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event brief
Special Hippocrates Health Institute Event in Charlotte
Brian Clement, Ph.D., LN, director and co-founder of the Hippocrates Health Institute, based in West Palm Beach,will lead a presentation entitled Ending Stress and Creating Well-Being. The main theme is regenerating health and reversing disease with a focus on Lyme disease and creating longevity. The event takes place from 4 to 7 p.m. on September 18 at South Park Christian Church, in Charlotte. Important information about the protocol the Hippocrates Health Institute uses to reverse the effects of Lyme disease will be discussed.
By conducting daily clinical research, Clement and his staff have developed a state-ofthe-art program for health and wellness at one of the world’s foremost complementary health facilities. He has been in the forefront of the international progressive health movement for more than five decades.
Attendees that arrive early can network and visit with some of the Hippocrates team and health vendors.
Cost: $10. Location: 6650 Park South Dr. For more information or to register to attend, call Bill Carter at 704-219-9574, email MarcartMarketing@gmail.com or visit www.BrianInNC2021.eventbrite.com. See ad, page 2.