Chakras for Beginners Audiobook Free Listen Download
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Chakras for Beginners Audiobook Free Listen Download Do you want to heal yourself through meditation? If yes, then keep listening! A large part of humanity knows the importance of balancing the chakras to keep themselves healthy for long. The whole universe is composed of energy and human metabolism is no exception! Long before modern technology and science, ancient cultures already knew that all living beings had a life force rooted in them. It forms several centers of energy - called the chakras - that move inside us. These play an important role in the balance and health of our body. But then, what are the chakras referring to precisely? And in what way are they so precious? The 'chakra' is an old Sanskrit word that literally means 'wheel'. This is because our life force (prana) is spinning and circulating inside us. This rotating energy has seven centers in our body, starting from the base of the spine and going to the top of the head. They regulate all parts of the human body, thus influencing everything from the treatment of emotions to resistance to disease. As a general rule, chakra techniques are used to open them and keep them in alignment. If they are blocked or poorly synchronized, this can have a negative impact not only on physical health but also on psychological well-being. To better understand how they work, let's take the example of a machine. If the gears get stuck, if the pipes come loose, or if parts are missing, the machine cannot work properly. In addition, the initial problems inevitably lead to others that may be more serious. The device then deteriorates further before finally giving up the ghost. The chakra network works in a very similar way to that. Developing chakras are within everyone's reach. As a result, you can detect and resolve problems as they occur and before they have serious consequences. In addition, you can safely tackle your old injuries
Chakras for Beginners Audiobook Free Listen Download Written By: Yoshiro Mitsutoshi. Narrated By: Austin Stoler Publisher: November 2020 Date: Duration: 3 hours 24 minutes
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