2 minute read
letter from publisher
Clutter, Meet Clarity
I recently heard on the radio that Marie Kondo had given up on being tidy, and the revelation immediately sparked joy in me. I love being in a tidy home. I think my brain works better, plus I’m more relaxed. I’ve watched Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix and have been trying to follow her techniques for a while now. But inevitably things accumulate in closets and corners, and I find myself decluttering over and over again. I often walk into other people’s homes and wonder how they keep them so consistently tidy. I mean, Marie Kondo made a career out of it. Meanwhile, despite my efforts, it’s a skill I still have not developed, and I suppose I am envious of her and all the other tidy people out there. So I was a bit giddy when I heard the news.
CNN reports that “Marie Kondo is focusing on what’s important—and that means letting the tidying slide.” As she wrote on her website after the birth of her third child, she’s decided to ease up on herself: “My home is messy, but the way I am spending my time is the right way for me at this stage of my life.” In other words, what’s important to her now is enjoying being with her kids.
Now I’m a bit envious of Marie Kondo for a new reason: how quickly she accepted her situation, focused on what’s most important in her life, and pivoted. As she puts it, her focus has expanded to include the idea that “tidying up means dealing with all the ‘things’ in your life” . . . and deciding what you really want to put in order. What a wise woman.
Wishing you clarity in all the things you want to put in order this March,