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letter from publisher
Putting the Universe on Notice
Recently a friend forwarded to me an email her son sent her to convince her he needed a new laptop. I thought it showed ingenuity for a ninth grader, and it reminds me that when I’m faced with a desire, I should explore a full portfolio of creative ways to address it. Also, good job Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools for teaching kids the structure of an effective argument. The email begins :
“First of all, I’d like to state that my current laptop is 9 years old. 9. To put that into perspective, I was 5 when this computer was created.”
Then there’s my favorite part of his argument: “While I’m impressed this computer has lasted so long, I realize that it’s getting to the age where it’s beginning to fail. My first problem is the fans. Sometimes they randomly start exploding, they sound like an attack helicopter, even when I’m only viewing emails, doing schoolwork, or scrolling through YouTube. It is really unfortunate, especially when I’m in a silent class, and then everyone suddenly drops and jumps under their desks because they think they hear an attack helicopter about to blow up the school.”
He went on to state a couple of additional problems, but in the end, his effort did not result in a new laptop—not yet anyway. Still the “want” is out there, and I can’t help but think that’s a good thing. When I admit what I truly want, whether I end up getting it is not the entire point. It helps me to be honest (even when it’s a silly want, something I’m ashamed to admit is a want at all) and ultimately get to know myself better. Plus I’m putting it out to the Universe—and I really believe the Universe wants to help us all.
I haven’t lived most of my life this way, but I’m getting better about it and I’m grateful for this reminder from a ninth grader.
Wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day and a February of embracing your wants.