Editor In Chief
IAryahKayneI RavenPerle SophisticatedFreak
ŠFierce Magazine., 2013 All Rigths Reserved ISSN 0000-0000
ShaniDaBawse, FierceCreations@ BlacknAsianMixed IAryahKaynel Hotmail.com D3nasia SophisticatedFreak Contributing Writer Devours MrsJayDivine@IMVU.com RavenPerle DaBossLadie Columnist Defenitiv MrsJayDivine@IMVU.com Spoiled Defenitiv@IMVU.com BabyCakesNXS AlaineBlaque@IMVU.com BottomsNXS Shypetal Art Director IIDUBBII BlacknAsainMixed@IMVU.com DuttyDesigns JimCastro Graphic Artist MrEminentLoko ShaniDaBawse KingZachRoyalty BlacknAsianMixed
Fierce Creations Office http://www.imvu.com/rooms/fiercecreations-office-6
Fierce Creations Group Page http://www.imvu.com/groups/ group/FIERCE+CREATIONS!/
From the Editor Trick or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat!!! Our 3rd issue is here and we just keep getting better and better each month. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, a month dedicated to promoting breast cancer awareness, sharing information on the disease, and provide greater access to services that are available to women and men. Most are aware that 1 out of 8 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer. But most are unaware that breast cancer is not just a women’s disease. Yes it is true that women are far more likely to develop breast cancer. But research has found that almost 400 men a year are diagnosed and sadly about 80 men a year in the UK die each year from the deadly disease. Each of us has known someone that has been effective, it could be a family member, a close friend, coworker, church member, neighbor or it could be yourself. On October 15, 2011 I lost my wonderful godmother after she gave up the battle against cancer. And although cancer won that battle, as of April 23rd 2013 my aunt is cancer free. And this year she was able to take part in the Walk for a cure on Mother’s day in Philly. So this is a cause that is near and dear to my heart. Not only for my Godmother who lost the fight and my aunt who is a survivor, but for all the women and men who are currently fighting the battle, for my ladies that have fought like a girl and kicked cancer’s butt and for the angels who were called on to do greater things. This issue it decided to them.
#TeamFierce also had time to take part in an amazing contest and group pic for the NOH8 campaign with The Blvd, IMVU’s newest interactive mall. Canday, group owner of the Blvd not only extended a welcome to #TeamFierce, but she also gave us an in-
ShaniDaBawse terview and a small insight on the lady that made fashion taste better than ever.
We talk with the NXS family and get a one on one with some of the creators in the family, as well as the vp and Fierce Creator of the month BabyCakesNXS along with new columns from Defenitiv, MrsJayDivine and Alaina Blaque. We get advice from our angel of the month BlacknAsianMixed on the Top 10 things every model should have. And we introduce our Eye Candy of the month, llDubbll
And before I forget I want say Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadians who will be giving thanks later this month. I want to thank you all again for your continued support and hope you enjoy this issue, Stay Fierce until next month, hugs and kisses.
Love DaBawse
CO N T E N T S FIERCE MAGAZINE 16 The Family that creates together, Stays together A look at the different type of families on IMVU. And find out more about the NXS family. Find out what NXS means and why their bond is so strong.
18 Behind every strong man, Stands a Strong Family... The preisdent of NXS talks with Fierce Magazines, lets us know more about his family. Where they are coming from, Where they are now and what’s in store for the NXS fam.
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20 Meet BottomsNXS Born and rasied in Miami Describes as Hood, sexy and risky she is here with the help of her NXS family know that real family bonds can happen on IMVU
»» p.16
Know by just about everyone on IMVU for her Fashion Fierceness. BabycakesNXS takes time out of her busy schedule to let us know why she is so fierce and talk about the love she has for her family.
30 ANGEL OF THE MONTH:BLACKNASIANMIXED Meet the lady that helped start the Fierce Angels. She stepped into Fierce offices one day and became the first official Angel. Now her role has expand to head of recuriting for the modeling department of fierce as well as she has finally accepted the role of Art Director for the Fierce magazine. Meet my personal fave angel, BAM!
38 Eye Candy of the Month:IIDubbII »» p.30
Something for the ladies. This month we are starting something new and show casing the sexy men of IMVU.
46 Lipstick Sex with AlaineBlaque One of our new columns by AlaineBlaque touching on all our your sexual topics. This month she talks about the 5 different type of men when it comes to cybersex. Find out what type of man you have.
54 Hot Topics with Queen Another new colmn that we have this month is from MrsJayDivine B.K.A. Queen This month she gives us her take on Loyality.
60 Defenitiv talks $*it SYou have all seen her on pulse telling you what she thinks. Well now she has her own column. The third and final of our new columns Defenitiv will take your questions. This month she answers your questions on Breast Cancer.
66 Meet Canday Have you heard all the lastest buzz about, The Blvd??? IMVU’s newest interactive mall. Her group has almost reached 500 members and even more mall are on their way. giving you that SL shopping experience. Meet Canday the lady that is making it all happen.
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70 The house that Kheresket built Meet LadyKheresket one of the top 3 creators to watch. We caught up with her and chatted for a bit and found out more about one of IMVU most misunderstood creators.
72 Who Rocked It Best? Each month Fierce Creations will let you vote on, “WHO ROCKED IT BEST?” Outfits from some of our Fiercest Creators modelled by our Fierce Angels. Place your vote and tell us what you think. »» p.54
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73 Top 3 Creators to keep You’re Eye on They should have been pro by now, but sometimes IMVU takes forever to give the proper credit to who really deserces it, Check out the list of Fierce Creators that will get pro status any day now.
»» p.60
The Family Creates together Stays together Meet the NXS family IMVU is full of families, some more known than others. Some are here longing for that feeling they dont have in real life. It can be that mother/daughter relationship they don’t have. Or some are looking for that tv dad the 2013 Bill Cosby. Others are looking for that sister and or brother they always wanted. These type of families tend to be a little smaller and stay off the radar for the most part. And some seem to even have a great relationship which sometimes even extends to real life contact such as skype and or telephone conversion.
And then you have the internet thug families. The ones that spend all their days stomping and beating up their keyboard and craving drama. And as we all now these type of families tend not to last too long, sometimes they dont even last long enough for everyone to change their names, before they are no longer. The head of the family has called it quits and the internet thugs are on to the next drama filled family where they can cause some more mess to be involved in to past the days which would otherwise be very boring. These families I never understood much, I still dont get the whole stomping
thing. Does it make you feel good, cause Im lost on it. Aint nobody getting hurt just a whole lot of extra work for you to keep double clicking that mouse., but to each their own.
Then you have the ones you are all out for what they can get. Like the say birds of a feather flock together. So the gold diggers, internet hoes, so called pimps, groupies and just anyone looking for a come up seem to always want to try and start a family. But like they say in Jamaica, theif never like see other theif with long bag. So slowly jealously will set in and that family too will be no more.
You have the men that start families because frankly they need somewhere to feel like they are “THE MAN” They need somewhere that when they speak someone listens, cause Lord knows no one is listening to them in real life. So they get on IMVU and find these young girls who dont know they coochie from a whole in the wall and they fall in line with his demands and he becomes the king of the family. These families tend to last a little longer. Just due to the fact that they each
are longing for something in real life and this has some how filled the void. But soon it becomes a little old, the daily fighting, the cheating and the million outside pixel children he has on the outside. At some point either “The King” gets bored and wants to move on to the new flavor of the month. Or the girl finally says enough is enough and decides to move on.
Sometimes that push over the edge may turn that angry female into the arms of a stud who is there to help heal her broken heart and start a new family. These family tend to be some of the larger families on IMVU, having up to sometimes 23 kids. But just like the rest of these families no matter how in love this family may seem and that ride or die bond they seem to have these families dont seem to last either.
Kinda makes you start wondering are families on IMVU a good idea? If they aint fighting, aruging, backstabbing each other, gossiping, scamming, grudging, or being disloyal they simply seem to just dirft apart for one reason or the other. Some stop coming on or some seem to form a
new bond with others. It just seems that these families don’t last.
But then wait I forgot about one last type of family. The creating family! The family that has formed based off a mutual passion. The ones that thrive to do better and push their family members to do better as well. The ones that have a real life bond that goes beyond the game. And the ones that will not allow the crazy world of IMVU to destroy their family. When you speak of a family like that only one family comes to my mind and that is the NXS family. DrVinnieDixxNXS was one of the first from the NXS family to join Fierce Creations. After him joining I started to take more notice to the family. I had already heard a little about the because of the buzz that BabyCakesNXS had started to create in the creating world. And I had started seeing more and more people repulsing for different NXS Family members. So I decided to check them out a little more. And I was pleased with what I say. This family
wasn’t like the average family on IMVU that found themselves involved with daily drama. Never heard their name attached to anything negative. And each of their catty’s had great work with attention to detail, which made me understand why BabyCakes among others in the NXS family were so popular.
Just like most creators on here getting in touch with them was a little hard at first I reached out to Babycakes first as we wanted her to be the creator of the month and we also wanted to do a small story on her family, then I reached out to BottomsNXS and DrVinnieDixxNXS, I quickly found out why they had such a great bond. They reach responded saying they would have to talk as a family before they could give me an answer. Which i respected greatly. Soon there after I was contacted by the president of NXS and given the go ahead to start with my interview process.
Vinnie, Cakes and Bottoms were all a pleasure to deal with. All very professional and even with their busy schedule were able to fit in all of our request on a timely manner. I even had the pleasure to chill with Bottoms in the Fierce Creations office, getting to laugh and talk with her for a bit. It wasn’t hard to tell why they had such a big fan base on IMVU.
I enjoyed getting to know more about this family and after meeting Bottoms I figured my best bet was to start with the President of the family. I figured he would be able to answer all or at least most of my questions, cause now my interest had really peeked and I wanted to know what made this family bond work so well and I really wanted to know what NXS stood for?
Behind Every Great Man Stand a Strong family...
FIERCE: Please tell us a little about yourself
VINNIE: I am President of NXS and a creator on IMVU. I would describe myself best as a true geek at heart. My first experiences as a creator began years ago when I made a wealth of custom content for a PC based superhero game, Freedom Force, and dabbled a little bit creating ‘skins’ for the original Sims.
FIERCE: What made you want to join IMVU?
VINNIE: Love... I followed my heart to IMVU.
FIERCE: Awww that is so sweet. Is that what made you want to start an IMVU family?
VINNIE: It was a forgone conclusion that we were going to be a ‘fam’ on IMVU having migrated from the Facebook flash game ‘Yoville’. It just took us a couple of months to get acclimated to IMVU.
FIERCE: Ok so that explains the bond you all have. But ok so my big question, what is the meaning behind NXS?
VINNIE: NXS is as it is spelled ‘In Excess’... to have in abundance... to have more than enough... to exceed normal parameters. We have loyalty, respect for one another, swag and much more... all in excess.
FIERCE: I like that. So tell us why do you think your family stands out more than others?
VINNIE: We have become friends on and off IMVU. We try at best to avoid unnecessary drama. Some of our members are among the most respected people you will meet. And we have always found ways to overcome obstacles that may come in our way. Combine this with the sheer longevity that we have been doing this and I guess that would do it.
FIERCE: You said that as a family you try to avoid the drama and overcome obstacles, what is the hardest part of being in a IMVU family?
VINNIE: Dealing with assumptions, speculations and rumors started by people with issues. They think they be having a clue.... but ain’t never played the game. The biggest issues are the power of ‘one’. Whatever one person with in the family does... reflects on every one. If one person falls, there are a bunch of haters waiting to point it out... and in turn they want to say we all fell. You can’t hold the actions of one person as representation of a whole group of people... but ... too often public opinion flows that way... and in turn we do what we need to do to squash it.
FIERCE: I totally agree. You’re able to not get involve with the daily drama of IMVU and seem to create daily, where do you get your inspiration from to get past all the mess on IMVU and when you create?
VINNIE: Back when I made superheroes... it was so much easier. Now it’s the challenge of trying to create clothing that someone would find appealing. Aside from that... my state of my heart and mind plays a big part in my creation process. My BabyCakesNXS is probably my biggest inspiration... she’s my muse. Having taught her what I knew about creating... then watching her blow up as a creator is nothing short of inspirational. A large part of my drive was and still is trying to be the man to measure up to such a phenomenal woman.
FIERCE: She seems to be the inspiration for many. Now I notice that you also do videos. What made you decide to do videos?
VINNIE: I need to do more of them.... or should I say ... do them more often. But I’ve always had an interest in video. Way back in college... I was a film/video major. I want to do more so I can get better at it.
FIERCE: President of a family, creating, and videos, you’re a busy man. And you have a boutique with BabyCakes please tell us about that
VINNIE: Just a little spot I put together to feature some of BabyCakes and my work... I need to update it to include some of my other family members as well as keep on top of it to keep display racks current.
FIERCE: Yes I had a mall back in 2010 when the interactive display’s first started coming to IMVU I know what a big stress it can be to keep them updated. But besides that what to date has been your biggest challenge on IMVU?
VINNIE: Being a leader of a fam like NXS is a challenge and a half. Everyone always looking at me first no matter what we are doing or coming up with. The core members of NXS are very demanding.
FIERCE: what advice do you have for people on IMVU that would like to start their own families?
VINNIE: Keep it real. Simple. Find a nitch that will bind you and go from there.
FIERCE: what can we expect from yourself as well as the NXS family in the future?
VINNIE: Good question.... you gotta wait and see (giving my mysterious sly look)
FIERCE: Any last words for the reader?
VINNIE: I’m happy to belong to such a strong group of friends... NXS. For some of us, it’s than just friends it is truly family. I’m also happy to be associated with such a strong group of creators... we be fierce.
Meets BottomsNXS FIERCE: Please tell the readers a little about yourself
BOTTOMS: Well I’m from Miami, born and raised 34yrs I been on IMVU for about 2yrs, I’m very chilled and down to earth. I love to laugh, I’m a wife, and mother of 3 here and I love to dev, and learn new things every day.
FIERCE: Tell us why you joined IMVU?
BOTTOMS: I joined IMVU because of my sister Patron made it seem like so much fun. She always talked about it and kept telling me to try it. So I made an account and seen how it was she use to show me all the clothes and dances was hooked lol.~whispers to Shani I ain’t gonna tell the world how she had me in Gucci and LV print from head to toe thinking I was the ish when I 1st started and always said make sure u get the full out fits that come with the shoes for one price.. lol smh Eww!!! but I forgive u sissy ! :)~
FIERCE: Lol poor thing..So tell us, how did you come up with the name BottomsNXS?
BOTTOMS: Lol great I get to answer this for every one that asks me daily. I came up with the name Bottoms Up, just because I was in love with the song when it 1st came out in 2010. I didn’t think it would of have stuck to me like this when I came up with it I was just being fast and grown loving Trey Songz lol, but once I came to IMVU I dropped the Up and Bottoms Jus stuck with me.
FIERCE: What made you join the NXS family?
BOTTOMS: To be honest just hanging around NXS, and always being at their parties and Events. NXS has always been a big part of me since I started playing Yoville, I wanted to be where the fun was, then Cakes asked me if I wanted to join since I was already like a part of the fam,
we were back on YoVille then.
FIERCE: What made you want to start creating?
BOTTOMS:.I started creating because I use to hear stories about making money. I wanted to make money too lol.
FIERCE: Describe your style in 3 words?
BOTTOMS:. Hmm... Let’s see I would say (Hood, Sexy, Risky)I love Urban Hood Looks, Its Just makes me feel at home, Sexy because what woman don’t like to feel Sexy, its jus natural for us, Risky because I love to push it to the limit. I like to push my creations to the edge just enough to pass as GA... but on the verge of AP. lol
FIERCE: In a family full with such successful creators do you find it hard to stand?
BOTTOMS:. No not at all, we all have different styles and different backgrounds sometimes we like the same things and sometimes we don’t, but we always support each other either way.
In our fam it’s a lot of different creative minds, we have my sister Sweet she is phenomenal when it comes to events, and shows, my brah EStorm is the hottest DJ on IMVU, my sissy Patron is talented on all scales. And we have numerous fams that are very good at varies of things.
FIERCE: Besides creating and spend time with your NXS family?
BOTTOMS:.I spending time with my kids, I think I been blessed with the best kids on IMVU, even though I think I spoiled my baby boy to much till now he is rotten lol. But its ok he is 13 rl so im sure his rl mom has a little to do with it. My boys are so sweet. We have a bond that is so amaz-
ing. And we was just blessed with a sweet young lady to play as our baby girl and so far she is a doll.
FIERCE: What makes you fierce?
BOTTOMS:. What makes me fierce, is just being myself, I’m the same here and in rl, I Relate to the real in people, No matter how Fine ya avi is Im always remembering my story about where I came from, and where I am now, and where I wanna be in a few years. It makes me Fierce because I’m Real.
FIERCE: Any advice for up and coming creators?
BOTTOMS:. I can say if u are creating, and u are struggling, don’t give up, keep trying. you learn as you go. Everyday you learn something new, I’m still learning. It feels so good to learn something new. But it may be
hard at 1st Trust me I know, and also go to youtube watch them videos, join groups all that stuff it helps. I was blessed with some mad cool friends that helped me Shout Out to NyBugatti!!! that taught me Gimp, thru typing in chat lol man that was a trip but he took the time to do it.. My friend Sainted was always there helping me thru it all, and My sis iiPasitheaLucchese(Dade) and my bestie AceCryptic, they all played a big part in me being the creator I am today, but I’m not done I always gonna strive to be the best. So don’t give Up!
Fashion Fierceness The Inspiration for many The president of NXS calls her his muse, he says she is where he gets his inspiration from and when our September Fierce Creator of the month was interviewed, MrsJayDivine b.k.a Queen said that BabyCakes was one of her biggest. So it only made sense to have Queen interview the lady who has inspired her, and finally get the answer to the questions she along with many others may have always wanted to know about the one and only BabyCakesNXS
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FIERCE: Please tell us a little about yourself?
FIERCE: How did you come up with the name BabyCakesNXS?
BABYCAKES: I’m CEO & co-founder of my NXS fam, I also create women’s clothes, hair, shoes & accessories for the IMVU community, I would consider myself an easy going lay back type of person, I love to laugh, and have a good time & when I’m hanging out with my fam, they bring the big kid outta me & I love it.. lol but I also know when to get serious & put my game face on when I need to.
BABYCAKES: Actually “BabyCakes” is my real nickname, so when I decided 2 start playing these virtual games I just couldn’t think of any other name to use, nothing felt right so I was like Im’a just use “BabyCakes, because that’s me & I was so use to it anyway...
FIERCE: What brought you to the IMVU World?
BABYCAKES: Well again I am co-founder of NXS, so when Vinnie & I were on another game, we were both in different fams over there, he wanted me to join the fam he was in but I didn’t really like they style, it just wasn’t me...So I said “Babe why don’t we start our own fam” , & he was like...”yeah we should” lol, So we just gathered all of our friends together & made it happen and that was 4 years ago & we are still here...lol yay!!
BABYCAKES: My fam did, it was a few already over here, Bottoms, Patron & Romeo, & they kept telling us we should come over here because it was just so much more we could do here & they were so right...So Vinnie & I finally decided to join , & then eventually the rest of them fam came along as well..
FIERCE:. What made you want to join the NXS family?
FIERCE: Since joining IMVU and starting our own family what has been your most exciting moment on IMVU?
BABYCAKES: Oh wow, I have several but I would say, our Birthdays in 2010, me & Vinnie’s Birthdays are 1 day apart, so my fam omg, thru use a huge weekend long party, it was so much fun, because it wasn’t that long after we joined & we didn’t know u could do all of that here , wow it was amazing each day it was a different theme, that reflected our personalities, I love my fam so much..
FIERCE: How do you spend your freetime?
BABYCAKES: What free time?....hahaha! whats that? teehehe, I usually don’t have free time., I’m always so busy, I have a busy real life so when I get on here I try 2 be productive & get things done.. I’m either creating or trying to work on events for my fam, but those in between times are always nice which is rare but when
I can just chill with Vinnie or just kick it with some fam & friends, I really enjoy those times
FIERCE: How did you hear about Fierce and what made you join?
BABYCAKES: Well I had noticed a pulse with several familiar creators listed, then Vinnie joined, so I went looking around to see what’s this group all about and then a couple days later I got an invite from “ShaniDaBawse”, & gladly accepted, & received a warm welcome & I have been enjoying it ever since, It’s just so nice to be among so many creative individuals that have some of the same goals & interest as I do.
FIERCE: Describe your creating process: Where does the inspiration come from?
BABYCAKES: My supporters keep me inspired, pumped up & motivated & I’m always looking in the fashion magazines, and seeing what’s new, but it’s funny because when I open up my program & get started on something it’s never what I had in mind.. lol, so I just let my creative idea’s just flow..
FIERCE: What sets your style apart from other creators?
BABYCAKES: I create from the heart, all of what I create is my style, I am a Diva’ & I love being sexy and I think my style reflects that...
FIERCE:. Do you have any favorite creators?
BABYCAKES: My confidence, and it feels so good to say that, I’ve come along way & now I do consider myself a Fierce Diva!
FIERCE: .What can we expect from you in the near future?
BABYCAKES: Yes I do, PiNKNUV0 & MrsScrewedupAllDay
BABYCAKES: Honestly I don’t know what’s in the future but as for right now, I’m going to continue to create things that I know myself & my supporters will enjoy..
FIERCE: What makes you fierce?
FIERCE: Any tips to new or upcoming creators?
BABYCAKES: My confidence, and it feels so good to say that, I’ve come along way & now I do consider myself a Fierce Diva!
BABYCAKES: Yes, Just focus on what it is that u like, be yourself & don’t worry about what other ppl are doing, don’t be afraid to ask around for help, it all takes time.
BlacknAsianMixed One of my personal favorite models. (Yes I know I’m supposed to be neutral like Switzerland but I can’t help it) The Fierce Angel’s mainly started because of her. Only a few days after getting the suggestion from Defenitiv that the group should have models which will help the creator’s with product ads, did BlacknAsianMixed pop into the Fierce Creations office. She let me know she was an experienced model who worked for the likes of VisaNova and DuttyDesign among others. After checking out her work I knew she would be the perfect model. Originally she only wanted to work for lDB and myself (ShaniDaBawse), but her team spirit kicked in and she quickly started to so models for everyone and became a vital part of them team. Since joining Fierce her work has taken off to new heights. Setting trends in the IMVU modeling world; keeping other models on their toes and other creators waiting for a chance to get an ad done by the one and only Bam!
Fierce Angel of the Month The go to graphic artist for Fierce, she is always willing to help with any task. From being the lead Graphic Artist for the magazine, creating banners or logos for group members, taking place in graphic contest, cracking jokes in the Fierce office while doing her ads and most recently taking on the task of head of the Fierce Angels and in charge of recruiting new angels. It is no wonder BlacknAsianMixed aka Bam is the October Angel of the Month.
FIERCE: Bam, Bam!!! First I want to start off this interview by saying, ``Go Bam! It`s ya birthday, we gon`party like it`s yo birthday`` ok lemme stop..lol but other than the fact that your birthday is this month (Shoutout the Libra`s) Tell us When you started Imvu?
BAM: I can’t remember but it was sometime in 2008
FIERCE: When did you start modeling?
BAM: I’m a self-taught graphic artist and model on IMVU. Taught myself through research and then marketed myself from scratch... if that makes sense. I started actually with contests. I started entering just about any and every contest to get my name out there. I ended up winning a contest where the prize was a modeling job. And from there I started on the path of modeling.
FIERCE: Fave thing about modeling?
BAM: Well to be honest I like the coordinating part of the modeling the best. Dressing up and making it my own, which thank the Lord seems to catch people’s eye. Close second has to be the
actual editing of my avatar.
FIERCE: What made me want to model for fierce?
BAM: Well at the time I wasn’t part of any majorly active modeling groups. so I started getting bored, I actually don’t get on pulse, but for some odd reason this particular day I took a gander and someone posted Fierce Creations and a list of all the Dev’s. I knew half of them and so I went to check it out. I hit you up asking you about an invitation...because in the header it said up and coming devs and models. Unfortunately when I got the invite. There was no modeling going on and I believe I kinda pushed you to get it started...so officially...the FIRST model of FIERCE...TYVM.
FIERCE: You really should thank Defenitiv cause she suggested the modeling a couple days before you came to me..lol but, describe your style in 3 words.
BAM: Well besides the fact that I’m ancient...LOL and been here going on 5 yrs and built my name from the ground up.. I think my style is unique. I’m a trend setter. I can guarantee you if I do something I got a slew of people following right behind me. I’m spicy. I got an attitude...LOL., and everyone who knows me will tell you. I don’t take much shit. Now when it comes down to graphically. I don’t think I have a whole lot of skills.. But I do believe that I keep it clean. I catch your eye with my ads. My coordination and I make you look at me. I know what I’m doing plain and simple.
FIERCE: Besides modeling what else do you do on IMVU?
BAM: Well I dipped my hand in some deving, but that junk is hard! So to all my fellow Developers out there I raise a glass to yall. I’ve always actually been kind of anti-social, but as of late, I’ve been hanging with my bishes...LOL. YOU know who you is -looks @ Shani-. Shout out to QB! and my lil sissy Svpphire.
FIERCE: LOL you’re a mess, but, any advice to any other models? BAM: Clean..Classy..Fierce
FIERCE: Why do you think you stand out more than the other models?
BAM: No.........LOL....just keep ya game up. Cuz I ain’t going nowhere anytime soon. And what’s funny is people who know me... prolly laughing...those who don’t...is rolling they eyes right now... lol.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
F*ckWithMe- Jay-z Ft.
Swangin - Stalley Ft.
Rick Ross I luv this $*it- August Alsina Red Nose - Sage The Gemini Levels - Meek Mills
I wanna be with youDj Khaled Itchin - Lil Wayne
We Been On - Rich Gang Give It All To Me -Mavado Ft. Nicki Minja It Won’t Stop - Sevyn Streeter
THROW BACK JOINT HouseKeeper - Men of Vizion
Age: 20 Where you repping? : Detroit Fave Color: Black Fave Food: Lasagna Biggest Turn on: When a woman can throw down in the kitchen, that just make D’Jango stand firm and hard like he salutin Biggest turn off: A needy clingy girl that don’t know how to keep the conversation alive Imvu relationship status: Happily single Who would be your dream girl? (IMVU or rl) : Kelly Rowland, she can motivate me all night long -does the Stevie J rat faceWhat would a perfect date with you be like? (imvu or rl): All laughs just taking a load off relaxing and talking alot ish and playing around with alot of flirting Fave body part on a woman:That phat booty meat
Each guy has his own style when it comes to Cybersex. Find out what type you have when it comes down to the cyber sex world.
Hello ladies & gents of the IMVU community! I would like to introduce myself; I’m Ms. Alaine Blaque you’re fellow sex/love guru. It’s my job to peek your interest in the love the department. I’m a vivacious chick with a lot of dazzle. I’m 28-years-old and I’m from Hotlanta baby! I’m a writer, a mother and many other things. I am not a certified doctor so please do not hold it against me when I give my opinions. But I do have plenty of testimonies to keep it juicy. I was married for 2 years, I’m a divorcee’ and now I’m in a serious relationship & I got a love on top! Anyhoo, I’ll have you tuned in for sex/love advice, the hot spots and what to do to keep the bedroom steamy. Even though the powers that be of IMVU don’t want to admit it sex is a huge part of IMVU and in general even in real life far too often is the main focus of relationships. Each month this column will explore different sexually topics that will be aimed at IMVU but you will also find that some of the topics we discuss can often relate to real life as well. So please feel free to hit me up with your questions! I’ll do my best to answer them all but just remember as I said I not a certified love doctor in any shape or form. It’s just me your girl Alaine giving your my views on love, sex and more the lies that may come along with it. As a writer in real life I am excited to do this column and I look forward to discussing juicy topics with you on Keeping the Cookie happy & the men turned on ;) Thank you for supporting Fierce magazine! I look forward to pleasing you with my work. AlaineBlaque
“What He Says During Sex?!” Now Ladies of IMVU! (Sorry guys this month I got to talk to the ladies and see how they feel, but don’t worry we will get to you soo..lol) Like I said before no matter how much IMVU wants to deny it sex is cybersex is a big part of IMVU, how else would we explain all these pixel and avi kids running around. But there is cybersex and then there is CYBERSEX...We all know that the key to hot sex in the cyber world is how your man lays it down VERBALLY. Well wait hold one maybe we don’t all know that..lol. The imagination can be a deadly place to roam when it comes down to bedroom soirees’. I have heard stories about people having a fear of letting go verbally while sexing on IMVU. Maybe some feel uncomfortable or it could be simple jitters. But ladies the most useful thing to come out of your man’s mouth is not just his tongue- it’s what he says during sex. Let’s go a little further into his bedroom chatter.
What He says during sex Find out the type of man you have when it comes to cyber sex
THE 5 T YPE OF MEN W H E N I T CO M E S TO CYBERSEX MR.GRUNTER What he sounds like: “Ugh...Ugh…. ughhh” What it means: This man is an intense lover and quite focused; but he is bland. All that man grunting indicates he’s worried about peaking before you reach your place of serenity. Most men make that noise because he is tightening his muscles down under and holding his breath, trying not to orgasm before you. THE QUIET TYPE What he sounds like: He breathes heavily…oh wait, is that the air conditioner I hear? What it means: Poor thing! No surprise here girls. The silence during sex signals that you have a inhibited male between the sheets. He barely says anything but watches the screen. Can we say boring!! Most men are raised to keep their emotions inward as a sign of strength. So it’s only natural for him to carry that over into the bedroom.
THE ANNOUNCER What he sounds like: Style narratorESPN. News Broadcaster of the year! “To start I’m going to lick right here, and then I’m going to touch you here...” What it means: To be honest ole boy thinks he’s sexy as hell trying to talking you to an orgasm. He thinks that women need a play by play of each move to get off. It can be annoying, depends on what you prefer or your mood at the time but at least he is trying to stay connected with you.
What you next move is: If you feel he is going to cave in sooner take control and slow your pace if you’re on top or stop movement and just kiss him for a few minutes. We all cannot stand a man who climaxes before us especially if we didn’t give him permission too! To encourage more bedroom talk have him ask you sensual questions during love making.
What you next move is: I do understand it’s vital to be very detailed during sex but we also don’t want a man walling like a chick while he’s rocking our boat. It’s important for a guy to be comfy with getting a little verbal so you both are enjoying yourselves. Start out slow asking him what he likes as you perform it. What you next move is: To shut him up ASAP, I suggest using lots and lots of kissing. He’ll be none the wiser, and you’ll get the bonus of occupying his mouth. But after sex, you’re going to have to be straight with him. Spin the convo so that it’s about you not his seduction techniques. No woman wants a man
THE BLASPHEMER. What he sounds like: “Ohhhh my God…. Lawd have mercy! That ish is good…you feel so good babe…Jesus” What it means: This bad boy is is turned on by being a little bit naughty in bed, and since his words are borderline dirty talk, he may have a kinkier side he’s keeping under wraps. He is the type to test his own boundaries as well as figuring out if you would be comfortable with him saying and doing more.orgasm before you.
What you next move is: If you want encourage him to show his wild side, take it up a notch with aggressive moves, like gently biting his shoulder if he’s on top of you or running your fingernails down his back. This alludes him, showing that you want naughtier action. You prefer sex without him using the Lord’s name in vain? Play the “do as I do game” and it have him make noises like mmm and ohhh. He’ll mimic what you do and it should help him break his habit of blasphemy during sex.
THE FOUR-LETTER-WORD FREAK What he sounds like: F*** yeah… dat ish is good. Damn daddy wanna lick everything on you mami.” What it means: This man is inhibited, or he just one of them that is always on 10 and thinks he is the king. He feels no one can put it down better than him. but he may be just as selfish as he is open to getting freaky with you. Men who cuss do so because it excites them, and it may not have much to do with you. They do it by instinct especially if they curse often during a regular conversation. It sort of gives you that porno feel when you’re getting frisky with him.He is looking for that type of lady that Ludacris often speaks of. He wants that lady in the streets and the freak in the bed . And now adays everything is in the open so he may want you to be freaky 24/7. Throw the lady stuff to the wind and will act just as wild as he does so that he can fully enjoy himself while pleasing you.
What you next move is: Wait until after you’ve had your fun and let him know that occasional swearing is cool during simple convo but you love when he goes all out in the bedroom. Tell him you want more details and allow him to feel free to show his freakier side. It’s nothing like two passionate people together taking their love making to the next level. We all love a man who is freaky and uninhibited but if you have that porn alter-ego then show the amateur how it’s done! Wink Whisper in his ear “Do you like how this feels?” etc. Letting him know it turns you on will help him feel more comfortable to say the things that he is thinking out loud and it helps him connect with you better.
We have pointed out the main types and we know some of you are sitting there say you damn right. Others may still be denying the type of man they may have when it comes to cyber sex. And I know that the other half of you later tonight will be paying a little more attention to how he acts while your guys are getting down. Whatever type of man you have just remember to stay say and even though cyber sex is pretty much the safest sex you can have please enjoy it responsible. Have fun keep that cookie happy and your men turned on until next month.
Hot Topics: With the Queen MrsJayDivine b..k.a the Queen Covers all of IMVU’s hot topics
IS THERE ANY LOYALITY ON IMVU? Hello everyone for those of you that don’t know me my name is MrsJayDivine B.K.A Queen. So, I see you all are waiting for the topic of the month. Well, wait no further because we got a hot and juicy topic I’m ready to dish it out.
Wise words from
Queen If it’s worth the fight, then fight for it and don’t let go whether it’s a family member, friend, business partner or lover.
Today’s topic were gonna speak on “Loyalty”. Oh Yes, this may hit home for some but, trust me we all have had this problem. Let’s start by giving the correct definition of Loyalty. Loyalty: 1. Faithfulness to commitments or obligations 2. Faithful adherence to a sovereign, government, leader, cause, etc.Synonmys: Loyalty connotes sentiment and the feeling of devotion that one holds for one’s country, creed, family, friends, etc. So now that we got that cover and you now have the meaning of loyalty laid out. Let’s speak on this subject. Again warning like I said before this may be a touchy subject for some but I do feel in the IMVU world that we are in loyalty is rare and hard to come by and is an issue that we have all had to deal with so this is why I have picked this topic. So don’t get your panties caught in a bunch, don’t take it personal. Now, as we all know we’re all our apart of this virtual world IMVU. We log on and we come across many people from different states and countries. Through coming across so many different people we have met we tend to hold on to some and befriend them. Whether it’s through business, friend or family reason. When you accept a person into your virtual life no matter who you choose them to be you expect a certain level of loyalty from that person. True enough you let that person in your life for a reason. Some are there for a season (short time) and some for a lifetime. But, what holds the key to how long they are gonna be there is that “Loyalty Key”. You have people on IMVU covering up who they are. Afraid to show the real them (Not as in looks) but the real them as in their self (for what reason they don’t, we don’t know). You shouldn’t let NOONE stop you from being you. Remember we all in the same virtual world doing the same thing daily. Logging on, going in chats, and logging off (even though some don’t, lol). But when you enter any friendship, family or anything else and not be yourself. You have already broking that loyalty chain. Most people don’t understand Loyalty and Trust are some strong words and a huge matter in any situation. Those two words can break anyone apart no matter how tight the bond they once held. Yes, a lot of us get in our feelings about situations but, is that situation that bad you can’t be a man/woman and go speak you’re mind without that bond being broken? Some people even lie about small things then from there you gotta keep making a lie to cover the first one. So, why would you wanna go through all of that. Lack of loyalty is one of the major causes of failure in every walk of life. (Napoleon Hill, 1883-1970). But, loyalty can fall under different categories. Loyalty is also being able to split you’re quality time between you’re family, friends and business partners. I know a lot of you may look at me and say who am I to judge but, trust I don’t judge anyone at all. Everyone tends to show their true colors one day when you least expect it. Most people will say when you show loyalty you sucking up. Na, that isn’t the case. When you show loyalty you are being true to yourself and others. Now don’t get me wrong all those days you spend as a family, friend or business partner won’t be peachy. You will have you’re ups & downs, fights, arguments and disagreements. But, in the end is that small or big issue you had worth throwing the loyalty platform away that you took the time to build? How bout you sit back and think on it. What was that platform built for...To keep growing or tear you down. “Wise words from Queen” “If it’s worth the fight, then fight for it and don’t let go whether it’s a family member, friend or business partner”
Nem cor aligent
Mod quaspic tecusam et quatus eicabores
Hi im Def
welcome to my column in Fierce Magazine.. A little info about me to those who don’t know me, is I’m 30 years old, from North Carolina, been a member of iMVU since 2007, I do a little developing sometimes when I’m not being lazy or busy, and sometimes I even like to model a little too. This column is mostly dedicated to advice. Sometimes I will share my personal thoughts and questions about life as well, but mostly this is for you! Yea you reading this right now. YOU! If you have any questions about life, love, sex, etc.. I’m your girl lol .. If you prefer to remain anonymous that’s cool too no worries I won’t use your name. Hit my inbox on IMVU and I will be sure to include your question in next month’s magazine of Fierce :) So first things first! BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH!! Yeap its happening right now, you knew that right? Well I hope you did.. Let’s get right into some questions I was asked about breast cancer this month from the many lovely people apart of the IMVU community ..
Nam inum alia adicia Am ipsapid mi, eici Tem faccum vendaeped.
Nam inum alia adicia Am ipsapid mi, eici Tem faccum vendaeped.
hat’s a good age to start getting mammograms Ms. Def - Stacy, Washington D.C.
ell Stacy lets explain what exactly a mammogram is first .. Mammography is the process of using low-energy X-rays to examine the human breast and is used as a diagnostic and a screening tool. The goal of mammography is the early detection of breast cancer, typically through detection of characteristic masses. Usually the age your doctor will start requesting you get on is when your 40. But it doesn’t hurt to ask him or her should you start at a earlier age if cancer runs in your family or is a family trait.
Def Im a smoker .. I only smoke half a pack of cigarettes a day so I doubt I will get cancer cause im going to quit smoking once I get older. I want to live my life and have fun right now. - Keisha, Ohio Keisha that’s actually good you don’t smoke many cigarettes per day, but still you are putting yourself at risk .. Duh !! Even if a person doesn’t smoke they have the risk of getting cancer honey. Ever heard of second hand smoke ? Sure you have right ? Well some women get cancer due to that also.. And I think it’s great you plan on quitting but waiting until your “ old “ may not be the best choice.. Just go ahead and start trying to quit now. Why wait until your old ? Who knows how long we have to live so make choices now. Live for today ! Mz D3F iz sm0kin w33d 0kvy 0r d03z it cvus3 cvnc3r t0 ? - Anonymous, Texas Im lost .. I cant even read that mess .. next ! Def do you think developers on imvu only create cancer awareness themed products just to get more sells ? - Anonymous, Chicago Umm .. yes and no .. I think most do it to really show support for the issue. I have did a few cancer awareness products before and I never noticed those items got more sells or made it to page 1 so honestly I think creators do it for the right reason.. But im sure it’s a few doing it for wrong reasons and you did not have to ask me that cause your bringing the mood down in my column.
A sneak peek of next months questions for Def … How do U survive the amount of HATE that gets thrown around IMVU. It’s so much that some people just LEAVE IMVU because of it. How do u suggest a person to deal with it? - FlawlessEclipse , U.S.A My imvu husband got so many female relatives and friends and I don’t trust the broads , am I overacting ? - Christina, Maryland I think my girlfriend cheating on me with her imvu dad. How can I expose this hoe ? - Anonymous, U.S.A Im pregnant by my boyfriend brother but don’t know how to tell him. Should I just keep it to myself cause its just imvu ? - Anonymous, New York See you all next month, and thanks again for reading..Defenitiv <3 voluptae.
er name is Candace,
FIERCE: What made you name the
but everyone calls her
mall The Blvd
Canday/Candy. A positive type of person.
CANDAY: Lol Good question. Hmm I
Who LOVES positive vibes. Laughing,
guess when I was trying to think of
smiling, and having a good time.
names most mall names have to do
Joking around, dancing, and listen-
with location or style. I didnt want to
ing to music. She like to be creative
exclude others if I picked an “urban”
and trying new things. Maybe that is
type of name. Thought The BLVD
what lead her to opening, “The Blvd”
sounded more classy and a good fit for every type of style. Then after
FIERCE: what made you join IMVU
the first mall opened. We got a lot of good responses, so we decided
CANDAY: Hella ads on every site I
to open more locations in different
went to, so I tried for 1 day, now I’m
parts of the world. So different devs
here lol
have the opportunity to make their own “store/boutique” in one of the
FIERCE: What made you want to start
creating? FIERCE: Please describe the shopCANDAY: Just wanted to try to say
ping experience
I tried. First did clothes for a soror I was in, then wanted my own clothes.
Others liked my stuff so I made other
developer that have their own little
Each mall has different
sizes. Now I just keep going so I have
realistic store in the mall. Within
something different to wear lol
their store they might have wall art showcasing their products and/or
FIERCE: Describe your style
flash racks (all clickable to their shop and products, can buy right from it).
CANDAY: My style varies on my
Also within each mall there will be
mood. I don’t have a particular style,
a section dedicated to other devs
I like a little bit of everything. So I try
that were not able to open their
to incorporate that in what I dev.
own store within. They will have a chance to have their Banner on the
FIERCE: Please tell us what made
wall. Each banner will be clickable
you’re want to open your own mall
to their shop. We also tried to have
on IMVU?
areas clickable to our group. Portals will be installed later when all the
CANDAY: Hmm, I had my own store
malls are done so that everyone can
and lot of my family and friends,
go from one to another. I just advise
dev, so I thought I’d extend the olive
you pack lightly cause these rooms
branch and incorporate others. To
are VERY HEAVY (7k+ kbs)
make it more realistic and fun on IMVU. Just wanted to do something different.
Fierce Magazine •
FIERCE: What have you found to be the hardest parts of opening a major mall on IMVU & what have been the greatest rewards this far for you as a business woman on IMVU since opening the mall
CANDAY: Being dedicated. Even if you’re just dedicated for yourself. I know I have always been. Just gotta put your mind to it and keep trying. Over time you’ll learn what you need to change and improve.
CANDAY: The hardest part is definitely deadlines and just getting it done lol. Everyone is on different schedules, school, work, and rl stuff so we’re making sure everyone is hip with what needs to be done. I myself get real busy here and RL so I understand. Thankfully I have good support amazing fam and friends that help. My twinny Yandy, has also helped and is also opening 2 of the malls so she’s been a big help with this. The greatest reward about this is definitely the networking. I’ve met some really unique individuals. Not only with their shops and creating styles but their personalities. You get to see their personality/style come out within their store, since they decorate their own store.
Just push yourself to always do better and the best that you can. Don’t try to impress others, impress yourself. I’m a perfectionist so I just keep going till I think it looks good lol, and if others like it, it’s an added bonus.
FIERCE: With the success of your first mall you plan to open others. How do you plan to make these malls different from your first one? CANDAY: Definitely incorporating more and other people. I’ve reached out and asked others and whomever is willing to do a little work for their store. I don’t mind hosting their store long as they do what needs to be done lol. I tried to make them look more realistic and just an overall better experience FIERCE: Tell us what you think the key to having a successful business on IMVU is
FIERCE: What can we expect from Canday and the Blvd in the future? CANDAY: Well hopefully, we’ll be opening the malls were currently working on mid-October. So definitely another big Grand Opening Party! After I’ll definitely be deving more since I been busy with this and customs lol. More events!!! Definitely a party for Halloween. After the malls, I want to do some events with different groups on here. Maybe sorors/frats. Hmm, just something to intertwine different people. I’ve put fashion shows on hold, so maybe later this year or beginning of next year I’ll do some ;) FIERCE: What makes you fierce? CANDAY: My ambition makes me fierce! When I find something I want/ need I try and try harder till I achieve it. I’m a perfectionist, so I only want to show the best in all I do. My personality is also fierce. I might be short and sweet but I can get spicy at times ;
Fierce Magazine •
Fierce Magazine â&#x20AC;˘
Fierce Magazine â&#x20AC;˘
ne of the most misunder-
you get to know her. She has a tendency
stood people on IMVU...but
to talk your head off lol. She caught my
she is loving every bit of
attention one day when I was looking
it. Just a laid back, southern woman with
through the catty. I noticed we had a lot of
a huge heart that will do anything for
the same fits. We both seem to have a girl
those and the ONE closest to her, is how
crush on Draya Michelle’s from Basketball
she describes herself. She sings, dances,
Wives L.A. We both loved her style and
acts, and now writing; which is something
admired her fashion. So it was a pleasure
she is extremely proud. Working on her
to meet with someone who had the same
new piece (The Dark Fantasy Genre) She
taste has me as far as fashion went. We sat
loves exploring the little details research-
and talked with one of the up and coming
ing every character. Very quiet and private
creator of the month; LadyKheresket.
about her life, and guarded but when
Fierce Magazine •
I’ve proven that I am human, and that I must try again, and keep trying until I get it right. I’ve not always had the correct support system.. Thankfully now that I do. It makes me stronger, it makes me tougher...It makes me Fierce.”
The house that Kheresket built A CREATOR YOUR GOING TO WANT TO KEEP AN EYE ON FOR SURE KHERESKET: My absolute favorite is MissMaya, second is FIERCE: What made you join IMVU?
MEDOUSA, third is Anry.
KHERESKET: Someone I knew got me to join originally back in 06
FIERCE: What do you find difficult about creating?
but I didn’t like it, the avatars looked strange to me. The entire experience was strange, it took about two years for them to convince me to come back. FIERCE: How and When did you start creating? K H E R E S K E T:
KHERESKET: Men’s clothing lol and it takes me half a day on opacity’s for some reason. I get distracted easily. FIERCE: What made you want to step away from using the traditional BiBi mesh to try the new meshs that you are now using
I’ve always been
KHERESKET: I switch back and
a creative person.
forth, I love both shapes equally.
That same friend
They both (Bibi’s Softest Mesh &
of mine showed
Delure’s Allure Mesh) have the
me their catalog
smooth curves that I think the ava-
and I said “I want
tar deserves, and that they accen-
to do that, and I
tuate the roundness and shape
can do that.” So
of the female hips and body. I’m
in 2009 I started
more of a dress maker so when-
with easy, and
ever I made a dress in Softest....I
small things like furniture.
would get asked to make them in
Allure which is basically the same
back end of my
just the butt is slightly smaller, it’s
catalog is kind
all in the hips. Now others want
of bad looking I mean really bad but I leave it...it shows my stages. FIERCE:How would you describe your style? KHERESKET: It ranges, and it can be whatever I am in the mood for. Lady Kheresket is my persona not just on IMVU but when I am writing for my website so her style may go from Victorian Gothic, to everyday street wear..but always classy and always sexy, with elegance at every turn. FIERCE:. Besides your love for Draya’s Fierce fashion, what inspires you when your creating KHERESKET: Images, and people. Sometimes it comes from just watching a tv show or a movie and I want to recreate it. The brain works in mysterious ways. FIERCE:Name your top 3 creators to shop from
in meshes that I do not at all find attractive. (I have to be honest) And I have to stick with the meshes that I am familiar with, and that I trust. Which is ultimately Bibi and Delure. FIERCE: What Makes you fierce ? KHERESKET: The challenges that I have set for myself. I have had to overcome a lot of past mistakes, and obstacles. But I have never let any of those things stop me. Each course I’ve proven that I am human, and that I must try again, and keep trying until I get it right. I’ve not always had the correct support system...Thankfully now I do. It makes me stronger, it makes me tougher...It makes me Fierce. FIERCE:What can we expect from you in the future? KHERESKET: The future is Kheresket, and Kheresket is always in motion. I want House of Kheresket to keep growing and getting better in all things Designing,Publishing,& Marketing. Fierce Magazine •
They say great minds think alike . In the Fashion world it isn’t uncommon to see outfits that are similar or even identical to each other. And the IMVU Fashion world is no different. With file sales and people rushing to create their favourite red carpet look before any ther creators. Its bound to happen that you come across the same look. But the questions always reminds the same, WHO ROCKED IT BEST???
Voting is set up in the Fierce Creations group.
Each month you the readers will have the chance to vote for the outfit that you liked the best.
Once you have picked the look you like best, click the button in the middle to cast your vote. Winners will Be announced in the next monthly issue and the ad will be posted in the soapbox. So click the button and tell us, “WHO ROCKED IT BEST” This Month fits come from one of the up and coming creators to keep your eye on for the month; LADYKHERESKET and yours truely SHANIDABAWSE.
inners of last months who Rocked it best, went to Spoiled and D3Nasia. congrats ladies
In this corner we have the reigning champ and first winner of the who rocked it best. D3nasia; Wearing ShaniDaBawse verison of a Draya Michele’s from Basketball Wives 2 piece black and white fit. Draya ShaniDaBawse Model & Graphics By: D3nasia
Fierce Magazine •
In this corner we have the newbies...SophisticatedFreak; Wearing LadyKheresket verison of Draya Michele’s from Basketball Wives 2 piece black and white fit Draya Basic by LadyKheresket Model & Graphics By: SophisticatedFreak;
ongrats goes to one of our previous top 3 to keep you’re eye on, Jim Castro; he made pro this month. Keep up the fierce work
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Our Fierce Supporters Check out some of Fierce biggest supporters.
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GAF210 FOR ALL YOUR IMVU CODING NEEDS Bringing you complex codes (and not so complex) To IMVU users, skilled on coding or not. we have a wide variet of genertors, gadgets and tools to make your IMVU life much easier /:D
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