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WHY I PROTEST? by Christy Snow

Ithought my eyes were opened, I thought I was an activist for my black friends and family but in light of after watching George Floyd die at the hands of police while people begged all of the officers to do something. But what I recent events, I have taken a hard look realize is that I have nothing to feel weary at how little I was doing to be part of the about compared to my black brothers solution to the injustices done to people and sisters. I began protesting because I of color. As a lesbian fighting for equality was tired, I continue protesting because for the majority of my life, I do not hide they are tired, they are exhausted fightmy passion for people to be treated with ing this fight for justice alone. I protest to dignity and respect and to be afforded the implore every person from every walk of same opportunities regardless of who they life to stand with our black community in are and who they love. Unfortunately, I had saying all lives are NOT mattering until not educated myself nearly enough on the Black Lives do, to stand in our city and our extreme and numerous ways that people of country and say NO MORE whitewashed color are marginalized, and discriminated history, no more monuments that ask against that flows abundantly out of a sysus to respect our racist history, no more tem of racism that our history classes never militarized police that tear gas our citizens taught. I had to learn on my own about simply for exercising their first amendment Black Wall Street, the Tulsa Race Masrights and NO MORE justifying injustice. sacre, the Tuskegee Experiment, The Red I protest because it is time for a new world Summer of 1919, Three-Fifth Compromise, in which everyone is afforded the same Anti-literacy Laws, how segregation started rights and opportunities to life, liberty, and in Charlotte, how our very own Black Wall happiness. These injustices and inequalities Street was disbanded. I am still learning have to change and the time is NOW! because there was so much that I was not taught and that we as white people would Rev. Christy Snow is an activist, speaker, rather not see because it feels terrible to be singer, and founder of Solution Coaching, descendants of such an appalling history. and Carolina Center for Spiritual Awaken

I protest because I am tired of people ing and the co-founder of Awaken Within explaining away the killing of black people. Retreats. Her writing, teaching, speaking, I am tired of hearing how my black friends and singing all share the common thread of have to teach their kids to expect to be living as love in action and being the change targets for injustice because of the color of we wish to see. their skin. I am tired of waking up to hear that a black man was shot while jogging, For more information, visit ChristySnow. that a black woman was shot in her own com and AwakeningCarolina.org or call home, and exhausted and broken-hearted 704-516-7113.

Transforming racism A Special Shift Network Facebook Live Series

Transforming Racism features almost two dozen leaders–mostly Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC)–who have important perspectives to share on this subject. It’s free and all on Facebook Live. Join us for this special, powerful Facebook live series!


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