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global briefs
Google Downplays Flight Emissions

The world’s biggest search engine has taken a key driver of global warming out of the carbon calculator embedded in the company’s Google Flights search tool, making journeys appear to have much less impact on the environment than before. Dr. Doug Parr, chief scientist of Greenpeace, says, “Google has airbrushed a huge chunk of the aviation industry’s climate impacts from its pages.”
With Google hosting nine out of every 10 online searches, this could have wide repercussions for people’s travel decisions. In July, the search engine decided to exclude all the global warming impacts of flying except CO 2 following consultations with its industry partners.
Kit Brennan, a founder of Thrust Carbon, a UK company that helps businesses reduce the effect their travel has on the climate, fears consumers could come to believe that non-CO 2 impacts on the climate are not relevant in the longer term, despite the science that contradicts this view. That would mean up to 1.5 percent of the warming caused by human activity would be ignored, and the pressure on airlines to reduce their emissions would be cut accordingly. Some experts say Google’s calculations now represent just over half of the real impact of flights on the climate.
Cool Pavement Program
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency data shows the difference in nighttime temperatures in heat island areas can be as much as 22 degrees warmer than temperatures measured outside such locations. This leads to more energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution and other harmful effects.
Cool pavement is a road treatment made with no harmful chemicals—just asphalt, water, an emulsifying soap, mineral fillers, polymers and recycled materials—applied on top of existing asphalt pavement. Because the surface reflects, rather than retains heat, it has the potential to offset rising nighttime temperatures.
In 2020, portions of eight neighborhoods in Phoenix received cool pavement asphalt coating treatment in areas already in need of pavement preservation. The city partnered with Arizona State University researchers to conduct scientific tests using thermal imaging by helicopter flyovers and temperature sensors embedded in the pavement surface, studying how it could mitigate the urban heat island effect. In October 2021, the pilot program ended and cool pavement has become a regular program for the city’s Street Transportation Department.
Similarly, 1 million square feet of roads in Los Angeles have been covered with solar-reflective paint in the GAF Cool Community Project, which includes colorful murals by a local artist on a basketball court, a school playground and a parking lot.