and generous dr inks.

Opening Hour s: 6 p.m to 3 a.m (Sunday closed)

Dinner : 6 to 10:30 p.m.

Bar Snacks: 10:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. (Sunday 10:30 p.m. to 12 a.m.)

Dresscode and restr ictions: No weapon, no dr ugs, no shor ts and no sandals The hotel reser ves the r ight to admit or reject any guests.

餐厅每日三餐供应丰盛的自助餐和单点菜品。餐厅俯瞰风光明丽的热带花园,采 用 现代亚洲装潢,整体氛围轻松活泼

着装要求: 优雅便装;禁止穿着浴袍、泳装、睡衣及酒店拖鞋入内 。

SATOO restaur ant offer s a sumptuous buffet and á la car te menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner Dine in a br ight eclectic contempor ar y Asian atmosphere over looking the beautiful landscaped tropical garden.

Opening Hour s: 6:30 a.m to 9 p.m

Buffet Hour s (daily)

Breakfast: 6.30 to 10 a.m

Lunch: 12 Noon to 2:30 p.m.

Dinner : 6 p.m to 9 p.m

Dress code: Smar t casual; no bathrobes, swimwear, pyjamas and hotel slipper s

号 6600

SAT O O 1 楼
。 营业时间: 06:3 0 - 21:0 0 自助餐(每日 ) 早餐: 06:3 0 - 10:0 0 午餐: 12:0 0 - 14:3 0 晚餐: 18:0 0 - 21:0 0



SATOO 蛋糕房供应种类缤纷的蛋糕、酥点、面包、三明治、巧克力、咖啡及茶饮。

营业时间: 07:00 - 21:00

着装要求: 优雅便装;禁止穿着浴袍、泳装、睡衣及酒店拖鞋入内。

SATOO Deli Shop offer s a vast var iety of cakes, pastr ies, breads, sandwiches, chocolates, coffee and tea

Opening Hour s: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Dress code: Smar t casual; no bathrobes, swimwear, pyjamas and hotel slipper s



大堂酒廊坐拥酒店花园及泳池,环境典雅。伴随着悠扬舒缓的现场演奏,您可以在此享 用下午茶或晚间鸡尾酒。

营业时间: 08:00 - 22:00(下午茶套餐:15:00 - 18:00) 着装要求: 优雅便装;禁止穿着浴袍、泳装、睡衣及酒店拖鞋入内。

Our elegant Lobby Lounge features a panor amic view of the gardens and pool Enjoy after noon tea or evening cocktails while listening to relaxing live enter tainment.

Opening Hour s: 8 a.m to 10 p.m (High Tea set 3 p.m to 6 p.m.)

Dress code: Smar t casual; no bathrobe , swimwear, pyjamas and hotel slipper s



现代意式装潢,打造出优雅而不失温馨的餐厅与酒廊。餐厅供应地道意式美食、创意饮 品及全球精选葡萄酒。

11:30 - 15:00(周一至周六)

18.00 - 22.00

11:30 - 15:00(星期日) 着装要求:


Moder n Italian décor provides the setting for this elegant cozy restaur ant and lounge that offer s the

Opening Hour s:

Lunch 11.30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Dinner 6 p.m to 10 p.m.

Br unch 11.30 a.m to 3 p.m.

Dress code: Smar t casual; no bathrobes, swimwear, pyjamas and hotel slipper s

分机 号 6443

营业时间: 午餐



宾客服 务 Guest Ser vices

机场接送 / Airpor t Transfer 致电 0 请联系服务中心

Please contact Ser vice Centre

航班预订 / Airline Booking / Schedule 致电 0 请联系服务中心。Please contact Ser vice Centre .

自动取款机 /Automatic Teller Machine

最近的 ATM 中心位于酒店旁的 Wisma BNI ‘46 大厦。

The nearest ATM centre is located at Wisma BNI ‘46 building beside the hotel.

托儿服务 / Baby Sitting Ser vice 致电 0 请提前24小时联系服务中心。

Please contact Ser vice Centre 24 hour s pr ior to requirement

行李 / Baggage 致电 0 如需领取或寄存行李,请联系服务中心

For baggage collection or stor age , please contact Ser vice Centre

0 如需策划私人活动、会议或婚礼,请在办公时间联系我们的活动管理部。

arr angements for pr ivate functions, conference or weddings

0 商务中心位于 3 楼,为商务人士提供综合服务。详情请参阅本目录《商务中心》章节。 Located on level 3, the Business Centre provides comprehensive ser vices for business executives For more details, refer to the Business Centre section of this director y

租车 / Car Rental 致电 0 提供多种含司机租车服务,请联系礼宾部或服务中心。

Arr angements can be made for the hire of a wide r ange of chauffeur-dr iven car s, please contact Concier ge or ser vice centre

结账 / Cashier 致电 0 前台提供24小时结账服务。

24-hour cashier ing ser vice is available at the Front desk.

退房时间 / Check-Out Time 致电 0 退房时间为中午 12 点。如需延迟退房,请联系前台。

Check-Out time is 12 noon. Please contact the Front Desk should you require a later depar ture

宴会/会议设施 / Banquet/Meeting Facilities 致电
商务中心 / Business Centre 致电

诊所 / Clinic 致电 0 位于四楼,每日24小时开放。如需医生,请联系值班经理。

Located on level four, the clinic is open 24 hour s daily Please contact the Duty Manager who will arr ange for a doctor

礼宾 / Concierge 致电 0 我们的礼宾部提供本地活动、观光信息、餐厅推荐和订座、邮件与留言,以及旅行和交 通安排等服务。

Our Concier ge can assist you with all your requirements for local activities, sightseeing infor mation, restaur ant recommendations and reser vations, mail and messages plus tr avel and tr anspor tation arr angements.

快递服务 / Courier Ser vice 致电 0 请联系商务中心。

Please contact the Business Centre

信用卡 / Credit Cards 致电 0 我们接受以下信用卡:美国运通、大来卡、万事达卡、Visa、JCB 和 BCA

We accept the following credit cards: Amer ican Express, Diner s Club, Master Card, Visa, JCB and BC A

信贷经理 / Credit Manager 致电 0 如有信贷要求或查询,请在工作日09:00至17:00之间联系我们的信贷经理。

For any credit requirement or inquir y, please contact our Credit Manager between 9 a.m to 5 p.m on weekdays.

电源 / Electricity 致电 0 所有电源均提供220伏50赫兹单相交流电。服务中心提供适配器及变压器。

All outlets provide 220 volts AC , single phase , 50 Hz Adaptor s and tr ansfor mer s are available from the Ser vice Centre

紧急情况 / Emergency 致电 0 酒店配备完善的安全设备。发生紧急情况时,警报会响起,所有客房将广播紧急通知。 客房门后贴有紧急出口位置和疏散路线图。 详情请参阅本目录“安全和安保”章节。

The hotel is equipped with comprehensive safety equipment In case of an emer gency, the alar m will r ing and emer gency announcements will be broadcasted to all rooms. Details of the emer gency exits and the evacuation plans are located on the inside of your room door For fur ther information, please refer to the Safety and Security chapter in this director y

传真 / Facsimile 致电 0 商务中心提供房内传真机租用服务。

In-room facsimile machines are available for rental from the Business Centre

/ Foreign Exchange 致电 0

Available 24 hour s a day at the Front Desk, located in the lobby on level two

24 小时提供货币兑换服务

吹风机 / Hair Dr yer 致电 0 位于浴室梳妆台抽屉内。

Located in the bathroom’s vanity dr awer

美发沙龙 / Hair Salon 致电 0 美发沙龙位于四楼健身中心内。沙龙提供男士及女士美发服务,每日10:00至18:00营 业。建议提前预约。

The salon is located in the Health Club on level four The salon offer s hair styling ser vices for men and women and is open daily from 10 a.m to 6 p.m Booking in advance is highly recommended.

健身中心,4楼 / Health Club, Level 4 致电 0 香格里拉健身中心配备完善设施,可以全面满足您的锻炼需求。设施包括踏步机、划船 机、健身车、跑步机、健身器材和自由重量设施,以及有氧操房和网球设施。运动之 后,您可以在桑拿房、蒸汽房或按摩浴缸中放松身心。另有按摩、面部和身体护理服 务。


The Shangr i-La Health Club offer s a wide r ange of equipments for your complete wor kout including stair master s, rowing machines, lifecycles, treadmills, exercise machines and free weight plus an aerobic room and tennis facilities. Afterwards, enjoy a relaxing sauna or steam bath and a soak in our jacuzzi Massage , facial and body treatment are also available

For more details, please refer to the Health Club and Recreation chapter in this director y

如需在任何香格里拉酒店及度假酒店进行后续预订,请拨打免费电话 001 803 606 280

For onwards reser vation at any Shangr i-La Hotel and Resor ts, please call toll-free 001 803 606 280.

客房部 / Housekeeping 致电 0 额外提供客房备品。

For additional guestroom amenities needs.

客房茶饮及咖啡 / In-Room Tea and Coffee 致电 0

迷你吧提供免费茶饮及咖啡设施。如需其他用品,请致电 0 联系客房部。

Complimentar y tea and coffee facilities are provided in the minibar. For any additional items, please call Housekeeping by dialling 0.

国际长途直拨 (IDD) / International Direct Dialing (IDD) 致电 0 请参阅本目录“电信指南”章节或联系我们的服务中心寻求帮助。

Please refer to the Telecommunications guide in this director y or contact our ser vice centre for assistance .

上网 / Internet Access 致电 0 客房提供免费无线网络连接。酒店的所有餐厅、豪华阁酒廊和所有多功能厅及门厅均提 供无线网络连接。请参阅本目录“电信”章节进行设置,或通过服务中心联系我们的 IT 管家,获得进一步协助。

Free Wi-Fi access is available in the guestroom. Wi-Fi access is also available in all restaur ants in the hotel, the Hor izon Club Lounge and all function rooms including foyer s Please refer to the Telecommunications’ chapter in this director y for set up or contact our IT Butler via the Ser vice Centre for fur ther assistance

酒店预订 / Hotel Reser vations 致电

洗衣与干洗 / Laundr y and Dr y Cleaning 致电 0

请参阅衣橱内的洗衣、干洗和熨衣服务表。上午10:00前送洗的衣物将于当天送回。另有 加急服务。

Please refer to the Laundr y, Dr y Cleaning and Pressing List located in your closet Items received before 10 a.m. , will be retur ned on the same day. An express ser vice is also available .

豪华轿车服务 / Limousine Ser vice 致电 0 如需接送机服务和按小时预订,请联系礼宾部

For air por t tr ansfer s and hour ly bookings please contact Concier ge .

失物招领 / Lost and Found 致电 0 请联系服务中心。

Please contact Ser vice Centre

行李服务 / Luggage Ser vice 致电 0 如需领取或寄存行李,请联系服务中心。

For bagagge collection or stor age , please contact our Ser vice Centre

0 如需收发邮件,请联系礼宾部。

Please contact Concier ge for incoming or outgoing mail.

/ Medical Assistance

0 请参阅本目录“诊所”部分

Please refer to listing under ‘Clinic’ in this director y section.

电话上红灯亮起,表示您有新的语音留言。致电 11即可收听留言。

The red light on your telephone indicates that there is a voice mail message for you

Dial 11 to receive your message


/ Parcel Ser vice 致电 0 请联系商务中心。

Please contact the Business Centre

0 酒店范围严禁宠物入内。

Pets are not per mitted in the hotel per mises.

/ Privacy

所有“请勿打扰”标志在14:00之前都持续有效。客房部将于14:00后对客房进行检查和 清洁,以保证您的安全。如果您不希望在该时段之后接受客房服务,请联系客房部。

All “Do Not Disturb” signs will be respected until 2 p.m For your safety, Housekeeping will conduct an inspection of the room after 2 p.m. and your room will be cleaned. If you do not wish to have your room ser viced for the rest of the day, please contact Housekeeping.


/ Mailing Ser vice
留言 / Message 致电
/ Pets

0 所有客房衣橱内均配备储物柜。大堂前台另提供保险箱服务。安全起见,请将所有贵重 物品存放于保险箱内。钱财、珠宝或其他个人贵重物品如有遗失,酒店恕不承担任何责 任。

All guestrooms are equipped with an in-room locker located inside the closet. Additional safety deposit boxes are located at the Front Desk in the lobby All valuables should be kept in the safe for secur ity The hotel is not liable for loss of money, jewelr y or other per sonal valuables.

安保 / Security 致电 0

休息前,请锁好门闩。详情请参阅本目录 “安全与安保”章节。

Please use the room latch before you take rest For fur ther details, please refer to the ‘Safety & Secur ity’ ’ section in this director y.


Please leave your shoes in the shoe basket, we will shine your shoes free of char ge

from 6 a.m to10 p.m.

24 小时提供出租车服务。如需协助,请联系礼宾部。

Taxis are available 24 hour s a day at the lobby entr ance Please contact our Concier ge for assistance .


In the interest of guest secur ity, visitor s are requested to leave hotel rooms pr ior to midnight Visitor s wishing to stay over night must be registered.


0 请致电服务中心。此外,客房内还配备了闹钟,以便您使用。

Please call the Ser vice Centre . In addition, our guestroom is equipped with an alar m clock for your convenience

无线网络 / Wireless Connectivity 致电 0 酒店的公共区域、餐厅、酒廊和会议室均提供无线网络。 详情请参阅本目录“电信”章 节。

Available in public areas, restaur ants, lounges and meeting rooms For fur ther infor mation, please refer to the ‘Telecommunication’ chapter in this director y

礼拜 / Worship 致电 0 Kiblat 箭头位于天花板上,《古兰经》位于床头柜抽屉内。客房部可以为您提供祈祷垫 和赞珠。礼宾部可以为您提供有关礼拜场所的信息。

The Kiblat ar row is located on the ceiling and a copy of the Qur án is in the bedside dr awer. Pr ayer mats and beads are available from Housekeeping Our Concier ge can provide you with infor mation on places of wor ship

In-Room Locker 致电
擦鞋 / Shoe Cleaning 致电
出租车 / Swimming Pool 致电 0 每日06:00至22:00开放。
出租车 / Taxi 致电 0
/ Visitors


位置 / Location: 23至28楼

豪华阁贵宾廊 / Hor izon Club Lounge: 23楼

分机 / Telephone extension: 39

开放时间 / Opening hour s: 每日06:00至23:00 / From 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily


豪华阁 Horizon Club

这里是属于全球商务旅客的“家外之家”。豪华阁贵宾廊提供量身打造的宾客服务和众 多礼遇,包括:

Providing Inter national business tr aveller s with a “home away from home”. Our Hor izon Club

私人入住及退房 / Private Check-In and Check-Out 豪华阁前台提供个性化入住及退房服务。

Per sonalised check-in and check-out are carr ied out at the Hor izon Club reception.

私人入住及退房 / Club Concierge Ser vice 豪华阁前台提供个性化入住及退房服务

A full r ange of concier ge ser vices is provided by the Club Concier ge .

豪华阁礼宾服务 / Complimentar y Beverages and Snacks 豪华阁礼宾部提供一应俱全的礼宾服务。

A selection of non-alcoholic bever ages and snacks is provided throughout the day in the Hor izon Club Lounge

免费自助早餐 / Complimentar y Buffet Breakfast


A buffet breakfast is ser ved ever y mor ning in the Hor izon Club Lounge , available from 6.30 a.m to 10 a.m (weekdays) and until 10.30 a.m on weekends.

免费熨衣 / Complimentar y Suit Pressing 宾客入住时可免费熨衣一套(西装或裙装)。 Guest is entitled for complimentar y pressing of one business suit or one dress upon arr ival.

晚间鸡尾酒时光 / Evening Cocktail Hour


A selection of complimentar y dr inks, cocktails and savour ies are provided in the Hor izon Club Lounge from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. (weekends from 5.30 p.m.)

贵宾廊设施 / Lounge Facilities


Club and Suite guests are entitled to use the Hor izon Club Lounge and its facilities.

会议室 / Meeting Room Usage

豪华阁宾客每天可免费使用豪华阁贵宾廊会议室两小时; 如需预订,请联系豪华阁礼宾 部(视预订情况而定)

Club guest can get a complimentar y use of the Hor izon Club Lounge meeting room for two hour s daily; bookings can be arr anged through our Club Concier ge (based on availability).

上网 / Internet


Inter net facility and Wi-Fi connection are available as complimentar y in the Hor izon Club Lounge




健身中心与休 闲 Health Club & Recreation

强健的体魄与灵悦的心态相辅相成。我们的健身房与健身中心将助您实现这种 状态 。 the perfect venue to achieve both.

香格里拉健身中心是一处空间开阔、设施专业的高端健身场所。在这里,您可以 放 松身心,重注活力。健身中心位于酒店四楼;齐全的设施,能够满足您的健身、 休 闲、放松等多种需求。详情请致电32 。

The Shangr i-La Health Club is luxur ious, spacious and professionally equipped – just the place to ease your mind and tone your body Located on lever four, its extensive facilities allow you to infor mation, please dial 32.

/ Gymnasium

健身房配备完善设施,包括健身车、跑步机、踏步机、划船机、力量训练器材, 以 及自由重量训练区 。

machines and strength-building machines, and a free-weight tr aining area are all available


欢迎加入我们的团体健身课程及舞蹈课程。另提供私人教练 。

网球场 / Tennis Cour t 您可以从健身中心入口进入我们的露天网球场。提供双人和单人场地选择 ; 建议 在 健身中心前台提前预约 。 另应需提供网球教练和陪练 。

You can access our outdoor tennis cour t from the Health Club entr ance Double and single cour ts are available for you; advance booking at the Health Club reception is recommended. A tennis coach and hitting par tner are also available upon request.

按摩浴 / Jacuzzi

按摩浴将用温热的水流按摩和放松全身肌肉 。

Enjoy a hot-water hydro -massage in our elegant Jacuzzi.

/ Sauna

桑拿浴是锻炼后的理想放松方式 。

After your workout, relax your body in our sauna.

/ Steam Bath

体验蒸汽浴的高温清洁功效 。

Tr y the cleansing humid heat of our steam bath.

冷水池 / Cold Plunge 在冷水池中畅游,令身心清爽一新 。

Refresh yourself by tak ing a cool dip.

HOTEL COMPENDIUM 健身 房 课 程 / 桑拿 浴 蒸汽 浴


泳 池 / Swimming Pool


主池旁边设有一个深度0.34米的儿童泳池 。

这里犹如城市中心的悠然绿洲,是您放松身心的最佳去处 。

meter to 2.4 meter depth Next to the main pool is children pool with 0.34 m meter depth

An oasis in the middle of the city, the pool is the best place for unwinding.

儿童水上乐 园 / Children’s Aqua Playground

12岁以下儿童可以使用酒店1楼泳池花园区的儿童水上乐园。这里空间开阔,设有 喷 水器、喷泉、大水桶和滑梯等多项设施 。

Children below 12 year s old can enjoy the Children Aqua Playground, located within the hotel’s pool garden area, on level 1 The playground offer s plenty of room to play around among water spr ays, fountains, splash bucket and slides.

香格里拉 CHI 水 疗 CHI, The Spa at Shangri-La

中国传统哲学认为,“气”是决定身心康健和人体活力的最终力量。 人们相信, 要

想保持身体健康,必须让“气”在体内顺畅流动 。

香格里拉 CHI 水疗就是属于您的私人桃源;我们立足于众多亚洲文化共有的古老 养 生传承,设计出多款整体养生护理项目 。

奢华典雅,细致入微。您可以在 CHI 水疗享受私密时光,重焕身心活力。资深理 疗 师将以贴心服务和温柔呵护,为您带来全面的养生体验 。

“特色专享”体验使用天然产品和正宗护理手法,具有焕发身心的理疗功效 。

在 CHI 水疗,您将收获宁静、真心,以及更珍贵的——我们独有的诚挚呵护 。


In tr aditional Chinese philosophy, chi or qi is the univer sal life force that gover ns wellbeing and the body

CHI, The Spa at Shangr i-La is your per sonal sanctuar y where holistic treatments are based on time-honoured methods shared by many Asian cultures.


水疗指 南 How to Spa

预 约 / Reser vation

建议提前预约。如果您想了解个性化护理,请致电或亲身前往水疗中心 。

Advance booking pr ior to the intended treatment time is recommended Please either call or visit the spa should you wish to discuss your per sonalised treatment.

年龄限 制 / Minimum Age

为了维护宁静的氛围,水疗中心暂不接待12岁以下儿童 。

To maintain the peaceful environment, children under 12 year s old are not per mitted in the spa.

取消预 约 / Cancellation

出于对其他宾客的考虑,以及为您的护理预约设施,如果您无法如约抵达,请至 少 提前 12 小时通知水疗中心。请致电水疗中心改期。如果未能赴约或提前12小时 取 消预约,水疗中心将收取50%的取消费用 。

In consider ation of other guests and as your treatment requires facilities to be reser ved, the spa requests a minimum notice of 12 hour s if you are unable to keep your appointment Please call to reschedule . No-shows or appointments cancelled within 12 hour s will incur a 50% cancellation fee

护理前的准 备 / Preparing for Your Treatment

女士无需进行准备。建议男士在进行面部护理之前剃须,以确保最佳舒适和护肤 功 效 。

For ladies, no prepar ation is necessar y For men, we recommend shaving pr ior to having a facial to

着 装 / What to Wear

护理包房内提供水疗浴袍和拖鞋。我们为进行面部护理的宾客提供浴袍,为进行 按 摩、身体磨砂或裹敷的宾客提供一次性内衣 。

Spa robes and slipper s are provided in your treatment room A gown for guests having a facial is available , as is disposable underwear for guests having a massage , body scr ub or wr ap.

抵达时 间 / Arrival Time

为了充分实现护理功效,请最迟在预约时间前15 分钟抵达。抵达 CHI 水疗后, 我 们将为您提供健康咨询。如果您处于妊娠期或有任何健康问题,请告知理疗师 。

To make the most of your ther apy, please arr ive at least 15 minutes before your appointment

Upon your ar r ival at CHI, The Spa, you will be given a health consultation Please advise the ther apist if you are pregnant or have any health issues.

隐 私 / Privacy

我们会全程保护您的隐私。您的理疗师会留您独自更衣。护理期间,理疗师会用 毛 巾覆盖您暂时无须接受护理的身体部位 。

Your pr ivacy will be protected at all times Your ther apist will leave you to change pr ivately You will be dr aped with a dr aping sheet to cover par ts of the body that not being treated.


洗衣与干洗 / Laundr y and Dr y Cleaning 致电 0

请参阅衣橱内的洗衣、干洗和熨衣服务表。上午10:00前送洗的衣物将于当天送回。另有 加急服务。

Please refer to the Laundr y, Dr y Cleaning and Pressing List located in your closet Items received before 10 a.m. , will be retur ned on the same day. An express ser vice is also available .

豪华轿车服务 / Limousine Ser vice 致电 0 如需接送机服务和按小时预订,请联系礼宾部

For air por t tr ansfer s and hour ly bookings please contact Concier ge .

失物招领 / Lost and Found 致电 0 请联系服务中心。

Please contact Ser vice Centre

行李服务 / Luggage Ser vice 致电 0 如需领取或寄存行李,请联系服务中心。

For bagagge collection or stor age , please contact our Ser vice Centre

0 如需收发邮件,请联系礼宾部。

Please contact Concier ge for incoming or outgoing mail.

/ Medical Assistance

0 请参阅本目录“诊所”部分

Please refer to listing under ‘Clinic’ in this director y section.

电话上红灯亮起,表示您有新的语音留言。致电 11即可收听留言。

The red light on your telephone indicates that there is a voice mail message for you

Dial 11 to receive your message


/ Parcel Ser vice 致电 0 请联系商务中心。

Please contact the Business Centre

0 酒店范围严禁宠物入内。

Pets are not per mitted in the hotel per mises.

/ Privacy

所有“请勿打扰”标志在14:00之前都持续有效。客房部将于14:00后对客房进行检查和 清洁,以保证您的安全。如果您不希望在该时段之后接受客房服务,请联系客房部。

All “Do Not Disturb” signs will be respected until 2 p.m For your safety, Housekeeping will conduct an inspection of the room after 2 p.m. and your room will be cleaned. If you do not wish to have your room ser viced for the rest of the day, please contact Housekeeping.


/ Mailing Ser vice
留言 / Message 致电
/ Pets




宾客安全与安保 Guest Safety & Security


Shangr i-La Jakar ta would like to assure ever y guest of our commitment to his or her per sonal safety and secur ity

消防出口 / The Fire Exits

消防出口 各楼层均清晰标明所有消防出口的位置。出现浓烟时,您可能难以找到 消防出口;因此,请注意以下几点:

- 计算从您的客房到至少两个消防出口所经过的房门数量。

- 检查您所在楼层走廊中灭火器/消防水管和警报器的位置。

- Count the number of doorways between your door and at least the two emer gency exits.

火警疏散 / Exit if You Discover a Fire 触发走廊中离您最近的火灾警报器。

- 联系酒店总机(致电0)。

- 如情况允许,离开建筑物。

- 带好您的房卡。

- 如果无法离开房间,请关闭(所有)房门,以防火势蔓延。

- Call the hotel oper ator (press 0).

- Leave the building if possible .

- Take your room key with you.

如果客房内发生火灾 / If a Fire Star ts in Your Room - 联系酒店总机(致电0)。

- 立即撤离客房;带好您的房卡。离开客房时,请关好房门。

- 触发火灾警报器。

- 从紧急出口撤离至安全区域,切勿使用电梯。

- Call the hotel oper ator (press 0).

- Evacuate your room immediately; take your room key Close your door securely when you leave the room.

- Proceed to safety via emer gency exit and DO NOT use the elevator


听到火灾警报后的撤离 / If Evacuating Upon Hearing Fire Alarm

- 带好您的房卡,小心行动。

- 用手掌感受房门及把手的温度。

- 如果房门或把手发烫或异常发热,请勿开门。

- 如果房门温度正常,请小心开门,同时应做好立即关门的准备。

- 如果走廊中存在烟雾,请尽量压低身体;如有需要,可以趴行前进。

- 前往最近的紧急出口。

- 切勿使用电梯。

- 如果出口被阻塞,请返回客房或前往屋顶。保持冷静,全程扶好扶手。

- Take your room key and move cautiously.

- Feel the door and handle with the palm of your hand.

- If the door or handle is hot or abnor mally war m, do not open it.

- If the door is not hot, open it carefully, but be ready to close it immediately, if necessar y.

- If there is smoke in the corr idor, stay as low as possible; cr awl on your hands and knees if necessar y

- Proceed to the nearest emer gency exit.

- Do not use the elevator

- If your exit is blocked, go back to your room or to the roof Stay calm and always hold the handr ail.

安保 / Security

- 您的安全 雅加达香格里拉大酒店客房房门把手和门闩上方采用双锁设计。为了您的安全,当您在 房内时,请使用双锁锁好房门。

- Your Secur ity

Shangr i-La Jakar ta’s room door are designed with a double lock above the knob as well as the latch Please use both of these locks when you are in your room for your own secur ity

- 个人贵重物品

酒店对存放于客房内的贵重物品概不负责。 客房衣橱内设有储物柜;酒店前台提供保险 箱服务。

- Your Valuables

The hotel is not responsible for the valuables in your room An in-room locker is provided in your closet; safety deposit is available at the Front Desk.

Shangri-La Jakarta Kota BNI. Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. � Jakarta �����, Indonesia Tel: (�� ��) ���� ��� Fax: (�� ��) ���� ����

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